Remerge caldav + fixes (i.e. bug 208, bug 1908, bug 2129, bug 2221, bug 2801)
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Unified Editor Fields definition
// system includes
#include <calentry.h>
// user includes
#include "CalenEditorDataHandler.h"
// forward declaration
class CCalenUnifiedEditor;
class CCalenEventTypeField;
class CCalenReminderField;
class CCalenRepeatField;
class CCalenAllDayField;
class CCalenPriorityField;
class CCalenDbField;
class CCalenDescription;
class MCalenServices;
* CCalenUnifiedEditorControl class declaration
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCalenUnifiedEditorControl ) : public CBase
* @brief Two phased constructor
* @param reference to unified editor
* @return returns unified editor fields
static CCalenUnifiedEditorControl* NewL(
CCalenUnifiedEditor& aUnifiedEditor,
MCalenServices& aServices );
* @brief Destructor
virtual ~CCalenUnifiedEditorControl();
* @brief Default constructor
* @param reference to unified editor
CCalenUnifiedEditorControl( CCalenUnifiedEditor& aUnifiedEditor );
* @brief Second phase construction
void ConstructL(MCalenServices& aServices);
* @brief Initializes the dialog's controls before the dialog is sized and
* layed out. Empty by default.
void MakeUnifiedEditorL();
* @brief Set data to the collapsed unified editor
void SetDataToEditorL();
* @brief Set date of date editor aControlId in form to aTime
* @param aControlId control id of the date field
* @param aTime holds the user entered time
* @param aDoDraw ETrue for redraw other wise EFalse
void SetDateField( TInt aControlId,
const TTime& aTime,
TBool aDoDraw = ETrue );
* @brief Sets Time in editor
* @param aControlId control id of the date field
* @param aTime holds the user entered time
* @param aDoDraw ETrue for redraw other wise EFalse
void SetTimeField( TInt aControlId,
const TTime& aTime,
TBool aDoDraw = ETrue );
* @brief Set date of datetime editor aControlId in form to aTime
* @param aControlId control id of the date field
* @param aTime holds the user entered time
* @param aDoDraw ETrue for redraw other wise EFalse
void SetDateTimeField( TInt aControlId,
const TTime& aTime,
TBool aDoDraw = ETrue );
* @brief Sets alarm field on or off
* @param aOnOff ETrue for alarm field ON otherwise EFalse
void SetAlarmFieldOnOffL( TBool aOnOff );
* @brief Check for whether alarm is activated or not
* @return TBool returns ETrue for if alarm active otherwise EFalse
TBool IsAlarmActiveInForm();
* @brief check alarm active based on the input
* @param aActive ETrue for alarm "ON" otherwise EFalse for alarm "OFF"
void CheckAlarmActive( TBool aActive );
* @brief check ALLDay field value.
* @return TBool retunrns ETrue if AllDay field is 'Yes', else EFalse
TBool IsAllDayEvent();
* @brief Set AllDay field text value
* @param aYesOrNo
void SetAllDayFieldL( TBool aYesOrNo );
* @brief To set AllDay field value
* @param aActive
void SetAllDayEvent( TBool aActive );
* @brief Handles a state change in the control with id aControlId.
* Empty by default.
* @param aControlId holds the control id for which the state is changed
void HandleControlStateChangeL( TInt aControlId );
* @brief Tries to change focus to the specified line. Fails if the line
* ID is not valid. Calls @c PrepareForFocusTransitionL() before
* focus is given to the line.
* @param aFocusedId control id which is being focused
void PrepareForFocusTransitionL( TInt aFocusedId );
* @brief Handles event type changed
* @param aNewEventType Holds the new event type selected in editor
void OnEventTypeChangedL( CCalEntry::TType aNewEventType );
* @brief Reads editor data mainly for collapsed editor
* @aContinueOnError used for handling forced exit of the editor
void ReadDataFromEditorL( TBool aContinueOnError );
* @brief Reads subject field from editor
void ReadSubjectFromEditorL();
* @brief Reads start date time from the editor
* @param aContinueOnError used for handling forced exit of the editor
void ReadStartDateTimeFromEditorL( TBool aContinueOnError, TInt aFousedId=0 );
* @brief Reads end date time from the editor
* @param aContinueOnError used for handling forced exit of the editor
void ReadEndDateTimeFromEditorL( TBool aContinueOnError );
* @brief Reads place field from editor
* @param aContinueOnError used for handling forced exit of the editor
void ReadPlaceFieldFromEditorL( TBool aContinueOnError );
* @brief Reads people field from editor
* @param aContinueOnError used for handling forced exit of the editor
void ReadPeopleFieldFromEditorL( TBool aContinueOnError );
* @brief Reads attachment field from editor
* @param aContinueOnError used for handling forced exit of the editor
void ReadAttachmentFieldFromEditorL( TBool aContinueOnError );
* @brief Reads description field from editor
* @aContinueOnError used for handling forced exit of the editor
void ReadDescriptionFieldFromEditorL( TBool aContinueOnError );
* @brief Update editor lines on environment change notifications
void UpdateLinesOnLocaleChangeL();
* Reads the RRule and Rdates for the current CCalEntry.
void ReadRrule(TTime& startTime, TTime& endTime);
* @brief Get start date time from editor
* @return TTime holds the start time
TTime GetStartDateTimeL();
* @brief Get end date time from editor
* @return TTime holds the end time
TTime GetEndDateTimeL();
* @brief Reads time from editor
* @param aControlId controld of the time field
* @return TTime returns time
TTime ReadTimeField( TInt aControlId );
* @brief Reads date from form in QHD resolution
* @param aControlId controld of the time field
* @return TTime returns time
TTime ReadDateField( TInt aControlId );
* @brief Access to the decription field
* @return CCalenDescription returns reference to the decription field
CCalenDescription* Description();
* @brief check repeat note querie required
* @param aRepeatType
CCalenEditorDataHandler::TError AskRepeatingNoteQueriesL(
CalCommon::TRecurrenceRange& aRepeatType );
TInt GetCalendarIndexForEntryL();
const TDesC& GetCalendarNameForEntryL();
* @brief Handle error codes related to the editor fields.
* @param aError
void HandleErrorL( const TInt& aError );
* @brief Adds collapsed editor fields
void AddDefaultEditorL();
* @brief Add collapsed note editor contents
void AddDefaultNoteEditorL();
* @brief Add collapsed birthday editor contents
void AddDefaultBirthDayEditorL();
* @brief Add collapsed meeting editor contents
void AddDefaultMeetingEditorL();
* @brief Add collapsed todo editor contents
void AddDefaultTodoEditorL();
* @brief Initialise default editor contents
void InitDefaultEditorsL();
* @brief Delete previous entry type fields on selcting
* the new entry type
void DeletePreviousEntryTypeFieldsL();
* @brief Delete more information fields from unified editor
* @param aPreviousEntryType
void DeleteExtendedEntryFields( CCalEntry::TType aPreviousEntryType );
* @brief Add new entry type's editor fields
* aParam aNewEventType new event type selected
void AddNewEntryTypeFieldsL( CCalEntry::TType aNewEventType );
* @brief To update end time in editor
void UpdateEndTimeL();
* @brief To to update meeting duration in iMeetingInterval Which is used
* in updating the EndTime of editor on StartTime change.
void UpdateMeetingDurationL();
* @var iUnifiedEditor
* @brief referance to CCalenUnifiedEditor
CCalenUnifiedEditor& iUnifiedEditor;
* @var iEventTypeField
* @brief To handle Event type field
CCalenEventTypeField* iEventTypeField;
* @var iReminderField
* @brief To handle Reminder field
CCalenReminderField* iReminderField;
* @var iRepeatField
* @brief To handle Repeat field
CCalenRepeatField* iRepeatField;
* @var iAllDayField
* @brief To handle AllDay field
CCalenAllDayField* iAllDayField;
* @var iPriorityField
* @brief To handle Note Priority field
CCalenPriorityField* iPriorityField;
* @var iDbField
* @brief To handle Db field
CCalenDbField* iDbField;
* @var iDescription
* @brief To handle Description field
CCalenDescription* iDescription;
* @var iMeetingInterval
* @brief To update end time as per Start time change
TTimeIntervalMinutes iMeetingInterval;