author hgs
Mon, 12 Jul 2010 02:32:28 +0530
changeset 51 0b38fc5b94c6
parent 45 b6db4fd4947b
permissions -rw-r--r--

(object Petal
    version    	42
    _written   	"Rose 4.5.8054.1"
    charSet    	0)

(object Design "Logical View"
    is_unit    	TRUE
    is_loaded  	TRUE
    defaults   	(object defaults
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    root_category 	(object Class_Category "Logical View"
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	logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
	    (object Class "CVersitParser"
		quid       	"3553270E02EC"
		documentation 	"The base Versit parser class, providing functions to aid parsing a stream into a Versit object, as well as the facility to add properties and sub-entities to an existing object. The key methods are Internalize and Externalize, used to convert to and from stream form."
		fields     	(list has_relationship_list
		    (object Has_Relationship
			quid       	"3553302402E7"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserPropertyHBufC"
			quidu      	"35532EC801C4"
			supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n"))
		    (object Has_Relationship
			quid       	"356EAC060148"
			label      	"0..n"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserProperty"
			quidu      	"35532FAE025B"))
		operations 	(list Operations
		    (object Operation "InternalizeL"
			quid       	"3553356B03C6"
			concurrency 	"Sequential"
			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "ExternalizeL"
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			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "AddEntityL"
			quid       	"356E92480020"
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			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "AddPropertyL"
			quid       	"356E925602FB"
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			opExportControl 	"Public"
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		    (object Operation "EntityL"
			quid       	"356E9265031B"
			result     	"CArrayPtrFlat<CVersitParser>"
			concurrency 	"Sequential"
			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "PropertyL"
			quid       	"356E9273039D"
			result     	"CArrayPtrFlat<CParserProperty>"
			concurrency 	"Sequential"
			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "GroupOfPropertiesL"
			quid       	"356E92C403A4"
			result     	"CArrayPtrFlat<CParserProperty>"
			concurrency 	"Sequential"
			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CParserVCard"
		quid       	"355327CA0301"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"35532D7202F9"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CVersitParser"
			quidu      	"3553270E02EC"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CParserVCal"
		quid       	"35532CB10020"
		fields     	(list has_relationship_list
		    (object Has_Relationship
			quid       	"355331AE009F"
			supplier   	"Logical View::VCalToDoParse"
			quidu      	"35532D9A0057"
			supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n"))
		    (object Has_Relationship
			quid       	"355331D301B0"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserVCalEntity"
			quidu      	"35532DAE02CD"
			supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "0..n")))
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"35532D6A01AD"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CVersitParser"
			quidu      	"3553270E02EC"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "VCalToDoParse"
		quid       	"35532D9A0057"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"35532DCF019E"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CVersitParser"
			quidu      	"3553270E02EC"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CParserVCalEntity"
		quid       	"35532DAE02CD"
		documentation 	"This class represents a Todo or Event sub-entity within the VCal object"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"35532DD8029B"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CVersitParser"
			quidu      	"3553270E02EC"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CParserParam"
		quid       	"35532EA700F4"
		documentation 	"A generic property parameter class, consisting of a Name and optionally a value, both in descriptor form."
		operations 	(list Operations
		    (object Operation "Name"
			quid       	"356E942C00F8"
			concurrency 	"Sequential"
			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "Value"
			quid       	"356E943102AE"
			concurrency 	"Sequential"
			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "WriteValueToStream"
			quid       	"356E944D02F4"
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			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CParserPropertyHBufC"
		quid       	"35532EC801C4"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"3553301D0016"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserProperty"
			quidu      	"35532FAE025B"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CVTimeParam"
		quid       	"35532F2602EC"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"35532F4100CE"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserParam"
			quidu      	"35532EA700F4"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CParserProperty"
		quid       	"35532FAE025B"
		documentation 	"The Base property class, corresponding to a property, and storing its name and associated groups and parameters. Subclasses are identified by Uid."
		operations 	(list Operations
		    (object Operation "ExternalizeL"
			quid       	"356EAE71035B"
			concurrency 	"Sequential"
			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "Param"
			quid       	"356EAE8300E0"
			concurrency 	"Sequential"
			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "AddParamL"
			quid       	"356EAE8B0019"
			concurrency 	"Sequential"
			opExportControl 	"Public"
			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "Group"
			quid       	"356EAE92013C"
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			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "Uid"
			quid       	"356EAE950190"
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			uid        	0)
		    (object Operation "Name"
			quid       	"356EAE9C000A"
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		    (object Operation "SetName"
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			uid        	0)
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			uid        	0))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CPropertyProperty"
		quid       	"35532FED0021"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"3553302001B5"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserPropertyHBufC"
			quidu      	"35532EC801C4"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "AgendaModelVCalWriter/Reader"
		quid       	"3556CADC02A2"
		used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
		    (object Uses_Relationship
			quid       	"3556CB2A03B3"
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			quidu      	"35532EC801C4")
		    (object Uses_Relationship
			quid       	"3556CB4E0382"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserVCal"
			quidu      	"35532CB10020"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CVAgendaModelVCalReader"
		quid       	"3556CB0A008B"
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CParserPropertyDateTime"
		quid       	"356EAC6F029E"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"356EAC84026C"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserProperty"
			quidu      	"35532FAE025B"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CParserPropertyCDesCArray"
		quid       	"356EAC720049"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"356EAC7E029F"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserProperty"
			quidu      	"35532FAE025B"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CParserPropertyMultiDateTime"
		quid       	"356EAC790361"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"356EAC87007C"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserProperty"
			quidu      	"35532FAE025B"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CParserPropertyInt"
		quid       	"356EAE41015D"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"356EAE460024"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserProperty"
			quidu      	"35532FAE025B"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "CParserPropertyAlarm"
		quid       	"356EAE5B001A"
		superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
		    (object Inheritance_Relationship
			quid       	"356EAE660111"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserProperty"
			quidu      	"35532FAE025B"))
		language   	"C++")
	    (object Class "ContactsApp"
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		    (object Uses_Relationship
			quid       	"356EAF3802B7"
			supplier   	"Logical View::CParserVCard"
			quidu      	"355327CA0301"))
		language   	"C++"))
	logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
	    (object ClassDiagram "Main"
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			    Parent_View 	@1
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			    Parent_View 	@2
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			    Parent_View 	@3
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			    Parent_View 	@6
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