author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 25 May 2010 12:41:10 +0300
changeset 30 d68a4b5d5885
parent 19 1984aceb8774
child 60 96907930389d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201019 Kit: 2010121

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:   This is the header file for the CAdtUpdaterContainer class.


// System includes
#include <coecntrl.h>

// User includes
#include "clocktimesourceinterface.hrh"

// Constants
* @enum TDataAvailabilityState
* @brief These flags hold the status of data availability state.
enum TDataAvailabilityState

// Forward declarations
class CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext;
class CAdtUpdaterAppView;
class CAdtUpdaterListener;
class CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray;
class CTzLocalizedCity;
class CAdtUpdaterAppUi;

// Class declaration
* @class CAdtUpdaterContainer
* @brief The CCoeControl inheriting class.
* @exe adtupdater.exe
class CAdtUpdaterContainer : public CCoeControl
	public:			// Constructor and destructor
		* @brief Create a CAdtUpdaterContainer object. Performs the first phase of 2-phase construction. 
		* @return CAdtUpdaterContainer* A pointer to the created instance of CAdtUpdaterContainer.
		static CAdtUpdaterContainer* NewL( const TRect& aRect );
		* @brief Destructor
	public: 		// Functions from base classes
        * @brief Derived from CoeControl.
        * @see CCoeControl
        TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, 
        							 TEventCode aType );

		* @brief Derived from CoeControl. Draw this CAdtUpdaterContainer to the screen.
		* @param aRect the rectangle of this view that needs updating
    	void Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const;
		* @brief From CCoeControl. Returns the TTypeUid::Ptr, used to set the background context.
		* @param aId
		* @return TTypeUid::Ptr
		* @see CCoeControl
    	TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject( TTypeUid aId );
    	* @brief From CCoeControl. Handles the resource change.
    	* @param aType The resource that changed.
    	* @see CCoeControl.
    	void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
    public:			// New functions
    	* @brief Informs the user about time update and starts the timers.
    	void InformAboutNwUpdateL();
    	* @brief Called by CPeriodic, when the time timer expires.
    	* @param aPtr Pointer to 'this'.
    	static TInt CallBackL( TAny* aPtr );
    	* @brief Called when the timer expires and we've not got Nitz yet.
    	void NitzInfoNotAvailableL();
    	* @brief Called by the Listener when Nitz info is available.
    	* @param aTimeAttributes Has the Nitz information.
    	* @param aTimeZoneId Is the timezone Id.
    	void NitzInfoAvailableL( STimeAttributes aTimeAttributes, TInt aTimeZoneId );
    	* @brief Confirms whether it's a first boot or not.
    	* @param 
    	* @return TBool
    	TBool IsFirstBoot();
    	* @brief Confirms whether the phone is having sim or not.
    	* @param 
    	* @return TBool
    	TBool IsSimPresent();
    	* @brief Confirms whether nitz is activated for the device.
    	* @param 
    	* @retrun TBool
    	TBool IsNitzPluginActive();
    	* @brief Check boot reason from the SysUtil.
    	* @param 
    	* @return TBool 
    	TBool HiddenReset();
    	* @brief Check the real time clock status from the SysUtil.
    	* @param 
    	* @return TBool 
    	TBool RTCStatus();
    	* @brief Modifies the firstboot flag in cenrep.
    	void MarkFirstBoot();
    	* @brief Deactivate Nitz Plugin.
    	void DeActivateNitzPlugin();
    	* @brief Returns a pointer to the CAdtUpdaterListner.
    	* @return CAdtUpdaterListener* Pointer to the listener.
    	CAdtUpdaterListener* Listener();
    	* @brief Returns if the dialogs are in display now.
    	* @return TBool The value of QueryDialogsInDisplay.
    	TBool QueryDialogsInDisplay();
   	private:    	// Functions from base classes

        * @brief From CCoeControl. Handles a chage of client area size.
        void SizeChanged();
        * @brief From CCoeControl. Returns the number of components.
        * @return TInt The number of component controls.
        TInt CountComponentControls() const;

        * @brief From CCoeControl. Returns a pointer of component.
        * @return CCoeControl* Component control.
        CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
        * @brief Return ETrue if startup queries have to be displayed; otherwise return EFalse
        * @return TBool
        TBool DisplayStartupQueriesL();

	private:		// New functions     
        * @brief By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
        * @param aRect of this container.
        void ConstructL( const TRect& aRect );
        * @brief C++ default constructor.
        * @brief Cancels all the pending asynchronous requests made.
        void CancelAllRequests();
        * @brief Displays the Nitz information obtained from listener.
        void DisplayNitzInfoL();
        * @brief Continues with normal bootup, by displaying country/city list and date/time queries.
        void ContinueWithNormalBootL();
        * @brief Prompts the user for country/city list.
        void ShowCountryAndCityListsL();
        * @brief Displays the country list to the user.
        * @return The group id of the country selected.
        TInt ShowCountryListL();
        * @brief Displays the city list corresponding to the country selected by the user.
        * @param aGroupId The group id of the country selected.
        * @return TInt The id of the selected city.
        TInt ShowCityListL( TInt aGroupId );
        * @brief Queries the user for the Date.
        TBool ShowDateQueryL();
        * @brief Queries the user for the Time.
        TBool ShowTimeQueryL();
        *  Gets default time and date from cenrep
        *  @param     aTime Carry the default time from cenrep 
        *  @return    void
         void GetDefaultTimeAndDate( TTime& aTime );   
         *  Gets the index of current country from the country list.
         *  @param     aGroupId Carry the group id whose index is required in countrylist
         *  @param     currentMcc Contains the mcc of which localized city has to be found based on one of its one timezone id
         *  @return    CTzLocalizedCity
         CTzLocalizedCity* GetLocalizedCityL(TInt& currentMcc );      
         *  Gets the index of current country from the country list.
         *  @param     aGroupId Carry the group id whose index is required in countrylist
         *  @param     aCountryList The list of all countries
         *  @return    TInt
         TInt IndexOfCountry( TInt aGroupId, CTzLocalizedCityGroupArray* aCountryList );    
         * @brief  Checks whether Daylightsaving is on or off
         * @param  aTimeZoneId Carry the timezoneid of which DST status is required
         * @return TBool
         TBool IsDstOnL( TInt aTimeZoneId );
          * @brief  Checks whether predictiveapplcation enable key is on/off.
          * @return TBool
         TBool PredictiveTimeEnabled();
	private:       //Data members
		* @var iBgContext
		* @brief The skin control context.
		CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext* 		iBgContext;
		* @var iView
		* @brief The application view.
		CAdtUpdaterAppView* 						iView;
		* @var iListener
		* @brief An active object listening for Nitz.
		CAdtUpdaterListener*						iListener;
		* @var iPeriodic
		* @brief For the timer.
		CPeriodic*									iPeriodic;
		* @var iTimeOut
		* @brief Will be ETrue if the iPeriodic timer has expired.
		TBool										iTimeOut;
		* @var iTimeAttributes
		* @brief Will hold the time information recieved by the listener.
		STimeAttributes								iTimeAttributes;
		* @var iTimeZoneId
		* @brief Will hold the timezone id recieved by the listener.
		TInt 										iTimeZoneId;
		* @var iGMTString
		* @brief The string that will be displayed in the global message query dialog,
		* 		 when Nitz info is recieved.
		HBufC*										iGMTString;
		* @var iGMTText
		* @brief String holder for the text "GMT".
		HBufC*										iGMTText;		
		* @var iDataAvailability
		* @brief Keeps the record of data availability.
		TDataAvailabilityState                      iDataAvailability;
		* @var iAdtUpdaterAppUi
		* @brief Keeps the appui of the application.
		CAdtUpdaterAppUi*                           iAdtUpdaterAppUi;
		* @var iQueryDialogsInDisplay
		* @brief ETrue if the dialogs are being displayed. By default EFalse.
		TBool										iQueryDialogsInDisplay;
		* @var iDisplayStartupQueries
		* @brief ETrue if the startup queries have to be displayed, EFalse otherwise.
		TBool                                       iDisplayStartupQueries;  


// End of file