// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __CALTESTLIB_H__
#define __CALTESTLIB_H__
#include <badesca.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <hal.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <calprogresscallback.h>
#include <calentry.h>
#include <coreappstest/testserver.h>
#include <caldataexchange.h>
#include <asclisession.h>
#include <asshdalarm.h>
class CCalSession;
class CCalEntry;
class CCalEntryView;
class CCalInstance;
class CCalInstanceView;
class CCalIter;
_LIT8(KDefaultTimeZone, "Europe/London");
_LIT(KCalTestLibMutex, "CalTestLib_GlobalMutex");
class CCalDataExchange;
class CSetTimezone : public CActive
static CSetTimezone* NewL(const TDesC8& aZoneId, RPIMTestServer* aPIMTestServer);
void Start();
// from CActive
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aZoneId, RPIMTestServer* aPIMTestServer);
RPIMTestServer* iPIMTestServer; // Not owned
HBufC8* iZoneId;
TInt8 iStep;
/** This is the Calendar Test Library class for Unit testing
class CCalTestLibrary : public CBase, public MCalProgressCallBack
// Implementation of MCalProgressCallBack interface
void Progress(TInt /*aPercentageCompleted*/);
void Completed(TInt /*aError*/);
TBool NotifyProgress();
// Constructor / Destructor
// In its destructor, the current opened calendar file will be closed and deleted
IMPORT_C ~CCalTestLibrary();
// To be used by most of test code, if it does not contains any asynchronous task.
// Use the following functions to create an object. It will start the alarm console alert server.
IMPORT_C static CCalTestLibrary* NewL(TBool aDelFileFlag=ETrue);
IMPORT_C static CCalTestLibrary* NewLC(TBool aDelFileFlag=ETrue);
// File handling
// Return a file handle.
IMPORT_C RFs& FileSession();
// Create a calendar file. It leaves if the file exists.
IMPORT_C void CreateFileL(const TDesC& aFileName);
// Create a calendar file. It will overwrite the existing file.
IMPORT_C void ReplaceFileL(const TDesC& aFileName);
// Open a calendar file.
IMPORT_C void OpenFileL(const TDesC& aFileName, TBool aDelFileFlag=EFalse);
// Delete either a file which is in server's private directory by default or any other file in public directory.
IMPORT_C void DeleteFileL(const TDesC& aFileName, TBool aIsCalFile = ETrue);
// Used to append the file to the delete list
IMPORT_C void RegisterCalFileL(const TDesC& aFileName);
// Create a calendar file. It leaves if the file exists.
IMPORT_C RPointerArray<CCalSession>& CreateCalSubSessionL(const TDesC& aFileName);
// Session and Views handling
// To be used by both synchronous and asynchronous test.
IMPORT_C CCalSession& GetSession();
// The following functions cause index building.
// They should be used by asynchronous test.
// There is no guarantee that the views are ready to use when the function returns.
// The test code should use the call back function to be notified when the building index is completed.
IMPORT_C CCalEntryView& AsynCGetEntryViewL();
IMPORT_C CCalInstanceView& AsynCGetInstanceViewL();
// The following functions cause index building.
// They should be used by synchronous test.
// The views are ready to be used when the function returns.
// Those two functions can be called as many times as you like.
IMPORT_C CCalEntryView& SynCGetEntryViewL();
IMPORT_C CCalInstanceView& SynCGetInstanceViewL();
// Delete entry and instance views
IMPORT_C void DeleteViews();
// Entry handling
// Create a GS entry. The uid of the entry will be filled with some random letters if aUid is NULL, otherwise, it use the uid specified.
IMPORT_C CCalEntry* CreateCalEntryL(CCalEntry::TType aType, HBufC8*& aUid);
// Set start and end time according to the type of the entry. It will set an random time its start\end time if it is not specified.
IMPORT_C static void SetEntryStartAndEndTimeL(CCalEntry* entry, const TTime& aStartTime=Time::NullTTime(), const TTime& aEndTime=Time::NullTTime(), TInt aYear = 2000);
// Fill the descriptor with some random letters.
IMPORT_C void RandomText(TDes& aText, TBool aPossibleNulDes = EFalse);
IMPORT_C void RandomText8(TDes8& aText,TBool aPossibleNulDes = EFalse);
IMPORT_C void CleanDatabaseL();
IMPORT_C CCalIter& GetIterL();
// Provide access to test server for time setting and file operations
IMPORT_C RPIMTestServer& PIMTestServer();
// Useful utility functions
IMPORT_C void StoreEntryL(const CCalEntry& aEntry);
IMPORT_C void FetchAllInstancesL(RPointerArray<CCalInstance>& aInstances);
IMPORT_C void OutputInstanceDataL(const RPointerArray<CCalInstance>& aInstances);
/* Import / Export utility functions */
IMPORT_C void CreateTestFileL(const TDesC8& aVCalData, const TDesC& aFileName);
IMPORT_C void ImportL(const TDesC& aImportVCalendarFile, RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntriesImported);
IMPORT_C void ImportL(const TDesC8& aVCalendar, RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntriesImported);
IMPORT_C void ExportL(const TDesC& aExportVCalendarFile, RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aEntriesExported);
IMPORT_C CCalDataExchange& DataExchangeL();
IMPORT_C CTestRegister& TestRegister();
IMPORT_C void SetTimeZoneL(const TDesC8& aZoneName);
//Used for closing the agenda serve
IMPORT_C void CloseAgendaServer();
IMPORT_C static void WaitForAgendaServerClose();
//Used for reconnecting the agnda server after it has been closed
IMPORT_C void ConnectAgendaServerL();
#if __WINS__
IMPORT_C static void StartAlarmServerL();
IMPORT_C TBool WaitForAlarmEvent(TAlarmId aAlarmId, TAlarmChangeEvent aExpectedEvent, TAlarmState aExpectedState, TInt aTimeout);
// Constructor
// To be used by derived classes.
IMPORT_C CCalTestLibrary(TBool aDelFileFlag=ETrue);
// BaseConstructL(), which starts the alarm console alert server, should be called in the constructor of the derived class.
// Typically, it is the case that the test contains some asynchronous behaviour.
IMPORT_C void BaseConstructL();
// No copy constructor and assignment operator
CCalTestLibrary(CCalTestLibrary& );
CCalTestLibrary& operator = (const CCalTestLibrary& );
void OpenCalendarSessionL(TBool aRefCountExists=ETrue);
void CloseCalendarSession(TBool aWaitForAgendaToClose=ETrue);
IMPORT_C void __dbgClearTzClientCacheL(TBool aRestartCaching);
// Member data
RPIMTestServer iPIMTestServer;
CCalSession* iSession;
CCalInstanceView* iInstanceView;
CCalEntryView* iEntryView;
CCalIter* iIter;
CCalDataExchange* iDataExchange;
CTestRegister* iTestRegister;
TInt64 iSeed;
RFs iFs;
RChunk iChunk;
TInt* iRefCount;
TInt iCompletedError;
CDesCArray* iFilesToDel;
TBool iDelFileFlag;
RMutex iChunkMutex;
RASCliSession iAlarmServer;
RPointerArray<CCalSession> iSubCalSessions;
/** Template class for cleanup that needs ResetAndDestroy or Reset to be called
To be used in the following way:
// array to store the loaded instances
RPointerArray<CCalInstance> instanceArray;
iTestLibrary->SynCGetInstanceViewL().FindInstanceL(instanceArray, CalCommon::EIncludeAll, timeRange);
template<class T> class CleanupResetAndDestroy
static inline void PushL(T& aRef);
static void ResetAndDestroy(TAny* aPtr);
// CleanupResetAndDestroy
template <class T> inline void CleanupResetAndDestroy<T>::PushL(T& aRef)
CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(&ResetAndDestroy, &aRef));
template <class T> void CleanupResetAndDestroy<T>::ResetAndDestroy(TAny *aPtr)
template <class T> inline void CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(T& aRef)
/** Performance timer measurement class
To be used in the following way:
static RTest test(_L("The test"));
TPerformanceTimer timer(test);
<blah blah>
// printout the time it took to do <blah blah>
class TPerformanceTimer
IMPORT_C TPerformanceTimer(RTest& aTest);
IMPORT_C void Start();
IMPORT_C void Stop();
IMPORT_C void PrintOut() const;
IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 ElapsedTime() const;
RTest& iTest;
TUint iStartTickCount;
TUint iEndTickCount;