* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header file for AgendaUtilPrivate class.
// System includes
#include <calsession.h>
#include <calprogresscallback.h>
#include <calrrule.h>
#include <calentry.h>
#include <calentryview.h>
#include <calinstanceview.h>
#include <calalarm.h>
#include <calcategory.h>
// User includes
#include "agendautil.h"
// Forward declarations
class CCalSession;
// Enums
enum RepeatIndex {
repeatDaily = 0,
enum DifferenceFlag {
EntryDifferentStartTimeAndEndTime = 0x001,
EntryDifferentSummary = 0x002,
EntryDifferentDescription = 0x004,
EntryDifferentLocation = 0x08,
EntryDifferenceCount = 0x010 // Must be last!
class AgendaUtilPrivate :
public CBase, public MCalProgressCallBack, public MCalChangeCallBack2
AgendaUtilPrivate(AgendaUtil* calendar);
ulong addEntry(const AgendaEntry& entry);
ulong cloneEntry(const AgendaEntry& entry, AgendaEntry::Type type);
bool updateEntry(const AgendaEntry& entry, bool isChild = false);
bool storeRepeatingEntry(const AgendaEntry& entry, bool copyToChildren);
bool createException(const AgendaEntry& entry);
bool deleteEntry(ulong id);
void deleteRepeatedEntry(
AgendaEntry& entry,
AgendaUtil::RecurrenceRange range);
void deleteEntries(
QDateTime& start, QDateTime& end, AgendaUtil::FilterFlags);
int importvCalendar(const QString& fileName, AgendaEntry& entry);
bool exportAsvCalendar(const QString& fileName, ulong calendarEntryId);
AgendaEntry fetchById(ulong ids);
QList<AgendaEntry> fetchAllEntries(AgendaUtil::FilterFlags filter);
QList<AgendaEntry> fetchEntriesInRange(
QDateTime rangeStart, QDateTime rangeEnd,
AgendaUtil::FilterFlags filter);
QList<ulong> entryIds(AgendaUtil::FilterFlags filter);
void markDatesWithEvents(QDateTime rangeStart, QDateTime rangeEnd,
AgendaUtil::FilterFlags filter, QList<QDate>& dates);
QList<AgendaEntry> createEntryIdListForDay(
QDateTime day, AgendaUtil::FilterFlags filter);
AgendaUtil::Error error() const;
void setCompleted(AgendaEntry& entry, bool complete, QDateTime& dateTime);
AgendaEntry parentEntry(AgendaEntry& entry);
void clearRepeatingProperties(AgendaEntry& entry);
void getPreviousInstanceTimes(AgendaEntry& entry, QDateTime& startTime,
QDateTime& endTime);
void getNextInstanceTimes(AgendaEntry& entry, QDateTime& startTime,
QDateTime& endTime);
bool areNoEntriesInCalendar();
static QDateTime minTime();
static QDateTime maxTime();
static bool isWorkdaysRepeatingEntry(const AgendaRepeatRule& repeatRule);
void Progress(TInt /*aPercentageCompleted*/) {};
void Completed(TInt aError);
TBool NotifyProgress() { return EFalse; };
void CalChangeNotification(RArray<TCalChangeEntry>& aChangeItems);
AgendaEntry createAgendaEntryFromCalEntry(
CCalEntry& calEntry, CCalInstance* instance = NULL);
bool addAttendeesToEntry(
const QList<AgendaAttendee>& attendees, CCalEntry& entry);
bool addCategoriesToEntry(
const QList<AgendaCategory>& categories, CCalEntry& entry);
bool setAlarmToEntry(const AgendaAlarm& alarm, CCalEntry& entry);
bool prepareSession();
void sortInstanceList(RPointerArray<CCalInstance>& list);
void getDayRange(
const QDateTime& aStartDay, const QDateTime& aEndDay,
CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& aRange );
TTime LimitToValidTime(const TTime& aTime);
CCalInstance* findPossibleInstance(AgendaEntry& entry);
static int entryCompare(
const CCalInstance& aInstance1, const CCalInstance& aInstance2);
static int compareToDos(
const CCalEntry& aEntry1, const CCalEntry& aEntry2 );
static int compareNonTimedNotes(
const CCalInstance& aInstance1, const CCalInstance& aInstance2);
static int compareTimedNotes(
const CCalInstance& aInstance1, const CCalInstance& aInstance2 );
RepeatIndex getRepeatIndex(const CCalEntry& aEntry);
TTime getPreviousInstanceForRepeatOther(CCalEntry& entry,
const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& timeRange);
TTime getNextInstanceForRepeatOther(CCalEntry& aEntry,
const CalCommon::TCalTimeRange& timeRange);
bool haveRepeatPropertiesChanged(const CCalEntry& newEntry,
const CCalEntry& oldEntry);
void copyChildrenExceptionData( CCalEntry& editedEntry,
RPointerArray<CCalEntry>& oldEntries );
bool isFieldSame( CCalEntry& entryOne, CCalEntry& entryTwo,
DifferenceFlag flag);
void copyField( const CCalEntry& src, CCalEntry& dst,
DifferenceFlag field );
void storeEachChildEntry(CCalEntry &entry,
RPointerArray<CCalEntry> &oldEntries,
bool resetLocalUid);
TCalTime generateRecurrenceIdFromEntry( CCalEntry& entry,
TCalTime instanceDate );
bool endsAtStartOfDay( CCalInstance* instance,
const TTime& day );
AgendaRepeatRule createAgendaRRuleFromTCalRRule(TCalRRule &calRRule);
TCalRRule createTCalRRuleFromAgendaRRule(AgendaRepeatRule &agendaRRule);
AgendaUtil *q;
CCalSession* iCalSession;
CCalEntryView* iCalEntryView;
CCalInstanceView* iCalInstanceView;
CActiveSchedulerWait* iWait;
bool mEntryViewCreated;
bool mInstanceViewCreated;
mutable int iError;
bool mIsDeleting;
enum CompareResult {
Equal = 0, // 1. == 2.
LessThan = -1, // 1. < 2.
GreaterThan = 1 // 1. > 2.
#endif // AGENDAUTIL_P_H
// End of file --Don't remove this.