Remerge caldav + fixes (i.e. bug 208, bug 1908, bug 2129, bug 2221, bug 2801)
* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: For Event view container of calendar application.
* The class derived from CCalenContainer
// system includes
// user includes
#include "calenentryutil.h"
#include "calencontainer.h"
#include <eikmenup.h>
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
// forward declarations
class CEikRichTextEditor;
class CCalenEntryUtil;
class CCalenIconDrawer;
class CItemFinder;
class CRepository;
class CCenRepNotifyHandler;
class CFindItemMenu;
// class declaration
* CCalenEventContainer container control class for EventView.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCalenMissedEventContainer):public CCalenContainer,
public MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback,
public MEikScrollBarObserver
* C++ constructor.
CCalenMissedEventContainer( CCalenNativeView* aView,
MCalenServices& aServices );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCalenMissedEventContainer();
private: // Functions from base classes
* From CCoeControl, child control was resized.
void SizeChanged();
* From CCoeControl, return child control count.
* @return Control count
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
* From CCoeControl, return child control pointer.
* @param aIndex Child control index
* @return Child control pointer.
CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
* From CCoeControl, process key event.
* @param aKeyEvent The key event.
* @param aType EEventKey | EEventKeyUp | EEventKeyDown.
* @return EKeyWasNotConsumed : Key event was not consumed.
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType);
* From CCoeControl, process pointer event.
void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
* From CCoeControl
void Draw(const TRect& /*aRect*/) const;
* Pass skin information if needed
TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId);
* From CCoeControl, Get help context.
* @param aContext Help context
void GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext& aContext) const;
* From MActiveStep, refresh EventView data.
TInt DoStepL();
* From CCoeControl Handles a resource relative event
void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
private: // From CCalenContainer
* From CCalenContainer Third phase constructor.
* This function was called CCalenView::ConstructL().
void ConstructImplL();
* From CCalenContainer.
* This methods is called after calendar settings have changed.
void UpdateSize();
* Create icon index
void CreateIconIndicesL( RArray<MCalenServices::TCalenIcons>& aIndexArray );
* This method is called after pointer event in Navi
* decoration object.
* @param aDirection right or left
void HandleNaviDecoratorEventL(TInt aEventID);
void HandleLongTapEventL( const TPoint& aPenEventLocation,
const TPoint& aPenEventScreenLocation );
public: // New methods
* Build text editor
void BuildTextEditorL();
* Request for instance view
void RequestInstanceViewL();
* Add the data fields
void AddFieldsL();
* Complete population
void CompletePopulationL();
* Getter for titlepane
TInt GetTitleTextId();
* Getter for event view data
CCalenEntryUtil* GetEventViewData();
* Complete a todo entry
void OnCmdCompleteTaskL();
* Restore a todo entry
void OnCmdRestoreTaskL();
* Get find item menu
CFindItemMenu* GetFindItemMenu();
* Returns ETrue if event has geo coordinates else EFalse
TBool IsEventHasMapLocationL();
* Returns ETrue if event has location text else EFalse
TBool IsEventHasNoLocationTextL();
* Find a phone number in the form
void OnCmdFindPhoneNumL();
* Find an email address in the form
void OnCmdFindEmailL();
* Find a URL in the form
void OnCmdFindUrlL();
* Set the layout data for LAF
void SetLayoutFromLookAndFeel();
* Convert values from twips to pixels
TInt PixelsToTwips(TInt aPixels);
* Set up the Font style
void SetupFontL();
* Set the icons
void SetIconsL();
* Populate the icon drawer with the icons for this entry
void PopulateIconDrawerL( CCalenIconDrawer& aIconDrawer );
* Formats the heading and adds it the the view
* Headings are bolded with no indentation.
void SetFormatAndAddHeadingL( const TDesC& aHeading );
* Formats the body and adds it the the view
* Body text is not bolded and indented from the leading margin
* according to the Calendar viewer LAF
void SetFormatAndAddBodyL( const TDesC& aBody );
* Formats the text and adds it to the view
void AddFormattedTextL( const TDesC& aText );
* Add a text field to the view.
void AddTextFieldL( TInt aHeadingResource, const TDesC& aBody );
* Add a text field to the view.
void AddTextFieldL( TInt aHeadingResource, TInt aBodyResource );
* Add a empty line to the view.
void AddEmptyLineL();
* Add a subject field to the view.
void AddSubjectFieldL();
* Add a location field to the view.
void AddLocationFieldL();
* Add a priority field to the form.
void AddPriorityFieldL();
* Add a time field to the form.
void AddTimeFieldL( TInt aHeadingResource, const TTime& aTime );
* Add a date field to the form.
void AddDateFieldL( const TTime& aDate );
* Add a date field to the form.
void AddDateFieldL( TInt aHeadingResource, const TTime& aDate );
* Add a "date - date" field to the form.
void AddDateDateFieldL( const TTime& aStartDate, const TTime& aEndDate );
* Add an alarm date-time field to the form, in the order: DD.DD.DDDD TT:TT according to localisation.
void AddAlarmDateAndTimeFieldL( const TTime& aTime );
* Set alarm to form.
void AddAlarmDateTimeFieldL();
* Add the repeat information to the form for a recurring appointment
* @since Series 60 3.1
void AddRepeatFieldL();
* Add the time fields to the form
* @since Series 60 3.1
void AddTimeFieldL();
* Add a description to the form
* @since Series 60 3.1
void AddDescriptionFieldL();
* Add a since field to the form
* @since Series 60 3.1
void AddSinceFieldL();
* Getter for min and max times
void GetMinAndMaxTimesL( RArray<TCalTime>& aTimes,
TCalTime& aMinTime,
TCalTime& aMaxTime );
* Remove duplicate times
void RemoveDuplicateTimesL( RArray<TCalTime>& aTimes );
* Remove excluded times
void RemoveExcludedTimesL( RArray<TCalTime>& aStartDates,
RArray<TCalTime>& aExDates,
RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& aChildEntries );
* RDate expansion stuff
TBool GetSeriesRepeatInformationL( CCalEntry& aEntry,
TCalenRepeatIndex& aRepeatIndex,
TTime& aSeriesStart,
TTime& aSeriesEnd );
* Check if the given text will fit in the the given width
* Used to determine if dates will wrap or not
TBool TryToFitL( const TDesC& aStr, TInt aMaxWidth, const CFont& aFont );
* Convert from a calendar TUint priority to a TInt for the form.
TInt CalendarPriorityToFormPriority( CCalenEntryUtil::TTodoPriority aCalPriority );
* Build Search Buffer
void BuildSearchBufferL();
* Get the text fields from the form as a descriptior.
void GetTextFieldsFromFormL( TDes& aDesc );
* Fetch the current entry's parent from agenda. This should be used
* sparingly as it is expensive. It may be worth seeing if there
* is any performance improvement by fetching the parent from
* CCalenDefaultViewers and passing it through to the constructor of
* the editors and viewers, instead of fetching it internally to each
* viewer/editor.
CCalEntry& ParentEntryL();
* Fetch all the instances of an entry from agenda. This should be used
* sparingly as it is expensive. It may be worth seeing if there
* is any performance improvement by fetching the parent from
* CCalenDefaultViewers and passing it through to the constructor of
* the editors and viewers, instead of fetching it internally to each
* viewer/editor.
RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& AllInstancesL();
private: //Auto highlight methods
* From MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
* Handles the notifier errors
* @since Series60 3.0
* @param aId, Key that has changed
* @param aNewValue, New value of the key
void HandleNotifyError( TUint32 aId,TInt aError,CCenRepNotifyHandler* aHandler );
* From MEikScrollBarObserver: to Handle scrollbar events
* @param CEikScrollBar* : Pointer to the scrollbar
* @param TEikScrollEvent : Event on the Scrollbar
void HandleScrollEventL(CEikScrollBar* aScrollBar, TEikScrollEvent aEventType);
HBufC* iSearchBuf; //Buffer for search text used by find api
HBufC* iTimeFormat; // buffer for the time format string
HBufC* iDateFormat; // buffer for the date format string
CParaFormat* iParaFormat; // para format for the rich text obj. owned
TParaFormatMask iParaFormatMask; // specifying validity of paraformat
TCharFormat iCharFormat; // character formating for the rich text obj
TCharFormatMask iCharFormatMask; // specifying validity of icharformat
TFontSpec iHeadingFontSpec; // font weight of heading text
TFontSpec iBodyFontSpec; // font weight of body text
const CFont* iBodyFont; // not owned
TInt iMaxWidth; // maximum width in pixel of text area of the rich text
TInt iHeadingIndent; // indent of the heading text measured in twips
TInt iBodyIndent; // indent of the body text measured in twips
TInt iIconDrawerWidthInPixels; // width of the icon drawer in pixels
TInt iEmptyLineHeight; // height of the empty line in twips
CEikRichTextEditor* iTextEditor; // rich text obj. owned
CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext* iBgContext; // for skins support
CCalenEntryUtil* iEventViewData; // event view data
CCalEntry* iEntry; //entry viewed in event view
TInt iTitleTextId; // title pane text id
// The array of entries returned from FetchL(), based on the entry being edited.
// This allows retrieving of the parent entry using ParentEntryL(), which should
// be used instead of direct access to this array.
RPointerArray<CCalEntry> iFetchedEntries;
CRepository* iCenRepSession; // Central Repository session
// Notifier to listen changes of offline state
CCenRepNotifyHandler* iNotifier;
CFindItemMenu* iFindMenu;