Fixed another "extra qualification" error.
* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Month View container control.
#include <eiklbo.h>
#include "calencontainer.h"
#include "calenmonthdata.h" // CMonthDataArray is typedef
#include <e32std.h>
class CAknGrid;
class CAknIconArray;
class CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext;
class CCalInstance;
class CCalenMonthGrid;
class CCalenMonthView;
class CEikLabel;
class TAknLayoutRect;
class CCalenPreview;
* Month View container control
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCalenMonthContainer ) : public CCalenContainer,
public MEikListBoxObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* C++ constructor.
CCalenMonthContainer( CCalenNativeView* aView,
TTime& aDate,
MCalenServices& aServices );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCalenMonthContainer();
* Create icon indices for month view
void CreateIconIndicesL( RArray<MCalenServices::TCalenIcons>& aIndexArray );
public: // New Function
* Called when Midnight cross over
* Redraw today's indicator
void ChangesMidnightCrossover();
* Initilizes grid data.
void InitDataForMonthL();//const TTime& aNewActiveDay);
* Population step with no instance view.
* Step 1 of construction of grid data.
void PrepareForPopulationL();
* Populates data from agenda server and sets number of notes.
* Step 2 of construction of grid data.
void PopulateWithInstanceViewL();
* Set event indicator to each day.
* Step 3 of construction of grid data.
void SetIndicatorL();
* Sets the current focus.
* Step 4 of construction of grid data.
void SetFocusL();
* Sets the current focus.
* Step 5 of construction of grid data.
void CompletePopulationL();
* Get the available info bar rect for this container
TRect InfoBarRectL( TBool aToolbarAvailable );
* Handle navigation decorator event
* @param left or right
void HandleNaviDecoratorEventL(TInt aDirection);
void HandleLongTapEventL( const TPoint& aPenEventLocation,
const TPoint& aPenEventScreenLocation );
void HidePopup();
void RedrawPreviewPane();
private: // New function
* Set iActiveDay to argument's aDay,
* and also set context's active day too.
* And re-calculate first day of grid.
* @param aDay New active day
void SetActiveDayL( TTime aDay );
* Return a day from Grid index
* @param aIndex Grid index
* @return Real day
TTime DayOfIndex( TInt aIndex );
* Sets cursor to Active day
void SetCursorToActiveDay();
* Month grid cells setup method
* @param aListBox CAknGrid
void ApplySelGridGraphicStyleL( CAknGrid& aListBox );
* Change Active Day and Data.
void ChangeMonthL();
void HandleDayChangeL(TTime aNewActiveDay);
* Icon column setting for CAknGrid
* @param aListBox Set a Grid
* @param aIndex Cell index
* @param aP1 Cell top-left
* @param aSize Cell size
void SetupSelgridFormBitmapCellL(CAknGrid& aListBox, TInt aIndex,
TPoint aP1, TSize aSize);
* Drawing days of the week.
* @param aGc Graphic context
void DrawColLabel(CWindowGc& aGc, TBool aUseWeeks = ETrue) const;
* Drawing week numbers.
* @param aGc Graphic context
void DrawRowLabel(CWindowGc& aGc) const;
* Set Date(1-28,29,30,31) to iData.
* Part of step 1 of construction of grid data
void SetDateL();
TInt GridIndex() const;
CCalenMonthView& MonthView() const;
static TInt EntryTimeCompare(const CCalInstance& aInstance_1,
const CCalInstance& aInstance_2);
void HandleWeekNumberTapL(const TPoint &aPosition);
TBool UseWeeks() const;
TBool UseWeeksL() const;
enum TMonthLayoutVariant
ENoLayoutVariantSet = 0,
* Container can request current variant layout index
TInt LayoutVariantIndex(TMonthLayoutVariant aLayout) const;
private: // From CCalenContainer
* From CCalenContainer Date cahnge operation notification handler.
* (i.e. GotoDate).
void NotifyChangeDateL();
private: // From CCoeControl
* From CCoeControl return number of components
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
* From CCoeControl retrun the component specified by aIndex
CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
* From CCoeControl processing of a key event
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType);
* From CCoeControl Handle pointer event
void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
* From CCoeControl drawing month view
void Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const;
* Pass skin information if needed.
TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId);
* From CCoeControl Gets help context
* @param aContext Help context
void GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext& aContext) const;
* From CCoeControl Resizes child controls
void SizeChanged();
void FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow );
* From CCoeControl Handles a resource relative event
void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
private: // From CCalenContainer
* From CCalenContainer Third phase constructor.
* This function was called CCalenView::ConstructL().
void ConstructImplL();
Constructs heading/side/background skin context if enabled
void ConstructBackgroundContextL();
* From CCalenContainer.
* This methods is called after calendar settings have changed.
* Implementation for month view without week numbers.
void UpdateSize();
* Handles list box events.
* This function is invoked by CEikListBox to
* notify the observer of list box events.
* @param aListBox The originating list box.
* @param aEventType A code for the event. Further information
* may be obtained by accessing the list box itself.
void HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType );
private: // own methods
// just a wrapper for leaves
void DoSizeChangedL();
// just a wrapper for leaves
static TInt DoEntryTimeCompareL( const CCalInstance& aInstance_1,
const CCalInstance& aInstance_2 );
TKeyResponse HandleAttemptToMoveL( TUint aKeyCode );
private: // New variables
* This enumeration index should match
enum TIconIndex
EIconNull = -1, // ENoEvent
EIconMany, // EManyEvents
enum TCompareResult
EEqual = 0, // 1. == 2.
ELessThan = -1, // 1. < 2.
EGreaterThan = 1 // 1. > 2.
CCalenMonthGrid* iGrid; // date's grid
CMonthDataArray* iMonthDataArray;
TTime iFirstDayOfGrid;
TInt iTempMonth; // for short cut to go to a month
TBuf<16> iDayFormat;
CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext* iBackgroundSkinContext;
MCalenPreview* iPreview;
// View specific data, references to views data
TTime& iDate;
TTime iOldFirstDayOfGrid;
TBool iChangeMonth;
TBool iNativePreview;
// End of File