* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Definition file for class ClockWorldView.
// System includes
#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include <QStandardItem>
#include <QStandardItemModel>
#include <QDebug>
#include <HbInstance>
#include <HbLabel>
#include <HbPushButton>
#include <HbAbstractViewItem>
#include <HbMenu>
#include <HbAction>
#include <HbStyleLoader>
#include <HbListView>
// User includes
#include "clockworldview.h"
#include "clockdocloader.h"
#include "clockappcontrollerif.h"
#include "clockcommon.h"
#include "settingsutility.h"
#include "timezoneclient.h"
#include "clockcityselectionlist.h"
#include "listitemprototype.h"
\class ClockWorldView
The world clock view of the clock application.
\param parent The parent of type QGraphicsWidget.
ClockWorldView::ClockWorldView(QGraphicsItem *parent)
qDebug("clock: ClockWorldView::ClockWorldView() -->");
// Timer for updating list data upon time change/update.
mRefreshTimer = new QTimer();
mRefreshTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
this, SLOT(refreshCityList()));
// Create the model.
mCityListModel = new QStandardItemModel();
qDebug("clock: ClockWorldView::ClockWorldView() <--");
qDebug("clock: ClockWorldView::~ClockWorldView() -->");
if (mDocLoader) {
delete mDocLoader;
qDebug("clock: ClockWorldView::~ClockWorldView() <--");
Called by the ClockViewManager after loading the view from the docml.
The initializaion/setup of the view is done here.
\param controller The ClockAppController object.
\param docLoader Pointer to ClockDocLoader object.
void ClockWorldView::setupView(
ClockAppControllerIf &controllerIf,
ClockDocLoader *docLoader)
qDebug("clock: ClockWorldView::setupView() <--");
mDocLoader = docLoader;
mAppControllerIf = &controllerIf;
mTimezoneClient = controllerIf.timezoneClient();
mSettingsUtility = controllerIf.settingsUtility();
// Establish required connections.
mTimezoneClient, SIGNAL(timechanged()),
this, SLOT(updateClockDisplay()));
mTimezoneClient, SIGNAL(timechanged()),
this, SLOT(updateDayDateInfo()));
mTimezoneClient, SIGNAL(timechanged()),
this, SLOT(updateCurrentLocationInfo()));
mTimezoneClient, SIGNAL(timechanged()),
this, SLOT(updateCurrentZoneInfo()));
mDisplayWorldClockView = static_cast<HbAction *> (
mDisplayWorldClockView, SIGNAL(changed()),
this, SLOT(refreshWorldView()));
// Get the currently added locations to the list.
mCityInfoList = mTimezoneClient->getSavedLocations();
// Create the custom prototype.
ListItemPrototype *customPrototype = new ListItemPrototype();
mCityListView = qobject_cast<HbListView *> (
mPlaceLabel =
qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (mDocLoader->findWidget("placeLabel"));
// mPlaceLabel->setTextWrapping(Hb::TextWordWrap);
mDayDateLabel =
qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (mDocLoader->findWidget("dateLabel"));
// Get the toolbar/menu actions.
mAddCityAction = static_cast<HbAction *> (
mAddCityAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),
this, SLOT(handleAddLocation()));
mShowAlarmsViewAction = static_cast<HbAction *> (
mShowAlarmsViewAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),
this, SLOT(showAlarmsView()));
HbMainWindow *window;
window = hbInstance->allMainWindows().first();
window, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)),
this, SLOT(updateToolbarTexts(Qt::Orientation)));
if (mCityInfoList.count() > 0) {
// There is atleast one city. Refresh needed.
// Calculate after how much time the refresh has to happen.
QTime currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().time();
int after = 60 - currentTime.second();
mRefreshTimer->start(after * 1000);
// Update the date and day info.
SIGNAL(longPressed(HbAbstractViewItem *, const QPointF &)),
SLOT(handleItemLongPressed(HbAbstractViewItem *, const QPointF &)));
// Populate the list.
int index = 0;
// Update current location info.
for (; index < mCityInfoList.count(); index++) {
qDebug("clock: ClockWorldView::setupView() <--");
Refreshes the data in the city list.
void ClockWorldView::refreshCityList()
int cityInfoCount = mCityInfoList.count();
if (cityInfoCount) {
QStandardItem *item = 0;
for (int infoIndex = 0; infoIndex < cityInfoCount; infoIndex++) {
item = mCityListModel->item(infoIndex);
QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
dateTime = dateTime.toUTC();
dateTime = dateTime.addSecs(
mCityInfoList.at(infoIndex).zoneOffset * 60);
// Display day/night indicators.
QString dayNightIconPath = "";
if (isDay(dateTime)) {
dayNightIconPath = ":/clock/day";
} else {
dayNightIconPath = ":/clock/night";
item->setData(dayNightIconPath, Qt::UserRole + 1000);
// Update the date info.
QString dateInfo = dateTime.toString(
if (dateTime.date() == QDate::currentDate()) {
dateInfo = tr("Today");
item->setData(dateInfo, Qt::UserRole + 1001);
// Set the DST icon.
QString dstIconPath = "";
if (mCityInfoList.at(infoIndex).dstOn) {
dstIconPath = ":/clock/dst_icon";
item->setData(dstIconPath, Qt::UserRole + 1004);
// Update the time info.
QString timeInfo = dateTime.toString(
item->setData(timeInfo, Qt::UserRole + 1005);
// Start the timer again for one minute.
QTimer::singleShot(60 * 1000, this, SLOT(refreshCityList()));
Updates the clock display.
void ClockWorldView::updateClockDisplay()
// mSkinnableClock->updateDisplay(true);
Updates the day-date info.
void ClockWorldView::updateDayDateInfo()
// Get the current datetime.
QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QString dayName = dateTime.toString("dddd");
QString currentDate = mSettingsUtility->date();
// Construct the day + date string.
QString dayDateString;
dayDateString+= dayName;
dayDateString += " ";
dayDateString += currentDate;
Updates the current location info.
void ClockWorldView::updateCurrentLocationInfo()
// Get the updated home city.
LocationInfo homeCity = mTimezoneClient->getCurrentZoneInfoL();
// Construct the GMT +/- X string.
QString gmtOffset;
int utcOffset = homeCity.zoneOffset;
int offsetInHours (utcOffset/60);
int offsetInMinutes (utcOffset%60);
// Check wether the offset is +ve or -ve.
if (0 < utcOffset) {
// We have a positive offset. Append the '+' character.
gmtOffset += tr(" +");
} else if (0 > utcOffset) {
// We have a negative offset. Append the '-' character.
gmtOffset += tr(" -");
offsetInHours = -offsetInHours;
} else {
// We dont have an offset. We are at GMT zone.
// Append the hour component.
gmtOffset += QString::number(offsetInHours);
// Get the time separator from settings and append it.
QStringList timeSeparatorList;
int index = mSettingsUtility->timeSeparator(timeSeparatorList);
gmtOffset += timeSeparatorList.at(index);
// Append the minute component.
// If minute component is less less than 10, append a '00'
if (0 <= offsetInMinutes && offsetInMinutes < 10) {
gmtOffset += tr("00");
} else {
gmtOffset += QString::number(offsetInMinutes);
// Append space.
gmtOffset += tr(" ");
// Append GMT sting.
gmtOffset += hbTrId("txt_common_common_gmt");
// Append space.
gmtOffset += tr(" ");
// Append DST info.
if (homeCity.dstOn) {
gmtOffset += hbTrId("txt_common_setlabel_dst");
// Set the city and country name .
if (mTimezoneClient->timeUpdateOn()) {
mPlaceLabel->setPlainText(homeCity.countryName + tr(" ") + gmtOffset);
} else {
homeCity.cityName + tr(", ") + homeCity.countryName
+ tr(" ") + gmtOffset);
void ClockWorldView::handleItemLongPressed(
HbAbstractViewItem *item, const QPointF &coords)
// Get the ndex of the selected item.
mSelectedItem = item->modelIndex().row();
// On long press we display item specific context menu.
HbMenu *itemContextMenu = new HbMenu();
// Add the actions to the context menu.
mSetCurrentLocationAction = itemContextMenu->addAction(
mRemoveCityAction = itemContextMenu->addAction(
mSetCurrentLocationAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),
this, SLOT(handleSetAsCurrentLocationAction()));
mRemoveCityAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),
this, SLOT(handleDeleteAction()));
// Show the menu.
This slot is called when Add location action is triggered. It is responsible
for launching the city selection list.
void ClockWorldView::handleAddLocation()
// Construct the city selection list and show the same.
mCitySelectionList = new ClockCitySelectionList(mTimezoneClient, this);
mCitySelectionList, SIGNAL(citySelected(LocationInfo)),
this, SLOT(handleCitySelected(LocationInfo)));
// Show the city list.
This slot handles delete action on the city list. It removes the item from
the view.
void ClockWorldView::handleDeleteAction()
if (-1 != mSelectedItem) {
int temp = mCityListModel->rowCount();
QStandardItem *item = mCityListModel->takeItem(mSelectedItem);
delete item;
temp = mCityListModel->rowCount();
mSelectedItem = -1;
// Update the data file.
if (mCityInfoList.count() <= 0) {
// No need to refresh the list anymore.
This slot sets the selected city as the current location.
void ClockWorldView::handleSetAsCurrentLocationAction()
// Check if time update is set to ON.
// If yes, reset it to OFF and change the home location.
if (mTimezoneClient->timeUpdateOn()) {
} else {
// The current location and home city should be swapped.
// Store the info of current home city.
LocationInfo oldHomeCity = mTimezoneClient->getCurrentZoneInfoL();
// Get the info of the selected item.
LocationInfo newHomeCity = mCityInfoList[mSelectedItem];
QStandardItem *cityItem = mCityListModel->item(mSelectedItem);
QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
// Display day/night indicators.
QString dayNightIconPath = "";
if (isDay(dateTime)) {
dayNightIconPath = ":/clock/day";
} else {
dayNightIconPath = ":/clock/night";
cityItem->setData(dayNightIconPath, Qt::UserRole + 1000);
// Date.
QString dateString = dateTime.toString(
if (dateTime.date() == QDate::currentDate()) {
dateString = tr("Today");
cityItem->setData(dateString, Qt::UserRole + 1001);
// The city/country name.
QString placeInfo =
oldHomeCity.cityName + tr(", ") + oldHomeCity.countryName;
cityItem->setData(placeInfo, Qt::UserRole + 1002);
// Dst icon.
QString dstIconPath = "";
if (oldHomeCity.dstOn) {
dstIconPath = ":/clock/dst_icon";
cityItem->setData(dstIconPath, Qt::UserRole + 1004);
// Time.
QString timeString = dateTime.toString(
cityItem->setData(timeString, Qt::UserRole + 1005);
// Update the info list.
mCityInfoList.insert(mSelectedItem, oldHomeCity);
// Update the home city with the timezone server.
// Update the current location info.
// Update the offset difference in each list item.
// Update the data file.
mSelectedItem = -1;
Slot to handle the case when a city has been selected in from the city
selection list.
\param info of type LocationInfo which contains the city selected.
void ClockWorldView::handleCitySelected(LocationInfo info)
// Info is invalid if the timezoneId is set to -1. We don't do anything in
// that case.
if (-1 != info.timezoneId) {
// Now we check if the city is already added in the list.
bool proceed = true;
for (int i = 0; i < mCityInfoList.count(); i++) {
if (info.timezoneId == mCityInfoList.at(i).timezoneId) {
proceed = false;
// Check if the selected city is not the home city.
if (info.timezoneId
== mTimezoneClient->getCurrentZoneInfoL().timezoneId) {
proceed = false;
if (proceed) {
// This is new city totally. So add it.
// Add the city information to the list
QModelIndex index = addCityToList(info);
// Start the refresh timer if it was stopped previously.
if (!mRefreshTimer->isActive()) {
// Calculate after how much time the refresh has to happen.
QTime currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().time();
int after = 60 - currentTime.second();
mRefreshTimer->start(after * 1000);
// Cleanup.
Navigates to the clock alarms view.
void ClockWorldView::showAlarmsView()
qDebug() << "clock: ClockWorldView::showAlarmsView -->";
qDebug() << "clock: ClockWorldView::showAlarmsView <--";
Updates the offset difference shown in each item with respect to the home
void ClockWorldView::updateOffsetDifferences()
// Get the home city information.
LocationInfo homeCityInfo = mTimezoneClient->getCurrentZoneInfoL();
for (int iter = 0; iter < mCityListModel->rowCount(); iter++) {
QModelIndex index = mCityListModel->index(iter, 0);
LocationInfo cityInfo = mCityInfoList[iter];
// Find out if the city being added has an offset greater than or less
// than the homecity offset.
QString offsetDifference;
if (cityInfo.zoneOffset < homeCityInfo.zoneOffset) {
offsetDifference += "-";
} else if (cityInfo.zoneOffset > homeCityInfo.zoneOffset) {
offsetDifference += "+";
// Now get the hours and minutes.
int difference =
qAbs(homeCityInfo.zoneOffset - cityInfo.zoneOffset);
int hours = difference / 60;
int minutes = difference % 60;
offsetDifference += QString::number(hours);
offsetDifference += "hrs";
if (minutes) {
offsetDifference += ", ";
offsetDifference += QString::number(minutes);
offsetDifference += "mins";
// TODO : Need to enable these code once we recieve the localisation.
/*QString displayFormat = tr("%1hrs, %2mins");
QString offsetString = displayFormat.arg(hours, minutes);
offsetDifference += offsetString;*/
mCityListModel->setData(index, offsetDifference, Qt::UserRole + 1003);
Slot which gets called when `World Clock' action is triggered from the view
toolbar. This is responsible for reloading the content of the world clock view.
void ClockWorldView::refreshWorldView()
qDebug() << "clock: ClockWorldView::refreshWorldView -->";
qDebug() << "clock: ClockWorldView::refreshWorldView <--";
Slot to handle orientation changes
void ClockWorldView::updateToolbarTexts(Qt::Orientation currentOrientation)
if (Qt::Horizontal == currentOrientation) {
// Display toolbar item's texts
// TODO to use text ids from ts file.
mDisplayWorldClockView->setText(tr("World clock"));
mAddCityAction->setText(tr("Add city"));
} else if(Qt::Vertical == currentOrientation){
// Remove toolbar item's texts as only icons are shown.
// TODO to use text ids from ts file.
Adds the location info to the city list.
\param locationInfo Details of the city to be added to the list.
QModelIndex ClockWorldView::addCityToList(const LocationInfo& locationInfo)
// Here we construct a model item and add it to the list model.
QStandardItem *modelItem = new QStandardItem();
QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
dateTime = dateTime.toUTC();
dateTime = dateTime.addSecs(locationInfo.zoneOffset * 60);
// Display day/night indicators.
QString dayNightIconPath = "";
if (isDay(dateTime)) {
dayNightIconPath = ":/clock/day";
} else {
dayNightIconPath = ":/clock/night";
modelItem->setData(dayNightIconPath, Qt::UserRole + 1000);
// Show the date. If date is current date then show 'today'.
QString dateInfo = dateTime.toString(mSettingsUtility->dateFormatString());
if (dateTime.date() == QDate::currentDate()) {
dateInfo = tr("Today");
modelItem->setData(dateInfo, Qt::UserRole + 1001);
// Show the city and country name.
QString placeInfo =
locationInfo.cityName + tr(", ") + locationInfo.countryName;
modelItem->setData(placeInfo, Qt::UserRole + 1002);
// Get the homecity information.
LocationInfo homeCityInfo = mTimezoneClient->getCurrentZoneInfoL();
// Find out if the city being added has an offset greater than or less than
// the homecity offset.
QString offsetDifference;
if (locationInfo.zoneOffset < homeCityInfo.zoneOffset) {
offsetDifference += "-";
} else if (locationInfo.zoneOffset > homeCityInfo.zoneOffset) {
offsetDifference += "+";
// Now get the hours and minutes.
int difference = qAbs(homeCityInfo.zoneOffset - locationInfo.zoneOffset);
int hours = difference / 60;
int minutes = difference % 60;
if ( hours && minutes ) {
if (hours == 1) {
QString displayFormat =
QString offsetString = displayFormat.arg(hours).arg(minutes);
offsetDifference += offsetString;
else {
QString displayFormat =
QString offsetString = displayFormat.arg(hours).arg(minutes);
offsetDifference += offsetString;
else if ( hours ){
if(hours == 1 ) {
QString displayFormat = hbTrId("txt_clock_dblist_val_1_hr");
QString offsetString = displayFormat.arg(hours);
offsetDifference += offsetString;
else {
QString displayFormat = hbTrId("txt_clock_dblist_val_1_hrs");
QString offsetString = displayFormat.arg(hours);
offsetDifference += offsetString;
else if (minutes){
QString displayFormat = hbTrId("txt_clock_dblist_val_1_mins");
QString offsetString = displayFormat.arg(minutes);
offsetDifference += offsetString;
modelItem->setData(offsetDifference, Qt::UserRole + 1003);
// Show dst icon when needed.
QString dstIconPath = "";
if (locationInfo.dstOn) {
dstIconPath = ":/clock/dst_icon";
modelItem->setData(dstIconPath, Qt::UserRole + 1004);
// Show the time at that location.
QString timeInfo = dateTime.toString(mSettingsUtility->timeFormatString());
modelItem->setData(timeInfo, Qt::UserRole + 1005);
// Add the item to the model.
Checks if the given time is day or night.
6:00 AM and 6:00 PM is considered as day. Otherwise night.
\param dateTime Time for which check has to be performed.
\return bool True if it is day otherwise false.
bool ClockWorldView::isDay(QDateTime dateTime)
// It is day between 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Otherwise night.
if (17 < dateTime.time().hour() || 6 > dateTime.time().hour()) {
return false;
return true;
// End of file-- Don't delete.