author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 14 Apr 2010 15:55:57 +0300
changeset 20 21239b3bcd78
parent 0 f979ecb2b13e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201013 Kit: 201015

* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation for meeting request processor 

#include "CMRProcessor.h"
#include "MRHelpers.h"
#include "mrdatalog.h"
#include "ICalUILogDef.h"
#include <e32std.h>
#include <calentry.h> 		//CCalEntry (Calendar entry API V2)
#include <caluser.h> 		//caluser and attendee
#include <MsgMailUIDs.h> 	//uid for mail application
#include <cemailaccounts.h>
#include <smtpset.h>
#include <imapset.h>
#include <pop3set.h>
#include <MuiuMsvUiServiceUtilities.h>
#include "MRViewersPanic.h" 			//panic codes
#include "meetingrequestviewers.hrh" 	//common constants
#include "ProcessingStructs.h" 			//scenario structures
#include <SendUiConsts.h> 				//mailbox uids
#include <stringloader.h> 				//loading of string resources
#include <meetingrequestviewersuires.rsg> 	//resource definitions header
#include <CalenInterimUtils2.h>
#include <cmrmailboxutils.h>

/// Unnamed namespace for local definitions
namespace {

_LIT( KPanicMsg, "CMRProcessor" );

void Panic( TPanicCode aReason )
    User::Panic( KPanicMsg, aReason );

}  // namespace

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMRProcessor::CMRProcessor
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CMRMailboxUtils& aMRMailboxUtils,
    CMRUtilsInternal& aMRUtils,
    const MAgnEntryUi::TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
    RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntries )
    : iMRMailboxUtils( aMRMailboxUtils ),
      iMRUtils( aMRUtils ),
      iEntryUiInParams( aParams ),
      iArrayOfEntries( aEntries ),
      iEditMode( MMRModelInterface::EModeNotSet ),
      iOwnerRole( ENotFound )
	// set initial values to scenario data
	iCombinedScenData.iMethod = CCalEntry::EMethodNone;
	iCombinedScenData.iCallingApp = ENotSet;
	iCombinedScenData.iOpenedMailbox = ENotSet;
    iCombinedScenData.iUtilsDBResult = MMRUtilsTombsExt::EUndefined;		    	
    iCombinedScenData.iMethodLevelValidity = ENotSet;
	iCombinedScenData.iEditorMode = ENotSet;
    iCombinedScenData.iMROperation = ENotSet;    

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMRProcessor::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMRProcessor::ConstructL()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ?classname::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMRProcessor* CMRProcessor::NewL(
    CMRMailboxUtils& aMRMailboxUtils,
    CMRUtilsInternal& aMRUtils,
    const MAgnEntryUi::TAgnEntryUiInParams& aParams,
    RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntries )
    CMRProcessor* self = new( ELeave ) CMRProcessor( aMRMailboxUtils,
                                                     aEntries );
   CleanupStack::PushL( self );

   return self;

// Destructor
    delete iCombinedEntry;

CCalEntry* CMRProcessor::CombinedEntry()
	// Should always be valid when this method is called
    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iCombinedEntry, Panic( ECombinedCalEntryNull ) );	
	return iCombinedEntry;

void CMRProcessor::SetPhoneOwnerL()
	__ASSERT_DEBUG( iArrayOfEntries.Count() > 0, Panic( EEmptyEntryArray ) );
    // set phone owner field of each entry:
    TInt count( iArrayOfEntries.Count() );
    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )    
        CCalEntry& entry = *( iArrayOfEntries[i] );
        iMRMailboxUtils.SetPhoneOwnerL( entry, iEntryUiInParams.iMailBoxId );
    // set iOwnerRole, use entry at index zero:
	CCalEntry& baseEntry = *( iArrayOfEntries[0] );	
	if ( iMRMailboxUtils.IsOrganizerL( baseEntry ) )
	    iOwnerRole = EOrganiser;
	    CCalAttendee* thisAttendee = iMRMailboxUtils.ThisAttendeeL( baseEntry );
    	if ( thisAttendee )
    		switch ( thisAttendee->RoleL() )
    			case CCalAttendee::EOptParticipant:
    				iOwnerRole = EOptionalParticipant;
    			case CCalAttendee::ENonParticipant:
    				iOwnerRole = ENonRequiredParticipant;
                case CCalAttendee::EReqParticipant: // fall through
    			case CCalAttendee::EChair: // fall through
    				{ // Note: chair MUST NOT be interpreted as organizer!
    				  // Req.participant is not correct either but has less
    				  // side effects.
    				iOwnerRole = ERequiredParticipant;

CMRProcessor::TOwnerRole CMRProcessor::OwnerRole()
    return iOwnerRole;

MMRUtilsTombsExt::TMRUtilsDbResult CMRProcessor::ProcessingDbResult()
    return iCombinedScenData.iUtilsDBResult;

TInt CMRProcessor::ProcessingResultOp()
    return iCombinedScenData.iMROperation;

MMRModelInterface::TEditingMode CMRProcessor::EditingMode() const
    return iEditMode;
void CMRProcessor::SetEditingModeL( MMRModelInterface::TEditingMode aEditMode )
    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iEditMode == MMRModelInterface::EModeNotSet,
                    Panic( EEditModeResetAttempt ) );    
    iEditMode = aEditMode;
    if ( aEditMode == MMRModelInterface::EEditMeeting )
        { // if we switch to edit meeting mode the combined entry must be re-set
        CCalEntry* entry = iArrayOfEntries[0];
        ResetCombinedEntryL( *entry, TCalTime() );                
		iCombinedEntry->CopyFromL( *entry );		
		iCombinedEntry->SetMethodL( entry->MethodL() );        
    // no need to do anything if aEditMode == EEditInstance since that is the
    // default when launching the MR Viewer with incoming entry array.

// TODO: CMRUtils::CheckEntryCondL doesn't, and shouldn't (because of e.g.
// calendar sync), notice problems with out-of-date entry (meeting occurred in past),
// but in processor we should identify that situation. Possibly add a new processing
// struct data field, and possibly a new TMROperation code also?

// TODO: somewhere we must set outparams: saved, meeting/instance deleted,
// but is processor a good place for it.     

// TODO: when handling processing leave, we must take care that iCombinedEntry
// is set to point to some entry, or to ensure that there doesn't become an access
// violation because someone is trying to access it.
void CMRProcessor::ProcessEntriesL()
	if ( iArrayOfEntries.Count() < 1 )
	    User::Leave( KErrArgument );
    CCalEntry* entry = iArrayOfEntries[0];
    // Sets phone owner in entries and in iOwnerRole, this must be done at
    // early stage, before trying to read organizer or attendee fields
	// set common values to scenario data
	iCombinedScenData.iMethod = entry->MethodL();
	iCombinedScenData.iCallingApp = CallingApp();
	iCombinedScenData.iOpenedMailbox = OpenedMailboxL( *entry );
	iCombinedScenData.iEditorMode = EditorMode();
    if ( iCombinedScenData.iEditorMode == MAgnEntryUi::EViewEntry )
        { // in other cases editing mode will be decided later, but 
          // in EViewEntry case we know it already now
        SetEditingModeL( MMRModelInterface::EViewOnly );

    TRAPD( err,
        if ( entry->MethodL() == CCalEntry::EMethodReply )
            if ( iEntryUiInParams.iCallingApp.iUid == KUidCalendarApplication )
        } );
    if ( err != KErrNone )
* In case of calendar we show in start-up:
* a) parent entry if meeting non-repeating
* b) existing child entry if received as input
* c) newly created child if repeating meeting but child doesn't exist
* User may later on choose "edit series" mode if meeting is repeating.
void CMRProcessor::ProcessRequestInCalendarL()
	if ( iArrayOfEntries.Count() != 1 )
	    // From calendar we support only receiving single entry at a time
	    User::Leave( KErrArgument );
    CCalEntry* entry = iArrayOfEntries[0];
    iCombinedScenData.iMROperation =
        MatchScenarioToDataL( iCombinedScenData, *entry );
    if ( iCombinedScenData.iMROperation <= ENullOp )
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );

    if ( MREntryConsultant::IsRepeatingMeetingL( *entry ) )
        // reset combined entry, it will be a child representing the instance
        ResetCombinedEntryL( *entry, iEntryUiInParams.iInstanceDate );
        if ( MREntryConsultant::IsModifyingEntryL( *entry ) )
            { // entry exists for the instance, use that
    		iCombinedEntry->CopyFromL( *entry );		
    		iCombinedEntry->SetMethodL( entry->MethodL() );
            { // create a fully populated child representing the instance
            SetInstanceStartAndEndL( *iCombinedEntry,
                                     iEntryUiInParams.iInstanceDate );                      
            CCalenInterimUtils2::PopulateChildFromParentL( *iCombinedEntry,
                                                           *entry );
        { // non-repeating meeting -> view/edit entire meeting
        // reset combined entry, it will be a parent
        ResetCombinedEntryL( *entry, TCalTime() );                
		iCombinedEntry->CopyFromL( *entry );		
		iCombinedEntry->SetMethodL( entry->MethodL() );
		// in case of non-repeating meeting the editing mode is always
		// EEditMeeting and user doesn't have a possibility to change it
		SetEditingModeL( MMRModelInterface::EEditMeeting );     
void CMRProcessor::ProcessResponseArrayL()

// TODO: we must check that entry isn't out of date or cancelled,
// should we do that in HandleResponseStatusL or where? It would be
// better to do it before calling TryCreateModForResponseL() to avoid
// unnecessary mod entry in	db.
	// 1. Handle entry at index 0 ,it may be response to a parent or a child
	CCalEntry& response = *( iArrayOfEntries[0] );
	// when checking against db entry, respond should look like a valid update:
	iCombinedScenData.iUtilsDBResult = iMRUtils.CheckEntryCondL( response );
	// ...but if attendee has responded to an instance of a meeting, then
	// corresponding modifying entry doesn't necessarily exist -> create it:
	if ( iCombinedScenData.iUtilsDBResult == MMRUtilsTombsExt::ECheckedValidNew )
	    CreateModForResponseL( response, iCombinedScenData );
	// check response validity on method level and set status to request, if ok:
	CCalEntry* request = HandleResponseStatusL( response, iCombinedScenData );
	if ( request )
	    CleanupStack::PushL( request );
    	// match to scenario, entry to be updated is request, not response
        MatchScenarioAndSaveIfNeededL( *request, iCombinedScenData );
        // if request not found saving won't occur, we still perform matching
        // to get scenario completed, we give response as a parameter but it
        // won't be used in this case
        MatchScenarioAndSaveIfNeededL( response, iCombinedScenData );
    // 2. Go through additional entries, they don't affect combined entry
    //    and related functionality

    TScenarioData tmpScenario( iCombinedScenData );
	TInt count( iArrayOfEntries.Count() );
	for ( TInt i( 1 ); i < count; ++i )
		CCalEntry& tmpResponse = *( iArrayOfEntries[i] );
		tmpScenario.iUtilsDBResult = iMRUtils.CheckEntryCondL( tmpResponse );
	    if ( tmpScenario.iUtilsDBResult == MMRUtilsTombsExt::ECheckedValidNew )
	        CreateModForResponseL( response, tmpScenario );
		CCalEntry* tmpRequest = HandleResponseStatusL( response, tmpScenario );
		if ( tmpRequest )
		    { // for additional entries we only match scenario if request exists,
		      // otherwise it is unnecessary
		    CleanupStack::PushL( tmpRequest );
		    MatchScenarioAndSaveIfNeededL( *tmpRequest, tmpScenario );
		    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tmpRequest );
    // 3. Set combined entry == first response possibly mixed with request

    ResetCombinedEntryL( response, response.RecurrenceIdL() );
    iCombinedEntry->CopyFromL( response );
    iCombinedEntry->SetMethodL( CCalEntry::EMethodReply );

	if ( iCombinedScenData.iMROperation == EUpdateStatusToCalendar )
    	// TODO: set response summary with status information    	
    	iCombinedEntry->SetLocationL( request->LocationL() );
    	iCombinedEntry->SetStartAndEndTimeL( request->StartTimeL(),
    	                                     request->EndTimeL() );
        // Response won't necessarily contain RRule/RDate information, but
        // that isn't shown to the user either -> not needed in iCombinedEntry.
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
    if ( request )
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( request );
* This method assumes that response has been verified to be valid.
void CMRProcessor::CreateModForResponseL(
    const CCalEntry& aResponse,
    TScenarioData& aScenarioData ) const
    // fetch parent:
    CCalEntry* request = iMRUtils.FetchEntryL( aResponse.UidL(),
                                               TCalTime() );
    CleanupStack::PushL( request );
    // create modifying entry:
    HBufC8* modUid = request->UidL().AllocLC();
	CCalEntry* mod = CCalEntry::NewL( CCalEntry::EAppt,
                                      CalCommon::EThisOnly );
    CleanupStack::Pop( modUid ); // ownership transferred
    CleanupStack::PushL( mod );
    // In this case response shouldn't really have any RRules or RDates,
    // and the recurrence id should specify the instance which attendee
    // responded to. Therefore create modifying entry representing that
    // instance.
    SetInstanceStartAndEndL( *mod, *request, aResponse.RecurrenceIdL() );
    // Populate modifying entry fields, especially it is important that
    // also entire attendee list gets copied, since this modifying entry
    // will be exceptioned in the parent
    CCalenInterimUtils2::PopulateChildFromParentL( *mod, *request );
    // Modifying entry must have the same DTSTAMP as originating entry,
    // since in this case they were sent as one request
    mod->SetDTStampL( request->DTStampL() );        
    // Set modifying request as sent!
    // TODO: this will be done differently when Symbian supports other fields
    // to indicate sending status
    mod->SetStatusL( CCalEntry::EConfirmed );
    MMRUtilsTombsExt::TMRUtilsDbResult res = iMRUtils.StoreL( *mod, EFalse );
    if ( res != MMRUtilsTombsExt::EStoredUpdate )
        { // store should succeed if response was for a valid instance
        User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // mod, request
    // now there exists a modifying entry and response is
    // an update to it:
    aScenarioData.iUtilsDBResult = MMRUtilsTombsExt::ECheckedValidUpdate;
CCalEntry* CMRProcessor::HandleResponseStatusL(
    const CCalEntry& aResponse,
    TScenarioData& aScenarioData ) const
    aScenarioData.iMethodLevelValidity = EInvalid;
    if ( aResponse.AttendeesL().Count() != 1 )
        { // response MUST have exactly one attendee, the respondent
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
	CCalAttendee& respondent = *( aResponse.AttendeesL()[0] );	

    CCalEntry* request = iMRUtils.FetchEntryL( aResponse.UidL(),
                                               aResponse.RecurrenceIdL() );
    if ( request  )
        CleanupStack::PushL( request );        	
    	TBool changed( EFalse );
    	CCalAttendee* dbAttendee =
    	    RespondentInRequestL( aResponse, *request, changed );
    	if ( dbAttendee && changed )
    		dbAttendee->SetStatusL( respondent.StatusL() );
    		aScenarioData.iMethodLevelValidity = EValidNeedsSave;
        else if ( dbAttendee && !changed )
            aScenarioData.iMethodLevelValidity = EValidNoNeedSave;
        CleanupStack::Pop( request );
    return request; // may be NULL

* We always show the first entry, if it is a child user will see that
* child and responses affect that (and other children in the array)
* If the first entry is a parent responses affect also children in the array.
* Also in case of cancellation entry is stored to db instead of just updating
* the status, this means that e.g. description may be changed, but we
* consider that is the desired behavior.
void CMRProcessor::ProcessRequestOrCancelArrayL()
	// 1. Handle entry at index 0 ,it may be a parent or a child	
	CCalEntry& entry = *( iArrayOfEntries[0] );
	iCombinedScenData.iUtilsDBResult = iMRUtils.CheckEntryCondL( entry );
    MatchScenarioAndSaveIfNeededL( entry, iCombinedScenData );
    // 2. Go through additional entries, they don't affect combined entry
    //    and related functionality

    TScenarioData tmpScenario( iCombinedScenData );
	TInt count( iArrayOfEntries.Count() );
	for ( TInt i( 1 ); i < count; ++i )
		CCalEntry& tmpEntry = *( iArrayOfEntries[i] );
		tmpScenario.iUtilsDBResult = iMRUtils.CheckEntryCondL( tmpEntry );
		MatchScenarioAndSaveIfNeededL( tmpEntry, tmpScenario );
    // 3. Set combined entry == first entry in the input array

    ResetCombinedEntryL( entry, entry.RecurrenceIdL() );

	if ( iCombinedScenData.iMROperation == EViewExistingEntry )
		iCombinedEntry->CopyFromL( entry );				
		iCombinedEntry->SetMethodL( entry.MethodL() );				
    else if ( iCombinedScenData.iMROperation == ELoadIdenticalEntryFromDB || 
              iCombinedScenData.iMROperation ==EStoreEntryToCalendar )
		// Identical entry exists in db -> fetch parent entry
		// from db and prepare for viewing
		ReadEntryFromDbL( entry, *iCombinedEntry );
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );

TBool CMRProcessor::MatchScenarioAndSaveIfNeededL(
    CCalEntry& aCalEntry,
    TScenarioData& aScenarioData ) const
    TBool retVal( EFalse );	
	aScenarioData.iMROperation =
	    MatchScenarioToDataL( aScenarioData, aCalEntry );
	if ( aScenarioData.iMROperation == EStoreEntryToCalendar )
		MMRUtilsTombsExt::TMRUtilsDbResult dbResult =
		    iMRUtils.StoreL( aCalEntry, EFalse );
		if ( dbResult < MMRUtilsTombsExt::EUndefined )
			{ // store shouldn't fail if all checks were successful
			User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
			{ // we have saved something
			retVal = ETrue;
    else if ( aScenarioData.iMROperation == EUpdateStatusToCalendar )
        { // update shouldn't fail if all checks were successful
        User::LeaveIfError( iMRUtils.UpdateEntryL( aCalEntry ) );        
        retVal = ETrue;
    return retVal;

void CMRProcessor::ProcessErrorL()
    switch ( iCombinedScenData.iMROperation )
        case EErrorSituation:
    		if ( iCombinedScenData.iUtilsDBResult ==
	    	     MMRUtilsTombsExt::EErrorHasBeenDeleted )
		        { // possibly valid entry but has been deleted from the phone
        	    // request has been deleted, we show the received response then
        	    // according to UI spec. if organizer cancels request it gets deleted
        	    // TODO: show info note Original meeting request is not in phone’s calendar. §§ with
                // TODO: this note should be shown always as an opening note, some opening notes
                // are shown only when launching for the first time -> handle that!
                {// TODO: handle
        case EErrorUnexpectedViewOnly:
            { // possibly valid entry but unexpected in this context
            // TODO: handle
        case EErrorObsoleteViewOnly:
            { // possibly valid entry but obsolete in this context
            // TODO: handle
            User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
    // show errorneus entry, but only for viewing
	CCalEntry& entry = *( iArrayOfEntries[0] );
    ResetCombinedEntryL( entry, entry.RecurrenceIdL() );
	iCombinedEntry->CopyFromL( entry );				
	iCombinedEntry->SetMethodL( entry.MethodL() );	

TInt CMRProcessor::MatchScenarioToDataL(
    TScenarioData currentScenario,
    const CCalEntry& aEntry ) const
    MRDATA_LOG("# start scenario match #");
    MRDATA_LOG1("entry name: %S", &(aEntry.SummaryL()));
	TInt retVal( EErrorSituation );
	CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* scenarioValues =
	    new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( dataFieldCount-1 );

	CleanupStack::PushL( scenarioValues );

    // Order of fields must match the order used in ProcessingStructs.h
	scenarioValues->AppendL( currentScenario.iMethod );
	scenarioValues->AppendL( currentScenario.iCallingApp );
	scenarioValues->AppendL( currentScenario.iOpenedMailbox );
	scenarioValues->AppendL( currentScenario.iUtilsDBResult );
	scenarioValues->AppendL( currentScenario.iMethodLevelValidity );
	scenarioValues->AppendL( currentScenario.iEditorMode );
	// Go through each predefined scenario and see if one of them matches
	for ( TInt scenarioCounter( 0 );
	      scenarioCounter < scenarioCount;
	      scenarioCounter++ )
        TBool scenarioMismatch( EFalse );
		const TInt* arrayPtr = scenarioArray[scenarioCounter];
		for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < dataFieldCount-1; i++ )
			TInt arrayVal = *( arrayPtr+i );
			TInt scenarioVal = scenarioValues->At( i );

			if( arrayVal != ENotSet )
				if ( scenarioVal != arrayVal )
					scenarioMismatch = ETrue;

		if ( !scenarioMismatch )
			{ // Match was found, retVal is operation corresponding to the
			  // matching scenario, i.e. the last field in that scenario array
			retVal = *( arrayPtr + dataFieldCount - 1 );
            MRDATA_LOG1("scenario id: %d", scenarioCounter );
            MRDATA_LOG1("operation: %d", retVal );			

	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( scenarioValues );
    MRDATA_LOG("# end scenario match #");	
	return retVal;

TInt CMRProcessor::CallingApp() const
	TInt callingApp = iEntryUiInParams.iCallingApp.iUid;
    TInt retVal( ENotSet );

	switch ( callingApp )
		case KUidCalendarApplication:
			retVal = ECallerCalendarApp;
		case KUidMailApplication:
			retVal = ECallerMailApp;
		case KUidBVAApplication:
			retVal = ECallerBVApp;
			//error situation, should never come here
			retVal = ENotSet;
    return retVal;

TInt CMRProcessor::EditorMode() const
    if ( iEntryUiInParams.iCallingApp.iUid == KUidCalendarApplication )
        { // Editor mode is relevant only when calling app is calendar
        return iEntryUiInParams.iEditorMode;
        return MAgnEntryUi::EViewEntry;

// TODO: should we also support drafts mailbox type?
// That should be done by checking IsSent( entry ) in the outbox case.
TInt CMRProcessor::OpenedMailboxL( const CCalEntry& aEntry ) const
	TInt retVal( ENotSet );	
	if ( iEntryUiInParams.iCallingApp.iUid == KUidMailApplication )	
        // Organizer sends other types than responses, and attendees
        // on the other hand send only responses
        TBool isOrganizer( iMRMailboxUtils.IsOrganizerL( aEntry ) );
        TBool isResponse( aEntry.MethodL() == CCalEntry::EMethodReply );
        if ( ( isOrganizer && !isResponse ) || ( !isOrganizer && isResponse  ) )
            retVal = EOpenedFromOutbox;
            retVal = EOpenedFromInbox;
    return retVal;

CCalAttendee* CMRProcessor::RespondentInRequestL(
    const CCalEntry& aResponse,
    const CCalEntry& aRequest,
    TBool& aStatusChange ) const
	__ASSERT_DEBUG( aResponse.MethodL() == CCalEntry::EMethodReply,
	                Panic( EUnexpectedEntryMethodType ) );   

	aStatusChange = EFalse;
	CCalAttendee* respondent = aResponse.AttendeesL()[0];
	CCalAttendee* dbAttendee =
	    MREntryConsultant::EqualAttendeeL( *respondent, aRequest );
    if ( dbAttendee )
		if ( dbAttendee->StatusL() != respondent->StatusL() )
            aStatusChange = ETrue;
    return dbAttendee;
void CMRProcessor::ReadEntryFromDbL(
    const CCalEntry& aSourceEntry,
    CCalEntry& aTargetEntry ) const
    CCalEntry* dbEntry = iMRUtils.FetchEntryL( aSourceEntry.UidL(),
                                               aSourceEntry.RecurrenceIdL() );
	CleanupStack::PushL( dbEntry );	
	aTargetEntry.CopyFromL( *dbEntry );
	aTargetEntry.SetMethodL( dbEntry->MethodL() );	

	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dbEntry );
// method to be called externally
void CMRProcessor::RefreshViewableEntryL()
    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iCombinedEntry, Panic( ECombinedCalEntryNull ) );
    if ( MREntryConsultant::ExistsInDbL( *iCombinedEntry, iMRUtils ) )
        { // this method is only feasible if entry exists in the database,
          // otherwise we cannot refresh anything...
        ResetCombinedEntryL( *iCombinedEntry, iCombinedEntry->RecurrenceIdL() );
        ReadEntryFromDbL( *iCombinedEntry, *iCombinedEntry );

void CMRProcessor::ResetCombinedEntryL(
    const CCalEntry& aBase, 
    const TCalTime& aInstanceDate )
	HBufC8* calUid = aBase.UidL().AllocLC();
    CCalEntry* newEntry;
    if ( aInstanceDate.TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime() )
    	newEntry = CCalEntry::NewL( CCalEntry::EAppt,
	                                CalCommon::EThisOnly );
    	newEntry = CCalEntry::NewL( CCalEntry::EAppt,
	                                aBase.SequenceNumberL() );
    delete iCombinedEntry;
    iCombinedEntry = NULL;    
    iCombinedEntry = newEntry;
	CleanupStack::Pop( calUid ); // ownership transferred to iCombinedEntry    
void CMRProcessor::SetInstanceStartAndEndL(
    CCalEntry& aChild,
    const CCalEntry& aParent,
    const TCalTime& aInstanceStart ) const
    TTime dtstart( aParent.StartTimeL().TimeUtcL() ); // first instance start
    TTime dtend( aParent.EndTimeL().TimeUtcL() ); // first instance end
    TTime instStart( aInstanceStart.TimeUtcL() );    
    TTime nullTime( Time::NullTTime() );
    if ( dtstart == nullTime || dtend == nullTime || instStart == nullTime )
        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds duration( 0 );
    duration = dtend.MicroSecondsFrom( dtstart );
    TCalTime instEnd;    
	instEnd.SetTimeUtcL( instStart + duration );

    aChild.SetStartAndEndTimeL( aInstanceStart, instEnd );