Remerge caldav + fixes (i.e. bug 208, bug 1908, bug 2129, bug 2221, bug 2801)
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Container base class of Calendar application.
* This class is the derivation origin of Calendar container.
// System includes.
#include <AknDialog.h>
#include <coemain.h>
#include <eiklbo.h>
#include <aknlists.h>
#include <calenservices.h>
#include <calennotificationhandler.h>
// User includes.
#include "calencontroller.h"
// Forward declarations.
class CEikColumnListBox;
class TAknsItemID;
class CAknIconArray;
class CAknSingleGraphicHeadingStyleListBox;
class CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext;
class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
class CAknToolbar;
class CAknButton;
class CCalenMultipleDbListbox;
class CCalenMultiDBEditor;
class CCalenMultipleDbUi : public CAknDialog,
public MEikListBoxObserver,
public MCalenNotificationHandler
* @brief Default constructor
* @param aController reference to the controller
CCalenMultipleDbUi(CCalenController& aController );
* @brief second phase constructor
void ConstructL();
* @brief first phase construction
* @aController reference to the controller
static CCalenMultipleDbUi* NewL( CCalenController& aController );
* @brief destructor
* @brief From CAknDialog.Handles focus change
* @param aDrawNow draw status from CAknDialog.
void FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow );
* @brief From CEikDialog.Dynamic initialization of the menu pane
* @param aResourceId menu pane resource
* @param aMenuPane pointer to the menupane
void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane ) ;
* @brief From MEikMenuObserver.Handles the commands in dialog
* @param aCommandId Not used.
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId ) ;
* @brief From CCoeControl.Handles key events.
* @aKeyEvent key event generated
* @aType type of the event code
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType) ;
* @brief From CCoeControl.Handles pointer events
* aPointerEvent reference to the pointer event
void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
* @brief From CEikDialog.Handles a dialog button press
* for the specified button.
* @aButtonId soft key pressed
* @return
TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId ) ;
* brief From MObjectProvider.
* Gets Mop supply object of the given type.
* @param aId Identifier for the supply object.
* @return Pointer to the supply object type ID.
TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId);
* brief From CEikDialog.Prepare of controls
void PreLayoutDynInitL();
* From @c CEikDialog.
void PostLayoutDynInitL();
* From @c CCoeControl.
* Called when controls extent is set.
void SizeChanged();
* From @c CCoeControl.
void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
* From @c CCoeControl.
* @param aIndex index of the control
* @return Pointer to the Control.
CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex) const;
* From @c CCoeControl.
* @return Pointer to the Control.
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
* From @c CCoeControl.
* @param aRect
void Draw(const TRect &aRect) const;
private: //Internal
* Construction of listbox ui
* @return void
void ConstructListL();
* Update listbox contents
* @return void
void UpdateListboxL();
* setup title pane for the status pane
* @return void
void SetTitlePaneL();
* Create icons based on MCalenServices::TCalenIcon indices
* @param aIndexArray MCalenServices::TCalenIcons array for services
* @return CAknIconArray* pointer to array of icons
CAknIconArray* CreateIconsL(RArray<MCalenServices::TCalenIcons>& aIndexArray );
* Used for marking list item as visible/hidden
* @param aMark TBool based on bool value item is made visible/hidden
* @return void
void DoSelectionL( TBool aMark );
* Add new listbox item (calendar)
* @return TInt return value of editor
TInt AddItemL();
* Editing listbox item (calendar)
* @return TInt return value of editor
TInt EditItemL();
* Delete an listbox item (calendar)
* @return void
TInt DeleteItemL();
* Load icons into memory
* @return void
void PrepareIconsL();
* Check if any chnages has occured before modifying an item(calendar)
* @param aDbInfoOriginal CCalCalendarInfo object before editing
* @param aDbInfoModified CCalCalendarInfo object after editing
TBool CheckForChangesL( CCalCalendarInfo& aCalendarInfoOriginal,
CCalCalendarInfo& aCalendarInfoModified);
* Callback for CAsyncCallBack class
* @param aThisPtr* this pointer.
* @return TInt status.
static TInt AsyncCallBackL(TAny* aThisPtr);
* Async method to handle all async commnds
* @param aCommand Async command
void HandleAsyncCommandL(const TInt aCommand);
* Async method to handle all async commnds
* @param aCommand Async command
void DoAsyncActionL(const TInt aCommand);
* @brief Creates button for the toolbar.
* @param aIcon Icon to be displayed for a button.
* @param aDisplayTextID text to be displayed for a button.
* @param aToolbar toolbar reference.
CAknButton* CreateButtonL( CGulIcon* aIcon, TInt aDisplayTextID,
TInt aTooltipID, CAknToolbar& aToolbar );
* @brief set the calendar properties for newly added calendar
* @param aCalendarinfo a reference to CCalCalendarInfo.
void SetCalendarAddPropertiesL(CCalCalendarInfo& aCalendarInfo);
* @brief update the calendar properties for calendar being edited.
* @param aCalendarinfo a reference to CCalCalendarInfo.
void SetCalendarUpdatePropertiesL(CCalCalendarInfo& aCalendarInfo);
* Refocus the items in list when delete action happened.
void ReAdjustListItemFocusL(const TInt aCurrentIndex);
* From CCoeControl Gets help context
* @param aContext Help context
void GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext& aContext) const;
public: // from MCalenNotificationHandler
* @brief Handle notifications
* @param aNotification Nofication to be handled
void HandleNotification(const TCalenNotification aNotification );
public: // from MEikListBoxObserver
* Handles list box events.
* @param aListBox The originating list box.
* @param aEventType A code for the event. Further information
* may be obtained by accessing the list box itself.
void HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType);
* Updates after add/edit had been performed.
* Called from editor before exiting the dialog.
* @param aItemAdded ETure if add else edit.
void UpdateOnAddOrEditL(TBool aItemAdded);
* Exit the dialog;
void ExitDialogL();
CCalenMultipleDbListbox* iListBox;
CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext* iBgContext; //Owns
CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviContainer; //Not own
CCalenController& iController;
CDesCArrayFlat* iDesArray; //Owns
TRect iRect;
RArray<MCalenServices::TCalenIcons> iIconIndices;
CAknIconArray* iIconList;
RArray<TInt32> iColorUidArray;
CCalenMultiDBEditor* iDbEditor;//Not not owned
TBool iConflictOccured;
TBool iIsDbEditorOpen ;
CCalCalendarInfo* iCalendarInfoNew;
CCalCalendarInfo* iCalendarInfoOriginal;
CCalCalendarInfo* iCalendarInfoEdited;
CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncAction;
TInt iAsyncActionCmd;
TInt iCurrentIndex;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCalenMultipleDbListboxItemDrawer ) : public CFormattedCellListBoxItemDrawer
CCalenMultipleDbListboxItemDrawer( MTextListBoxModel* aTextListBoxModel,
const CFont* aFont,
CFormattedCellListBoxData* aFormattedCellData,
CEikListBox* aListBox ,
const RArray<TInt32>& aColorUidArray);
private: // from CWordWrappedFormattedCellItemDrawer
void DrawItem(TInt aItemIndex,
TPoint aItemRectPos,
TBool aItemIsSelected,
TBool aItemIsCurrent,
TBool aViewIsEmphasized,
TBool aViewIsDimmed) const;
CEikListBox* iListBox; //Not owns
const RArray<TInt32>& iColorUidArray; //Not owns
CGulIcon* iIcon;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCalenMultipleDbListbox ): public CAknDoubleGraphicStyleListBox
CCalenMultipleDbListbox(const RArray<TInt32>& aColorUidArray);
private: //from CAknDouble2GraphicStyleListBox
//CListBoxView* MakeViewClassInstanceL();
void CreateItemDrawerL();
void SizeChanged();
void SizeChangedL();
const RArray<TInt32>& iColorUidArray;//Not owns