changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/searchfw/plugins/messagingplugin/src/messagessearcher.cpp	Tue Feb 02 10:12:19 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1623 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   Plugin for messagingplugin information search.
+// Includes
+#include <smuthdr.h>
+#include <mtclreg.h>	
+#include <smsclnt.h>
+#include <mmsvattachmentmanager.h> 
+#include <searchtextsearcher.h>
+#include <searchpluginobserver.h>
+#include <msgentrydetails.h>
+#include <SenduiMtmUids.h>
+#include <btmsgtypeuid.h>
+#include <utf.h>
+#include <msvids.h>
+#include <mtmuibas.h>
+#include <mtmuidef.hrh>
+#include <searchdocumentid.h>
+#include <searchlightresult.h>
+#include <searchcondition.h>
+#include <searchpluginobserver.h>
+#include <searchresult.h>
+#include <searchcommon.h>
+#include <searchsnippetcreator.h>
+#include <searchtextsnippet.h>
+#include "messagessearcher.h"
+#include "messagessearchplugindefines.h"
+// Definition of service
+const TUid KMuiuMsgEditorServiceUid = { 0x101F8820 };
+// Service types
+const TInt KMsgServiceView = 0x00000001;
+const TInt KMsgServiceEdit = 0x00000002;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::NewL()
+// Symbian 1st phase constructor
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMessagesSearcher*  CMessagesSearcher::NewL( const RArray<TUid>& aContentIdArray, 
+								                    const CSearchCondition& aCondition, 
+								                    const TUid& aPluginId,
+								                    MSearchPluginObserver& aObserver )
+    CMessagesSearcher* self = new( ELeave )CMessagesSearcher( aPluginId);
+    CleanupStack::PushL ( self );
+    self->ConstructL( aContentIdArray, aCondition,aObserver );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::ConstructL()
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::ConstructL( const RArray<TUid>& aContentIdArray, 
+								    const CSearchCondition& aCondition,
+								    MSearchPluginObserver& aObserver )
+	iObserver = &aObserver;
+	iSession = CMsvSession::OpenSyncL( *this );
+	iMtmReg = CClientMtmRegistry::NewL( *iSession );
+	iSmsMtm = STATIC_CAST ( CSmsClientMtm*, iMtmReg->NewMtmL( KUidMsgTypeSMS ) );
+	iMmsMtm = STATIC_CAST ( CMmsClientMtm*, iMtmReg->NewMtmL( KUidMsgTypeMultimedia ) );
+	SetPriority( EPriorityStandard );
+	iTextSearcher = CSearchTextSearcher::NewL( *this );	
+	iTextSearcher->SetParametersL( aCondition ); 
+    iFolderEntry = NULL;
+    iSearchNotCancelled = ETrue;
+	User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );		// Connect to the filesystem:RFileSystem
+	iHitFound = EFalse;
+} // ConstructL
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::CMessagesSearcher()
+// C++ default constructor
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMessagesSearcher::CMessagesSearcher( const TUid&  aPluginId)
+: iPluginId( aPluginId ),
+    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::IsEntryDeleted()
+// Checks the deltion of the entry before launching
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMessagesSearcher::IsEntryDeleted( TMsvId& aMsgEntryId )
+	if( iEntryDeleted )
+	{	
+		if( iEntryDeleted->Find( aMsgEntryId ) == KErrNotFound )
+			return EFalse;
+		else
+			return ETrue;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		return EFalse;
+	}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::~CMessagesSearcher()
+// Destructor
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+delete iMsvStore;
+    iMsgDesCArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ 	iHeavyResultsArray.ResetAndDestroy();  
+ 	if(iTextSearcher)
+    {
+    	delete iTextSearcher;
+    	iTextSearcher = NULL;
+    }
+	if( iSmsMtm )
+	    {
+		delete iSmsMtm;
+		iSmsMtm = NULL;
+	    }
+    if( iMmsMtm )
+	    {
+		delete iMmsMtm;
+		iMmsMtm = NULL;
+     	}
+	if( iGenericMtm )
+	{
+		delete iGenericMtm;	
+		iGenericMtm = NULL;
+	}
+    if( iSession )
+	{
+		delete iSession;
+		iSession = NULL;	
+	} 
+    if( iEntryDeleted )
+	    delete iEntryDeleted;
+											// check for the members that are to be cleaned up...
+}  // ~CMessagesSearcher
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::Destroy()
+// Search FW calls this function when it no longer needs this searcher.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::Destroy()
+	iSearchNotCancelled = EFalse;
+	if( IsActive() ) 
+	{
+		CActive::Cancel();
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	CleanUp();	
+	}	
+	delete this;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::CancelSearch()
+// Cancels the search operation and then does the Cleanup stuff...
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::CancelSearch()
+	iSearchNotCancelled = EFalse;
+	CleanUp();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::DoCancel()
+// Cancels the search.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::DoCancel()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::Cleanup()
+// For CleanUp resources
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::CleanUp()
+	if( iFolderEntry )
+	{
+		delete iFolderEntry;
+		iFolderEntry = NULL;
+	}
+	if( iMessageEntry )
+	{	
+		delete iMessageEntry;
+		iMessageEntry = NULL;
+	}
+	if( iMessageEntries )
+	{
+		delete iMessageEntries;	
+		iMessageEntries = NULL;
+	}
+	iToBeSearchedFolders.Close();
+	iFs.Close();
+    iMtmArray.Reset();
+   if(iCurrentTextBeingSearched)
+     {
+     delete iCurrentTextBeingSearched;
+     iCurrentTextBeingSearched = NULL;
+	 } 
+	if(iSenderReciever)
+	{
+	   	delete iSenderReciever;
+	   	iSenderReciever = NULL;
+	   }
+	iMsgEntriesInFoldersArray.Reset();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Starts the search. Progress of the search is notified through aObserver. This call must be asynchronous.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::SearchL( )
+	iHeavyResultsArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	iMsgDesCArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+    CMessagesSearcher::SetTargetFolderL();
+    iHitFound = EFalse;
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS( this != NULL, User::Panic( KMessagesSearchPlugIn,
+            EMessageSearchPlugInWrongConstructionParameters ) );
+	 if( iTextSearcher == NULL) 
+		 {
+		   ReportFinishedL( KErrNone );
+		    return;
+		 }
+	// condition that checks if ready for searching and if there's 
+	// any message entry in any of the desired folders. If no entries, no results found
+	if(!PrepareForSearchL())
+		{
+		iObserver->SearchCompletedL( KErrNone, KErrNone );
+		return;
+		}
+	else	
+		{   
+		//start the search
+		iTotalNumOfItems = 0;
+	    iStatusItemCounter = 1;
+	    TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
+	    User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
+	    SetActive();
+		}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::NoEntriesInAllFolders()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMessagesSearcher::AnyEntriesInAllFolders()
+for(TInt i= 0; i <iMsgEntriesInFoldersArray.Count(); i++)	
+	if(0 != iMsgEntriesInFoldersArray[i])	
+		return ETrue;
+return EFalse;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::GetResultsL( RPointerArray<CSearchResult> aResults )
+// Gets the results got so far. A call to this function must flush the plugins internal buffer,
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::GetResultsL( const RPointerArray<CSearchDocumentId>& aDocumentIdArray )
+    RPointerArray<CSearchResult> aSearchResultArray;  
+	TBufC8<KBufferLength> tempBuf(KText);
+	 for(TInt i = 0 ; i < aDocumentIdArray.Count() ; i++ )
+        {
+           for(TInt j = 0 ; j < iHeavyResultsArray.Count() ; j++ )
+            {
+            	CSearchResult* tempHeavy =  	iHeavyResultsArray[j];
+            if( (aDocumentIdArray[i]->DocumentId() == 
+	    				 (iHeavyResultsArray[j]->Result()).DocumentId().DocumentId() ) && 
+	    				 (aDocumentIdArray[i]->PluginId().iUid == iPluginId.iUid ) &&
+	    				 (aDocumentIdArray[i]->RepositoryId() == KSearchCClassMessagesUid.iUid)
+	    				 )
+                {
+               	if((&tempHeavy->Title() != NULL) && (&tempHeavy->Snippet() != NULL))
+	                 {
+	                        aSearchResultArray.Append( iHeavyResultsArray[j]);
+	                        continue;	
+	                 }
+				if ( 0 < (*(iMsgDesCArray[j]->GetTitle())).Size() ) 	  
+				{
+					tempHeavy->SetTitleL( *(iMsgDesCArray[j]->GetTitle()));
+				} 
+					TInt KeyHitPos = iMsgDesCArray[j]->GetKeywordHitPosition();
+					if(KeyHitPos != -1)
+					{
+					CSearchSnippetCreator* SnippetCreator = CSearchSnippetCreator::NewL();
+			    	CleanupStack::PushL(SnippetCreator);
+			    	CSearchTextSnippet* textSnippet = 
+			    		SnippetCreator->CreateTextSnippetL(*( iMsgDesCArray[j]->GetBody()), KeyHitPos);
+			    	tempHeavy->SetSnippetL( textSnippet->Snippet() );    		
+			       	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(SnippetCreator);
+			       	delete textSnippet;
+			    	textSnippet = NULL;
+					}
+					else
+					{
+					HBufC8 * msgSnippet = HBufC8::NewL( iMsgDesCArray[j]->GetBody()->Des().Length() ) ;
+                    TPtr8 ptr8(msgSnippet->Des()) ;
+                    TPtr16 ptr16(iMsgDesCArray[j]->GetBody()->Des()) ;
+	                CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8( ptr8,ptr16 );	
+                    if( msgSnippet->Length() == 0 ) 
+                    {
+                        _LIT8( KSpace, " " );
+                        TBufC8<5>  tmpBufTitle( KSpace );
+                        msgSnippet = tmpBufTitle.AllocL();
+                    }	
+					tempHeavy->SetSnippetL( *msgSnippet );  
+					delete msgSnippet;
+					msgSnippet= NULL;  		
+					}
+					tempHeavy->SetSnippetFormatL( tempBuf.Des());	
+					aSearchResultArray.AppendL( tempHeavy );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+	iObserver->ResultsRetrieveCompleteL( aSearchResultArray );
+    aSearchResultArray.Reset();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::CancelResultsRetrieve( )
+// Cancels the request for the result retrieval
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::CancelResultsRetrieve ( )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::SetTargetFolderL()
+// Cancels the search.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::SetTargetFolderL()
+// Find all subfolders under the "Root" folder
+CMsvEntry* rootEntry;
+rootEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL( *iSession, KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue,
+TMsvSelectionOrdering( KMsvGroupByStandardFolders, EMsvSortByDetails, EFalse ) );
+CleanupStack::PushL( rootEntry );
+ListSubFoldersL( *rootEntry );
+CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rootEntry );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::ListSubFoldersL()
+// Checks all folders that need to be searched.  Folders to be searched are
+//	set via SetTargetFolderL.
+//	Calls AddFolderWithSubFoldersL to add the folder to the array of folders to be
+//	searched.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::ListSubFoldersL(  const CMsvEntry& aFolderEntry )
+// Only list "folder" children
+CMsvEntrySelection* children = aFolderEntry.ChildrenL();
+CleanupStack::PushL( children );
+TInt sizeChildren = children->Count();
+for ( TInt i=0; i < children->Count(); i++ )
+	{
+	TMsvId& childId = ( *children )[i];
+	const TMsvEntry& childEntry ( aFolderEntry.ChildDataL( childId ) );
+	if ( ( childEntry.iType == KUidMsvServiceEntry ) ||
+    	 ( childEntry.iType == KUidMsvFolderEntry ) )
+		{
+        AddFolderWithSubFoldersL( childId );
+		}
+	}
+CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( children );  
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::AddFolderWithSubFoldersL(  )
+// Will add the specified folder to the folder array to be searched.
+// Subfolders of the specified folder are checked by calling ListSubFoldersL.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::AddFolderWithSubFoldersL( const TMsvId& aFolderId )
+User::LeaveIfError( iToBeSearchedFolders.Append( aFolderId ) );
+CMsvEntry* folderEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL( *iSession, aFolderId,
+		TMsvSelectionOrdering( KMsvGroupByStandardFolders, EMsvSortByDetails, EFalse ) );
+CleanupStack::PushL( folderEntry );
+ListSubFoldersL( *folderEntry );
+CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( folderEntry );	// folderEntry
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Prepares the object for the search. MoveOnToNextMessageL is called
+// to find the 1st message in the to be searched folders.
+// Returns:  ETrue: When messages were found.
+//          EFalse: No messages to search for found.	
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMessagesSearcher::PrepareForSearchL()
+iToBeSearchedFoldersIdx = 0;		// start searching on 1st folder item
+iMessageEntriesIdx = 0;				// start searching on 1st message item
+TInt foldersCount = iToBeSearchedFolders.Count();
+if ( !foldersCount )
+	return EFalse;
+delete iFolderEntry;
+iFolderEntry = NULL;
+TMsvId& folderId = iToBeSearchedFolders[iToBeSearchedFoldersIdx];
+TMsvSelectionOrdering order;
+iFolderEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL( *iSession, folderId, order );
+    {
+    delete iMessageEntries;
+    iMessageEntries = NULL;
+    iMessageEntries = iFolderEntry->ChildrenWithTypeL( KUidMsvMessageEntry );	
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        iMessageEntries = iFolderEntry->ChildrenWithTypeL( KUidMsvMessageEntry );	
+    }
+// no messages in this folder, go and find folder with messages
+if ( !iMessageEntries->Count() )
+	return MoveOnToNextMessageL();	// returns ETrue when messages are found,
+								//  EFalse otherwise
+return ETrue;	// Messages were found, ready to start searching
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::DoActualSearchL()
+// Does the search of one message.  Called from RunL.  In one RunL call
+// a limited number of messages are searched.
+// Uses MoveOnToNextMessageL to get the next message to be searched.
+// Returns:  ETrue: More seaching needed.
+//          EFalse: No more items to search.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMessagesSearcher::DoActualSearchL()
+	TInt messagesInOneGoCounter( 0 );
+	TBool messages ( ETrue );
+	TTime startTime;
+	startTime.HomeTime();
+	TTime now;
+	while( messages && ( messagesInOneGoCounter < KSearchThisManyMessagesInOneGo )  
+														&& (iSearchNotCancelled) )
+	{
+		iHitFound = EFalse;
+		TMsvId& messageId = iMessageEntries->At( iMessageEntriesIdx );
+		if (iMessageEntry)
+		{
+			delete iMessageEntry;
+			iMessageEntry = NULL;
+		}
+		iMessageEntry = iSession->GetEntryL( messageId );
+		const TMsvEntry& messageEntry = iMessageEntry->Entry();
+		const TUid id (messageEntry.iMtm);
+		// Load message
+		if ( messageEntry.iMtm == KUidMsgTypeSMS ) 
+		{
+			TRAP_IGNORE( SearchSmsL( messageId ));
+		}
+        else if ( ( messageEntry.iMtm == KUidMsgTypeMultimedia ||
+	                messageEntry.iMtm == KUidMsvTechnologyGroupMMS ||
+	                messageEntry.iMtm == KUidMsgMMSNotification ||
+	                messageEntry.iMtm == KUidMsgTypeBt ||
+	                messageEntry.iMtm == KSenduiMtmIrUid ||
+	                messageEntry.iMtm == KSenduiMtmPushMtmUid ||
+	                messageEntry.iMtm == KSenduiMtmUniMessageUid ) )
+        {          	
+         SearchInMmsMessageL(messageId);
+        }
+	    else if ( messageEntry.iMtm != KUidMsgTypeBt
+	               && messageEntry.iMtm != KSenduiMtmBioUid
+	               && messageEntry.iMtm != KSenduiMtmIrUid
+	               && messageEntry.iMtm != KSenduiMtmFaxUid
+	               && messageEntry.iMtm !=  KSenduiMtmAudioMessageUid
+	               && messageEntry.iMtm !=  KSenduiMtmPostcardUid
+	               && messageEntry.iMtm !=  KDrmLinkSender  )
+        {
+			TRAP_IGNORE( SearchGenericEmailL( messageId, messageEntry.iMtm ) );
+        }// if
+		messagesInOneGoCounter++;
+		iStatusItemCounter++;
+		messages = MoveOnToNextMessageL();		// move to next message
+		now.HomeTime();
+	    if ( now.MicroSecondsFrom( startTime ) > KSearchTimeFrame )
+		{
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	if ( !messages )
+		{
+		ReportFinishedL( iStatusItemCounter, iTotalNumOfItems );
+		}
+	return messages;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::MoveOnToNextMessageL()
+// Moves through all messages under those folders to be searched and returns
+// with ETrue when a message is found.
+// Returns:  ETrue: When messages were found.
+//          EFalse: No messages to search for found.
+// 	On return (with ETrue) iMessageEntries is pointing to the folder where
+//	 the next message is to be searched.
+//	On return (with ETrue) iMessageEntriesIdx is having the index of
+//	 the message (index of iMessageEntries) next to be searched.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMessagesSearcher::MoveOnToNextMessageL()
+if ( iMessageEntriesIdx > iMessageEntries->Count()-1 )	// go to next folder
+	{
+	iMessageEntriesIdx = 0;
+	iToBeSearchedFoldersIdx++;
+	if ( iToBeSearchedFoldersIdx < iToBeSearchedFolders.Count() )
+		{
+		delete iFolderEntry;
+		iFolderEntry = NULL;
+		TMsvId& folderId = iToBeSearchedFolders[iToBeSearchedFoldersIdx];
+		TMsvSelectionOrdering order( KMsvNoGrouping, EMsvSortByNone, EFalse );
+    	iFolderEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL( *iSession, folderId, order );
+		CMsvEntrySelection* msgEntry = iFolderEntry->ChildrenL();
+		CleanupStack::PushL( msgEntry );
+		TInt msgEntryCounts = msgEntry->Count();
+		const TMsvEntry& msgNoEntry ( iFolderEntry->Entry()); //ChildDataL( folderId ) );
+		_LIT16(KDocuments,"Documents");
+		TPtrC ptrDocuments(KDocuments); 
+		if(msgNoEntry.iDetails != ptrDocuments)
+			iMsgEntriesInFoldersArray.Append(msgEntryCounts);
+		if (ETrue) //msgEntryCounts)
+		    {		             
+    		delete iMessageEntries;
+    		iMessageEntries = NULL;
+    		iMessageEntries = iFolderEntry->ChildrenWithTypeL( KUidMsvMessageEntry );
+    		}
+    	else
+    		{
+    		iMessageEntries->Reset();
+    		return EFalse;
+    		}
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
+		// no messages in this folder, go and find folder with messages
+		if ( !iMessageEntries->Count() )
+			{
+			return MoveOnToNextMessageL();
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return EFalse;	// nothing to be searched anymore
+		}
+	}
+return ETrue;	// iMessageEntriesIdx is pointing to a valid message
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Searches SMS message.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::SearchSmsL( TMsvId& aMessageId ) // id of the message to search
+	iHitFound = EFalse;
+	iSmsMtm->SwitchCurrentEntryL( aMessageId );
+	TRAPD(err, iSmsMtm->LoadMessageL());
+	if(err) User::Leave( err );
+	//search sender/receiver first
+	iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch = ESearchingSender;
+	iHitFound = EFalse; 
+	delete iCurrentTextBeingSearched;
+	iCurrentTextBeingSearched = NULL;
+	iCurrentTextBeingSearched = HBufC::NewL(iSmsMtm->Entry().Entry().iDetails.Length());
+	TPtr curTextPtr(iCurrentTextBeingSearched->Des());
+    curTextPtr.Append(iSmsMtm->Entry().Entry().iDetails);
+	iTextSearcher->SearchL( *iCurrentTextBeingSearched );
+	if(iSenderReciever)	
+	{
+		delete iSenderReciever;
+		iSenderReciever = NULL;
+	}
+	iSenderReciever = HBufC::NewL(iCurrentTextBeingSearched->Des().Length());
+	iSenderReciever = iCurrentTextBeingSearched->Des().AllocL();
+	// if still no results, then look up for other receivers, if any
+	if (!iHitFound)
+	{
+		delete iCurrentTextBeingSearched;
+	    iCurrentTextBeingSearched = NULL;
+	    const MDesCArray& addressee = iSmsMtm->AddresseeList().RecipientList();
+        if (addressee.MdcaCount() == 0)
+		{
+			const CSmsHeader& header = iSmsMtm->SmsHeader();
+			const TPtrC fromAddress = header.FromAddress();
+			if ( fromAddress.Length() > 0 ) 
+			{
+		        iCurrentTextBeingSearched = HBufC::NewL(fromAddress.Length());
+	            TPtr curTextPtr(iCurrentTextBeingSearched->Des());
+                curTextPtr.Append(fromAddress);
+			    iTextSearcher->SearchL( *iCurrentTextBeingSearched );
+			}			       
+		}
+		else
+		{   
+			for (TInt i = 0; i < addressee.MdcaCount(); i++)
+		    {
+			    iCurrentTextBeingSearched = addressee.MdcaPoint( i ).AllocL();
+			    iTextSearcher->SearchL( *iCurrentTextBeingSearched );
+			    if(iHitFound)
+			       {
+			       break;	
+			       }
+		    } //for
+		}// else		   	
+	} // if
+	// for searching the body of the message
+	if (!iHitFound)
+	{
+	    iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch = ESearchingBody;
+		delete iCurrentTextBeingSearched;
+		iCurrentTextBeingSearched = NULL;
+		iCurrentTextBeingSearched = HBufC::NewL(iSmsMtm->Body().DocumentLength() + 1 );
+	    TPtr msgText = iCurrentTextBeingSearched->Des();
+	    iSmsMtm->Body().Extract( msgText, 0 );
+	    iTextSearcher->SearchL( msgText );
+	}
+void CMessagesSearcher::SearchInMmsMessageL(const TMsvId& aMessageId)
+    {
+      _LIT8(KTextMimeType,"text/plain");
+      iHitFound = EFalse;
+      iMmsMtm->SwitchCurrentEntryL( aMessageId );
+      TRAPD(err,iMmsMtm->LoadMessageL());
+      CMsvEntry* messageEntry = iSession->GetEntryL(aMessageId);
+      CleanupStack::PushL(messageEntry );
+      CMsvAttachment* attachment = NULL;
+      if( !iHitFound )
+        {
+            iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch = ESearchingMMSSender;
+            if(iCurrentTextBeingSearched)
+            {
+            delete iCurrentTextBeingSearched;
+            iCurrentTextBeingSearched = NULL;
+            }
+            iCurrentTextBeingSearched  =  messageEntry->Entry().iDetails.AllocL(); 
+            if(iSenderReciever)	
+            {
+            delete iSenderReciever;
+            iSenderReciever = NULL;
+            }
+            iSenderReciever = iCurrentTextBeingSearched->Des().AllocL();	  
+            iTextSearcher->SearchL( *iCurrentTextBeingSearched );
+        }
+      if (!iHitFound)
+        {
+            iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch = ESearchingMMSBody;
+            if(iCurrentTextBeingSearched)
+            {
+            delete iCurrentTextBeingSearched;
+            iCurrentTextBeingSearched = NULL;
+            }
+            if(iSenderReciever)	
+            {
+            delete iSenderReciever;
+            iSenderReciever = NULL;
+            }
+            iSenderReciever = messageEntry->Entry().iDetails.AllocL(); 
+            iCurrentTextBeingSearched = messageEntry->Entry().iDescription.AllocL();
+            iTextSearcher->SearchL( *iCurrentTextBeingSearched );
+        } 
+      if(!iHitFound ) 
+    	  {
+          CMsvEntrySelection* messageChildren = messageEntry->ChildrenL(); //Child ->Message
+          CleanupStack::PushL(messageChildren);
+          TBool ifBTorIR = EFalse;
+          if (messageChildren->Count() == 1) // This is case of BT & IR messages with attachments
+        	  {
+              TMsvId childAtt = (*messageChildren)[0];
+              messageEntry->SetEntryL(childAtt); // switch context to CHILD entry
+              ifBTorIR = ETrue;  
+        	  }
+          if (messageEntry->HasStoreL() )
+        	  {
+              CMsvStore* store = messageEntry->ReadStoreL();
+                CleanupStack::PushL(store);
+                MMsvAttachmentManager& attMngr = store->AttachmentManagerL();
+                TInt attcount = attMngr.AttachmentCount();
+                for(TInt i = 0 ; i < attcount ; i++ )
+                    {
+                        attachment = attMngr.GetAttachmentInfoL( i );
+                        CleanupStack::PushL( attachment );
+                        //break it
+                        if(iCurrentTextBeingSearched)
+                        {
+                        delete iCurrentTextBeingSearched;
+                        iCurrentTextBeingSearched = NULL;
+                        }
+                        if(iSenderReciever)	
+                        {
+                        delete iSenderReciever;
+                        iSenderReciever = NULL;
+                        }
+                        HBufC* buf16 = NULL;
+                        if( KErrNotFound != attachment->MimeType().Find(KTextMimeType))
+                        {
+						HBufC8* buf8 = NULL;
+						RFile fsFile = attMngr.GetAttachmentFileL( i );
+						TInt fileSize = 0;
+						fsFile.Size( fileSize );
+						if ( fileSize ) 
+							{
+							buf8 =  HBufC8::NewL( fileSize );
+							buf16 =  HBufC::NewL( fileSize );
+							TPtr8 bufPtr8 = buf8->Des();
+							TPtr bufPtr16 = buf16->Des();
+							fsFile.Read( 0, bufPtr8, fileSize );
+							//TInt err = fs.ReadFileSection( filepath, 0, buf8, 10);
+							CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( bufPtr16, bufPtr8 );	
+							}
+						if ( buf8 ) 
+							{
+							delete buf8;	
+							}
+						fsFile.Close();
+						}
+                        iSenderReciever = messageEntry->Entry().iDetails.AllocL();	 
+                        HBufC* fileName = attachment->AttachmentName().AllocL();
+                        iCurrentTextBeingSearched = messageEntry->Entry().iDescription.AllocL();	
+                        TInt sizeOfAttachement = 0;
+                        if ( ifBTorIR ) 
+                        	{
+                        	if ( iSenderReciever ) 
+	                        	{
+	                        	sizeOfAttachement += iSenderReciever->Size();
+	  							}
+	                        if ( fileName ) 
+	                        	{
+	                        	sizeOfAttachement += fileName->Size();
+	                        	}
+	                        sizeOfAttachement += 3;
+                        	}
+                        if ( buf16 ) 
+                        	{
+                        	sizeOfAttachement += buf16->Size();
+                        	}
+                        if ( sizeOfAttachement ) 
+                        	{
+                        	iCurrentTextBeingSearched = HBufC::NewL( sizeOfAttachement );
+                        	TPtr curPtr = iCurrentTextBeingSearched->Des();
+                        	if ( ifBTorIR ) 
+                        		{
+                        		if ( iSenderReciever ) 
+	                        		{
+	                        		curPtr.Append( *iSenderReciever );
+	                        		curPtr.Append( ' ' );
+	                        		}
+	                        	if ( fileName ) 
+	                        		{
+	                        		curPtr.Append( *fileName );
+	                        		curPtr.Append( ' ' );
+	                        		}
+                        		}	
+                        	if ( buf16 ) 
+                        		{
+                        		curPtr.Append( *buf16 );
+                        		}
+                        	}
+                        iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch = ESearchingMMSBody; 
+                        if (!iHitFound)
+                        {
+                        iTextSearcher->SearchL( *iCurrentTextBeingSearched );
+                        }
+                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(attachment);     
+                    }//for
+              CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store); // store 	
+            }//if
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(messageChildren );   
+         }
+      CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(messageEntry); // btEntry & btChildren
+   }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// void CMessagesSearcher::SearchGenericEmailL( ) //message id to search
+// Searches Generic Email message.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::SearchGenericEmailL( TMsvId& aMessageId, TUid aMessageUid ) 
+    delete iMsvStore;
+    iMsvStore = NULL;
+	iHitFound = EFalse;
+    iGenericMtm = SearchFromMtmArrayL( aMessageUid );
+	iGenericMtm->SwitchCurrentEntryL( aMessageId );
+	TRAPD(err, iGenericMtm->LoadMessageL());
+	if(err) User::Leave( err );
+	TRAPD ( readStoreError, iMsvStore = iGenericMtm->Entry().ReadStoreL() );
+    // if error occured during the store reading, message was unfetched and cannot
+    // therefore be handled in the usual manner. Instead a different kind of approach is needed.
+    if ( readStoreError != KErrNone ) 
+       {
+       // Stop searching the rest of the message. Since the msvStore is null, it will only 
+       // result in Leaves.
+       return;    
+       }
+	if (iGenericMtm->Body().LdDocumentLength() > 0  )
+	{
+        delete iCurrentTextBeingSearched;
+        iCurrentTextBeingSearched = NULL;
+        iCurrentTextBeingSearched = HBufC::NewL( iGenericMtm->Body().LdDocumentLength() + 1 );
+	    iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch = ESearchingGenericEmailBody;
+	    TInt i( 0 );
+	    while ( ETrue )
+        {
+	    	TPtrC msgText = iGenericMtm->Body().Read( Max ( i - 1, 0 ) );
+	        iCurrentTextBeingSearched->Des().Append(msgText);
+	        i = i + KEmailSegmentLength;
+	        if ( i > iGenericMtm->Body().LdDocumentLength() )
+	            {
+	            break;
+	            }
+	    }
+	    if (!iHitFound ) 
+	        {
+	        iTextSearcher->SearchL( *iCurrentTextBeingSearched );	
+	        }
+	}
+	iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch = ESearchingGenericEmailSubject;
+	if (!iHitFound )
+	    {     
+	    delete iCurrentTextBeingSearched;
+	    iCurrentTextBeingSearched = NULL;
+	    iCurrentTextBeingSearched = HBufC::NewL(iGenericMtm->Entry().Entry().iDescription.Length());
+	    TPtr curTextPtr(iCurrentTextBeingSearched->Des());
+        curTextPtr.Append(iGenericMtm->Entry().Entry().iDescription);
+	    iTextSearcher->SearchL( *iCurrentTextBeingSearched );
+	}
+	iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch = ESearchingGenericEmailSender;
+	if (!iHitFound) 
+	    { 
+	    delete iCurrentTextBeingSearched;
+	    iCurrentTextBeingSearched = NULL;
+	    iCurrentTextBeingSearched = HBufC::NewL(iGenericMtm->Entry().Entry().iDetails.Length());
+	    TPtr curTextPtr(iCurrentTextBeingSearched->Des());
+        curTextPtr.Append(iGenericMtm->Entry().Entry().iDetails);
+		iTextSearcher->SearchL( *iCurrentTextBeingSearched );
+	}
+	if (!iHitFound)
+	{
+	    iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch = ESearchingGenericEmailSender;
+		const CMsvRecipientList& list = iGenericMtm->AddresseeList();
+        iHitFound = EFalse;
+		for (TInt i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++)
+			{
+				if (!iHitFound) 
+				{
+				    delete iCurrentTextBeingSearched;
+	                iCurrentTextBeingSearched = NULL; 
+	                iCurrentTextBeingSearched = HBufC::NewL(list.operator[](i).Length());
+	                TPtr curTextPtr(iCurrentTextBeingSearched->Des());
+                    curTextPtr.Append(list.operator[](i));
+					iTextSearcher->SearchL(*iCurrentTextBeingSearched);	
+					if(iHitFound)
+					 break;
+				}
+		    }
+	}
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Searches for Mtm -class from the array that can be used to open the message specified by aUid.
+// If proper class is not found, it's created .
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CBaseMtm* CMessagesSearcher::SearchFromMtmArrayL( TUid aUid ) 
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < iMtmArray.Count(); i++)
+	    {
+	    if (iMtmArray[i]->Type() == aUid)
+	        {
+	        CBaseMtm* baseMtm = iMtmArray[i];
+	        return baseMtm;
+	        }
+	    }
+    CBaseMtm* newMtm;
+	newMtm = iMtmReg->NewMtmL( aUid );
+	iMtmArray.AppendL( newMtm );
+	return newMtm;
+// Implementation from the CActive Class
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::RunL()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::RunL()
+if ( DoActualSearchL() )	// If more searching is needed, the active object is set active
+	                        // again
+	{
+		TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
+		User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone );
+		SetActive();
+	}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Called if error during execution of the RunL() 
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CMessagesSearcher::RunError( TInt aError )
+	{
+	return aError;
+	}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::HandleSessionEventL()
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::HandleSessionEventL( TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3 )
+	{
+	if( aEvent== EMsvEntriesDeleted )	
+    	iEntryDeleted = (static_cast<CMsvEntrySelection*>(aArg1))->CopyL();
+	}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::HitL( )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::HitL( TInt aKeyWordPos )
+	{   
+	iHitFound = ETrue;
+	if(  aKeyWordPos!= KErrNotFound )
+	{		
+		iTotalNumOfItems++;
+		if (iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingBody ||
+		    iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingSender )
+		{
+		    ReportHitInSmsL( aKeyWordPos );
+		}
+		else  
+		    if (iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingMMSBody ||
+		    	iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingMMSSender )
+		    {
+		        ReportHitInMmsL( aKeyWordPos );	    
+		    }
+		else 
+		    if ( iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingSMTPBody || 
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingPOP3Body ||
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingIMAP4Body || 
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingSMTPSender || 
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingSMTPSubject || 
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingPOP3Sender || 
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingPOP3Subject || 
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingIMAP4Sender ||
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingIMAP4Subject ||
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingGenericEmailSubject ||
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingGenericEmailBody ||
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingGenericEmailSender ||
+		         iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingGenericEmailSubject )
+		      	{
+		      	    ReportHitInEmailL( aKeyWordPos );	    
+		       	}
+	}
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Returns the launch info corresponding to a particular documentid
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CMessagesSearcher::LaunchInfoL( const CSearchDocumentId& aDocumentID )
+     if(aDocumentID.PluginId() == iPluginId) 
+         {
+         HBufC8 * launchInfo = HBufC8::NewL(256);
+         TPtr8 docIdPtr = launchInfo->Des();
+         docIdPtr.AppendNum(aDocumentID.DocumentId());
+         return launchInfo;
+         }
+     return NULL;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tell observer search finished
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::ReportFinishedL( TInt aSearchResult, TInt aTotalNumOfItems)
+	{
+    iObserver->SearchCompletedL( aSearchResult, aTotalNumOfItems );
+	}
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Generates a result from a hit in Sms message.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::ReportHitInSmsL( TInt aKeyWordPos )
+   	TInt Pos = aKeyWordPos;
+	const TMsvEntry& entry = iMessageEntry->Entry();
+    TBuf8<KEmailMessageItemIdLengthInHex> entryId;
+    entryId.AppendNum( entry.Id(), EDecimal );
+	// TMsvId 
+	CSearchDocumentId* documentId = CSearchDocumentId::NewL( entry.Id(), iPluginId );
+	documentId->SetRepositoryIdL( KSearchCClassMessagesUid.iUid );			
+	CSearchLightResult* searchLightResult = CSearchLightResult::NewL( documentId );
+	searchLightResult->SetContentClassId( KSearchCClassMessagesUid );
+	if( entry.Parent() == KMsvSentEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderSentUid );
+	}
+	else if( entry.Parent() == KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderOutboxUid );
+	}
+	else if( entry.Parent() == KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderInboxUid );
+	}
+	else if( entry.Parent() == KMsvDraftEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderDraftsUid );
+	}
+    searchLightResult->SetServiceId( KNullUid );	
+	CMsgDesC* msgdetail = new(ELeave) CMsgDesC();		
+    CleanupStack::PushL ( msgdetail );
+	msgdetail->SetTitleL(entry.iDetails);
+    if ((iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingSender)||(iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingBody)) 
+	{	        	                    
+	   msgdetail->SetKeywordHitPosL(-1);
+	   msgdetail->SetBodyL(iSmsMtm->Entry().Entry().iDescription );
+    }
+	iMsgDesCArray.Append( msgdetail );	
+    CleanupStack::Pop ( msgdetail );
+   	CSearchResult* searchResult = CSearchResult::NewL( searchLightResult);
+	searchResult->SetSnippetL(KNullDesC8);
+	searchResult->SetTitleL(iSmsMtm->Entry().Entry().iDetails);
+	iHeavyResultsArray.Append( searchResult );
+	iObserver->ResultFoundL( searchLightResult, iStatusItemCounter, 
+							iTotalNumOfItems );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Generates a result from a hit in Mms message.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::ReportHitInMmsL( TInt aKeyWordPos ) 
+	const TMsvEntry& entry = iMessageEntry->Entry();
+    TBuf8<KEmailMessageItemIdLengthInHex> entryId;
+    entryId.AppendNum( entry.Id(), EDecimal );
+	CSearchDocumentId* documentId = CSearchDocumentId::NewL( entry.Id(), iPluginId );
+		documentId->SetRepositoryIdL( KSearchCClassMessagesUid.iUid );		
+	CSearchLightResult* searchLightResult = CSearchLightResult::NewL( documentId );
+	searchLightResult->SetContentClassId( KSearchCClassMessagesUid );
+	if( entry.Parent() == KMsvSentEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderSentUid );
+	}
+	else if( entry.Parent() == KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderOutboxUid );
+	}
+	else if( entry.Parent() == KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderInboxUid );
+	}
+	else if( entry.Parent() == KMsvDraftEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderDraftsUid );
+	}
+    searchLightResult->SetServiceId( KNullUid );	
+	CMsgDesC* msgdetail = new(ELeave) CMsgDesC();		
+    CleanupStack::PushL ( msgdetail );
+	msgdetail->SetTitleL( *iSenderReciever);  
+  if (iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingMMSSender) 
+	{	      
+	     msgdetail->SetKeywordHitPosL(-1);
+		msgdetail->SetBodyL(iMmsMtm->Entry().Entry().iDescription );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	     msgdetail->SetKeywordHitPosL(aKeyWordPos);
+	     msgdetail->SetBodyL( *iCurrentTextBeingSearched );
+	}
+	iMsgDesCArray.Append( msgdetail );
+	CleanupStack::Pop ( msgdetail );
+   	CSearchResult* searchResult = CSearchResult::NewL( searchLightResult);
+	searchResult->SetSnippetL(KNullDesC8);
+	searchResult->SetTitleL(iMmsMtm->Entry().Entry().iDetails);
+	iHeavyResultsArray.Append( searchResult );
+	iObserver->ResultFoundL( searchLightResult, iStatusItemCounter, 
+							iTotalNumOfItems );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMessagesSearcher::ReportHitInEmailL()
+// Generates a result from a hit in Email message.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMessagesSearcher::ReportHitInEmailL( TInt aKeyWordPos ) 
+	const TMsvEntry& entry = iMessageEntry->Entry();
+    TBuf8<KEmailMessageItemIdLengthInHex> entryId;
+    entryId.AppendNum( entry.Id(), EDecimal );
+	CSearchDocumentId* documentId = CSearchDocumentId::NewL( entry.Id(), iPluginId );
+	documentId->SetRepositoryIdL( KSearchCClassMessagesUid.iUid );		
+	CSearchLightResult* searchLightResult = CSearchLightResult::NewL( documentId );
+	searchLightResult->SetContentClassId( KSearchCClassMessagesUid );
+	if( entry.Parent() == KMsvSentEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderSentUid );
+	}
+	else if( entry.Parent() == KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderOutboxUid );
+	}
+	else if( entry.Parent() == KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderInboxUid );
+	}
+	else if( entry.Parent() == KMsvDraftEntryId )
+	{
+		searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderDraftsUid );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	searchLightResult->SetContentFolderId( KSearchCFolderInboxUid );
+	}
+    searchLightResult->SetServiceId( KNullUid );	
+	CMsgDesC* msgdetail = new(ELeave) CMsgDesC();		
+    CleanupStack::PushL ( msgdetail );
+	msgdetail->SetTitleL( entry.iDetails);
+    if (iFieldCurrentlyUnderSearch == ESearchingGenericEmailSender)
+	{	        
+	    msgdetail->SetKeywordHitPosL(-1);	          
+	    msgdetail->SetBodyL(entry.iDescription );          
+	}
+	else 
+	{       msgdetail->SetKeywordHitPosL(aKeyWordPos);
+		    msgdetail->SetBodyL( *iCurrentTextBeingSearched );
+	}
+	iMsgDesCArray.Append( msgdetail );		
+    CleanupStack::Pop ( msgdetail );
+   	CSearchResult* searchResult = CSearchResult::NewL( searchLightResult);
+	searchResult->SetSnippetL(KNullDesC8);
+	searchResult->SetTitleL(KNullDesC);
+	iHeavyResultsArray.Append( searchResult );
+	iObserver->ResultFoundL( searchLightResult, iStatusItemCounter, 
+							iTotalNumOfItems );
+void CMessagesSearcher::LaunchApplicationL(const TDesC8& aLaunchInfo)
+	{
+	TPtrC8 ptr = aLaunchInfo;
+	TLex8 lex(ptr);
+	TUid aMsgId;
+	lex.Val(aMsgId.iUid);
+	CMsvSession* session = CMsvSession::OpenSyncL( *this );
+	CleanupStack::PushL( session );
+	CClientMtmRegistry* mtmReg = CClientMtmRegistry::NewL( *session );      
+	CleanupStack::PushL( mtmReg );
+	TMsvId id (aMsgId.iUid);
+	CMsvEntry* MsvEnt;
+	MsvEnt= session->GetEntryL(id);
+	CleanupStack::PushL( MsvEnt );
+	const TMsvEntry& entry = MsvEnt->Entry();
+	CBaseMtm* clientMtm = mtmReg->NewMtmL( entry.iMtm);
+	CleanupStack::PushL( clientMtm );    
+	clientMtm->SwitchCurrentEntryL( MsvEnt->EntryId() );
+    if ( MsvEnt->HasStoreL() )
+        {                                  
+        TEditorParameters temp;    
+        if ( clientMtm->HasContext() )
+            {
+            temp.iId = clientMtm->Entry().EntryId();
+            }
+        TPckgC<TEditorParameters> paramPack( temp );    
+        if( clientMtm->Entry().Entry().Parent() == KMsvDraftEntryId )
+            {
+            temp.iFlags &= ~EMsgReadOnly;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            temp.iFlags|=EMsgReadOnly ;
+            }
+        TUid uid = KNullUid;
+       	uid = DiscoverL( temp, clientMtm->Type() );
+        if( uid == KNullUid )
+        	{
+        	User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        	}
+        TApaAppInfo appInfo;
+        RApaLsSession lsSession;
+        User::LeaveIfError( lsSession.Connect() );
+        CleanupClosePushL( lsSession );
+        User::LeaveIfError( lsSession.GetAppInfo( appInfo, uid ) );
+        CApaCommandLine* cmdLine = CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
+        cmdLine->SetExecutableNameL( appInfo.iFullName );
+        cmdLine->SetCommandL( EApaCommandViewActivate );
+        // EApaCommandRun );
+        cmdLine->SetTailEndL( paramPack );
+        User::LeaveIfError( lsSession.StartApp( *cmdLine ) );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cmdLine );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &lsSession );
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( clientMtm );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( MsvEnt );
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mtmReg );    
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( session );
+	}
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIdsMessagesUiImpLauncher::DiscoverL
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUid CMessagesSearcher::DiscoverL( const TEditorParameters aParams, TUid aMtmType )
+	{
+	// Let's first check if a special editor/viewer is set
+    if( aParams.iSpecialAppId != KNullUid )
+		{ // If set, simply return that appUid
+		return aParams.iSpecialAppId;
+		}
+	CApaAppServiceInfoArray* services = NULL;	
+	RApaLsSession ls;
+	TUid appUid = KNullUid; // Set the uid as NULL
+	if( ls.Connect() == KErrNone )
+		{
+	    CleanupClosePushL( ls );
+		TInt ret = ls.GetServerApps( KMuiuMsgEditorServiceUid );
+		if( ret != KErrNone )
+			{
+		    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ls );
+		    return appUid; // return NULL appUid
+			}
+		services = ls.GetServiceImplementationsLC( KMuiuMsgEditorServiceUid );			
+		if( services )
+			{
+			TArray<TApaAppServiceInfo> s = services->Array( );
+			TInt count = s.Count( );
+			if( count != 0)
+				{	// 
+				for( TInt i = 0; i<count; i++ )
+					{
+					if( TryMatchL( aParams, aMtmType, s[i], appUid ) )
+						{ // If one of the services match, return the uid set by TryMatchL
+						break;
+						}
+					}
+				}		
+			}
+	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( services );
+	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ls );
+		}
+	return appUid;
+	}
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CIdsMessagesUiImpLauncher::TryMatchL
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMessagesSearcher::TryMatchL( const TEditorParameters aParams, 
+                                           TUid aMtmType, 
+                                           const TApaAppServiceInfo aInfo, 
+                                           TUid& aAppUid )
+	{
+	TBool useViewer = EFalse;
+	if( ( aParams.iFlags & EMsgReadOnly ) || ( aParams.iFlags & EMsgPreviewMessage ) )
+		{ // If readonly or preview flag is set -> look for "Viewer" service type
+		useViewer = ETrue;
+		}
+	RResourceReader r;
+	r.OpenLC( aInfo.OpaqueData() );
+	TUid mtm = TUid::Uid( r.ReadInt32L( ) ); // read the mtm
+	TInt serviceType = r.ReadInt16L( ); // the service type (view, edit)
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &r );
+	if( aMtmType == mtm && useViewer && serviceType == KMsgServiceView )
+		{
+		aAppUid.iUid = aInfo.Uid( ).iUid;
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	else  if( aMtmType == mtm && !useViewer && serviceType == KMsgServiceEdit )
+		{
+		aAppUid.iUid = aInfo.Uid( ).iUid;
+		return ETrue;			
+		}
+	return EFalse;	
+	}