Fixed another "extra qualification" error.
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: List Box Model class for Calendar Day view
#include "calendaycontainer.h"
#include "CalendarVariant.hrh"
#include <AknLayout2Def.h>
#include <AknUtils.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <calenservices.h>
class CCalInstance;
class CCalInstanceView;
class CCalEntry;
* UI level model of Calendar day view list box data.
* Contains list data formatted to Series 60 list data string representation.
* Currently class is first refactoring step to remove data model
* code from container class. It is not yet a true list box model class.
* It doesn't implement necessary interfaces so that it could be directly
* given to list box class.
* @lib
* @since 2.0
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCalenDayListBoxModel ) : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CCalenDayListBoxModel* NewL( const CCalenDayContainer* aDayContainer );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCalenDayListBoxModel();
public: // New functions
* ?member_description.
* @since ?Series60_version
* @param ?arg1 ?description
* @return ?description
CDesCArrayFlat* ItemTextArray();
* ?member_description.
* @since ?Series60_version
* @param ?arg1 ?description
* @return ?description
void CreateListBoxDataL(
CArrayFixFlat<CCalenDayContainer::SItemInfo>& aLayoutTable,
CArrayFixFlat<TInt>& aCellArray,
MCalenServices& aServices,
TTime aCurrentDay);
void UpdateLayoutValues( TInt aLayoutVariant, TBool aMidnightVisualization = EFalse);
private: // private constructors
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL( const CCalenDayContainer *aDayContainer );
private: // Helper functions
void GetEntryTextDataL(CCalEntry& aEntry, TDes& aBuf) const;
void LimitStartAndEndTime(TTime& aCurrentDay,
TTime& aStart,
TTime& aEnd);
void InsertTimeL(TDes& aBuf, const TTime& aTime);
enum TTimeStringFormat
void InsertTimeL(TDes& aBuf, const TTime& aTime, const TTimeStringFormat aInsert = EInsertTimeGiven);
void InsertHyphenL(TDes& aBuf, const TTime& aStart, const TTime& aEnd);
void InsertHyphen(TDes& aBuf, const TTime& aStart, const TTime& aEnd);
TInt LastLineWidthL(TInt aWidth, CCalEntry& aEntry) const;
HBufC* WrapTextL( CCalEntry& aEntry,
CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC>& aLineArray ) const;
/* Returns either ETime12 or ETime24 */
TTimeFormat TimeFormat() const;
* Forms a descriptor for "start time cell" in meeting's
* dialog line
* Format (western UI layouts):
* 12hFmt: "\t\<ArrowIconUnicode><FormattedStartTime>"
* 24hFmt: "\t\<ArrowIconUnicode>24 "
* Format (mirrored UI layouts):
* 12hFmt: "\t<FormattedStartTime><ArrowIconUnicode>"
* 24hFmt: "\t24 \<ArrowIconUnicode>"
* <ArrowIconUnicode> is appended only if meeting starts
* before the focused date in Day View.
* <ArrowIconUnicode> is KUnicodeRightwardsArrow for western layouts
* <ArrowIconUnicode> is KUnicodeLeftwardsArrow for arabic/hebrew
* <FormattedStartTime>: start time formatted with R_QTN_TIME_USUAL_WITH_ZERO
* and converted into arabic-indic digits/european digits
* @param aBuf: whose contents will hold the output string
* @param aStartTime: start time of the meeting
* @param aFocusedTime: the date & time the meeting is shown
void InsertStartTimeL(TDes& aBuf, const TTime& aStartTime,
const TTime& aFocusedTime);
* Forms a descriptor for "end time cell" in meeting's
* dialog line
* Format (western UI layouts):
* 12hFmt: "\t<FormattedEndTime><ArrowIconUnicode>"
* 24hFmt: "\t24 \<ArrowIconUnicode>"
* Format (mirrored UI layouts):
* 12hFmt: "\t\<ArrowIconUnicode><FormattedEndTime>"
* 24hFmt: "\t\<ArrowIconUnicode>24 "
* <ArrowIconUnicode> is appended only if meeting ends
* after the focused date in Day View.
* <ArrowIconUnicode> is KUnicodeRightwardsArrow for western layouts
* <ArrowIconUnicode> is KUnicodeLeftwardsArrow for arabic/hebrew
* <FormattedEndTime>: end time formatted with R_QTN_TIME_USUAL_WITH_ZERO
* and converted into arabic-indic digits/european digits
* @param aBuf: whose contents will hold the output string
* @param aEndTime: End Time of the meeting
* @param aFocusedTime: the date & time the meeting is shown
void InsertEndTimeL(TDes& aBuf, const TTime& aEndTime,
const TTime& aFocusedTime);
* Returns the unicode value of arrow
* @param aMirroredLayout: ETrue if arabic/hebrew etc, EFalse otherwise
* @return a desc containing "\x2192" if western layout
* @return a desc containing "\x2190" if mirrored layout
const TDesC& GetArrowIndicator(const TBool aMirroredLayout);
* Returns a formatted descriptor for start time
* @param aFocusedTime: DD/MM/YY @ hh:mm:ss of the day in day view
* @return a dec containing " 00" if 24 hr format is used
* @return a dec containing 12 hr format of DD/MM/YY @ 00:00:00
const TDesC& GetFormattedStartTimeL(const TTime& aFocusedTime);
* Returns a formatted descriptor for end time
* @param aFocusedTime: DD/MM/YY @ hh:mm:ss of the day in day view
* @return a dec containing "24 " if 24 hr format is used
* @return a dec containing 12 hr format of DD+1/MM/YY @ 00:00:00
const TDesC& GetFormattedEndTimeL(const TTime& aFocusedTime);
* checks if meeting starts before the day it is shown
* @param aFocusedTime: DD/MM/YY @ hh:mm:ss of the day in day view
* @param aStartTime: start time of the meeting
* @return ETrue if aStartTime < DD/MM/YY @ 00:00:00
* @return EFalse otherwise
TBool StartsBeforeFocusedDay(const TTime& aStartTime, const TTime& aFocusedTime);
* checks if meeting ends after the day it is shown
* @param aFocusedTime: DD/MM/YY @ hh:mm:ss of the day in day view
* @param aEndTime: End Time of the meeting
* @return ETrue if aEndTime > DD+1/MM/YY @ 00:00:00
* @return EFalse otherwise
TBool EndsAfterFocusedDay(const TTime& aEndTime, const TTime& aFocusedTime);
* @brief Find calendarinfo object based on calendar name
* @param aName calendar filename
* @param aCalendarInfo referance for calendarinfo
* @return TBool find status
static TBool CalendarInfoIdentifierL(const HBufC* aName,
const CCalCalendarInfo& aCalendarInfo);
private: // Data
TAknLayoutRect iGfxA;
TAknLayoutText iTextA;
TAknLayoutText iTextB;
TAknLayoutText iTextC;
TAknLayoutRect iIconA;
TAknLayoutRect iIconB;
// List box data model.
CDesCArrayFlat* iItemTextArray; // Own.
// Time format strings
HBufC* iTimeFormat;
// either will contain 12 hr or 24 hr format
TBuf<50> iFormattedStartTime;
TBuf<50> iFormattedEndTime;
TLocale iLocale; // System locale
// LAF values
SDayViewLaf iLaf;
// not own.
const CCalenDayContainer* iDayContainer;
// End of File