// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "calinstanceiteratoruid.h"
#include "calsessionimpl.h"
#include "calinstance.h"
#include "calinstanceimpl.h"
#include "calentryimpl.h"
#include "calclient.h"
#include "agmrptdef.h"
#include "agmentry.h"
#include "agmsimpleentry.h"
#include "calcommonimpl.h"
#include "agmdate.h"
/** Uid instance iterator NewL
CCalInstanceIteratorUid* CCalInstanceIteratorUid::NewL(const CCalInstanceViewImpl& iInstanceViewImpl, const TDesC8& aGuid, const TCalTime& aStartInstance, TUint8 aShortFileId)
CCalInstanceIteratorUid* self = new(ELeave) CCalInstanceIteratorUid(iInstanceViewImpl);
self->ConstructL(aGuid, aStartInstance, aShortFileId);
return self;
/** Uid instance iterator constructor
CCalInstanceIteratorUid::CCalInstanceIteratorUid(const CCalInstanceViewImpl& iInstanceViewImpl)
:CCalInstanceIterator(iInstanceViewImpl), iCurrentIndex(-1)
/** Uid instance iterator ConstructL
Fetches all the related entries to the UID and sets the currently indexed time
void CCalInstanceIteratorUid::ConstructL(const TDesC8& aUid, const TCalTime& aInstanceTime, TCalCollectionId aCollectionId)
// record the time to use for undated todos
TTime now;
// Fetch all the entries that relate to the instance
RPointerArray<CAgnSimpleEntry> simpleEntries;
TCleanSimpleEntryArray cleanSimpleEntryArray(simpleEntries, iInstanceViewImpl.GetServ());
CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CCalInstanceViewImpl::DestroySimpleEntryArray, &cleanSimpleEntryArray));
RArray<TInt> fileIds;
iInstanceViewImpl.GetShortFileIdLC(fileIds);//It is in order
iInstanceViewImpl.GetServ().FetchSimpleEntriesByGuidL(aUid, simpleEntries, fileIds);
const TInt KEntryCount(simpleEntries.Count());
// There must be entries associated with this UID
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(KEntryCount != 0, User::Leave(KErrNotFound));
TBool instanceExists(EFalse);
for (TInt i(0) ; i < KEntryCount ; ++i)
CCalLiteEntry* liteEntry = CCalLiteEntry::NewL(*simpleEntries[0], iInstanceViewImpl.GetServ());
TInt appendError = iCalLiteEntries.Append(liteEntry);
if (appendError != KErrNone)
if (iInstanceViewImpl.IsValidInstanceL(liteEntry->LiteEntry(), aInstanceTime))
{//Add the index of the entry which has the same time as aInstanceTime into iEntryWithSameTime
if(liteEntry->LiteEntry().CollectionId() == aCollectionId)
instanceExists = ETrue;
iCurrentIndexTime = aInstanceTime;
iCurrentIndex = iEntryWithSameTime.Count();
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(instanceExists, User::Leave(KErrNotFound));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // simpleEntries
/** UID instance iterator destructor
// should use CleanArray of LiteEntries
const TInt KEntryCount(iCalLiteEntries.Count());
for (TInt i(0) ; i < KEntryCount ; ++i)
TCalTime CCalInstanceIteratorUid::NonRptEntryInstanceTimeL(const CAgnSimpleEntry& aEntry)
// The entry does not have a repeat rule so it is just a single instance
TCalTime entryInstanceTime;
if (aEntry.Type() == CCalEntry::ETodo)
TTime completionDate = aEntry.CompletedDateUtc();
if (completionDate == Time::NullTTime())
if (!aEntry.EntryTime().IsSet())
entryInstanceTime = iUndatedTodoTime;
entryInstanceTime = CalUtils::TAgnCalendarTimeToTCalTimeL(aEntry.EntryTime());
if (aEntry.TimeMode() == MAgnCalendarTimeMode::EFloating)
entryInstanceTime = CalUtils::TAgnCalendarTimeToTCalTimeL(aEntry.EntryTime());
return entryInstanceTime;
/** Returns the next instance
Loops through all the entries in the cached entry list and finds
the earliest instance that appears after the current index instance time.
@return The next instance
CCalInstance* CCalInstanceIteratorUid::NextL()
CCalInstance* retInstance = NULL;
TInt numSameTimeEntry = iEntryWithSameTime.Count();
if(numSameTimeEntry >0 && iCurrentIndex < numSameTimeEntry - 1)
//If there are entries in iEntryWithSameTime, their instance time is same as the iCurrentIndexTime, we should return this instance.
return iInstanceViewImpl.CreateInstanceL(*iCalLiteEntries[iEntryWithSameTime[++iCurrentIndex]], iCurrentIndexTime);
TCalTime bestSoFar;
TInt thisAgnSimpleEntryIndex(KErrNotFound);
const TInt KEntryCount(iCalLiteEntries.Count());
TInt i(0);
for (; i < KEntryCount ; ++i)
TCalTime entryNextTime;
CAgnRptDef* thisEntryRptDef = iCalLiteEntries[i]->LiteEntry().RptDef();
if (thisEntryRptDef)
TTime entryNextTimeUtc;
TBool instanceFound(EFalse);
TTime fromTimeUtc(iCurrentIndexTime.TimeUtcL() + TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(1));
// keep looping until we find an unexcepted instance or there are no more instances
instanceFound = thisEntryRptDef->NudgeNextInstanceUtcL(fromTimeUtc, entryNextTimeUtc);
fromTimeUtc = entryNextTimeUtc + TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(1);
while (instanceFound && !thisEntryRptDef->IsAnUnexceptedInstanceL(AgnDateTime::ConvertToLocalTimeL(entryNextTimeUtc) ) );
if (instanceFound)
TCalTime entryInstanceTime = NonRptEntryInstanceTimeL(iCalLiteEntries[i]->LiteEntry());
if (entryInstanceTime.TimeUtcL() > iCurrentIndexTime.TimeUtcL())
// The entry's instance time is after the current index time
// so it is a valid possible next instance
entryNextTime = entryInstanceTime;
if (entryNextTime.TimeUtcL() < bestSoFar.TimeUtcL())
// This time is better than best time so far so update the best so far
bestSoFar = entryNextTime;
thisAgnSimpleEntryIndex = i;
iCurrentIndex = -1;
else if (entryNextTime.TimeUtcL() == bestSoFar.TimeUtcL() && entryNextTime.TimeUtcL()!= TCalTime::MaxTime())
//Store the index of the entry which has the instance time as the "bestSoFar" time
if (bestSoFar.TimeUtcL() != TCalTime::MaxTime())
retInstance = iInstanceViewImpl.CreateInstanceL(*iCalLiteEntries[thisAgnSimpleEntryIndex], bestSoFar);
iCurrentIndexTime = bestSoFar;
return retInstance;
/** Returns the previous instance
Loops through all the entries in the cached entry list and finds
the latest instance that appears before the current index instance time.
@return The previous instance
CCalInstance* CCalInstanceIteratorUid::PreviousL()
CCalInstance* retInstance = NULL;
TInt numOfsameTimeInstance = iEntryWithSameTime.Count();
if(numOfsameTimeInstance > 0 && iCurrentIndex >= 1)
// we should return the last instance in the array to make it consistent with NextL which returns the first entry's instance.
return iInstanceViewImpl.CreateInstanceL(*iCalLiteEntries[iEntryWithSameTime[--iCurrentIndex]], iCurrentIndexTime);
TCalTime bestSoFar;
TInt thisAgnSimpleEntryIndex(KErrNotFound);
const TInt KEntryCount(iCalLiteEntries.Count());
TInt i(0);
for (; i < KEntryCount ; ++i)
TCalTime entryPreviousTime;
CAgnRptDef* thisEntryRptDef = iCalLiteEntries[i]->LiteEntry().RptDef();
if (thisEntryRptDef)
TTime entryPreviousTimeUtc(iCurrentIndexTime.TimeUtcL());
TBool instancefound(EFalse);
TTime fromTimeUtc;
fromTimeUtc = entryPreviousTimeUtc - TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(1);
// keep calling until an unexcepted instance is found or there are no more instances
instancefound = thisEntryRptDef->NudgePreviousInstanceUtcL(fromTimeUtc, entryPreviousTimeUtc);
while (instancefound && !thisEntryRptDef->IsAnUnexceptedInstanceL(AgnDateTime::ConvertToLocalTimeL(entryPreviousTimeUtc) ) );
if (instancefound)
// The entry does not have a repeat rule so it is just a single instance
TCalTime entryInstanceTime = NonRptEntryInstanceTimeL(iCalLiteEntries[i]->LiteEntry());
if (entryInstanceTime.TimeUtcL() < iCurrentIndexTime.TimeUtcL())
// The entry's instance time is before the current index time
// so it is a valid possible next instance
entryPreviousTime = entryInstanceTime;
if (entryPreviousTime.TimeUtcL() > bestSoFar.TimeUtcL())
// This time is better than best time so far so update the best so far
bestSoFar = entryPreviousTime;
thisAgnSimpleEntryIndex = i;
iCurrentIndex = -1;
else if (entryPreviousTime.TimeUtcL() == bestSoFar.TimeUtcL() && entryPreviousTime.TimeUtcL()!= TCalTime::MinTime())
thisAgnSimpleEntryIndex = i;
if (bestSoFar.TimeUtcL() != TCalTime::MinTime())
retInstance = iInstanceViewImpl.CreateInstanceL(*iCalLiteEntries[thisAgnSimpleEntryIndex], bestSoFar);
iCurrentIndexTime = bestSoFar;
numOfsameTimeInstance = iEntryWithSameTime.Count();
iCurrentIndex = numOfsameTimeInstance;
return retInstance;
/** To check if there are more instance to be returned by NextL().
Calls NextL() to see if if returns another instance, and then sets the current
indexed instance time back to what it was before the call.
@return ETrue if there are more instance to be returned by NextL(),
EFalse if there are no more instance, and EFalse if there is a problem
calculating if there are more instance to be returned by NextL().
TBool CCalInstanceIteratorUid::HasMore() const
TBool returnValue(EFalse);
TRAP_IGNORE(returnValue = HasMoreL());
return returnValue;
TBool CCalInstanceIteratorUid::HasMoreL() const
TBool returnValue(EFalse);
//Store the current state
TCalTime storedCurrentIndex = iCurrentIndexTime;
TInt storedArrayIndex = iCurrentIndex;
RArray<TInt> storedArray;
const TInt count = iEntryWithSameTime.Count();
for(TInt ii=0; ii<count;++ii)
//Find instances
CCalInstance* nextInstance = const_cast<CCalInstanceIteratorUid*>(this)->NextL();
returnValue = (nextInstance != NULL);
delete nextInstance;
// restore the state
const_cast<CCalInstanceIteratorUid*>(this)->iCurrentIndexTime = storedCurrentIndex;
iCurrentIndex = storedArrayIndex;//reset index since it could be moved in NextL
const TInt countSortedArray = storedArray.Count();
for(TInt ii=0; ii<countSortedArray;++ii)
return returnValue;
/** Instance iterator count
Loops through all the entries in the cached entry list and finds each of the instance counts.
The instance count is the sum of all the entries instances.
@return The sum of the instance counts for all the entries in the cached list.
TInt CCalInstanceIteratorUid::Count() const
TInt returnInstanceCount(0);
const TInt KEntryCount(iCalLiteEntries.Count());
for (TInt i(0) ; i < KEntryCount ; ++i)
CAgnRptDef* rptDef = iCalLiteEntries[i]->LiteEntry().RptDef();
if (rptDef)
// This gets all the instances generated by the repeat rule
TRAPD(error, returnInstanceCount += rptDef->InstanceCountL());
if (error)
// an error has occoured whilst calculating the instance count
// so quit and retrun the error code
returnInstanceCount = error;
// Need to take off valid exception dates
if (rptDef->Exceptions())
returnInstanceCount -= rptDef->Exceptions()->Count();
// The entry does not have a repeat rule
// so it is just a single instance
return returnInstanceCount;