Fixed another "extra qualification" error.
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Calendar alarm manager
#include <vwsdef.h>
#include <coeview.h> // MCoeViewActivationObserver
#include <missedalarmstore.h>
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h> // MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
#include <calencommandhandler.h>
#include <calennotificationhandler.h> // MCalenNotificationHandler
#include <calentoolbar.h>
class CCalenController;
class CMissedAlarmStore;
class CCalenContextFWListener;
class CCalenViewManager;
class CCalenAlarmManager : public CBase,
public MCalenNotificationHandler,
public MCalenCommandHandler,
public MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
* Symbian 1st phase constructor
* @param aViewManager Reference to the CCalenViewManager
* @return Pointer to CCalenViewManager
static CCalenAlarmManager* NewL( CCalenController& aController );
* Destructor
virtual ~CCalenAlarmManager();
* C++ constructor
* @param aViewManager Reference to CCalenViewManager
CCalenAlarmManager( CCalenController& aController );
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor
void ConstructL();
* From MCalenCommandHandler.
* Handles key presses.
* @param aCommand The command Id of the key.
TBool HandleCommandL( const TCalenCommand& aCommand );
* From MCalenCommandHandler.
* Allows extending this API without breaking BC.
* @param aExtensionUid specifies
* @return extension of the requested type
TAny* CalenCommandHandlerExtensionL( TUid aExtensionUid );
* Handles notifications (Leaving)
void HandleNotificationL( TCalenNotification aNotification );
* From MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback.
* Notification of any change to the Missed Alarm Store central
* repository
* @param aId Id of the cenrep key that changed
void HandleNotifyGeneric( TUint32 aId );
* Get Missed alarm store
* @return reference to Missed alarm store
CMissedAlarmStore* MissedAlarmStore();
* Get Missed alarms list with viewed info
* @return array of missed alarms
void GetMissedAlarmsList(RArray<TCalenInstanceId>& aMissedAlarmList);
* Destroys CCalenContextFWListener object for Alarm
* @param aCloseEventView
void StopAlarmContextListener(TBool aCloseEventView=EFalse);
* Destroys CCalenContextFWListener object for Auto snooze case.
void StopContextListenerForAutoSnooze();
* Creates CCalenContextFWListener object for Alarm
void StartAlarmContextListenerL();
* from MCalenNotificationHandler
void HandleNotification( const TCalenNotification aNotification );
* Creates missed alarms list
void CreateMissedAlarmsListL();
* Handles the command ECalenMissedAlarmsView
* for launching missed alarms view
void OnCmdMissedAlarmViewL();
* Handles the command ECalenMissedEventView
* for launching missed event view
void OnCmdMissedEventViewL();
* Handles the command ECalenCmdClear
* for clearing a missed alarm
void OnCmdClearMissedAlarmL();
* Handles the command ECalenCmdClearAll
* for clearing all missed alarms
void OnCmdClearAllMissedAlarmsL();
* Handles the command ECalenCmdGotoCalendar
* for going back to native view from missed alarms view
void OnCmdGoToCalendarL();
* Handles the command ECalenMissedEventViewFromIdle
* for intialising the data before launching the
* missed event view from Idle(soft notification/indicator)
void OnCmdLaunchFromIdleL();
* For taking action whenever an entry is deleted
void HandleEntryDeleteNotificationL();
* For updating the missed alarms list when an entry is deleted
void UpdateMissedAlarmsListOnDeleteL();
* For handling notification ECalenNotifyLostAlarms
* which updates missed alarms list and missed alarms count
void HandleNotifyLostAlarmsL();
* For handling notification ECalenNotifyMissedAlarmsViewClosed
* which activates the previous view or exits the application
* if launched from Idle
void HandleMissedAlarmViewClosedL();
* For handling notification ECalenNotifyMissedEventViewClosed
* which activates the previous view or exits the application
* if launched from Idle
void HandleMissedEventViewClosedL();
* For handling notification ECalenNotifySystemTimeChanged
* Listen for the system time change notification.
* Clear all the future alarms which are missed due to
* time change
void HandleSystemTimeChangedL();
* Sets the context based on the missed alarm
void SetContextForMissedEventViewL();
* Mark missed alarm event as viewed
void SetMissedAlarmEventAsViewed();
* Remove all viewed events
void RemoveAllViewedEventsL();
* Clear one missed alarm
TBool ClearOneMissedAlarmL(TInt aEntryLocalUid, TCalCollectionId aColId );
* Update missed alarms list
void UpdateMissedAlarmsListL();
* Get the alarm time for the entry
void GetAlarmDateTimeL(const CCalEntry& aEntry, TTime& aAlarmDateTime);
* Launch the event viewer after pressing MSK.
void LaunchEventViewerL();
* Handles Back and Delete event in event viewer in MSK case.
void HandleBackEventL();
private: // Data
CCalenController& iController;
CCalenViewManager& iViewManager;
CMissedAlarmStore* iMissedAlarmStore;
CRepository* iMissedAlarmStoreRepository;
CCenRepNotifyHandler* iCenRepChangeNotifier;
RArray<TCalenInstanceId> iMissedAlarmList;
TVwsViewId iPreviousToMissedAlarmView;
TVwsViewId iPreviousToMissedEventView;
TUint32 iMissedAlarmsCount;
TBool iLaunchedFromIdle;
TBool iViewerLaunchedFromIdle; // For opening alarm through MSK.
TInt iOrigWGPos; // original window group position
TInt iOrigWGPrio; // original window group priority
CCalenContextFWListener* iContextFWListener; //Context Framework handler
TUid iPreviousToEventViewUid; // getting the view id previous to event view.
// End of file