Remerge caldav + fixes (i.e. bug 208, bug 1908, bug 2129, bug 2221, bug 2801)
* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Container control for Week View .
#include <calsession.h>
#include <calenconstants.h>
#include <AknUtils.h>
#include <calcommon.h> // CalCommon::TCalViewFilter
#include <caleninstanceid.h> // TCalenInstanceId
#include <gestureobserver.h> //MGestureObserver
#include "calencontainer.h"
#include "calenweekcallback.h"
#include "calenweekdata.h"
#include "calenglobaldata.h"
class CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext;
class CCalenWeekListbox;
class CCalenWeekView;
class CCalInstance;
class CCalHourItem;
class CGulIcon;
class TAknWindowLineLayout;
class TCalenInstanceId;
class CCalInstanceView;
class MCalenPreview;
namespace GestureHelper
class CGestureHelper;
typedef CArrayFixFlat<CCalHourItem*>* CWeekSlotArrayPtr;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS (CCalHourItem):public CBase
static CCalHourItem* NewL();
static CCalHourItem* NewL(CCalInstance& aInstance);
// FIXME: can be removed:
void SetDataL( CCalInstance& aInstance,
TTimeIntervalMinutes aStartTime,
TBool aTimedNote,
TCalenWeekHour aHourData);
TBool HasInstance() const;
TBool IsTimed() const;
void ConstructL(CCalInstance& aInstance);
void ConstructL();
TTimeIntervalMinutes iStartTime;
CCalInstance* iInstance;
TBool iTimedNote;
TCalenWeekHour iHourData;
* Container control for Week View.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCalenWeekContainer ) : public CCalenContainer,
public MCalenWeekCursorObserver,
public GestureHelper::MGestureObserver
enum TLocaleChangeRedraw
public: // Constructors and destructor
* C++ constructor.
CCalenWeekContainer( CCalenNativeView* aView,
TTime& aTime,
TInt& aSelectedRowNumber,
TTimeIntervalMinutes& aFirstRowTime,
MCalenServices& aServices );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCalenWeekContainer();
* Create icon indices
void CreateIconIndicesL( RArray<MCalenServices::TCalenIcons>& aIndexArray );
public: // New Function
* Check with the layoutmanager for any layout chnanges
void CheckLayoutAndExtensionL();
* Sets cursor in Active day
void SetCursorToActiveDayL();
* Redrawing when locale change
* @param aFlag Redraw flag: ERedrawAll | ERedrawWeek
void RedrawLocaleChangeL(TLocaleChangeRedraw aFlag);
* Set Active context based on currently focused cell.
* @param aInstAvailable Flag to find instance available
void SetActiveContextFromHighlightL(TBool aInstAvailable = ETrue);
* Step 1 of construction of grid data.
void BeginPopulationWithInstanceViewL();
* Step 2 of construction of grid data.
void FirstPopulateOfSlotTableL();
* Step 3 of construction of grid data.
void SecondPopulateOfSlotTableL();
* Step 4 of construction of grid data.
void CompletePopulationL();
* Hides preview popup/preview pane
void HidePopup();
* Search for top row.
TInt SearchTopIndexL(TInt aColumn);
* Updates preview popup/preview pane
void UpdatePreviewPaneL();
* @brief Find calendarinfo object based on calendar name
* @param aName calendar filename
* @param aCalendarInfo referance for calendarinfo
* @return TBool find status
static TBool CalendarInfoIdentifierL(const HBufC* aName,
const CCalCalendarInfo& aCalendarInfo);
* Cleanup instances
void CleanupInstances();
* returns previewpane pointer
const MCalenPreview* PreviewPane();
* Handles navi decorator event in week view
* @param aDirection left or right
void HandleNaviDecoratorEventL(TInt aDirection);
void HandleLongTapEventL( const TPoint& aPenEventLocation,
const TPoint& aPenEventScreenLocation );
* Handle the gesture event
* @param aEvent event describing the gesture
virtual void HandleGestureL( const GestureHelper::MGestureEvent& aEvent );
private: // New Function
TInt HighlightRowFromActiveContextL(TInt aColumn);
* Sets highlight item in ListBox at active time
void SelectHighlightedCellAndVisibleRangeL();
* Get the available info bar rect for this container
TRect InfoBarRectL( TBool aToolbarAvailable );
* Calculates and Sets day from ListBox column
void CalcDayFromColumn();
* Populate whole week daylist from Agenda server
void PopulatesDayListsL();
* Fills slot table with timed notes.
void InsertTimedNotesToSlotTableL();
* Fills slot table with non-timed notes
void InsertNonTimedNotesToSlotTableL();
* Sets Week data to ListBox
void SetListBoxDataL();
* The note contained in within a time is searched.
* ex)
* aDayList (Note A 9:00-, Note B 9:30-, Note C 10:00)
* aTime 9:00
* Return list (Note A 9:00-, Note B 9:30-)
* @param aDayList Data list of one day
* @param aTime within a time
void SearchMatchedNoteL(RPointerArray <CCalInstance>& aDayList, TTime aTime);
* Check specified entry whether Timed Note.
* @param entry Check a note
* @return ETrue : Timed note
TBool IsTimedNoteL(CCalEntry& aEntry);
* Reset slot time table.
void ResetSlotTable();
* Create slot table
void InitSlotTableL();
TInt FindFirstItemOfColumn(TInt aColumn);
TInt FindItemFromColumnL(const TCalenInstanceId& aId, TInt aColumn);
//TInt FindFirstRowOfInstanceL(const TCalenInstanceId& aId, TInt aColumn);
TInt FindRowForTime(TTimeIntervalMinutes aTime);
* Sets highlight item in ListBox
void SetHighlightAndVisibleRange(TInt aRow, TInt aColumn, TInt aTopLine);
* Adjust active time when item is updated
* @param aId Note Id
//void AdjustActivetimeL(const CCalEntry& aEntry,const TCalTime& aInstanceTime);
* Clear entry of array for cash
void ClearOneDayEntryCache();
//TInt SearchTopIndexL( TInt aColumn );
* Gets time of top item in ListBox
* @return time of top item in ListBox
TTimeIntervalMinutes TopTime() const;
* Arrow key pressed
TKeyResponse HorizontalMoveL(TInt aDir);
void PointerMovedL(TInt aNewColumn);
void HorizontalWeekMoveL(TInt aDir);
void FocusChangeForPopupL();
* Draw day names
* @param aGc Graphic context
void DrawDayNamesL(CWindowGc& aGc) const;
void DrawBackground(CWindowGc& aGc) const;
void DrawGridLines(CWindowGc& aGc) const;
CCalenWeekView& WeekView() const;
private: // From CCalenContainer
* From CCalenContainer.
* (no implementation)
* This methods is called after calendar settings have changed.
void UpdateSize();
* From CCalenContainer Third phase constructor.
* This function was called CCalenView::ConstructL().
void ConstructImplL();
Constructs heading/side/background skin context if enabled
void ConstructBackgroundContextL();
* From CCalenContainer Date cahnge operation notification handler.
void NotifyChangeDateL();
* Notify that item is added or changed.
* @param aEntry is the entry added or modified.
* @param aInstanceTime is time of the modified instance.
//void NotifyEntryChangeL(const CCalEntry& aEntry,const TCalTime& aInstanceTime);
* Calling this will force to resource change to happen
* We will use the last requested resource change type.
void ForceResourceChange();
private: // From CCoeControl
* From CCoeControl Resizes child controls
void SizeChanged();
void FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow );
* React to skin, dynamic layout and other resource changes
void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
* From CCoeControl Return components count
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
* From CCoeControl Retrun the component specified by aIndex
CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
* From CCoeControl processing of a key event
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType);
* From CCoeControl Handle pointer event
void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
* From CCoeControl Drawing day name
void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
* Pass skin information if needed.
TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId);
* From CCoeControl Gets help context
* @param aContext Help context
void GetHelpContext(TCoeHelpContext& aContext) const;
private: // From MActiveStep
* From MActiveStep. Updates WeekView data
//TInt DoStepL();
private: // From MCalenWeekCursorCallBack
TKeyResponse CursorMovedL(MCalenWeekCursorObserver::TCursorMove aDir);
private: // New variables
CCalenWeekListbox* iListBox;
CDesCArrayFlat* iDesArray; // ListBox data
RPointerArray<CCalInstance> iIdList[KCalenDaysInWeek];
CWeekSlotArrayPtr iSlotTable[KCalenDaysInWeek];
RPointerArray<CCalInstance> iEntryCache;
RPointerArray<CCalInstance> iOneDayEntryCache;
MCalenPreview* iPreview;
TTime iStartDay; // first day of week of iCurrentDay
TInt iColumn;
// In current week view, number of rows reserved for non-timed
// notes
TInt iNonTimedAreaRowCount;
CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext* iBackgroundSkinContext;
// Cached layout values (used in many places)
TAknLayoutRect i_listscroll_cale_week_pane;
TBool iViewPopulationComplete;
// View specific data, references to the view
TTime& iTime;
TInt& iSelectedRowNumber; // The row number of the highlighted cell.
TTimeIntervalMinutes& iFirstRowTime; // The offset of the topmost row on screen to the first row.
TBool iTopRowDefault;
TBool iRow;
TBool iValidDay;
TBool iHourChange;
* Gesture helper provides functionality to convert a stream of pointer
* events into a logical gesture.
* Own.
// Own: Gesture helper
GestureHelper::CGestureHelper* iGestureControl;
TBool iGestureHandled;
// End of File