changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pimappsupport/vcardandvcal/inc/VPROP.H	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __VPROP_H__
+#define __VPROP_H__
+#ifndef __E32BASE_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#ifndef __BADESCA_H__
+#include <badesca.h>
+#ifndef __S32STRM_H__
+#include <s32strm.h>
+#ifndef __E32MATH_H__
+#include <e32math.h>
+#ifndef __VUID_H__
+#include <vuid.h>
+#ifndef __VTOKEN_H__
+#include <vtoken.h>
+#ifndef __VUTIL_H__
+#include <vutil.h>
+#ifndef __S32FILE_H__
+#include <s32file.h>
+class CParserProperty;
+class CVersitParser;
+class MVersitPlugIn;
+class CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray;
+const TInt KRandomnumberlen = 5;
+const TInt KMaxGeneratedfilenamelen =16;
+// CParserParam
+class CParserParam : public CBase
+/** A Versit property parameter. 
+A property parameter consists of a name and optionally a value, both in descriptor 
+form. Parser properties (class CParserProperty) may own one or more property 
+The private parameter name and value members are stored as narrow (8-bit) 
+rather than 16-bit Unicode descriptors.
+However, certain member functions take or return a Unicode value, 
+for the purpose of backwards compatibility. In this case a simple conversion 
+takes place: this ignores the top 8 bits (for Unicode -> Narrow) or adds zero 
+for the top 8-bits (for Narrow->Unicode). 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CParserParam* NewL(const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC8& aValue);
+	IMPORT_C static CParserParam* NewL(const TDesC8& aName, const TDesC& aValue);
+	IMPORT_C ~CParserParam();
+	IMPORT_C void SetValueL(const TDesC8& aValue);
+	IMPORT_C void SetValueL(HBufC8* aValue);
+	IMPORT_C TInt ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 Name() const;
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 Value() const;
+	IMPORT_C HBufC* ValueL() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream, TInt& aLengthOutput, CVersitParser* aVersitParser) const;
+	CParserParam(HBufC8* aName, HBufC8* aValue);
+	HBufC8* iParamName;
+	HBufC8* iValue;
+	};
+// TVersitDateTime
+class TVersitDateTime
+/** Defines a Versit date and time.
+This class is used throughout Versit to represent the date and time. It uses 
+a TDateTime object to store the date/time value and records whether this value 
+is local to the machine which originated the vCard, local to the machine on 
+which the code is running, or universal time (UTC).
+The Year(), Month() and Day() member functions of class TDateTime may be used 
+to extract the date and time components from the TVersitDateTime::iDateTime. 
+@released */
+	{
+	/** Relative time flags. */
+	enum TRelativeTime
+		{
+		/** Time is stored in UTC. */
+		EIsUTC,
+		/** Time is local to the machine which originated the vCard. */
+		EIsVCardLocal,
+		/** Time is local to the machine on which the code is running. */
+		EIsMachineLocal,
+		/** Unused. */
+		EIsCorrect
+		};
+	IMPORT_C TVersitDateTime(const TDateTime& aDateTime,TRelativeTime aRelativeTime);
+	/** Date/time flags. 
+	@publishedAll
+	@deprecated since 9.1*/
+	enum TVersitDateTimeFlags 
+		{
+		EExportNullFlag=0,
+		/** Indicates whether the relative time is to be externalized along with the date/time 
+		value.
+		The flag is set to 'EExportNullFlag' by default.
+		This is only implemented (by CParserTimePropertyValue::EncodeVersitDateTimeL()) 
+		if the date/time is universal. When the flag is set, the externalised value 
+		is followed by the token, KVersitTokenUniversalTime. */
+		EExportTimeZoneDesignator=0x01,
+		EExportLeaveAsLocalTime=0x02
+		};
+	/**
+	@deprecated since 9.1
+	*/
+	inline void SetFlag(TVersitDateTimeFlags aFlag) { iFlags |= aFlag; }
+	/**
+	@deprecated since 9.1
+	*/
+	inline TBool IsFlagSet(TVersitDateTimeFlags aFlag) const { return iFlags & aFlag; }
+	/**
+	@deprecated since 9.1
+	*/
+	inline void ClearFlag(TVersitDateTimeFlags aFlag) { iFlags &= ~aFlag; }
+	/** The date/time value. */
+	TDateTime iDateTime;
+	/** Specifies whether the time value is local to the machine which originated the 
+	vCard, local to the machine on which the code is running, or universal. */
+	TRelativeTime iRelativeTime;
+	TInt iFlags;
+	};
+// CParserPropertyValue
+class CParserPropertyValue : public CBase
+/** Abstract base class for all property values. 
+Defines a pure virtual ExternalizeL() function which should write out the 
+property value to a stream.
+The type of derived class is returned by the Uid() function; the UID value is 
+specified on construction.
+The other functions relate to the character set, encoding format and plug-in 
+used during externalising. 
+	{
+	/** Externalises the property value to a write stream. 
+	Implementations of this function are invoked by the parser's ExternalizeL() 
+	function.
+	@param aStream Stream to which the property value is externalised.
+	@param aEncodingCharset The character set and encoding information.
+	@param aLengthOutput The amount of text that has been outputted so far on the 
+	line (for the property name), which may need to be taken into account when 
+	calculating if and where any line break should occur. */
+	virtual void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt aLengthOutput)=0;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsAsciiCharacterSetSufficient();
+	IMPORT_C virtual void EncodeL(CBufBase* aTarget,const TDesC8& aSource,const TUid& aEncoding) const;
+	IMPORT_C virtual TBool SupportsInterface(const TUid& /*aInterfaceUid*/) const;
+	inline TUid Uid() const;
+	inline void SetPlugIn(MVersitPlugIn* aPlugIn);
+	IMPORT_C CParserPropertyValue(const TUid& aPropertyValueUid);
+	IMPORT_C void FoldEncodeAndWriteValueToStreamL(RWriteStream& aStream, const TDesC& aValue
+														,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt& aLengthOutput) const;
+	IMPORT_C void FoldEncodeAndWriteValueToStreamL(RWriteStream& aStream, const CDesCArray* aValueArray
+														,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt& aLengthOutput) const;
+	IMPORT_C void FoldAndWriteValueToStreamL(RWriteStream& aStream, const TDesC& aValue
+														,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt& aLengthOutput) const;
+	IMPORT_C static void Append(TDes16& aTarget,TDesC8& aSource);
+    inline MVersitPlugIn* PlugIn();
+	TUid iPropertyValueTypeUid;
+	MVersitPlugIn* iPlugIn;
+	};
+// CParserTimePropertyValue
+class CVersitDaylight;
+class CParserTimePropertyValue : public CParserPropertyValue
+/** Abstract base class for all of the date/time property value classes.
+Provides date/time conversion functions between machine-local and universal 
+The date/time property value classes are CParserPropertyValueAlarm, 
+CParserPropertyValueDate, CParserPropertyValueDateTime, 
+CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime, CParserPropertyValueDaylight and 
+	{
+	/** This is implemented, where applicable, to convert date/time 
+	values into universal time.
+	The date/time is checked against the daylight saving information provided 
+	in aDaylight. If it falls inside the daylight saving period then the daylight 
+	saving offset is subtracted from the time to convert it to universal time. 
+	Otherwise aIncrement is added to the date/time of the alarm to convert it 
+	to universal time.
+	Note that the daylight savings offset will adjust the time both for the daylight 
+	saving and for the time zone.
+	The function has no effect if it date/times are already stored in universal 
+	time.
+	If aDaylight is a NULL pointer then aIncrement is used.
+	@param aIncrement A time interval in seconds which represents the time zone's 
+	offset from universal time. 
+	@param aDaylight Pointer to the specification for daylight saving. If the alarm's 
+	time value is within the period for daylight saving, the value is modified 
+	by the daylight saving offset (which accounts for both the time zone and daylight 
+	saving rule). 
+	@deprecated since 9.1
+	*/
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aIncrement,const CVersitDaylight* aDaylight)=0;
+	/** Pure virtual function which is implemented, where applicable, to convert the 
+	date/time property value into machine-local time. 
+	This process involves adjusting the date/time value by the offset in aIncrement.
+	The function has no effect if the value is already stored as machine-local 
+	time.
+	The universal date/times are assumed to have been corrected for any daylight saving 
+	rule in effect.
+	@param aIncrement A time interval which represents the number of seconds which 
+	is to be added to the date/time value. This should normally be the universal 
+	time offset for the machine's locale. 
+	@deprecated since 9.1 */
+	IMPORT_C virtual void ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aIncrement)=0;
+	static void ConvertDateTime(TDateTime& aDateTime,const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aIncrement,const CVersitDaylight* aDaylight,TBool aTo);
+public: //from CParserPropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C virtual TBool SupportsInterface(const TUid& aInterfaceUid) const;
+	IMPORT_C CParserTimePropertyValue(const TUid& aPropertyValueUid);
+	IMPORT_C void ConvertDateTime(TDateTime* aDateTime,const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aIncrement,const CVersitDaylight* aDaylight);
+	IMPORT_C void EncodeVersitDateTimeL(TDes8& aBuf,const TVersitDateTime& aDateTime,TBool aEncodeTime=ETrue) const;
+	IMPORT_C void EncodeTimePeriodL(TDes8& aBuf,const TTime& aTimePeriod) const;
+	};
+//  CParserPropertyValueHBufC
+class CParserPropertyValueHBufC : public CParserPropertyValue
+/** A heap descriptor property value parser.
+Many properties are stored using this class. Examples are vCard e-mails and 
+vCalendar locations.
+The UID for a heap descriptor property value is KVersitPropertyHBufCUid. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CParserPropertyValueHBufC* NewL(const TDesC& aValue);
+	IMPORT_C CParserPropertyValueHBufC(HBufC16* aValue);
+	IMPORT_C ~CParserPropertyValueHBufC();
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC Value() const;
+	IMPORT_C HBufC* TakeValueOwnership();
+    IMPORT_C CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray* TreatAsArrayPropertyLC(const CParserProperty& aOwningProperty) const;
+public: // from CParserPropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsAsciiCharacterSetSufficient();
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt aLengthOutput);
+	CParserPropertyValueHBufC();
+	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aValue);
+	HBufC* iValue;
+	};
+//  CParserPropertyValueBinary
+class CParserPropertyValueBinary : public CParserPropertyValue
+/** A binary property value parser.
+It is used to store logos, photos, alarm content and binary attachment as binary values.
+The UID for a binary property value is KVersitPropertyBinaryUid. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CParserPropertyValueBinary* NewL(const TDesC8& aValue);
+	IMPORT_C static CParserPropertyValueBinary* NewLC(const TDesC8& aValue);
+	inline CParserPropertyValueBinary(CBufSeg& aValue);
+	IMPORT_C ~CParserPropertyValueBinary();
+	IMPORT_C const CBufSeg* Value() const;
+public: // from CParserPropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt /*aLengthOutput*/);
+	inline CParserPropertyValueBinary();
+	void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aValue);
+	void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream, const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset, TInt aLengthOutput, RReadStream& aReadStream);
+	CBufSeg* iValue;
+	};//
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CParserPropertyValueBinaryFile) : public CParserPropertyValueBinary
+/** A file property value parser.
+It is used to store a file handle so that the binary data can be read through the handle when exporting.
+It is not used when importing.
+The UID for a binary property value is KVersitPropertyBinaryUid. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CParserPropertyValueBinaryFile* NewL(const RFile& aFileHandle);
+	IMPORT_C ~CParserPropertyValueBinaryFile();
+public: // from CParserPropertyValue
+	void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt aLengthOutput);
+	void ConstructL(const RFile& aFileHandle);
+	RFileReadStream iFileStream;
+	};
+//  CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray
+class CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray : public CParserPropertyValue
+/** A property value parser which stores an array of descriptors.
+Can be used by both vCards and vCalendars, for example to store a postal address 
+or information about an organisation.
+The UID for a descriptor array property value is KVersitPropertyCDesCArrayUid. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray(CDesCArray* aValue);
+	IMPORT_C ~CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray();
+	inline CDesCArray* Value() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsPresent(const TDesC& aValue) const;
+public: // from CParserPropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsAsciiCharacterSetSufficient();
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt aLengthOutput);
+	CDesCArray* iValue;
+	};
+// CParserPropertyValueTimeZone
+class CParserPropertyValueTimeZone: public CParserPropertyValue
+/** A time zone property value parser.
+Stores and externalises a property value which represents the time zone information 
+for a vCard or vCalendar. 
+The time zone is specified as the universal time offset. This is a time interval 
+which is a positive or negative number of seconds from universal time. Time 
+zones east of universal time have positive numbers. Time zones west of universal 
+time have negative numbers.
+The UID for a time zone property value is KVersitPropertyTimeZoneUid. 
+	{
+	static void EncodeTimeZone(TDes8& aBuf,TTimeIntervalSeconds iValue);
+	IMPORT_C CParserPropertyValueTimeZone(TTimeIntervalSeconds aValue);
+	inline TTimeIntervalSeconds Value() const;
+public: // from CParserPropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt /*aLengthOutput*/);
+	TTimeIntervalSeconds iValue;
+	};
+// CVersitDaylight
+class CVersitDaylight : public CBase
+/** Universal time offset information, including the daylight savings offset. 
+This class deals with the daylight saving offset: a one hour offset that occurs 
+in many countries during part of the year. This offset needs to be taken into 
+account when converting Versit times (TVersitDateTimes) between universal 
+and machine-local times.
+This class stores information about the offset, including its length in seconds, 
+when it takes effect and the standard time designations.
+Note that the universal offset (iOffset) is the sum of the daylight saving 
+offset and any time zone offset, as it is the absolute offset from GMT.
+An instance of this class is owned by the CParserPropertyValueDaylight class. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CVersitDaylight* NewL(TBool aSavings, TTimeIntervalSeconds aOffset, TVersitDateTime* aStartTime, TVersitDateTime* aEndTime, const TDesC& aStandardDesignation, const TDesC& aDaylightDesignation);
+	IMPORT_C ~CVersitDaylight();
+	CVersitDaylight(TBool aSavings, TTimeIntervalSeconds aOffset, TVersitDateTime* aStartTime, TVersitDateTime* aEndTime);
+	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aStandardDesignation, const TDesC& aDaylightDesignation);
+	/** A sort key than can be used when sorting an array of properties by start date/time. */
+	TInt64 iStartTimeSortKey;
+	/** The daylight savings flag: this is ETrue if daylight saving is in effect 
+	in the locale and EFalse if not. */
+	TBool iSavings;
+	/** The absolute offset from GMT, which is the sum of the time zone and daylight 
+	saving offsets (in seconds). */
+	TTimeIntervalSeconds iOffset;
+	/** The date/time at which the period for daylight saving begins. */
+	TVersitDateTime* iStartTime;
+	/** The date/time at which the period for daylight saving ends. */
+	TVersitDateTime* iEndTime;
+	/** The standard time designation, e.g. GMT, EST. */
+	HBufC* iStandardDesignation;
+	/** The daylight saving time designation, e.g. BST, EDT. */
+	HBufC* iDaylightDesignation;
+	};
+// CParserPropertyValueDaylight
+class CParserPropertyValueDaylight : public CParserTimePropertyValue
+/** A property value parser which contains the daylight savings rule for a vCalendar.
+The property value is stored using an instance of the CVersitDaylight class.
+The UID for a daylight savings rule property value is KVersitPropertyDaylightUid. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C CParserPropertyValueDaylight(CVersitDaylight* aValue);
+	IMPORT_C ~CParserPropertyValueDaylight();
+	inline CVersitDaylight* Value() const;
+public: // from CParserTimePropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C void ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aIncrement,const CVersitDaylight* aDaylight);
+	IMPORT_C void ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aIncrement);
+public: // from CParserPropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt aLengthOutput);
+	CVersitDaylight* iValue;
+	};
+//  CParserPropertyValueDateTime
+class CParserPropertyValueDateTime : public CParserTimePropertyValue
+/** A date/time property value parser. 
+The date/time value is contained in a TVersitDateTime object.
+The UID for a date/time property value is KVersitPropertyDateTimeUid. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C CParserPropertyValueDateTime(TVersitDateTime* aValue);
+	IMPORT_C ~CParserPropertyValueDateTime();
+	inline TVersitDateTime* Value() const;
+public: // from CParserTimePropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C void ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aIncrement,const CVersitDaylight* aDaylight);
+	IMPORT_C void ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aIncrement);
+public: // from CParserPropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& /*aEncodingCharset*/,TInt /*aLengthOutput*/);
+	TVersitDateTime* iValue;
+	};
+//  CParserPropertyValueDate
+class CParserPropertyValueDate : public CParserTimePropertyValue
+/** A date property value parser.
+The date value is contained in a TVersitDateTime object. 
+The UID for a date property value is KVersitPropertyDateUid. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C CParserPropertyValueDate(TVersitDateTime* aValue);
+	IMPORT_C ~CParserPropertyValueDate();
+	inline TVersitDateTime* Value() const;
+public: // from CParserTimePropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C void ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& /*aIncrement*/,const CVersitDaylight* /*aDaylight*/);
+	IMPORT_C void ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& /*aIncrement*/);
+public: // from CParserPropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt /*aLengthOutput*/);
+	TVersitDateTime* iValue;
+	};
+//  CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime
+class CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime : public CParserTimePropertyValue
+/** A property value parser which stores a list of date/time values using an array 
+of TVersitDateTime objects.
+The UID for a multiple date/time property value is KVersitPropertyMultiDateTimeUid. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime(CArrayPtr<TVersitDateTime>* aValue);
+	IMPORT_C ~CParserPropertyValueMultiDateTime();
+	inline CArrayPtr<TVersitDateTime>* Value() const;
+public: // from CParserTimePropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C void ConvertAllDateTimesToUTCL(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aIncrement,const CVersitDaylight* aDaylight);
+	IMPORT_C void ConvertAllUTCDateTimesToMachineLocalL(const TTimeIntervalSeconds& aIncrement);
+public: // from CParserPropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& /*aEncodingCharset*/,TInt aLengthOutput);
+	CArrayPtr<TVersitDateTime>* iValue;
+	};
+//  CParserPropertyValueInt
+class CParserPropertyValueInt : public CParserPropertyValue
+/** An integer property value parser.
+This stores a property value as a signed integer. For example, an employee 
+ID number might be stored using this class.
+The UID for an integer property value is KVersitPropertyIntUid. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C CParserPropertyValueInt(TInt aValue);
+	inline TInt Value() const;
+public: // from CParserPropertyValue
+	IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream,const Versit::TEncodingAndCharset& aEncodingCharset,TInt /*aLengthOutput*/);
+	TInt iValue;
+	};
+//	CParserProperty
+class CParserProperty : public CBase
+/** A vCard or vCalendar property.
+A property consists of a name, an optional value and one or more optional 
+The name, value and parameters are initialised on construction.
+Versit properties have the general form:
+Property Name (; Property Parameter Name(=Property Parameter Value)* : Property 
+where items in brackets are optional and * indicates that the item may be 
+Here, TEL is the property name; HOME, ENCODING and CHARSET are property parameter 
+names; QUOTED-PRINTABLE and US-ASCII are property parameter values. The component 
+following the colon is the property value.
+Properties also have a name UID, which set during internalisation of a property 
+and used only during internalisation. It is set by SetNameUid() and is used 
+to allow number comparisons during internalisation. This provides a faster 
+alternative to string comparisons when checking a property to see if it is 
+a significant one (e.g. a begin or binary property). This is the only use 
+of the name UID: it is not used during externalisation of a property.
+Note that grouped properties are supported by the derived class, CParserGroupedProperty. 
+The vCalender parser does not have property groups, and so stores all properties 
+using this base class, whereas the vCard parser stores all properties using 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static					CParserProperty* NewL(CParserPropertyValue& aPropertyValue, const TDesC8& aName, CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* aArrayOfParams);
+	IMPORT_C CParserProperty(CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* aArrayOfParams);
+	IMPORT_C ~CParserProperty();
+	IMPORT_C virtual void			ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream, CVersitParser* aVersitParser = NULL);
+	IMPORT_C CParserParam*			Param(const TDesC8& aParamName) const; // note params can only appear once
+	IMPORT_C void					AddParamL(CParserParam* aParam);
+	IMPORT_C void					DeleteParam(TDesC8& aParamName);
+	IMPORT_C void					SetNameL(const TDesC8& aName);
+	IMPORT_C virtual TBool			SupportsInterface(const TUid& /*aInterfaceUid*/) const;
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC8					Name() const;
+	inline void						SetValue(CParserPropertyValue* aPropertyValue);
+	inline CParserPropertyValue*	Value() const;
+	inline TUid						Uid() const;
+	inline void						SetNameUid(TUid aUid);
+	inline TUid						NameUid() const;
+	inline void						SetParamArray(CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* aArrayOfParams);
+	IMPORT_C TBool LoadBinaryValuesFromFilesL(RFs& aFileSession);
+	IMPORT_C TBool SaveBinaryValuesToFilesL(TInt aSizeThreshold,const TDesC& aPath,RFs& aFileSession);
+	IMPORT_C CParserProperty(CParserPropertyValue& aPropertyValue, CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* aArrayOfParams);
+	IMPORT_C static void			ConstructSelfL(CParserProperty& aSelf,const TDesC8& aName);
+	IMPORT_C CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* ParamArray()const;
+	CParserPropertyValue*			iPropertyValue;
+	HBufC8*							iPropertyName;
+	TUid							iPropertyNameUid;
+	CArrayPtr<CParserParam>*		iArrayOfParams;
+	friend class CVersitParser;
+	inline HBufC8*&					NameBuf();
+	IMPORT_C virtual void			Reserved();
+	void ReadBinaryDataL(const CBufSeg* aBufseg_ptr,HBufC8** aBuffer);
+	void GenerateNameAndCreateFileL(RFs& aFileSession,TPtr8 aPropertyName,RFile& aFile,TDes& aFileName);
+	};
+#include <vprop.inl>