Remerge caldav + fixes (i.e. bug 208, bug 1908, bug 2129, bug 2221, bug 2801)
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CalenEditorDataHandler implements all logic of checking and
* validating editor data
// system includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <caltime.h>
#include <calentry.h>
#include <calinstanceview.h>
#include <caleninstanceid.h>
// user includes
#include "calennotedatautil.h"
// forward declaration
class CCalenEntryUtil;
class MCalenServices;
* CCalenEditorDataHandler implements all logic of checking and validating editor data.
* Necessary checks and validations are specificed in UI spec.
* CCalenEditorIt doesn't contain any dependencies to UI classes, so logic can be
* unit-tested more easily.
* @lib CalenDefaultEditors.dll
* @since S60 v3.0
class CCalenEditorDataHandler : public CBase
enum TError
EFormErrCancelSaveRepNoteWhenStartChange, // FIXME should be removed
EFormErrCancelChangeRepeatingNote, // FIXME should be removed
enum TAction
* @param aEntry that is being edited. Is modified only after call to
* WriteChangesToEntryL function.
* @param aInstanceDateTime time of instance that is edited
* @param aMaxTextEditorLength text editors have max length depending
* on variant, but data in database can be longer.
* We need this information to compare those fields correctly.
static CCalenEditorDataHandler* NewL(CCalEntry& aEntry,
const TCalTime& aInstanceDateTime,
TBool aIsCreatingNew,
TInt aMaxTextEditorLength,
MCalenServices& aServices,
RArray<TInt>& aCollectionIds);
virtual ~CCalenEditorDataHandler();
* @brief Edited data. Data that is currently edited in form
* @return CCalenEntryUtil, Edited entry data
CCalenEntryUtil& Edited();
* @brief Original data. Data that was original set to form.
* @return CCalenEntryUtil, Original entry data
const CCalenEntryUtil& Original() const;
* @brief Do not modify entry! Use WriteChangesToEntryL and access
* entry after that.
* @return CCalEntry
CCalEntry& Entry();
* @brief To Return the instance date/time.
* @return TCalTime
const TCalTime& InstanceDateTime() const;
* @brief check is child entry
* @return ETrue if entry is child.
TBool IsChildL() const;
* @brief write all changed fields to entry
* @param aRepeatTarget
void WriteChangesToEntryL( CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange aRepeatTarget = CalCommon::EThisAndAll );
* @brief To deside Shoud entry be saved or deleted. Entry should be saved,
* if it is edited. However, if subject and location fields has been
* cleared, it should be deleted. Otherwise nothing should be done.
TAction ShouldSaveOrDeleteOrDoNothingL();
* @brief checks if non text fields AND/OR Description field are edited
TBool IsEditedOtherThanSubjectAndLocation();
* @brief checks if non text fields are edited
* @return ETrue if non-text fields are edited else EFalse
TBool NonTextFieldsEditedL();
* @brief checks if text fields are edited
* @return ETrue if text fields are edited else EFalse
TBool TextFieldsEdited();
* @brief compares data to original data and checks if any field is edited.
* @return ETrue if entry data edited, else EFalse
TBool IsEditedL();
* @brief checks data for errors and returns enumeration that describes error
* type. These checks are specified in UI spec under
* chapter Checking Fields Before Saving, and are used when user
* presses 'Done' and tries to save entry.
* Called either when repeat type has not yet been chosen (S60 3.1 and prior)
* or when editing EThisAndAll.
TError CheckErrorsForThisAndAllL();
* @brief checks data for errors and returns enumeration
* that describes error type. These checks are specified in UI spec under
* chapter Checking Fields Before Saving, and are used when user
* presses 'Done' and tries to save entry.
* Only called when editing EThisOnly.
TError CheckErrorsForThisOnlyL( CCalEntry& aParentEntry,
CCalInstanceView& aInstanceView);
* @brief checks validity of data and forces valid values
* to fields, if they have errors. These checks are specified in UI spec
* under chapter Exiting Note Editor, and are used when editors
* are forced to exit without anymore user interaction. These situations
* include: - user selects Exit from Options menu
* - user presses Red key
* - power is turned-off
* - application is closed by OS in OOM situation
* - application is closed by OS when restoring data
void ForceValidValuesL( CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange aRepeatTarget );
* @brief check whether timed entry
* @return ETrue if timed entry, else EFalse
TBool IsTimedEntry() const;
* @brief check if summary edited
* @return ETrue if summary edited, else EFalse
TBool IsSummaryEdited();
* @brief check if Location edited
* @return ETrue if Location edited, else EFalse
TBool IsLocationEdited();
* @brief check if Alarm edited
* @return ETrue if Alarm edited, else EFalse
TBool IsAlarmEditedL();
* @brief check if RepeatRule edited
* @return ETrue if RepeatRule edited, else EFalse
TBool IsRepeatRuleEdited();
* @brief check if EntryType edited
* @return ETrue if EntryType edited, else EFalse
TBool IsEntryTypeEdited();
* @brief check if StartDateTime edited
* @return ETrue if StartDateTime edited, else EFalse
TBool IsStartDateTimeEdited();
* @brief check if EndDateTime edited
* @return ETrue if EndDateTime edited, else EFalse
TBool IsEndDateTimeEdited();
* @brief check if Description edited
* @return ETrue if Description edited, else EFalse
TBool IsDescriptionEdited();
* @brief check if Priority edited
* @return ETrue if Priority edited, else EFalse
TBool IsPriorityEdited();
* @brief Returns ETrue if the calendar filed has been edited, EFalse otherwise.
TBool IsCalendarEditedL();
* @brief compares just date of edited and original start datetime. It is needed
* when changing start date of repeating event
TBool IsStartDateChanged();
* @brief Returns ETrue if attachment exists
TBool IsAttachmentExists();
* @brief Returns ETrue if EventType field modified for already saved entry
TBool IsEventTypeEdited();
* @brief Returns if the `All day event' field is modified or not.
* @return ETrue if modified, EFalse otherwise.
TBool AllDayFieldEdited();
* @brief To set default Alarm date time.
void SetDefaultAlarmDateTimeL(); // might need to be public
* @brief Returns true if both summary and location are empty.
* If UI doesn't support location for edited entry type(e.g. anniversaries),
* it's enough for summary to be empty
TBool AreTextFieldsEmptyL();
* @brief Reset original editor data
void ResetOriginalDataL();
* @brief To set the entry type of handler data
void SetEntryType( CCalEntry::TType aNewEntryType );
* @brief Returns ETrue if the entry should use floating time, EFalse otherwise.
TBool UseFloatingTimeL() const;
* @brief Returns the instance id of the instance being edited currently.
* @return TCalenInstanceId
const TCalenInstanceId CalenInstanceId();
* @brief default constrecture
CCalenEditorDataHandler( CCalEntry& aEntry,
const TCalTime& aInstanceDateTime,
TBool aIsCreatingNew,
TInt aMaxTextEditorLength,
MCalenServices& aServices,
RArray<TInt>& aCollectionIds);
* @brief two-phase constrecture
void ConstructL();
* @brief Check whether Text fields cleared
TBool AreTextFieldsClearedL();
* @brief Returns ETrue if the location is a valid field for this type of entry
TBool LocationEnabledInUiL();
* @brief Sets the default values when creating a new entry.
* @param aData
void SetDefaultNewValuesL( CCalenEntryUtil& aData );
* @brief Calculates the repeat rule for a given entry.
* @param aStartDateTime
* @param aNewREpeatType
* @param aRepeatUntil
* @param aRRule
void CalculateRepeatRuleL( const TTime& aStartDateTime,
TCalenRepeatIndex aNewRepeatType,
const TTime& aRepeatUntil,
TCalRRule& aRRule);
* @brief Writes the start and end times from the form to the CCalEntry.
* @param aRepeatTarget
void WriteStartAndEndTimesToEntryL( CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange aRepeatTarget );
* @brief Applys a new repeat until date to the past repeat rule.
* @param aRule,
* @param aRepeatUntil, Time upto which rule should be repeated.
void ApplyUntilDateToRRuleL( TCalRRule& aRule, const TTime& aRepeatUntil ) const;
* @brief To check whether entry duration is greater than repeat interval
* @return ETrue if the duration of instances of the meeting is greater than
TBool DurationGreaterThanRepeatIntervalError();
* @brief Checks to see if the instance is being moved out of sequence, relative
* to the rest of the series.
TError CheckForOutOfSequenceL();
* @brief Check the alarm fields for errors.
* @param aSerief
* @return the error if found, or EFormErrNone if no error found.
TError CheckAlarmFieldsForErrorsL(TBool aSeries = EFalse);
* @brief Gets the start and end times of the next instance. Sets both to a null
* time if there is no instance after the current one.
* @param aNextStartTime
* @param aNextEndTime
void GetNextInstanceTimeL( TCalTime& aNextStartTime, TCalTime& aNextEndTime );
* @brief Gets the start and end times of the previous instance. Sets both to a
* null time if there is no instance after the current one.
* @param aPreviousStartTime
* @param aPreviousEndTime
void GetPreviousInstanceTimeL( TCalTime& aPreviousStartTime,
TCalTime& aPreviousEndTime );
* @brief Chaeck whether entry is ToDo
* @return Returns ETrue if the entry is ToDo, returns EFalse otherwise
TBool IsToDo() const;
* @brief Returns ETrue if the entry was already created previously so that
* we are now editing it, returns EFalse otherwise.
TBool IsOldEntry();
* @brief Returns ETrue, the summary was not empty in original && is empty
* in the edited note, returns EFalse, otherwise
TBool IsSummaryEmptied();
* @brief Returns ETrue, the location was not empty in original && is empty
* in the edited note, returns EFalse, otherwise
TBool IsLocationEmptied();
* @brief Returns ETrue, the description was not empty in original && is empty
* in the edited note, returns EFalse, otherwise
TBool IsDescriptionEmptied();
* @brief Checks if aAlarmTime is 31 days from aStartTime,
* then sets aError to EFormErrAlarmDateTooManyDaysBeforeNote and returns EFalse
* Checks if aAlarmTime is later aStartTime,
* then sets aError to EFormErrAlarmTimeLaterThanNote and returns EFalse
* returns ETrue otherwise, aError untouched
TBool IsAlarmInAcceptablePeriod(TError& aError, const TTime& aAlarmTime, const TTime& aStartTime) const;
* @brief Get EntryView using MCalenService
* @return referance CCalEntryView
CCalEntryView& EntryViewL();
* @brief Get referance to InstanceView using MCalenService
* @return CCalInstanceView
CCalInstanceView& InstanceViewL();
* @brief Get previous instance for repeating event
* @return Returns TTime of previous instance of a repeating event when repeat type is ERepeatOther
* returns NULLTime when not suitable pevious instance is not found
TTime GetPreviousInstanceForRepeatOtherL(CCalEntry& aEntry, const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& timeRange);
* @brief Get next instance of a reapeating event
* @return TTime of next instance of a repeating event when repeat type is ERepeatOther
* returns NULLTime when not suitable next instance is not found
TTime GetNextInstanceForRepeatOtherL(CCalEntry& aEntry, const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& timeRange);
* @brief add attachments to the entry as ccalattachments
void AddAttachementsToEntryL();
* @brief Returns ETrue if the user is creating a new entry, EFalse if the user
* is editing an existing entry.
TBool IsCreatingNew() const;
* @brief Set if calendar is been edited or not with previous and current collection id
* @param TBool aEdited calendar edited or not
* @param TCalCollectionId aPreviousColId previous collection id
* @param TCalCollectionId aCurrentColId current collection id
void SetCalendarFieldEditedL(TBool aEdited,
TCalCollectionId aPreviousColId,
TCalCollectionId aCurrentColId);
* Get previous collection id
TCalCollectionId PreviousDbCollectionId();
* Get current collection id
TCalCollectionId CurrentDbCollectionId();
private: // data
* @var iEntry
* @brief This should not be modified anywhere else than WriteChangesToEntryL
* function.
CCalEntry& iEntry;
* @var iInstanceDateTime
* @brief Date and time of instance. This defines what instance of entry
* is currently edited
const TCalTime& iInstanceDateTime;
* @var iRecurrenceId
TCalTime iRecurrenceId;
* @var iEntryType
* @brief Entry type, stored from iEntry
CCalEntry::TType iEntryType;
* @var iIsCreatingNew
* @brief iIsCreatingNew is true if user is creating totally new entry
TBool iIsCreatingNew;
* @var iEdited
* @brief Edited entry data
CCalenEntryUtil* iEdited;
* @var iOrigianl
* @brief Original entry data
CCalenEntryUtil* iOriginal;
* @var iMaxTextEditorLength
* @brief Max length of text in editors. This is needed when comparing
* subject and location.
TInt iMaxTextEditorLength;
* @var iServices
* @brief referance to MCalenServices
MCalenServices& iServices;
* @var iPreviousDbColId
* @brief previous collection id
TCalCollectionId iPreviousDbColId;
* @var iCurrentDbColId
* @brief current collection id after editing
TCalCollectionId iCurrentDbColId;
* @var iCalendarFieldEdited
* @brief Status of calendar been edited or not
TBool iCalendarFieldEdited;
* @var iCollectionIds
* @brief collection ids for calendars
RArray<TInt>& iCollectionIds;
* @var iInstanceId
* @brief Holds the id of the instance which is being edited currently.
TCalenInstanceId iInstanceId;
// End of File