* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This is the source file for the CClockAlarmArray class.
// System includes
#include <coemain.h>
#include <AknUtils.h>
#include <clock.rsg>
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <AknFepInternalCRKeys.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
// User includes
#include "clockalarmarray.h"
#include "clkuialarmmodel.h"
#include "clock_debug.h"
// Constants
const TInt KTimeStringLength( 25 );
const TInt KFirstAlarmIndex( 1 );
const TInt KNewAlarmIndex( 0 );
// Literals
_LIT( KFieldSeparator, "\t" );
_LIT( KReplaceWhitespaceChars, "\x0009\x000A\x000B\x000C\x000D\x2028\x2029" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::NewL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CClockAlarmArray* CClockAlarmArray::NewL( CClkUiAlarmModel* aAlarmModel, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv )
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::NewL - Entry" );
CClockAlarmArray* self = new( ELeave ) CClockAlarmArray;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aAlarmModel, aCoeEnv );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::NewL - Exit" );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::~CClockAlarmArray
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::~CClockAlarmArray - Entry" );
if( iOccuranceList )
delete iOccuranceList;
iOccuranceList = NULL;
if( iWorkDaysList )
delete iWorkDaysList;
iWorkDaysList = NULL;
if( iShortWorkDaysList )
delete iShortWorkDaysList;
iShortWorkDaysList = NULL;
if( iListBoxEntry )
delete iListBoxEntry;
iListBoxEntry = NULL;
if( iAlarmInactiveText )
delete iAlarmInactiveText;
iAlarmInactiveText = NULL;
if( iTimeFormat )
delete iTimeFormat;
iTimeFormat = NULL;
if( iDate )
delete iDate;
iDate = NULL;
if( iNewAlarmText )
delete iNewAlarmText;
iNewAlarmText = NULL;
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::~CClockAlarmArray - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::MdcaCount
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockAlarmArray::MdcaCount() const
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::MdcaCount - Entry" );
TInt itemCount( KFirstAlarmIndex );
// Iterate through the list and add only the active alarms.
for( TInt index( KFirstAlarmIndex ); index < iAlarmIdArray.Count() && iAlarmIdArray[ index ] != 0; index++ )
SClkAlarmInfo alarmInformation;
TInt errorValue( iAlarmModel->ClockAlarmInfo( iAlarmIdArray[ index ], alarmInformation ) );
// We return only active alarms.
if( ( KErrNone == errorValue ) &&
( EAlarmStateInPreparation != alarmInformation.iState &&
EAlarmStateNotified != alarmInformation.iState ) )
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::MdcaCount - Exit" );
return itemCount;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::MdcaPoint
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TPtrC16 CClockAlarmArray::MdcaPoint( TInt aIndex ) const
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::MdcaPoint - Entry" );
// Set "New Alarm" as the first index of the listitem.
if( KNewAlarmIndex == aIndex )
TPtr listEntryPtr = iListBoxEntry->Des();
listEntryPtr.Append( KFieldSeparator );
//Single click integration
listEntryPtr.Append( iNewAlarmText->Des() );
listEntryPtr.Append( KFieldSeparator );
listEntryPtr.Append( KFieldSeparator );
listEntryPtr.AppendNum( EBlankIconIndex );
listEntryPtr.Append( KFieldSeparator );
listEntryPtr.AppendNum( EBlankIconIndex );
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::MdcaPoint - Exit" );
return listEntryPtr;
SClkAlarmInfo alarmInfo;
TBuf< KTimeStringLength > timeString;
TAlarmId alarmId;
// First get the sorted alarm information for the given index.
GetSortedAlmIdInfo( aIndex, alarmId, alarmInfo );
// Re-initialize the item to construct a new listbox entry.
TPtr listEntryPtr = iListBoxEntry->Des();
// First format and construct the time part.
TTime alarmTime = alarmInfo.iOrigExpiryTime;
TDateTime alarmDateTime = alarmInfo.iAlarmTime.DateTime();
TInt alarmDay = alarmTime.DayNoInWeek();
// The timestring formatter.
HBufC* formatString( NULL );
formatString = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_TIME_USUAL_WITH_ZERO, iEnv );
alarmTime.FormatL( timeString, *formatString ); );
AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( timeString );
// Go to the first item.
listEntryPtr.Append( KFieldSeparator );
// First append the alarm expiry time.
listEntryPtr.Append( timeString );
// Then append a space.
listEntryPtr.Append( KSingleSpace );
// Here we append date or text depending on the type of the alarm.
switch( alarmInfo.iRepeat )
case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatOnce:
case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatNext24Hours:
// For once only alarm, the date will have to be appended to the list item.
TDateString dateString;
alarmTime.FormatL( dateString, *iDate );
AknTextUtils::DisplayTextLanguageSpecificNumberConversion( dateString );
CRepository* cenRep( NULL );
cenRep = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidAknFep );
TInt displayLanguage;
// Get the current display language from CenRep.
cenRep->Get( KAknFepLastUsedUILanguage, displayLanguage );
// If Japanese
if( displayLanguage == ELangJapanese )
// First the date and
listEntryPtr.Append( dateString );
listEntryPtr.Append( KSingleSpace );
// then the day.
listEntryPtr.Append( ( *iShortWorkDaysList )[ alarmDay ] );
// First the day and
listEntryPtr.Append( ( *iShortWorkDaysList )[ alarmDay ] );
listEntryPtr.Append( KSingleSpace );
// then the date.
listEntryPtr.Append( dateString );
// Cleanup.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenRep );
case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWeekly:
listEntryPtr.Append( ( *iWorkDaysList )[ alarmDay ] );
case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDaily:
listEntryPtr.Append( ( *iOccuranceList )[ 2 ] );
case EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWorkday:
listEntryPtr.Append( ( *iOccuranceList )[ 3 ]);
// Error if control comes here. addding space to avoid crash.
listEntryPtr.Append( KSingleSpace );
// Go to the next item.
listEntryPtr.Append( KFieldSeparator );
// Append the description.
if( EAlarmStatusDisabled == alarmInfo.iStatus )
listEntryPtr.Append( iAlarmInactiveText->Des() );
else if( EAlarmStateSnoozed == alarmInfo.iState )
// Reset the strings.
alarmInfo.iAlarmTime.FormatL( timeString, *iTimeFormat );
HBufC* alarmSnoozedText( NULL );
alarmSnoozedText = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_CLK_ALARMS_VIEW_SNOOZED_ALARM, timeString, iEnv );
TPtr alarmSnoozedTextPtr = alarmSnoozedText->Des();
AknTextUtils::DisplayTextLanguageSpecificNumberConversion( alarmSnoozedTextPtr );
listEntryPtr.Append( alarmSnoozedText->Des() );
// Cleanup.
delete alarmSnoozedText;
alarmSnoozedText = NULL;
else if( KErrNone < alarmInfo.iMessage.Length() )
// Remove any extra white spaces or line feed and replace it with a blank character.
TAlarmMessage alarmDescription( alarmInfo.iMessage );
AknTextUtils::ReplaceCharacters( alarmDescription, KReplaceWhitespaceChars, TChar(' ') );
listEntryPtr.Append( alarmDescription );
listEntryPtr.Append( KSingleSpace );
// Go to the next item.
listEntryPtr.Append( KFieldSeparator );
// Append the icon.
if( EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWeekly == alarmInfo.iRepeat ||
EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatDaily == alarmInfo.iRepeat ||
EAlarmRepeatDefintionRepeatWorkday == alarmInfo.iRepeat )
// For repeat icon.
listEntryPtr.AppendNum( EAlarmRepeatIconIndex );
listEntryPtr.AppendNum( EBlankIconIndex );
// Go to the next item.
listEntryPtr.Append( KFieldSeparator );
if( EAlarmStatusEnabled == alarmInfo.iStatus )
// Show alarm icon.
listEntryPtr.AppendNum( EAlarmActiveIconIndex );
// Show nothing.
listEntryPtr.AppendNum( EAlarmInActiveIconIndex );
// Cleanup.
delete formatString;
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::MdcaPoint - Exit" );
// Return the constructed descriptor.
return listEntryPtr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::ListBoxIndex
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockAlarmArray::ListBoxIndex( TAlarmId aAlarmId )
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::ListBoxIndex - Entry" );
// First get the alarm info.
SClkAlarmInfo alarmInfo;
TInt errorValue( iAlarmModel->ClockAlarmInfo( aAlarmId, alarmInfo ) );
if( ( KErrNone == errorValue ) &&
( EAlarmStateInPreparation != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStateNotified != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStatusEnabled == alarmInfo.iStatus ) )
// Returns enabled alarm's index.
return GetEnabledAlarmIndex( aAlarmId, errorValue );
// Returns disabled alarm's index.
return GetDisabledAlarmIndex( aAlarmId, errorValue );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::GetEnabledAlarmIndex
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockAlarmArray::GetEnabledAlarmIndex( TAlarmId aAlarmId, TInt aErrorValue )
TInt listItemIndex( KFirstAlarmIndex );
TInt enabledAlarmIndex( KErrNotFound );
TInt alarmCount( iAlarmIdArray.Count() );
// The order of alarms in the listbox is not always the same in the alarmarray
// because disabled alarms are displayed in the end of the list and the next alarm
// to expire is on top of the list.
for( TInt index( KFirstAlarmIndex ); index < alarmCount; index++ )
SClkAlarmInfo alarmInfo;
TInt errorVal( iAlarmModel->ClockAlarmInfo( iAlarmIdArray[ index ], alarmInfo) );
if( ( KErrNone == aErrorValue ) &&
( EAlarmStateInPreparation != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStateNotified != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStatusEnabled == alarmInfo.iStatus ) )
if( aAlarmId == iAlarmIdArray[ index ] )
enabledAlarmIndex = listItemIndex;
return enabledAlarmIndex;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::GetDisabledAlarmIndex
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockAlarmArray::GetDisabledAlarmIndex( TAlarmId aAlarmId, TInt aErrorValue )
TInt listItemIndex( KFirstAlarmIndex );
TInt disabledAlarmIndex( KErrNotFound );
// Calculate the index of deactivated alarm.
// Get the enabled alarms count first and start counting from there for deactivated alarms.
// The order of alarms in the listbox is not always the same in the alarmarray
// because disabled alarms are displayed in the end of the list and the next alarm
// to expire is on top of the list.
for( TInt index( KFirstAlarmIndex ); index < iAlarmIdArray.Count(); index++ )
SClkAlarmInfo alarmInfo;
TInt errorVal( iAlarmModel->ClockAlarmInfo( iAlarmIdArray[ index ], alarmInfo ) );
if( ( KErrNone == aErrorValue ) &&
( EAlarmStateInPreparation != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStateNotified != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStatusEnabled == alarmInfo.iStatus ) )
// ListItemIndex contains the count of enabled alarms. Now count from here.
for( TInt index( KFirstAlarmIndex ); index < iAlarmIdArray.Count(); index++ )
SClkAlarmInfo alarmInfo;
TInt errorVal( iAlarmModel->ClockAlarmInfo( iAlarmIdArray[ index ], alarmInfo ) );
if( ( KErrNone == aErrorValue ) &&
( EAlarmStateInPreparation != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStateNotified != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStatusEnabled != alarmInfo.iStatus ) )
if( aAlarmId == iAlarmIdArray[ index ] )
disabledAlarmIndex = listItemIndex;
return disabledAlarmIndex;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::InitIdList
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockAlarmArray::InitIdList()
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::InitIdList - Entry" );
// Reset the array.
// Get the ids from alarmserver.
iAlarmModel->GetClkAlarmIds( iAlarmIdArray );
// Add a dummy index for "New Alarm" Option as first item in the Id array.
iAlarmIdArray.Insert( KNewAlarmIndex, KNewAlarmIndex );
SClkAlarmInfo alarmInfo;
TInt alarmCount( iAlarmIdArray.Count() );
// Set all alarm id entries which are notified/invalid to '0'.
for( TInt index( KFirstAlarmIndex ); index < alarmCount; index++ )
TInt errorValue( iAlarmModel->ClockAlarmInfo( iAlarmIdArray[ index ], alarmInfo ) );
if( ( KErrNone != errorValue ) ||
( EAlarmStateInPreparation == alarmInfo.iState ||
EAlarmStateNotified == alarmInfo.iState ) )
iAlarmIdArray[ index ] = KErrNone;
// Delete all the alarm entries in the alarm id array with value '0', as marked above.
for( TInt index( KFirstAlarmIndex ); index < iAlarmIdArray.Count(); )
if( KErrNone == iAlarmIdArray[ index ] )
iAlarmIdArray.Remove( index );
index = KFirstAlarmIndex;
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::InitIdList - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::GetSortedAlmIdInfo
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockAlarmArray::GetSortedAlmIdInfo( TInt aIndex, TAlarmId& aAlarmId, SClkAlarmInfo& aAlarmInfo ) const
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::NewL - Entry" );
// Function is declared as const. So using a local array instead of the data member.
// First get the alarm id list from the alarm server.
RArray< TAlarmId > alarmIdArray;
iAlarmModel->GetClkAlarmIds( alarmIdArray );
// This will hold the count of alarms currently enabled( active ).
TInt alarmIdCount( alarmIdArray.Count() );
// Get the alarms which are enabled and active.
TInt enabledAlarmCount( GetEnabledAlarmCount() );
// If info of an active alarm is needed.
if( aIndex <= enabledAlarmCount )
GetActiveAlarmInfo( aIndex, aAlarmId , aAlarmInfo );
// Info of a disabled alarm is needed.
GetInActiveAlarmInfo( aIndex, aAlarmId , aAlarmInfo );
// Sanity check, control should never come here.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::GetEnabledAlarmCount
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockAlarmArray::GetEnabledAlarmCount() const
// First get the alarm id list from the alarm server.
RArray< TAlarmId > alarmIdArray;
iAlarmModel->GetClkAlarmIds( alarmIdArray );
// This will hold the count of alarms currently enabled( active ).
TInt alarmCount( NULL );
TInt alarmIdCount( alarmIdArray.Count() );
// Get the alarms which are enabled and active.
for( TInt index( NULL ); index < alarmIdCount; index++ )
// Get information of each alarm.
SClkAlarmInfo alarmInfo;
TInt errorValue( iAlarmModel->ClockAlarmInfo( alarmIdArray[ index ], alarmInfo ) );
if( ( KErrNone == errorValue ) &&
( EAlarmStateInPreparation != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStateNotified != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStatusEnabled == alarmInfo.iStatus ) )
return alarmCount;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::GetActiveAlarmInfo
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockAlarmArray::GetActiveAlarmInfo( TInt aIndex, TAlarmId& aAlarmId, SClkAlarmInfo& aAlarmInfo ) const
// First get the alarm id list from the alarm server.
RArray< TAlarmId > alarmIdArray;
iAlarmModel->GetClkAlarmIds( alarmIdArray );
TInt alarmIdCount( alarmIdArray.Count() );
TInt alarmIndex( NULL );
for( TInt index( NULL ); index < alarmIdCount; index++ )
// Get information of each alarm.
SClkAlarmInfo alarmInfo;
TInt errorValue( iAlarmModel->ClockAlarmInfo( alarmIdArray[ index ], alarmInfo ) );
if( ( KErrNone == errorValue ) &&
( EAlarmStateInPreparation != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStateNotified != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStatusEnabled == alarmInfo.iStatus ) )
if( aIndex == alarmIndex )
// We have a match, return the values.
aAlarmId = alarmIdArray[ index ];
aAlarmInfo = alarmInfo;
// Break the loop.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::GetInActiveAlarmInfo
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockAlarmArray::GetInActiveAlarmInfo( TInt aIndex, TAlarmId& aAlarmId, SClkAlarmInfo& aAlarmInfo ) const
RArray< TAlarmId > alarmIdArray;
iAlarmModel->GetClkAlarmIds( alarmIdArray );
TInt alarmIdCount( alarmIdArray.Count() );
TInt alarmIndex( NULL );
// Get the alarms which are enabled and active.
TInt enabledAlarmCount = GetEnabledAlarmCount();
for( TInt index( NULL ); index < alarmIdCount; index++ )
// Get information of each alarm.
SClkAlarmInfo alarmInfo;
TInt errorValue( iAlarmModel->ClockAlarmInfo( alarmIdArray[ index ], alarmInfo ) );
if( ( KErrNone == errorValue ) &&
( EAlarmStateInPreparation != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStateNotified != alarmInfo.iState &&
EAlarmStatusEnabled != alarmInfo.iStatus ) )
// Disabled alarms are always indexed after the enabled alarms.
if( ( enabledAlarmCount + alarmIndex ) == aIndex )
aAlarmId = alarmIdArray[ index ];
aAlarmInfo = alarmInfo;
// Break the loop.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::ConstructL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockAlarmArray::ConstructL( CClkUiAlarmModel* aAlarmModel, CCoeEnv* aCoeEnv )
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::ConstructL - Entry" );
// Save the alarm model and the environment.
iAlarmModel = aAlarmModel;
iEnv = aCoeEnv;
// The listbox item.
iListBoxEntry = HBufC::NewLC( 175 );
CleanupStack::Pop( iListBoxEntry );
// Initialize the alarm id array.
// Read the string resources.
iWorkDaysList = iEnv->ReadDesCArrayResourceL( R_CLOCK_WEEK_DAYS_ARRAY );
iShortWorkDaysList = iEnv->ReadDesCArrayResourceL( R_CLOCK_WEEK_DAYS_SHORT_ARRAY );
iOccuranceList = iEnv->ReadDesCArrayResourceL( R_CLOCK_ALARM_EDITOR_OCCU_ARRAY );
iNewAlarmText = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_CLK_COMMAND_NEW_ALARM, iEnv );
iAlarmInactiveText = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_CLOCK_ALARMS_VIEW_INACTIVE_ALARM, iEnv );
iDate = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_DATE_WITHOUT_YEAR_WITH_ZERO, iEnv );
iTimeFormat = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_TIME_USUAL_WITH_ZERO,iEnv );
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::ConstructL - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::CClockAlarmArray
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::CClockAlarmArray - Entry" );
// No implementation yet.
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::CClockAlarmArray - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockAlarmArray::Power
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockAlarmArray::Power( TInt aNum ) const
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::Power - Entry" );
TInt returnValue( 1 );
// If 0, send the 1st item.
if( KErrNone == aNum )
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::Power - Exit" );
return returnValue;
// Iterate through the list for the match.
for( TInt index( KErrNone ); index < aNum; index++ )
returnValue = returnValue * 2;
__PRINTS( "CClockAlarmArray::Power - Exit" );
return returnValue;
// End of file