* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: The source file for the CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl class.
// System includes
#include <tzlocalizer.h>
// User includes
#include "clocktimezoneresolverimpl.h"
#include "clockmcctzmapper.h"
#include "clocktimezoneresolver.h"
#include "clock_debug.h"
// Constants
const TInt KMinute( 60 ); // Seconds
const TInt KZerothRule( 0 );
const TInt KOne( 1 );
// Literals
_LIT( KDefault, "default" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::NewL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl* CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::NewL()
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::NewL - Entry" );
CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl* self = new ( ELeave ) CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::NewL - Exit" );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::~CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::~CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl - Entry" );
if( iMccTzIdMapper )
delete iMccTzIdMapper;
iMccTzIdMapper = NULL;
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::~CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl - Entry" );
// No implementation yet
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::ConstructL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::ConstructL()
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::ConstructL - Entry" );
iMccTzIdMapper = CClockMCCTzIdMapper::NewL();
User::LeaveIfError( iRtz.Connect() );
iRtz.SetAutoUpdateBehaviorL( RTz::ETZAutoDSTUpdateOn );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::ConstructL - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneL( const STimeAttributes& aTimeInfo,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode& aMcc,
TInt& aTzId )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneL - Entry" );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneL - Exit" );
// Try and find a DST zone Id that has current MCC and this UTC offset.
return FindDstZoneIdFromMccAndUtcOffsetL( aTimeInfo, aMcc, aTzId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::TzIdFromMccL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::TzIdFromMccL( const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode& aMCC,
RArray< CTzId >& aTzIdArray,
const TTimeIntervalMinutes& aStdTimeOffset )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::TzIdFromMccL - Entry" );
iMccTzIdMapper->TzIdFromMccL( aMCC, aTzIdArray, aStdTimeOffset );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::TzIdFromMccL - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::MCCFromTzIdL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::MCCFromTzIdL( const CTzId& aTzId )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::MCCFromTzIdL - Entry" );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::MCCFromTzIdL - Exit" );
return iMccTzIdMapper->MCCFromTzIdL( aTzId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindDstZoneIdFromMccAndUtcOffsetL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindDstZoneIdFromMccAndUtcOffsetL( const STimeAttributes& aTimeInfo,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode& aMcc,
TInt& aTzId )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindDstZoneIdFromMccAndUtcOffsetL - Entry" );
// Check if MCC is not available, in which case aMcc will be sent as 9999.
// Try to narrow down to the timezone ID using the offset that we have got in aTimeInfo.
const TBuf< 4 > invalidMCC( KInvalidMCC );
if( invalidMCC == aMcc && aTimeInfo.iTimeZoneOffset != TTimeIntervalMinutes( KErrNotFound ) )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindDstZoneIdFromMccAndUtcOffsetL - Exit" );
// Try to find if we can narrow down to a timezone ID with just the offset.
return GetTimeZoneIdWithOffsetL( aTimeInfo.iTimeZoneOffset, aTzId );
// Check if we can find any zones for the given MCC even though we dont have a valid
// timezone offset. If so, set the timezone in case of countries with single zone.
if( aTimeInfo.iTimeZoneOffset == TTimeIntervalMinutes( KErrNotFound ) )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindDstZoneIdFromMccAndUtcOffsetL - Exit" );
return GetTimeZoneIdWithMccL( aMcc, aTimeInfo.iTimeZoneOffset, aTzId );
// Calculate timezone offset.
TTimeIntervalSeconds tzOffsetSec(0);
if( KErrNotFound != aTimeInfo.iTimeZoneOffset.Int() )
tzOffsetSec=(aTimeInfo.iTimeZoneOffset.Int() * KMinute );
// Calculate dst offset.
TTimeIntervalSeconds dstOffsetSec(0);
if( KErrNotFound != aTimeInfo.iDstOffset.Int() )
dstOffsetSec=( aTimeInfo.iDstOffset.Int() * KMinute );
// Time sent by nw is UTC
TTime nwUtcTime( aTimeInfo.iUtcDateTime );
// Calculate local time => UTC time + timzone offset + DST offset
TTime nwLocalTime( nwUtcTime + tzOffsetSec + dstOffsetSec );
// Create array we we store all localized zones
CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray* locTimeZones = CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( locTimeZones );
// Create array of CTzID to store all unlocalized zones
RArray<CTzId> tzArray;
// Get the unlocalized zones based on the utc offset and mcc we have.
GetAllUnLocalizedZonesL( aMcc, aTimeInfo.iTimeZoneOffset, tzArray );
// Make sure old stuff is deleted.
// Try to find a truly matching zone.
FindMatchingUnLocalizedZoneL( tzArray, iTempZoneIds,nwLocalTime, nwUtcTime );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, &tzArray);
if( KErrNone == iTempZoneIds.Count() )
// Get the localized zones based on the utc offset and mcc we have
GetLocalizedZonesL( aMcc, aTimeInfo.iTimeZoneOffset, *locTimeZones );
// If we have no localised zones and network supports DST, we have done everything right,
// OR if UTC offset is invalid and we have a multizone country, we can do nothing.
TInt returnVal( GetCorrectZone( *locTimeZones, aTimeInfo.iTimeZoneOffset, aTimeInfo.iDstOffset, aTzId ) );
if( KErrNotFound == aTzId || KErrNone == returnVal )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindDstZoneIdFromMccAndUtcOffsetL - Exit" );
return returnVal;
// Make sure old stuff is deleted.
// Try to find a truly matching zone.
FindMatchingLocalisedZoneL( *locTimeZones, iTempZoneIds, nwLocalTime, nwUtcTime );
// nitz improvement for spreading UTC offset start/
// If no matches found and DST indication is not supported by the NW,
// we need to subtract one DST offset amount from the UTC offset
// and see if that gives us any zones.
// This is for cases when operators dont send the DST section of a nitz
// even when it is included in the utc offset.
if ( KErrNone == iTempZoneIds.Count() && ( KErrNotFound == aTimeInfo.iDstOffset.Int() ) )
TTimeIntervalMinutes tempUtcOffset( 0 );
RArray< CTzId > aTzIdArray;
CleanupClosePushL( aTzIdArray );
// Convert the TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode to a TInt
TInt mcc;
TLex lex( aMcc );
User::LeaveIfError( lex.Val( mcc ) );
// Get the DST zones within this country code
iMccTzIdMapper->DoGetTzIdFromMCCL( mcc, aTzIdArray );
CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray* spreadLocTimeZones = CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( spreadLocTimeZones );
TInt32 dstOffsetInt = 0;
TInt32 tmpUtcOffset = 0;
TInt32 dstOffsetOld = -1;
for( TInt i( 0 ) ; i < aTzIdArray.Count(); i++ )
// Get the StdOffset and DstOffset values for every time zone.
// Use each new value of StdOffset to find matching LocalTimeZones
GetStdOffSetAndDstOffSetL( dstOffsetInt, tmpUtcOffset, aTzIdArray[ i ] );
if( dstOffsetOld != dstOffsetInt )
dstOffsetOld = dstOffsetInt;
tmpUtcOffset = aTimeInfo.iTimeZoneOffset.Int() - dstOffsetInt;
GetLocalizedZonesL( aMcc, tmpUtcOffset, *spreadLocTimeZones );
FindMatchingLocalisedZoneL( *spreadLocTimeZones, iTempZoneIds, nwLocalTime, nwUtcTime );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( spreadLocTimeZones );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &aTzIdArray );
// nitz improvement for spreading UTC offset end
TInt returnValue ( GetMatchingZonesL( locTimeZones, aTzId ) );
if ( KErrNone == returnValue )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindDstZoneIdFromMccAndUtcOffsetL - Exit" );
return returnValue;
// If there are more than one matching unlocalized cities and zero localized cities
// set to any one of the unlocalized cities.
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindDstZoneIdFromMccAndUtcOffsetL - Exit" );
return ProcessMatchingZones( *locTimeZones, aTzId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetLocalizedZonesL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetLocalizedZonesL( const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode& aMcc,
const TTimeIntervalMinutes& aTimezoneOffset,
CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray& aTzLocalisedArray )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetLocalizedZonesL - Entry" );
RArray< CTzId > tzArray;
CleanupClosePushL( tzArray );
// Get the DST zones within this country code
iMccTzIdMapper->TzIdFromMccL( aMcc, tzArray, aTimezoneOffset );
// If there is no DST zones for this MCC in our database, we can do nothing.
if( tzArray.Count() == 0 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &tzArray );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetLocalizedZonesL - Exit" );
CTzLocalizedTimeZone* timezone( NULL );
// Create the localizer component
CTzLocalizer* localizer = CTzLocalizer::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( localizer );
// Loop through the returned DST zone Ids picking the ones that have
// a corresponding localized timezone
for( TInt index = 0 ; index < tzArray.Count() ; index++)
TRAPD( error, timezone = localizer->GetLocalizedTimeZoneL( tzArray[ index ].TimeZoneNumericID() ) );
if( !error )
if( timezone )
aTzLocalisedArray.AppendL( timezone );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &tzArray );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetLocalizedZonesL - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindMatchingLocalisedZoneL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindMatchingLocalisedZoneL( CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray& aLocTimeZones,
RPointerArray< CTzId >& aZoneIdArray,
TTime& aNwLocalTime,
TTime& aNwUtcTime )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindMatchingLocalisedZoneL - Entry" );
CTzConverter* tempCTzConv = CTzConverter::NewL( iRtz );
CleanupStack::PushL( tempCTzConv );
// Try to find a matching time from the list of localised timezones
for( TInt index = 0 ; index < aLocTimeZones.Count() ; index++ )
CTzId* tempTzId = CTzId::NewL( aLocTimeZones.At( index ).TimeZoneId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( tempTzId );
TTime tempTime = aNwUtcTime;
User::LeaveIfError( tempCTzConv->ConvertToLocalTime( tempTime,*tempTzId ) );
if( tempTime == aNwLocalTime )
aZoneIdArray.AppendL( tempTzId );
CleanupStack::Pop( tempTzId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempTzId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempCTzConv );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindMatchingLocalisedZoneL - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetAllUnLocalizedZonesL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetAllUnLocalizedZonesL( const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode& aMcc,
const TTimeIntervalMinutes& aTimezoneOffset,
RArray< CTzId >& aTzUnLocalizedArray )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetAllUnLocalizedZonesL - Entry" );
// Get the DST zones within this country code
iMccTzIdMapper->TzIdFromMccL( aMcc,aTzUnLocalizedArray,aTimezoneOffset);
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetAllUnLocalizedZonesL - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindMatchingUnLocalizedZoneL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindMatchingUnLocalizedZoneL( RArray< CTzId >& aUnLocalizedTzArray,
RPointerArray< CTzId >& aZoneIdArray,
TTime& aNwLocalTime,
TTime& aNwUtcTime)
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindMatchingUnLocalizedZoneL - Entry" );
CTzConverter* tempCTzConv = CTzConverter::NewL(iRtz);
// Try to find a matching time from the list of timezones
for (TInt index( 0 ); index < aUnLocalizedTzArray.Count(); index++)
CTzId* tempTzId = CTzId::NewL( aUnLocalizedTzArray[ index ].TimeZoneNumericID() );
CleanupStack::PushL( tempTzId );
TTime tempTime = aNwUtcTime;
//Convert the zone time of the city to local time in microseconds
User::LeaveIfError( tempCTzConv->ConvertToLocalTime(tempTime,*tempTzId) );
//If the networklocal time and unlocalised city time from TZ rules
//are same, add it to list
if( tempTime == aNwLocalTime )
aZoneIdArray.AppendL( tempTzId );
CleanupStack::Pop( tempTzId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempTzId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempCTzConv );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::FindMatchingUnLocalizedZoneL - Exit" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetStdOffSetAndDstOffSetL
// rest of the details are commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetStdOffSetAndDstOffSetL( TInt32& aDstOffset,
TInt32& aStdOffset,
const CTzId& aTzId )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetStdOffSetAndDstOffSetL - Entry" );
// Local time
TTime homeTime;
TDateTime dateTime;
dateTime = homeTime.DateTime();
// Get the CTzRules for the current year and for the given time zone id.
CTzRules* tzRules = iRtz.GetTimeZoneRulesL( aTzId,
ETzWallTimeReference );
CleanupStack::PushL( tzRules );
// Get the Actualised rules for the same year. These are the DST rules from which we get the iNewOffset.
CVTzActualisedRules *vActualisedRules = CVTzActualisedRules::NewL(
homeTime.DateTime().Year() );
CleanupStack::PushL( vActualisedRules );
tzRules->GetActualisedRulesL( *vActualisedRules );
// The initial offset or the standard offset (w/o DST)
TInt32 initialTimeZoneOffset = tzRules->InitialStdTimeOffset();
// The number of actualised rules
TInt ruleCount = vActualisedRules->Count();
for( TInt ruleIndex( KZerothRule ); ruleIndex < ruleCount; ruleIndex++ )
const TVTzActualisedRule& tVTzactRule = ( *vActualisedRules )[ ruleIndex ];
// If the standard offset and the new offset do not match then we have a dst offset.
// Technically if a timezone has DST then it can have a max of two offsets. One is the standard which doesn't show the
// DST usage, and the other is the DST offset which is standard offset + the amount of DST
if( initialTimeZoneOffset != tVTzactRule.iNewOffset )
aDstOffset = tVTzactRule.iNewOffset - initialTimeZoneOffset;
aStdOffset = initialTimeZoneOffset;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( vActualisedRules );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tzRules );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetStdOffSetAndDstOffSetL - Exit" );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetStdOffSetAndDstOffSetL - Exit" );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( vActualisedRules );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tzRules );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneIdWithOffsetL
// rest of the details commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneIdWithOffsetL( const TTimeIntervalMinutes& aTzOffset, TInt& aTzId )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneIdWithOffsetL() - Entry" );
TInt retVal( KErrNotFound );
RArray< CTzId > tzIdArray;
CleanupClosePushL( tzIdArray );
iMccTzIdMapper->TzIdFromOffsetL( aTzOffset, tzIdArray );
if( KOne < tzIdArray.Count() )
// For a multizone country without NITZ, it is not possible to
// calculate the TZ.
aTzId = KErrNotFound;
else if( KOne == tzIdArray.Count() )
// For a single zone country, without NITZ, set the default TZ
aTzId = tzIdArray[ KErrNone ].TimeZoneNumericID();
retVal = KErrNone;
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneIdWithOffsetL() - Exit" );
return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneIdWithMccL
// rest of the details commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneIdWithMccL( const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode& aMcc,
const TTimeIntervalMinutes& aTzOffset,
TInt& aTzId )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneIdWithMccL() - Entry" );
TInt retVal( KErrNotFound );
RArray< CTzId > tzIdArray;
CleanupClosePushL( tzIdArray );
// Use the MCC to get all unlocalised zones.
iMccTzIdMapper->TzIdFromMccL( aMcc, tzIdArray, aTzOffset );
if( KOne < tzIdArray.Count() )
// For a multizone country without NITZ, it is not possible to
// calculate the TZ.
aTzId = KErrNotFound;
else if( KOne == tzIdArray.Count() )
// For a single zone country, without NITZ, set the default TZ
aTzId = tzIdArray[ KErrNone ].TimeZoneNumericID();
retVal = KErrNone;
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetTimeZoneIdWithMccL() - Exit" );
return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::ProcessMatchingZonesL
// rest of the details commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::ProcessMatchingZones( CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray& aLocTimeZones, TInt& aTzId )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::ProcessMatchingZonesL() - Entry" );
if( ( KOne < iTempZoneIds.Count() ) && ( KErrNone == aLocTimeZones.Count() ) )
aTzId = iTempZoneIds[ FALSE ]->TimeZoneNumericID();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &aLocTimeZones );
__PRINT( "aTzId: %d", aTzId );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::ProcessMatchingZonesL() - Exit" );
return KErrNone;
// If we don't have any localized zones at this point, we can do nothing
if( KErrNone == aLocTimeZones.Count() )
aTzId = KErrNotFound;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &aLocTimeZones );
__PRINT( "aTzId: %d", aTzId );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::ProcessMatchingZonesL() - Exit" );
return KErrNotFound;
// If we have more than one localized zone at this point, we need to find the default one.
TInt matchIndex( FALSE );
for( TInt index( FALSE ); index < aLocTimeZones.Count(); index++ )
if( FALSE == aLocTimeZones.At( index ).StandardName().Compare( KDefault ) )
matchIndex = index;
break; // We will take the first one we find.
// This is the DST zone we are in.
aTzId = aLocTimeZones.At( matchIndex ).TimeZoneId();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &aLocTimeZones );
__PRINT( "aTzId: %d", aTzId );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::ProcessMatchingZonesL() - Exit" );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetCorrectZone
// rest of the details commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetCorrectZone( CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray& aLocTimeZones,
const TTimeIntervalMinutes& aTimeZoneOffset,
const TTimeIntervalMinutes& aDstOffset,
TInt& aTzId )
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetCorrectZone - Entry" );
TInt returnVal( KErrNotFound );
// If we have no localised zones and network supports DST, we have done everything right,
// OR if UTC offset is invalid and we have a multizone country, we can do nothing.
if( ( KErrNone == aLocTimeZones.Count() && KErrNotFound != aDstOffset.Int() ) ||
( KOne < aLocTimeZones.Count() && KErrNotFound == aTimeZoneOffset.Int() ) )
aTzId = KErrNotFound;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &aLocTimeZones );
// Only one zone and DST indication supported by network. This is the dream case.
else if( KOne == aLocTimeZones.Count() && KErrNotFound != aDstOffset.Int() )
// This is the easiest case, get the zone id and return correct zone
aTzId = aLocTimeZones.At( FALSE ).TimeZoneId();
returnVal = KErrNone;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &aLocTimeZones );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetCorrectZone - Exit" );
return returnVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetMatchingZonesL
// rest of the details commented in the header
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetMatchingZonesL( CTzLocalizedTimeZoneArray* aLocTimeZones, TInt& aTzId )
// If we have only one matching zone, pick that up.
if( KOne == iTempZoneIds.Count() )
aTzId = iTempZoneIds[ FALSE ]->TimeZoneNumericID();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( aLocTimeZones );
__PRINT( "aTzId: %d", aTzId);
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetMatchingZonesL - Exit" );
return KErrNone;
// If we have more zones, we will process them further.
else if( KOne < iTempZoneIds.Count() )
for( TInt index( NULL ); index < aLocTimeZones->Count(); index++ )
aLocTimeZones->Remove( index );
CTzLocalizedTimeZone* timezone( NULL );
CTzLocalizer* localizer = CTzLocalizer::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( localizer );
// Get the localized timezones for each zone that matches.
for( TInt zoneIndex( FALSE ); zoneIndex < iTempZoneIds.Count(); zoneIndex++ )
TRAPD( errVal,
timezone = localizer->GetLocalizedTimeZoneL( iTempZoneIds[ zoneIndex ]->TimeZoneNumericID() ) );
if( KErrNone == errVal && timezone )
aLocTimeZones->AppendL( timezone );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( localizer );
__PRINTS( "CClockTimeZoneResolverImpl::GetMatchingZonesL - Exit" );
return KErrNotFound;
// End of file