Fixed another "extra qualification" error.
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: The model part of popup.
#include "CalendarVariant.hrh"
#include "calenpreviewlabel.h"
#include <coelayoutman.h>
#include <AknUtils.h>
class MCoeLayoutManager;
class CCoeControl;
class CCalenPreview;
//class CCalenPreviewLabel;
class TAknLayoutRect;
class TAknTextLineLayout;
class CFont;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCalenPreviewLayoutManager ) : public MCoeLayoutManager
static CCalenPreviewLayoutManager* NewL(CCalenPreview* aPreview);
void ConstructL();
CCalenPreviewLayoutManager(CCalenPreview* aPreview);
// Member functions from MCoeLayoutManager
void AttachL(CCoeControl &aCompoundControl);
void Detach(CCoeControl &aCompoundControl);
void PerformLayout();
void HandleAddedControlL(const CCoeControl &aCompoundControl,
const CCoeControl &aAddedControl);
void HandleRemovedControl(const CCoeControl &aCompoundControl,
const CCoeControl &aRemovedControl);
void SetTextBaselineSpacing(TInt aBaselineSpacing);
TBool CanAttach() const;
TSize CalcMinimumSize(const CCoeControl &aCompoundControl) const;
TInt TextBaselineSpacing() const;
TInt HandleControlReplaced(const CCoeControl &aOldControl,
const CCoeControl &aNewControl);
TInt CalcTextBaselineOffset(const CCoeControl &aCompoundControl,
const TSize &aSize) const;
// New member functions
TBool UsePreview();
TRect ReducePreview(TRect aRect);
TSize MinimumSize();
void SetLinesUsed(TInt aLinesUsed);
void SetContainerLayout();
TInt LineCount();
TInt LastLineWidth() const;
TInt EmptyLineWidth() const;
TInt TitleLineWidth() const;
TInt FirstLineWidth() const;
TInt MiddleLineWidth() const;
TInt PluginLineWidth() const;
const CFont* LineFont()const;
const CFont* TitleFont()const;
const CFont* PluginFont()const;
TInt Orientation();
void LayoutPluginControlL(CCoeControl& aControl);
void PerformPopupLayout();
void PerformPreviewLayout();
void UpdateLayoutData();
TRect StatusPane();
TRect ApplicationWindow();
TInt iLinesUsed;
CCoeControl* iContainer; // not owned
TAknLayoutText iTitleLine;
TAknLayoutText iFirstLine;
TAknLayoutText iMiddleLine;
TAknLayoutText iLastLine;
TAknLayoutText iEmptyLine;
TAknLayoutText iPluginLine;
CCalenPreview* iPreview;