Re-removed inclusion for Korean Lunar calendar, unintentionally restored along with CalDav support.
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This is the source file for the CClkUiAlarmModel class.
// System includes
#include <asclisession.h>
#include <almconst.h>
#include <wakeupalarm.h>
// User includes
#include "clkuimdlbase.h"
#include "clkuialarmmodel.h"
#include "clkuialarmlistener.h"
// Constants
// Literals
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::NewL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CClkUiAlarmModel* CClkUiAlarmModel::NewL( MClkModelObserver* aObserver,
TInt aListenerPriority )
CClkUiAlarmModel *self = new( ELeave ) CClkUiAlarmModel;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aObserver, aListenerPriority );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::~CClkUiAlarmModel
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CClkUiAlarmModel::~CClkUiAlarmModel()
// Stop the listener first and close the session with alarm server.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::ProcessListenerL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClkUiAlarmModel::ProcessListenerL( TInt aStatus )
if( ( KErrNone != aStatus ) &&
( KErrCancel != aStatus ) )
NotifyL( aStatus );
NotifyL( KErrNone );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::GetClkAlarmIds
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CClkUiAlarmModel::GetClkAlarmIds( RArray< TAlarmId >& aAlarmIds )
// Return the alarm ids of category clock.
TRAP_IGNORE( iAlarmSrvSes.GetAlarmIdListForCategoryL( KAlarmClockOne, aAlarmIds ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::DeleteClockAlarm
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CClkUiAlarmModel::DeleteClockAlarm( TAlarmId aAlarmId )
// Pass the request to the server.
TInt errorVal = iAlarmSrvSes.AlarmDelete( aAlarmId );
return errorVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::StopClockAlarm
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CClkUiAlarmModel::AlarmRemoveSnooze ( TAlarmId aAlarmId )
TInt returnVal( KErrNone );
SClkAlarmInfo alarmInfo;
returnVal = ClockAlarmInfo( aAlarmId, alarmInfo);
if ( returnVal != KErrNone )
return returnVal;
returnVal = iAlarmSrvSes.AlarmDelete( aAlarmId );
if ( returnVal != KErrNone )
return returnVal;
alarmInfo.iState = EAlarmStateInPreparation;
alarmInfo.iAlarmTime = alarmInfo.iOrigExpiryTime;
return ClockAlarmSet( alarmInfo );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmEnable
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmEnable( TAlarmId aAlarmId, TAlarmStatus aStatus )
TInt returnVal( KErrNone );
// If the alarm is enabled, we first disable it and then enable it.
if( EAlarmStatusEnabled == aStatus )
returnVal = iAlarmSrvSes.SetAlarmStatus( aAlarmId, EAlarmStatusDisabled );
if( KErrNone == returnVal )
returnVal = iAlarmSrvSes.SetAlarmStatus( aAlarmId, aStatus );
// If the request is to disable the alarm, we just do the same.
returnVal = iAlarmSrvSes.SetAlarmStatus( aAlarmId, aStatus );
return returnVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmStatus
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TAlarmStatus CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmStatus( TAlarmId aAlarmId ) const
TAlarmStatus alarmStatus;
// Pass the request to the server.
iAlarmSrvSes.GetAlarmStatus( aAlarmId, alarmStatus );
return alarmStatus;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmType
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmType( TAlarmCategory& aCategory, TAlarmId aAlarmId ) const
return ( iAlarmSrvSes.GetAlarmCategory( aAlarmId, aCategory ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmSet
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmSet( const SClkAlarmInfo& aAlarmInfo )
TASShdAlarm newAlarm;
// Build the alarm properties from the info provided.
newAlarm.Category() = KAlarmClockOne;
newAlarm.Message() = aAlarmInfo.iMessage;
newAlarm.OriginalExpiryTime() = aAlarmInfo.iAlarmTime;
newAlarm.RepeatDefinition() = aAlarmInfo.iRepeat;
newAlarm.SoundName() = aAlarmInfo.iSound;
newAlarm.NextDueTime() = aAlarmInfo.iAlarmTime;
// SSM related change.
newAlarm.SetWakeup( ETrue );
newAlarm.ClientFlags().Set( KWakeupAlarmFlagIndex );
TInt returnVal = iAlarmSrvSes.AlarmAdd( newAlarm );
if( KErrNone == returnVal )
iAlarmObject = newAlarm;
iAlarmId = newAlarm.Id();
return returnVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmInfo
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmInfo( TAlarmId aAlarmId, SClkAlarmInfo& aAlarmInfo ) const
TASShdAlarm tempAlarm;
if( !aAlarmId )
aAlarmInfo.iState = EAlarmStateInPreparation;
aAlarmInfo.iStatus = EAlarmStatusDisabled;
return KErrNone;
TInt returnVal = iAlarmSrvSes.GetAlarmDetails( aAlarmId, tempAlarm );
if( KErrNone == returnVal )
aAlarmInfo.iAlarmTime = tempAlarm.NextDueTime();
aAlarmInfo.iMessage = tempAlarm.Message();
aAlarmInfo.iOrigExpiryTime = tempAlarm.OriginalExpiryTime();
aAlarmInfo.iRepeat = tempAlarm.RepeatDefinition();
aAlarmInfo.iSound = tempAlarm.SoundName();
aAlarmInfo.iState = tempAlarm.State();
aAlarmInfo.iStatus = tempAlarm.Status();
iAlarmSrvSes.GetAlarmCategory( aAlarmId, aAlarmInfo.iCategory );
return returnVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmInfo
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C const TAlarmId& CClkUiAlarmModel::AlarmId()
return iAlarmId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::SaveLatestAlarmId
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CClkUiAlarmModel::SaveLatestAlarmId( TAlarmId aAlarmId )
iAlarmId = aAlarmId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::ClockAlarmInfo
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TBool CClkUiAlarmModel::GetAlarmQueuedOrSnoozedId( TAlarmId& aAlarmId, TBool aUpdatedId )
TBool alarmQueued( EFalse );
RArray< TAlarmId > alarmIds;
TRAP_IGNORE( iAlarmSrvSes.GetAlarmIdListForCategoryL( KAlarmClockOne, alarmIds ) );
TInt alarmCount( alarmIds.Count() );
for( TInt alarmIndex( KZerothIndex ); alarmIndex < alarmCount; alarmIndex++ )
const TAlarmId alarmId = alarmIds[ alarmIndex ];
TAlarmStatus alarmStatus;
TASShdAlarm tempAlarm;
// First get the alarm details.
TInt errorVal = iAlarmSrvSes.GetAlarmDetails( alarmId, tempAlarm );
// Then the status.
errorVal = iAlarmSrvSes.GetAlarmStatus( alarmId, alarmStatus );
// If the alarm status is enabled and the alarm is in either queued or snoozed state.
// The alarm ids we have received will be sorted based on the expiry time.
if( ( KErrNone == errorVal ) &&
( EAlarmStatusEnabled == tempAlarm.Status() ) &&
( EAlarmStateQueued == tempAlarm.State() ||
EAlarmStateSnoozed == tempAlarm.State() ) )
// The queued alarm is found.
aAlarmId = alarmId;
alarmQueued = ETrue;
if( aUpdatedId )
iAlarmId = alarmId;
if( aUpdatedId && !alarmQueued )
iAlarmId = KZerothIndex;
return alarmQueued;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClkUiAlarmModel::ConstructL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClkUiAlarmModel::ConstructL( MClkModelObserver* aObserver,
TInt aListenerPriority )
// First Set the observer.
SetModelObserver( aObserver );
// Connect to the alarm server.
User::LeaveIfError( iAlarmSrvSes.Connect() );
// Construct the listener and make it active.
CClkUiMdlAlarmListener* alarmListener = new( ELeave ) CClkUiMdlAlarmListener( iAlarmSrvSes,
aListenerPriority );
SetListenerActive( alarmListener );
// Get the latest alarm and store it.
TAlarmId latestAlarm;
GetAlarmQueuedOrSnoozedId( latestAlarm, ETrue );
// End of file