Fixed another "extra qualification" error.
* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Calendar notifier
#include <e32hashtab.h> // RHashSet
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h> // MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
#include <calennotificationhandler.h> // MCalenNotificationHandler
#include <calprogresscallback.h> // MCalProgressCallBack
#include <calfilechangenotification.h> // MCalFileChangeObserver
#include "calendbchangenotifier.h" // MCalenDBChangeObserver
#include "calencontextchangeobserver.h" // MCalenContextChangeObserver
#include "calenecomchangeobserver.h" // MCalenEComChangeObserver
class CCalenGlobalData; // Calendar global data singleton
class CEnvironmentChangeNotifier; // Receive system event notifications
class CCalenDbChangeNotifier; // Receive database change notifications
class CCalenEComWatcher; // Receives Ecom registry change notifications
class CCalenSetting; // Calendar settings
class CCalenController;
class CCalFileChangeInfo;
* CCalenNotifier observes various system events relevent to Calendar
* MCalenNotificationHandlers can register for notifications of specific
* events. This minimises the number of event observers required
* throughout the Calendar application.
class CCalenNotifier : public CBase,
public MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback,
public MCalenDBChangeObserver,
public MCalProgressCallBack,
public MCalenContextChangeObserver,
public MCalenEComChangeObserver,
public MCalFileChangeObserver
* C++ default Constructor
CCalenNotifier( CCalenController& aController );
* 2nd phase of construction.
void ConstructL();
* Destructor
virtual ~CCalenNotifier();
* Allows MCalenNotificationHandlers to register for system event
* notifications
* @param aHandler Handler to register
* @param aFlag Notification of events to notify aHandler about
void RegisterForNotificationsL( MCalenNotificationHandler* aHandler,
TCalenNotification aNotification );
* Allows MCalenNotificationHandlers to register for system event
* notifications
* @param aHandler Handler to register
* @param aFlags Array of notifications to notify aHandler about
void RegisterForNotificationsL( MCalenNotificationHandler* aHandler,
RArray<TCalenNotification>& aNotifications );
* Allows MCalenNotificationHandlers to cancel system event
* notifications
* @param aHandler Handler to deregister
void CancelNotifications( MCalenNotificationHandler* aHandler );
* Notify all interested handlers about an event
* @param aNotification Notification to broadcast
void BroadcastNotification( TCalenNotification aNotification );
* Notify all interested handlers about an event
* @param aNotification Notification to broadcast
void BroadcastApprovedNotification( TCalenNotification aNotification );
* Check if the system time changed since Calendar was
* last launched
TInt SystemTimeChangedL();
* After calling this function, any settings changed notifications
* will not be broadcast until after ResumeSettingsNotifications
* has been called.
void DeferSettingsNotifications();
* Resumes settings notifications after they have been paused
* with DeferSettingsNotifications.
void ResumeSettingsNotifications();
* Update the cenrep with latest system time change information
void UpdateSytemTimeChangeInfoL();
* From MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback.
* Notification of any change to the Calendar central repository
* where the main Calendar settings are stored
* @param aId Id of the cenrep key that changed
void HandleNotifyGeneric( TUint32 aId );
* From MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback.
* Notification of central repository observer failure.
void HandleNotifyError( TUint32 aId,
TInt aError,
CCenRepNotifyHandler* aHandler );
* From MCalenDBChangeObserver.
* Notification of any change to the Calendar database through an
* external CCalSession.
* Notifications are limited to a maximum of one per second
void HandleDBChangeL();
* From MCalenContextChangeObserver.
* Called when the context changes.
void ContextChanged();
* From MCalenEComChangeObserver
* Called by when the ecom registry gets changed.
void EComChanged();
* @brief From MCalFileChangeObserver
* The callback that will recieve 1 or more file change notifications
* @param aCalendarInfoChangeEntries Holds the information about the
* calendar info changes
void CalendarInfoChangeNotificationL(
RPointerArray<CCalFileChangeInfo>& aCalendarInfoChangeEntries);
* From MCallProgressCallBack
* Called when CCalEntryView creation is complete.
* @param aStatus completion status
void Completed( TInt aStatus );
* From MCallProgressCallBack
* Not used by this class
void Progress( TInt aPercentageCompleted );
* From MCallProgressCallBack
* Returns EFalse to disable progress notifications
TBool NotifyProgress();
private: // Callback functions from observers
* Called from CEnvironmentChangeNotifier when the
* system environment changes
* @param aThisPtr self pointer
* @return EFalse
static TInt EnvChangeCallbackL( TAny* aThisPtr );
* Broadcasts the given notification.
* @param aNotification Notification id to be broadcasted
void DoBroadcast( TCalenNotification aNotification );
TInt DoEnvChange();
static TInt AsyncRemoveCalendarL(TAny* aThisPtr);
void AsyncRemoveCalendarL();
private: // Data
// Array of handlers to notify
class TNotificationHandler
RHashSet<TCalenNotification> iHashSet;
MCalenNotificationHandler* iHandler;
RArray<TNotificationHandler> iHandlers;
// Notifications about locale and time changes
CEnvironmentChangeNotifier* iEnvChangeNotifier;
// Notifications about Calendar settings changes
CRepository* iRepository;
CCenRepNotifyHandler* iCenRepChangeNotifier;
// Calendar Global Data singleton
CCalenGlobalData* iGlobalData;
// Notifications about changes to the ECom registry
CCalenEComWatcher* iEComWatcher;
// CCalenEComWatcher* iEComWatcher1;
RArray<TCalenNotification> iBroadcastQueue;
TBool iBroadcastActive;
CCalenDbChangeNotifier* iDbChangeNotifier;
CCalenSetting* iSetting;
TBool iIsSettingsBroadcastDeferred;
TBool iSettingsNeedsBroadcast;
TBool iLocaleNeedsBroadcast;
CCalenController& iController;
TBool iIgnoreFirstLocaleChange;
// latest time change from agenda server
TReal iTimeOfChangeUtcReal;
CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallback;
HBufC* iFilnameDeleted;
// End of file