author Stefan Karlsson <>
Mon, 29 Mar 2010 20:02:13 +0100
changeset 16 7bb9df301388
parent 0 f979ecb2b13e
child 13 0f07cd1b5772
child 18 c198609911f9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed another "extra qualification" error.

* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:   This class is the base class of all Calendar views.



#include <calentry.h>
//#include <aknview.h>
#include <calenview.h>
#include "CalendarVariant.hrh"
#include "calensetting.h"

#include <aiwcommon.h>

#include <calennotificationhandler.h>

class CCalenContainer;
class CCalInstance;
class CCalEntry;
class MCalenModelChangeHandler;
class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
class CAknNavigationDecorator;
class CAknWaitDialog;

class CAknToolbar;

class CCnvCharacterSetConverter;
class MCalenServices;
class CCalenStatusPaneUtils;

class CAiwServiceHandler;


 *  CCalenNativeView
 *  This class is the base class of all Calendar views.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCalenNativeView ) : public CCalenView,
                                        public MCalenNotificationHandler
                                       ,public MAiwNotifyCallback

public:  // Constructors and destructor
     * Destructor.
    virtual ~CCalenNativeView();

public:  // New functions
     * This function is called when Locale or Today was chenged.
     * @param aReason Notify reason EChangesLocale |
     *                              EChangesMidnightCrossover
    virtual void OnLocaleChangedL(TInt aReason)=0;
     * This function is called when Editor/Viewer is closed
    virtual void OnEditorClosedL();

     * Set date to Status pane. Default implementation does nothing.
     * @param aTime it will be refrect to StatusPane
    virtual void SetStatusPaneFromActiveContextL();
     * Return container control pointer.
     * @return Container control pointer
    CCalenContainer* Container();

     * Change NoteView.
    //void OnCmdChangeNoteViewL();

     * Handling command "Go to day"
    void OnCmdGotoDateL();
     * Handling command "Today". # key is pressed.
    void OnCmdGotoTodayL();

     * Starts repopulation again.
    void BeginRepopulationL();

     * Process "Send As"
     * @param aCommand command to be handled
    void DoSendAsL(TInt aCommand);

     * Redraw status pane when Form is closed
    virtual void RedrawStatusPaneL() = 0;

     * Notified that the focus of Container changes.
    void NotifyFocusChanged();

     * Is container focused?
     * @return If value is ETrue, container has focus
    TBool IsContainerFocused();

    void ShowValidScrollButtons(CAknNavigationDecorator& iNaviLabel,
                                const TTime& aRangeStart,
                                const TTime& aRangeEnd);

     * Set CBA from resources.
     * @param aCbaResourceId is id of CBA resource
    void SetCbaL(TInt aCbaResourceId);

    //void EditEntryL( CCalEntry *aEntry, const TTime& aInstanceDate );

     * Returns an array of abbreviated day names (MO, TU etc.)
    const CDesCArrayFlat& AbbreviatedDayArrayL();
     * Returns ETrue whenever editor is active or whenever fake exit is active 
     * Used to hide the preview popup
    TBool IsEditorActiveOrFasterAppExit();
     * Set fasterappflag whenever fake exit is done
    void SetFasterAppActive( TBool aFasterAppActive );
     * Set editor active flag
    void SetEditorActive(TBool aEditorActive);
     * @brief Checks if any command is being handled
     * @return ETrue if some command is being handled, EFalse otherwise
    TBool IsCommandHandlingInProgress();
     * @brief Marks that a command is being processed currently
     * @param aInProgress ETrue if the command is being handled, EFalse otherwise
    void SetCommandHandlingInProgress( TBool aInProgress );
     * @brief Checks if any command is being handled
     * @param aServices Reference to the calendar services.
     * @param aCollectionIds Out parameter.
    static void GetActiveCollectionidsL( 
            MCalenServices& aServices, 
            RArray< TInt >& aCollectionIds );


     * Returns Service Handler if available
    CAiwServiceHandler* ServiceHandler();

     * Releases service handler and unloads loaded plugins
    void ReleaseServiceHandler();

     * Create service handler if needed.
     * it will also attach to menu services if needed
    void CreateServiceHandlerL(TBool aAttachMenu);

    * Handles notifications caused by an asynchronous Execute*CmdL call
    * or an event.
    * @param aCmdId The service command associated to the event.
    * @param aEventId Occured event, see AiwCommon.hrh.
    * @param aEventParamList Event parameters, if any, as defined per
    *        each event.
    * @param aInParamList Input parameters, if any, given in the
    *        related HandleCommmandL.
    * @return Error code for the callback.
    TInt HandleNotifyL(TInt aCmdId,TInt aEventId,CAiwGenericParamList& aEventParamList,const CAiwGenericParamList& aInParamList);

     * Returns ETrue if wait note for multiple entry delete is currently shown.
    TBool ExtCalendarAvailableL();


public: // From CCalenView
    void RemoveViewsFromCycle( RArray<TInt>& aViews );
    void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aHelpContext );
    TAny* CalenViewExtensionL( TUid aExtensionUid );

public: // From MCalenDBChangeObserver
    void HandleDBChangeL();

public: // From MCalenNotificationHandler
    void HandleNotification( const TCalenNotification aNotification );

public:    // from MEikMenuObserver
    void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);
     * From CAknView. Command handling for each view
     * @param aCommand command id
    void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
    * @brief From MEikMenuObserver. Dynamically initializes the menubar.
    * @see MEikMenuObserver.
    void DynInitMenuBarL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuBar* aMenuBar );

protected:  // New functions
     * C++ constructor.
    CCalenNativeView( MCalenServices& aServices );

     * 2nd phase construction common to all Calendar views.
    void CommonConstructL( TInt aViewResource );
     * Second phase DoActivateL
    virtual void DoActivateImplL( const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
                                  TUid aCustomMessageId,
                                  const TDesC8& aCustomMessage) = 0;
     * Second phase DoDeactivate
    virtual void DoDeactivateImpl() = 0;

     * Creates container control for each views
    virtual CCalenContainer* CreateContainerImplL() = 0;
     * Notify marked entryy deleted.
     * Used to notify the todo view
    virtual void NotifyMarkedEntryDeletedL(){ };

     * Notify marked entryy deleted.
     * Used to notify the todo view
    virtual void NotifyMarkedEntryCompletedL(){ };    

     * Clears view specific data
    virtual void ClearViewSpecificDataL()=0;

     * Update date form context when entry is saved
    virtual void UpdateDateFromContextL(){ };
     * Updates preview pane whenever application comes to foreground
    virtual void UpdatePreviewPaneL(){ };
     * Hides the preview pane whenever application goes to background
     * or whenever fake exit is done
    virtual void HidePreviewPane(){ };

private:    // New Functions
     * A container control is created.
    void CreateContainerL();

     * Prcess "Send As"
     * @param aCommand command to be handled
    void DoSendAsImplL(TInt aCommand);

private:    // From CAknView
     * From CAknView View activation handler
    void DoActivateL(   const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
                        TUid aCustomMessageId,
                        const TDesC8& aCustomMessage);
     * From CAknView View deactivation handler
    void DoDeactivate();

protected:  // Data
    CCalenContainer*                iContainer;
    MCalenModelChangeHandler*       iHandler;
    CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviContainer; // cache
    TInt                            iLocChangeReason;
    MCalenServices&                 iServices; // not owned.
    TBool                           iNeedsRefresh;

    CAknToolbar *iToolbar;  // not owned

    HBufC* iMenuName; // localised name of view for change view menu. Owned.
    HBufC* iSettingsName; // localised name of view for default view setting. Owned.
    CCalenStatusPaneUtils* iSPUtils;  // owned, status pane utils


    CAiwServiceHandler* iServiceHandler;    // own

private:  // Data
    CDesCArrayFlat* iAbbreviatedDayArray; 
    TBool iFasterAppActive;
    TBool iIsEditorActive;
    TBool iIsBackgrounded;
     * @var iCommandProcessing
     * @brief ETrue if some command handling is under progress, EFalse otherwise
    TBool iCommandProcessing;


// End of File