Remerge caldav + fixes (i.e. bug 208, bug 1908, bug 2129, bug 2221, bug 2801)
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Calendar view manager
#include <vwsdef.h>
#include <coeview.h> // MCoeViewActivationObserver
#include <calencommandhandler.h>
#include <calennotificationhandler.h> // MCalenNotificationHandler
class CAknViewAppUi;
class CCalenGlobalData;
class CCalenViewPopulator;
class CCalenController;
class CCalenView;
class CEikMenuPane;
class CCalenToolbarImpl;
class MCalenToolbar;
class CCalenSetting;
class CCalenViewInfo;
class CCalenCustomisationManager;
class MCalenServices;
class CCalenIcons;
class CCalenToolbarImpl;
typedef CCalenView* (*NativeView)(MCalenServices&);
* The action ui handles events passed from the controller and delegates
* them to the appropriate place (i.e. the specific action ui classes).
class CCalenViewManager : public CBase,
public MCoeViewActivationObserver,
public MCalenNotificationHandler,
public MCalenCommandHandler
public: // Construction and destruction
* Symbian 1st phase constructor
* @param aAppUi Reference to the CAknViewAppUi
* @param aController Reference to the CCalenController
* @return Pointer to CCalenViewManager
static CCalenViewManager* NewL( CAknViewAppUi& aAppUi,
CCalenController& aController );
* Destructor
virtual ~CCalenViewManager();
public: // New functions
* Constructs the custom views
* @param aCustomisationmManager Reference to CCalenCustomisationManager
void ConstructCustomViewsL(
CCalenCustomisationManager& aCustomisationManager );
* Get info array
* @return Reference to RPointerArray<CCalenViewInfo>
RPointerArray<CCalenViewInfo>& ViewInfoArray();
* From MCalenCommandHandler.
* Handles key presses.
* @param aCommand The command Id of the key.
TBool HandleCommandL( const TCalenCommand& aCommand );
* From MCalenCommandHandler.
* Allows extending this API without breaking BC.
* @param aExtensionUid specifies
* @return extension of the requested type
TAny* CalenCommandHandlerExtensionL( TUid aExtensionUid );
* Returns the current view.
* @return TUid of current view
TUid CurrentView() const;
* Removes the current view from the switch menu
* @param aMenuPane Where the currenct view should be removed from
void RemoveCurrentViewFromMenu( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
* Request activation of a specific view
* @param aViewId Reference to TVwsViewId of the view to be activated
void RequestActivationL( const TVwsViewId& aViewId );
* Get a pointer to the Calendar toolbar, or NULL if none is available.
* Ownership is not transferred.
* @return Calendar toolbar if available
MCalenToolbar* ToolbarOrNull();
* Activates the default view, as retrieved from settings.
void ActivateDefaultViewL( TUid aDefaultView );
* Returns if the first view activation on start-up has taken place
TBool ViewsActivated() const;
* Interupts the population of the current view.
void InterruptPopulationL();
* Try to activate a view
* @param aViewUid View id to be activated
* @param aMessageId Message id
* @param aMessage Message send along activation query
void RequestActivationL( const TUid& aViewUid,
const TUid& aMessageId = KNullUid,
const TDesC8& aMessage = KNullDesC8 );
* Started population of the current view
void StartActiveStepL();
* Returns a reference to the calendar icon array
* @return reference to a CCalenIcons array
CCalenIcons& IconsL();
* Gets next view icon
CGulIcon* GetNextViewIconL();
* Repopulate the view.
void SetRepopulation(TBool aRePopulate);
* Returns calendar toolbar
CCalenToolbarImpl* CalenToolbar();
* Unload all plugins on fake exit
void UnLoadAllPluginsL();
* Reload all plugins when application comes to
* foreground after fake exit
void ReloadAllPluginsL();
* Gets the view Id of previous view.
* @return TUid, Uid of previous view.
TUid GetPreviousViewUid();
* Check for native view.
* @param aViewUid Uid of the View
* @returns ETrue if aViewUid is any of the native views
TBool IsNativeView(TUid aViewUid);
* Activate view depending upon the current default view
* If plugin views is default view, then dummy view will be activated
* else the native view
* @param aDefView current default view frm calendar settings
void ActivateViewOnFakeExitL(TUid aDefView);
* Activate the local view if application already in back ground
* @param aDefView current default view which needs to be activated.
void ActivateLocalViewL(TUid aDefView);
private: // New functions
* From MCoeViewActivationObserver
* Called just before a view in this application is activated by the view server
* @param aNewlyActivatedViewId View id to be activated
* @param aViewIdToBeDeactivated View id to be deactivated
void HandleViewActivation( const TVwsViewId& aNewlyActivatedViewId,
const TVwsViewId& aViewIdToBeDeactivated );
* Requests activation for the next view in the view cycle
void CycleNextViewL();
* Requests activation for the previous view in the view cycle
void CyclePrevViewL();
* Constructs the s60 native views and registers them with the view server
void ConstructNativeViewsL();
* Constructs any custom views from plugins and registers them with the view server
void ConstructCustomViewsL();
* Constructs any custom views from a plugin and registers them with the view server
void ConstructCustomViewL( TUid aPluginUid );
* Prompts the user to choose a view to switch to. If cancelled returns
* KErrCancel, otherwise one of the ECalenView*
void ShowSwitchViewQueryL();
* Adds a view to the array
* @param aView Pointer to the view that is going to be added
void AddNativeViewL( CCalenView* aView );
* Removes a native view from the view manager
* @param aViewUid view uid of view that is going to be removed
void RemoveNativeViewL( TUid aViewUid );
* Creates native view
TBool CreateNativeViewL( TUid aViewUid );
* Return reference to the customisation manager
* @return Reference to CCalenCustomisationManager
CCalenCustomisationManager& CustomisationManager();
* Compares the list of active plugins and plugins the view manager
* knows about, to discover which plugins have been enabled or
* disabled
void UpdatePluginListL();
* Removes the custom views supplied by the plugin list from the view
* server.
* @param uids
void RemoveDisabledPluginsViewsL( RArray<TUid>& aDisabledPlugins );
* Asyncronous callback function to remove the current view after
* it has been disabled.
static TInt RemoveDeActivatedView( TAny* aObject );
* Asyncronous callback function to remove the current view after
* it has been disabled. Leaving version
void RemoveDeActivatedViewL();
* Handles notifications (Leaving)
void HandleNotificationL( TCalenNotification aNotification );
* Updates the nextview icon on the toolbar when default view is not month view
void UpdateToolbarNextViewIconL(TUid defViewUid);
* Handles Faster app exit
void HandleFasterAppExitCommandL();
* Handles ECalenNotifySettingsChanged notification
void HandleSettingsChangeNotificationL();
* Handles ECalenNotifyEntryDeleted and ECalenNotifyInstanceDeleted
* notifications
void HandleEntryDeleteNotificationL();
* Handles ECalenNotifyEntryClosed notification
void HandleEntryClosedNotificationL();
* Handles ECalenNotifySystemTimeChanged notification
void HandleSystemTimeChangeNotificationL();
private: // from MCalenNotificationHandler
* Handles notifications
void HandleNotification( const TCalenNotification aNotification );
private: // Construction and destruction
* C++ constructor
* @param aAppUi Reference to CAknViewAppUi
* @param aController Reference to CCalenController
CCalenViewManager( CAknViewAppUi& aAppUi,
CCalenController& aController );
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor
void ConstructL();
private: // Data
TVwsViewId iCurrentViewId;
CCalenGlobalData* iGlobalData;
CAknViewAppUi& iAppUi;
TInt iViewCycleIndex;
CCalenViewPopulator* iPopulator;
CCalenSetting* iSetting;
CCalenToolbarImpl* iToolbar;
CCalenCustomisationManager* iCustomisationManager;
RPointerArray<CCalenViewInfo> iViewInfoArray;
CCalenController& iController;
// Stores the uids of the plugins, the view manager is
// aware of.
RArray<TUid> iKnownPlugins;
// Pointer to CCalenViewInfo for an active view which has
// been disabled.
CCalenViewInfo* iRemovedActiveView;
// Remove the current view asynchronously
CAsyncCallBack* iViewRemovalCallback;
CCalenIcons* iIcons;
// The first view on start-up has been activated.
TBool iViewsActivated;
TVwsViewId iPreviousViewId;
TVwsViewId iPreviousToDayView;
TVwsViewId iPreviousToWeekView;
TBool iAvoidRepopulation;
TBool iStartupComplete;
// End of file