Fixed another "extra qualification" error.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Used in creating the folders for the content classes and the corresponding results.
//System Includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32des16.h>
//User Includes
#include "srchuicommondefines.h"
#include "srchuifolderfileif.h"
class CSrchUiResFolder;
class CSearchLightResult;
class CSearchIconInfo;
class CSearchResult;
* Class representing the search result's as folders.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CSrchUiResFolder ) : public CBase, public MSrchUiFolder
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Symbian OS 2 phased constructor.
* @return A pointer to the created instance of CSrchUiResFolder.
IMPORT_C static CSrchUiResFolder* NewL();
* Symbian OS 2 phased constructor.
* @return A pointer to the created instance of CSrchUiResFolder.
IMPORT_C static CSrchUiResFolder* NewLC();
* Symbian OS 2 phased constructor.
* @param aParentFolder Pointer to the parent folder.
* @return A pointer to the created instance of CSrchUiResFolder.
IMPORT_C static CSrchUiResFolder* NewL(
CSrchUiResFolder* aParentFolder );
* Symbian OS 2 phased constructor.
* @param aParentFolder Pointer to the parent folder.
* @return A pointer to the created instance of CSrchUiResFolder.
IMPORT_C static CSrchUiResFolder* NewLC(
CSrchUiResFolder* aParentFolder );
* Destructor
IMPORT_C ~CSrchUiResFolder();
public: // New functions (Getters and setters)
* From MSrchUiFolder.
* Getter for the folder name.
* @return Reference to the folder name.
const TDesC& GetFolderName() const;
* From MSrchUiFolder.
* Setter for the folder name.
* @param aName The new folder name.
void SetFolderNameL( const TDesC& aName );
* From MSrchUiFolder
* Returns the subfolder, knowing the (child) folder index.
* @param aIndex Index of the subfolder.
* @return Pointer to the subfolder.
MSrchUiFolder* GetSubFolder( TInt aIndex );
* From MSrchUiFolder
* Returns the subfolder index knowing the (child) subfolder pointer.
* @param aFolder Pointer to the subfolder.
* @return The index of the subfolder pointed to.
* KErrNotFound if the sub-folder was not found.
TInt GetSubFolderIndex( MSrchUiFolder* aFolder );
* From MSrchUiFolder
* Getter for the parent folder.
* @return Pointer to the parent folder.
MSrchUiFolder* GetParentFolder();
* From MSrchUiFolder.
* Retuns the light result, knowing the child index.
* @param aIndex Index of the file.
* @return Pointer to the light result.
IMPORT_C CSearchLightResult* GetResult( TInt aIndex );
* From MSrchUiFolder.
* Retuns the number of (child) subfolders.
* @return The number of subfolders.
TInt GetSubFoldersCount() const;
* From MSrchUiFolder.
* Returns the number of ALL (child) subfolders. This means that folders
* inside folders
* are added to the count.
* @return The number of all subfolders.
TInt GetAllSubFoldersCount() const;
* From MSrchUiFolder.
* Retuns the number of light results
* @return The number of light results
TInt GetResultsCount() const;
* From MSrchUiFolder.
* Retuns the number of ALL (child) files. This means that files
* inside folders
* are added to the count.
* @return The number of all light results
IMPORT_C TInt GetAllResultsCount() const;
public: // New functions
* Get current folder's folders.
* @return Reference to the subfolders.
IMPORT_C void SubFolders(RPointerArray<CSrchUiResFolder>& aFolders);
* Get light results
* @return Reference to the light results
IMPORT_C RPointerArray<CSearchLightResult>& Results();
* Get heavy results
* @return Reference to the heavy results
IMPORT_C RPointerArray<CSearchResult>& HeavyResults();
* Set folder's subfolders
* @param aFolders pointer to name folders
IMPORT_C void AddChildL( CSrchUiResFolder* aFolders );
* Set folder's light results
* @param aResults pointer to light results
IMPORT_C void AddChildFileL( CSearchLightResult* aResults );
IMPORT_C void AddChildFileL( CSearchResult* aResults );
* Set folder's content type
* @param aContentType reference to content type
IMPORT_C void SetContentClassType( const TUid& aContentType );
* Get folder's content type
* @return reference to content type
IMPORT_C const TUid& ContentClassType() const;
* Set folder's content type
* @param aContentType reference to content type
IMPORT_C void SetContentFolderType( const TUid& aContentType );
* Get folder's content type
* @return reference to content type
IMPORT_C const TUid& ContentFolderType() const;
* Reset subfolders
IMPORT_C void ResetAndDestroy();
* Set icon info of the current folder
* @param aIconInfo icon info to be set
IMPORT_C void SetIconInfo( const CSearchIconInfo* aIconInfo );
* Get icon info of the current folder
* @return aIconInfo icon info
IMPORT_C const CSearchIconInfo* IconInfo() const;
* Retuns the heavy result, knowing the child index.
* @param aIndex Index of the file.
* @return Pointer to the heavy result
IMPORT_C CSearchResult* GetHeavyResult( TInt aIndex );
* Retuns the number of heavy results
* @return The number of heavy results
IMPORT_C TInt GetHeavyResultsCount();
* Reset all folders
IMPORT_C void ResetAllFolders();
* Retuns the number of heavy results
* @return The number of all heavy results
IMPORT_C TInt GetAllHeavyResultsCount() const;
private: // More constructors
* Performs the first phase of two phase construction.
* Performs the first phase of two phase construction.
* @param aParentFolder Pointer to the parent folder.
CSrchUiResFolder( CSrchUiResFolder* aParentFolder );
* Performs the second phase of two phase construction.
void ConstructL();
private: //Data
* Folder's name
HBufC* iName;
* Array of pointers to subfolders
RPointerArray<CSrchUiResFolder> iFolders;
* Array of pointers to light results
RPointerArray<CSearchLightResult> iLightResults;
* Array of pointers to heavy results
RPointerArray<CSearchResult> iHeavyResults;
* Each folder represenst a search content
* type and therefore the unique ID.
TUid iContentClass;
TUid iContentFolder;
* Pointer to parent folder
CSrchUiResFolder* iParentFolder;
* Icon Info of the folder
const CSearchIconInfo* iIconInfo;
public: //Data
* Search status
TSearchStatus iSearchStatus;
* Current searched item
TInt iCurrentSearchedItem;
* The number of already searched items
TInt iTotalItemsToBeSearched;
// End of File