* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Day view control of calendar
// System includes
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPen>
#include <HbColorScheme>
// User includes
#include "calendaystatusstrip.h"
#include "calendayutils.h"
// Constants
qreal const CalenDayStatusStrip::mMinute = 60;
qreal const CalenDayStatusStrip::mMinimumTime = 5;
CalenDayStatusStrip::CalenDayStatusStrip(HbWidget *parent)
: HbWidget(parent), mRange(2),
\brief Returns range between two filled lines in StripWithLines drawing
\sa CalenDayStatusStrip::DrawingStyle, setRange
qreal CalenDayStatusStrip::range() const
return mRange;
\brief Returns style of drawing.
\sa CalenDayStatusStrip::DrawingStyle, setDrawingStyle
CalenDayStatusStrip::DrawingStyle CalenDayStatusStrip::drawingStyle() const
return mDrawingStyle;
\brief Returns original start and entime fo event
\sa setStartEndTime
QPair<QTime,QTime> CalenDayStatusStrip::startEndTime() const
return mStartEndEventTime;
\brief It sets range between two filled lines in StripWithLines drawing
\param range Range between two filled lines
\sa CalenDayStatusStrip::DrawingStyle, range
void CalenDayStatusStrip::setRange(qreal range)
mRange = range;
\brief It sets drawing style of strip
\param drawingStyle Style of strip drawing.
\sa CalenDayStatusStrip::DrawingStyle, drawingStyle
CalenDayStatusStrip::setDrawingStyle(CalenDayStatusStrip::DrawingStyle drawingStyle)
mDrawingStyle = drawingStyle;
It sets start and end time of event
\param startTime Start of event
\param endTime End of event
void CalenDayStatusStrip::setStartEndTime(const QTime &startTime,
const QTime &endTime)
mStartEndEventTime.first = startTime;
mStartEndEventTime.second = endTime;
//check if startEndEvent is longer than mMinimumTimeminutes;
if (mStartEndEventTime.first.secsTo(mStartEndEventTime.second) < mMinute * mMinimumTime) {
mStartEndEventTime.second = QTime(mStartEndEventTime.first.hour(),
mStartEndEventTime.first.minute() + mMinimumTime);
\brief Reimplemented function...
Reimplemented function to draw status strip.
It is based on CalenDayStatusStrip::DrawingStyle, range and color
void CalenDayStatusStrip::paint(
QPainter *painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
QWidget *widget)
painter->save();// saves the painter state.
// Calculate bubble start and end time of bubble
QPair<QTime, QTime> startEndEvent = calculateStartEndPostion(
mStartEndEventTime.first, mStartEndEventTime.second);
// Calculate how high is Minute
qreal minuteHeight = calculateMinuteHeight(startEndEvent.first,
// Calculate how long is event in minutes
qreal eventMinutes = mStartEndEventTime.first.secsTo(
mStartEndEventTime.second) / mMinute;
// Calculate height and width of status stripe
qreal dx = size().width() - 1;
qreal dy = eventMinutes * minuteHeight;
// Calculate time from wehre it should be drawed
qreal startTime = startEndEvent.first.secsTo(mStartEndEventTime.first)
/ mMinute;
// This is done because bubble positioning accuracy is 15 minutes
startTime = startTime > 15 ? startTime - 15 : startTime;
// Calculate status stripe height
qreal startTimeHeight = startTime * minuteHeight;
// Set bounding rect of drawed area
QRectF bounding(boundingRect());
// Set size smaller by 1px in each side
bounding.setRect(bounding.left() + 1, bounding.top() + startTimeHeight, dx
- 1, dy - 1);
// Set clip region
painter->setClipRect(bounding, Qt::IntersectClip);
// Prepare brush and paint
QBrush brush(HbColorScheme::color("qtc_cal_month_current_day"));
QPen pen;
QPointF startPoint(0, dy + dx);
switch (mDrawingStyle) {
case StripWithLines:
for (int i = 0; startPoint.y() > 0; i++) {
painter->drawPolygon(diagonalLine(startPoint, dx, 3));
startPoint.setY(startPoint.y() - 6 - mRange);
case OnlyFrame:
// Draw rectangle
// Restore the painter
\brief Prepares points to draw filled polygon when StripWithLines style is on.
QPolygonF CalenDayStatusStrip::diagonalLine(
QPointF startPoint,
qreal dx,
qreal dy)
QPolygonF polygon;
polygon << QPointF(startPoint.x(), startPoint.y());
polygon << QPointF(startPoint.x(), startPoint.y() - dy);
polygon << QPointF(startPoint.x() + dx, startPoint.y() - 2 * dy);
polygon << QPointF(startPoint.x() + dx, startPoint.y() - dy);
return polygon;
\brief Returns time for position 0 and height in widget
\param startTime Start of event
\param endTime End of event
\return Draw region of bubble
QPair<QTime, QTime> CalenDayStatusStrip::calculateStartEndPostion(
const QTime &startTime,
const QTime &endTime)
QTime start;
QTime end;
if (startTime.minute() < 15) {
start = QTime(startTime.hour(), 0);
if (startTime.minute() < 30) {
start = QTime(startTime.hour(), 15);
if (startTime.minute() < 45) {
start = QTime(startTime.hour(), 30);
else {
start = QTime(startTime.hour(), 45);
if (endTime.minute() == 0) {
end = endTime;
if (endTime.hour() == 23 and endTime.minute() > 45) {
end = QTime(endTime.hour(), 59);
if (endTime.minute() <= 15) {
end = QTime(endTime.hour(), 15);
if (endTime.minute() <= 30) {
end = QTime(endTime.hour(), 30);
if (endTime.minute() <= 45) {
end = QTime(endTime.hour(), 45);
else {
end = QTime(endTime.hour() + 1, 0);
return QPair<QTime, QTime> (start, end);
Calculates height of one minute from widget height, and start/end time.
qreal CalenDayStatusStrip::calculateMinuteHeight(
const QTime &start,
const QTime &end)
qreal min = start.secsTo(end) / mMinute;
// Events shorter than 30 minutes have bubble higher than 30 minutes,
// so calculate minute's height using real hour-element slot height
qreal height = 0.0;
if (min > 30) {
height = size().height();
if (min > 15) {
height = CalenDayUtils::instance()->hourElementHeight() / 2;
else {
height = CalenDayUtils::instance()->hourElementHeight() / 4;
return height / min;