Remerge caldav + fixes (i.e. bug 208, bug 1908, bug 2129, bug 2221, bug 2801)
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declaration of Base class of Notepad Dialogs.
#include <AknDialog.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include "NpdLib.hrh"
#include <AknProgressDialog.h>
class CAknTitlePane;
class CSendUi;
class CSendAppUi;
class CNotepadDialogBase;
class CEikonEnv;
class CNotepadModel;
class CEikEdwin;
class CEikMenuPane;
class CPlainText;
class RFile;
class TResourceReader;
class CAknProgressDialog;
class CMessageData;
class CNotepadListDialog;
* Base class of three dialogs in Notepad library.
* CNotepadDialogBase is the base class of CNotepadListDialog,
* CNotepadEditorDialog and CNotepadViewerDialog.
* @lib NpdLib.lib
* @see CNotepadListDialog, CNotepadEditorDialog, CNotepadViewerDialog.
class CNotepadDialogBase : public CAknDialog
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Destructor.
IMPORT_C virtual ~CNotepadDialogBase();
public: // New functions
* Execute dialog (Internal to NPDLIB).
* @return return code of CEikDailog::ExecuteLD.
* @internal
IMPORT_C TInt ExecuteLD();
protected: // Constructors
* Second phase constructor.
* @param aReader resource reader already opened for
void ConstructL(TResourceReader& aReader);
protected: // New functions
* Set text of title pane.
* If aTitle is NULL, no operation is done (it never leaves nor panics).
* @param aTitle title string.
void SetTitleL( const TDesC* aTitle );
* Set text of title pane.
* @param aFile file handle.
void SetFileHandleL(RFile& aFile);
* Show confirmation query with specified prompt and return the answer.
* @param aPromptResId resource id for the confirmation prompt.
* @return ETrue if query confirmed Yes, otherwise EFalse.
TBool ExecuteConfirmationQueryL(TInt aPromptResId);
* Show confirmation query with specified prompt and return the answer.
* @param aPrompt prompt text for the confirmation.
* @return ETrue if query confirmed Yes, otherwise EFalse.
TBool ExecuteConfirmationQueryL(TDesC* aPrompt = NULL);
* Send text using SendUi.
* @param aSendUi CSendUi object.
* @param aCommandId, command id of MTM.
* @param aDesC text to send.
* @param aPlainText CPlainText to send.
* @param aFileName file name to send.
void SendAsL(
CSendUi& aSendUi,
TInt aCommandId,
const TDesC* aDesC,
const CPlainText* aPlainText = NULL,
const TDesC* aFileName = NULL );
* Send text using SendUi.
* @param aSendUi CSendUi object.
* @param aCommandId, command id of MTM.
* @param aDesC text to send.
* @param aPlainText CPlainText to send.
* @param aFileName file name to send.
void SendAsL(
CSendUi& aSendUi,
TInt aCommandId,
TBool aFileExist,
const TDesC* aDesC,
const CPlainText* aPlainText = NULL );
* Send items using SendUi.
* @param aSendUi CSendUi object.
* @param aModel CNotepadModel object.
* @param aCommandId, command id of MTM.
* @param aKeys a key array of items to send.
TUid SendByKeysL(
CSendUi& aSendUi,
TInt aCommandId,
CNotepadModel& aModel,
const RArray<TInt>& aKeys );
* Check this dialog if waiting.
* @return ETrue if this is a waiting dialog, otherwize EFalse.
inline TBool IsWaiting() const;
* Check whether this dialog is for Notepad application.
* @return ETrue if this is for Notepad, otherwize EFalse.
inline TBool IsNotepad() const;
* Check whether this dialog is for Templates application.
* @return ETrue if this is for Templates, otherwize EFalse.
inline TBool IsTemplates() const;
* Check whether this dialog is modeless.
* @return ETrue if this is a modeless dialog, otherwize EFalse.
inline TBool IsModeless();
* Check whether this dialog is for Notepad application ListDialog.
* @return ETrue if this is for for Notepad application ListDialog, otherwize EFalse.
inline TBool IsNoteListDialog() const;
* Check whether this dialog is for Template List.
* @return ETrue if this is for for Template List, otherwize EFalse.
inline TBool IsTemplateListDialog() const;
* Set iTitle text to title pane.
void RefreshTitleL();
* Insert 'Send' menu item to aMenuPane just
* after aCommandId.
* @param aSendUi CSendUi object.
* @param aMenuPane menu pane to insert.
* @param aCommandId new menu item is added after the position of this.
void InsertSendMenuItemAfterL(
CSendUi& aSendUi,
CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane,
TInt aCommandId );
* For MCE, delayed exit.
* @return ETrue If delayed exit mode.
inline TBool IsExitDelayedBySendUi() const;
protected: // Functions from base classes
* From CCoeControl.
void ActivateL();
* From MEikCommandObserver
* @param aCommandId command.
void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId);
* From MEikDialogPageObserver.
* Create customized ListBox.
* @param aControlType id of dialog line.
* @return line control info.
SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL(TInt aControlType);
private: // New functions
* Send a file as an attachment.
* The MTM specified by aCommandId must have capability to send
* a file as attachment.
* @param aSendUi CSendUi object.
* @param aCommandId a command id of send menu item.
* @param aFileName a name of the file to be sent.
void SendFileAsAttachmentL(
CSendUi& aSendUi,
TInt aCommandId,
const TDesC& aFileName );
* Send a file as an attachment.
* The MTM specified by aCommandId must have capability to send
* a file as attachment.
* @param aSendUi CSendUi object.
* @param aCommandId a command id of send menu item.
* @param aFileName a name of the file to be sent.
void SendFileAsAttachmentL(
CSendUi& aSendUi,
TInt aCommandId,
RFile& aFile );
* For cleaning up the ENotepadSendUiRunning flag.
static void CleanupSendUiFlag(TAny *aSelf);
* Reserved API entry.
* @internal
IMPORT_C void CNotepadDialogBase_Reserved();
protected: // Data
TInt iResId; // dialog ResourceId
CEikDialog** iSelfPtr;
TBool iMskFlag;
private: // inner class
* CTemporaryFiles is a class for temprary files.
* We must not only close but also
* 'Delete' the temorary files even when some function LEAVES while
* using it.
class CTemporaryFiles : public CDesC16ArrayFlat
public: //constructor, destructor
CTemporaryFiles(TInt aGranularity, CEikonEnv& aEikonEnv);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CTemporaryFiles();
public: // new function
* CNotepadDialogBase::CTemporaryFiles::AppendL
* if you need some code conversion....
* CPlainText::TImportExportParam param;
* param.iForeignEncoding = KCharacterSetIdentifierUtf8; // target encoding
* CPlainText::TImportExportResult result;
* text->ExportTextL(0, stream, param, result);
void AppendL(const CPlainText& aText);
private: // data
CEikonEnv& iEnv; // not own
TBuf16<150> iSendFileName;
* CCreateAndAppendFiles is an active object to create and append
* attachments.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCreateAndAppendFiles) : public CActive, public MProgressDialogCallback
public: // constructor, destructor
* CCreateAndAppendFiles* NewL
* @param aReader resource reader already opened for
static CCreateAndAppendFiles* NewL(
CSendUi& aSendAppUi,
TInt aCommandId,
CNotepadModel& aModel,
RArray<TInt> aKeys,
CEikonEnv& aEikonEnv,
TInt& aBaseFlags,
CNotepadDialogBase* aNpdDlgBase,
TUid aServiceUId);
* CCreateAndAppendFiles
* @param aReader resource reader already opened for
CSendUi& aSendAppUi,
TInt aCommandId,
CNotepadModel& aModel,
//RArray<TInt> aKeys,
CEikonEnv& aEikonEnv,
TInt& aBaseFlags,
CNotepadDialogBase* aNpdDlgBase,
TUid aServiceUId);
* Second phase constructor.
* @param aReader resource reader already opened for
void ConstructL(RArray<TInt> aKeys);
* Destructor.
* Creates CAknProgressDialog object and creates a progress bar
void ShowProgressBarL();
* Deletes the CAknProgressDialog object if it is already created.
void EndProgressDialog();
* Attaches the selected notes to the message asynchronously.
void StartAttachingL();
* Call back function called when Dialog is dismissed.
void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
* release memory allocated in the phase of appending Notes to Messaging.
void ReleaseMemory();
private: // data
CSendUi& iSendAppUi;
TInt iCommandId;
CNotepadModel& iModel;
RArray<TInt> iKeys;
TInt iTotalCount;
CNotepadDialogBase::CTemporaryFiles* iFiles;
CPlainText* iText;
TInt iCount;
TBool iAttaching;
TBool iCanceled;
CEikonEnv& iEnv;
TInt& iBaseFlags;
CAknProgressDialog* iProgressBar;
CMessageData* imessageData ;
RFs iFs;
CArrayFixFlat<RFile> *array;
RFile ifile1;
TUid iServiceUId;
CNotepadListDialog *iListDialog; //Not owned
private: // Data
enum TNotepadDialogBaseFlags
ENotepadSendUiRunning = 0x01,
ENotepadSendUiDelayedExit = 0x02
TDesC* iTitle; // own
HBufC* iSavedTitle; // own (copied)
CAknTitlePane* iTitlePane; // not own (cached)
RFile iFile;
TInt iBaseFlags;
CNotepadDialogBase::CCreateAndAppendFiles* iCreateFile;
#include "NpdDialogBase.inl"
// End of File