changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pimappsupport/vcardandvcal/tsrc/thelpers.h	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__THELPERS_H__)
+	#define __THELPERS_H__
+// System includes
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <vprop.h>
+// Classes referenced
+class CParserPropertyValueHBufC;
+class CParserPropertyValueDateTime;
+class CParserPropertyValueDate;
+class CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray;
+class CParserParam;
+// Constants
+const TUint KVersitTest2InternalUidForUTF8 = 0x100001;
+const TUint KVersitTest2InternalUidForUTF7 = 0x100002;
+// VTestHelpers (header)
+class VTestHelpers
+	{
+public:											// STATIC HELPER FUNCTIONS
+	static TInt									MakeRandomNumber(const TInt aLow, const TInt aHigh, TInt64& aSeed);
+	static void									ConvertUnicodeToNarrowL(const TDesC16& aSource, TDes8& aDest, TUint aCharConvCharSet);
+	static TBool								DoesParameterAlreadyExist(CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* aArrayOfParams, const TDesC8& aName);
+	static CParserPropertyValueHBufC*			CreateTextPropertyValueL(const TDesC& aValue);
+	static CParserPropertyValueDateTime*		CreateDateTimePropertyValueL(const TDateTime& aDateTime);
+	static CParserPropertyValueDate*			CreateDatePropertyValueL(const TDateTime& aDateTime);
+	// Use together...
+	static void									CreateDescriptorArrayL(const TDesC& aItem, CDesCArray*& aArray, TBool aAddSpace);
+	static CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray*		CreateArrayPropertyValueL(CDesCArray* aArray);
+	};
+// CComparitorParserProperty (header)
+class CComparitorParserProperty : public CParserProperty
+	{
+public:								// ACCESS
+	inline CComparitorParserProperty(CParserPropertyValue& aPropertyValue) :CParserProperty(aPropertyValue,NULL) {}
+	inline CParserPropertyValue*	PropertyValue() const		{ return iPropertyValue;	}
+	inline HBufC8*					PropertyName() const		{ return iPropertyName;		}
+	inline CArrayPtr<CParserParam>*	ArrayOfParameters() const	{ return iArrayOfParams;	}
+	inline TInt						ParameterCount() const		{ return (iArrayOfParams)? iArrayOfParams->Count() : 0;	}
+public:								// EQUALITY CHECKS
+	TBool							IsEqualL(const CComparitorParserProperty* aProp) const;
+	static TBool					PropCDesCArrayIsEqualL(CDesCArray* a1, CDesCArray* a2);
+	static TBool					PropTimeZoneIsEqualL(TTimeIntervalSeconds a1, TTimeIntervalSeconds a2);
+	static TBool					PropDaylightIsEqualL(CVersitDaylight* a1, CVersitDaylight* a2);
+	static TBool					PropDateTimeIsEqualL(TVersitDateTime* a1, TVersitDateTime* a2);
+	static TBool					PropDateIsEqualL(TVersitDateTime* a1, TVersitDateTime* a2);
+	static TBool					PropMultiDateTimeIsEqualL(CArrayPtr<TVersitDateTime>* a1, CArrayPtr<TVersitDateTime>* a2);
+	static TBool					PropIntIsEqualL(TInt a1, TInt a2);
+	static TBool					PropHBufCIsEqualL(const TDesC& a1, const TDesC& a2);
+	static TBool					DateEqual(const TDateTime& a1, const TDateTime& a2);
+	static TBool					DateTimeIsEqual(const TDateTime& a1, const TDateTime& a2);
+	};
+// CParserPropertyWithoutCharsetTags (header)
+class CParserPropertyWithoutCharsetTags : public CParserProperty
+	{
+	inline CParserPropertyWithoutCharsetTags(CParserPropertyValue& aPropertyValue) :CParserProperty(aPropertyValue,NULL) {}
+public:								// ACCESS
+	void							RemoveAllCharsetTagsFromParametersL();
+	};