author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Tue, 02 Feb 2010 10:12:19 +0200
changeset 0 f979ecb2b13e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201003 Kit: 201005

ORG:Symbian Foundation

Tield: Obsolete term fo=
r Elementary File.=0D=0ADedicated File (DF): A file containing access condit=
ions and optionally Elementary Files (EFs) or other=0D=0ADedicated Files (=
DFs).=0D=0Adirectory: General term for MF and DF.=0D=0AElementary File (EF):=
 A file containing access conditions and data and no other files.=0D=0Afile:=
 A directory or an organised set of bytes or records in the SIM.=0D=0Afile i=
dentifier: The 2 bytes which address a file in the SIM.=0D=0AGSM or DCS 1800=
 application: Set of security mechanisms files data and protocols required=
 by GSM=0D=0Aor DCS 1800.=0D=0AGSM session: That part of the card session de=
dicated to the GSM operation.=0D=0AIC card SIM: Obsolete term for ID-1 SIM.=
=0D=0AID-1 SIM: The SIM having the format of an ID-1 card (see ISO 7816-1 [2=
3]).=0D=0AMaster File (MF): The unique mandatory file containing access cond=
itions and optionally DFs and/or EFs.=0D=0Apadding: One or more bits appende=
d to a message in order to cause the message to contain the required=0D=0Anu=
mber of bits or bytes.=0D=0Aplug-in SIM: A second format of SIM (specified i=
n clause 4).=0D=0Arecord: A string of bytes within an EF handled as a single=
 entity (see clause 6).=0D=0Arecord number: The number which identifies a re=
cord within an EF.=0D=0Arecord pointer: The pointer which addresses one reco=
rd in an EF.=0D=0APage 12=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Aro=
ot directory: Obsolete term for Master File.=0D=0A3.2 Abbreviations=0D=0AFor=
 the purposes of this ETS the following abbreviations apply. In addition to =
the following abbreviations=0D=0Aused in this ETS are listed in GSM 01.04 [2=
].=0D=0AA3 Algorithm 3 authentication algorithm; used for authenticating th=
e subscriber=0D=0AA5 Algorithm 5 cipher algorithm; used for enciphering/dec=
iphering data=0D=0AA8 Algorithm 8 cipher key generator; used to generate Kc=
=0D=0AA38 A single algorithm performing the functions of A3 and A8=0D=0AACM =
Accumulated Call Meter=0D=0AADN Abbreviated Dialling Number=0D=0AADM Access =
condition to an EF which is under the control of the authority which=0D=0Acr=
eates this file=0D=0AALW ALWays=0D=0AAoC Advice of Charge=0D=0AAPDU Applicat=
ion Protocol Data Unit=0D=0AATR Answer To Reset=0D=0ABCCH Broadcast Control =
CHannel=0D=0ABCD Binary Coded Decimal=0D=0ABTS Base Transmitter Station=0D=
=0ACB Cell Broadcast=0D=0ACBMI Cell Broadcast Message Identifier=0D=0ACCITT =
The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (now also=
=0D=0Aknown as the ITU Telecommunications Standardization sector)=0D=0ACCP C=
apability/Configuration Parameter=0D=0ACHV Card Holder Verification informat=
ion; access condition used by the SIM for the=0D=0Averification of the ident=
ity of the user=0D=0ACLA CLAss=0D=0ADCS Digital Cellular System=0D=0ADF Dedi=
cated File (abbreviation formerly used for Data Field)=0D=0ADTMF Dual Tone M=
ultiple Frequency=0D=0AEF Elementary File=0D=0AETSI European Telecommunicati=
ons Standards Institute=0D=0Aetu elementary time unit=0D=0AFDN Fixed Diallin=
g Number=0D=0AGSM Global System for Mobile communications=0D=0AHPLMN Home PL=
MN=0D=0AIC Integrated Circuit=0D=0AICC Integrated Circuit(s) Card=0D=0AID ID=
entifier=0D=0AIEC International Electrotechnical Commission=0D=0AIMSI Intern=
ational Mobile Subscriber Identity=0D=0AISO International Organization for S=
tandardization=0D=0AKc Cryptographic key; used by the cipher A5=0D=0AKi Subs=
criber authentication key; the cryptographic key used by the authentication=
=0D=0Aalgorithm A3 and cipher key generator A8=0D=0ALAI Location Area Inf=
ormation; information indicating a cell or a set of cells=0D=0Algth The (spe=
cific) length of a data unit=0D=0ALND Last Number Dialled=0D=0ALSB Least Sig=
nificant Bit=0D=0AMCC Mobile Country Code=0D=0AME Mobile Equipment=0D=0AMF M=
aster File=0D=0AMMI Man Machine Interface=0D=0AMNC Mobile Network Code=0D=
=0AMS Mobile Station=0D=0AMSISDN Mobile Station international ISDN number=
=0D=0AMSB Most Significant Bit=0D=0APage 13=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Dec=
ember 1995=0D=0ANET NETwork=0D=0ANEV NEVer=0D=0ANPI Numbering Plan Identifie=
r=0D=0APIN/PIN2 Personal Identification Number / Personal Identification Num=
ber 2 (obsolete=0D=0Aterms for CHV1 and CHV2 respectively)=0D=0APLMN Public=
 Land Mobile Network=0D=0APTS Protocol Type Select (response to the ATR)=0D=
=0APUK/PUK2 PIN Unblocking Key / PIN2 Unblocking Key (obsolete terms for UNB=
LOCK CHV1=0D=0Aand UNBLOCK CHV2 respectively)=0D=0ARAND A RANDom challenge =
issued by the network=0D=0ARFU Reserved for Future Use=0D=0ASIM Subscriber I=
dentity Module=0D=0ASMS Short Message Service=0D=0ASRES Signed RESponse calc=
ulated by a SIM=0D=0ASSC Supplementary Service Control string=0D=0ASW1/SW2 S=
tatus Word 1 / Status Word 2=0D=0ATMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity=
=0D=0ATON Type Of Number=0D=0ATP Transfer layer Protocol=0D=0ATS Technical S=
pecification=0D=0AUNBLOCK CHV1/2 value to unblock CHV1/CHV2=0D=0AVPLMN Visit=
ed PLMN=0D=0A3.3 Symbols=0D=0AVcc Supply voltage=0D=0AVpp Programming voltag=
e=0D=0A'0' to '9' and 'A' to 'F' The sixteen hexadecimal digits=0D=0A4 Physi=
cal characteristics=0D=0ATwo physical types of SIM are specified. These are =
the "ID-1 SIM" and the "Plug-in SIM".=0D=0AThe physical characteristics of b=
oth types of SIM shall be in accordance with ISO 7816-12 [23 24] unless=
=0D=0Aotherwise specified. The following additional requirements shall be ap=
plied to ensure proper operation in=0D=0Athe GSM environment.=0D=0A4.1 Forma=
t and layout=0D=0AThe information on the exterior of either SIM should inclu=
de at least the individual account identifier and the=0D=0Acheck digit of th=
e IC Card Identification (see clause 10 EFICCID).=0D=0A4.1.1 ID-1 SIM=0D=
=0AFormat and layout of the ID-1 SIM shall be in accordance with ISO 7816-1=
2 [23 24].=0D=0AThe card shall have a polarisation mark (see TS GSM 02.07 [=
3]) which indicates how the user should=0D=0Ainsert the card into the ME.=
=0D=0AThe ME shall accept embossed ID-1 cards. The embossing shall be in acc=
ordance with ISO 7811=0D=0A[20 21]. The contacts of the ID-1 SIM shall be l=
ocated on the front (embossed face see ISO 7810 [20])=0D=0Aof the card.=0D=
=0A4.1.2 Plug-in SIM=0D=0AThe Plug-in SIM has a width of 25 mm a height of =
15 mm a thickness the same as an ID-1 SIM and a=0D=0Afeature for orientatio=
n. See figure A.1 in normative annex A for details of the dimensions of the =
card and=0D=0Athe dimensions and location of the contacts.=0D=0AAnnexes A.1 =
and A.2 of ISO 7816-1 [23] do not apply to the Plug-in SIM.=0D=0APage 14=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AAnnex A of ISO 7816-2 [24] app=
lies with the location of the reference points adapted to the smaller size.=
=0D=0AThe three reference points P1 P2 and P3 measure 75 mm 33 mm and 20=
8 mm respectively from 0.=0D=0AThe values in Table A.1 of ISO 7816-2 [24]=
 are replaced by the corresponding values of figure A.1.=0D=0A4.2 Temperatur=
e range for card operation=0D=0AThe temperature range for full operational u=
se shall be between -25=B0C and +70=B0C with occasional peaks of=0D=0Aup to =
+85=B0C. "Occasional" means not more than 4 hours each time and not over 100=
 times during the life=0D=0Atime of the card.=0D=0A4.3 Contacts=0D=0A4.3.1 P=
rovision of contacts=0D=0AME: There shall not be any contacting elements in =
positions C4 and C8. Contact C6 need not be=0D=0Aprovided for Plug-in SIMs.=
=0D=0ASIM: Contacts C4 and C8 need not be provided by the SIM. Contact C6 sh=
all not be bonded in the SIM=0D=0Afor any function other than supplying Vpp.=
=0D=0A4.3.2 Activation and deactivation=0D=0AThe ME shall connect activate =
and deactivate the SIM in accordance with the Operating Procedures=0D=0Aspec=
ified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25].=0D=0AFor any voltage level monitored during t=
he activation sequence or during the deactivation sequence=0D=0Afollowing s=
oft power-down the order of the contact activation/deactivation shall be re=
spected.=0D=0ANOTE 1: Soft Power switching is defined in TS GSM 02.07 [3].=
=0D=0ANOTE 2: It is recommended that whenever possible the deactivation sequ=
ence defined in=0D=0AISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] should be followed by the ME on all=
 occasions when the ME is=0D=0Apowered down.=0D=0AIf the SIM clock is alread=
y stopped and is not restarted the ME is allowed to deactivate all the cont=
acts in=0D=0Aany order provided that all signals reach low level before Vcc=
 leaves high level. If the SIM clock is already=0D=0Astopped and is restarte=
d before the deactivation sequence then the deactivation sequence specified=
 in=0D=0AISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] subclause 5.4 shall be followed.=0D=0AWhen Vpp =
is connected to Vcc as allowed by GSM (see clause 5) then Vpp will be acti=
vated and=0D=0Adeactivated with Vcc at the time of the Vcc activation/deact=
ivation as given in the sequences of ISO/IEC=0D=0A7816-3 [25] subclauses 5.=
1 and 5.4.=0D=0AThe voltage level of Vcc used by GSM differs from that spe=
cified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25]. Vcc is powered=0D=0Awhen it has a value betwe=
en 45 V and 55 V.=0D=0A4.3.3 Inactive contacts=0D=0AThe voltages on contac=
ts C1 C2 C3 C6 and C7 of the ME shall be between 0 and =B1 04 volts refe=
renced=0D=0Ato ground (C5) when the ME is switched off with the power source=
 connected to the ME. The=0D=0Ameasurement equipment shall have a resistance=
 of 50 kohms when measuring the voltage on C2 C3 C6=0D=0Aand C7. The resis=
tance shall be 10 kohms when measuring the voltage on C1.=0D=0A4.3.4 Contact=
 pressure=0D=0AThe contact pressure shall be large enough to ensure reliable=
 and continuous contact (e.g. to overcome=0D=0Aoxidisation and to prevent in=
terruption caused by vibration). The radius of any curvature of the contacti=
ng=0D=0Aelements shall be greater than or equal to 08 mm over the contact a=
rea.=0D=0APage 15=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AUnder no c=
ircumstances may a contact force be greater than 05 N per contact.=0D=0A4.4=
 Precedence=0D=0AFor Mobile Equipment which accepts both an ID-1 SIM and a =
Plug-in SIM the ID-1 SIM shall take=0D=0Aprecedence over the Plug-in SIM (s=
ee TS GSM 02.17 [6]).=0D=0A4.5 Static Protection=0D=0AConsidering that the S=
IM is a CMOS device the ME manufacturer shall take adequate precautions (in=
=0D=0Aaddition to the protection diodes inherent in the SIM) to safeguard th=
e ME SIM and SIM/ME interface=0D=0Afrom static discharges at all times and=
 particularly during SIM insertion into the ME.=0D=0A5 Electronic signals an=
d transmission protocols=0D=0AElectronic signals and transmission protocols =
shall be in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] unless=0D=0Aspecified otherw=
ise. The following additional requirements shall be applied to ensure proper=
 operation in=0D=0Athe GSM environment.=0D=0AThe choice of the transmission =
protocol(s) to be used to communicate between the SIM and the ME shall=0D=
=0Aat least include that specified and denoted by T=3D0 in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [2=
5].=0D=0AThe values given in the tables hereafter are derived from ISO/IEC 7=
816-3 [25] subclause 4.2 with the=0D=0Afollowing considerations:=0D=0A- VOH=
 and VOL always refer to the device (ME or SIM) which is driving the interfa=
ce. VIH and VIL=0D=0Aalways refer to the device (ME or SIM) which is operati=
ng as a receiver on the interface.=0D=0A- This convention is different to th=
e one used in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] which specifically defines an=0D=0AICC fo=
r which its current conventions apply. The following clauses define the spec=
ific core=0D=0Arequirements for the SIM which provide also the basis for Ty=
pe Approval. For each state (VOH VIH=0D=0AVIL and VOL) a positive current =
is defined as flowing out of the entity (ME or SIM) in that state.=0D=0A- Th=
e high current options of ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] for VIH and VOH are not specif=
ied for the SIM as=0D=0Athey apply to NMOS technology requirements. No reali=
sation of the SIM using NMOS is foreseen.=0D=0A5.1 Supply voltage Vcc (conta=
ct C1)=0D=0AThe SIM shall be operated within the following limits:=0D=0ATabl=
e 1: Electrical characteristics of Vcc under normal operating conditions=0D=
=0ASymbol Minimum Maximum Unit=0D=0AVcc 45 55 V=0D=0AIcc 10 mA=0D=0AThe cu=
rrent consumption of the SIM shall not exceed the value given in table 1 at =
any frequency accepted=0D=0Aby the SIM.=0D=0AWhen the SIM is in idle state (=
see below) the current consumption of the card shall not exceed 200 =B5A at =
1=0D=0AMHz and 25=B0C.=0D=0AThe ME shall source the maximum current requirem=
ents defined above. It shall also be able to counteract=0D=0Aspikes in the c=
urrent consumption of the card up to a maximum charge of 40 nAs with no more=
 than 400 ns=0D=0Aduration and an amplitude of at most 200 mA ensuring that=
 the supply voltage stays in the specified range.=0D=0ANOTE: A possible solu=
tion would be to place a capacitor (e.g. 100 nF ceramic) as close as=0D=0Ap=
ossible to the contacting elements.=0D=0APage 16=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.=
0 December 1995=0D=0A5.2 Reset (RST) (contact C2)=0D=0AThe ME shall operate =
the SIM within the following limits:=0D=0ATable 2: Electrical characteristic=
s of RST under normal operating conditions=0D=0ASymbol Conditions Minimum Ma=
ximum=0D=0AVOH IOHmax =3D +20=B5A Vcc-07 Vcc (note)=0D=0AVOL IOLmax =3D -20=
0 =B5A 0V (note) 06V=0D=0AtR tF Cout =3D Cin =3D 30pF 400=B5s=0D=0ANOTE: To=
 allow for overshoot the voltage on RST shall remain=0D=0Abetween -03V and =
Vcc+03V during dynamic operation.=0D=0A5.3 Programming voltage Vpp (contact=
 C6)=0D=0ASIMs shall not require any programming voltage on Vpp. The ME need=
 not provide contact C6. If the ME=0D=0Aprovides contact C6 then in the ca=
se of the ID-1 SIM the same voltage shall be supplied on Vpp as on=0D=0AVcc=
 while in the case of Plug-in SIMs the ME need not provide any voltage on C6=
. Contact C6 may be=0D=0Aconnected to Vcc in any ME but shall not be connect=
ed to ground.=0D=0A5.4 Clock CLK (contact C3)=0D=0AThe SIM shall support 1 t=
o 5 MHz. The clock shall be supplied by the ME. No "internal clock" SIMs sha=
ll be=0D=0Aused.=0D=0AIf a frequency of 13/4 MHz is needed by the SIM to run=
 the authentication procedure in the allotted time=0D=0A(see TS GSM 03.20 [1=
0]) bit 2 of byte 1 in the directory characteristics shall be set to 1. Oth=
erwise a=0D=0Aminimum frequency of 13/8 MHz may be used.=0D=0AThe duty cycle=
 shall be between 40% and 60% of the period during stable operation.=0D=0ATh=
e ME shall operate the SIM within the following limits:=0D=0ATable 3: Electr=
ical characteristics of CLK under normal operating conditions=0D=0ASymbol Co=
nditions Minimum Maximum=0D=0AVOH IOHmax =3D +20=B5A 07xVcc Vcc (note)=0D=
=0AVOL IOLmax =3D -200 =B5A 0V (note) 05V=0D=0AtR tF Cout =3D Cin =3D 30pF =
9 % of period with a maximum=0D=0Aof 05=B5s=0D=0ANOTE: To allow for oversho=
ot the voltage on CLK shall remain between -03V=0D=0Aand Vcc+03V during dy=
namic operation.=0D=0A5.5 I/O (contact C7)=0D=0ATable 4 defines the electric=
al characteristics of the I/O (contact C7). The values given in the table ha=
ve the=0D=0Aeffect of defining the values of the pull-up resistor in the ME =
and the impedances of the drivers and=0D=0Areceivers in the ME and SIM.=0D=
=0APage 17=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 4: Electric=
al characteristics of I/O under normal operating conditions=0D=0ASymbol Cond=
itions Minimum Maximum=0D=0AVIH IIHmax =3D =B120=B5A (note 2) 07xVcc Vcc+0=
3V=0D=0AVIL IILmax =3D +1mA -03V 08V=0D=0AVOH (note 1) IOHmax =3D +20=B5A =
38V Vcc (note 3)=0D=0AVOL IOLmax =3D -1mA 0V (note 3) 04V=0D=0AtR tF Cout =
=3D Cin =3D 30pF 1=B5s=0D=0ANOTE 1: It is assumed that a pull-up resistor is=
 used in the interface device=0D=0A(recommended value: 20kohms).=0D=0ANOTE 2=
: During static conditions (idle state) only the positive value can apply.=
=0D=0AUnder dynamic operating conditions (transmission) short term voltage=
=0D=0Aspikes on the I/O line may cause a current reversal.=0D=0ANOTE 3: To a=
llow for overshoot the voltage on I/O shall remain between -03V and=0D=0AVc=
c+03V during dynamic operation.=0D=0A5.6 States=0D=0AThere are two states f=
or the SIM while the power supply is on:=0D=0A- The SIM is in operating stat=
e when it executes a command. This state also includes transmission=0D=0Afro=
m and to the ME.=0D=0A- The SIM is in idle state at any other time. It shall=
 retain all pertinent data during this state.=0D=0AThe SIM may support a clo=
ck stop mode. The clock shall only be switched off subject to the conditions=
=0D=0Aspecified in the directory characteristics (see clause 9).=0D=0AClock =
stop mode. An ME of Phase 2 or later shall wait at least five (5) elementary=
 time units after having=0D=0Areceived the last bit of the response before i=
t switches off the clock (if it is allowed to do so). It shall wait=0D=0Aat =
least two (2) elementary time units before it sends the first command after =
having started the clock.=0D=0ATo achieve phase compatibility the following=
 procedure shall be adhered to:=0D=0AA SIM of Phase 2 or later shall always =
send the status information "normal ending of the command" after=0D=0Athe su=
ccessful interpretation of the command SLEEP received from a Phase 1 ME. An =
ME of Phase 2 or=0D=0Alater shall not send a SLEEP command.=0D=0AA Phase 1 M=
E shall wait at least two (2) elementary time units after having received th=
e compulsory=0D=0Aacknowledgement SW1 SW2 of the SLEEP command before it swi=
tches off the clock (if it is allowed to do=0D=0Aso). It shall wait at least=
 two (2) elementary time units before it sends the first command after havin=
g=0D=0Astarted the clock.=0D=0A5.7 Baudrate=0D=0AThe baudrate for all commun=
ications shall be: (clock frequency)/372.=0D=0A5.8 Answer To Reset (ATR)=0D=
=0AThe ATR is information presented by the SIM to the ME at the beginning of=
 the card session and gives=0D=0Aoperational requirements.=0D=0A5.8.1 Struct=
ure and contents=0D=0AThe following table gives an explanation of the charac=
ters specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] and the=0D=0Arequirements for their us=
e in GSM. The answer to reset consists of at most 33 characters. The ME shal=
l=0D=0APage 18=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Abe able to re=
ceive interface characters for transmission protocols other than T=3D0 hist=
orical characters and=0D=0Aa check byte even if only T=3D0 is used by the M=
E.=0D=0ATable 5: ATR=0D=0ACharacter Contents sent by=0D=0Athe card=0D=0Aa) e=
valuation by the ME=0D=0Ab) reaction by the ME=0D=0A1. Initial=0D=0Acharacte=
r=0D=0ATS=0D=0Acoding convention for all=0D=0Asubsequent characters=0D=0A(di=
rect or inverse=0D=0Aconvention)=0D=0Aalways a) always=0D=0Ab) using appropr=
iate convention=0D=0A2. Format=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0AT0=0D=0Asubsequent interf=
ace=0D=0Acharacters number of=0D=0Ahistorical characters=0D=0Aalways a) alw=
ays=0D=0Ab) identifying the subsequent=0D=0Acharacters accordingly=0D=0A3. I=
nterface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(global)=0D=0ATA1=0D=0Aparameters to calculate=
=0D=0Athe work etu=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=0D=0Ab) if TA1 is not =
'11' PTS procedure=0D=0Ashall be used (see subclause 5.8.2)=0D=0A4. Interfa=
ce=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(global)=0D=0ATB1=0D=0Aparameters to calculate=0D=0At=
he programming voltage=0D=0Aand current=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=
=0D=0Ab) if PI1 is not 0 then reject the SIM=0D=0A(in accordance with subcl=
ause 5.10)=0D=0A5. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(global)=0D=0ATC1=0D=0Apara=
meters to calculate=0D=0Athe extra guardtime=0D=0Arequested by the card; no=
=0D=0Aextra guardtime is used to=0D=0Asend characters from the=0D=0Acard to =
the ME=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=0D=0Ab) if TC1 is neither 0 nor 25=
5 then=0D=0Areject the SIM (in accordance with=0D=0Asubclause 5.10); see th=
e note after=0D=0Athe table=0D=0A6. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0ATD1=0D=0Ap=
rotocol type; indicator=0D=0Afor the presence of interface=0D=0Acharacters=
=0D=0Aspecifying rules to be=0D=0Aused for transmissions=0D=0Awith the given=
 protocol=0D=0Atype=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=0D=0Ab) identifying t=
he subsequent=0D=0Acharacters accordingly=0D=0A7. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=
=0D=0A(specific)=0D=0ATA2=0D=0Anot used for protocol T=3D0 optional a) optio=
nal=0D=0Ab) --------=0D=0A8. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(global)=0D=0ATB2=
=0D=0Aparameter to calculate=0D=0Athe programming voltage=0D=0Anever the all=
owed value of TB1 above=0D=0Adefines that an external=0D=0Aprogramming volta=
ge is not=0D=0Aapplicable=0D=0A9. Ine given protocol=0D=
=0Atype=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=0D=0Ab) identifying the subsequen=
t=0D=0Acharacters accordingly=0D=0APage 19=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Dece=
mber 1995=0D=0ATable 5: ATR (concluded)=0D=0ACharacter Contents sent by=0D=
=0Athe card=0D=0Aa) evaluation by the ME=0D=0Ab) reaction by the ME=0D=0A11.=
 Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0ATAi TBi TCi=0D=0A(i>2)=0D=0Acharacters whic=
h contain=0D=0Ainterface characters for=0D=0Aother transmission=0D=0Aprotoco=
ls=0D=0Aoptional a) optional=0D=0Ab) --------=0D=0A12. Historical=0D=0Achara=
.TK=0D=0Acontents not specified in=0D=0AISO/IEC=0D=0Aoption=
al a) optional=0D=0Ab) --------=0D=0A13. Check=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0ATCK=0D=
=0Acheck byte (exclusive -=0D=0AORing)=0D=0Anot sent if=0D=0Aonly T=3D0 is=
=0D=0Aindicated in=0D=0Athe ATR; in=0D=0Aall other=0D=0Acases TCK=0D=0Ashall=
 be=0D=0Asent=0D=0Aa) optional=0D=0Ab as follows:=0D=
=0Aa) for MEs only supporting default speed (F=3D372 D=3D1)=0D=0A=C9=CD=CD=
=BB Reset =C9=CD=CD=CD=BB=0D=0A=BAME=BA =C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4> =BASIM=BA=0D=0A=C8=CD=CD=BC =C8=CD=CD=CD=BC=0D=0AATR=0D=0A<=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 TA1 not '11'=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3PTSS=3D=B3'FF'=B3 PTS Request=0D=0A=B3PTS0=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4>=0D=0A=B3PCK =3D=B3'FF'=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0APTS Res=
ponse =B3PTSS=3D=B3'FF'=B3=0D=0A<=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
K =3D=B3'FF'=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 1: PTS=
 procedure=0D=0APTS Request and PTS Response consist of the three (3) charac=
ters PTSS PTSO and PCK of which=0D=0APTSS is sent first.=0D=0AAfter this pr=
ocedure the protocol T=3D0 and the parameters F=3D372 D=3D1 and N=3D0 will =
be used.=0D=0Ab) for MEs only supporting enhanced speed (F=3D512 D=3D8)=0D=
=0APage 20=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A=C9=CD=CD=BB Rese=
t =C9=CD=CD=CD=BB=0D=0A=BAME=BA =C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4> =BASIM=BA=0D=0A=C8=CD=CD=BC =C8=CD=CD=CD=BC=0D=0AATR=0D=0A<=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 TA1 =3D '94'=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C2=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3PTSS=3D=B3'FF'=B3 PTS Request=0D=0A=B3PTS0=3D=B3'=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4>=0D=0A=B3PTS1=3D=B3'94'=B3=0D=0A=B3PCK =3D=B3'7B'=B3=0D=
=C4=BF=0D=0APTS Response =B3PTSS=3D=B3'FF'=B3=0D=0A<=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
and the parameters F=3D512 D=3D8 and N=3D0 will be used.=0D=0A5.8.3 Speed e=
nhancement=0D=0AIf speed enhancement is implemented the ME and the SIM shall=
 at least support F=3D512 and D=3D8 in=0D=0Aaddition to F=3D372 and D=3D1. H=
owever other values may also be supported. If the ME requests PTS using=0D=
=0Avalues other than those above then the PTS procedure shall be initiated a=
ccordingly.=0D=0AThe SIM shall support the default value (F=3D372 and D=3D1)=
. If the speed enhancement is supported by the=0D=0ASIM it is mandatory that=
 F=3D512 and D=3D8 is supported. However the value in TA1 may even indicate=
 a=0D=0Afaster speed (F=3D512 and D=3D16). The SIM may also support other va=
lues between the default value=0D=0A(F=3D372 and D=3D1) and the values indic=
ated in TA1. The SIM shall offer the negotiable mode to ensure=0D=0Abackwar=
ds compatibility with exing MEs. In the negotiable mode the SIM will use def=
ault values even if=0D=0Aother parameters are offered in the ATR if the PTS =
procedure is not initiated.=0D=0AThe ME shall support the default value (F=
=3D372 and D=3D1). If the speed enhancement is supported in the ME=0D=0Ait i=
s mandatory to support F=3D512 and D=3D8. The ME may additionally support ot=
her values.=0D=0AIf the SIM does not answer the PTS request within the initi=
al waiting time the ME shall reset the SIM. After=0D=0Atwo failed PTS attemp=
ts using F=3D512 and D=3D8 or values indicated in TA1 (no PTS response from=
 the=0D=0ASIM) the ME shall initiate PTS procedure using default values. If =
this also fails (no PTS response from the=0D=0ASIM) the ME may proceed using=
 default values without requesting PTS=0D=0AIf the SIM does not support the =
values requested by the ME the SIM shall respond to the PTS request=0D=0Ain=
dicating the use of default values.=0D=0A5.9 Bit/character duration and samp=
ling time=0D=0AThe bit/character duration and sampling time specified in ISO=
/IEC 7816-3 [25] subclauses 6.1.1 and=0D=0A6.1.2 are valid for all communi=
cations.=0D=0A5.10 Error handling=0D=0AFollowing receipt of an ATR which is=
 not in accordance with this specification e.g. because of forbidden=0D=0AA=
TR characters or too few bytes being transmitted the ME shall perform a Res=
et. The ME shall not reject=0D=0Athe SIM until at least three consecutive wr=
ong ATRs are received.=0D=0ADuring the transmission of the ATR and the proto=
col type selection the error detection and character=0D=0Arepetition proced=
ure specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] subclause 6.1.3 is optional for the M=
E. For the=0D=0Asubsequent transmission on the basis of T=3D0 this procedure=
 is mandatory for the ME.=0D=0APage 21=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December=
 1995=0D=0AFor the SIM the error detection and character repetition procedur=
e is mandatory for all communications.=0D=0A6 Logical Model=0D=0AThis clause=
 describes the logical structure for a SIM the code associated with it and=
 the structure of files=0D=0Aused.=0D=0A6.1 General description=0D=0AFigure =
3 shows the general structural relationships which may exist between files. =
The files are organised=0D=0Ain a hierarchical structure and are of one of t=
hree types as defined below. These=0D=0Afiles may be either administrative o=
r application specific. The operating system=0D=0Ahandles the access to the =
data stored in different files.=0D=0A=C9=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CB=CD=
=CD=CD=BB =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA DF1 =BA =BA =BA =BA=0D=0A=
=CD=CD=CD=CD=BB =BA =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA DF11 =BA =
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BC =BA DF111 =BA =BA =BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =BA=0D=0A=

 =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA DF12 =BA =DA=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=BF =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =B3 EF =B3 =BA =
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BC =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =B3 EF =B3 =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA =
=0A=BA =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =BA=0D=0A=BA =B3 EF =B3 =B3 EF =
=B3 =BA=0D=0A=BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA=0D=0A=BA 

=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BC=0D=0AFigure 3: Organisation of memory=
=0D=0AFiles are composed of a header which is internally managed by the SIM=
 and optionally a body part. The=0D=0Ainformation of the header is related =
to the structure and attributes of the file and may be obtained by using=0D=
=0Athe commands GET RESPONSE or STATUS. This information is fixed during the=
 administrative phase. The=0D=0Abody part contains the data of the file.=0D=
=0A6.2 File identifier=0D=0AA file ID is used to address or identify each sp=
ecific file. The file ID consists of two bytes and shall be=0D=0Acoded in he=
xadecimal notation. They are specified in clause 10.=0D=0AThe first byte ide=
ntifies the type of file and for GSM is:=0D=0A- '3F': Master File;=0D=0A- '=
7F': Dedicated File;=0D=0A- '2F': Elementary File under the Master File;=0D=
=0A- '6F': Elementary File under a Dedicated File.=0D=0APage 22=0D=0AGSM 11.=
11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AFile IDs shall be subject to the followi=
ng conditions:=0D=0A- the file ID shall be assigned at the time of creation =
of the file concerned;=0D=0A- no two files under the same parent shall have =
the same ID;=0D=0A- a child and any parent either immediate or remote in th=
e hierarchy e.g. grandparent shall=0D=0Anever have the same file ID.=0D=
=0AIn this way each file is uniquely identified.=0D=0A6.3 Dedicated files=
=0D=0AA Dedicated File (DF) is a functional grouping of files consisting of =
itself and all those fi Master File (MF) and may coexist on a =
multi-application card.=0D=0A6.4 Elementary files=0D=0AAn Elementary File (E=
F) is composed of a header and a body part. The following three structures o=
f an EF=0D=0Aare used by GSM.=0D=0A6.4.1 Transparent EF=0D=0AAn EF with a tr=
ansparent structure consists of a sequence of bytes. When reading or updatin=
g the=0D=0Asequence of bytes to be acted upon is referenced by a relative a=
ddress (offset) which indicates the start=0D=0Aposition (in bytes) and the=
 number of bytes to be read or updated. The first byte of a transparent EF h=
as=0D=0Athe relative address '00 00'. The total data length of the body of t=
he EF is indicated in the header of the=0D=0AEF.=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0AHeader =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C6=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=B5=0D=0A=B3 =B3=0D=0ABody =B3 Sequence =B3=0D=0A=B3 of =
=B3=0D=0A=B3 bytes =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 4: Structure of a transparent EF=0D=0AN=
OTE: This structure was previously referred to as "binary" in GSM.=0D=0A6.4.=
2 Linear fixed EF=0D=0AAn EF with linear fixed structure consists of a seque=
nce of records all having the same (fixed) length. The=0D=0Afirst record is =
record number 1. The length of a record as well as this value multiplied by =
the number of=0D=0Arecords are indicated in the header of the EF.=0D=0APage =
23=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0AHeader =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C6=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=B5=0D=0ABody =B3 Record 1 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 Record 2 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 : =B3=0D=0A=B3 : =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 Record n =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 5: Structure of a linear fixed file=..=0D=0AThere are several methods to access records within an EF of this type:=
=0D=0A- absolutely using the record number;=0D=0A- when the record pointer i=
s not set it shall be possible to perform an action on the first or the=0D=
=0Alast record;=0D=0A- when the record pointer is set it shall be possible t=
o perform an action on this record the next=0D=0Arecord (unless the record =
pointer is set to the last record) or the previous record (unless the=0D=0Ar=
ecord pointer is set to the first record);=0D=0A- by identifying a record us=
ing pattern seek starting=0D=0A- forwards from the beginning of the file;=
=0D=0A- forwards from the record following the one at which the record point=
er is set (unless=0D=0Athe record pointer is set to the last record);=0D=0A-=
 backwards from the end of the file;=0D=0A- backwards from the record preced=
ing the one at which the record pointer is set (unless=0D=0Athe record point=
er is set to the first record).=0D=0AIf an action following selection of a r=
ecord is aborted then the record pointer shall remain set at the record=0D=
=0Aat which it was set prior to the action.=0D=0ANOTE 1: It is not possible=
 at present to have more than 255 records in a file of this type and=0D=
=0Aeach record cannot be greater than 255 bytes.=0D=0ANOTE 2: This structure=
 was previously referred to as "formatted" in GSM.=0D=0A6.4.3 Cyclic EF=0D=
=0ACyclic files are used for storing records in chronological order. When al=
l records have been used for=0D=0Astorage then the next storage of data sha=
ll overwrite the o record n. The last updated record containi=
ng the newest data is record number=0D=0A1 and the oldest data is held in r=
ecord number n.=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0AHead=
er =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C6=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=B5=0D=0ABody =B3 =
Record 1 =B3=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 =
=B3=0D=0A=B3 Record 2 =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=B4 =B3=0D=0A=B3 : =B3 =B3=0D=0A=B3 : =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 =B3=0D=0A=B3 Record n =B3=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 6: Structure of a cyclic fi=
le=0D=0APage 24=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AFor update o=
perations only PREVIOUS record shall be used. For reading operations the me=
thods of=0D=0Aaddressing are Next Previous Current and Record Number.=0D=
=0AAfter selection of a cyclic file (for either operation) the record point=
er shall address the record updated or=0D=0Aincreased last. If an action fol=
lowing selection of a record is aborted then the record pointer shall remai=
n=0D=0Aset at the record at which it was set prior to the action.=0D=0ANOTE:=
 It is not possible at present to have more than 255 records in a file of =
this type and=0D=0Aeach record cannot be greater than 255 bytes.=0D=0A6.5 M=
ethods for selecting a file=0D=0AAfter the Answer To Reset (ATR) the Master=
 File (MF) is implicitly selected and becomes the Current=0D=0ADirectory. Ea=
ch file may then be selected by using the SELECT function in accordance with=
 the following=0D=0Arules.=0D=0ASelecting a DF or the MF sets the Current Di=
rectory. After such a selection there is no current EF.=0D=0ASelecting an EF=
 sets the current EF and the Current Directory remains the DF or MF which is=
 the parent of=0D=0Athis EF. The current EF is always a child of the Current=
 Directory.=0D=0AAny application specific command shall only be operable if =
it is specific to the Current Directory.=0D=0AThe following files may be sel=
ected from the last selected file:=0D=0A- any file which is an immediate chi=
ld of the Current Directory;=0D=0A- any DF which is an immediate child of th=
e parent of the current DF;=0D=0A- the parent of the Current Directory;=0D=
=0A- the current DF;=0D=0A- the MF.=0D=0AThis means in particular that a DF =
shall be selected prior to the selection of any of its EFs. All selections=
=0D=0Aare made using the file ID.=0D=0AThe following figure gives the logica=
l structure for the GSM application. GSM defines only one level of DFs=0D=
=0Aunder the MF.=0D=0AFigure 7: Logical structure=0D=0AThe following table g=
ives the valid selections for GSM for the logical structure in figure 7. Res=
election of=0D=0Athe last selected file is also allowed but not shown.=0D=
=0APage 25=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 6: File sel=
ection=0D=0ALast selected file Valid Selections=0D=0AMF=0D=0ADF1=0D=0ADF2=
=0D=0AEF1=0D=0AEF2=0D=0AEF3=0D=0AEF4=0D=0ADF1 DF2 EF1=0D=0AMF DF2 EF2=
=0D=0AMF DF1 EF3 EF4=0D=0AMF DF1 DF2=0D=0AMF DF1 DF2=0D=0AMF DF1 DF=
2 EF4=0D=0AMF DF1 DF2 EF3=0D=0A6.6 Reservation of file IDs=0D=0AIn addit=
ion to the identifiers used for the files specified in this TS the followin=
g file IDs are reserved for use=0D=0Aby GSM.=0D=0ADedicated Files:=0D=0A- ad=
ministrative use:=0D=0A'7F 4X';=0D=0A- operational use:=0D=0A'7F 10' (DFTELE=
COM) '7F 20' (DFGSM) '7F 21' (DFDCS1800) and '7F 2X' where X=0D=0Aranges=
 from '2' to 'F'.=0D=0AElementary files:=0D=0A- administrative use:=0D=0A'6F=
 XX' in the DFs '7F 4X';=0D=0A'6F 1X' in the DFs '7F 10' '7F 20' '7F 21';=
=0D=0A'2F 01' '2F EX' in the MF '3F 00';=0D=0A- operational use:=0D=0A'6F 2=
X' '6F 3X' '6F 4X' in '7F 10' and '7F 2X';=0D=0A'2F 1X' in the MF '3F 00'.=
=0D=0AIn all the above X ranges unless otherwise stated from '0' to 'F'.=
=0D=0A7 Security features=0D=0AThe security aspects of GSM are described in =
the normative references TS GSM 02.09 [4] and=0D=0ATS GSM 03.20 [10]. This c=
lause gives information related to security features supported by the SIM to=
=0D=0Aenable the following:=0D=0A- authentication of the subscriber identity=
 to the network;=0D=0A- data confidentiality over the air interface;=0D=0A- =
file access conditions.=0D=0A7.1 Authentication and cipher key generation pr=
ocedure=0D=0AThis subclause describes the authentication mechanism and ciphe=
r key generation which are invoked by=0D=0Athe network. For the specificatio=
n of the corresponding procedures across the SIM/ME interface see=0D=0Aclaus=
e 11.=0D=0AThe network sends a Random Number (RAND) to the MS. The ME passes=
 the RAND to the SIM in the=0D=0Acommand RUN GSM ALGORITHM. The SIM returns =
the values SRES and Kc to the ME which are derived=0D=0Ausing the algorithms=
 and processes given below. The ME sends SRES to the network. The network=
=0D=0Acompares this value with the value of SRES which it calculates for its=
elf. The comparison of these SRES=0D=0Avalues provides the authentication. T=
he value Kc is used by the ME in any future enciphered=0D=0Acommunications w=
ith the network until the next invocation of this mechanism.=0D=0APage 26=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AA subscriber authentication=
 key Ki is used in this procedure. This key Ki has a length of 128 bits and =
is=0D=0Astored within the SIM for use in the algorithms described below.=0D=
=0A7.2 Algorithms and processes=0D=0AThe names and parameters of the algorit=
hms supported by the SIM are defined in TS GSM 03.20 [10].=0D=0AThese are:=
=0D=0A- Algorithm A3 to authenticate the MS to the network;=0D=0A- Algorithm=
 A8 to generate the encryption key.=0D=0AThese algorithms may exist either d=
iscretely or combined (into A38) within the SIM. In either case the=0D=0Aout=
put on the SIM/ME interface is 12 bytes. The inputs to both A3 and A8 or A3=
8 are Ki (128 bits)=0D=0Ainternally derived in the SIM and RAND (128 bits)=
 across the SIM/ME interface. The output is SRES (32=0D=0Abits)/Kc (64 bits)=
 the coding of which is defined in the command RUN GSM ALGORITHM in clause 9=
.=0D=0A7.3 File access conditions=0D=0AEvery file has its own specific acces=
s condition for each command. The relevant access condition of the=0D=0Alast=
 selected file shall be fulfilled before the requested action can take place=
.=0D=0AFor each file:=0D=0A- the access conditions for the commands READ and=
 SEEK are identical;=0D=0A- the access conditions for the commands SELECT an=
d STATUS are ALWays.=0D=0ANo file access conditions are currently assigned b=
y GSM to the MF and the DFs.=0D=0AThe access condition levels are defined in=
 the following table:=0D=0ATable 7: Access condition level coding=0D=0ALevel=
 Access Condition=0D=0A0=0D=0A1=0D=0A2=0D=0A3=0D=0A4 to 14=0D=0A15=0D=0AALWa=
ys=0D=0ACHV1=0D=0ACHV2=0D=0AReserved for GSM Future Use=0D=0AADM=0D=0ANEVer=
=0D=0AThe meaning of the file access conditions is as follows:=0D=0AALWAYS: =
the action can be performed without any restriction;=0D=0ACHV1 (card holder =
verification 1): the action shall only be possible if one of the following t=
hree=0D=0Aconditions is fulfilled:=0D=0A- a correct CHV1 value has already b=
een presented to the SIM during the current session;=0D=0A- the CHV1 enabled=
/disabled indicator is set to "disabled";=0D=0A- UNBLOCK CHV1 has been succe=
ssfully performed during the current session;=0D=0ACHV2: the action shall on=
ly be possible if one of the following two conditions is fulfilled:=0D=0A- a=
 correct CHV2 value has already been presented to the SIM during the current=
 session;=0D=0APage 27=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A- UNB=
LOCK CHV2 has been successfully performed during the current session;=0D=0AA=
DM: allocation of these levels and the respective requirements for their ful=
filment are the=0D=0Aresponsibility of the appropriate administrative author=
ity;=0D=0ANEVER: the action cannot be performed over the SIM/ME interface. T=
he SIM may perform the=0D=0Aaction internally.=0D=0ACondition levels are not=
 hierarchical. For instance correct presentation of CHV2 does not allow act=
ions to=0D=0Abe performed which require presentation of CHV1. A condition le=
vel which has been satisfied remains valid=0D=0Auntil the end of the GSM ses=
sion as long as the corresponding secret code remains unblocked i.e. after=
=0D=0Athree consecutive wrong attempts not necessarily in the same card ses=
sion the access rights previously=0D=0Agranted by this secret code are lost=
 immediately. A satisfied CHV condition level applies to both DFGSM=0D=0Aand=
 DFTELECOM.=0D=0AThe ME shall determine whether CHV2 is available by using t=
he response to the STATUS command. If=0D=0ACHV2 is "not initialised" then CH=
V2 commands e.g. VERIFY CHV2 shall not be executable.=0D=0A8 Description o=
f the functions=0D=0AThis clause gives a functional description of the comma=
nds and their respective responses. Associated=0D=0Astatus conditions error=
 codes and their corresponding coding are specified in clause 9.=0D=0AIt sha=
ll be mandatory for all cards complying with this Standard to support all fu=
nctions described in this=0D=0AStandard. The command GET RESPONSE which is n=
eeded for the protocol T=3D0 is specified in clause 9.=0D=0AThe following ta=
ble lists the file types and structures together with the functions which ma=
y act on them=0D=0Aduring a GSM session. These are indicated by an asterisk =
(*).=0D=0ATable 8: Functions on files in GSM session=0D=0AFile=0D=0AFunction=
 MF DF EF transparent EF linear fixed EF cyclic=0D=0ASELECT *=0D=0AS=
=0D=0AREHABILITATE *=0D=0A8.1 SELECT=0D=0AThis function selects a file a=
ccording to the methods described in clause 6. After a successful selection =
the=0D=0Arecord pointer in a linear fixed file is undefined. The record poin=
ter in a cyclic file shall address the last=0D=0Arecord which has been updat=
ed or increased.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- file ID.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- if the sele=
cted file is the MF or a DF:=0D=0Afile ID total memory space available CHV=
 enabled/disabled indicator CHV status and other GSM=0D=0Aspecific data;=
=0D=0APage 28=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A- if the selec=
ted file is an EF:=0D=0Afile ID file size access conditions invalidated/n=
ot invalidated indicator structure of EF and length of=0D=0Athe records in =
case of linear fixed structure or cyclic structure.=0D=0A8.2 STATUS=0D=0AThi=
s function returns information concerning the current directory. A current E=
F is not affected by the=0D=0ASTATUS function.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=
=0AOutput:=0D=0A- file ID total memory space available CHV enabled/disable=
d indicator CHV status and other GSM=0D=0Aspecific data (identical to SELEC=
T above).=0D=0A8.3 READ BINARY=0D=0AThis function reads a string of bytes fr=
om the current transparent EF. This function shall only be performed=0D=0Aif=
 the READ access condition for this EF is satisfied.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- rela=
tive address and the length of the string.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- string of byt=
es.=0D=0A8.4 UPDATE BINARY=0D=0AThis function updates the current transparen=
t EF with a string of bytes. This function shall only be=0D=0Aperformed if t=
he UPDATE access condition for this EF is satisfied. An update can be consid=
ered as a=0D=0Areplacement of the string already present in the EF by the st=
ring given in the update command.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- relative address and th=
e length of the string;=0D=0A- string of bytes.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=
=0D=0A8.5 READ RECORD=0D=0AThis function reads one complete record in the cu=
rrent linear fixed or cyclic EF. The record to be read is=0D=0Adescribed by =
the modes below. This function shall only be performed if the READ access co=
ndition for this=0D=0AEF is satisfied. The record pointer shall not be chang=
ed by an unsuccessful READ RECORD function.=0D=0AFour modes are defined:=0D=
=0ACURRENT The current record is read. The record pointer is not affected.=
=0D=0AABSOLUTE The record given by the record number is read. The record poi=
nter is not affected.=0D=0ANEXT The record pointer is incremented before the=
 READ RECORD function is performed and the=0D=0Apointed record is read. If t=
he record pointer has not been previously set within the selected EF then=
=0D=0AREAD RECORD (next) shall read the first record and set the record poin=
ter to this record.=0D=0AIf the record pointer addresses the last record in =
a linear fixed EF READ RECORD (next) shall not=0D=0Acause the record pointe=
r to be changed and no data shall be read.=0D=0APage 29=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Vers=
ion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIf the record pointer addresses the last record=
 in a cyclic EF READ RECORD (next) shall set the=0D=0Arecord pointer to the=
 first record in this EF and this record shall be read.=0D=0APREVIOUS The re=
cord pointer is decremented before the READ RECORD function is performed=0D=
=0Aand the pointed record is read. If the record pointer has not been previo=
usly set within the selected=0D=0AEF then READ RECORD (previous) shall read=
 the last record and set the record pointer to this=0D=0Arecord.=0D=0AIf the=
 record pointode only) and the length of the record.=0D=0AOut=
put:=0D=0A- the record.=0D=0A8.6 UPDATE RECORD=0D=0AThis function updates on=
e complete record in the current linear fixed or cyclic EF. This function sh=
all only=0D=0Abe performed if the UPDATE access condition for this EF is sat=
isfied. The UPDATE can be considered as=0D=0Aa replacement of the relevant r=
ecord data of the EF by the record data given in the command. The record=0D=
=0Apointer shall not be changed by an unsuccessful UPDATE RECORD function.=
=0D=0AThe record to be updated is described by the modes below. Four modes a=
re defined of which only=0D=0APREVIOUS is allowed for cyclic files:=0D=0ACUR=
RENT The current record is updated. The record pointer is not affected.=0D=
=0AABSOLUTE The record given by the record number is updated. The record poi=
nter is not affected.=0D=0ANEXT The record pointer is incremented before the=
 UPDATE RECORD function is performed and=0D=0Athe pointed record is updated.=
 If the record pointer has not been previously set within the selected=0D=
=0AEF then UPDATE RECORD (next) shall set the record pointer to the first r=
ecord in this EF and this=0D=0Arecord shall be updated. If the record pointe=
r addresses the last record in a linear fixed EF=0D=0AUPDATE RECORD (next) =
shall not cause the record pointer to be changed and no record shall be=0D=
=0Aupdated.=0D=0APREVIOUS For a linear fixed EF the record pointer is decrem=
ented before the UPDATE RECORD=0D=0Afunction is performed and the pointed re=
cord is updated. If the record pointer has not been=0D=0Apreviously set with=
in the selected EF then UPDATE RECORD (previous) shall set the record point=
er=0D=0Ato the last record in this EF and this record shall be updated. If t=
he record pointer addresses the=0D=0Afirst record in a linear fixed EF UPDA=
TE RECORD (previous) shall not cause the record pointer to=0D=0Abe changed =
and no record shall be updated.=0D=0AFor a cyclic EF the record containing t=
he oldest data is updated the record pointer is set to this=0D=0Arecord and=
 this record becomes record number 1.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- mode record number=
 (absolute mode only) and the length of the record;=0D=0A- the data used for=
 updating the record.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.7 SEEK=0D=0AThis func=
tion searches through the current linear fixed EF to find a record starting =
with the given pattern.=0D=0AThis function shall only be performed if the RE=
AD access condition for this EF is satisfied. Two types of=0D=0ASEEK are def=
ined:=0D=0APage 30=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AType 1 Th=
e record pointer is set to the record containing the pattern no output is a=
vailable.=0D=0AType 2 The record pointer is set to the record containing the=
 pattern the output is the record=0D=0Anumber.=0D=0ANOTE: A Phase 1 SIM onl=
y executes type 1 of the SEEK function.=0D=0AThe SIM shall be able to accept=
 any pattern length from 1 to 16 bytes inclusive. The length of the pattern=
=0D=0Ashall not exceed the record length.=0D=0AFour modes are defined:=0D=
=0A- from the beginning forwards;=0D=0A- from the end backwards;=0D=0A- from=
 the next location forwards;=0D=0A- from the previous location backwards.=
=0D=0AIf the record pointer has not been previously set (its status is undef=
ined) within the selected linear fixed EF=0D=0Athen the search begins:=0D=
=0A- with the first record in the case of SEEK from the next location forwar=
ds or=0D=0A- with the last record in the case of SEEK from the previous loca=
tion backwards.=0D=0AAfter a successful SEEK the record pointer is set to t=
he record in which the pattern was found. The record=0D=0Apointer shall not =
be changed by an unsuccessful SEEK function.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- type and mod=
e;=0D=0A- pattern;=0D=0A- length of the pattern.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- type 1:=
 none;=0D=0A- type 2: status/record number=0D=0A8.8 INCREASE=0D=0AThis funct=
ion adds the value given by the ME to the value of the last increased/update=
d record of the=0D=0Acurrent cyclic EF and stores the result into the oldes=
t record. The record pointer is set to this record and=0D=0Athis record beco=
mes record number 1. This function shall be used only if this EF has an INCR=
EASE access=0D=0Acondition assigned and this condition is fulfilled (see byt=
es 8 and 10 in the response parameters/data of the=0D=0Acurrent EF clause 9=
). The SIM shall not perform the increase if the result would exceed the max=
imum=0D=0Avalue of the record (represented by all bytes set to 'FF').=0D=0AI=
nput:=0D=0A- the value to be added.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- value of the increas=
ed record;=0D=0A- value which has been added.=0D=0A8.9 VERIFY CHV=0D=0AThis =
function verifies the CHV presented by the ME by comparing it with the relev=
ant one stored in the=0D=0ASIM. The verification process is subject to the f=
ollowing conditions being fulfilled:=0D=0A- CHV is not disabled;=0D=0A- CHV =
is not blocked.=0D=0APage 31=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0AIf the access condition for a function to be performed on the last select=
ed file is CHV1 or CHV2 then a=0D=0Asuccessful verification of the relevant=
 CHV is required prior to the use of the function on this file unless the=
=0D=0ACHV is disabled.=0D=0AIf the CHV presented is correct the number of r=
emaining CHV attempts for that CHV shall be reset to its=0D=0Ainitial value =
3.=0D=0AIf the CHV presented is false the number of remaining CHV attempts =
for that CHV shall be decremented.=0D=0AAfter 3 consecutive false CHV presen=
tations not necessarily in the same card session the respective CHV=0D=0As=
hall be blocked and the access condition can never be fulfilled until the UN=
BLOCK CHV function has been=0D=0Asuccessfully performed on the respective CH=
V.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- indication CHV1/CHV2 CHV.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=
=0D=0A8.10 CHANGE CHV=0D=0AThis function assigns a new value to the relevant=
 CHV subject to the following conditions being fulfilled:=0D=0A- CHV is not =
disabled;=0D=0A- CHV is not blocked.=0D=0AThe old and new CHV shall be prese=
nted.=0D=0AIf the old CHV presented is correct the number of remaining CHV =
attempts for that CHV shall be reset to=0D=0Aits initial value 3 and the new=
 value for the CHV becomes valid.=0D=0AIf the old CHV presented is false th=
e number of remaining CHV attempts for that CHV shall be=0D=0Adecremented an=
d the value of the CHV is unchanged. After 3 consecutive false CHV presentat=
ions not=0D=0Anecessarily in the same card session the respective CHV shal=
l be blocked and the access condition can=0D=0Anever be fulfilled until the =
UNBLOCK CHV function has been performed successfully on the respective CHV.=
=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- indication CHV1/CHV2 old CHV new CHV.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=
=0A- none.=0D=0A8.11 DISABLE CHV=0D=0AThis function may only be applied to C=
HV1. The successful execution of this function has the effect that=0D=0Afile=
s protected by CHV1 are now accessible as if they were marked "ALWAYS". The =
function DISABLE=0D=0ACHV shall not be executed by the SIM when CHV1 is alre=
ady disabled or blocked.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 presented is correct the number o=
f remaining CHV1 attempts shall be reset to its initial value=0D=0A3 and CHV=
1 shall be disabled.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 presented is false the number of rema=
ining CHV1 attempts shall be decremented and CHV1=0D=0Aremains enabled. Afte=
r 3 consecutive false CHV1 presentations not necessarily in the same card s=
ession=0D=0ACHV1 shall be blocked and the access condition can never be ful=
filled until the UNBLOCK CHV function has=0D=0Abeen successfully performed o=
n CHV1.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- CHV1.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0APage 32=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A8.12 ENABLE CHV=0D=0AThis func=
tion may only be applied to CHV1. It is the reverse function of DISABLE CHV.=
 The function=0D=0AENABLE CHV shall not be executed by the SIM when CHV1 is =
already enabled or blocked.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 presented is correct the numbe=
r of remaining CHV1 attempts shall be reset to its initial value=0D=0A3 and =
CHV1 shall be enabled.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 presented is false the number of re=
maining CHV1 attempts shall be decremented and CHV1=0D=0Aremains disabled. A=
fter 3 consecutive false CHV1 presentations not necessarily in the same car=
d session=0D=0ACHV1 shall be blocked and the access condition can never be =
fulfilled until the UNBLOCK CHV function has=0D=0Abeen successfully performe=
d on CHV1.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- CHV1.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.13 UNBL=
OCK CHV=0D=0AThis function unblocks a CHV which has been blocked by 3 consec=
utive wrong CHV presentations. This=0D=0Afunction may be performed whether o=
r not the relevant CHV is blocked.=0D=0AIf the UNBLOCK CHV presented is corr=
ect the value of the CHV presented together with the UNBLOCK=0D=0ACHV is =
assigned to that CHV the number of remaining UNBLOCK CHV attempts for that =
UNBLOCK CHV=0D=0Ais reset to its initial value 10 and the number of remainin=
g CHV attempts for that CHV is reset to its initial=0D=0Avalue 3. After a su=
ccessful unblocking attempt the CHV is enabled and the relevant access condi=
tion level=0D=0Ais satisfied.=0D=0AIf the presented UNBLOCK CHV is false th=
e number of remaining UNBLOCK CHV attempts for that=0D=0AUNBLOCK CHV shall b=
e decremented. After 10 consecutive false UNBLOCK CHV presentations not=0D=
=0Anecessarily in the same card session the respective UNBLOCK CHV shall be=
 blocked. A false UNBLOCK=0D=0ACHV shall have no effect on the status of the=
 respective CHV itself.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- indication CHV1/CHV2 the UNBLOCK=
 CHV and the new CHV.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.14 INVALIDATE=0D=0ATh=
is function invalidates the current EF. After an INVALIDATE function the res=
pective flag in the file status=0D=0Ashall be changed accordingly. This func=
tion shall only be performed if the INVALIDATE access condition for=0D=0Athe=
 current EF is satisfied.=0D=0APage 33=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December=
 1995=0D=0AAn invalidated file shall no longer be available within the appli=
cation for any function except for the SELECT=0D=0Aand the REHABILITATE func=
tions.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.15 REHABILI=
TATE=0D=0AThis function rehabilitates the invalidated current EF. After a RE=
HABILITATE function the respective flag in=0D=0Athe file status shall be cha=
nged accordingly. This function shall only be performed if the REHABILITATE=
=0D=0Aaccess condition for the current EF is satisfied.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- n=
one.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.16 RUN GSM ALGORITHM=0D=0AThis functio=
n is used during the procedure for authenticating the SIM to a GSM network a=
nd to calculate a=0D=0Acipher key. The card runs the specified algorithms A3=
 and A8 using a 16 byte random number and the=0D=0Asubscriber authentication=
 key Ki which is stored in the SIM. The function returns the calculated res=
ponse=0D=0ASRES and the cipher key Kc.=0D=0AThe function shall not be execut=
able unless DFGSM has been selected as the Current Directory and a=0D=0Asucc=
essful CHV1 verification procedure has been performed (see 11.3.1).=0D=0AInp=
ut:=0D=0A- RAND.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- SRES Kc.=0D=0AThe contents of Kc shall=
 be presented to algorithm A5 by the ME in its full 64 bit format as deliver=
ed by the=0D=0ASIM.=0D=0A8.17 SLEEP=0D=0AThis is an obsolete GSM function wh=
ich was issued by Phase 1 MEs. The function shall not be used by an=0D=0AME =
of Phase 2 or later.=0D=0A9 Description of the commands=0D=0AThis clause sta=
tes the general principles for mapping the functions described in clause 8 o=
nto Application=0D=0AProtocol Data Units which are used by the transmission =
protocol.=0D=0A9.1 Mapping principles=0D=0AAn APDU can be a command APDU or =
a response APDU.=0D=0APage 34=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0AA command APDU has the following general format:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=
=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3CLA =B3INS =B3 P1 =B3 P2 =B3 P3 =B3 Data =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AThe response APDU has the following general forma=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 Data =B3 SW1 =B3 SW2 =B3=0D=0A=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AAn APDU is transported by the T=3D0 transmissi=
on protocol without any change. Other protocols might=0D=0Aembed an APDU int=
o their own transport structure (ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25]).=0D=0AThe bytes have t=
he following meaning:=0D=0A- CLA is the class of instruction (ISO/IEC 7816-3=
 [25]) 'A0' is used in the GSM application;=0D=0A- INS is the instruction c=
ode (ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25]) as defined in this subclause for each command;=0D=
=0A- P1 P2 P3 are parameters for the instruction. They are specified in ta=
ble 9. 'FF' is a valid value for=0D=0AP1 P2 and P3. P3 gives the length of =
the data element. P3=3D'00' introduces a 256 byte data transfer=0D=0Afrom th=
e SIM in an outgoing data transfer command (response direction). In an ingoi=
ng data transfer=0D=0Acommand (command direction) P3=3D'00' introduces no t=
ransfer of data.=0D=0A- SW1 and SW2 are the status words indicating the succ=
essful or unsuccessful outcome of the=0D=0Acommand.=0D=0AFor some of the fun=
ctions described in clause 8 it is necessary for T=3D0 to use a supplementar=
y transport=0D=0Aservice command (GET RESPONSE) to obtain the output data. F=
or example the SELECT function needs=0D=0Athe following two commands:=0D=
=0A- the first command (SELECT) has both parameters and data serving as inpu=
t for the function;=0D=0A- the second command (GET RESPONSE) has a parameter=
 indicating the length of the data to be=0D=0Areturned.=0D=0AIf the length o=
f the response data is not known beforehand then its correct length may be =
obtained by=0D=0Aapplying the first command and interpreting the status word=
s. SW1 shall be '9F' and SW2 shall give the=0D=0Atotal length of the data. O=
ther status words may be present in case of an error. The various cases are:=
=0D=0ACase 1: No input / No output=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3SW=
1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=
=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth (=3D'00') '90''00'=0D=0ACase 2: No input =
/ Output of known length=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3 DATA with l=
ength lgth =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth '90''00'=0D=0ANOTE: lgth=
=3D'00' causes a data transfer of 256 bytes.=0D=0ACase 3: No Input / Output =
of unknown length=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=
=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth (=3D'00') '9F' lgth1=0D=0AGET RESPONSE=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=
=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3 DATA with length lgth2=F3lgth1 =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C1=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth2 '90''00'=0D=0APage 35=0D=0AGSM 11.11 =
Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ACase 4: Input / No output=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=
=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 DATA with length lgth =B3 =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =C0=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=
=0Algth '90''00'=0D=0ACase 5: Input / Output of known or unknown length=0D=
=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 DATA with length lgth =B3 =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =C0=C4=C2=C4=C1=
=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth '9F' lgth1=0D=0AGET RESPONSE=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=
=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3 DATA with length lgth2=F3lgth1 =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=C0=
=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth2 '90''00'=0D=0AFor cases 3 and 5 when SW=
1/SW2 indicates there is response data (i.e. SW1/SW2 =3D '9FXX') then if t=
he=0D=0AME requires to get this response data it shall send a GET RESPONSE =
command as described in the=0D=0Arelevant case above.=0D=0AIf the GSM applic=
ation is one of several applications in a multi-application card other comm=
ands with CLA=0D=0Anot equal to 'A0' may be sent by the terminal. This shall=
 not influence the state of the GSM application.=0D=0A9.2 Coding of the comm=
ands=0D=0ATable 9 below gives the coding of the commands. The direction of t=
he data is indicated by (S) and (R)=0D=0Awhere (S) stands for data sent by =
the ME while (R) stands for data received by the ME. Offset is coded=0D=0Aon=
 2 bytes where P1 gives the high order byte and P2 the low order byte. '00 0=
0' means no offset and=0D=0Areading/updating starts with the first byte whil=
e an offset of '00 01' means that reading/updating starts with=0D=0Athe seco=
nd byte 
.=0D=0AIn addition to the instruction codes specified in table 9 =
the following codes are reserved:=0D=0AGSM operational phase:=0D=0A'1X' with=
 X even.=0D=0AAdministrative management phase:=0D=0A'2A' 'D0' 'D2' 'DE' =
'C4' 'C6' 'C8' 'CA' 'CC' 'B4' 'B6' 'B8' 'BA' and 'BC'.=0D=0APage 36=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 9: Coding of the comm=
ands=0D=0ACOMMAND INS P1 P2 P3 S/R=0D=0ASELECT 'A4' '00' '00' '02' S/R=0D=
=0ASTATUS 'F2' '00' '00' lgth R=0D=0AREAD BINARY 'B0' offset high offset low=
 lgth R=0D=0AUPDATE BINARY 'D6' offset high offset low lgth S=0D=0AREAD RECO=
RD 'B2' rec No. mode lgth R=0D=0AUPDATE RECORD 'DC' rec No. mode lgth S=0D=
=0ASEEK 'A2' '00' type/mode lgth S/R=0D=0AINCREASE '32' '00' '00' '03' S/R=
=0D=0AVERIFY CHV '20' '00' CHV No. '08' S=0D=0ACHANGE CHV '24' '00' CHV No. =
'10' S=0D=0ADISABLE CHV '26' '00' '01' '08' S=0D=0AENABLE CHV '28' '00' '01'=
 '08' S=0D=0AUNBLOCK CHV '2C' '00' see NOTE '10' S=0D=0AINVALIDATE '04' '00'=
 '00' '00' -=0D=0AREHABILITATE '44' '00' '00' '00' -=0D=0ARUN GSM ALGORITHM =
'88' '00' '00' '10' S/R=0D=0ASLEEP 'FA' '00' '00' '00' -=0D=0AGET RESPONSE '=
C0' '00' '00' lgth R=0D=0ANOTE: If the UNBLOCK CHV command applies to CHV1 t=
hen P2 is coded '00'; if it applies to=0D=0ACHV2 then P2 is coded '02'.=0D=
=0ADefinitions and codings used in the response parameters/data of the comma=
nds are given in subclause=0D=0A9.3.=0D=0A9.2.1 SELECT=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS IN=
S P1 P2 P3=0D=0ASELECT 'A0' 'A4' '00' '00' '02'=0D=0ACommand parameters/data=
:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 2 File ID 2=0D=0AResponse paramet=
ers/data in case of an MF or DF:=0D=0APage 37=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 D=
ecember 1995=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 2 RFU 2=0D=0A3 - 4 Tot=
al amount of memory of the selected directory=0D=0Awhich is not allocated to=
 any of the DFs or EFs under=0D=0Athe selected directory=0D=0A2=0D=0A5 - 6 F=
ile ID 2=0D=0A7 Type of file (see subclause 9.3) 1=0D=0A8 - 12 RFU 5=0D=0A13=
 Length of the following data (byte 14 to the end) 1=0D=0A14 - 34 GSM specif=
ic data 21=0D=0AGSM specific data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A14 F=
ile characteristics (see detail 1) 1=0D=0A15 Number of DFs which are a direc=
t child of the current=0D=0Adirectory=0D=0A1=0D=0A16 Number of EFs which are=
 a direct child of the current=0D=0Adirectory=0D=0A1=0D=0A17 Number of CHVs=
 UNBLOCK CHVs and administrative=0D=0Acodes=0D=0A1=0D=0A18 RFU 1=0D=0A19 CHV=
1 status (see detail 2) 1=0D=0A20 UNBLOCK CHV1 status (see detail 2) 1=0D=
=0A21 CHV2 status (see detail 2) 1=0D=0A22 UNBLOCK CHV2 status (see detail 2=
) 1=0D=0A23 RFU 1=0D=0A24 - 34 Reserved for the administrative management=
=0D=0A(optional)=0D=0A0=F3lgth=F311=0D=0ANOTE 1: Byte 35 and following are R=
FU.=0D=0ANOTE 2: The STATUS information of the MF DFGSM and DFTELECOM provi=
de some identical=0D=0Aapplication specific data e.g. CHV status. On a mult=
i-application card the MF should=0D=0Anot contain any application specific d=
ata. Such data is obtained by terminals from the=0D=0Aspecific application d=
irectories. ME manufacturers should take this into account and=0D=0Atherefor=
e not use application specific data which may exist in the MF of a monoappli=
cation=0D=0ASIM.=0D=0ASimilarly the Verify CHV command should not be execut=
ed in the MF but in the relevant=0D=0Aapplication directory (e.g. DFGSM).=
=0D=0ADetail 1: File characteristics=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 Clock st=
op (see below)=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 For running t=
he authentication algorithm=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 a frequency is req=
uired of at least=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 13/8 MHz if b2=3D0 and 13/4 M=
Hz if b2=3D1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Clock=
 stop (see below)=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 b8=3D0: CHV1 enabled; b8=3D1: CHV1 disabled=0D=0ATh=
e coding of the conditions for stopping the clock is as follows:=0D=0APage 3=
8=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ABit b1 Bit b3 Bit b4=0D=
=0A1 0 0 clock stop allowed no preferred level=0D=0A1 1 0 clock stop allowe=
d high level preferred=0D=0A1 0 1 clock stop allowed low level preferred=
=0D=0A0 0 0 clock stop not allowed=0D=0A0 1 0 clock stop not allowed unless=
 at high level=0D=0A0 0 1 clock stop not allowed unless at low level=0D=0AI=
f bit b1 (column 1) is coded 1 stopping the clock is allowed at high or low=
 level. In this case=0D=0Acolumns 2 (bit b3) and 3 (bit b4) give information=
 about the preferred level (high or low resp.) at=0D=0Awhich the clock may =
be stopped.=0D=0AIf bit b1 is coded 0 the clock may be stopped only if the =
mandatory condition in column 2 (b3=3D1 i.e.=0D=0Astop at high level) or co=
lumn 3 (b4=3D1 i.e. stop at low level) is fulfilled. If all 3 bits are code=
d 0 then=0D=0Athe clock shall not be stopped.=0D=0ADetail 2: Status byte of=
 a secret code=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 Number of fals=
e presentations remaining=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 ('0' means blocked)=0D=0A=B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU=0D=0A=
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 b8=
=3D0: secret code not initialised=0D=0Ab8=3D1: secret code initialised=0D=
=0AResponse parameters/data in case of an EF:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Lengt=
h=0D=0A1 - 2 RFU 2=0D=0A3 - 4 File size=0D=0A(for transparent EF: the length=
 of the body part of the EF)=0D=0A(for linear fixed or cyclic EF: record len=
gth multiplied by the=0D=0Anumber of records of the EF)=0D=0A2=0D=0A5 - 6 Fi=
le ID 2=0D=0A7 Type of file (see 9.3) 1=0D=0A8 see detail 3 1=0D=0A9 - 11 Ac=
cess conditions (see 9.3) 3=0D=0A12 File status (see 9.3) 1=0D=0A13 Length o=
f the following data (byte 14 to the end) 1=0D=0A14 Structure of EF (see 9.3=
) 1=0D=0A15 Length of a record (see detail 4) 1=0D=0ANOTE: Byte 16 and follo=
wing are RFU.=0D=0ADetail 3: Byte 8=0D=0AFor transparent and linear fixed EF=
s this byte is RFU. For a cyclic EF all bits except bit 7 are RFU;=0D=0Ab7=
=3D1 indicates that the INCREASE command is allowed on the selected cyclic f=
ile.=0D=0ADetail 4: Byte 15=0D=0AFor cyclic and linear fixed EFs this byte d=
enotes the length of a record. For a transparent EF this=0D=0Abyte shall be=
 coded '00' if this byte is sent by the SIM.=0D=0APage 39=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Ve=
rsion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9.2.2 STATUS=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=
=0D=0ASTATUS 'A0' 'F2' '00' '00' lgth=0D=0AThe response parameters/data are =
identical to the response parameters/data of the SELECT command in=0D=0Acase=
 of an MF or DF.=0D=0A9.2.3 READ BINARY=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=
=0AREAD BINARY 'A0' 'B0' offset high offset low lgth=0D=0AResponse parameter=
s/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth Data to be read lgth=
 'A0' 'D6' offset high offset low lgth=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0ABy=
te(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth Data lgth=0D=0A9.2.5 READ RECORD=0D=
=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AREAD RECORD 'A0' 'B2' Rec.No. Mode lgth=
=0D=0AParameter P2 specifies the mode:=0D=0A- '02' =3D next record;=0D=0A- '=
03' =3D previous record;=0D=0A- '04' =3D absolute mode/current mode the rec=
ord number is given in P1 with P1=3D'00' denoting=0D=0Athe current record.=
=0D=0AFor the modes "next" and "previous" P1 has no significance and shall b=
e set to '00' by the ME. To ensure=0D=0Aphase compatibility between Phase 2 =
SIMs and Phase 1 MEs the SIM shall not interpret the value given=0D=0Aby th=
e ME.=0D=0APage 40=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AResponse =
parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth The data of t=
he record lgth=0D=0A9.2.6 UPDATE RECORD=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=
=0AUPDATE RECORD 'A0' 'DC' Rec.No. Mode lgth=0D=0AParameter P2 specifies the=
 mode:=0D=0A- '02' =3D next record;=0D=0A- '03' =3D previous record;=0D=0A- =
'04' =3D absolute mode/current mode; the record number is given in P1 with P=
1=3D'00' denoting=0D=0Athe current record.=0D=0AFor the modes "next" and "pr=
evious" P1 has no significance and shall be set to '00' by the ME. To ensure=
=0D=0Aphase compatibility between Phase 2 SIMs and Phase 1 MEs the SIM shal=
l not interpret the value given=0D=0Aby the ME.=0D=0ACommand parameters/data=
:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth Data lgth=0D=0A9.2.7 SEEK=
=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0ASEEK 'A0' 'A2' '00' Type/Mode lgth=0D=
=0AParameter P2 specifies type and mode:=0D=0A- 'x0' =3D from the beginning =
forward;=0D=0A- 'x1' =3D from the end backward;=0D=0A- 'x2' =3D from the nex=
t location forward;=0D=0A- 'x3' =3D from the previous location backward=0D=
=0Awith x=3D'0' specifies type 1 and x=3D'1' specifies type 2 of the SEEK co=
mmand.=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 =
- lgth Pattern lgth=0D=0AThere are no response parameters/data for a type 1 =
SEEK. A type 2 SEEK returns the following response=0D=0Aparameters/data:=0D=
=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 Record number 1=0D=0APage 41=0D=0AGSM 1=
1.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9.2.8 INCREASE=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS =
P1 P2 P3=0D=0AINCREASE 'A0' '32' '00' '00' '03'=0D=0ACommand parameters/data=
:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 3 Value to be added 3=0D=0ARespon=
se parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - X Value of the =
increased record X=0D=0AX+1 - X+3 Value which has been added 3=0D=0ANOTE: X =
denotes the length of the record.=0D=0A9.2.9 VERIFY CHV=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS I=
NS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AVERIFY CHV 'A0' '20' '00' CHV No. '08'=0D=0AParameter P2 sp=
ecifies the CHV:=0D=0A- '01' =3D CHV1;=0D=0A- '02' =3D CHV2.=0D=0ACommand pa=
rameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 8 CHV value 8=0D=0A9=
00' CHV No. '10'=0D=0AParameter P2 specifies the CHV:=0D=0A- '01' =3D CHV1;=
=0D=0A- '02' =3D CHV2.=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Descriptio=
n Length=0D=0A1 - 8 Old CHV value 8=0D=0A9 - 16 New CHV value 8=0D=0APage 42=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 DecemHV=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS IN=
S P1 P2 P3=0D=0AUNBLOCK CHV 'A0' '2C' '00' CHV No. '10'=0D=0AParameter P2 sp=
ecifies the CHV:=0D=0A- 00 =3D CHV1;=0D=0A- 02 =3D CHV2.=0D=0ANOTE: The codi=
ng '00' for CHV1 differs from the coding of CHV1 used for other commands.=
=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 8 UN=
BLOCK CHV value 8=0D=0A9 - 16 New CHV value 8=0D=0A9.2.14 INVALIDATE=0D=0ACO=
MMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AINVALIDATE 'A0' '04' '00' '00' '00'=0D=0A9.2.1=
00' '00' '00'=0D=0APage 43=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9=
GORITHM=0D=0A'A0' '88' '00' '00' '10'=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByt=
e(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 16 RAND 16=0D=0AResponse parameters/data:=
=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 4 SRES 4=0D=0A5 - 12 Cipher Key Kc=
 8=0D=0AThe most significant bit of SRES is coded on bit 8 of byte 1. The mo=
st significant bit of Kc is coded on bit 8=0D=0Aof byte 5.=0D=0A9.2.17 SLEEP=
=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0ASLEEP 'A0' 'FA' '00' '00' '00'=0D=0ANO=
TE: This command is used by Phase 1 MEs only.=0D=0A9.2.18 GET RESPONSE=0D=
=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AGET RESPONSE 'A0' 'C0' '00' '00' lgth=0D=
=0AThe response data depends on the preceding command. Response data is avai=
lable after the commands=0D=0ARUN GSM ALGORITHM SEEK (type 2) SELECT and =
INCREASE. If the command GET RESPONSE is=0D=0Aexecuted it is required that =
it is executed immediately after the command it is related to (no other=0D=
=0Acommand shall come between the command/response pair and the command GET =
RESPONSE). If the=0D=0Asequence is not respected the SIM shall send the sta=
tus information "technical problem with no diagnostic=0D=0Agiven" as a react=
ion to the GET RESPONSE.=0D=0ASince the MF is implicitly selected after acti=
vation of the SIM GET RESPONSE is also allowed as the first=0D=0Acommand af=
ter activation.=0D=0AThe response data itself is defined in the subclause fo=
r the corresponding command.=0D=0A9.3 Definitions and coding=0D=0AThe follow=
ing definitions and coding are used in the response parameters/data of the c=
ommands.=0D=0ACoding=0D=0AEach byte is represented by bits b8 to b1 where b=
8 is the most significant bit (MSB) and b1 is the least=0D=0Asignificant bit=
 (LSB). In each representation the leftmost bit is the MSB.=0D=0APage 44=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ARFU=0D=0AIn a GSM specific car=
d all bytes which are RFU shall be set to '00' and RFU bits to 0. Where the =
GSM=0D=0Aapplication exists on a multiapplication card or is built on a gene=
ric telecommunications card (e.g. TE9)=0D=0Athen other values may apply. The=
 values will be defined in the appropriate specifications for such cards.=
=0D=0AThese bytes and bits shall not be interpreted by an ME in a GSM sessio=
n.=0D=0AFile status=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 b1=3D0: invalidated; b1=
=3D1: not invalidated=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU=0D=0AStructure of file=0D=0A- '00' transparent;=
=0D=0A- '01' linear fixed;=0D=0A- '03' cyclic.=0D=0AType of File=0D=0A- '00'=
 RFU;=0D=0A- '01' MF;=0D=0A- '02' DF;=0D=0A- '04' EF.=0D=0ACoding of CHVs an=
d UNBLOCK CHVs=0D=0AA CHV is coded on 8 bytes. Only (decimal) digits (0-9) s=
hall be used coded in CCITT T.50 [19] with bit 8=0D=0Aset to zero. The mini=
mum number of digits is 4. If the number of digits presented by the user is =
less than 8=0D=0Athen the ME shall pad the presented CHV with 'FF' before se=
nding it to the SIM.=0D=0AThe coding of the UNBLOCK CHVs is identical to the=
 coding of the CHVs. However the number of=0D=0A(decimal) digits is always =
8.=0D=0ACoding of Access Conditions=0D=0AThe access conditions for the comma=
nds are coded on bytes 9 10 and 11 of the response data of the=0D=0ASELECT =
command. Each condition is coded on 4 bits as shown in table 10.=0D=0APage 4=
5=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 10: Access condition=
=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 ALW =B3 '0' =B3=0D=0A=B3 CHV1 =B3 '1' =B3=0D=0A=B3 CHV=
2 =B3 '2' =B3=0D=0A=B3 RFU =B3 '3' =B3=0D=0A=B3 ADM =B3 '4' =B3=0D=0A=B3 

 =B3=0D=0A=B3 ADM =B3 'E' =B3=0D=0A=B3 NEV =B3 'F' =B3=0D=0A=C0=
=0D=0AByte 9:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 UPDATE=0D=0A=
=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 REA=
D; SEEK=0D=0AByte 10:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 RFU=0D=
=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 =
INCREASE=0D=0AByte 11:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 INVALIDA=
=C4=C4 REHABILITATE=0D=0A9.4 Status conditions returned by the card=0D=0AThi=
s subclause specifies the coding of the status words SW1 and SW2.=0D=0A9.4.1=
 Responses to commands which are correctly executed=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Description=
=0D=0A'90' '00' - normal ending of the command=0D=0A'9F' 'XX' - length 'XX' =
of the response data=0D=0A9.4.2 Memory management=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Error descrip=
tion=0D=0A'92' '0X' - update successful but after using an internal retry ro=
utine 'X'=0D=0Atimes=0D=0A'92' '40' - memory problem=0D=0A9.4.3 Referencing =
management=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Error description=0D=0A'94' '00' - no EF selected=
=0D=0A'94' '02' - out of range (invalid address)=0D=0A'94' '04' - file ID no=
t found=0D=0A- pattern not found=0D=0A'94' '08' - file is inconsistent with =
the command=0D=0APage 46=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9.4=
.4 Security management=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Error description=0D=0A'98' '02' verification no attempt left=0D=0A- unsuccessful UNBLOCK CHV verifica=
tion no attempt left=0D=0A- CHV blocked=0D=0A- UNBLOCK CHV blocked=0D=0A'98=
' '50' - increase cannot be performed Max value reached=0D=0ANOTE: A Phase =
1 SIM may send this error code after the third consecutive unsuccessful CHV=
=0D=0Averification attempt or the tenth consecutive unsuccessful unblocking =
attempt.=0D=0A9.4.5 Application independent errors=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Error descri=
ption=0D=0A'67' 'XX' - incorrect parameter P3 (see note)=0D=0A'6B' 'XX'# - i=
ncorrect parameter P1 or P2 (see ##)=0D=0A'6D' 'XX'# - unknown instruction c=
ode given in the command=0D=0A'6E' 'XX'# - wrong instruction class given in =
the command=0D=0A'6F' 'XX'# - technical problem with no diagnostic given=0D=
=0A# These values of 'XX' are specified by ISO/IEC; at present the default v=
alue 'XX'=3D'00' is the only one=0D=0Adefined.=0D=0A## When 
=0Aasterisk *).=0D=0APage 47=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0ATable 11: Commands and status words=0D=0AOK Mem=0D=0ASta=0D=0ARefer.=0D=
=0AD=0D=0AXX=0D=0A6=0D=0AE=0D=0AXX=0D=0A6=0D=0AF=0D=0AXX=0D=0ASelect *=
 *=0D=0AStatus *=0D=0AUpdate Binary *=0D=
=0AUpdate Record *=0D=0ARead Binary =
*=0D=0ARead Record *=0D=0ASeek *=
=0D=0AIncrease *=0D=0AVerify CHV *=
=0D=0AChange CHV *=0D=0ADisable CHV =
*=0D=0AEnable CHV *=0D=0AUnblock CHV *=
 *=0D=0AInvalidate *=0D=0ARehabilitate *=
=0D=0ARun GSM Algorithm *=0D=0ASleep *=0D=0AGet Respon=
se *=0D=0A10 Contents of the Elementary Files (EF)=0D=0AThis claus=
e specifies the EFs for the GSM session defining access conditions data ite=
ms and coding. A=0D=0Adata item is a part of an EF which represents a comple=
te logical entity e.g. the alpha tag in a EFADN=0D=0Arecord.=0D=0AEFs or da=
ta items having an unassigned value or which during the GSM session are c=
leared by the ME=0D=0Ashall have their bytes set to 'FF'. After the adminis=
trative phase all data items shall have a defined value or=0D=0Ahave their b=
ytes set to 'FF'. If a data item is "deleted" during a GSM session by the al=
location of a value=0D=0Aspecified in another GSM TS then this value shall =
be used and the data item is not unassigned; e.g. for a=0D=0Adeleted LAI in=
 EFLOCI the last byte takes the value 'FE' (TS GSM 04.08 [14] refers).=0D=
=0AEFs are mandatory (M) or optional (O). The file size of an optional EF ma=
y be zero. All implemented EFs=0D=0Awith a file size greater than zero shall=
 contain all mandatory data items. Optional data items may either be=0D=0Afi=
lled with 'F' or if located at the end of an EF need not exist.=0D=0AWhen=
 the coding is according to CCITT Recommendation T.50 [19] bit 8 of every b=
yte shall be set to 0.=0D=0AFor an overview containing all files see figure =
8.=0D=0A10.1 Contents of the EFs at the MF level=0D=0AThere is only one EF a=
t the MF level.=0D=0A10.1.1 EFICCID (ICC Identification)=0D=0AThis EF provid=
es a unique identification number for the SIM.=0D=0APage 48=0D=0AGSM 11.11 V=
ersion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '2FE2' Structure: transparent Ma=
ndatory=0D=0AFile size: 10 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions=
DM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 10 Identification number M 10 =
bytes=0D=0A- Identification number=0D=0AContents: according to CCITT Recomme=
ndation E.118 [17]. However network operators who are=0D=0Aalready issuing =
Phase 1 SIM cards with an identification number length of 20 digits may reta=
in=0D=0Athis length.=0D=0APurpose: card identification number.=0D=0ACoding: =
BCD left justified and padded with 'F'; after padding the digits within a b=
yte are swapped=0D=0A(see below). However network operators who are already=
 issuing Phase 1 SIM cards where=0D=0Athe digits within a byte are not swapp=
ed may retain this configuration.=0D=0AByte 1:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=
=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=
=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 2=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 2=0D=0AB=
yte 2:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=CC4 MSB of Digit 4=0D=0Aetc.=0D=0A10.2 Contents of files at the GSM applicat=
ion level=0D=0AThe EFs in the Dedicated File DFGSM contain network related i=
nformation.=0D=0A10.2.1 EFLP (Language preference)=0D=0AThis EF contains the=
 codes for one or more languages. This information determined by the user/o=
perator=0D=0Adefines the preferred languages of the user in order of priori=
ty. This information may be used by the ME=0D=0Afor MMI purposes and for sho=
rt message handling (e.g. screening of preferred languages in SMS-CB).=0D=
=0AWhen the CB Message Identifier capability is both allocated and activated=
 the ME selects only those CB=0D=0Amessages the language of which correspond=
s to one of the languages given in this EF. The CB message=0D=0Alanguage is =
recognized according to TS GSM 03.41 by its data coding scheme.=0D=0APage 49=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F05' Structur=
e: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 1-n bytes Update activity: low=0D=
=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 1st language co=
de (highest prior.) M 1 byte=0D=0A2 2nd language code O 1 byte=0D=0An nth la=
nguage code (lowest prior.) O 1 byte=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 03.41 =
[13].=0D=0AUsing the command GET RESPONSE the ME can determine the size of =
the EF.=0D=0A10.2.2 EFIMSI (IMSI)=0D=0AThis EF contains the International Mo=
bile Subscriber Identity (IMSI).=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F07' Structure: transpar=
ent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 9 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Condi=
CHV1=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 length of IMSI M 1 byte=0D=0A2=
 - 9 IMSI M 8 bytes=0D=0A- length of IMSI=0D=0AContents: The length indicato=
r refers to the number of significant bytes not including this length byte=
=0D=0Arequired for the IMSI.=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=
=0D=0A- IMSI=0D=0AContents: International Mobile Subscriber Identity.=0D=0AC=
oding: This information element is of variable length. If a network operator=
 chooses an IMSI of less=0D=0Athan 15 digits unused nibbles shall be set to=
 'F'.=0D=0APage 50=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AByte 2:=
=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4 0=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 0=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Parity=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 1=
=0D=0AFor the parity bit see TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0AByte 3:=0D=0A=DA=C4=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 2=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0.=0D=0A10.2.3 EFKc (Ciphering key Kc)=0D=0AThis EF contains=
 the ciphering key Kc and the ciphering key sequence number n.=0D=0AIdentifi=
er: '6F20' Structure: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 9 bytes Update a=
ctivity: high=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CHV1=0D=0AI=
NVALIDATE ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1=
 - 8 Ciphering key Kc M 8 bytes=0D=0A9 Ciphering key sequence number n M 1 b=
yte=0D=0A- Ciphering key Kc=0D=0ACoding: The least significant bit of Kc is =
the least significant bit of the eighth byte. The most=0D=0Asignificant bit =
of Kc is the most significant bit of the first byte.=0D=0A- Ciphering key se=
quence number n=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 n=0D=
=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 =
bits b4 to b8 are coded 0=0D=0ANOTE: TS GSM 04.08 [14] defines the value of =
n=3D111 as "key not available". Therefore the=0D=0Avalue '07' and not 'FF' s=
hould be present following the administrative phase.=0D=0APage 51=0D=0AGSM 1=
1.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.2.4 EFPLMNsel (PLMN selector)=0D=
=0AThis EF contains the coding for n PLMNs where n is at least eight. This =
information determined by the=0D=0Auser/operator defines the preferred PLMNs=
 of the user in priority order.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F30' Structure: transpare=
nt Optional=0D=0AFile size: 3n (n=F28) bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAcces=
ILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 3 1st PLMN (highest p=
riority) M 3 bytes=0D=0A22 - 24 8th PLMN M 3 bytes=0D=0A25 - 27 9th PLMN O 3=
 bytes=0D=0A(3n-2)-3n nth PLMN (lowest priority) O 3 bytes=0D=0A- PLMN=0D=
=0AContents: Mobile Country Code (MCC) followed by the Mobile Network Code (=
MNC).=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0AIf storage for fewer=
 than the maximum possible number n is required the excess bytes shall=0D=
=0Abe setansparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 1 byte Update =
activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE ADM=0D=0AIN=
VALIDATE ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 =
Time interval M 1 byte=0D=0A- Time interval=0D=0AContents: The time interval=
 between two searches.=0D=0ACoding: The time interval is coded in integer mu=
ltiples of n minutes. The range is from n minutes to a=0D=0Amaximum value. T=
he value '00' indicates that no attempts shall be made to search for the=0D=
=0AHPLMN. The encoding is:=0D=0A- '00': No HPLMN search attempts=0D=0A- '01'=
: n minutes=0D=0APage 52=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A- '=
02': 2n minutes=0D=0A- : :=0D=0A- 'YZ': (16Y+Z)n minutes (maximum value)=0D=
=0AAll other values shall be interpreted by the ME as a default period.=0D=
=0AFor specification of the integer timer interval n the maximum value and =
the default period refer to=0D=0ATS GSM 02.11 [5].=0D=0A10.2.6 EFACMmax (ACM=
 maximum value)=0D=0AThis EF contains the maximum value of the accumulated c=
all meter. This EF shall always be allocated if=0D=0AEFACM is allocated.=0D=
=0AIdentifier: '6F37' Structure: transparent Optional=0D=0AFile size: 3 byte=
s Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CH=
V1/CHV2=0D=0A(fixed during administrative management)=0D=0AINVALIDATE ADM=
=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 3 Maximum =
value M 3 bytes=0D=0A- Maximum value=0D=0AContents: maximum value of the Acc=
umulated Call Meter (ACM)=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0AFirst byte:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3b8 =B3b7 =B3b6 =B3b5 =B3b4 =B3b3 =B3b2 =B3b1 =B3=0D=0A=
=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3=0D=0A223 222 2=
21 220 219 218 217 216=0D=0ASecond byte:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=
=0A=B3b8 =B3b7 =B3b6 =B3b5 =B3b4 =B3b3 =B3b2 =B3b1 =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3=0D=0A215 214 213 212 211 210 =
29 28=0D=0AThird byte:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3b8 =B3b7 =B3b=
6 =B3b5 =B3b4 =B3b3 =B3b2 =B3b1 =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3=0D=0A27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20=0D=0AFor instance =
'00' '00' '30' represents 25+24.=0D=0AAll ACM data is stored in the SIM and =
transmitted over the SIM/ME interface as binary.=0D=0AACMmax is not valid a=
s defined in TS GSM 02.24 [7] if it is coded '000000'.=0D=0A10.2.7 EFSST (S=
IM service table)=0D=0AThis EF indicates which services are allocated and w=
hether if allocated the service is activated. If a=0D=0Aservice is not all=
ocated or not activated in the SIM the ME shall not select this service.=
=0D=0APage 53=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '6=
F38' Structure: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 4 bytes Update activit=
y: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE ADM=0D=0AINVALIDAT=
E ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 Service=
s n=F81 to n=F84 M 1 byte=0D=0A2 Services n=F85 to n=F88 M 1 byte=0D=0A3 Ser=
vices n=F89 to n=F812 M 1 byte=0D=0A4 Services n=F813 to n=F816 M 1 byte=0D=
=0A5 Services n=F817 to n=F820 M 1 byte=0D=0A- Services=0D=0AContents:=0D=
=0AService n=B01 : CHV1 disable function=0D=0AService n=B02 : Abbreviated Di=
alling Numbers (ADN)=0D=0AService n=B03 : Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN)=0D=
=0AService n=B04 : Short Message Storage (SMS)=0D=0AService n=B05 : Advice o=
f Charge (AoC)=0D=0AService n=B06 : Capability Configuration Parameters (CCP=
)=0D=0AService n=B07 : PLMN selector=0D=0AService n=B08 : RFU=0D=0AService n=
=B09 : MSISDN=0D=0AService n=B010: Extension1=0D=0AService n=B011: Extension=
2=0D=0AService n=B012: SMS Parameters=0D=0AService n=B013: Last Number Diall=
ed (LND)=0D=0AService n=B014: Cell Broadcast Message Identifier=0D=0AService=
 n=B015: Group Identifier Level 1=0D=0AService n=B016: Group Identifier Leve=
l 2=0D=0AService n=B017: Service Provider Name=0D=0ANOTE 1: Service N=B08 wa=
s used in Phase 1 for Called Party Subaddress. To prevent any risk of=0D=0Ai=
ncompatibility Service N=B08 should not be reallocated.=0D=0ANOTE 2: Other s=
ervices are possible in the future and will be coded on further bytes in the=
 EF.=0D=0AThe coding falls under the responsibility of ETSI.=0D=0ACoding:=
=0D=0A2 bits are used to code each service:=0D=0Afirst bit =3D 1: service al=
located=0D=0Afirst bit =3D 0: service not allocated=0D=0Awhere the first bit=
 is b1 b3 b5 or b7;=0D=0Asecond bit =3D 1: service activated=0D=0Asecond b=
it =3D 0: service not activated=0D=0Awhere the second bit is b2 b4 b6 or b=
8.=0D=0AService allocated means that the SIM has the capability to support t=
he service. Service=0D=0Aactivated means that the service is available for t=
he card holder (only valid if the service is=0D=0Aallocated).=0D=0AThe follo=
wing codings are possible:=0D=0A- first bit =3D 0: service not allocated se=
cond bit has no meaning;=0D=0APage 54=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December =
1995=0D=0A- first bit =3D 1 and second bit =3D 0: service allocated but not =
activated;=0D=0A- first bit =3D 1 and second bit =3D 1: service allocated an=
d activated.=0D=0AFirst byte:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 Service n=
=F81=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Service n=F82=
=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Service=
14=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Service n=F815=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Service n=F816=0D=0AFifth byte:=0D=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 Service n=F817=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU (see subclause 9.=
3)=0D=0AThe following example of coding for the first byte means that servic=
e n=B01 "CHV1-Disabling" is=0D=0Aallocated but not activated:=0D=0A=DA=C4=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0AX X X X X X 0 1=0D=
=0AIf the SIM supports the FDN feature (FDN allocated and activated) a speci=
al mechanism shall exist in the=0D=0ASIM which invalidates both EFIMSI and E=
FLOCI once during each GSM session. This mechanism shall be=0D=0Ainvoked by =
the SIM automatically if FDN is enabled. This invalidation shall occur at le=
ast before the next=0D=0Acommand following selection of either EF. FDN is en=
abled when the ADN is invalidated or not activated.=0D=0A10.2.8 EFACM (Accum=
ulated call meter)=0D=0AThis EF contains the total number of units for both =
the current call and the preceding calls.=0D=0ANOTE: The information may be =
used to provide an indication to the user for advice or as a=0D=0Abasis for =
the calculation of the monetary cost of calls (see TS GSM 02.86 [9]).=0D=0AI=
dentifier: '6F39' Structure: cyclic Optional=0D=0ARecord length: 3 bytes Upd=
ate activity: high=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CHV1/C=
HV2=0D=0A(fixed during administrative management)=0D=0AINCREASE CHV1=0D=0AIN=
VALIDATE ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 =
- 3 Accumulated count of units M 3 bytes=0D=0A- Accumulated count of units=
=0D=0AContents: value of the ACM=0D=0ACoding: see the coding of EFACMmax=0D=
=0APage 55=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.2.9 EFGID1 (Gr=
oup Identifier Level 1)=0D=0AThis EF contains identifiers for particular SIM=
-ME associations. It can be used to identify a group of SIMs=0D=0Afor a part=
icular application.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F3E' Structure: transparent Optional=
=0D=0AFile size: 1-n bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=
=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - n SIM group identifier(s) O n bytes=
=0D=0A10.2.10 EFGID2 (Group Identifier Level 2)=0D=0AThis EF contains identi=
fiers for particular SIM-ME associations. It can be  ide=
ntical. They are provided to allow the=0D=0Anetwork operator to enforce diff=
erent levels of security dependant on application.=0D=0A10.2.11 EFSPN (Servi=
ce Provider Name)=0D=0AThis EF contains the service provider name and approp=
riate requirements for the display by the ME.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F46' Struct=
ure: transparent Optional=0D=0AFile Size: 17 bytes Update activity: low=0D=
=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 Display Cond=
ition M 1 byte=0D=0A2 - 17 Service Provider Name M 16 bytes=0D=0APage 56=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A- Display Condition=0D=0AConte=
nts: display condition for the service provider name in respect to the regis=
tered PLMN (see TS=0D=0AGSM 02.07 [3])=0D=0ACoding: see below=0D=0AByte 1:=
=0D=0ABit b1=0D=0A0 : display of registered PLMN not required=0D=0A1 : displ=
ay of registered PLMN required=0D=0ABits b2 to b8 are RFU (see subclause 9.3=
)=0D=0A- Service Provider Name=0D=0AContents: service provider string to be =
displayed=0D=0ACoding: the string shall use the SMS default 7-bit coded alph=
abet as defined in TS GSM 03.38 [11]=0D=0Awith bit 8 set to 0. The string sh=
all be left justified. Unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.=0D=0A10.2.12 EFPUC=
T (Price per unit and currency table)=0D=0AThis EF contains the Price per Un=
it and Currency Table (PUCT). The PUCT is Advice of Charge related=0D=0Ainfo=
rmation which may be used by the ME in conjunction with EFACM to compute the=
 cost of calls in the=0D=0Acurrency chosen by the subscriber as specified i=
n TS GSM 02.24 [7]. This EF shall always be allocated if=0D=0AEFACM is alloc=
ated.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F41' Structure: transparent Optional=0D=0AFile size=
: 5 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AU=
PDATE CHV1/CHV2=0D=0A(fixed during administrative management)=0D=0AINVALIDAT=
E ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 3 Cur=
rency code M 3 bytes=0D=0A4 - 5 Price per unit M 2 bytes=0D=0A- Currency cod=
e=0D=0AContents: the alpha-identifier of the currency code.=0D=0ACoding: byt=
es 1 2 and 3 are the respective first second and third character of the al=
pha identifier.=0D=0AThis alpha-tagging shall use the SMS default 7-bit code=
d alphabet as defined in TS GSM=0D=0A03.38 [11] with bit 8 set to 0.=0D=0A- =
Price per unit=0D=0AContents: price per unit expressed in the currency coded=
 by bytes 1-3.=0D=0ACoding: Byte 4 and bits b1 to b4 of byte 5 represent the=
 Elementary Price per Unit (EPPU) in the=0D=0Acurrency coded by bytes 1-3. B=
its b5 to b8 of byte 5 are the decimal logarithm of the=0D=0Amultiplicative =
factor represented by the absolute value of its decimal logarithm (EX) and t=
he=0D=0Asign of EX which is coded 0 for a positive sign and 1 for a negativ=
e sign.=0D=0APage 57=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AByte 4:=
=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3b8 =B3b7 =B3b6 =B3b5 =B3b4 =B3b3 =B3b=
2 =B3b1 =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3=0D=0A211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 of EPPU=0D=0AByte 5:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3b8 =B3b7 =B3b6 =B3b5 =B3b4 =B3b3 =B3b2 =B3b1 =B3=0D=0A=
=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 23 22 21 20 of EPPU=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Sign of EX=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 20 of Abs(EX)=0D=0A=
=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 21 of Abs(EX)=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 22 of Abs(EX)=0D=
=0AThe computation of the price per unit value is made by the ME in complian=
ce with TS GSM=0D=0A02.24 [7] by the following formula:=0D=0Aprice per unit =
=3D EPPU 10EX.=0D=0AThe price has to be understood as expressed in the cod=
ed currency.=0D=0A10.2.13 EFCBMI (Cell broadcast message identifier selectio=
n)=0D=0AThis EF contains the Message Identifier Parameters which specify the=
 type of content of the cell broadcast=0D=0Amessages that the subscriber wis=
hes the MS to accept.=0D=0AAny number of CB Message Identifier Parameters ma=
y be stored in the SIM. No order of priority is=0D=0Aapplicable.=0D=0AIdenti=
fier: '6F45' Structure: transparent Optional=0D=0AFile size: 2n bytes Update=
 activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=w the types =
of message which shall be accepted by the MS.=0D=0AUnused entries shall be s=
et to 'FF FF'.=0D=0A10.2.14 EFBCCH (Broadcast control channels)=0D=0AThis EF=
 contains information concerning the BCCH according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=
=0D=0ABCCH storage may reduce the extent of a Mobile Station's search of BCC=
H carriers when selecting a cell.=0D=0AThe BCCH carrier lists in an MS shall=
 be in accordance with the procedures specified in TS GSM 04.08=0D=0A[14]. T=
he MS shall only store BCCH information from the System Information 2 messag=
e and not the 2bis=0D=0Aextension message.=0D=0APage 58=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Versi=
on 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F74' Structure: transparent Mandat=
ory=0D=0AFile size: 16 bytes Update activity: high=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=
=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 16 BCCH information M 16 bytes=
=0D=0A- BCCH information=0D=0ACoding: The information is coded as octets 2-1=
7 of the 'neighbour cells description information=0D=0Aelement' in TS GSM 04=
.08 [14].=0D=0A10.2.15 EFACC (Access control class)=0D=0AThis EF contains th=
e assigned access control class(es). TS GSM 02.11 [5] refers. The access con=
trol=0D=0Aclass is a parameter to control the RACH utilisation. 15 classes a=
re split into 10 classes randomly=0D=0Aallocated to normal subscribers and 5=
 classes allocated to specific high priority users. For more=0D=0Ainformatio=
n see TS GSM 02.11 [5].=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F78' Structure: transparent Manda=
tory=0D=0AFile size: 2 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=
=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 2 Access control classes M 2 byt=
es=0D=0A- Access control classes=0D=0ACoding: Each ACC is coded on one bit. =
An ACC is "allocated" if the corresponding bit is set to 1 and=0D=0A"not all=
ocated" if this bit is set to 0. Bit b3 of byte 1 is set to 0.=0D=0AByte 1:=
=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A15 14 1=
3 12 11 10 09 08 Number of the ACC (except for bit b3)=0D=0AByte 2:=0D=0A=
=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A07 06 05 04 0=
3 02 01 00 Number of the ACC=0D=0A10.2.16 EFFPLMN (Forbidden PLMNs)=0D=0AThi=
s EF contains the coding for four Forbidden PLMNs (FPLMN). It is read by the=
 ME as part of the SIM=0D=0Ainitialisation procedure and indicates PLMNs whi=
ch the MS shall not automatically attempt to access.=0D=0AA PLMN is written =
to the EF if a network rejects a Location Update with the cause "PLMN not al=
lowed".=0D=0AThe ME shall manage the list as follows.=0D=0AWhen four FPLMNs =
are held in the EF and rejection of a further PLMN is received by the ME fr=
om the=0D=0Anetwork the ME shall modify the EF using the UPDATE command. Th=
is new PLMN shall be stored in the=0D=0Afourth position and the existing li=
st 'shifted' causing the previous contents of the first position to be lost.=
=0D=0APage 59=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AWhen less than=
 four FPLMNs exist in the EF storage of an additional FPLMN shall not cause=
 any existing=0D=0AFPLMN to be lost.=0D=0ADependent upon procedures used to =
manage storage and deletion of FPLMNs in the EF it is possible=0D=0Awhen l=
ess than four FPLMNs exist in the EF for 'FFFFFF' to occur in any position.=
 The ME shall analyse=0D=0Aall the EF for FPLMNs in any position and not re=
gard 'FFFFFF' as a termination of valid data.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F7B' Struct=
ure: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 12 bytes Update activity: low=0D=
=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 3 PLMN 1 M=
 3 bytes=0D=0A4 - 6 PLMN 2 M 3 bytes=0D=0A7 - 9 PLMN 3 M 3 bytes=0D=0A10 - 1=
2 PLMN 4 M 3 byA10.2.17 EFLOCI (Location information)=0D=0AT=
his EF contains the following Location Information:=0D=0A- Temporary Mobile =
Subscriber Identity (TMSI)=0D=0A- Location Area Information (LAI)=0D=0A- TMS=
I TIME=0D=0A- Location update status=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F7E' Structure: tran=
sparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 11 bytes Update activity: high=0D=0AAccess=
LITATE CHV1=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 4 TMSI M 4 bytes=0D=
=0A5 - 9 LAI M 5 bytes=0D=0A10 TMSI TIME M 1 byte=0D=0A11 Location update st=
atus M 1 byte=0D=0A- TMSI=0D=0AContents: Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identit=
y=0D=0APage 60=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ACoding: accor=
ding to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0AByte 1: first byte of TMSI=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=
=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0AMSB=0D=0A- LAI=0D=0AConte=
nts: Location Area Information=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=
=0D=0AByte 5: first byte of LAI (MCC)=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LSB of M=
CC Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 .=0AByte 6: second byte of LAI (MCC continued)=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=
=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LS=
B of MCC Digit 3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of MCC Digit 3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 bits b5 to b8 are 1=
=0D=0AByte 7: third byte of LAI (MNC)=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of MNC Digit 2=0D=
=0AByte 8: fourth byte of LAI (LAC)=0D=0AByte 9: fifth byte of LAI (LAC cont=
inued)=0D=0A- TMSI TIME=0D=0AContents: Current value of Periodic Location Up=
dating Timer (T3212).=0D=0AThis byte is used by Phase 1 MEs but it shall no=
t be used by Phase 2 MEs.=0D=0A- Location update status=0D=0AContents: statu=
s of location update according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0AByte =
11:=0D=0ABits: b3 b2 b1=0D=0A0 0 0 : updated=0D=0A0 0 1 : not updated=0D=0A0=
 1 0 : PLMN not allowed=0D=0A0 1 1 : Location Area not allowed=0D=0A1 1 1 : =
reserved=0D=0ABits b4 to b8 are RFU (see subclause 9.3).=0D=0APage 61=0D=0AG=
SM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.2.18 EFAD (Administrative data)=
=0D=0AThis EF contains information concerning the mode of operation accordin=
g to the type of SIM such as=0D=0Anormal (to be used by PLMN subscribers fo=
r GSM operations) type approval (to allow specific use of the=0D=0AME durin=
g type approval procedures of e.g. the radio equipment) cell testing (to al=
low testing of a cell=0D=0Abefore commercial use of this cell) manufacturer=
 specific (to allow the ME manufacturer to perform=0D=0Aspecific proprietary=
 auto-test in its ME during e.g. maintenance phases).=0D=0AIdentifier: '6FAD=
' Structure: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 3+X bytes Update activity=
: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD ALW=0D=0AUPDATE ADM=0D=0AINVALIDATE =
ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 MS operat=
ion mode M 1 byte=0D=0A2 - 3 Additional information M 2 bytes=0D=0A4 - 3+X R=
FU O X bytes=0D=0A- MS operation mode=0D=0AContents: mode of operation for t=
he MS=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0AInitial value=0D=0A- normal operation '00'=0D=0A- ty=
pe approval operations '80'=0D=0A- normal operation + specific facilities '0=
1'=0D=0A- type approval operations + specific facilities '81'=0D=0A- mainten=
ance (off line) '02'=0D=0A- cell test operation '04'=0D=0A- Additional infor=
mation=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0A- special facility number (if b1=3D1 in byte 1);=
=0D=0A- ME manufacturer specific information (if b2=3D1 in byte 1).=0D=0A10.=
2.19 EFPhase (Phase identification)=0D=0AThis EF contains information concer=
ning the phase of the SIM.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6FAE' Structure: transparent Ma=
ndatory=0D=0AFile size: 1 byte Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=
=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 SIM Phase M 1 byte=0D=0A- SIM Phase=
=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0APhase 1: '00'=0D=0APhase 2: '02'=0D=0APage 62=0D=0AGSM 11=
.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AAll other codings are reserved for spec=
ification by ETSI TC SMG. Codings '03' '04' to '0F'=0D=0Aindicate that the =
SIM supports as a minimum the mandatory requirements defined in this=0D=
=0Aspecification.=0D=0AIf EFPhase is coded '00' it may be assumed by the ME=
 that some Phase 2 features are supported by this=0D=0ASIM. However the ser=
vices n=B03 (FDN) and/or n=B05 (AoC) shall only be allocated and activated i=
n SIMs of=0D=0Aphase 2 with EFPhase being coded '02'.=0D=0A10.3 Contents of =
files at the telecom level=0D=0AThe EFs in the Dedicated File DFTELECOM cont=
ain service related information.=0D=0A10.3.1 EFADN (Abbreviated dialling num=
bers)=0D=0AThis EF contains Abbreviated Dialling Numbers (ADN) and/or Supple=
mentary Service Control strings=0D=0A(SSC). In addition it contains identifi=
ers of associated network/bearer capabilities and identifiers of=0D=0Aextens=
ion records. It may also contain an associated alpha-tagging.=0D=0AIdentifie=
r: '6F3A' Structure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0ARecord length: X+14 bytes Up=
date activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CHV1=
=0AO=0D=0ALength=0D=0A1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes=0D=0AX+1 Length of B=
CD number/SSC contents M 1 byte=0D=0AX+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte=0D=0AX+3 to X+=
12 Dialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes=0D=0AX+13 Capability/Configuration =
Identifier M 1 be from zero to 241. Using the command GET =
RESPONSE the ME=0D=0Acan determine the value of X.=0D=0A- Length of BCD numb=
er/SSC contents=0D=0AContents: this byte gives the number of bytes of the fo=
llowing two data items containing actual BCD=0D=0Anumber/SSC information. Th=
is means that the maximum value is 11 even when the actual=0D=0AADN/SSC inf=
ormation length is greater than 11. When an ADN/SSC requires more than 20=
=0D=0Adigits it is indicated by the extension1 identifier being unequal to '=
FF'. The remainder is stored=0D=0Ain the EFEXT1 with the remaining length of=
 the overflow data being coded in the appropriate=0D=0Aoverflow record itsel=
f (see subclause 10.3.9).=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=
=0A- TON and NPI=0D=0AContents: Type of number (TON) and numbering plan iden=
tification (NPI).=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14]. If the Dialli=
ng Number/SSC String does not contain a=0D=0Adialling number e.g. a control=
 string deactivating a service the TON/NPI byte shall be set to=0D=0A'FF' b=
y the ME (see note 2).=0D=0APage 63=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 19=
95=0D=0ANOTE 2: If a dialling number is absent no TON/NPI byte is transmitt=
ed over the air interface=0D=0A(see TS GSM 04.08 [14]). Accordingly the ME =
should not interpret the value 'FF' and=0D=0Anot send it over the air interf=
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 NPI=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 TON=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 1=0D=0A- Dia=
lling Number/SSC String=0D=0AContents: up to 20 digits of the telephone numb=
er and/or SSC information.=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14]  TS =
GSM 02.30 [8] and the extended BCD-coding (see=0D=0Atable 12). If the teleph=
one number or SSC is longer than 20 digits the first 20 digits are=0D=0Asto=
red in this data item and the overflow data is stored in an associated recor=
d in the EFEXT1.=0D=0AThe record is identified by the Extension1 Record Iden=
tifier. If ADN/SSC require less than 20=0D=0Adigits excess nibbles at the e=
nd of the data item shall be set to 'F'.=0D=0AByte X+3=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=
=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=
=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 2=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 2=
=0D=0AByte X+4:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 4=0D=0Aetc.=0D=0A- Capability/Configuration =
Identifier=0D=0AContents: capability/configuration identification byte. This=
 byte identifies the number of a record in=0D=0Athe EFCCP containing associa=
ted capability/configuration parameters required for the call. The=0D=0Ause =
of this byte is optional. If it is not used it shall be set to 'FF'.=0D=0ACo=
ding: binary.=0D=0A- Extension1 Record Identifier=0D=0AContents: extension1 =
record identification byte. This byte identifies the number of a record in t=
he=0D=0AEFEXT1 containing an associated called party subaddress or an overfl=
ow. The use of this byte=0D=0Ais optional. If it is not used it shall be set=
 to 'FF'.=0D=0AIf the ADN/SSC requires both overflow and called party subadd=
ress this byte identifies the=0D=0Aoverflow record. A chaining mechanism in=
side EFEXT1 identifies the record of the appropriate=0D=0Acalled party subad=
dress (see subclause 10.3.9).=0D=0ACoding: binary.=0D=0ANOTE 3: As EFADN is =
part of the DFTELECOM it may be used by GSM and also other=0D=0Aapplications=
 in a multi-application card. If the non-GSM application does not recognise=
=0D=0Athe use of Type of Number (TON) and Number Plan Identification (NPI) =
then the=0D=0Ainformation relating to the national dialling plan must be hel=
d within the data item dialling=0D=0Anumber/SSC and the TON and NPI fields s=
et to UNKNOWN. This format would be=0D=0Aacceptable for GSM operation and al=
so for the non-GSM application where the TON=0D=0Aand NPI fields shall be ig=
nored.=0D=0APage 64=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AExample:=
 SIM storage of an International Number using E.164 [18] numbering plan=0D=
=0ATON NPI Digit field=0D=0AGSM application 001 0001 abc
.=0D=0AOther appli=
cation compatible with GSM 000 0000 xxx
.=0D=0Awhere "abc
." denotes=
 the subscriber number digits (including its country code) and=0D=0A"xxx
" denotes escape digits or a national prefix replacing TON and NPI.=0D=0ANOT=
E 4: When the ME acts upon the EFADN with a SEEK command in order to identif=
y a=0D=0Acharacter string in the alpha-identifier it is the responsibility =
of the ME to ensure that=0D=0Athe number of characters used as SEEK paramete=
rs are less than or equal to the value=0D=0Aof X if the MMI allows the user =
to offer a greater number.=0D=0ATable 12: Extended BCD coding=0D=0ABCD Value=
 Character/Meaning=0D=0A'0' "0"=0D=0A'9' "9"=0D=0A'A' "*"=0D=0A'B' "#"=0D=
=0A'C' DTMF Control digit separator (TS GSM 02.07 [3])=0D=0A'D' 'Wild' value=
=0D=0AThis will cause the MMI to prompt the user for a single digit (see TS=
=0D=0AGSM 02.07 [3]).=0D=0A'E' Expansion digit ('Shift Key').=0D=0AIt has th=
e effect of adding '10' to the following digit. The following=0D=0ABCD digit=
 will hence be in- terpreted in the range of '10'-'1E'. The=0D=0Apurpose of =
digits in this range is for further study.=0D=0A'F' Endmark=0D=0Ae.g. in cas=
e of an odd number of digits=0D=0ABCD values 'C' 'D' and 'E' are never sent=
 across the air interface.=0D=0ANOTE 5: The interpretation of values 'D' 'E=
' and 'F' as DTMF digits is for further study.=0D=0ANOTE 6: A second or subs=
equent 'C' BCD value will be interpreted as a 3 second PAUSE (see=0D=0ATS GS=
M 02.07 [3]).=0D=0A10.3.2 EFFDN (Fixed dialling numbers)=0D=0AThis EF contai=
ns Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN) and/or Supplementary Service Control strings=
 (SSC). In=0D=0Aaddition it contains identifiers of associated network/beare=
r capabilities and identifiers of extension=0D=0Arecords. It may also contai=
n an associated alpha-tagging.=0D=0APage 65=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Dec=
ember 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F3B' Structure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0ARec=
ord length: X+14 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREA=
 Description M/=0D=0AO=0D=0ALength=0D=0A1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes=
=0D=0AX+1 Length of BCD number/SSC contents M 1 byte=0D=0AX+2 TON and NPI M =
1 byte=0D=0AX+3 to X+12 Dialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes=0D=0AX+13 Capa=
bility/Configuration Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0AX+14 Extension2 Record Identif=
ier M 1 byte=0D=0AFor contents and coding of all data items see the respecti=
ve data items of the EFADN (subclause 10.3.1)=0D=0Awith the exception that =
extension records are stored in the EFEXT2.=0D=0ANOTE: The value of X (the n=
umber of bytes in the alpha-identifier) may be different to the=0D=0Alength =
denoted X in EFADN.=0D=0A10.3.3 EFSMS (Short messages)=0D=0AThis EF contains=
 information in accordance with TS GSM 03.40 [12] comprising short messages =
(and=0D=0Aassociated parameters) which have either been received by the MS f=
rom the network or are to be used=0D=0Aas an MS originated message.=0D=0AId=
entifier: '6F3C' Structure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0ARecord length: 176 by=
tes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE =
ngth=0D=0A1 Status M 1 byte=0D=0A2 to 176 Remainder M 175 bytes=0D=0A- Statu=
s=0D=0AContents: Status byte of the record which can be used as a pattern in=
 the SEEK command.=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 0 0 0 free space=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 x x 1 used space=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 0 0 1 message rece=
ived by MS from network;=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 message read=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 0 1 1 message received by MS from network;=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3 message to be read=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 1 0 1 MS originating message=
;=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 message sent to the network=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3 1 1 1 MS originating message; message to be sent=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 =
RFU (see subclause 9.3)=0D=0A- Remainder=0D=0AContents: This data item comme=
nces with the TS-Service-Centre-Address as specified in TS GSM=0D=0A04.11 [1=
5]. The bytes immediately following the TS-Service-Centre-Address contain an=
=0D=0APage 66=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Aappropriate sh=
ort message TPDU as specified in TS GSM 03.40 [12] with identical coding=
=0D=0Aand ordering of parameters.=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 03.40 [12=
] and TS GSM 04.11 [15]. Any TP-message reference=0D=0Acontained in an MS or=
iginated message stored in the SIM shall have a value as follows:=0D=0AValu=
e of the TP-message-reference=0D=0Amessage to be sent: 'FF'=0D=0Amessage sen=
t to the network: the value of TP-Message-Reference used in the=0D=0Amessage=
 sent to the network.=0D=0AAny bytes in the record following the TPDU shall =
be filled with 'FF'.=0D=0AIt is possible for a TS-Service-Centre-Address of =
maximum permitted length e.g. containing=0D=0Amore than 18 address digits =
to be associated with a maximum length TPDU such that their=0D=0Acombined le=
ngth is 176 bytes. In this case the ME shall store in the SIM the TS-Service=
-=0D=0ACentre-Address and the TPDU in bytes 2-176 without modification exce=
pt for the last byte of=0D=0Athe TPDU which shall not be stored.=0D=0APage =
67=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.3.4 EFCCP (Capability =
configuration parameters)=0D=0AThis EF contains parameters of required netwo=
rk and bearer capabilities and ME configurations=0D=0Aassociated with a call=
 established using an abbreviated dialling number a fixed dialling number =
MSISDN or=0D=0Aa last number dialled.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F3D' Structure: lin=
ear fixed Optional=0D=0ARecord length: 14 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAc=
HABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 to 10 Bearer capabil=
ity information element M 10 bytes=0D=0A11 to 14 Bytes reserved - see below =
M 4 bytes=0D=0A- Bearer capability information element=0D=0AContents and Cod=
ing: see TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0A- Bytes 11-14 shall be set to 'FF' and shal=
l not be interpreted by the ME.=0D=0A10.3.5 EFMSISDN (MSISDN)=0D=0AThis EF c=
ontains MSISDN(s) related to the subscriber. In addition it contains identif=
iers of associated=0D=0Anetwork/bearer capabilities and identifiers of exten=
sion records. It may also contain an associated alphatagging.=0D=0AIdentifie=
r: '6F40' Structure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0ARecord length: X+14 bytes Up=
date activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CHV1=
=0D=0ALength=0D=0A1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes=0D=0AX+1 Length of BCD n=
umber/SSC contents M 1 byte=0D=0AX+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte=0D=0AX+3 to X+12 D=
ialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes=0D=0AX+13 Capability/Configuration Iden=
tifier M 1 byte=0D=0AX+14 Extension1 Record Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0AFor con=
tents and coding of all data items see the respective data items of EFADN.=
=0D=0ANOTE 1: If the SIM stores more than one MSISDN number and the ME displ=
ays the MSISDN=0D=0Anumber(s) within the initialisation procedure then the o=
ne stored in the first record shall=0D=0Abe displayed with priority.=0D=0ANO=
TE 2: The value of X (the number of bytes in the alpha-identifier) may be di=
fferent to the=0D=0Alength denoted X in EFADN.=0D=0APage 68=0D=0AGSM 11.11 V=
ersion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.3.6 EFSMSP (Short message service paramet=
ers)=0D=0AThis EF contains values for Short Message Service header Parameter=
s (SMSP) which can be used by the=0D=0AME for user assistance in preparatio=
n of mobile originated short messages. For example a service centre=0D=0Aad=
dress will often be common to many short messages sent by the subscriber.=
=0D=0AThe EF consists of one or more records with each record able to hold =
a set of SMS parameters. The first=0D=0A(or only) record in the EF shall be =
used as a default set of parameters if no other record is selected.=0D=0ATo=
 distinguish between records an alpha-identifier may be included within eac=
h record coded on Y bytes.=0D=0AThe SMS parameters stored within a record m=
ay be present or absent independently. When a short=0D=0Amessage is to be se=
nt from the MS the parameter in the SIM record if present shall be used w=
hen a=0D=0Avalue is not supplied by the user.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F42' Struct=
ure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0ARecord length: 28+Y bytes Update activity: l=
ow=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CHV1=0D=0AINVALIDATE A=
DM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/=0D=0AO=0D=0ALength=0D=0A1=
 to Y Alpha-Identifier O Y bytes=0D=0AY+1 Parameter Indicators M 1 byte=0D=
=0AY+2 to Y+13 TP-Destination Address M 12 bytes=0D=0AY+14 to Y+25 TS-Servic=
e Centre Address M 12 bytes=0D=0AY+26 TP-Protocol Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0AY=
+27 TP-Data Coding Scheme M 1 byte=0D=0AY+28 TP-Validity Period M 1 byte=0D=
=0AStorage is allocated for all of the possible SMS parameters regardless o=
f whether they are present or=0D=0Aabsent. Any bytes unused due to paramete=
rs not requiring all of the bytes or due to absent parameters=0D=0Ashall b=
e set to 'FF'.=0D=0A- Alpha-Identifier=0D=0AContents: Alpha Tag of the assoc=
iated SMS-parameter.=0D=0ACoding: See 10.3.1 (EFADN).=0D=0ANOTE: The value o=
f Y may be zero i.e. the alpha-identifier facility is not used. By using th=
e=0D=0Acommand GET RESPONSE the ME can determine the value of Y.=0D=0A- Para=
meter Indicators=0D=0AContents: Each of the default SMS parameters which can=
 be stored in the remainder of the record=0D=0Aare marked absent or present =
by individual bits within this byte.=0D=0ACoding: Allocation of bits:=0D=0AB=
it number Parameter indicated=0D=0A1 TP-Destination Address=0D=0A2 TS-Servic=
e Centre Address=0D=0A3 TP-Protocol Identifier=0D=0A4 TP-Data Coding Scheme=
=0D=0A5 TP-Validity Period=0D=0A6 reserved set to 1=0D=0A7 reserved set to=
 1=0D=0A8 reserved set to 1=0D=0APage 69=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Decem=
ber 1995=0D=0ABit value Meaning=0D=0A0 Parameter present=0D=0A1 Parameter ab=
sent=0D=0A- TP-Destination Address=0D=0AContents and Coding: As defined for =
SM-TL address fields in TS GSM 03.40 [12].=0D=0A- TP-Service Centre Address=
=0D=0AContents and Coding: As defined for RP-Destination address Centre Addr=
ess in TS GSM 04.11=0D=0A[15].=0D=0A- TP-Protocol Identifier=0D=0AContents a=
nd Coding: As defined in TS GSM 03.40 [12].=0D=0A- TP-Data Coding Scheme=0D=
=0AContents and Coding: As defined in TS GSM 03.38 [11].=0D=0A- TP-Validity =
Period=0D=0AContents and Coding: As defined in TS GSM 03.40 [12] for the rel=
ative time format.=0D=0A10.3.7 EFSMSS (SMS status)=0D=0AThis EF contains sta=
tus information relating to the short message service.=0D=0AThe provision of=
 this EF is associated with EFSMS. Both files shall be present together or =
both absent=0D=0Afrom the SIM.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F43' Structure: transparen=
t Optional=0D=0AFile size: 2+X bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Condit=
ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 Last Used TP-MR M 1 byte=0D=0A2=
 SMS "Memory Cap. Exceeded" Not. Flag M 1 byte=0D=0A3 to 2+X RFU O X bytes=
=0D=0A- Last Used TP-MR.=0D=0AContents: the value of the TP-Message-Referenc=
e parameter in the last mobile originated short=0D=0Amessage as defined in =
TS GSM 03.40 [12].=0D=0ACoding: as defined in TS GSM 03.40 [12].=0D=0A- SMS =
"Memory Capacity Exceeded" Notification Flag.=0D=0AContents: This flag is re=
quired to allow a process of flow control so that as memory capacity in the=
=0D=0AMS becomes available the Network can be informed. The process for thi=
s is described in TS=0D=0AGSM 03.40 [12].=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0Ab1=3D1 means fla=
g unset; memory capacity available=0D=0Ab1=3D0 means flag set=0D=0Ab2 to b8 =
are reserved and set to 1.=0D=0APage 70=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Decembe=
r 1995=0D=0A10.3.8 EFLND (Last number dialled)=0D=0AThis EF contains the las=
t numbers dialled (LND) and/or the respective supplementary service control=
=0D=0Astrings (SSC). In addition it contains identifiers of associated netwo=
rk/bearer capabilities and identifiers of=0D=0Aextension records. It may als=
o contain associated alpha-tagging.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F44' Structure: cycli=
c Optional=0D=0ARecord length: X+14 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess C=
TE ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/=0D=0AO=0D=0ALength=
=0D=0A1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes=0D=0AX+1 Length of BCD number/SSC co=
ntents M 1 byte=0D=0AX+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte=0D=0AX+3 to X+12 Dialling Numb=
er/SSC String M 10 bytes=0D=0AX+13 Capability/Configuration Identifier M 1 b=
yte=0D=0AX+14 Extension1 Record Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0AContents and coding=
: see EFADN.=0D=0AThe value of X in EFLND may be different to both the value=
 of X in EFADN and of X in EFFDN.=0D=0AIf the value of X in EFLND is longer =
than the length of the a-tag of the number to be stored then the ME=0D=0Ash=
all pad the a-tag with 'FF'. If the value of X in EFLND is shorter than the =
length of the a-tag of the=0D=0Anumber to be stored then the ME shall cut o=
ff excessive bytes.=0D=0A10.3.9 EFEXT1 (Extension1)=0D=0AThis EF contains ex=
tension data of an ADN/SSC an MSISDN or an LND. Extension data is caused b=
y:=0D=0A- an ADN/SSC (MSIDSN LND) which is greater than the 20 digit capaci=
ty of the ADN/SSC=0D=0A(MSISDN LND) Elementary File. The remainder is store=
d in this EF as a record which is=0D=0Aidentified by a specified identifica=
tion byte inside the ADN/SSC (MSISDN LND) Elementary=0D=0AFile. The EXT1 re=
cord in this case is specified as overflow data;=0D=0A- an associated called=
 party subaddress. The EXT1 record in this case is specified as=0D=0Asubaddr=
ess data.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F4A' Structure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0AReco=
rd length: 13 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD C=
scription M/O Length=0D=0A1 Record type M 1 byte=0D=0A2 to 12 Extension data=
 M 11 bytes=0D=0A13 Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0A- Record type=0D=0AContents: ty=
pe of the record=0D=0APage 71=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 Called Party Subaddress=0D=0A=
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Overflow data=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU=0D=0Ab3-b8 =
are reserved and set to 0;=0D=0Aa bit set to 1 identifies the type of record=
;=0D=0Aonly one type can be set;=0D=0A'00' indicates the type "unknown".=0D=
=0AThe following example of coding means that the type of extension data is =
"overflow data":=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=
=C4=D9=0D=0A0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0=0D=0A- Extension data=0D=0AContents: Overflow da=
ta or Called Party Subaddress depending on record type.=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0ACa=
se 1 Extension1 record is overflow data:=0D=0AThe first byte of the extensi=
on data gives the number of bytes of the remainder of=0D=0AADN/SSC (resp. MS=
ISDN LND). The coding of remaining bytes is BCD according to=0D=0Athe codi=
ng of ADN/SSC (MSISDN LND). Unused nibbles at the end have to be set to=0D=
=0A'F'. It is possible if the number of overflow digits exceeds the capacity=
 of the overflow=0D=0Arecord to chain another record inside the EXT1 Element=
ary File by the identifier in byte=0D=0A13.=0D=0ACase 2 Extension1 record i=
s Called Party Subaddress:=0D=0AThe subaddress data contains information as =
defined for this purpose in TS GSM 04.08=0D=0A[14]. All information defined =
in TS GSM 04.08 except the information element identifier=0D=0Ashall be st=
ored in the SIM. The length of this subaddress data can be up to 22 bytes. I=
n=0D=0Athose cases where two extension records are needed these records are=
 chained by=0D=0Athe identifier field. The extension record containing the f=
irst part of the called party=0D=0Asubaddress points to the record which con=
tains the second part of the subaddress.=0D=0A- Identifier=0D=0AContents: id=
entifier of the next extension record to enable storage of information longe=
r than 11=0D=0Abytes.=0D=0ACoding: record number of next record. 'FF' identi=
fies the end of the chain.=0D=0AExample of a chain of extension records bein=
g associated to an ADN/SSC. The extension1 record=0D=0Aidentifier (Byte 14+X=
) of ADN/SSC is set to 3.=0D=0ANo of Record Type Extension Data Next Record=
=0D=0A. . . .=0D=0A. . . .=0D=0ARecord 3 '02' xx 

xx '06' >=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0ARecord 4 'xx' xx 

xx 'xx' =B3=0D=0AReco=
rd 5 '01' xx 

xx 'FF' <=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=0D=0ARecord 6 '01=
' xx 

xx '05' <=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A. . . .=0D=0A. =
. . .=0D=0AIn this example ADN/SSC is associated to an overflow (record 3) a=
nd a called party subaddress=0D=0Awhose length is more than 11 bytes (record=
s 6 and 5).=0D=0APage 72=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.=
3.10 EFEXT2 (Extension2)=0D=0AThis EF contains extension data of an FDN/SSC =
(see EXT1 in 10.3.9).=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F4B' Structure: linear fixed Option=
al=0D=0ARecord length: 13 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=
=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 Record type M 1 byte=0D=0A2 to 12 =
Extension data M 11 bytes=0D=0A13 Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0AFor contents and =
coding see subclause 10.3.9 EFEXT1.=0D=0A10.4 Files of GSM (figure 8)=0D=0AT=
his subclause contains a figure depicting the file structure of the SIM. DFG=
SM shall be selected using the=0D=0Aidentifier '7F20'. If selection by this =
means fails then DCS1800 MEs shall and optionally GSM MEs may=0D=0Athen se=
lect DFGSM with '7F21'.=0D=0ANOTE 1: The selection of the GSM application us=
ing the identifier '7F21' if selection by means of=0D=0Athe identifier '7F2=
0' fails is to ensure backwards compatibility with those Phase 1 SIMs=0D=
=0Awhich only support the DCS1800 application using the Phase 1 directory DF=
DCS1800=0D=0Acoded '7F21'.=0D=0ANOTE 2: To ensure backwards compatibility wi=
th those Phase 1 DCS1800 MEs which have no=0D=0Ameans to select DFGSM two op=
tions have been specified. These options are given in=0D=0AGSM 09.91 [16].=
=0D=0APage 73=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A=C9=CD=CD=CD=
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BB=0D=0A=BA MF =BA=0D=0A=C7=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B6=0D=
=0A=BA '3F00' =BA=0D=0A=C8=CD=D1=CD=CD=D1=CD=CD=D1=BC=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=
=0A=B3 =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=0D=0A=B3 =BADFTELECOM =BA =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 =
=C7=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B6 =B3 '2FE2' =B3=0D=0A=B3 =BA '7F10' =BA =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =C8=CD=CD=CD=D1=CD=CD=D1=CD=
=CD=CD=BC=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 EFADN =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFFDN =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 '6F3A' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFSMS =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F3B' =C3=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFCCP =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F3C' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F3D' =B3=0D=0A=B3 =
=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=
=0D=0A=B3 4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=BF=0D=0A=BA DFGSM =BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F42' =C3=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFLND =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=
=0D=0A=C7=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B6 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C2=D9 '6F43' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFEXT1 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=BA '7F20' =BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F=
44' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFEXT2 =B3=0D=0A=C8=CD=D1=CD=D1=CD=D1=
=CD=D1=CD=CD=BC =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F4A' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F4B' =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =DA=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 EFLP =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFIMSI =C3=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 '6F05' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFKc =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F07' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4EFPLMNse=
l=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F20' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFHPLMN =C3=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F30' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4EFACMmax=
 =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F31' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F37' =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 EFSST =C3=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 E=
FACM =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=
=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 '6F38' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFGID1 =C3=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F39' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFGI=
D2 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F3E' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFPUCT =C3=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F3F' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFCBMI =
=B3=0D=0A=B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F41' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 =DA=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F45' =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 EFSPN =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFBCCH =C3=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 '6F46' =
=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFACC =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =
=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C2=D9 '6F74' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFFPLMN =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F78' =
=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFLOCI =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=
=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C2=D9 '6F7B' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFAD =B3=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F7E' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=
=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6=
FAD' =B3=0D=0A=B3 EFPHASE =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=C3=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 '6FAE' =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 8: File identifiers and directory structur=
es of GSM=0D=0APage 74=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A11 Ap=
plication protocol=0D=0AWhen involved in GSM administrative management opera=
tions the SIM interfaces with appropriate=0D=0Aterminal equipment. These op=
erations are outside the scope of this standard.=0D=0AWhen involved in GSM n=
etwork operations the SIM interfaces with an ME with which messages are=0D=
=0Aexchanged. A message can be a command or a response.=0D=0A- A GSM command=
/response pair is a sequence consisting of a command and the associated=0D=
=0Aresponse.=0D=0A- A GSM procedure consists of one or more GSM command/resp=
onse pairs which are used to=0D=0Aperform all or part of an application-orie=
nted task. A procedure shall be considered as a=0D=0Awhole that is to say t=
hat the corresponding task is achieved if and only if the procedure is=0D=
=0Acompleted. The ME shall ensure that when operated according to the manuf=
acturer's manual=0D=0Aany unspecified interruption of the sequence of comma=
nd/response pairs which realise the=0D=0Aprocedure leads to the abortion of=
 the procedure itself.=0D=0A- A GSM session of the SIM in the GSM applicatio=
n is the interval of time starting at the=0D=0Acompletion of the SIM initial=
isation procedure and ending either with the start of the GSM=0D=0Asession t=
ermination procedure or at the first inss required it=0D=
=0Ais marked "MMI" in the list given below.=0D=0ASome procedures are not cle=
arly user dependent. They are directly caused by the interaction of the MS=
=0D=0Aand the network. Such procedures are marked "NET" in the list given be=
low.=0D=0ASome procedures are automatically initiated by the ME. They are ma=
rked "ME" in the list given below.=0D=0AThe list of procedures at the SIM/ME=
 interface in GSM network operation is as follows:=0D=0AGeneral Procedures:=
=0D=0A- Reading an EF ME=0D=0A- Updating an EF ME=0D=0A- Increasing an EF ME=
=0D=0ASIM management procedures:=0D=0A- SIM initialisation ME=0D=0A- GSM ses=
sion termination ME=0D=0A- Language preference request ME=0D=0A- Administrat=
ive information request ME=0D=0A- SIM service table request ME=0D=0A- SIM ph=
ase request ME=0D=0ACHV related procedures:=0D=0A- CHV verification MMI=0D=
=0A- CHV value substitution MMI=0D=0A- CHV disabling MMI=0D=0A- CHV enabling=
 MMI=0D=0A- CHV unblocking MMI=0D=0APage 75=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Dec=
ember 1995=0D=0AGSM security related procedures:=0D=0A- GSM algorithms compu=
tation NET=0D=0A- IMSI request NET=0D=0A- Access control information request=
 NET=0D=0A- HPLMN search period request NET=0D=0A- Location Information NET=
=0D=0A- Cipher key NET=0D=0A- BCCH information NET=0D=0A- Forbidden PLMN inf=
ormation NET=0D=0ASubscription related procedures:=0D=0A- Dialling Numbers (=
ADN FDN MSISDN LND) MMI/ME=0D=0A- Short messages (SMS) MMI=0D=0A- Advice =
of Charge (AoC) MMI=0D=0A- Capability Configuration Parameters (CCP) MMI=0D=
=0A- PLMN Selector MMI=0D=0A- Cell Broadcast Message Identifier (CBMI) MMI=
=0D=0A- Group Identifier Level 1 (GID1) MMI/ME=0D=0A- Group Identifier Level=
 2 (GID2) MMI/ME=0D=0A- Service Provider Name (SPN) ME=0D=0AThe procedures l=
isted in subclause 11.2 are basically required for execution of the procedur=
es in=0D=0Asubclauses 11.3 11.4 and 11.5. The procedures listed in subclaus=
es 11.3 and 11.4 are mandatory (see=0D=0ATS GSM 02.17 [6]). The procedures l=
isted in 11.5 are only executable if the associated services which=0D=0Aare=
 optional are provided in the SIM. However if the procedures are implement=
ed it shall be in=0D=0Aaccordance with subclause 11.5.=0D=0AIf a procedure =
is related to a specific service indicated in the SIM Service Table it shal=
l only be executed if=0D=0Athe corresponding bits denote this service as "al=
located and activated" (see subclause 10.2.7). In all other=0D=0Acases this =
procedure shall not start.=0D=0A11.1 General procedures=0D=0A11.1.1 Reading =
an EF=0D=0AThe ME selects the EF and sends a READ command. This contains the=
 location of the data to be read. If=0D=0Athe access condition for READ is f=
ulfilled the SIM sends the requested data contained in the EF to the=0D=0AM=
E. If the access condition is not fulfilled no data will be sent and an err=
or code will be returned.=0D=0A11.1.2 Updating an EF=0D=0AThe ME selects the=
 EF and sends an UPDATE command. This contains the location of the data to b=
e=0D=0Aupdated and the new data to be stored. If the access condition for UP=
DATE is fulfilled the SIM updates=0D=0Athe selected EF by replacing the exi=
sting data in the EF with that contained in the command. If the access=0D=
=0Acondition is not fulfilled the data existing in the EF will be unchanged=
 the new data will not be stored and=0D=0Aan error code will be returned.=
=0D=0A11.1.3 Increasing an EF=0D=0AThe ME selects the EF and sends an INCREA=
SE command. This contains the value which has to be added=0D=0Ato the conten=
ts of the last updated/increased record. If the access condition for INCREAS=
E is fulfilled the=0D=0ASIM increases the existing value of the EF by the d=
ata contained in the command and stores the result. If=0D=0Athe access cond=
ition is not fulfilled the data existing in the EF will be unchanged and an=
 error code will be=0D=0Areturned.=0D=0APage 76=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0=
 December 1995=0D=0ANOTE: The identification of the data within an EF to be =
acted upon by the above procedures is=0D=0Aspecified within the command. For=
 the procedures in subclauses 11.1.1 and 11.1.2 this=0D=0Adata may have been=
 previously identified using a SEEK command e.g. searching for an=0D=0Aalph=
anumeric pattern.=0D=0A11.2 SIM management procedures=0D=0APhase 2 MEs shall=
 support all SIMs which comply with the mandatory requirements of Phase 1 e=
ven if=0D=0Athese SIMs do not comply with all the mandatory requirements of =
Phase 2. Furthermore Phase 2 MEs=0D=0Ashall take care of potential incompat=
ibilities with Phase 1 SIMs which could arise through use of=0D=0Ainappropri=
ate commands or misinterpretation of response data. Particular note should b=
e taken of making=0D=0Aa false interpretation of RFU bytes in a Phase 1 SIM =
having contradictory meaning in Phase 2; e.g.=0D=0Aindication of EF invalida=
tion state.=0D=0A11.2.1 SIM initialisation=0D=0AAfter SIM activation (see su=
bclause 4.3.2) the ME selects the Dedicated File DFGSM and requests the=0D=
=0ALanguage Preference. If this EF is not available or the languages in the =
EF are not supported then the ME=0D=0Aselects a default language. It then ru=
ns the CHV1 verification procedure.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 verification procedure =
is performed successfully the ME then runs the SIM Phase request=0D=0Aproce=
dure. If the ME detects a SIM of Phase 1 it shall omit the following proced=
ures relating to FDN and=0D=0Acontinue with the Administrative Information r=
equest. The ME may omit procedures not defined in Phase 1=0D=0Asuch as HPLMN=
 Search Period request.=0D=0AFor a Phase 2 SIM GSM operation shall only sta=
rt if one of the two following conditions is fulfilled:=0D=0A- if EFIMSI and=
 EFLOCI are not invalidated the GSM operation shall start immediately;=0D=
=0A- if EFIMSI and EFLOCI are invalidated the ME rehabilitates these two EF=
s.=0D=0AMEs without FDN capability shall not rehabilitate EFIMSI and/or EFLO=
CI and therefore have no=0D=0Aaccess to these EFs. GSM operation will theref=
ore be prohibited. It is this mechanism which is used=0D=0Afor control of se=
rvice n=B03 by the use of SIMs for this service which always invalidate thes=
e two EFs=0D=0Aat least before the next command following selection of eithe=
r EF;=0D=0AIf the FDN capability procedure indicates that:=0D=0Ai) FDN is al=
located and activated in the SIM; and FDN is set "enabled" i.e. ADN "invali=
dated" or=0D=0Anot activated; and the ME supports FDN;=0D=0Aor ii) FDN is al=
located and activated in the SIM; and FDN is set "disabled" i.e. ADN "not=
=0D=0Ainvalidated";=0D=0Aor iii) FDN is not allocated or not activated;=0D=
=0Athen GSM operation shall start.=0D=0AIn all other cases GSM operation sha=
ll not start.=0D=0AAfterwards the ME runs the following procedures:=0D=0A- =
Administrative Information request=0D=0A- SIM Service Table request=0D=0A- I=
MSI request=0D=0A- Access Control request=0D=0A- HPLMN Search Period request=
=0D=0A- PLMN selector request=0D=0A- Location Information request=0D=0A- Cip=
her Key request=0D=0A- BCCH information request=0D=0A- Forbidden PLMN reques=
t=0D=0AAfter the SIM initialisation has been completed successfully the MS =
is ready for a GSM session.=0D=0APage 77=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Decemb=
er 1995=0D=0A11.2.2 GSM session termination=0D=0ANOTE 1: This procedure is n=
ot to be confused with the deactivation procedure in subclause=0D=0A4.3.2.=
=0D=0AThe GSM session is terminated by the ME as follows:=0D=0AThe ME runs a=
ll the procedures which are necessary to transfer the following subscriber r=
elated=0D=0Ainformation to the SIM:=0D=0A- Location Information update=0D=
=0A- Cipher Key update=0D=0A- BCCH information update=0D=0A- Advice of Charg=
e increase=0D=0A- Forbidden PLMN update=0D=0AAs soon as the SIM indicates th=
at these procedures are completed the ME/SIM link may be deactivated.=0D=
=0AFinally the ME deletes all these subscriber related information elements=
 from its memory.=0D=0ANOTE 2: If the ME has already updated any of the subs=
criber related information during the=0D=0AGSM Session and the value has no=
t changed until GSM session termination the ME=0D=0Amay omit the respective=
 update procedure.=0D=0A11.2.3 Language preference=0D=0ARequest: The ME perf=
orms the reading procedure with EFLP.=0D=0AUpdate: The ME performs the updat=
ing procedure with EFLP.=0D=0A11.2.4 Administrative information request;=0D=
=0AThe ME performs the reading procedure with EFAD.=0D=0A11.2.5 SIM service =
table request=0D=0AThe ME performs the reading procedure with EFSST.=0D=0A11=
.2.6 SIM phase request=0D=0AThe ME performs the reading procedure with EFPHA=
SE.=0D=0A11.2.7 SIM Presence Detection=0D=0AAs an additional mechanism to e=
nsure that the SIM has not been removed during a card session the ME=0D=0As=
ends at frequent intervals a STATUS command during each call. This interva=
l shall not be longer than 30=0D=0Aseconds. If the response data is not that=
 of the current DF the call shall be terminated immediately. This=0D=0Aproc=
edure shall be used in addition to a mechanical or other device used to dete=
ct the removal of a SIM.=0D=0A11.3 CHV related procedures=0D=0AA successful =
completion of one of the following procedures grants the access right of the=
 corresponding=0D=0ACHV for the GSM session. This right is valid for all fil=
es within the GSM application protected by this CHV.=0D=0AAfter a third cons=
ecutive presentation of a wrong CHV to the SIM not necessarily in the same =
GSM=0D=0Asession the CHV status becomes "blocked" and the access right prev=
iously granted by this CHV is lost=0D=0Aimmediately.=0D=0AAn access right is=
 not granted if any of the following procedures are unsuccessfully completed=
 or aborted.=0D=0APage 78=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A11=
.3.1 CHV verification=0D=0AThe ME checks the CHV status. If the CHV status i=
s "blocked" the procedure ends and is finished=0D=0Aunsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf=
 the CHV status is not "blocked" the ME reads the CHV enabled/disabled indi=
cator. If this is "disabled"=0D=0Athe procedure is finished successfully.=
=0D=0AIf the CHV status is not "blocked" and the enabled/disabled indicator =
is set "enabled" the ME uses the=0D=0AVERIFY CHV function. If the CHV prese=
nted by the ME is equal to the corresponding CHV stored in the=0D=0ASIM the=
 procedure is finished successfully. If the CHV presented by the ME is not e=
qual to the=0D=0Acorresponding CHV stored in the SIM the procedure ends and=
 is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0A11.3.2 CHV value substitution=0D=0AThe ME =
checks the CHV status. If the CHV status is "blocked" or "disabled" the pro=
cedure ends and is=0D=0Afinished unsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf the CHV status is n=
ot "blocked" and the enabled/disabled indicator is set "enabled" the ME use=
s the=0D=0ACHANGE CHV function. If the old CHV presented by the ME is equal =
to the corresponding CHV stored in=0D=0Athe SIM the new CHV presented by th=
e ME is stored in the SIM and the procedure is finished=0D=0Asuccessfully.=
=0D=0AIf the old CHV and the CHV in memory are not identical the procedure =
ends and is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0A11.3.3 CHV disabling=0D=0ARequirem=
ent: Service n=B01 "allocated and activated".=0D=0AThe ME checks the CHV1 st=
atus. If the CHV1 status is "blocked" the procedure ends and is finished=
=0D=0Aunsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 status is not "blocked" the ME reads=
 the CHV1 enabled/disabled indicator. If this is set=0D=0A"disabled" the pr=
ocedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 status is not =
"blocked" and the enabled/disabled indicator is set "enabled" the ME uses t=
he=0D=0ADISABLE CHV function. If the CHV1 presented by the ME is equal to th=
e CHV1 stored in the SIM the=0D=0Astatus of CHV1 is set "disabled" and the =
procedure is finished successfully. If the CHV1 presented by the=0D=0AME is =
not equal to the CHV1 stored in the SIM the procedure ends and is finished =
unsuccessfully.=0D=0A11.3.4 CHV enabling=0D=0AThe ME checks the CHV1 status.=
 If the CHV1 status is "blocked" the procedure ends and is finished=0D=0Aun=
successfully.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 status is not "blocked" the ME reads the CHV=
1 enabled/disabled indicator. If this is set=0D=0A"enabled" the procedure e=
nds and is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 status is not "blocked"=
 and the enabled/disabled indicator is set "disabled" the ME uses the=0D=
=0AENABLE CHV function. If the CHV1 presented by the ME is equal to the CHV1=
 stored in the SIM the=0D=0Astatus of CHV1 is set "enabled" and the procedu=
re is finished successfully. If the CHV presented by the=0D=0AME is not equa=
l to the CHV1 stored in the SIM the procedure ends and is finished unsucces=
sfully.=0D=0APage 79=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A11.3.5 =
CHV unblocking=0D=0AThe execution of the CHV unblocking procedure is indepen=
dent of the corresponding CHV status i.e. being=0D=0Ablocked or not.=0D=0AT=
he ME checks the UNBLOCK CHV status. If the UNBLOCK CHV status is "blocked"=
 the procedure ends=0D=0Aand is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf the UNBLOCK=
 CHV status is not "blocked" the ME uses the UNBLOCK CHV function. If the U=
NBLOCK=0D=0ACHV presented by the ME is equal to the corresponding UNBLOCK CH=
V stored in the SIM the relevant=0D=0ACHV status becomes "unblocked" and th=
e procedure is finished successfully. If the UNBLOCK CHV=0D=0Apresented by t=
he ME is not equal to the corresponding UNBLOCK CHV stored in the SIM the p=
rocedure=0D=0Aends and is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0A11.4 GSM security re=
lated procedures=0D=0A11.4.1 GSM algorithms computation=0D=0AThe ME selects =
DFGSM and uses the RUN GSM ALGORITHM function (see 8.16). The response SRESK=
c=0D=0Ais sent to the ME when requested by a subsequent GET RESPONSE command=
.=0D=0A11.4.2 IMSI request=0D=0AThe ME performs the reading procedure with E=
FIMSI.=0D=0A11.4.3 Access control request=0D=0AThe ME performs the reading p=
rocedure with EFACC.=0D=0A11.4.4 HPLMN search period request=0D=0AThe ME per=
forms the reading procedure with EFHPLMN.=0D=0A11.4.5 Location information=
=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFLOCI.=0D=0AUpdat=
e: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFLOCI.=0D=0A11.4.6 Cipher ke=
y=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFKc.=0D=0AUpdate=
: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFKc.=0D=0A11.4.7 BCCH informa=
tion=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFBCCH.=0D=0AU=
pdate: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFBCCH.=0D=0A11.4.8 Forbi=
dden PLMN=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFFPLMN.=
=0D=0AUpdate: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFFPLMN.=0D=0APage=
 80=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A11.5 Subscription relate=
d procedures=0D=0A11.5.1 Dialling numbers=0D=0AThe following procedures may =
not only be applied to EFADN and its associated extension files EFCCP and=
=0D=0AEFEXT1 as described in the procedures below but also to EFFDN EFMSIS=
DN and EFLND and their=0D=0Aassociated extension files. If these files are n=
ot allocated and activated as denoted in the SIM service=0D=0Atable the cu=
rrent procedure shall be aborted and the appropriate EFs shall remain unchan=
ged.=0D=0AAs an example the following procedures are described as applied t=
o ADN.=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B02 "allocated and activated"=0D=0A(Servi=
ce n=B03 for FDN Service n=B09 for MSISDN Service n=B013 for LND)=0D=0AUpd=
ate: The ME analyses and assembles the information to be stored as follows (=
the byte=0D=0Aidentifiers used below correspond to those in the description =
of the EFs in subclauses=0D=0A10.3.1 10.3.4 and 10.3.9):=0D=0Ai) The ME ide=
ntifies the Alpha-tagging Capability/Configuration Identifier and Extension=
1 Record=0D=0AIdentifier.=0D=0Aii) The dialling number/SSC string shall be a=
nalysed and allocated to the bytes of the EF as follows:=0D=0A- if a "+" is =
found the TON identifier is set to "International";=0D=0A- if 20 or less "d=
igits" remain they shall form the dialling number/SSC string;=0D=0A- if mor=
e than 20 "digits" remain the procedure shall be as follows:=0D=0ARequireme=
nt:=0D=0AService n=B010 "allocated and activated"=0D=0A(Service n=B010 appli=
es also for MSISDN and LND; Service n=B011 for FDN).=0D=0AThe ME seeks for a=
 free record in EFEXT1. If an Extension1 record is not marked as "free"=0D=
=0Athe ME runs the Purge procedure. If an Extension1 record is still unavail=
able the procedure is=0D=0Aaborted.=0D=0AThe first 20 "digits" are stored i=
n the dialling number/SSC string. The value of the length of=0D=0ABCD number=
/SSC contents is set to the maximum value which is 11. The Extension1 recor=
d=0D=0Aidentifier is coded with the associated record number in the EFEXT1. =
The remaining digits are=0D=0Astored in the selected Extension1 record where=
 the type of the record is set to "overflow=0D=0Adata". The first byte of th=
e Extension1 record is set with the number of bytes of the remaining=0D=0Aov=
erflow data. The number of bytes containing digit information is the sum of =
the length of=0D=0ABCD number/SSC contents of EFADN and byte 2 of all associ=
ated chained Extension1 records=0D=0Acontaining overflow data (see subclause=
s 10.3.1 and 10.3.9).=0D=0APage 81=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 199=
5=0D=0Aiii) If a called party subaddress is associated to the ADN/SSC the pr=
ocedure shall proceed as follows:=0D=0ARequirement:=0D=0AService n=B010 "all=
ocated and activated"=0D=0A(Service n=B010 applies also for MSISDN and LND; =
Service n=B011 for FDN)=0D=0AIf the length of the called party subaddress is=
 less than or equal to 11 bytes (see=0D=0ATS GSM 04.08 [14] for coding):=0D=
=0AThe ME seeks for a free record in EFEXT1. If an Extension1 record is not =
marked as "free"=0D=0Athe ME runs the Purge procedure. If an Extension1 rec=
ord is still unavailable the procedure is=0D=0Aaborted.=0D=0AThe ME stores =
the called party subaddress in the Extension1 record and sets the Extension=
1=0D=0Arecord type to "called party subaddress".=0D=0AIf the length of the c=
alled party subaddress is greater than 11 bytes (see TS GSM 04.08 [14]=0D=
=0Afor coding):=0D=0AThe ME seeks for two free records in EFEXT1. If no such=
 two records are found the ME runs=0D=0Athe Purge procedure. If two Extensi=
on1 records are still unavailable the procedure is aborted.=0D=0AThe ME sto=
res the called party subaddress in the two Extension1 records. The identifie=
r field=0D=0Ain the Extension1 record containing the first part of the subad=
dress data is coded with the=0D=0Aassociated EFEXT1 record number containing=
 the second part of the subaddress data. Both=0D=0AExtension1 record types a=
re set to "called party subaddress".=0D=0AOnce i) ii) and iii) have been c=
onsidered the ME performs the updating procedure with EFADN. If the SIM=0D=
=0Ahas no available empty space to store the received ADN/SSC or if the pro=
cedure has been aborted the=0D=0AME advises the user.=0D=0ANOTE 1: For reas=
ons of memory efficiency the ME is allowed to analyse all Extension1 records=
=0D=0Ato recognise if the overflow or subaddress data to be stored is alread=
y existing in=0D=0AEFEXT1. In this case the ME may use the existing chain or=
 the last part of the existing=0D=0Achain from more than one ADN (LND MSISD=
N). The ME is only allowed to store=0D=0Aextension data in unused records. I=
f existing records are used for multiple access the=0D=0AME shall not chang=
e any data in those records to prevent corruption of existing chains.=0D=0AE=
rasure: The ME sends the identification of the information to be erased. The=
 content of the=0D=0Aidentified record in EFADN is marked as "free".=0D=0ARe=
quest: The ME sends the identification of the information to be read. The ME=
 shall analyse the=0D=0Adata of EFADN (subclause 10.3.1) to ascertain wheth=
er additional data is associated in=0D=0AEFEXT1 or EFCCP. If necessary then=
 the ME performs the reading procedure on these=0D=0AEFs to assemble the com=
plete ADN/SSC.=0D=0APurge: The ME shall access each EF which references EFEX=
T1 (EFEXT2) for storage and shall=0D=0Aidentify records in these files using=
 extension data (overflow data or called party=0D=0Asubaddress). Note that e=
xisting chains have to be followed to the end. All referred=0D=0AExtension1 =
(Extension2) records are noted by the ME. All Extension1 (Extension2)=0D=0Ar=
ecords not noted are then marked by the ME as 'free' by setting the whole re=
cord to=0D=0A'FF'.=0D=0ANOTE 2: Dependent upon the implementation of the ME=
 and in particular the possibility of=0D=0Aerasure of ADN/SSC records by Pha=
se 1 MEs which have no knowledge of the=0D=0AEFEXT1 it is possible for Ext=
ension1 records to be marked as "used space" (not equal=0D=0Ato 'FF') altho=
ugh in fact they are no longer associated with an ADN/SSC record.=0D=0AThe f=
ollowing three procedures are only applicable to service n=B03 (FDN).=0D=0AF=
DN capability request. The ME has to check the state of service n=B03 i.e. =
if FDN is "enabled" or=0D=0A"disabled". In case of enabled FDN the ME has t=
o switch to a restrictive terminal mode (see TS GSM=0D=0A02.07). To ascertai=
n the state of FDN the ME checks in EFSST whether or not ADN is activated. =
If ADN is=0D=0APage 82=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Anot a=
ctivated service n=B03 is enabled. If ADN is activated the ME checks the r=
esponse data of EFADN. If=0D=0AEFADN is invalidated service n=B03 is enable=
d. In all other cases service n=B03 is disabled.=0D=0AFDN disabling. The FDN=
 disabling procedure requires that CHV2 verification procedure has been=0D=
=0Aperformed successfully and that ADN is activated. If not FDN disabling p=
rocelity request).=0D=0ANOTE 3: If FDN is disabled (by rehabi=
litating EFADN) using an administrative terminal then the=0D=0AFDN disabling=
 procedure of this administrative terminal need also to rehabilitate EFIMSI=
=0D=0Aand EFLOCI to ensure normal operation of the SIM in a phase 1 ME or a =
phase 2 ME=0D=0Awhich does not support FDN.=0D=0AFDN enabling. The FDN enabl=
ing procedure requires that CHV2 verification procedure has been performed=
=0D=0Asuccessfully. If not FDN enabling procedure will not be executed succ=
essfully. To enable FDN capability=0D=0Athe ME invalidates EFADN. The inval=
idate/rehabilitate flag of EFADN which is implicitly cleared by the=0D=0AIN=
VALIDATE command is at the same time the indicator for the state of the ser=
vice n=B03 (see FDN=0D=0Acapability request). If ADN is not activated servi=
ce n=B03 is always enabled.=0D=0A11.5.2 Short messages=0D=0ARequirement: Ser=
vice n=B04 "allocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The SIM seeks for the id=
entified short message. If this message is found the ME=0D=0Aperforms the r=
eading procedure with EFSMS.=0D=0AIf this message is not found within the SI=
M memory the SIM indicates that to the ME.=0D=0AUpdate: The ME looks for th=
e next available area to store the short message. If such an area is=0D=0Aav=
ailable it performs the updating procedure with EFSMS.=0D=0AIf there is no =
available empty space in the SIM to store the received short message a=0D=
=0Aspecific MMI will have to take place in order not to loose the message.=
=0D=0AErasure: The ME will select in the SIM the message area to be erased. =
Depending on the MMI=0D=0Athe message may be read before the area is marked=
 as "free". After performing the=0D=0Aupdating procedure with EFSMS the mem=
ory allocated to this short message in the=0D=0ASIM is made available for a =
new incoming message. The memory of the SIM may still=0D=0Acontain the old m=
essage until a new message is stored in this area.=0D=0A11.5.3 Advice of Cha=
rge (AoC)=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B05 "allocated and activated".=0D=0AAc=
cumulated Call Meter.=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure wi=
th EFACM. The SIM returns the last updated=0D=0Avalue of the ACM.=0D=0AIniti=
alisation: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFACM using the new i=
nitial value.=0D=0AIncreasing: The ME performs the increasing procedure with=
 EFACM sending the value which has to=0D=0Abe added.=0D=0AAccumulated Call M=
eter Maximum Value.=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with=
 EFACMmax.=0D=0AInitialisation: The ME performs the updating procedure with =
EFACMmax using the new initial maximum=0D=0Avalue.=0D=0APage 83=0D=0AGSM 11.=
11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0APrice per Unit and Currency Table (PUCT)=
.=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPUCT.=0D=0AUpda=
te: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFPUCT.=0D=0A11.5.4 Capabili=
ty configuration parameters=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B06 "allocated and a=
ctivated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCCP.=
=0D=0AUpdate: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCCP.=0D=0AErasur=
e: The ME sends the identification of the requested information to be erased=
. The content=0D=0Aof the identified record in EFCCP is marked as "free".=
=0D=0A11.5.5 PLMN selector=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B07 "allocated and ac=
tivated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPLMNsel=
.=0D=0AUpdate: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFPLMNsel.=0D=0A1=
1.5.6 Cell broadcast message identifier=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B014 "al=
located and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure =
with EFCBMI.=0D=0AUpdate: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCBMI=
.=0D=0A11.5.7 Group identifier level 1=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B015 "all=
ocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure w=
ith EFGID1=0D=0A11.5.8 Group identifier level 2=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=
=B016 "allocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading p=
rocedure with EFGID2.=0D=0A11.5.9 Service Provider Name=0D=0ARequirement: Se=
rvice n=B017 "allocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the re=
ading procedure with EFSPN.=0D=0APage 84=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Decemb=
er 1995=0D=0AAnnex A (normative): Plug-in SIM=0D=0AThis annex specifies the =
dimensions of the Plug-in SIM as well as the dimensions and location of the=
=0D=0Acontacts of the Plug-in SIM. For further details of the Plug-in SIM se=
e clause 4.=0D=0A4 max=0D=0A6 min=0D=0A1162 max=0D=0A1362 min=0D=0A75=0D=
=0AP1=0D=0AP2 P3=0D=0A208=0D=0A275 max=0D=0A445 min=0D=0A529 max=0D=0A6=
99 min=0D=0A783 max=0D=0A953 min=0D=0A1037 max=0D=0A1207 min=0D=0A33=
=0D=0A0=0D=0A3=B101=0D=0A3=B101=0D=0A15=B101=0D=0A(625)=0D=0AUpper edge=
=0D=0ALeft edge=0D=0A(1648)=0D=0A25=B101=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=
=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AFigure A.1: Plug-in SIM=0D=
=0ANOTE: The Plug-in SIM may be "obtained" by cutting away excessive plastic=
 of an ID-1 SIM.=0D=0AThe values in parenthesis in figure A.1 show the posit=
ional relationship between the=0D=0APlug-in and the ID-1 SIM and are for inf=
ormation only.=0D=0APage 85=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0AAnnex B (informative): FDN Procedures=0D=0AATR=0D=0AGet Response=0D=0AVer=
ify CHV1=0D=0A(if not disabled)=0D=0AGet Response=0D=0A(evaluation of=0D=0Ai=
nvalidation flag)==0D=0APhase?=0D=0APhase 2=0D=0APhase =
1=0D=0AEF=0D=0Aand EF=0D=0Ainvalidated=0D=0A?=0D=0ALOCI=0D=0AIMSI=0D=0AME: u=
nrestricted=0D=0Aoperation=0D=0ASelect DF=0D=0AGSM=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0ALOCI=
=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0AIMSI=0D=0ARehabilitate=0D=0AEF=0D=0AR =
of invalidating EFMS and EFLOCI is expected=0D=0Ato occur if FDN is enabled=
=0D=0APage 86=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A(see note 4)=
=0D=0Ayes=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0ASST=0D=0ARead EF=0D=0ASST=0D=0ATelecom=0D=0ASe=
lect=0D=0ADF=0D=0AADN=0D=0ASelect=0D=0AEF=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ayes no=0D=0Ai=
nvalidated=0D=0AEF=0D=0A?=0D=0AADN=0D=0AFDN enabled FDN disabled=0D=0AFDN ca=
pability request (see 11.5.1)=0D=0ANo FDN SIM=0D=0AFDN=0D=0Aallocated and=
=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0AGet Response=0D=0A(evaluation of=0D=0Ainvalidati=
on flag)=0D=0AADN=0D=0Aallocated=0D=0Aand=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0Ayes=0D=
=0ANOTE 4: In this case FDN is enabled without the possibility of disabling.=
=0D=0APage 87=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AFDN Enabling=
=0D=0AVerify CHV2=0D=0AVerify CHV2=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ano=0D=0A(see 11.5.1)=0D=0Aye=
s=0D=0Ayes=0D=0AFDN Disabling=0D=0AADN=0D=0Aallocated=0D=0Aand=0D=0Aactivate=
=0AFDN enabled=0D=0Adisabling FDN=0D=0Anot possible=0D=0A(see 11.5.1)=0D=0AR=
ead EF SST=0D=0ASelect EF SST=0D=0ASelect DF=0D=0ATelecom=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=
=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0AADN=0D=0ASelect DF Telecom=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0ASST=0D=
=0ARead EF=0D=0ASST=0D=0AVerify CHV1=0D=0ASelect and=0D=0ARehabilitate=0D=
=0AEF and=0D=0AEF=0D=0AIMSI=0D=0ALOCI=0D=0AAdminstrative=0D=0ATerminal=0D=
=0AFDN disabled FDN disabled FDN enabled=0D=0AADN=0D=0AInvalidate=0D=0AEF=
=0D=0APage 88=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Ayes=0D=0AFDN=
=0D=0Aallocated and=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0Ano=0D=0AFDN enabled=0D=0ACodi=
ng for state of FDN=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ayes=0D=0AADN=0D=0Aallocated=0D=0Aan=
d=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0AFDN not enabled=0D=0Ainvalidated=0D=0AEF=0D=0A?=
=0D=0AADN=0D=0ABoolean equation:=0D=0AFD =3D FDA . (ADA + ADA . ADI)=0D=0Awi=
th=0D=0AFD =3D FDN enabled=0D=0AFDA =3D FDN allocated and activated=0D=0AADA=
 =3D ADN allocated and activated=0D=0AADI =3D EF ADN invalidated=0D=0Ayes=
=0D=0APage 89=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AAnnex C (infor=
mative): Suggested contents of the EFs at pre-personalisation=0D=0AIf EFs ha=
ve an unassigned value it may not be clear from the main text what this val=
ue should be. This=0D=0Aannex suggests values in these cases.=0D=0AFile Iden=
tification Description Value=0D=0A'2F E2' ICC identification operator depend=
ant (see 10.1.1)=0D=0A'6F 05' Language preference 'FF'=0D=0A'6F 07' IMSI ope=
rator dependant (see 10.2.2)=0D=0A'6F 20' Ciphering key Kc 'FF
=0A'6F 30' PLMN selector 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 31' HPLMN search period 'FF'=0D=
=0A'6F 37' ACM maximum value '000000' (see note 1)=0D=0A'6F 38' SIM service =
table operator dependant (see 10.2.7)=0D=0A'6F 39' Accumulated call meter '0=
00000'=0D=0A'6F 3E' Group identifier level 1 operator dependant=0D=0A'6F 3F'=
 Group identifier level 2 operator dependant=0D=0A'6F 41' PUCT 'FFFFFF0000'=
=0D=0A'6F 45' CBMI 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 46' Service provider name 'FF
=0D=0A'6F 74' BCCH 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 78' Access control class operator depe=
ndant (see 10.1.12)=0D=0A'6F 7B' Forbidden PLMNs 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 7E Locat=
ion information 'FFFFFFFF xxFxxx 0000 FF 01'=0D=0A(see note 2)=0D=0A'6F AD' =
Administrative data operator dependant (see 10.2.15)=0D=0A'6F AE' Phase iden=
tification see 10.2.16=0D=0A'6F 3A' Abbreviated dialling numbers 'FF
=0D=0A'6F 3B' Fixed dialling numbers 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 3C' Short messages '=
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 3D' Capability configuration parameters 'FF
6F 40' MSISDN storage 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 42' SMS parameters 'FF
6F 43' SMS status 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 44' Last number dialled 'FF
=0A'6F 4A' Extension 1 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 4B' Extension 2 'FF
E 1: The value '000000' means that ACMmax is not valid i.e. there is no res=
triction on the=0D=0AACM. When assigning a value to ACMmax care should be t=
aken not to use values too=0D=0Aclose to the maximum possible value 'FFFFFF'=
 because the INCREASE command=0D=0Adoes not update EFACM if the units to be=
 added would exceed 'FFFFFF'. This could=0D=0Aaffect the call termination pr=
ocedure of the Advice of Charge function.=0D=0ANOTE 2: xxFxxx stands for any=
 valid MCC and MNC coded according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0APage 90=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AAnnex D (informative): Bibliog=
raphy=0D=0A1) prEN 726-3: "Terminal Equipment (TE); Requirements for IC card=
s and terminals=0D=0Afor telecommunication use Part 3: Application independe=
nt card requirements".=0D=0A2) prEN 726-4: "Terminal Equipment (TE); Require=
ments for IC cards and terminals=0D=0Afor telecommunication use Part 4: Appl=
ication independent card related terminal=0D=0Arequirements".=0D=0A3) ISO/IE=
C 7816-3 (1989): "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with=
=0D=0Acontacts Part 3: Electronic signals and transmission protocols" DAM2=
 (1993):=0D=0A"Protocol type select".=0D=0APage 91=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.=
0.0 December 1995=0D=0AHistory=0D=0AChange history=0D=0ASMG No. TDoc.=0D=0AN=
ubject/Comments=0D=0ASMG#16 709/95 A008 5.0.0 SIM Speed Enhancem=
ent=0D=0ADocument history=0D=0ADecember 1995 Version 5.0.0=0D=0AFebruary 199=
6 Converted into Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF)=0D=0AISBN 2-74=
37-0447-0=0D=0AD=E9p=F4t l=E9gal : D=E9cembre 1995=0D=0A=0D=0ANew presentati=
on - see History box=0D=0AGSM GSM 11.11=0D=0ATECHNICAL December 1995 SPECIFI=
CATION Version 5.0.0=0D=0ASource: ETSI TC-SMG Reference: TS/SMG-091111Q=0D=
=0AICS: 33.060.50=0D=0AKey words: Digital cellular telecommunications system=
 Global System for Mobile communications (GSM)=0D=0ADigital cellular teleco=
mmunications system (Phase 2+);=0D=0ASpecification of the Subscriber Identit=
y Module -=0D=0AMobile Equipment (SIM - ME) interface=0D=0A(GSM 11.11)=0D=
=0AETSI=0D=0AEuropean Telecommunications Standards Institute=0D=0AETSI Secre=
tariat=0D=0APostal address: F-06921 Example Town EXAMPLE - UK=0D=0AOff=
ice address: 650 Route des Example - Example Town - Example - EXAMPLE=
=0D=0AX.400: c=3Dfr a=3Datlas p=3Detsi s=3Dsecretariat - Internet: secret=
ariat@symbianfoundation.example=0D=0ATel.: +44 16 32 96 00 00 - Fax: +44 16=
32 96 00 01=0D=0ACopyrig=
ht Notification: No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written p=
ermission. The copyright and the=0D=0Aforegoing restriction extend to reprod=
uction in all media.=0D=0A=A9 European Telecommunications Standards Institut=
e 1995. All rights reserved.=0D=0APage 2=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Decemb=
er 1995=0D=0AWhilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publica=
tion of this do


. 7=0D=0A1 Scope 


 9=0D=0A2 Normative references 


. 9=0D=0A3=
 Definitions and abbreviations 


. 11=0D=0A3.1 Definiti=


 11=0D=0A3.2 Abbreviations



 12=0D=0A3.3 Symbols 



 13=0D=0A4 Physical characteristics


. 13=
=0D=0A4.1 Format and layout 


. 13=0D=0A4.1.1 ID-1 SIM=


 13=0D=0A4.1.2 Plug-in SIM


 13=0D=0A4.2 T=
emperature range for card operation 


 14=0D=0A4.3 Contacts



 14=0D=0A4.3.1 Provision of contacts 


. 14=0D=0A4.3.2 Activa=
tion and deactivation 


 14=0D=0A4.3.3 Inactive contacts 


. 14=0D=0A4.3.4 Cont=
act pressure


 14=0D=0A4.4 Precedence 



 15=0D=0A4.5 Static Protection 


 15=0D=0A5 Elect=
ronic signals and transmission protocols 


. 15=0D=0A5.1 Supply voltage Vcc (co=
ntact C1)


 15=0D=0A5.2 Reset (RST) (contact C2)


. 16=0D=0A5.=
3 Programming voltage Vpp (contact C6)


. 16=0D=0A5.4 Clock CLK (contact C3)



. 16=0D=0A5.5 I/O (contact C7)


.6 States 


 17=0D=0A5.7 Baudrate 


 17=0D=0A5.8 Answer To Reset (ATR) 



. 17=0D=0A5.8.1 Structure and contents


 17=0D=0A5.8.2 PTS procedure=


. 19=0D=0A5.8.3 Speed enhancement


 20=0D=0A5.9 Bit/character dur=
ation and sampling time


 20=0D=0A5.10 Error handling 


 20=0D=0A6 Logical Model 


=0D=0A6.1 General description 


. 21=0D=0A6.2 File ident=


. 21=0D=0A6.3 Dedicated files



. 22=0D=0A6.4 Elementary files 



. 22=0D=0A6.4.1 Transparent EF


 22=0D=0A6.4.2 Linear fixed EF



. 22=0D=0A6.4.3 Cyclic EF



 23=0D=0A6.5 Methods for s=
electing a file 


 24=0D=0A6.6 Reservation of file IDs 



 25=0D=0A7 Security features


. 25=0D=0A7.1 Authentication and cipher key generation procedure


. 25=0D=0A7.2 Algorithms and process=


 26=0D=0A7.3 File access conditions


. 26=
=0D=0APage 4=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A8 Description o=
f the functions 


 27=0D=0A8.1 SELECT



 27=0D=0A8.2 STATUS



 28=0D=0A8.3 READ BINARY


 28=0D=0A8.4 UPD=


 29=0D=0A8.8 INCREASE 



. 30=0D=0A8.9 VERIFY CHV 



. 30=0D=0A8.10 CHANGE CHV 


 31=0D=0A8.11 =


 31=0D=0A8.12 ENABLE CHV 



 32=0D=0A8.13 UNBLOCK CHV


 32=0D=0A8.14 INVALIDATE


. 32=0D=0A8.15 REHAB=





. 33=0D=0A8.17 SLEEP 


=0A9 Description of the commands 


 33=0D=0A9.1 Mapping=


 33=0D=0A9.2 Coding of the commands 



. 35=0D=0A9.2.1 SELECT 


. 36=0D=0A9.2.2 STATUS .=


. 39=0D=0A9.2.3 READ BINARY


 39=0D=0A9.2.4 UPDAT=


. 39=0D=0A9.2.5 READ RECORD


 39=0D=0A9.2.6 UPDATE RECO=


. 40=0D=0A9.2.7 SEEK 


. 40=0D=0A9.2.8 INCREASE .=



. 41=0D=0A9.2.9 VERIFY CHV 


 41=0D=0A9.2.10 CHANGE=


 41=0D=0A9.2.11 DISABLE CHV 


. 42=0D=0A9.2.12 ENABL=


 42=0D=0A9.2.13 UNBLOCK CHV


. 42=0D=0A9.2.14 INVAL=


. 42=0D=0A9.2.15 REHABILITATE


. 42=0D=0A9.2.16 RUN=


. 43=0D=0A9.2.17 SLEEP 


. 43=0D=0A9.2.18 GET R=


 43=0D=0A9.3 Definitions and coding


. 43=0D=
=0A9.4 Status conditions returned by the card 


 45=0D=0A9.4.1 Responses to comman=
ds which are correctly executed 

. 45=0D=0A9.4.2 =
Memory management 


. 45=0D=0A9.4.3 Referencing management


 45=0D=0A9.4.4 Security =


 46=0D=0A9.4.5 Application independent errors


 46=0D=0A9.4.6 Commands versus=
 possible status responses

. 46=0D=
=0A10 Contents of the Elementary Files (EF)


 47=0D=0A10.1 Contents=
 of the EFs at the MF level 


 47=0D=0A10.1.1 EFICCID (ICC Identification) 

2 Contents of files at the GSM application level 



. 48=0D=0A10.2.1 EFLP (Language preference=

=0A10.2.2 EFIMSI (IMSI) 


. 49=0D=0A10.2.3 EFKc (Ciphering key Kc)

. 50=
=0D=0A10.2.4 EFPLMNsel (PLMN selector)


. 51=0D=0A10.2.5 EFHPLMN (HPLMN search period) .=

. 51=0D=0A10.2.6 EFA=
CMmax (ACM maximum value)


. 52=0D=0A10.2.7 EFSST (SIM service table)


 52=0D=0APage 5=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Ver=
sion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.2.8 EFACM (Accumulated call meter)


. 54=0D=0A10.2.9 EFGID1 (G=
roup Identifier Level 1) 


 55=0D=0A10.2.10 EFGID2 (Group Identifier Level 2) 


 55=0D=0A10.2.11 EFSPN (Service Pr=
ovider Name) 

. 5=
5=0D=0A10.2.12 EFPUCT (Price per unit and currency table) 


. 56=0D=0A10.2.13 EFCBMI (Cell broadcast message i=
dentifier selection) 

 57=0D=0A10.2.14 EFBCCH (=
Broadcast control channels)


 57=0D=0A10.2.15 EFACC (Access control class) 


 58=0D=0A10.2.16 EFFPLMN (Forbidden PL=

=0A10.2.17 EFLOCI (Location information) 


. 59=0D=0A10.2.18 EFAD (Administrative data) 

0.2.19 EFPhase (Phase identification) 


 61=0D=0A10.3 Contents of files at the telecom lev=

. 62=0D=0A10.3.1 EFADN (Abbreviated dialling numbers)


 62=0D=0A10.3.2 EFFDN (Fixed dialling numbers)=

. 64=0D=0A10.3=
.3 EFSMS (Short messages) 


 65=0D=0A10.3.4 EFCCP (Capability configuration paramete=

. 67=0D=0A10.3.5 EFMSISDN (MSIS=


. 67=0D=0A10.3.6 EFSMSP (Short message service parameters)


. 68=0D=0A10.3.7 EFSMSS (SMS status)


. 69=0D=0A10.3.8 E=
FLND (Last number dialled) 


. 70=0D=0A10.3.9 EFEXT1 (Extension1) 


 70=0D=0A10.3.10 EFEXT=
2 (Extension2) 


 72=0D=0A10.4 Files of GSM (figure 8)


. 72=
=0D=0A11 Application protocol 


. 74=0D=
=0A11.1 General procedures 


. 75=0D=0A11.1.1 Reading an =


 75=0D=0A11.1.2 Updating an EF 


. 75=0D=0A11.1.3 Incre=
asing an EF 


 75=0D=0A11.2 SIM management procedures 


=0A11.2.1 SIM initialisation 


 76=0D=0A11.2.2 GSM session terminatio=

7=0D=0A11.2.3 Language preference


. 77=0D=0A11.2.4 Administrative informatio=
n request; 

=0A11.2.5 SIM service table request 


. 77=0D=0A11.2.6 SIM phase request


. 77=0D=
=0A11.2.7 SIM Presence Detection 


 77=0D=0A11.3 CHV related procedures 




. 77=0D=0A11.3.1 CHV verification


. 78=0D=0A11.3.2 CHV value s=


 78=0D=0A11.3.3 CHV disabling 


 78=0D=0A11.3.4 CHV en=


 78=0D=0A11.3.5 CHV unblocking


 79=0D=0A11.4 GS=
M security related procedures 


. 79=0D=0A11.4.1 GSM algorithms computation =

1.4.2 IMSI request


 79=0D=0A11.4.3 Access control request 


=0D=0A11.4.4 HPLMN search period request


. 79=0D=0A11.4.5 Location information 


. 79=0D=
=0A11.4.6 Cipher key 


 79=0D=0A11.4.7 BCCH information


. 79=0D=0A11.4.8 Forbidden PLMN 


 79=0D=0A11.5 Subscription related p=


. 80=0D=0A11.5.1 Dialling numbers


 80=0D=0A11.5.2 Shor=
t messages


. 82=0D=0A11.5.3 Advice of Charge (AoC)


. 82=0D=0A11.5.4 Capab=
ility configuration parameters 


 83=0D=0A11.5.5 PLMN selector 


. 83=0D=0A11.5.6 Cell br=
oadcast message identifier


 83=0D=0APage 6=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A11=
.5.7 Group identifier level 1 



 83=0D=0A11.5.8 Group identifier level 2 


. 83=
=0D=0A11.5.9 Service Provider Name 


 83=0D=0AAnnex A (normative): Plug-in SIM.=


 84=0D=0AAnnex B (informative): FDN Procedures 



 85=0D=0AAnnex C (informative): Suggested contents of the EFs at pre-per=

 89=0D=0AAnnex D (informativ=
e): Bibliography





. 91=0D=0APage 7=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Vers=
ion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AForeword=0D=0AThis Global System for Mobile com=
munications Technical Specification (GTS) has been produced by the=0D=0ASpec=
ial Mobile Group (SMG) Technical Committee (TC) of the European Telecommunic=
ations Standards=0D=0AInstitute (ETSI).=0D=0AThis GTS defines the interface =
between the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) and the Mobile Equipment=0D=0A(=
ME) for use during the network operation phase of GSM as well as those aspec=
ts of the internal=0D=0Aorganisation of the SIM which are related to the net=
work operation phase within the digital cellular=0D=0Atelecommunications sy=
stem (Phase 2/Phase 2+).=0D=0AThis GTS is a TC-SMG approved GSM technical sp=
ecification version 5 which contains GSM Phase 2+=0D=0Aenhancements/feature=
s to the version 4 GSM technical specification. The ETS from which this Phas=
e 2+=0D=0AGTS has evolved is Phase 2 GSM ETS 300 608 Edition 3 (GSM 11.11 ve=
rsion 4.16.0).=0D=0AGTS are produced by TC-SMG to enable the GSM Phase 2+ sp=
ecifications to become publicly available=0D=0Aprior to submission for the =
formal ETSI standards approval procedure to become European=0D=0ATelecommuni=
cations Standards (ETS). This ensures the earliest possible access to GSM Ph=
ase 2+=0D=0Aspecifications for all Manufacturers Network operators and impl=
ementors of the Global System for Mobile=0D=0Acommunications.=0D=0AThe conte=
nts of this GTS are subject to continuing work within TC-SMG and may change =
following formal=0D=0ATC-SMG approval. Should TC-SMG modify the contents of =
this GTS it will then be republished by ETSI=0D=0Awith an identifying change=
 of release date and an increase in version number as follows:=0D=0AVersion =
5.x.y=0D=0Awhere:=0D=0Ay the third digit is incremented when editorial only =
changes have been incorporated in the=0D=0Aspecification;=0D=0Ax the second =
digit is incremented for all other types of changes i.e. technical enhancem=
ents=0D=0Acorrections updates etc.=0D=0AReference is made within this GTS=
 to GSM-TSs (note).=0D=0ANOTE: TC-SMG has produced documents which give the =
technical specifications for the=0D=0Aimplementation of the digital cellular=
 telecommunications system. Historically these=0D=0Adocuments have been ide=
ntified as GSM Technical Specifications (GSM-TSs). These=0D=0ATSs may have s=
ubsequently become I-ETSs (Phase 1) or ETSs/ETSI Technical=0D=0AReports (ET=
Rs) (Phase 2). TC-SMG has also produced ETSI GSM TSs which give the=0D=0Atec=
hnical specifications for the implementation of Phase 2+ enhancements of the=
 digital=0D=0Acellular telecommunications system. These version 5.x.x GSM Te=
chnical Specifications=0D=0Amay be referred to as GTSs.=0D=0APage 8=0D=0AGSM=
 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ABlank page=0D=0APage 9=0D=0AGSM 11.1=
1 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A1 Scope=0D=0AThis Global System for Mobil=
e communications Technical Specification (GTS) defines the interface=0D=0Abe=
tween the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) and the Mobile Equipment (ME) for=
 use during the network=0D=0Aoperation phase of GSM as well as those aspects=
 of the internal organisation of the SIM which are related=0D=0Ato the netwo=
rk operation phase. This is to ensure interoperability between a SIM and an =
ME independently=0D=0Aof the respective manufacturers and operators. The con=
cept of a split of the Mobile Station (MS) into these=0D=0Aelements as well =
as the distinction between the GSM network operation phase which is also ca=
lled GSM=0D=0Aoperations and the administrative management phase are descri=
bed in the Technical Specification GSM=0D=0A02.17 [6].=0D=0AThis GTS defines=
:=0D=0A- the requirements for the physical characteristics of the SIM the e=
lectrical signals and the=0D=0Atransmission protocols;=0D=0A- the model whic=
h shall be used as a basis for the design of the logical structure of the SI=
M;=0D=0A- the security features;=0D=0A- the interface functions;=0D=0A- the =
commands;=0D=0A- the contents of the files required for the GSM application;=
=0D=0A- the application protocol.=0D=0AUnless otherwise stated references t=
o GSM also apply to DCS 1800.=0D=0AThis GTS does not specify any aspects rel=
ated to the administrative management phase. Any internal=0D=0Atechnical rea=
lisation of either the SIM or the ME are only specified where these reflect =
over the interface.=0D=0AThis GTS does not specify any of the security algor=
ithms which may be used.=0D=0AThis GTS defines the SIM/ME interface for GSM =
Phase 2. While all attempts have been made to maintain=0D=0Aphase compatibil=
ity any issues that specifically relate to Phase 1 should be referenced fro=
m within the=0D=0Arelevant Phase 1 specification.=0D=0A2 Normative reference=
s=0D=0AThis Global System for Mobile communications Technical Specification =
(GTS) incorporates by dated or=0D=0Aundated reference provisions from othe=
r publications. These normative references are cited at the=0D=0Aappropriate=
 places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated ref=
erences subsequent=0D=0Aamendments to or revisions of any of these public=
ations apply to this GTS only when incorporated in it by=0D=0Aamendment or r=
evision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication refer=
red to applies.=0D=0A[1] GSM 01.02 (ETR 99): "European digital cellular tele=
communications system=0D=0A(Phase 2); General Description of a GSM PLMN".=
=0D=0A[2] GSM 01.04 (ETR 100): "European digital cellular telecommunications=
 system=0D=0A(Phase 2); Abbreviations and acronyms".=0D=0A[3] GSM 02.07 (ETS=
 300 505): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase =
2); Mobile Station (MS) features".=0D=0A[4] GSM 02.09 (ETS 300 506): "Europe=
an digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Security aspec=
ts".=0D=0A[5] GSM 02.11 (ETS 300 507): "European digital cellular telecommun=
ications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Service accessibility".=0D=0APage 10=0D=0AGS=
M 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A[6] GSM 02.17 (ETS 300 509): "Europ=
ean digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Subscriber id=
entity modules functional characteristics".=0D=0A[7] GSM 02.24 (ETS 300 510=
): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Desc=
ription of Charge Advice Information (CAI)".=0D=0A[8] GSM 02.30 (ETS 300 511=
): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Man-=
Machine Interface (MMI) of the Mobile Station (MS)".=0D=0A[9] GSM 02.86 (ETS=
 300 519): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase =
2); Advice of charge (AoC) supplementary services - Stage 1".=0D=0A[10] GSM =
03.20 (ETS 300 534): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asyst=
em (Phase 2); Security related network functions".=0D=0A[11] GSM 03.38 (ETS =
300 628): "European digital cellular telecommunication system=0D=0A(Phase 2)=
; Alphabets and language-specific information".=0D=0A[12] GSM 03.40 (ETS 300=
 536): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); =
Technical realization of the Short Message (SMS) Service=0D=0APoint-to-Point=
 (PP)".=0D=0A[13] GSM 03.41 (ETS 300 537): "European digital cellular teleco=
mmunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Technical realization of the Short Messa=
ge Service Cell=0D=0ABroadcast (SMSCB)".=0D=0A[14] GSM 04.08 (ETS 300 557): =
"European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Mobile =
radio interface Layer 3 specification".=0D=0A[15] GSM 04.11 (ETS 300 559): "=
European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Point to=
 Point (PP) Short Message Service (SMS) support on=0D=0Amobile radio interfa=
ce".=0D=0A[16] GSM 09.91 (ETR 174): "European digital cellular telecommunica=
tions system=0D=0A(Phase 2); Interworking aspects of the SIM/ME interface be=
tween Phase 1 and=0D=0APhase 2".=0D=0A[17] CCITT Recommendation E.118: "The =
international telecommunication charge=0D=0Acard".=0D=0A[18] CCITT Recommend=
ation E.164: "Numbering plan for the ISDN era".=0D=0A[19] CCITT Recommendati=
on T.50: "International Alphabet No. 5". (ISO 646: 1983=0D=0AInformation pr=
ocessing - ISO 7-bits coded characters set for information=0D=0Ainterchange)=
.=0D=0A[20] ISO 7810 (1985): "Identification cards - Physical characteristic=
s".=0D=0A[21] ISO 7811-1 (1985): "Identification cards - Recording technique=
 - Part 1:=0D=0AEmbossing".=0D=0A[22] ISO 7811-3 (1985): "Identification car=
ds - Recording technique - Part 3: Location=0D=0Aof embossed characters".=
=0D=0A[23] ISO 7816-1 (1987): "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) =
cards with=0D=0Acontacts Part 1: Physical characteristics".=0D=0A[24] ISO 7=
816-2 (1988): "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with=0D=
=0Acontacts Part 2: Dimensions and locations of the contacts".=0D=0APage 11=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A[25] ISO/IEC 7816-3 (1989):=
 "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with=0D=0Acontacts Par=
t 3: Electronic signals and transmission protocols".=0D=0A3 Definitions and =
abbreviations=0D=0A3.1 Definitions=0D=0AFor the purposes of this GTS the fo=
llowing definitions apply. For further information and definitions refer to=
=0D=0ATS GSM 01.02 [1].=0D=0Aaccess conditions: A set of security attributes=
 associated with a file.=0D=0Aapplication: An application consists of a set =
of security mechanisms files data and protocols (excluding=0D=0Atransmissi=
on protocols).=0D=0Aapplication protocol: The set of procedures required by =
the application.=0D=0Acard session: A link between the card and the external=
 world starting with the ATR and ending with a=0D=0Asubsequent reset or a de=
activation of the card.=0D=0Acurrent directory: The latest MF or DF selected=
.=0D=0Acurrent EF: The latest EF selected.=0D=0Adata field: Obsolete term fo=
r Elementary File.=0D=0ADedicated File (DF): A file containing access condit=
ions and optionally Elementary Files (EFs) or other=0D=0ADedicated Files (=
DFs).=0D=0Adirectory: General term for MF and DF.=0D=0AElementary File (EF):=
 A file containing access conditions and data and no other files.=0D=0Afile:=
 A directory or an organised set of bytes or records in the SIM.=0D=0Afile i=
dentifier: The 2 bytes which address a file in the SIM.=0D=0AGSM or DCS 1800=
 application: Set of security mechanisms files data and protocols required=
 by GSM=0D=0Aor DCS 1800.=0D=0AGSM session: That part of the card session de=
dicated to the GSM operation.=0D=0AIC card SIM: Obsolete term for ID-1 SIM.=
=0D=0AID-1 SIM: The SIM having the format of an ID-1 card (see ISO 7816-1 [2=
3]).=0D=0AMaster File (MF): The unique mandatory file containing access cond=
itions and optionally DFs and/or EFs.=0D=0Apadding: One or more bits appende=
d to a message in order to cause the message to contain the required=0D=0Anu=
mber of bits or bytes.=0D=0Aplug-in SIM: A second format of SIM (specified i=
n clause 4).=0D=0Arecord: A string of bytes within an EF handled as a single=
 entity (see clause 6).=0D=0Arecord number: The number which identifies a re=
cord within an EF.=0D=0Arecord pointer: The pointer which addresses one reco=
rd in an EF.=0D=0APage 12=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Aro=
ot directory: Obsolete term for Master File.=0D=0A3.2 Abbreviations=0D=0AFor=
 the purposes of this ETS the following abbreviations apply. In addition to =
the following abbreviations=0D=0Aused in this ETS are listed in GSM 01.04 [2=
].=0D=0AA3 Algorithm 3 authentication algorithm; used for authenticating th=
e subscriber=0D=0AA5 Algorithm 5 cipher algorithm; used for enciphering/dec=
iphering data=0D=0AA8 Algorithm 8 cipher key generator; used to generate Kc=
=0D=0AA38 A single algorithm performing the functions of A3 and A8=0D=0AACM =
Accumulated Call Meter=0D=0AADN Abbreviated Dialling Number=0D=0AADM Access =
condition to an EF which is under the control of the authority which=0D=0Acr=
eates this file=0D=0AALW ALWays=0D=0AAoC Advice of Charge=0D=0AAPDU Applicat=
ion Protocol Data Unit=0D=0AATR Answer To Reset=0D=0ABCCH Broadcast Control =
CHannel=0D=0ABCD Binary Coded Decimal=0D=0ABTS Base Transmitter Station=0D=
=0ACB Cell Broadcast=0D=0ACBMI Cell Broadcast Message Identifier=0D=0ACCITT =
The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (now also=
=0D=0Aknown as the ITU Telecommunications Standardization sector)=0D=0ACCP C=
apability/Configuration Parameter=0D=0ACHV Card Holder Verification informat=
ion; access condition used by the SIM for the=0D=0Averification of the ident=
ity of the user=0D=0ACLA CLAss=0D=0ADCS Digital Cellular System=0D=0ADF Dedi=
cated File (abbreviation formerly used for Data Field)=0D=0ADTMF Dual Tone M=
ultiple Frequency=0D=0AEF Elementary File=0D=0AETSI European Telecommunicati=
ons Standards Institute=0D=0Aetu elementary time unit=0D=0AFDN Fixed Diallin=
g Number=0D=0AGSM Global System for Mobile communications=0D=0AHPLMN Home Phm A3 and cipher key generator A8=0D=0ALAI Location Area Inf=
ormation; information indicating a cell or a set of cells=0D=0Algth The (spe=
cific) length of a data unit=0D=0ALND Last Number Dialled=0D=0ALSB Least Sig=
nificant Bit=0D=0AMCC Mobile Country Code=0D=0AME Mobile Equipment=0D=0AMF M=
aster File=0D=0AMMI Man Machine Interface=0D=0AMNC Mobile Network Code=0D=
=0AMS Mobile Station=0D=0AMSISDN Mobile Station international ISDN number=
=0D=0AMSB Most Significant Bit=0D=0APage 13=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Dec=
ember 1995=0D=0ANET NETwork=0D=0ANEV NEVer=0D=0ANPI Numbering Plan Identifie=
r=0D=0APIN/PIN2 Personal Identification Number / Personal Identification Num=
ber 2 (obsolete=0D=0Aterms for CHV1 and CHV2 respectively)=0D=0APLMN Public=
 Land Mobile Network=0D=0APTS Protocol Type Select (response to the ATR)=0D=
=0APUK/PUK2 PIN Unblocking Key / PIN2 Unblocking Key (obsolete terms for UNB=
LOCK CHV1=0D=0Aand UNBLOCK CHV2 respectively)=0D=0ARAND A RANDom challenge =
issued by the network=0D=0ARFU Reserved for Future Use=0D=0ASIM Subscriber I=
dentity Module=0D=0ASMS Short Message Service=0D=0ASRES Signed RESponse calc=
ulated by a SIM=0D=0ASSC Supplementary Service Control string=0D=0ASW1/SW2 S=
tatus Word 1 / Status Word 2=0D=0ATMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity=
=0D=0ATON Type Of Number=0D=0ATP Transfer layer Protocol=0D=0ATS Technical S=
pecification=0D=0AUNBLOCK CHV1/2 value to unblock CHV1/CHV2=0D=0AVPLMN Visit=
ed PLMN=0D=0A3.3 Symbols=0D=0AVcc Supply voltage=0D=0AVpp Programming voltag=
e=0D=0A'0' to '9' and 'A' to 'F' The sixteen hexadecimal digits=0D=0A4 Physi=
cal characteristics=0D=0ATwo physical types of SIM are specified. These are =
the "ID-1 SIM" and the "Plug-in SIM".=0D=0AThe physical characteristics of b=
oth types of SIM shall be in accordance with ISO 7816-12 [23 24] unless=
=0D=0Aotherwise specified. The following additional requirements shall be ap=
plied to ensure proper operation in=0D=0Athe GSM environment.=0D=0A4.1 Forma=
t and layout=0D=0AThe information on the exterior of either SIM should inclu=
de at least the individual account identifier and the=0D=0Acheck digit of th=
e IC Card Identification (see clause 10 EFICCID).=0D=0A4.1.1 ID-1 SIM=0D=
=0AFormat and layout of the ID-1 SIM shall be in accordance with ISO 7816-1=
2 [23 24].=0D=0AThe card shall have a polarisation mark (see TS GSM 02.07 [=
3]) which indicates how the user should=0D=0Ainsert the card into the ME.=
=0D=0AThe ME shall accept embossed ID-1 cards. The embossing shall be in acc=
ordance with ISO 7811=0D=0A[20 21]. The contacts of the ID-1 SIM shall be l=
ocated on the front (embossed face see ISO 7810 [20])=0D=0Aof the card.=0D=
=0A4.1.2 Plug-in SIM=0D=0AThe Plug-in SIM has a width of 25 mm a height of =
15 mm a thickness the same as an ID-1 SIM and a=0D=0Afeature for orientatio=
n. See figure A.1 in normative annex A for details of the dimensions of the =
card and=0D=0Athe dimensions and location of the contacts.=0D=0AAnnexes A.1 =
and A.2 of ISO 7816-1 [23] do not apply to the Plug-in SIM.=0D=0APage 14=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AAnnex A of ISO 7816-2 [24] app=
lies with the location of the reference points adapted to the smaller size.=
=0D=0AThe three reference points P1 P2 and P3 measure 75 mm 33 mm and 20=
8 mm respectively from 0.=0D=0AThe values in Table A.1 of ISO 7816-2 [24]=
 are replaced by the corresponding values of figure A.1.=0D=0A4.2 Temperatur=
e range for card operation=0D=0AThe temperature range for full operational u=
se shall be between -25=B0C and +70=B0C with occasional peaks of=0D=0Aup to =
+85=B0C. "Occasional" means not more than 4 hours each time and not over 100=
 times during the life=0D=0Atime of the card.=0D=0A4.3 Contacts=0D=0A4.3.1 P=
rovision of contacts=0D=0AME: There shall not be any contacting elements in =
positions C4 and C8. Contact C6 need not be=0D=0Aprovided for Plug-in SIMs.=
=0D=0ASIM: Contacts C4 and C8 need not be provided by the SIM. Contact C6 sh=
all not be bonded in the SIM=0D=0Afor any function other than supplying Vpp.=
=0D=0A4.3.2 Activation and deactivation=0D=0AThe ME shall connect activate =
and deactivate the SIM in accordance with the Operating Procedures=0D=0Aspec=
ified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25].=0D=0AFor any voltage level monitored during t=
he activation sequence or during the deactivation sequence=0D=0Afollowing s=
oft power-down the order of the contact activation/deactivation shall be re=
spected.=0D=0ANOTE 1: Soft Power switching is defined in TS GSM 02.07 [3].=
=0D=0ANOTE 2: It is recommended that whenever possible the deactivation sequ=
ence defined in=0D=0AISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] should be followed by the ME on all=
 occasions when the ME is=0D=0Apowered down.=0D=0AIf the SIM clock is alread=
y stopped and is not restarted the ME is allowed to deactivate all the cont=
acts in=0D=0Aany order provided that all signals reach low level before Vcc=
 leaves high level. If the SIM clock is already=0D=0Astopped and is restarte=
d before the deactivation sequence then the deactivation sequence specified=
 in=0D=0AISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] subclause 5.4 shall be followed.=0D=0AWhen Vpp =
is connected to Vcc as allowed by GSM (see clause 5) then Vpp will be acti=
vated and=0D=0Adeactivated with Vcc at the time of the Vcc activation/deact=
ivation as given in the sequences of ISO/IEC=0D=0A7816-3 [25] subclauses 5.=
1 and 5.4.=0D=0AThe voltage level of Vcc used by GSM differs from that spe=
cified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25]. Vcc is powered=0D=0Awhen it has a value betwe=
en 45 V and 55 V.=0D=0A4.3.3 Inactive contacts=0D=0AThe voltages on contac=
ts C1 C2 C3 C6 and C7 of the ME shall be between 0 and =B1 04 volts refe=
renced=0D=0Ato ground (C5) when the ME is switched off with the power source=
 connected to the ME. The=0D=0Ameasurement equipment shall have a resistance=
 of 50 kohms when measuring the voltage on C2 C3 C6=0D=0Aand C7. The resis=
tance shall be 10 kohms when measuring the voltage on C1.=0D=0A4.3.4 Contact=
 pressure=0D=0AThe contact pressure shall be large enough to ensure reliable=
 and continuous contact (e.g. to overcome=0D=0Aoxidisation and to prevent in=
terruption caused by vibration). The radius of any curvature of the contacti=
ng=0D=0Aelements shall be greater than or equal to 08 mm over the contact a=
rea.=0D=0APage 15=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AUnder no c=
ircumstances may a contact force be greater than 05 N per contact.=0D=0A4.4=
 Precedence=0D=0AFor Mobile Equipment which accepts both an ID-1 SIM and a =
Plug-in SIM the ID-1 SIM shall take=0D=0Aprecedence over the Plug-in SIM (s=
ee TS GSM 02.17 [6]).=0D=0A4.5 Static Protection=0D=0AConsidering that the S=
IM is a CMOS device the ME manufacturer shall take adequate precautions (in=
=0D=0Aaddition to the protection diodes inherent in the SIM) to safeguard th=
e ME SIM and SIM/ME interface=0D=0Afrom static discharges at all times and=
 particularly during SIM insertion into the ME.=0D=0A5 Electronic signals an=
d transmission protocols=0D=0AElectronic signals and transmission protocols =
shall be in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] unless=0D=0Aspecified otherw=
ise. The following additional requirements shall be applied to ensure proper=
 operation in=0D=0Athe GSM environment.=0D=0AThe choice of the transmission =
protocol(s) to be used to communicate between the SIM and the ME shall=0D=
=0Aat least include that specified and denoted by T=3D0 in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [2=
5].=0D=0AThe values given in the tables hereafter are derived from ISO/IEC 7=
816-3 [25] subclause 4.2 with the=0D=0Afollowing considerations:=0D=0A- VOH=
 and VOL always refer to the device (ME or SIM) which is driving the interfa=
ce. VIH and VIL=0D=0Aalways refer to the device (ME or SIM) which is operati=
ng as a receiver on the interface.=0D=0A- This convention is different to th=
e one used in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] which specifically defines an=0D=0AICC fo=
r which its current conventions apply. The following clauses define the spec=
ific core=0D=0Arequirements for the SIM which provide also the basis for Ty=
pe Approval. For each state (VOH VIH=0D=0AVIL and VOL) a positive current =
is defined as flowing out of the entity (ME or SIM) in that state.=0D=0A- Th=
e high current options of ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] for VIH and VOH are not specif=
ied for the SIM as=0D=0Athey apply to NMOS technology requirements. No reali=
sation of the SIM using NMOS is foreseen.=0D=0A5.1 Supply voltage Vcc (conta=
ct C1)=0D=0AThe SIM shall be operated within the following limits:=0D=0ATabl=
e 1: Electrical characteristics of Vcc under normal operating conditions=0D=
=0ASymbol Minimum Maximum Unit=0D=0AVcc 45 55 V=0D=0AIcc 10 mA=0D=0AThe cu=
rrent consumption of the SIM shall not exceed the value given in table 1 at =
any frequency accepted=0D=0Aby the SIM.=0D=0AWhen the SIM is in idle state (=
see below) the current consumption of the card shall not exceed 200 =B5A at =
1=0D=0AMHz and 25=B0C.=0D=0AThe ME shall source the maximum current requirem=
ents defined above. It shall also be able to counteract=0D=0Aspikes in the c=
urrent consumption of the card up to a maximum charge of 40 nAs with no more=
 than 400 ns=0D=0Aduration and an amplitude of at most 200 mA ensuring that=
 the supply voltage stays in the specified range.=0D=0ANOTE: A possible solu=
tion would be to place a capacitor (e.g. 100 nF ceramic) as close as=0D=0Ap=
ossible to the contacting elements.=0D=0APage 16=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.=
0 December 1995=0D=0A5.2 Reset (RST) (contact C2)=0D=0AThe ME shall operate =
the SIM within the following limits:=0D=0ATable 2: Electrical characteristic=
s of RST under normal operating conditions=0D=0ASymbol Conditions Minimum Ma=
ximum=0D=0AVOH IOHmax =3D +20=B5A Vcc-07 Vcc (note)=0D=0AVOL IOLmax =3D -20=
0 =B5A 0V (note) 06V=0D=0AtR tF Cout =3D Cin =3D 30pF 400=B5s=0D=0ANOTE: To=
 allow for overshoot the voltage on RST shall remain=0D=0Abetween -03V and =
Vcc+03V during dynamic operation.=0D=0A5.3 Programming voltage Vpp (contact=
 C6)=0D=0ASIMs shall not require any programming voltage on Vpp. The ME need=
 not provide contact C6. If the ME=0D=0Aprovides contact C6 then in the ca=
se of the ID-1 SIM the same voltage shall be supplied on Vpp as on=0D=0AVcc=
 while in the case of Plug-in SIMs the ME need not provide any voltage on C6=
. Contact C6 may be=0D=0Aconnected to Vcc in any ME but shall not be connect=
ed to ground.=0D=0A5.4 Clock CLK (contact C3)=0D=0AThe SIM shall support 1 t=
o 5 MHz. The clock shall be supplied by the ME. No "internal clock" SIMs sha=
ll be=0D=0Aused.=0D=0AIf a frequency of 13/4 MHz is needed by the SIM to run=
 the authentication procedure in the allotted time=0D=0A(see TS GSM 03.20 [1=
0]) bit 2 of byte 1 in the directory characteristics shall be set to 1. Oth=
erwise a=0D=0Aminimum frequency of 13/8 MHz may be used.=0D=0AThe duty cycle=
 shall be between 40% and 60% of the period during stable operation.=0D=0ATh=
e ME shall operate the SIM within the following limits:=0D=0ATable 3: Electr=
ical characteristics of CLK under normal operating conditions=0D=0ASymbol Co=
nditions Minimum Maximum=0D=0AVOH IOHmax =3D +20=B5A 07xVcc Vcc (note)=0D=
=0AVOL IOLmax =3D -200 =B5A 0V (note) 05V=0D=0AtR tF Cout =3D Cin =3D 30pF =
9 % of period with a maximum=0D=0Aof 05=B5s=0D=0ANOTE: To allow for oversho=
ot the voltage on CLK shall remain between -03V=0D=0Aand Vcc+03V during dy=
namic operation.=0D=0A5.5 I/O (contact C7)=0D=0ATable 4 defines the electric=
al characteristics of the I/O (contact C7). The values given in the table ha=
ve the=0D=0Aeffect of defining the values of the pull-up resistor in the ME =
and the impedances of the drivers and=0D=0Areceivers in the ME and SIM.=0D=
=0APage 17=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 4: Electric=
al characteristics of I/O under normal operating conditions=0D=0ASymbol Cond=
itions Minimum Maximum=0D=0AVIH IIHmax =3D =B120=B5A (note 2) 07xVcc Vcc+0=
3V=0D=0AVIL IILmax =3D +1mA -03V 08V=0D=0AVOH (note 1) IOHmax =3D +20=B5A =
38V Vcc (note 3)=0D=0AVOL IOLmax =3D -1mA 0V (note 3) 04V=0D=0AtR tF Cout =
=3D Cin =3D 30pF 1=B5s=0D=0ANOTE 1: It is assumed that a pull-up resistor is=
 used in the interface device=0D=0A(recommended value: 20kohms).=0D=0ANOTE 2=
: During static conditions (idle state) only the positive value can apply.=
=0D=0AUnder dynamic operating conditions (transmission) short term voltage=
=0D=0Aspikes on the I/O line may cause a current reversal.=0D=0ANOTE 3: To a=
llow for overshoot the voltage on I/O shall remain between -03V and=0D=0AVc=
c+03V during dynamic operation.=0D=0A5.6 States=0D=0AThere are two states f=
or the SIM while the power supply is on:=0D=0A- The SIM is in operating stat=
e when it executes a command. This state also includes transmission=0D=0Afro=
m and to the ME.=0D=0A- The SIM is in idle state at any other time. It shall=
 retain all pertinent data during this state.=0D=0AThe SIM may support a clo=
ck stop mode. The clock shall only be switched off subject to the conditions=
=0D=0Aspecified in the directory characteristics (see clause 9).=0D=0AClock =
stop mode. An ME of Phase 2 or later shall wait at least five (5) elementary=
 time units after having=0D=0Areceived the last bit of the response before i=
t switches off the clock (if it is allowed to do so). It shall wait=0D=0Aat =
least two (2) elementary time units before it sends the first command after =
having started the clock.=0D=0ATo achieve phase compatibility the following=
 procedure shall be adhered to:=0D=0AA SIM of Phase 2 or later shall always =
send the status information "normal ending of the command" after=0D=0Athe su=
ccessful interpretation of the command SLEEP received from a Phase 1 ME. An =
ME of Phase 2 or=0D=0Alater shall not send a SLEEP command.=0D=0AA Phase 1 M=
E shall wait at least two (2) elementary time units after having received th=
e compulsory=0D=0Aacknowledgement SW1 SW2 of the SLEEP command before it swi=
tches off the clock (if it is allowed to do=0D=0Aso). It shall wait at least=
 two (2) elementary time units before it sends the first command after havin=
g=0D=0Astarted the clock.=0D=0A5.7 Baudrate=0D=0AThe baudrate for all commun=
ications shall be: (clock frequency)/372.=0D=0A5.8 Answer To Reset (ATR)=0D=
=0AThe ATR is information presented by the SIM to the ME at the beginning of=
 the card session and gives=0D=0Aoperational requirements.=0D=0A5.8.1 Struct=
ure and contents=0D=0AThe following table gives an explanation of the charac=
ters specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] and the=0D=0Arequirements for their us=
e in GSM. The answer to reset consists of at most 33 characters. The ME shal=
l=0D=0APage 18=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Abe able to re=
ceive interface characters for transmission protocols other than T=3D0 hist=
orical characters and=0D=0Aa check byte even if only T=3D0 is used by the M=
E.=0D=0ATable 5: ATR=0D=0ACharacter Contents sent by=0D=0Athe card=0D=0Aa) e=
valuation by the ME=0D=0Ab) reaction by the ME=0D=0A1. Initial=0D=0Acharacte=
r=0D=0ATS=0D=0Acoding convention for all=0D=0Asubsequent characters=0D=0A(di=
rect or inverse=0D=0Aconvention)=0D=0Aalways a) always=0D=0Ab) using appropr=
iate convention=0D=0A2. Format=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0AT0=0D=0Asubsequent interf=
ace=0D=0Acharacters number of=0D=0Ahistorical characters=0D=0Aalways a) alw=
ays=0D=0Ab) identifying the subsequent=0D=0Acharacters accordingly=0D=0A3. I=
nterface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(global)=0D=0ATA1=0D=0Aparameters to calculate=
=0D=0Athe work etu=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=0D=0Ab) if TA1 is not =
'11' PTS procedure=0D=0Ashall be used (see subclause 5.8.2)=0D=0A4. Interfa=
ce=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(global)=0D=0ATB1=0D=0Aparameters to calculate=0D=0At=
he programming voltage=0D=0Aand current=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=
=0D=0Ab) if PI1 is not 0 then reject the SIM=0D=0A(in accordance with subcl=
ause 5.10)=0D=0A5. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(global)=0D=0ATC1=0D=0Apara=
meters to calculate=0D=0Athe extra guardtime=0D=0Arequested by the card; no=
=0D=0Aextra guardtime is used to=0D=0Asend characters from the=0D=0Acard to =
the ME=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=0D=0Ab) if TC1 is neither 0 nor 25=
5 then=0D=0Areject the SIM (in accordance with=0D=0Asubclause 5.10); see th=
e note after=0D=0Athe table=0D=0A6. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0ATD1=0D=0Ap=
rotocol type; indicator=0D=0Afor the presence of interface=0D=0Acharacters=
=0D=0Aspecifying rules to be=0D=0Aused for transmissions=0D=0Awith the given=
 protocol=0D=0Atype=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=0D=0Ab) identifying t=
he subsequent=0D=0Acharacters accordingly=0D=0A7. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=
=0D=0A(specific)=0D=0ATA2=0D=0Anot used for protocol T=3D0 optional a) optio=
nal=0D=0Ab) --------=0D=0A8. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(global)=0D=0ATB2=
=0D=0Aparameter to calculate=0D=0Athe programming voltage=0D=0Anever the all=
owed value of TB1 above=0D=0Adefines that an external=0D=0Aprogramming volta=
ge is not=0D=0Aapplicable=0D=0A9. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(specific)=
=0D=0ATC2=0D=0Aparameters to calculate=0D=0Athe work waiting time=0D=0Aoptio=
nal a) always if present=0D=0Ab) using the work waiting time=0D=0Aaccordingl=
y=0D=0A10. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0ATDi=0D=0A(i>1)=0D=0Aprotocol type; =
indicator=0D=0Afor the presence of=0D=0Ainterface characters=0D=0Aspecifyin=
g rules to be=0D=0Aused for transmissions=0D=0Awith the given protocol=0D=
=0Atype=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=0D=0Ab) identifying the subsequen=
t=0D=0Acharacters accordingly=0D=0APage 19=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Dece=
mber 1995=0D=0ATable 5: ATR (concluded)=0D=0ACharacter Contents sent by=0D=
=0Athe card=0D=0Aa) evaluation by the ME=0D=0Ab) reaction by the ME=0D=0A11.=
 Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0ATAi TBi TCi=0D=0A(i>2)=0D=0Acharacters whic=
h contain=0D=0Ainterface characters for=0D=0Aother transmission=0D=0Aprotoco=
ls=0D=0Aoptional a) optional=0D=0Ab) --------=0D=0A12. Historical=0D=0Achara=
.TK=0D=0Acontents not specified in=0D=0AISO/IEC=0D=0Aoption=
al a) optional=0D=0Ab) --------=0D=0A13. Check=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0ATCK=0D=
=0Acheck byte (exclusive -=0D=0AORing)=0D=0Anot sent if=0D=0Aonly T=3D0 is=
=0D=0Aindicated in=0D=0Athe ATR; in=0D=0Aall other=0D=0Acases TCK=0D=0Ashall=
 be=0D=0Asent=0D=0Aa) optional=0D=0Ab) --------=0D=0ANOTE: According to ISO/=
IEC 7816-3:1989/DAM2 (see annex D) N=3D255 indicates that the=0D=0Aminimum d=
elay is 12 etu for the asynchronous half-duplex character transmission=0D=
=0Aprotocol.=0D=0A5.8.2 PTS procedure=0D=0ASpecifically related to this Tech=
nical Specification the PTS procedure according to ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25]=0D=
=0Aclause 7 is applied only if TA1 is not equal to '11' as follows:=0D=
=0Aa) for MEs only supporting default speed (F=3D372 D=3D1)=0D=0A=C9=CD=CD=
=BB Reset =C9=CD=CD=CD=BB=0D=0A=BAME=BA =C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4> =BASIM=BA=0D=0A=C8=CD=CD=BC =C8=CD=CD=CD=BC=0D=0AATR=0D=0A<=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 TA1 not '11'=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4PTS0=3D=B3'00'=B3=0D=0A=B3PC=
K =3D=B3'FF'=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 1: PTS=
 procedure=0D=0APTS Request and PTS Response consist of the three (3) charac=
ters PTSS PTSO and PCK of which=0D=0APTSS is sent first.=0D=0AAfter this pr=
ocedure the protocol T=3D0 and the parameters F=3D372 D=3D1 and N=3D0 will =
be used.=0D=0Ab) for MEs only supporting enhanced speed (F=3D512 D=3D8)=0D=
=0APage 20=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A=C9=CD=CD=BB Rese=
t =C9=CD=CD=CD=BB=0D=0A=BAME=BA =C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4> =BASIM=BA=0D=0A=C8=CD=CD=BC =C8=CD=CD=CD=BC=0D=0AATR=0D=0A<=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 TA1 =3D '94'=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=3D=B3'10'=B3=0D=0A=B3PTS1=3D=B3'94'=B3=0D=0A=B3PCK =3D=B3'7B'=B3=0D=0A=C0=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 2: PTS procedure requesting en=
hanced speed values (F=3D512 D=3D8 see clause 5 and D=3D1. H=
owever other values may also be supported. If the ME requests PTS using=0D=
=0Avalues other than those above then the PTS procedure shall be initiated a=
ccordingly.=0D=0AThe SIM shall support the default value (F=3D372 and D=3D1)=
. If the speed enhancement is supported by the=0D=0ASIM it is mandatory that=
 F=3D512 and D=3D8 is supported. However the value in TA1 may even indicate=
 a=0D=0Afaster speed (F=3D512 and D=3D16). The SIM may also support other va=
lues between the default value=0D=0A(F=3D372 and D=3D1) and the values indic=
ated in TA1. The SIM shall offer the negotiable mode to ensure=0D=0Abackwar=
ds compatibility with exing MEs. In the negotiable mode the SIM will use def=
ault values even if=0D=0Aother parameters are offered in the ATR if the PTS =
procedure is not initiated.=0D=0AThe ME shall support the default value (F=
=3D372 and D=3D1). If the speed enhancement is supported in the ME=0D=0Ait i=
s mandatory to support F=3D512 and D=3D8. The ME may additionally support ot=
her values.=0D=0AIf the SIM does not answer the PTS request within the initi=
al waiting time the ME shall reset the SIM. After=0D=0Atwo failed PTS attemp=
ts using F=3D512 and D=3D8 or values indicated in TA1 (no PTS response from=
 the=0D=0ASIM) the ME shall initiate PTS procedure using default values. If =
this also fails (no PTS response from the=0D=0ASIM) the ME may proceed using=
 default values without requesting PTS=0D=0AIf the SIM does not support the =
values requested by the ME the SIM shall respond to the PTS request=0D=0Ain=
dicating the use of default values.=0D=0A5.9 Bit/character duration and samp=
ling time=0D=0AThe bit/character duration and sampling time specified in ISO=
/IEC 7816-3 [25] subclauses 6.1.1 and=0D=0A6.1.2 are valid for all communi=
cations.=0D=0A5.10 Error handling=0D=0AFollowing receipt of an ATR which is=
 not in accordance with this specification e.g. because of forbidden=0D=0AA=
TR characters or too few bytes being transmitted the ME shall perform a Res=
et. The ME shall not reject=0D=0Athe SIM until at least three consecutive wr=
ong ATRs are received.=0D=0ADuring the transmission of the ATR and the proto=
col type selection the error detection and character=0D=0Arepetition proced=
ure specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] subclause 6.1.3 is optional for the M=
E. For the=0D=0Asubsequent transmission on the basis of T=3D0 this procedure=
 is mandatory for the ME.=0D=0APage 21=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December=
 1995=0D=0AFor the SIM the error detection and character repetition procedur=
e is mandatory for all communications.=0D=0A6 Logical Model=0D=0AThis clause=
 describes the logical structure for a SIM the code associated with it and=
 the structure of files=0D=0Aused.=0D=0A6.1 General description=0D=0AFigure =
3 shows the general structural relationships which may exist between files. =
The files are organised=0D=0Ain a hierarchical structure and are of one of t=
hree types as defined below. These=0D=0Afiles may be either administrative o=
r application specific. The operating system=0D=0Ahandles the access to the =
data stored in different files.=0D=0A=C9=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CB=CD=
=CD=CD=BB =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA DF1 =BA =BA =BA =BA=0D=0A=
=CD=CD=CD=CD=BB =BA =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA DF11 =BA =
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BC =BA DF111 =BA =BA =BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =BA=0D=0A=

 =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA DF12 =BA =DA=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=BF =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =B3 EF =B3 =BA =
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BC =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =B3 EF =B3 =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA =
=0A=BA =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =BA=0D=0A=BA =B3 EF =B3 =B3 EF =
=B3 =BA=0D=0A=BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA=0D=0A=BA 

=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BC=0D=0AFigure 3: Organisation of memory=
=0D=0AFiles are composed of a header which is internally managed by the SIM=
 and optionally a body part. The=0D=0Ainformation of the header is related =
to the structure and attributes of the file and may be obtained by using=0D=
=0Athe commands GET RESPONSE or STATUS. This information is fixed during the=
 administrative phase. The=0D=0Abody part contains the data of the file.=0D=
=0A6.2 File identifier=0D=0AA file ID is used to address or identify each sp=
ecific file. The file ID consists of two bytes and shall be=0D=0Acoded in he=
xadecimal notation. They are specified in clause 10.=0D=0AThe first byte ide=
ntifies the type of file and for GSM is:=0D=0A- '3F': Master File;=0D=0A- '=
7F': Dedicated File;=0D=0A- '2F': Elementary File under the Master File;=0D=
=0A- '6F': Elementary File under a Dedicated File.=0D=0APage 22=0D=0AGSM 11.=
11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AFile IDs shall be subject to the followi=
ng conditions:=0D=0A- the file ID shall be assigned at the time of creation =
of the file concerned;=0D=0A- no two files under the same parent shall have =
the same ID;=0D=0A- a child and any parent either immediate or remote in th=
e hierarchy e.g. grandparent shall=0D=0Anever have the same file ID.=0D=
=0AIn this way each file is uniquely identified.=0D=0A6.3 Dedicated files=
=0D=0AA Dedicated File (DF) is a functional grouping of files consisting of =
itself and all those files which contain=0D=0Athis DF in their parental hier=
archy (that is to say it consists of the DF and its complete "subtree"). A D=
F=0D=0A"consists" only of a header part.=0D=0ATwo DFs are defined in this sp=
ecification:=0D=0A- DFGSM which contains the application for both GSM and/or=
 DCS1800;=0D=0A- DFTELECOM which contains telecom service features.=0D=0ABot=
h files are immediate children of the Master File (MF) and may coexist on a =
multi-application card.=0D=0A6.4 Elementary files=0D=0AAn Elementary File (E=
F) is composed of a header and a body part. The following three structures o=
f an EF=0D=0Aare used by GSM.=0D=0A6. 4.1 Transparent EF=0D=0AAn EF with a tr=
ansparent structure consists of a sequence of bytes. When reading or updatin=
g the=0D=0Asequence of bytes to be acted upon is referenced by a relative a=
ddress (offset) which indicates the start=0D=0Aposition (in bytes) and the=
 number of bytes to be read or updated. The first byte of a transparent EF h=
as=0D=0Athe relative address '00 00'. The total data length of the body of t=
he EF is indicated in the header of the=0D=0AEF.=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0AHeader =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C6=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=B5=0D=0A=B3 =B3=0D=0ABody =B3 Sequence =B3=0D=0A=B3 of =
=B3=0D=0A=B3 bytes =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 4: Structure of a transparent EF=0D=0AN=
OTE: This structure was previously referred to as "binary" in GSM.=0D=0A6.4.=
2 Linear fixed EF=0D=0AAn EF with linear fixed structure consists of a seque=
nce of records all having the same (fixed) length. The=0D=0Afirst record is =
record number 1. The length of a record as well as this value multiplied by =
the number of=0D=0Arecords are indicated in the header of the EF.=0D=0APage =
23=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0AHeader =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C6=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=B5=0D=0ABody =B3 Record 1 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 Record 2 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 : =B3=0D=0A=B3 : =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 Record n =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 5: Structure of a linear fixed file=
=0D=0AThere are several methods to access records within an EF of this type:=
=0D=0A- absolutely using the record number;=0D=0A- when the record pointer i=
s not set it shall be possible to perform an action on the first or the=0D=
=0Alast record;=0D=0A- when the record pointer is set it shall be possible t=
o perform an action on this record the next=0D=0Arecord (unless the record =
pointer is set to the last record) or the previous record (unless the=0D=0Ar=
ecord pointer is set to the first record);=0D=0A- by identifying a record us=
ing pattern seek starting=0D=0A- forwards from the beginning of the file;=
=0D=0A- forwards from the record following the one at which the record point=
er is set (unless=0D=0Athe record pointer is set to the last record);=0D=0A-=
 backwards from the end of the file;=0D=0A- backwards from the record preced=
ing the one at which the record pointer is set (unless=0D=0Athe record point=
er is set to the first record).=0D=0AIf an action following selection of a r=
ecord is aborted then the record pointer shall remain set at the record=0D=
=0Aat which it was set prior to the action.=0D=0ANOTE 1: It is not possible=
 at present to have more than 255 records in a file of this type and=0D=
=0Aeach record cannot be greater than 255 bytes.=0D=0ANOTE 2: This structure=
 was previously referred to as "formatted" in GSM.=0D=0A6.4.3 Cyclic EF=0D=
=0ACyclic files are used for storing records in chronological order. When al=
l records have been used for=0D=0Astorage then the next storage of data sha=
ll overwrite the oldest information.=0D=0AAn EF with a cyclic structure cons=
ists of a fixed number of records with the same (fixed) length. In this file=
=0D=0Astructure there is a link between the last record (n) and the first re=
cord. When the record pointer is set to=0D=0Athe last record n then the nex=
t record is record 1. Similarly when the record pointer is set to record 1=
=0D=0Athen the previous record is record n. The last updated record containi=
ng the newest data is record number=0D=0A1 and the oldest data is held in r=
ecord number n.=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0AHead=
er =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C6=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=B5=0D=0ABody =B3 =
Record 1 =B3=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 =
=B3=0D=0A=B3 Record 2 =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=B4 =B3=0D=0A=B3 : =B3 =B3=0D=0A=B3 : =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 =B3=0D=0A=B3 Record n =B3=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 6: Structure of a cyclic fi=
le=0D=0APage 24=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AFor update o=
perations only PREVIOUS record shall be used. For reading operations the me=
thods of=0D=0Aaddressing are Next Previous Current and Record Number.=0D=
=0AAfter selection of a cyclic file (for either operation) the record point=
er shall address the record updated or=0D=0Aincreased last. If an action fol=
lowing selection of a record is aborted then the record pointer shall remai=
n=0D=0Aset at the record at which it was set prior to the action.=0D=0ANOTE:=
 It is not possible at present to have more than 255 records in a file of =
this type and=0D=0Aeach record cannot be greater than 255 bytes.=0D=0A6.5 M=
ethods for selecting a file=0D=0AAfter the Answer To Reset (ATR) the Master=
 File (MF) is implicitly selected and becomes the Current=0D=0ADirectory. Ea=
ch file may then be selected by using the SELECT function in accordance with=
 the following=0D=0Arules.=0D=0ASelecting a DF or the MF sets the Current Di=
rectory. After such a selection there is no current EF.=0D=0ASelecting an EF=
 sets the current EF and the Current Directory remains the DF or MF which is=
 the parent of=0D=0Athis EF. The current EF is always a child of the Current=
 Directory.=0D=0AAny application specific command shall only be operable if =
it is specific to the Current Directory.=0D=0AThe following files may be sel=
ected from the last selected file:=0D=0A- any file which is an immediate chi=
ld of the Current Directory;=0D=0A- any DF which is an immediate child of th=
e parent of the current DF;=0D=0A- the parent of the Current Directory;=0D=
=0A- the current DF;=0D=0A- the MF.=0D=0AThis means in particular that a DF =
shall be selected prior to the selection of any of its EFs. All selections=
=0D=0Aare made using the file ID.=0D=0AThe following figure gives the logica=
l structure for the GSM application. GSM defines only one level of DFs=0D=
=0Aunder the MF.=0D=0AFigure 7: Logical structure=0D=0AThe following table g=
ives the valid selections for GSM for the logical structure in figure 7. Res=
election of=0D=0Athe last selected file is also allowed but not shown.=0D=
=0APage 25=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 6: File sel=
ection=0D=0ALast selected file Valid Selections=0D=0AMF=0D=0ADF1=0D=0ADF2=
=0D=0AEF1=0D=0AEF2=0D=0AEF3=0D=0AEF4=0D=0ADF1 DF2 EF1=0D=0AMF DF2 EF2=
=0D=0AMF DF1 EF3 EF4=0D=0AMF DF1 DF2=0D=0AMF DF1 DF2=0D=0AMF DF1 DF=
2 EF4=0D=0AMF DF1 DF2 EF3=0D=0A6.6 Reservation of file IDs=0D=0AIn addit=
ion to the identifiers used for the files specified in this TS the followin=
g file IDs are reserved for use=0D=0Aby GSM.=0D=0ADedicated Files:=0D=0A- ad=
ministrative use:=0D=0A'7F 4X';=0D=0A- operational use:=0D=0A'7F 10' (DFTELE=
COM) '7F 20' (DFGSM) '7F 21' (DFDCS1800) and '7F 2X' where X=0D=0Aranges=
 from '2' to 'F'.=0D=0AElementary files:=0D=0A- administrative use:=0D=0A'6F=
 XX' in the DFs '7F 4X';=0D=0A'6F 1X' in the DFs '7F 10' '7F 20' '7F 21';=
=0D=0A'2F 01' '2F EX' in the MF '3F 00';=0D=0A- operational use:=0D=0A'6F 2=
X' '6F 3X' '6F 4X' in '7F 10' and '7F 2X';=0D=0A'2F 1X' in the MF '3F 00'.=
=0D=0AIn all the above X ranges unless otherwise stated from '0' to 'F'.=
=0D=0A7 Security features=0D=0AThe security aspects of GSM are described in =
the normative references TS GSM 02.09 [4] and=0D=0ATS GSM 03.20 [10]. This c=
lause gives information related to security features supported by the SIM to=
=0D=0Aenable the following:=0D=0A- authentication of the subscriber identity=
 to the network;=0D=0A- data confidentiality over the air interface;=0D=0A- =
file access conditions.=0D=0A7.1 Authentication and cipher key generation pr=
ocedure=0D=0AThis subclause describes the authentication mechanism and ciphe=
r key generation which are invoked by=0D=0Athe network. For the specificatio=
n of the corresponding procedures across the SIM/ME interface see=0D=0Aclaus=
e 11.=0D=0AThe network sends a Random Number (RAND) to the MS. The ME passes=
 the RAND to the SIM in the=0D=0Acommand RUN GSM ALGORITHM. The SIM returns =
the values SRES and Kc to the ME which are derived=0D=0Ausing the algorithms=
 and processes given below. The ME sends SRES to the network. The network=
=0D=0Acompares this value with the value of SRES which it calculates for its=
elf. The comparison of these SRES=0D=0Avalues provides the authentication. T=
he value Kc is used by the ME in any future enciphered=0D=0Acommunications w=
ith the network until the next invocation of this mechanism.=0D=0APage 26=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AA subscriber authentication=
 key Ki is used in this procedure. This key Ki has a length of 128 bits and =
is=0D=0Astored within the SIM for use in the algorithms described below.=0D=
=0A7.2 Algorithms and processes=0D=0AThe names and parameters of the algorit=
hms supported by the SIM are defined in TS GSM 03.20 [10].=0D=0AThese are:=
=0D=0A- Algorithm A3 to authenticate the MS to the network;=0D=0A- Algorithm=
 A8 to generate the encryption key.=0D=0AThese algorithms may exist either d=
iscretely or combined (into A38) within the SIM. In either case the=0D=0Aout=
put on the SIM/ME interface is 12 bytes. The inputs to both A3 and A8 or A3=
8 are Ki (128 bits)=0D=0Ainternally derived in the SIM and RAND (128 bits)=
 across the SIM/ME interface. The output is SRES (32=0D=0Abits)/Kc (64 bits)=
 the coding of which is defined in the command RUN GSM ALGORITHM in clause 9=
.=0D=0A7.3 File access conditions=0D=0AEvery file has its own specific acces=
s condition for each command. The relevant access condition of the=0D=0Alast=
 selected file shall be fulfilled before the requested action can take place=
.=0D=0AFor each file:=0D=0A- the access conditions for the commands READ and=
 SEEK are identical;=0D=0A- the access conditions for the commands SELECT an=
d STATUS are ALWays.=0D=0ANo file access conditions are currently assigned b=
y GSM to the MF and the DFs.=0D=0AThe access condition levels are defined in=
 the following table:=0D=0ATable 7: Access condition level coding=0D=0ALevel=
 Access Condition=0D=0A0=0D=0A1=0D=0A2=0D=0A3=0D=0A4 to 14=0D=0A15=0D=0AALWa=
ys=0D=0ACHV1=0D=0ACHV2=0D=0AReserved for GSM Future Use=0D=0AADM=0D=0ANEVer=
=0D=0AThe meaning of the file access conditions is as follows:=0D=0AALWAYS: =
the action can be performed without any restriction;=0D=0ACHV1 (card holder =
verification 1): the action shall only be possible if one of the following t=
hree=0D=0Aconditions is fulfilled:=0D=0A- a correct CHV1 value has already b=
een presented to the SIM during the current session;=0D=0A- the CHV1 enabled=
/disabled indicator is set to "disabled";=0D=0A- UNBLOCK CHV1 has been succe=
ssfully performed during the current session;=0D=0ACHV2: the action shall on=
ly be possible if one of the following two conditions is fulfilled:=0D=0A- a=
 correct CHV2 value has already been presented to the SIM during the current=
 session;=0D=0APage 27=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A- UNB=
LOCK CHV2 has been successfully performed during the current session;=0D=0AA=
DM: allocation of these levels and the respective requirements for their ful=
filment are the=0D=0Aresponsibility of the appropriate administrative author=
ity;=0D=0ANEVER: the action cannot be performed over the SIM/ME interface. T=
he SIM may perform the=0D=0Aaction internally.=0D=0ACondition levels are not=
 hierarchical. For instance correct presentation of CHV2 does not allow act=
ions to=0D=0Abe performed which require presentation of CHV1. A condition le=
vel which has been satisfied remains valid=0D=0Auntil the end of the GSM ses=
sion as long as the corresponding secret code remains unblocked i.e. after=
=0D=0Athree consecutive wrong attempts not necessarily in the same card ses=
sion the access rights previously=0D=0Agranted by this secret code are lost=
 immediately. A satisfied CHV condition level applies to both DFGSM=0D=0Aand=
 DFTELECOM.=0D=0AThe ME shall determine whether CHV2 is available by using t=
he response to the STATUS command. If=0D=0ACHV2 is "not initialised" then CH=
V2 commands e.g. VERIFY CHV2 shall not be executable.=0D=0A8 Description o=
f the functions=0D=0AThis clause gives a functional description of the comma=
nds and their respective responses. Associated=0D=0Astatus conditions error=
 codes and their corresponding coding are specified in clause 9.=0D=0AIt sha=
ll be mandatory for all cards complying with this Standard to support all fu=
nctions described in this=0D=0AStandard. The command GET RESPONSE which is n=
eeded for the protocol T=3D0 is specified in clause 9.=0D=0AThe following ta=
ble lists the file types and structures together with the functions which ma=
y act on them=0D=0Aduring a GSM session. These are indicated by an asterisk =
(*).=0D=0ATable 8: Functions on files in GSM session=0D=0AFile=0D=0AFunction=
 MF DF EF transparent EF linear fixed EF cyclic=0D=0ASELECT *=0D=0AS=
=0D=0AREHABILITATE *=0D=0A8.1 SELECT=0D=0AThis function selects a file a=
ccording to the methods described in clause 6. After a successful selection =
the=0D=0Arecord pointer in a linear fixed file is undefined. The record poin=
ter in a cyclic file shall address the last=0D=0Arecord which has been updat=
ed or increased.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- file ID.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- if the sele=
cted file is the MF or a DF:=0D=0Afile ID total memory space available CHV=
 enabled/disabled indicator CHV status and other GSM=0D=0Aspecific data;=
=0D=0APage 28=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A- if the selec=
ted file is an EF:=0D=0Afile ID file size access conditions invalidated/n=
ot invalidated indicator structure of EF and length of=0D=0Athe records in =
case of linear fixed structure or cyclic structure.=0D=0A8.2 STATUS=0D=0AThi=
s function returns information concerning the current directory. A current E=
F is not affected by the=0D=0ASTATUS function.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=
=0AOutput:=0D=0A- file ID total memory space available CHV enabled/disable=
d indicator CHV status and other GSM=0D=0Aspecific data (identical to SELEC=
T above).=0D=0A8.3 READ BINARY=0D=0AThis function reads a string of bytes fr=
om the current transparent EF. This function shall only be performed=0D=0Aif=
 the READ access condition for this EF is satisfied.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- rela=
tive address and the length of the string.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- string of byt=
es.=0D=0A8.4 UPDATE BINARY=0D=0AThis function updates the current transparen=
t EF with a string of bytes. This function shall only be=0D=0Aperformed if t=
he UPDATE access condition for this EF is satisfied. An update can be consid=
ered as a=0D=0Areplacement of the string already present in the EF by the st=
ring given in the update command.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- relative address and th=
e length of the string;=0D=0A- string of bytes.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=
=0D=0A8.5 READ RECORD=0D=0AThis function reads one complete record in the cu=
rrent linear fixed or cyclic EF. The record to be read is=0D=0Adescribed by =
the modes below. This function shall only be performed if the READ access co=
ndition for this=0D=0AEF is satisfied. The record pointer shall not be chang=
ed by an unsuccessful READ RECORD function.=0D=0AFour modes are defined:=0D=
=0ACURRENT The current record is read. The record pointer is not affected.=
=0D=0AABSOLUTE The record given by the record number is read. The record poi=
nter is not affected.=0D=0ANEXT The record pointer is incremented before the=
 READ RECORD function is performed and the=0D=0Apointed record is read. If t=
he record pointer has not been previously set within the selected EF then=
=0D=0AREAD RECORD (next) shall read the first record and set the record poin=
ter to this record.=0D=0AIf the record pointer addresses the last record in =
a linear fixed EF READ RECORD (next) shall not=0D=0Acause the record pointe=
r to be changed and no data shall be read.=0D=0APage 29=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Vers=
ion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIf the record pointer addresses the last record=
 in a cyclic EF READ RECORD (next) shall set the=0D=0Arecord pointer to the=
 first record in this EF and this record shall be read.=0D=0APREVIOUS The re=
cord pointer is decremented before the READ RECORD function is performed=0D=
=0Aand the pointed record is read. If the record pointer has not been previo=
usly set within the selected=0D=0AEF then READ RECORD (previous) shall read=
 the last record and set the record pointer to this=0D=0Arecord.=0D=0AIf the=
 record pointer addresses the first record in a linear fixed EF READ RECORD=
 (previous) shall=0D=0Anot cause the record pointer to be changed and no da=
ta shall be read.=0D=0AIf the record pointer addresses the first record in a=
 cyclic EF READ RECORD (previous) shall set=0D=0Athe record pointer to the =
last record in this EF and this record shall be read.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- mod=
e record number (absolute mode only) and the length of the record.=0D=0AOut=
put:=0D=0A- the record.=0D=0A8.6 UPDATE RECORD=0D=0AThis function updates on=
e complete record in the current linear fixed or cyclic EF. This function sh=
all only=0D=0Abe performed if the UPDATE access condition for this EF is sat=
isfied. The UPDATE can be considered as=0D=0Aa replacement of the relevant r=
ecord data of the EF by the record data given in the command. The record=0D=
=0Apointer shall not be changed by an unsuccessful UPDATE RECORD function.=
=0D=0AThe record to be updated is described by the modes below. Four modes a=
re defined of which only=0D=0APREVIOUS is allowed for cyclic files:=0D=0ACUR=
RENT The current record is updated. The record pointer is not affected.=0D=
=0AABSOLUTE The record given by the record number is updated. The record poi=
nter is not affected.=0D=0ANEXT The record pointer is incremented before the=
 UPDATE RECORD function is performed and=0D=0Athe pointed record is updated.=
 If the record pointer has not been previously set within the selected=0D=
=0AEF then UPDATE RECORD (next) shall set the record pointer to the first r=
ecord in this EF and this=0D=0Arecord shall be updated. If the record pointe=
r addresses the last record in a linear fixed EF=0D=0AUPDATE RECORD (next) =
shall not cause the record pointer to be changed and no record shall be=0D=
=0Aupdated.=0D=0APREVIOUS For a linear fixed EF the record pointer is decrem=
ented before the UPDATE RECORD=0D=0Afunction is performed and the pointed re=
cord is updated. If the record pointer has not been=0D=0Apreviously set with=
in the selected EF then UPDATE RECORD (previous) shall set the record point=
er=0D=0Ato the last record in this EF and this record shall be updated. If t=
he record pointer addresses the=0D=0Afirst record in a linear fixed EF UPDA=
TE RECORD (previous) shall not cause the record pointer to=0D=0Abe changed =
and no record shall be updated.=0D=0AFor a cyclic EF the record containing t=
he oldest data is updated the record pointer is set to this=0D=0Arecord and=
 this record becomes record number 1.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- mode record number=
 (absolute mode only) and the length of the record;=0D=0A- the data used for=
 updating the record.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.7 SEEK=0D=0AThis func=
tion searches through the current linear fixed EF to find a record starting =
with the given pattern.=0D=0AThis function shall only be performed if the RE=
AD access condition for this EF is satisfied. Two types of=0D=0ASEEK are def=
ined:=0D=0APage 30=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AType 1 Th=
e record pointer is set to the record containing the pattern no output is a=
vailable.=0D=0AType 2 The record pointer is set to the record containing the=
 pattern the output is the record=0D=0Anumber.=0D=0ANOTE: A Phase 1 SIM onl=
y executes type 1 of the SEEK function.=0D=0AThe SIM shall be able to accept=
 any pattern length from 1 to 16 bytes inclusive. The length of the pattern=
=0D=0Ashall not exceed the record length.=0D=0AFour modes are defined:=0D=
=0A- from the beginning forwards;=0D=0A- from the end backwards;=0D=0A- from=
 the next location forwards;=0D=0A- from the previous location backwards.=
=0D=0AIf the record pointer has not been previously set (its status is undef=
ined) within the selected linear fixed EF=0D=0Athen the search begins:=0D=
=0A- with the first record in the case of SEEK from the next location forwar=
ds or=0D=0A- with the last record in the case of SEEK from the previous loca=
tion backwards.=0D=0AAfter a successful SEEK the record pointer is set to t=
he record in which the pattern was found. The record=0D=0Apointer shall not =
be changed by an unsuccessful SEEK function.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- type and mod=
e;=0D=0A- pattern;=0D=0A- length of the pattern.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- type 1:=
 none;=0D=0A- type 2: status/record number=0D=0A8.8 INCREASE=0D=0AThis funct=
ion adds the value given by the ME to the value of the last increased/update=
d record of the=0D=0Acurrent cyclic EF and stores the result into the oldes=
t record. The record pointer is set to this record and=0D=0Athis record beco=
mes record number 1. This function shall be used only if this EF has an INCR=
EASE access=0D=0Acondition assigned and this condition is fulfilled (see byt=
es 8 and 10 in the response parameters/data of the=0D=0Acurrent EF clause 9=
). The SIM shall not perform the increase if the result would exceed the max=
imum=0D=0Avalue of the record (represented by all bytes set to 'FF').=0D=0AI=
nput:=0D=0A- the value to be added.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- value of the increas=
ed record;=0D=0A- value which has been added.=0D=0A8.9 VERIFY CHV=0D=0AThis =
function verifies the CHV presented by the ME by comparing it with the relev=
ant one stored in the=0D=0ASIM. The verification process is subject to the f=
ollowing conditions being fulfilled:=0D=0A- CHV is not disabled;=0D=0A- CHV =
is not blocked.=0D=0APage 31=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0AIf the access condition for a function to be performed on the last select=
ed file is CHV1 or CHV2 then a=0D=0Asuccessful verification of the relevant=
 CHV is required prior to the use of the function on this file unless the=
=0D=0ACHV is disabled.=0D=0AIf the CHV presented is correct the number of r=
emaining CHV attempts for that CHV shall be reset to its=0D=0Ainitial value =
3.=0D=0AIf the CHV presented is false the number of remaining CHV attempts =
for that CHV shall be decremented.=0D=0AAfter 3 consecutive false CHV presen=
tations not necessarily in the same card session the respective CHV=0D=0As=
hall be blocked and the access condition can never be fulfilled until the UN=
BLOCK CHV function has been=0D=0Asuccessfully performed on the respective CH=
V.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- indication CHV1/CHV2 CHV.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=
=0D=0A8.10 CHANGE CHV=0D=0AThis function assigns a new value to the relevant=
 CHV subject to the following conditions being fulfilled:=0D=0A- CHV is not =
disabled;=0D=0A- CHV is not blocked.=0D=0AThe old and new CHV shall be prese=
nted.=0D=0AIf the old CHV presented is correct the number of remaining CHV =
attempts for that CHV shall be reset to=0D=0Aits initial value 3 and the new=
 value for the CHV becomes valid.=0D=0AIf the old CHV presented is false th=
e number of remaining CHV attempts for that CHV shall be=0D=0Adecremented an=
d the value of the CHV is unchanged. After 3 consecutive false CHV presentat=
ions not=0D=0Anecessarily in the same card session the respective CHV shal=
l be blocked and the access condition can=0D=0Anever be fulfilled until the =
UNBLOCK CHV function has been performed successfully on the respective CHV.=
=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- indication CHV1/CHV2 old CHV new CHV.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=
=0A- none.=0D=0A8.11 DISABLE CHV=0D=0AThis function may only be applied to C=
HV1. The successful execution of this function has the effect that=0D=0Afile=
s protected by CHV1 are now accessible as if they were marked "ALWAYS". The =
function DISABLE=0ations not necessarily in the same card s=
ession=0D=0ACHV1 shall be blocked and the access condition can never be ful=
filled until the UNBLOCK CHV function has=0D=0Abeen successfully performed o=
n CHV1.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- CHV1.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0APage 32=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A8.12 ENABLE CHV=0D=0AThis func=
tion may only be applied to CHV1. It is the reverse function of DISABLE CHV.=
 The function=0D=0AENABLE CHV shall not be executed by the SIM when CHV1 is =
already enabled or blocked.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 presented is correct the numbe=
r of remaining CHV1 attempts shall be reset to its initial value=0D=0A3 and =
CHV1 shall be enabled.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 presented is false the number of re=
maining CHV1 attempts shall be decremented and CHV1=0D=0Aremains disabled. A=
fter 3 consecutive false CHV1 presentations not necessarily in the same car=
d session=0D=0ACHV1 shall be blocked and the access condition can never be =
fulfilled until the UNBLOCK CHV function has=0D=0Abeen successfully performe=
d on CHV1.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- CHV1.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.13 UNBL=
OCK CHV=0D=0AThis function unblocks a CHV which has been blocked by 3 consec=
utive wrong CHV presentations. This=0D=0Afunction may be performed whether o=
r not the relevant CHV is blocked.=0D=0AIf the UNBLOCK CHV presented is corr=
ect the value of the CHV presented together with the UNBLOCK=0D=0ACHV is =
assigned to that CHV the number of remaining UNBLOCK CHV attempts for that =
UNBLOCK CHV=0D=0Ais reset to its initial value 10 and the number of remainin=
g CHV attempts for that CHV is reset to its initial=0D=0Avalue 3. After a su=
ccessful unblocking attempt the CHV is enabled and the relevant access condi=
tion level=0D=0Ais satisfied.=0D=0AIf the presented UNBLOCK CHV is false th=
e number of remaining UNBLOCK CHV attempts for that=0D=0AUNBLOCK CHV shall b=
e decremented. After 10 consecutive false UNBLOCK CHV presentations not=0D=
=0Anecessarily in the same card session the respective UNBLOCK CHV shall be=
 blocked. A false UNBLOCK=0D=0ACHV shall have no effect on the status of the=
 respective CHV itself.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- indication CHV1/CHV2 the UNBLOCK=
 CHV and the new CHV.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.14 INVALIDATE=0D=0ATh=
is function invalidates the current EF. After an INVALIDATE function the res=
pective flag in the file status=0D=0Ashall be changed accordingly. This func=
tion shall only be performed if the INVALIDATE access condition for=0D=0Athe=
 current EF is satisfied.=0D=0APage 33=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December=
 1995=0D=0AAn invalidated file shall no longer be available within the appli=
cation for any function except for the SELECT=0D=0Aand the REHABILITATE func=
tions.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.15 REHABILI=
TATE=0D=0AThis function rehabilitates the invalidated current EF. After a RE=
HABILITATE function the respective flag in=0D=0Athe file status shall be cha=
nged accordingly. This function shall only be performed if the REHABILITATE=
=0D=0Aaccess condition for the current EF is satisfied.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- n=
one.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.16 RUN GSM ALGORITHM=0D=0AThis functio=
n is used during the procedure for authenticating the SIM to a GSM network a=
nd to calculate a=0D=0Acipher key. The card runs the specified algorithms A3=
 and A8 using a 16 byte random number and the=0D=0Asubscriber authentication=
 key Ki which is stored in the SIM. The function returns the calculated res=
ponse=0D=0ASRES and the cipher key Kc.=0D=0AThe function shall not be execut=
able unless DFGSM has been selected as the Current Directory and a=0D=0Asucc=
essful CHV1 verification procedure has been performed (see 11.3.1).=0D=0AInp=
ut:=0D=0A- RAND.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- SRES Kc.=0D=0AThe contents of Kc shall=
 be presented to algorithm A5 by the ME in its full 64 bit format as deliver=
ed by the=0D=0ASIM.=0D=0A8.17 SLEEP=0D=0AThis is an obsolete GSM function wh=
ich was issued by Phase 1 MEs. The function shall not be used by an=0D=0AME =
of Phase 2 or later.=0D=0A9 Description of the commands=0D=0AThis clause sta=
tes the general principles for mapping the functions described in clause 8 o=
nto Application=0D=0AProtocol Data Units which are used by the transmission =
protocol.=0D=0A9.1 Mapping principles=0D=0AAn APDU can be a command APDU or =
a response APDU.=0D=0APage 34=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0AA command APDU has the following general format:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=
=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3CLA =B3INS =B3 P1 =B3 P2 =B3 P3 =B3 Data =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AThe response APDU has the following general forma=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 Data =B3 SW1 =B3 SW2 =B3=0D=0A=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AAn APDU is transported by the T=3D0 transmissi=
on protocol without any change. Other protocols might=0D=0Aembed an APDU int=
o their own transport structure (ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25]).=0D=0AThe bytes have t=
he following meaning:=0D=0A- CLA is the class of instruction (ISO/IEC 7816-3=
 [25]) 'A0' is used in the GSM application;=0D=0A- INS is the instruction c=
ode (ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25]) as defined in this subclause for each command;=0D=
=0A- P1 P2 P3 are parameters for the instruction. They are specified in ta=
ble 9. 'FF' is a valid value for=0D=0AP1 P2 and P3. P3 gives the length of =
the data element. P3=3D'00' introduces a 256 byte data transfer=0D=0Afrom th=
e SIM in an outgoing data transfer command (response direction). In an ingoi=
ng data transfer=0D=0Acommand (command direction) P3=3D'00' introduces no t=
ransfer of data.=0D=0A- SW1 and SW2 are the status words indicating the succ=
essful or unsuccessful outcome of the=0D=0Acommand.=0D=0AFor some of the fun=
ctions described in clause 8 it is necessary for T=3D0 to use a supplementar=
y transport=0D=0Aservice command (GET RESPONSE) to obtain the output data. F=
or example the SELECT function needs=0D=0Athe following two commands:=0D=
=0A- the first command (SELECT) has both parameters and data serving as inpu=
t for the function;=0D=0A- the second command (GET RESPONSE) has a parameter=
 indicating the length of the data to be=0D=0Areturned.=0D=0AIf the length o=
f the response data is not known beforehand then its correct length may be =
obtained by=0D=0Aapplying the first command and interpreting the status word=
s. SW1 shall be '9F' and SW2 shall give the=0D=0Atotal length of the data. O=
ther status words may be present in case of an error. The various cases are:=
=0D=0ACase 1: No input / No output=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3SW=
1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=
=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth (=3D'00') '90''00'=0D=0ACase 2: No input =
/ Output of known length=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=B3P2=B3P30=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=
=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth (=3D'00') '9F' lgth1=0D=0AGET RESPONSE=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=
=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3 DATA with length lgth2=F3lgth1 =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C1=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth2 '90''00'=0D=0APage 35=0D=0AGSM 11.11 =
Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ACase 4: Input / No output=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=
=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 DATA with length lgth =B3 =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =C0=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=
=0Algth '90''00'=0D=0ACase 5: Input / Output of known or unknown length=0D=
=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 DATA with length lgth =B3 =B3SW1=B3C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth2 '90''00'=0D=0AFor cases 3 and 5 when SW=
1/SW2 indicates there is response data (i.e. SW1/SW2 =3D '9FXX') then if t=
he=0D=0AME requires to get this response data it shall send a GET RESPONSE =
command as described in the=0D=0Arelevant case above.=0D=0AIf the GSM applic=
ation is one of several applications in a multi-application card other comm=
ands with CLA=0D=0Anot equal to 'A0' may be sent by the terminal. This shall=
 not influence the state of the GSM application.=0D=0A9.2 Coding of the comm=
ands=0D=0ATable 9 below gives the coding of the commands. The direction of t=
he data is indicated by (S) and (R)=0D=0Awhere (S) stands for data sent by =
the ME while (R) stands for data received by the ME. Offset is coded=0D=0Aon=
 2 bytes where P1 gives the high order byte and P2 the low order byte. '00 0=
0' means no offset and=0D=0Areading/updating starts with the first byte whil=
e an offset of '00 01' means that reading/updating starts with=0D=0Athe seco=
nd byte 
.=0D=0AIn addition to the instruction codes specified in table 9 =
the following codes are reserved:=0D=0AGSM operational phase:=0D=0A'1X' with=
 X even.=0D=0AAdministrative management phase:=0D=0A'2A' 'D0' 'D2' 'DE' =
'C4' 'C6' 'C8' 'CA' 'CC' 'B4' 'B6' 'B8' 'BA' and 'BC'.=0D=0APage 36=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 9: Coding of the comm=
ands=0D=0ACOMMAND INS P1 P2 P3 S/R=0D=0ASELECT 'A4' '00' '00' '02' S/R=0D=
=0ASTATUS 'F2' '00' '00' lgth R=0D=0AREAD BINARY 'B0' offset high offset low=
 lgth R=0D=0AUPDATE BINARY 'D6' offset high offset low lgth S=0D=0AREAD RECO=
RD 'B2' rec No. mode lgth R=0D=0AUPDATE RECORD 'DC' rec No. mode lgth S=0D=
=0ASEEK 'A2' '00' type/mode lgth S/R=0D=0AINCREASE '32' '00' '00' '03' S/R=
=0D=0AVERIFY CHV '20' '00' CHV No. '08' S=0D=0ACHANGE CHV '24' '00' CHV No. =
'10' S=0D=0ADISABLE CHV '26' '00' '01' '08' S=0D=0AENABLE CHV '28' '00' '01'=
 '08' S=0D=0AUNBLOCK CHV '2C' '00' see NOTE '10' S=0D=0AINVALIDATE '04' '00'=
 '00' '00' -=0D=0AREHABILITATE '44' '00' '00' '00' -=0D=0ARUN GSM ALGORITHM =
'88' '00' '00' '10' S/R=0D=0ASLEEP 'FA' '00' '00' '00' -=0D=0AGET RESPONSE '=
C0' '00' '00' lgth R=0D=0ANOTE: If the UNBLOCK CHV command applies to CHV1 t=
hen P2 is coded '00'; if it applies to=0D=0ACHV2 then P2 is coded '02'.=0D=
=0ADefinitions and codings used in the response parameters/data of the comma=
nds are given in subclause=0D=0A9.3.=0D=0A9.2.1 SELECT=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS IN=
S P1 P2 P3=0D=0ASELECT 'A0' 'A4' '00' '00' '02'=0D=0ACommand parameters/data=
:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 2 File ID 2=0D=0AResponse paramet=
ers/data in case of an MF or DF:=0D=0APage 37=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 D=
ecember 1995=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 2 RFU 2=0D=0A3 - 4 Tot=
al amount of memory of the selected directory=0D=0Awhich is not allocated to=
 any of the DFs or EFs under=0D=0Athe selected directory=0D=0A2=0D=0A5 - 6 F=
ile ID 2=0D=0A7 Type of file (see subclause 9.3) 1=0D=0A8 - 12 RFU 5=0D=0A13=
 Length of the following data (byte 14 to the end) 1=0D=0A14 - 34 GSM specif=
ic data 21=0D=0AGSM specific data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A14 F=
ile characteristics (see detail 1) 1=0D=0A15 Number of DFs which are a direc=
t child of the current=0D=0Adirectory=0D=0A1=0D=0A16 Number of EFs which are=
 a direct child of the current=0D=0Adirectory=0D=0A1=0D=0A17 Number of CHVs=
 UNBLOCK CHVs and administrative=0D=0Acodes=0D=0A1=0D=0A18 RFU 1=0D=0A19 CHV=
1 status (see detail 2) 1=0D=0A20 UNBLOCK CHV1 status (see detail 2) 1=0D=
=0A21 CHV2 status (see detail 2) 1=0D=0A22 UNBLOCK CHV2 status (see detail 2=
) 1=0D=0A23 RFU 1=0D=0A24 - 34 Reserved for the administrative management=
=0D=0A(optional)=0D=0A0=F3lgth=F311=0D=0ANOTE 1: Byte 35 and following are R=
FU.=0D=0ANOTE 2: The STATUS information of the MF DFGSM and DFTELECOM provi=
de some identical=0D=0Aapplication specific data e.g. CHV status. On a mult=
i-application card the MF should=0D=0Anot contain any application specific d=
ata. Such data is obtained by terminals from the=0D=0Aspecific application d=
irectories. ME manufacturers should 3b7=B3b6=B3b5=B3b4=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 Clock st=
op (see below)=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 For running t=
he authentication algorithm=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 a frequency is req=
uired of at least=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 13/8 MHz if b2=3D0 and 13/4 M=
Hz if b2=3D1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Clock=
 stop (see below)=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 b8=3D0: CHV1 enabled; b8=3D1: CHV1 disabled=0D=0ATh=
e coding of the conditions for stopping the clock is as follows:=0D=0APage 3=
8=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ABit b1 Bit b3 Bit b4=0D=
=0A1 0 0 clock stop allowed no preferred level=0D=0A1 1 0 clock stop allowe=
d high level preferred=0D=0A1 0 1 clock stop allowed low level preferred=
=0D=0A0 0 0 clock stop not allowed=0D=0A0 1 0 clock stop not allowed unless=
 at high level=0D=0A0 0 1 clock stop not allowed unless at low level=0D=0AI=
f bit b1 (column 1) is coded 1 stopping the clock is allowed at high or low=
 level. In this case=0D=0Acolumns 2 (bit b3) and 3 (bit b4) give information=
 about the preferred level (high or low resp.) at=0D=0Awhich the clock may =
be stopped.=0D=0AIf bit b1 is coded 0 the clock may be stopped only if the =
mandatory condition in column 2 (b3=3D1 i.e.=0D=0Astop at high level) or co=
lumn 3 (b4=3D1 i.e. stop at low level) is fulfilled. If all 3 bits are code=
d 0 then=0D=0Athe clock shall not be stopped.=0D=0ADetail 2: Status byte of=
 a secret code=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 Number of fals=
e presentations remaining=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 ('0' means blocked)=0D=0A=B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU=0D=0A=
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 b8=
=3D0: secret code not initialised=0D=0Ab8=3D1: secret code initialised=0D=
=0AResponse parameters/data in case of an EF:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Lengt=
h=0D=0A1 - 2 RFU 2=0D=0A3 - 4 File size=0D=0A(for transparent EF: the length=
 of the body part of the EF)=0D=0A(for linear fixed or cyclic EF: record len=
gth multiplied by the=0D=0Anumber of records of the EF)=0D=0A2=0D=0A5 - 6 Fi=
le ID 2=0D=0A7 Type of file (see 9.3) 1=0D=0A8 see detail 3 1=0D=0A9 - 11 Ac=
cess conditions (see 9.3) 3=0D=0A12 File status (see 9.3) 1=0D=0A13 Length o=
f the following data (byte 14 to the end) 1=0D=0A14 Structure of EF (see 9.3th of a record. For a transparent EF this=0D=0Abyte shall be=
 coded '00' if this byte is sent by the SIM.=0D=0APage 39=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Ve=
rsion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9.2.2 STATUS=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=
=0D=0ASTATUS 'A0' 'F2' '00' '00' lgth=0D=0AThe response parameters/data are =
identical to the response parameters/data of the SELECT command in=0D=0Acase=
 of an MF or DF.=0D=0A9.2.3 READ BINARY=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=
=0AREAD BINARY 'A0' 'B0' offset high offset low lgth=0D=0AResponse parameter=
s/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth Data to be read lgth=
 'A0' 'D6' offset high offset low lgth=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0ABy=
te(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth Data lgth=0D=0A9.2.5 READ RECORD=0D=
=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AREAD RECORD 'A0' 'B2' Rec.No. Mode lgth=
=0D=0AParameter P2 specifies the mode:=0D=0A- '02' =3D next record;=0D=0A- '=
03' =3D previous record;=0D=0A- '04' =3D absolute mode/current mode the rec=
ord number is given in P1 with P1=3D'00' denoting=0D=0Athe current record.=
=0D=0AFor the modes "next" and "previous" P1 has no significance and shall b=
e set to '00' by the ME. To ensure=0D=0Aphase compatibility between Phase 2 =
SIMs and Phase 1 MEs the SIM shall not interpret the value given=0D=0Aby th=
e ME.=0D=0APage 40=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AResponse =
parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth The data of t=
he record lgth=0D=0A9.2.6 UPDATE RECORD=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=
=0AUPDATE RECORD 'A0' 'DC' Rec.No. Mode lgth=0D=0AParameter P2 specifies the=
 mode:=0D=0A- '02' =3D next record;=0D=0A- '03' =3D previous record;=0D=0A- =
'04' =3D absolute mode/current mode; the record number is given in P1 with P=
1=3D'00' denoting=0D=0Athe current record.=0D=0AFor the modes "next" and "pr=
evious" P1 has no significance and shall be set to '00' by the ME. To ensure=
=0D=0Aphase compatibility between Phase 2 SIMs and Phase 1 MEs the SIM shal=
l not interpret the value given=0D=0Aby the ME.=0D=0ACommand parameters/data=
:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth Data lgth=0D=0A9.2.7 SEEK=
=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0ASEEK 'A0' 'A2' '00' Type/Mode lgth=0D=
=0AParameter P2 specifies type and mode:=0D=0A- 'x0' =3D from the beginning =
forward;=0D=0A- 'x1' =3D from the end backward;=0D=0A- 'x2' =3D from the nex=
t location forward;=0D=0A- 'x3' =3D from the previous location backward=0D=
=0Awith x=3D'0' specifies type 1 and x=3D'1' specifies type 2 of the SEEK co=
mmand.=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 =
- lgth Pattern lgth=0D=0AThere are no response parameters/data for a type 1 =
SEEK. A type 2 SEEK returns the following response=0D=0Aparameters/data:=0D=
=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 Record number 1=0D=0APage 41=0D=0AGSM 1=
1.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9.2.8 INCREASE=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS =
P1 P2 P3=0D=0AINCREASE 'A0' '32' '00' '00' '03'=0D=0ACommand parameters/data=
:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 3 Value to be added 3=0D=0ARespon=
se parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - X Value of the =
increased record X=0D=0AX+1 - X+3 Value which has been added 3=0D=0ANOTE: X =
denotes the length of the record.=0D=0A9.2.9 VERIFY CHV=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS I=
NS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AVERIFY CHV 'A0' '20' '00' CHV No. '08'=0D=0AParameter P2 sp=
ecifies the CHV:=0D=0A- '01' =3D CHV1;=0D=0A- '02' =3D CHV2.=0D=0ACommand pa=
rameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 8 CHV value 8=0D=0A9=
00' CHV No. '10'=0D=0AParameter P2 specifies the CHV:=0D=0A- '01' =3D CHV1;=
=0D=0A- '02' =3D CHV2.=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Descriptio=
n Length=0D=0A1 - 8 Old CHV value 8=0D=0A9 - 16 New CHV value 8=0D=0APage 42=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9.2.11 DISABLE CHV=0D=0ACOM=
MAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0ADISABLE CHV 'A0' '26' '00' '01' '08'=0D=0AComma=
nd parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 8 CHV1 value 8=
=0D=0A9.2.12 ENABLE CHng of CHV1 used for other commands.=
=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 8 UN=
BLOCK CHV value 8=0D=0A9 - 16 New CHV value 8=0D=0A9.2.14 INVALIDATE=0D=0ACO=
MMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AINVALIDATE 'A0' '04' '00' '00' '00'=0D=0A9.2.1=
00' '00' '00'=0D=0APage 43=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9=
GORITHM=0D=0A'A0' '88' '00' '00' '10'=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByt=
e(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 16 RAND 16=0D=0AResponse parameters/data:=
=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 4 SRES 4=0D=0A5 - 12 Cipher Key Kc=
 8=0D=0AThe most significant bit of SRES is coded on bit 8 of byte 1. The mo=
st significant bit of Kc is coded on bit 8=0D=0Aof byte 5.=0D=0A9.2.17 SLEEP=
=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0ASLEEP 'A0' 'FA' '00' '00' '00'=0D=0ANO=
TE: This command is used by Phase 1 MEs only.=0D=0A9.2.18 GET RESPONSE=0D=
=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AGET RESPONSE 'A0' 'C0' '00' '00' lgth=0D=
=0AThe response data depends on the preceding command. Response data is avai=
lable after the commands=0D=0ARUN GSM ALGORITHM SEEK (type 2) SELECT and =
INCREASE. If the command GET RESPONSE is=0D=0Aexecuted it is required that =
it is executed immediately after the command it is related to (no other=0D=
=0Acommand shall come between the command/response pair and the command GET =
RESPONSE). If the=0D=0Asequence is not respected the SIM shall send the sta=
tus information "technical problem with no diagnostic=0D=0Agiven" as a react=
ion to the GET RESPONSE.=0D=0ASince the MF is implicitly selected after acti=
vation of the SIM GET RESPONSE is also allowed as the first=0D=0Acommand af=
ter activation.=0D=0AThe response data itself is defined in the subclause fo=
r the corresponding command.=0D=0A9.3 Definitions and coding=0D=0AThe follow=
ing definitions and coding are used in the response parameters/data of the c=
ommands.=0D=0ACoding=0D=0AEach byte is represented by bits b8 to b1 where b=
8 is the most significant bit (MSB) and b1 is the least=0D=0Asignificant bit=
 (LSB). In each representation the leftmost bit is the MSB.=0D=0APage 44=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ARFU=0D=0AIn a GSM specific car=
d all bytes which are RFU shall be set to '00' and RFU bits to 0. Where the =
GSM=0D=0Aapplication exists on a multiapplication card or is built on a gene=
ric telecommunications card (e.g. TE9)=0D=0Athen other values may apply. The=
 values will be defined in the appropriate specifications for such cards.=
=0D=0AThese bytes and bits shall not be interpreted by an ME in a GSM sessio=
n.=0D=0AFile status=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 b1=3D0: invalidated; b1=
=3D1: not invalidated=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU=0D=0AStructure of file=0D=0A- '00' transparent;=
=0D=0A- '01' linear fixed;=0D=0A- '03' cyclic.=0D=0AType of File=0D=0A- '00'=
 RFU;=0D=0A- '01' MF;=0D=0A- '02' DF;=0D=0A- '04' EF.=0D=0ACoding of CHVs an=
d UNBLOCK CHVs=0D=0AA CHV is coded on 8 bytes. Only (decimal) digits (0-9) s=
hall be used coded in CCITT T.50 [19] with bit 8=0D=0Aset to zero. The mini=
mum number of digits is 4. If the number of digits presented by the user is =
less than 8=0D=0Athen the ME shall pad the presented CHV with 'FF' before se=
nding it to the SIM.=0D=0AThe coding of the UNBLOCK CHVs is identical to the=
 coding of the CHVs. However the number of=0D=0A(decimal) digits is always =
8.=0D=0ACoding of Access Conditions=0D=0AThe access conditions for the comma=
nds are coded on bytes 9 10 and 11 of the response data of the=0D=0ASELECT =
command. Each condition is coded on 4 bits as shown in table 10.=0D=0APage 4=
5=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 10: Access condition=
=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 ALW =B3 '0' =B3=0D=0A=B3 CHV1 =B3 '1' =B3=0D=0A=B3 CHV=
2 =B3 '2' =B3=0D=0A=B3 RFU =B3 '3' =B3=0D=0A=B3 ADM =B3 '4' =B3=0D=0A=B3 

 =B3=0D=0A=B3 ADM =B3 'E' =B3=0D=0A=B3 NEV =B3 'F' =B3=0D=0A=C0=
=0D=0AByte 9:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 UPDATE=0D=0A=
=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 REA=
D; SEEK=0D=0AByte 10:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 RFU=0D=
=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 =
INCREASE=0D=0AByte 11:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=B3=0D=0A=C0=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=0D=0A'90' '00' - normal ending of the command=0D=0A'9F' 'XX' - length 'XX' =
of the response data=0D=0A9.4.2 Memory management=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Error descrip=
tion=0D=0A'92' '0X' - update successful but after using an internal retry ro=
utine 'X'=0D=0Atimes=0D=0A'92' '40' - memory problem=0D=0A9.4.3 Referencing =
management=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Error description=0D=0A'94' '00' - no EF selected=
=0D=0A'94' '02' - out of range (invalid address)=0D=0A'94' '04' - file ID no=
t found=0D=0A- pattern not found=0D=0A'94' '08' - file is inconsistent with =
the command=0D=0APage 46=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9.4=
.4 Security management=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Error description=0D=0A'98' '02' - no CH=
V initialised=0D=0A'98' '04' - access condition not fulfilled=0D=0A- unsucce=
ssful CHV verification at least one attempt left=0D=0A- unsuccessful UNBLOC=
K CHV verification at least one attempt=0D=0Aleft=0D=0A- authentication fai=
led (see note)=0D=0A'98' '08' - in contradiction with CHV status=0D=0A'98' '=
10' - in contradiction with invalidation status=0D=0A'98' '40' - unsuccessfu=
l CHV verification no attempt left=0D=0A- unsuccessful UNBLOCK CHV verifica=
tion no attempt left=0D=0A- CHV blocked=0D=0A- UNBLOCK CHV blocked=0D=0A'98=
' '50' - increase cannot be performed Max value reached=0D=0ANOTE: A Phase =
1 SIM may send this error code after the third consecutive unsuccessful CHV=
=0D=0Averification attempt or the tenth consecutive unsuccessful unblocking =
attempt.=0D=0A9.4.5 Application independent errors=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Error descri=
ption=0D=0A'67' 'XX' - incorrect parameter P3 (see note)=0D=0A'6B' 'XX'# - i=
ncorrect parameter P1 or P2 (see ##)=0D=0A'6D' 'XX'# - unknown instruction c=
ode given in the command=0D=0A'6E' 'XX'# - wrong instruction class given in =
the command=0D=0A'6F' 'XX'# - technical problem with no diagnostic given=0D=
=0A# These values of 'XX' are specified by ISO/IEC; at present the default v=
alue 'XX'=3D'00' is the only one=0D=0Adefined.=0D=0A## When the error in P1 =
or P2 is caused by the addressed record being out of range then the return =
code=0D=0A'94 02' shall be used.=0D=0ANOTE: 'XX' gives the correct length or=
 states that no additional information is given ('XX' =3D=0D=0A'00').=0D=0A9=
.4.6 Commands versus possible status responses=0D=0AThe following table show=
s for each command the possible status conditions returned (marked by an=0D=
=0Aasterisk *).=0D=0APage 47=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0ATable 11: Commands and status words=0D=0AOK Mem=0D=0ASta=0D=0ARefer.=0D=
8=0D=0A40=0D=0A98=0D=0A5ify CHV *=
=0D=0AChange CHV *=0D=0ADisable CHV =
*=0D=0AEnable CHV *=0D=0AUnblock CHV *=
 *=0D=0AInvalidate *=0D=0ARehabilitate *=
=0D=0ARun GSM Algorithm *=0D=0ASleep *=0D=0AGet Respon=
se *=0D=0A10 Contents of the Elementary Files (EF)=0D=0AThis claus=
e specifies the EFs for the GSM session defining access conditions data ite=
ms and coding. A=0D=0Adata item is a part of an EF which represents a comple=
te logical entity e.g. the alpha tag in a EFADN=0D=0Arecord.=0D=0AEFs or da=
ta items having an unassigned value or which during the GSM session are c=
leared by the ME=0D=0Ashall have their bytes set to 'FF'. After the adminis=
trative phase all data items shall have a defined value or=0D=0Ahave their b=
ytes set to 'FF'. If a data item is "deleted" during a GSM session by the al=
location of a value=0D=0Aspecified in another GSM TS then this value shall =
be used and the data item is not unassigned; e.g. for a=0D=0Adeleted LAI in=
 EFLOCI the last byte takes the value 'FE' (TS GSM 04.08 [14] refers).=0D=
=0AEFs are mandatory (M) or optional (O). The file size of an optional EF ma=
y be zero. All implemented EFs=0D=0Awith a file size greater than zero shall=
 contain all mandatory data items. Optional data items may either be=0D=0Afi=
lled with 'F' or if located at the end of an EF need not exist.=0D=0AWhen=
 the coding is according to CCITT Recommendation T.50 [19] bit 8 of every b=
yte shall be set to 0.=0D=0AFor an overview containing all files see figure =
8.=0D=0A10.1 Contents of the EFs at the MF level=0D=0AThere is only one EF a=
t the MF level.=0D=0A10.1.1 EFICCID (ICC Identification)=0D=0AThis EF provid=
es a unique identification number for the SIM.=0D=0APage 48=0D=0AGSM 11.11 V=
ersion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '2FE2' Structure: transparent Ma=
ndatory=0D=0AFile size: 10 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions=
DM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 10 Identification number M 10 =
bytes=0D=0A- Identification number=0D=0AContents: according to CCITT Recomme=
ndation E.118 [17]. However network operators who are=0D=0Aalready issuing =
Phase 1 SIM cards with an identification number length of 20 digits may reta=
in=0D=0Athis length.=0D=0APurpose: card identification number.=0D=0ACoding: =
BCD left justified and padded with 'F'; after padding the digits within a b=
yte are swapped=0D=0A(see below). However network operators who are already=
 issuing Phase 1 SIM cards where=0D=0Athe digits within a byte are not swapp=
ed may retain this configuration.=0D=0AByte 1:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=
=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=
=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 2=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 2=0D=0AB=
yte 2:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Di=
git 3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of =
Digit 4=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 =
:=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=
=C4 MSB of Digit 4=0D=0Aetc.=0D=0A10.2 Contents of files at the GSM applicat=
ion level=0D=0AThe EFs in the Dedicated File DFGSM contain network related i=
nformation.=0D=0A10.2.1 EFLP (Language preference)=0D=0AThis EF contains the=
 codes for one or more languages. This information determined by the user/o=
perator=0D=0Adefines the preferred languages of the user in order of priori=
ty. This information may be used by the ME=0D=0Afor MMI purposes and for sho=
rt message handling (e.g. screening of preferred languages in SMS-CB).=0D=
=0AWhen the CB Message Identifier capability is both allocated and activated=
 the ME selects only those CB=0D=0Amessages the language of which correspond=
s to one of the languages given in this EF. The CB message=0D=0Alanguage is =
recognized according to TS GSM 03.41 by its data coding scheme.=0D=0APage 49=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F05' Structur=
e: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 1-n bytes Update activity: low=0D=
=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 1st language co=
de (highest prior.) M 1 byte=0D=0A2 2nd language code O 1 byte=0D=0An nth la=
nguage code (lowest prior.) O 1 byte=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 03.41 =
[13].=0D=0AUsing the command GET RESPONSE the ME can determine the size of =
the EF.=0D=0A10.2.2 EFIMSI (IMSI)=0D=0AThis EF contains the International Mo=
bile Subscriber Identity (IMSI).=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F07' Structure: transpar=
ent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 9 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Condi=
CHV1=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 length of IMSI M 1 byte=0D=0A2=
 - 9 IMSI M 8 bytes=0D=0A- length of IMSI=0D=0AContents: The length indicato=
r refers to the number of significant bytes not including this length byte=
=0D=0Arequired for the IMSI.=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=
=0D=0A- IMSI=0D=0AContents: International Mobile Subscriber Identity.=0D=0AC=
oding: This information element is of variable length. If a network operator=
 chooses an IMSI of less=0D=0Athan 15 digits unused nibbles shall be set to=
 'F'.=0D=0APage 50=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AByte 2:=
=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4 0=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 0=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Parity=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 1=
=0D=0AFor the parity bit see TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0AByte 3:=0D=0A=DA=C4=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 2=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 2=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 3=0D=0A=
=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=C0=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of=
 Digit 3=0D=0Aetc.=0D=0A10.2.3 EFKc (Ciphering key Kc)=0D=0AThis EF contains=
 the ciphering key Kc and the ciphering key sequence number n.=0D=0AIdentifi=
er: '6F20' Structure: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 9 bytes Update a=
ctivity: high=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CHV1=0D=0AI=
NVALIDATE ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1=
 - 8 Ciphering key Kc M 8 bytes=0D=0A9 Ciphering key sequence number n M 1 b=
yte=0D=0A- Ciphering key Kc=0D=0ACoding: The least significant bit of Kc is =
the least significant bit of the eighth byte. The most=0D=0Asignificant bit =
of Kc is the most significant bit of the first byte.=0D=0A- Ciphering key se=
quence number n=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 n=0D=
=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 =
bits b4 to b8 are coded 0=0D=0ANOTE: TS GSM 04.08 [14] defines the value of priority order.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F30' Structure: transpare=
nt Optional=0D=0AFile size: 3n (n=F28) bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAcces=
ILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 3 1st PLMN (highest p=
riority) M 3 bytes=0D=0A22 - 24 8th PLMN M 3 bytes=0D=0A25 - 27 9th PLMN O 3=
 bytes=0D=0A(3n-2)-3n nth PLMN (lowest priority) O 3 bytes=0D=0A- PLMN=0D=
=0AContents: Mobile Country Code (MCC) followed by the Mobile Network Code (=
MNC).=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0AIf storage for fewer=
 than the maximum possible number n is required the excess bytes shall=0D=
=0Abe set to 'FF'.=0D=0AFor instance using 246 for the MCC and 81 for the M=
NC and if this is the first and only=0D=0APLMN the contents reads as follow=
s:=0D=0ABytes 1-3: '42' 'F6' '18'=0D=0ABytes 4-6: 'FF' 'FF' 'FF'=0D=0Aetc.=
=0D=0A10.2.5 EFHPLMN (HPLMN search period)=0D=0AThis EF contains the interva=
l of time between searches for the HPLMN (see TS GSM 02.11 [5]).=0D=0AIdenti=
fier: '6F31' Structure: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 1 byte Update =
activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE ADM=0D=0AIN=
VALIDATE ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 =
Time interval M 1 byte=0D=0A- Time interval=0D=0AContents: The time interval=
 between two searches.=0D=0ACoding: The time interval is coded in integer mu=
ltiples of n minutes. The range is from n minutes to a=0D=0Amaximum value. T=
he value '00' indicates that no attempts shall be made to search for the=0D=
=0AHPLMN. The encoding is:=0D=0A- '00': No HPLMN search attempts=0D=0A- '01'=
: n minutes=0D=0APage 52=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A- '=
02': 2n minutes=0D=0A- : :=0D=0A- 'YZ': (16Y+Z)n minutes (maximum value)=0D=
=0AAll other values shall be interpreted by the ME as a default period.=0D=
=0AFor specification of the integer timer interval n the maximum value and =
the default period refer to=0D=0ATS GSM 02.11 [5].=0D=0A10.2.6 EFACMmax (ACM=
 maximum value)=0D=0AThis EF contains the maximum value of the accumulated c=
all meter. This EF shall always be allocated if=0D=0AEFACM is allocated.=0D=
=0AIdentifier: '6F37' Structure: transparent Optional=0D=0AFile size: 3 byte=
s Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CH=
V1/CHV2=0D=0A(fixed during administrative management)=0D=0AINVALIDATE ADM=
=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 3 Maximum =
value M 3 bytes=0D=0A- Maximum value=0D=0AContents: maximum value of the Acc=
umulated Call Meter (ACM)=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0AFirst byte:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3b8 =B3b7 =B3b6 =B3b5 =B3b4 =B3b3 =B3b2 =B3b1 =B3=0D=0A=
=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3=0D=0A223 222 2=
21 220 219 218 217 216=0D=0ASecond byte:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=
=0A=B3b8 =B3b7 =B3b6 =B3b5 =B3b4 =B3b3 =B3b2 =B3b1 =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3=0D=0A215 214 213 212 211 210 =
29 28=0D=0AThird byte:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3b8 =B3b7 =B3b GSM 02.24 [7] if it is coded '000000'.=0D=0A10.2.7 EFSST (S=
IM service table)=0D=0AThis EF indicates which services are allocated and w=
hether if allocated the service is activated. If a=0D=0Aservice is not all=
ocated or not activated in the SIM the ME shall not select this service.=
=0D=0APage 53=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '6=
F38' Structure: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 4 bytes Update activit=
y: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE ADM=0D=0AINVALIDAT=
E ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 Service=
s n=F81 to n=F84 M 1 byte=0D=0A2 Services n=F85 to n=F88 M 1 byte=0D=0A3 Ser=
vices n=F89 to n=F812 M 1 byte=0D=0A4 Services n=F813 to n=F816 M 1 byte=0D=
=0A5 Services n=F817 to n=F820 M 1 byte=0D=0A- Services=0D=0AContents:=0D=
=0AService n=B01 : CHV1 disable function=0D=0AService n=B02 : Abbreviated  n=B012: SMS Parameters=0D=0AService n=B013: Last Number Diall=
ed (LND)=0D=0AService n=B014: Cell Broadcast Message Identifier=0D=0AService=
 n=B015: Group Identifier Level 1=0D=0AService n=B016: Group Identifier Leve=
l 2=0D=0AService n=B017: Service Provider Name=0D=0ANOTE 1: Service N=B08 wa=
s used in Phase 1 for Called Party Subaddress. To prevent any risk of=0D=0Ai=
ncompatibility Service N=B08 should not be reallocated.=0D=0ANOTE 2: Other s=
ervices are possible in the future and will be coded on further bytes in the=
 EF.=0D=0AThe coding falls under the responsibility of ETSI.=0D=0ACoding:=
=0D=0A2 bits are used to code each service:=0D=0Afirst bit =3D 1: service al=
located=0D=0Afirst bit =3D 0: service not allocated=0D=0Awhere the first bit=
 is b1 b3 b5 or b7;=0D=0Asecond bit =3D 1: service activated=0D=0Asecond b=
it =3D 0: service not activated=0D=0Awhere the second bit is b2 b4 b6 or b=
8.=0D=0AService allocated means that the SIM has the capability to support t=
he service. Service=0D=0Aactivated means that the service is available for t=
he card holder (only valid if the service is=0D=0Aallocated).=0D=0AThe follo=
wing codings are possible:=0D=0A- first bit =3D 0: service not allocated se=
cond bit has no meaning;=0D=0APage 54=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December =
1995=0D=0A- first bit =3D 1 and second bit =3D 0: service allocated but not =
activated;=0D=0A- first bit =3D 1 and second bit =3D 1: service allocated an=
d activated.=0D=0AFirst byte:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 Service n=
=F81=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Service n=F82=
=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Service=
=C4=C4=C4 Service n=F84=0D=0Aetc.=0D=0AFourth byte:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4 Service n=F813=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4 Service n=F814=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Service n=F815=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Service n=F816=0D=0AFifth byte:=0D=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 Service n=F817=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU (see subclause 9.=
3)=0D=0AThe following example of coding for the first byte means that servic=
e n=B01 "CHV1-Disabling" is=0D=0Aallocated but not activated:=0D=0A=DA=C4=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0AX X X X X X 0 1=0D=
=0AIf the SIM supports the FDN feature (FDN allocated and activated) a speci=
al mechanism shall exist in the=0D=0ASIM which invalidates both EFIMSI and E=
FLOCI once during each GSM session. This mechanism shall be=0D=0Ainvoked by =
the SIM automatically if FDN is enabled. This invalidation shall occur at le=
ast before the next=0D=0Acommand following selection of either EF. FDN is en=
abled when the ADN is invalidated or not activated.=0D=0A10.2.8 EFACM (Accum=
ulated call meter)=0D=0AThis EF contains the total number of units for both =
the current call and the preceding calls.=0D=0ANOTE: The information may be =
used to provide an indication to the user for advice or as a=0D=0Abasis for =
the calculation of the monetary cost of calls (see TS GSM 02.86 [9]).=0D=0AI=
dentifier: '6F39' Structure: cyclic Optional=0D=0ARecord length: 3 bytes Upd=
ate activity: high=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CHV1/C=
HV2=0D=0A(fixed during administrative management)=0D=0AINCREASE CHV1=0D=0AIN=
VALIDATE ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 =
- 3 Accumulated count of units M 3 bytes=0D=0A- Accumulated count of units=
=0D=0AContents: value of the ACM=0D=0ACoding: see the coding of EFACMmax=0D=
=0APage 55=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.2.9 EFGID1 (Gr=
oup Identifier Level 1)=0D=0AThis EF contains identifiers for particular SIM=
-ME associations. It can be used to identify a group of SIMs=0D=0Afor a part=
icular appliations. It can be used to identify a group=
 of SIMs=0D=0Afor a particular application.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F3F' Structur=
e: transparent Optional=0D=0AFile size: 1-n bytes Update activity: low=0D=
=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - n SIM group i=
dentifier(s) O n bytes=0D=0ANote: The structure of EFGID1 and EFGID2 are ide=
ntical. They are provided to allow the=0D=0Anetwork operator to enforce diff=
erent levels of security dependant on application.=0D=0A10.2.11 EFSPN (Servi=
ce Provider Name)=0D=0AThis EF contains the service provider name and approp=
riate requirements for the display by the ME.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F46' Struct=
ure: transparent Optional=0D=0AFile Size: 17 bytes Update activity: low=0D=
=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 Display Cond=
ition M 1 byte=0D=0A2 - 17 Service Provider Name M 16 bytes=0D=0APage 56=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A- Display Condition=0D=0AConte=
nts: display condition for the service provider name in respect to the regis=
tered PLMN (see TS=0D=0AGSM 02.07 [3])=0D=0ACoding: see below=0D=0AByte 1:=
=0D=0ABit b1=0D=0A0 : display of registered PLMN not required=0D=0A1 : displ=
ay of registered PLMN required=0D=0ABits b2 to b8 are RFU (see subclause 9.3=
)=0D=0A- Service Provider Name=0D=0AContents: service provider string to be =
displayed=0D=0ACoding: the string shall use the SMS default 7-bit coded alph=
abet as defined in TS GSM 03.38 [11]=0D=0Awith bit 8 set to 0. The string sh=
all be left justified. Unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.=0D=0A10.2.12 EFPUC=
T (Price per unit and currency table)=0D=0AThis EF contains the Price per Un=
it and Currency Table (PUCT). The PUCT is Advice of Charge related=0D=0Ainfo=
rmation which may be used by the ME in conjunction with EFACM to compute the=
 cost of calls in the=0D=0Acurrency chosen by the subscriber as specified i=
n TS GSM 02.24 [7]. This EF shall always be allocated if=0D=0AEFACM is alloc=
ated.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F41' Structure: transparent Optional=0D=0AFile size=
: 5 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AU=
PDATE CHV1/CHV2=0D=0A(fixed during administrative management)=0D=0AINVALIDAT=
E ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 3 Cur=
rency code M 3 bytes=0D=0A4 - 5 Price per unit M 2 bytes=0D=0A- Currency cod=
e=0D=0AContents: the alpha-identifier of the currency code.=0D=0ACoding: byt=
es 1 2 and 3 are the respective first second and third character of the al=
pha identifier.=0D=0AThis alpha-tagging shall use the SMS default 7-bit code=
d alphabet as defined in TS GSM=0D=0A03.38 [11] with bit 8 set to 0.=0D=0A- =
Price per unit=0D=0AContents: price per unit expressed in the currency coded=
 by bytes 1-3.=0D=0ACoding: Byte 4 and bits b1 to b4 of byte 5 represent the=
 Elementary Price per Unit (EPPU) in the=0D=0Acurrency coded by bytes 1-3. B=
its b5 to b8 of byte 5 are the decimal logarithm of the=0D=0Amultiplicative =
factor represented by the absolute value of its decimal logarithm (EX) and t=
he=0D=0Asign of EX which is coded 0 for a positive sign and 1 for a negativ=
e sign.=0D=0APage 57=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AByte 4:=
=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3b8 =B3b7 =B3b6 =B3b5 =B3b4 =B3b3 =B3b=
2 =B3b1 =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3=0D=0A211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 of EPPU=0D=0AByte 5:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3b8 =B3b7 =B3b6 =B3b5 =B3b4 =B3b3 =B3b2 =B3b1 =B3=0D=0A=
=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 23 22 21 20 of EPPU=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Sign of EX=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 20 of Abs(EX)=0D=0A=
=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 21 of Abs(EX)=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 22 of Abs(EX)=0D=
=0AThe computation of the price per unit value is made by the ME in complian=
ce with TS GSM=0D=0A02.24 [7] by the following formula:=0D=0Aprice per unit =
=3D EPPU 10EX.=0D=0AThe price has to be understood as expressed in the cod=
ed currency.=0D=0A10.2.13 EFCBMI (Cell broadcast message identifier selectio=
n)=0D=0AThis EF contains the Message Identifier Parameters which specify the=
 type of content of the cell broadcast=0D=0Amessages that the subscriber wis=
hes the MS to accept.=0D=0AAny number of CB Message Identifier Parameters ma=
y be stored in the SIM. No order of priority is=0D=0Aapplicable.=0D=0AIdenti=
fier: '6F45' Structure: transparent Optional=0D=0AFile size: 2n bytes Update=
 activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CHV1=0D=
=0D=0A1 - 2 CB Message Identifier 1 O 2 bytes=0D=0A3 - 4 CB Message Identifi=
er 2 O 2 bytes=0D=0A2n-1 - 2n CB Message Identifier n O 2 bytes=0D=0A- Cell =
Broadcast Message Identifier=0D=0ACoding: as in GSM 03.41 'Message Format o=
n BTS-MS Interface - Message Identifier'.=0D=0AValues listed show the types =
of message which shall be accepted by the MS.=0D=0AUnused entries shall be s=
et to 'FF FF'.=0D=0A10.2.14 EFBCCH (Broadcast control channels)=0D=0AThis EF=
 contains information concerning the BCCH according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=
=0D=0ABCCH storage may reduce the extent of a Mobile Station's search of BCC=
H carriers when selecting a cell.=0D=0AThe BCCH carrier lists in an MS shall=
 be in accordance with the procedures specified in TS GSM 04.08=0D=0A[14]. T=
he MS shall only store BCCH information from the System Information 2 messag=
e and not the 2bis=0D=0Aextension message.=0D=0APage 58=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Versi=
on 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F74' Structure: transparent Mandat=
ory=0D=0AFile size: 16 bytes Update activity: high=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=
=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 16 BCCH information M 16 bytes=
=0D=0A- BCCH information=0D=0ACoding: The information is coded as octets 2-1=
7 of the 'neighbour cells description information=0D=0Aelement' in TS GSM 04=
.08 [14].=0D=0A10.2.15 EFACC (Access control class)=0D=0AThis EF contains th=
e assigned access control class(es). TS GSM 02.11 [5] refers. The access con=
trol=0D=0Aclass is a parameter to control the RACH utilisation. 15 classes a=
re split into 10 classes randomly=0D=0Aallocated to normal subscribers and 5=
 classes allocated to specific high priority users. For more=0D=0Ainformatio=
n see TS GSM 02.11 [5].=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F78' Structure: transparent Manda=
tory=0D=0AFile size: 2 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=
=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 2 Access control classes M 2 byt=
es=0D=0A- Access control classes=0D=0ACoding: Each ACC is coded on one bit. =
An ACC is "allocated" if the corresponding bit is set to 1 and=0D=0A"not all=
ocated" if this bit is set to 0. Bit b3 of byte 1 is set to 0.=0D=0AByte 1:=
=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A15 14 1=
3 12 11 10 09 08 Number of the ACC (except for bit b3)=0D=0AByte 2:=0D=0A=
=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A07 06 05 04 0=
3 02 01 00 Number of the ACC=0D=0A10.2.16 EFFPLMN (Forbidden PLMNs)=0D=0AThi=
s EF contains the coding for four Forbidden PLMNs (FPLMN). It is read by the=
 ME as part of the SIM=0D=0Ainitialisation procedure and indicates PLMNs whi=
ch the MS shall not automatically attempt to access.=0D=0AA PLMN is written =
to the EF if a network rejects a Location Update with the cause "PLMN not al=
lowed".=0D=0AThe ME shall manage the list as follows.=0D=0AWhen four FPLMNs =
are held in the EF and rejection of a further PLMN is received by the ME fr=
om the=0D=0Anetwork the ME shall modify the EF using the UPDATE command. Th=
is new PLMN shall be stored in the=0D=0Afourth position and the existing li=
st 'shifted' causing the previous contents of the first position to be lost.=
=0D=0APage 59=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AWhen less than=
 four FPLMNs exist in the EF storage of an additional FPLMN shall not cause=
 any existing=0D=0AFPLMN to be lost.=0D=0ADependent upon procedures used to =
manage storage and deletion of FPLMNs in the EF it is possible=0D=0Awhen l=
ess than four FPLMNs exist in the EF for 'FFFFFF' to occur in any position.=
 The ME shall analyse=0D=0Aall the EF for FPLMNs in any position and not re=
gard 'FFFFFF' as a termination of valid data.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F7B' Struct=
ure: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 12 bytes Update activity: low=0D=
=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 3 PLMN 1 M=
 3 bytes=0D=0A4 - 6 PLMN 2 M 3 bytes=0D=0A7 - 9 PLMN 3 M 3 bytes=0D=0A10 - 1=
2 PLMN 4 M 3 bytes=0D=0A- PLMN=0D=0AContents: Mobile Country Code (MCC) foll=
owed by the Mobile Network Code (MNC).=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.0=
8 [14].=0D=0AFor instance using 246 for the MCC and 81 for the MNC and if t=
his is stored in PLMN 3 the=0D=0Acontents is as follows:=0D=0ABytes 7-9: '42=
' 'F6' '18'=0D=0AIf storage for fewer than 4 PLMNs is required the unused b=
ytes shall be set to 'FF'.=0D=0A10.2.17 EFLOCI (Location information)=0D=0AT=
his EF contains the following Location Information:=0D=0A- Temporary Mobile =
Subscriber Identity (TMSI)=0D=0A- Location Area Information (LAI)=0D=0A- TMS=
I TIME=0D=0A- Location update status=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F7E' Structure: tran=
sparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 11 bytes Update activity: high=0D=0AAccess=
LITATE CHV1=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 4 TMSI M 4 bytes=0D=
=0A5 - 9 LAI M 5 bytes=0D=0A10 TMSI TIME M 1 byte=0D=0A11 Location update st=
atus M 1 byte=0D=0A- TMSI=0D=0AContents: Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identit=
y=0D=0APage 60=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ACoding: accor=
ding to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0AByte 1: first byte of TMSI=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=
=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0AMSB=0D=0A- LAI=0D=0AConte=
nts: Location Area Information=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=
=0D=0AByte 5: first byte of LAI (MCC)=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LSB of M=
CC Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of MCC Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of MCC Digit 2=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of MCC Digit 2=0D=
=0AByte 6: second byte of LAI (MCC continued)=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=
=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LS=
B of MCC Digit 3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of MCC Digit 3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 bits b5 to b8 are 1=
=0D=0AByte 7: third byte of LAI (MNC)=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LSB of M=
NC Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of MNC Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of MNC Digit 2=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of MNC Digit 2=0D=
=0AByte 8: fourth byte of LAI (LAC)=0D=0AByte 9: fifth byte of LAI (LAC cont=
inued)=0D=0A- TMSI TIME=0D=0AContents: Current value of Periodic Location Up=
dating Timer (T3212).=0D=0AThis byte is used by Phase 1 MEs but it shall no=
t be used by Phase 2 MEs.=0D=0A- Location update status=0D=0AContents: statu=
s of location update according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0AByte =
11:=0D=0ABits: b3 b2 b1=0D=0A0 0 0 : updated=0D=0A0 0 1 : not updated=0D=0A0=
 1 0 : PLMN not allowed=0D=0A0 1 1 : Location Area not allowed=0D=0A1 1 1 : =
reserved=0D=0ABits b4 to b8 are RFU (see subclause 9.3).=0D=0APage 61=0D=0AG=
SM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.2.18 EFAD (Administrative data)=
=0D=0AThis EF contains information concerning the mode of operation accordin=
g to the type of SIM such as=0D=0Anormal (to be used by PLMN subscribers fo=
r GSM operations) type approval (to allow specific use of the=0D=0AME durin=
g type approval procedures of e.g. the radio equipment) cell testing (to al=
low testing of a cell=0D=0Abefore commercial use of this cell) manufacturer=
 specific (to allow the ME manufacturer to perform=0D=0Aspecific proprietary=
 auto-test in its ME during e.g. maintenance phases).=0D=0AIdentifier: '6FAD=
' Structure: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 3+X bytes Update activity=
: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD ALW=0D=0AUPDATE ADM=0D=0AINVALIDATE =
ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 MS operat=
ion mode M 1 byte=0D=0A2 - 3 Additional information M 2 bytes=0D=0A4 - 3+X R=
FU O X bytes=0D=0A- MS operation mode=0D=0AContents: mode of operation for t=
he MS=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0AInitial value=0D=0A- normal operation '00'=0D=0A- ty=
pe approval operations '80'=0D=0A- normal operation + specific facilities '0=
1'=0D=0A- type approval operations + specific facilities '81'=0D=0A- mainten=
ance (off line) '02'=0D=0A- cell test operation '04'=0D=0A- Additional infor=
mation=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0A- special facility number (if b1=3D1 in byte 1);=
=0D=0A- ME manufacturer specific information (if b2=3D1 in byte 1).=0D=0A10.=
2.19 EFPhase (Phase identification)=0D=0AThis EF contains information concer=
ning the phase of the SIM.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6FAE' Structure: transparent Ma=
ndatory=0D=0AFile size: 1 byte Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=
=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 SIM Phase M 1 byte=0D=0A- SIM Phase=
=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0APhase 1: '00'=0D=0APhase 2: '02'=0D=0APage 62=0D=0AGSM 11=
.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AAll other codings are reserved for spec=
ification by ETSI TC SMG. Codings '03' '04' to '0F'=0D=0Aindicate that the =
SIM supports as a minimum the mandatory requirements defined in this=0D=
=0Aspecification.=0D=0AIf EFPhase is coded '00' it may be assumed by the ME=
 that some Phase 2 features are supported by this=0D=0ASIM. However the ser=
vices n=B03 (FDN) and/or n=B05 (AoC) shall only be allocated and activated i=
n SIMs of=0D=0Aphase 2 with EFPhase being coded '02'.=0D=0A10.3 Contents of =
files at the telecom level=0D=0AThe EFs in the Dedicated File DFTELECOM cont=
ain service related information.=0D=0A10.3.1 EFADN (Abbreviated dialling num=
bers)=0D=0AThis EF contains Abbreviated Dialling Numbers (ADN) and/or Supple=
mentary Service Control strings=0D=0A(SSC). In addition it contains identifi=
ers of associated network/bearer capabilities and identifiers of=0D=0Aextens=
ion records. It may also contain an associated alpha-tagging.=0D=0AIdentifie=
r: '6F3A' Structure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0ARecord length: X+14 bytes Up=
date activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CHV1=
=0AO=0D=0ALength=0D=0A1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes=0D=0AX+1 Length of B=
CD number/SSC contents M 1 byte=0D=0AX+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte=0D=0AX+3 to X+=
12 Dialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes=0D=0AX+13 Capability/Configuration =
Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0AX+14 Extension1 Record Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0A- A=
lpha Identifier=0D=0AContents: Alpha-tagging of the associated dialling numb=
er.=0D=0ACoding: this alpha-tagging shall use the SMS default 7-bit coded al=
phabet as defined in TS GSM=0D=0A03.38 [11] with bit 8 set to 0. The alpha i=
dentifier shall be left justified. Unused bytes shall be=0D=0Aset to 'FF'.=
=0D=0ANOTE 1: The value of X may be from zero to 241. Using the command GET =
RESPONSE the ME=0D=0Acan determine the value of X.=0D=0A- Length of BCD numb=
er/SSC contents=0D=0AContents: this byte gives the number of bytes of the fo=
llowing two data items containing actual BCD=0D=0Anumber/SSC information. Th=
is means that the maximum value is 11 even when the actual=0D=0AADN/SSC inf=
ormation length is greater than 11. When an ADN/SSC requires more than 20=
=0D=0Adigits it is indicated by the extension1 identifier being unequal to '=
FF'. The remainder is stored=0D=0Ain the EFEXT1 with the remaining length of=
 the overflow data being coded in the appropriate=0D=0Aoverflow record itsel=
f (see subclause 10.3.9).=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=
=0A- TON and NPI=0D=0AContents: Type of number (TON) and numbering plan iden=
tification (NPI).=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14]. If the Dialli=
ng Number/SSC String does not contain a=0D=0Adialling number e.g. a control=
 string deactivating a service the TON/NPI byte shall be set to=0D=0A'FF' b=
y the ME (see note 2).=0D=0APage 63=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 19=
95=0D=0ANOTE 2: If a dialling number is absent no TON/NPI byte is transmitt=
ed over the air interface=0D=0A(see TS GSM 04.08 [14]). Accordingly the ME =
should not interpret the value 'FF' and=0D=0Anot send it over the air interf=
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 NPI=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 TON=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 1=0D=0A- Dia=
lling Number/SSC String=0D=0AContents: up to 20 digits of the telephone numb=
er and/or SSC information.=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14]  TS =
GSM 02.30 [8] and the extended BCD-coding (see=0D=0Atable 12). If the teleph=
one number or SSC is longer than 20 digits the first 20 digits are=0D=0Asto=
red in this data item and the overflow data is stored in an associated recor=
d in the EFEXT1.=0D=0AThe record is identified by the Extension1 Record Iden=
tifier. If ADN/SSC require less than 20=0D=0Adigits excess nibbles at the e=
nd of the data item shall be set to 'F'.=0D=0AByte X+3=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=
=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=
=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 2=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 2=
=0D=0AByte X+4:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 =
MSB of Digit 3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4 LSB of Digit 4=0D=0A=B3 =B EFCCP containing associa=
ted capability/configuration parameters required for the call. The=0D=0Ause =
of this byte is optional. If it is not used it shall be set to 'FF'.=0D=0ACo=
ding: binary.=0D=0A- Extension1 Record Identifier=0D=0AContents: extension1 =
record identification byte. This byte identifies the number of a record in t=
he=0D=0AEFEXT1 containing an associated called party subaddress or an overfl=
ow. The use of this byte=0D=0Ais optional. If it is not used it shall be set=
 to 'FF'.=0D=0AIf the ADN/SSC requires both overflow and called party subadd=
ress this byte identifies the=0D=0Aoverflow record. A chaining mechanism in=
side EFEXT1 identifies the record of the appropriate=0D=0Acalled party subad=
dress (see subclause 10.3.9).=0D=0ACoding: binary.=0D=0ANOTE 3: As EFADN is =
part of the DFTELECOM it may be used by GSM and also other=0D=0Aapplications=
 in a multi-application card. If the non-GSM application does not recognise=
=0D=0Athe use of Type of Number (TON) and Number Plan Identification (NPI) =
then the=0D=0Ainformation relating to the national dialling plan must be hel=
d within the data item dialling=0D=0Anumber/SSC and the TON and NPI fields s=
et to UNKNOWN. This format would be=0D=0Aacceptable for GSM operation and al=
so for the non-GSM application where the TON=0D=0Aand NPI fields shall be ig=
nored.=0D=0APage 64=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AExample:=
 SIM storage of an International Number using E.164 [18] numbering plan=0D=
=0ATON NPI Digit field=0D=0AGSM application 001 0001 abc
.=0D=0AOther appli=
cation compatible with GSM 000 0000 xxx
.=0D=0Awhere "abc
." denotes=
 the subscriber number digits (including its country code) and=0D=0A"xxx
" denotes escape digits or a national prefix replacing TON and NPI.=0D=0ANOT=
E 4: When the ME acts upon the EFADN with a SEEK command in order to identif=
y a=0D=0Acharacter string in the alpha-identifier it is the responsibility =
of the ME to ensure that=0D=0Athe number of characters used as SEEK paramete=
rs are less than or equal to the value=0D=0Aof X if the MMI allows the user =
to offer a greater number.=0D=0ATable 12: Extended BCD coding=0D=0ABCD Value=
 Character/Meaning=0D=0A'0' "0"=0D=0A'9' "9"=0D=0A'A' "*"=0D=0A'B' "#"=0D=
=0A'C' DTMF Control digit separator (TS GSM 02.07 [3])=0D=0A'D' 'Wild' value=
=0D=0AThis will cause the MMI to prompt the user for a single digit (see TS=
=0D=0AGSM 02.07 [3]).=0D=0A'E' Expansion digit ('Shift Key').=0D=0AIt has th=
e effect of adding '10' to the following digit. The following=0D=0ABCD digit=
 will hence be in- terpreted in the range of '10'-'1E'. The=0D=0Apurpose of =
digits in this range is for further study.=0D=0A'F' Endmark=0D=0Ae.g. in cas=
e of an odd number of digits=0D=0ABCD values 'C' 'D' and 'E' are never sent=
 across the air interface.=0D=0ANOTE 5: The interpretation of values 'D' 'E=
' and 'F' as DTMF digits is for further study.=0D=0ANOTE 6: A second or subs=
equent 'C' BCD value will be interpreted as a 3 second PAUSE (see=0D=0ATS GS=
M 02.07 [3]).=0D=0A10.3.2 EFFDN (Fixed dialling numbers)=0D=0AThis EF contai=
ns Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN) and/or Supplementary Service Control strings=
 (SSC). In=0D=0Aaddition it contains identifiers of associated network/beare=
r capabilities and identifiers of extension=0D=0Arecords. It may also contai=
n an associated alpha-tagging.=0D=0APage 65=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Dec=
ember 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F3B' Structure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0ARec=
ord length: X+14 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREA=
 Description M/=0D=0AO=0D=0ALength=0D=0A1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes=
=0D=0AX+1 Length of BCD number/SSC contents M 1 byte=0D=0AX+2 TON and NPI M =
1 byte=0D=0AX+3 to X+12 Dialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes=0D=0AX+13 Capa=
bility/Configuration Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0AX+14 Extension2 Record Identif=
ier M 1 byte=0D=0AFor contents and coding of all data items see the respecti=
ve data items of the EFADN (subclause 10.3.1)=0D=0Awith the exception that =
extension records are stored in the EFEXT2.=0D=0ANOTE: The value of X (the n=
umber of bytes in the alpha-identifier) may be different to the=0D=0Alength =
denoted X in EFADN.=0D=0A10.3.3 EFSMS (Short messages)=0D=0AThis EF contains=
 information in accordance with TS GSM 03.40 [12] comprising short messages =
(and=0D=0Aassociated parameters) which have either been received by the MS f=
rom the network or are to be used=0D=0Aas an MS originated message.=0D=0AId=
entifier: '6F3C' Structure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0ARecord length: 176 by=
tes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE =
ngth=0D=0A1 Status M 1 byte=0D=0A2 to 176 Remainder M 175 bytes=0D=0A- Statu=
s=0D=0AContents: Status byte of the record which can be used as a pattern in=
 the SEEK command.=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 0 0 0 free space=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 x x 1 used space=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 0 0 1 message rece=
ived by MS from network;=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 message read=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 0 1 1 message received by MS fromta item comme=
nces with the TS-Service-Centre-Address as specified in TS GSM=0D=0A04.11 [1=
5]. The bytes immediately following the TS-Service-Centre-Address contain an=
=0D=0APage 66=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Aappropriate sh=
ort message TPDU as specified in TS GSM 03.40 [12] with identical coding=
=0D=0Aand ordering of parameters.=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 03.40 [12=
] and TS GSM 04.11 [15]. Any TP-message reference=0D=0Acontained in an MS or=
iginated message stored in the SIM shall have a value as follows:=0D=0AValu=
e of the TP-message-reference=0D=0Amessage to be sent: 'FF'=0D=0Amessage sen=
t to the network: the value of TP-Message-Reference used in the=0D=0Amessage=
 sent to the network.=0D=0AAny bytes in the record following the TPDU shall =
be filled with 'FF'.=0D=0AIt is possible for a TS-Service-Centre-Address of =
maximum permitted length e.g. containing=0D=0Amore than 18 address digits =
to be associated with a maximum length TPDU such that their=0D=0Acombined le=
ngth is 176 bytes. In this case the ME shall store in the SIM the TS-Service=
-=0D=0ACentre-Address and the TPDU in bytes 2-176 without modification exce=
pt for the last byte of=0D=0Athe TPDU which shall not be stored.=0D=0APage =
67=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.3.4 EFCCP (Capability =
configuration parameters)=0D=0AThis EF contains parameters of required netwo=
rk and bearer capabilities and ME configurations=0D=0Aassociated with a call=
 established using an abbreviated dialling number a fixed dialling number =
MSISDN or=0D=0Aa last number dialled.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F3D' Structure: lin=
ear fixed Optional=0D=0ARecord length: 14 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAc=
HABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 to 10 Bearer capabil=
ity information element M 10 bytes=0D=0A11 to 14 Bytes reserved - see below =
M 4 bytes=0D=0A- Bearer capability information element=0D=0AContents and Cod=
ing: see TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0A- Bytes 11-14 shall be set to 'FF' and shal=
l not be interpreted by the ME.=0D=0A10.3.5 EFMSISDN (MSISDN)=0D=0AThis EF c=
ontains MSISDN(s) related to the subscriber. In addition it contains identif=
iers of associated=0D=0Anetwork/bearer capabilities and identifiers of exten=
sion records. It may also contain an associated alphatagging.=0D=0AIdentifie=
r: '6F40' Structure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0ARecord length: X+14 bytes Up=
date activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CHV1=
=0D=0ALength=0D=0A1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes=0D=0AX+1 Length of BCD n=
umber/SSC contents M 1 byte=0D=0AX+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte=0D=0AX+3 to X+12 D=
ialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes=0D=0AX+13 Capability/Configuration Iden=
tifier M 1 byte=0D=0AX+14 Extension1 Record Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0AFor con=
tents and coding of all data items see the respective data items of EFADN.=
=0D=0ANOTE 1: If the SIM stores more than one MSISDN number and the ME displ=
ays the MSISDN=0D=0Anumber(s) within the initialisation procedure then the o=
ne stored in the first record shall=0D=0Abe displayed with priority.=0D=0ANO=
TE 2: The value of X (the number of bytes in the alpha-identifier) may be di=
fferent to the=0D=0Alength denoted X in EFADN.=0D=0APage 68=0D=0AGSM 11.11 V=
ersion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.3.6 EFSMSP (Short message service paramet=
ers)=0D=0AThis EF contains values for Short Message Service header Parameter=
s (SMSP) which can be used by the=0D=0AME for user assistance in preparatio=
n of mobile originated short messages. For example a service centre=0D=0Aad=
dress will often be common to many short messages sent by the subscriber.=
=0D=0AThe EF consists of one or more records with each record able to hold =
a set of SMS parameters. The first=0D=0A(or only) record in the EF shall be =
used as a default set of parameters if no other record is selected.=0D=0ATo=
 distinguish between records an alpha-identifier may be included within eac=
h record coded on Y bytes.=0D=0AThe SMS parameters stored within a record m=
ay be present or absent independently. When a short=0D=0Amessage is to be se=
nt from the MS the parameter in the SIM record if present shall be used w=
hen a=0D=0Avalue is not supplied by the user.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F42' Struct=
ure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0ARecord length: 28+Y bytes Update activity: l=
ow=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD CHV1=0D=0AUPDATE CHV1=0D=0AINVALIDATE A=
DM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/=0D=0AO=0D=0ALength=0D=0A1=
 to Y Alpha-Identifier O Y bytes=0D=0AY+1 Parameter Indicators M 1 byte=0D=
=0AY+2 to Y+13 TP-Destination Address M 12 bytes=0D=0AY+14 to Y+25 TS-Servic=
e Centre Address M 12 bytes=0D=0AY+26 TP-Protocol Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0AY=
+27 TP-Data Coding Scheme M 1 byte=0D=0AY+28 TP-Validity Period M 1 byte=0D=
=0AStorage is allocated for all of the possible SMS parameters regardless o=
f whether they are present or=0D=0Aabsent. Any bytes unused due to paramete=
rs not requiring all of the bytes or due to absent parameters=0D=0Ashall b=
e set to 'FF'.=0D=0A- Alpha-Identifier=0D=0AContents: Alpha Tag of the assoc=
iated SMS-parameter.=0D=0ACoding: See 10.3.1 (EFADN).=0D=0ANOTE: The value o=
f Y may be zero i.e. the alpha-identifier facility is not used. By using th=
e=0D=0Acommand GET RESPONSE the ME can determine the value of Y.=0D=0A- Para=
meter Indicators=0D=0AContents: Each of the default SMS parameters which can=
 be stored in the remainder of the record=0D=0Aare marked absent or present =
by individual bits within this byte.=0D=0ACoding: Allocation of bits:=0D=0AB=
it number Parameter indicated=0D=0A1 TP-Destination Address=0D=0A2 TS-Servic=
e Centre Address=0D=0A3 TP-Protocol Identifier=0D=0A4 TP-Data Coding Scheme=
=0D=0A5 TP-Validity Period=0D=0A6 reserved set to 1=0D=0A7 reserved set to=
 1=0D=0A8 reserved set to 1=0D=0APage 69=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Decem=
ber 1995=0D=0ABit value Meaning=0D=0A0 Parameter present=0D=0A1 Parameter ab=
sent=0D=0A- TP-Destination Address=0D=0AContents and Coding: As defined for =
SM-TL address fields in TS GSM 03.40 [12].=0D=0A- TP-Service Centre Address=
=0D=0AContents and Coding: As defined for RP-Destination address Centre Addr=
ess in TS GSM 04.11=0D=0A[15].=0D=0A- TP-Protocol Identifier=0D=0AContents a=
nd Coding: As defined in TS GSM 03.40 [12].=0D=0A- TP-Data Coding Scheme=0D=
=0AContents and Coding: As defined in TS GSM 03.38 [11].=0D=0A- TP-Validity =
Period=0D=0AContents and Coding: As defined in TS GSM 03.40 [12] for the rel=
ative time format.=0D=0A10.3.7 EFSMSS (SMS status)=0D=0AThis EF contains sta=
tus information relating to the short message service.=0D=0AThe provision of=
 this EF is associated with EFSMS. Both files shall be present together or =
both absent=0D=0Afrom the SIM.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F43' Structure: transparen=
t Optional=0D=0AFile size: 2+X bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Condit=
ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 Last Used TP-MR M 1 byte=0D=0A2=
 SMS "Memory Cap. Exceeded" Not. Flag M 1 byte=0D=0A3 to 2+X RFU O X bytes=
=0D=0A- Last Used TP-MR.=0D=0AContents: the value of the TP-Message-Referenc=
e parameter in the last mobile originated short=0D=0Amessage as defined in =
TS GSM 03.40 [12].=0D=0ACoding: as defined in TS GSM 03.40 [12].=0D=0A- SMS =
"Memory Capacity Exceeded" Notification Flag.=0D=0AContents: This flag is re=
quired to allow a process of flow control so that as memory capacity in the=
=0D=0AMS becomes available the Network can be informed. The process for thi=
s is described in TS=0D=0AGSM 03.40 [12].=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0Ab1=3D1 means fla=
g unset; memory capacity available=0D=0Ab1=3D0 means flag set=0D=0Ab2 to b8 =
are reserved and set to 1.=0D=0APage 70=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Decembe=
r 1995=0D=0A10.3.8 EFLND (Last number dialled)=0D=0AThis EF contains the las=
t numbers dialled (LND) and/or the respective supplementary service control=
=0D=0Astrings (SSC). In addition it contains identifiers of associated netwo=
rk/bearer capabilities and identifiers of=0D=0Aextension records. It may als=
o contain associated alpha-tagging.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F44' Structure: cycli=
c Optional=0D=0ARecord length: X+14 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess C=
TE ADM=0D=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/=0D=0AO=0D=0ALength=
=0D=0A1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes=0D=0AX+1 Length of BCD number/SSC co=
ntents M 1 byte=0D=0AX+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte=0D=0AX+3 to X+12 Dialling Numb=
er/SSC String M 10 bytes=0D=0AX+13 Capability/Configuration Identifier M 1 b=
yte=0D=0AX+14 Extension1 Record Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0AContents and coding=
: see EFADN.=0D=0AThe value of X in EFLND may be different to both the value=
 of X in EFADN and of X in EFFDN.=0D=0AIf the value of X in EFLND is longer =
than the length of the a-tag of the number to be stored then the ME=0D=0Ash=
all pad the a-tag with 'FF'. If the value of X in EFLND is shorter than the =
length of the a-tag of the=0D=0Anumber to be stored then the ME shall cut o=
ff excessive bytes.=0D=0A10.3.9 EFEXT1 (Extension1)=0D=0AThis EF contains ex=
tension data of an ADN/SSC an MSISDN or an LND. Extension data is caused b=
y:=0D=0A- an ADN/SSC (MSIDSN LND) which is greater than the 20 digit capaci=
ty of the ADN/SSC=0D=0A(MSISDN LND) Elementary File. The remainder is store=
d in this EF as a record which is=0D=0Aidentified by a specified identifica=
tion byte inside the ADN/SSC (MSISDN LND) Elementary=0D=0AFile. The EXT1 re=
cord in this case is specified as overflow data;=0D=0A- an associated called=
 party subaddress. The EXT1 record in this case is specified as=0D=0Asubaddr=
ess data.=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F4A' Structure: linear fixed Optional=0D=0AReco=
rd length: 13 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=0D=0AREAD C=
scription M/O Length=0D=0A1 Record type M 1 byte=0D=0A2 to 12 Extension data=
 M 11 bytes=0D=0A13 Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0A- Record type=0D=0AContents: ty=
pe of the record=0D=0APage 71=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 Called Party Subaddress=0D=0A=
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Overflow data=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU=0D=0Ab3-b8 =
are reserved and set to 0;=0D=0Aa bit set to 1 identifies the type of record=
;=0D=0Aonly one type can be set;=0D=0A'00' indicates the type "unknown".=0D=
=0AThe following example of coding means that the type of extension data is =
"overflow data":=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=
=C4=D9=0D=0A0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0=0D=0A- Extension data=0D=0AContents: Overflow da=
ta or Called Party Subaddress depending on record type.=0D=0ACoding:=0D=0ACa=
se 1 Extension1 record is overflow data:=0D=0AThe first byte of the extensi=
on data gives the number of bytes of the remainder of=0D=0AADN/SSC (resp. MS=
ISDN LND). The coding of remaining bytes is BCD according to=0D=0Athe codi=
ng of ADN/SSC (MSISDN LND). Unused nibbles at the end have to be set to=0D=
=0A'F'. It is possible if the number of overflow digits exceeds the capacity=
 of the overflow=0D=0Arecord to chain another record inside the EXT1 Element=
ary File by the identifier in byte=0D=0A13.=0D=0ACase 2 Extension1 record i=
s Called Party Subaddress:=0D=0AThe subaddress data contains information as =
defined for this purpose in TS GSM 04.08=0D=0A[14]. All information defined =
in TS GSM 04.08 except the information element identifier=0D=0Ashall be st=
ored in the SIM. The length of this subaddress data can be up to 22 bytes. I=
n=0D=0Athose cases where two extension records are needed these records are=
 chained by=0D=0Athe identifier field. The extension record containing the f=
irst part of the called party=0D=0Asubaddress points to the record which con=
tains the second part of the subaddress.=0D=0A- Identifier=0D=0AContents: id=
entifier of the next extension record to enable storage of information longe=
r than 11=0D=0Abytes.=0D=0ACoding: record number of next record. 'FF' identi=
fies the end of the chain.=0D=0AExample of a chain of extension records bein=
g associated to an ADN/SSC. The extension1 record=0D=0Aidentifier (Byte 14+X=
) of ADN/SSC is set to 3.=0D=0ANo of Record Type Extension Data Next Record=
=0D=0A. . . .=0D=0A. . . .=0D=0ARecord 3 '02' xx 

xx '06' >=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0ARecord 4 'xx' xx 

xx 'xx' =B3=0D=0AReco=
rd 5 '01' xx 

xx 'FF' <=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=0D=0ARecord 6 '01=
' xx 

xx '05' <=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A. . . .=0D=0A. =
. . .=0D=0AIn this example ADN/SSC is associated to an overflow (record 3) a=
nd a called party subaddress=0D=0Awhose length is more than 11 bytes (record=
s 6 and 5).=0D=0APage 72=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.=
3.10 EFEXT2 (Extension2)=0D=0AThis EF contains extension data of an FDN/SSC =
(see EXT1 in 10.3.9).=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F4B' Structure: linear fixed Option=
al=0D=0ARecord length: 13 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions:=
=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 Record type M 1 byte=0D=0A2 to 12 =
Extension data M 11 bytes=0D=0A13 Identifier M 1 byte=0D=0AFor contents and =
coding see subclause 10.3.9 EFEXT1.=0D=0A10.4 Files of GSM (figure 8)=0D=0AT=
his subclause contains a figure depicting the file structure of the SIM. DFG=
SM shall be selected using the=0D=0Aidentifier '7F20'. If selection by this =
means fails then DCS1800 MEs shall and optionally GSM MEs may=0D=0Athen se=
lect DFGSM with '7F21'.=0D=0ANOTE 1: The selection of the GSM application us=
ing the identifier '7F21' if selection by means of=0D=0Athe identifier '7F2=
0' fails is to ensure backwards compatibility with those Phase 1 SIMs=0D=
=0Awhich only support the DCS1800 application using the Phase 1 directory DF=
DCS1800=0D=0Acoded '7F21'.=0D=0ANOTE 2: To ensure backwards compatibility wi=
th those Phase 1 DCS1800 MEs which have no=0D=0Ameans to select DFGSM two op=
tions have been specified. These options are given in=0D=0AGSM 09.91 [16].=
=0D=0APage 73=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A=C9=CD=CD=CD=
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BB=0D=0A=BA MF =BA=0D=0A=C7=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B6=0D=
=0A=BA '3F00' =BA=0D=0A=C8=CD=D1=CD=CD=D1=CD=CD=D1=BC=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=
=0A=B3 =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=0D=0A=B3 =BADFTELECOM =BA =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 =
=C7=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B6 =B3 '2FE2' =B3=0D=0A=B3 =BA '7F10' =BA =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =C8=CD=CD=CD=D1=CD=CD=D1=CD=
=CD=CD=BC=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 EFADN =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFFDN =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 '6F3A' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFSMS =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F3B' =C3=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFCCP =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F3C' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F3D' =B3=0D=0A=B3 =
=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=
=0D=0A=B3 =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 EFMSISDN =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFSMSP =
=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=
=C9=CD=CD=CD=CD=CF=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BB =B3 '6F40' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=B4 EFSMSS =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=BF=0D=0A=BA DFGSM =BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F42' =C3=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFLND =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=
=0D=0A=C7=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B6 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C2=D9 '6F43' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFEXT1 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=BA '7F20' =BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F=
44' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFEXT2 =B3=0D=0A=C8=CD=D1=CD=D1=CD=D1=
=CD=D1=CD=CD=BC =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F4A' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F4B' =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =DA=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 EFLP =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFIMSI =C3=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 '6F05' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFKc =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F07' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4EFPLMNse=
l=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F20' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFHPLMN =C3=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F30' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4EFACMmax=
 =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F31' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =
=DA=C=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFGID1 =C3=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F39' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFGI=
D2 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F3E' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFPUCT =C3=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F3F' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFCBMI =
=B3=0D=0A=B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F41' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 =DA=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F45' =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 EFSPN =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFBCCH =C3=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =B3 '6F46' =
=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFACC =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =
=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C2=D9 '6F74' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFFPLMN =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =B3=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F78' =
=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFLOCI =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=
=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C2=D9 '6F7B' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 EFAD =B3=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6F7E' =C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=
=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=D9 '6=
FAD' =B3=0D=0A=B3 EFPHASE =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=C3=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 '6FAE' =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 8: File identifiers and directory structur=
es of GSM=0D=0APage 74=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A11 Ap=
plication protocol=0D=0AWhen involved in GSM administrative management opera=
tions the SIM interfaces with appropriate=0D=0Aterminal equipment. These op=
erations are outside the scope art of an application-orie=
nted task. A procedure shall be considered as a=0D=0Awhole that is to say t=
hat the corresponding task is achieved if and only if the procedure is=0D=
=0Acompleted. The ME shall ensure that when operated according to the manuf=
acturer's manual=0D=0Aany unspecified interruption of the sequence of comma=
nd/response pairs which realise the=0D=0Aprocedure leads to the abortion of=
 the procedure itself.=0D=0A- A GSM session of the SIM in the GSM applicatio=
n is the interval of time starting at the=0D=0Acompletion of the SIM initial=
isation procedure and ending either with the start of the GSM=0D=0Asession t=
ermination procedure or at the first instant the link between the SIM and t=
he ME is=0D=0Ainterrupted.=0D=0ADuring the GSM network operation phase the =
ME plays the r=F4le of the master and the SIM plays the r=F4le=0D=0Aof the s=
lave.=0D=0ASome procedures at the SIM/ME interface require MMI interactions.=
 The descriptions hereafter do not=0D=0Aintend to infer any specific impleme=
ntation of the corresponding MMI. When MMI interaction is required it=0D=
=0Ais marked "MMI" in the list given below.=0D=0ASome procedures are not cle=
arly user dependent. They are directly caused by the interaction of the MS=
=0D=0Aand the network. Such procedures are marked "NET" in the list given be=
low.=0D=0ASome procedures are automatically initiated by the ME. They are ma=
rked "ME" in the list given below.=0D=0AThe list of procedures at the SIM/ME=
 interface in GSM network operation is as follows:=0D=0AGeneral Procedures:=
=0D=0A- Reading an EF ME=0D=0A- Updating an EF ME=0D=0A- Increasing an EF ME=
=0D=0ASIM management procedures:=0D=0A- SIM initialisation ME=0D=0A- GSM ses=
sion termination ME=0D=0A- Language preference request ME=0D=0A- Administrat=
ive information request ME=0D=0A- SIM service table request ME=0D=0A- SIM ph=
ase request ME=0D=0ACHV related procedures:=0D=0A- CHV verification MMI=0D=
=0A- CHV value substitution MMI=0D=0A- CHV disabling MMI=0D=0A- CHV enabling=
 MMI=0D=0A- CHV unblocking MMI=0D=0APage 75=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Dec=
ember 1995=0D=0AGSM security related procedures:=0D=0A- GSM algorithms compu=
tation NET=0D=0A- IMSI request NET=0D=0A- Access control information request=
 NET=0D=0A- HPLMN search period request NET=0D=0A- Location Information NET=
=0D=0A- Cipher key NET=0D=0A- BCCH information NET=0D=0A- Forbidden PLMN inf=
ormation NET=0D=0ASubscription related procedures:=0D=0A- Dialling Numbers (=
ADN FDN MSISDN LND) MMI/ME=0D=0A- Short messages (SMS) MMI=0D=0A- Advice =
of Charge (AoC) MMI=0D=0A- Capability Configuration Parameters (CCP) MMI=0D=
=0A- PLMN Selector MMI=0D=0A- Cell Broadcast Message Identifier (CBMI) MMI=
=0D=0A- Group Identifier Level 1 (GID1) MMI/ME=0D=0A- Group Identifier Level=
 2 (GID2) MMI/ME=0D=0A- Service Provider Name (SPN) ME=0D=0AThe procedures l=
isted in subclause 11.2 are basically required for execution of the procedur=
es in=0D=0Asubclauses 11.3 11.4 and 11.5. The procedures listed in subclaus=
es 11.3 and 11.4 are mandatory (see=0D=0ATS GSM 02.17 [6]). The procedures l=
isted in 11.5 are only executable if the associated services which=0D=0Aare=
 optional are provided in the SIM. However if the procedures are implement=
ed it shall be in=0D=0Aaccordance with subclause 11.5.=0D=0AIf a procedure =
is related to a specific service indicated in the SIM Service Table it shal=
l only be executed if=0D=0Athe corresponding bits denote this service as "al=
located and activated" (see subclause 10.2.7). In all other=0D=0Acases this =
procedure shall not start.=0D=0A11.1 General procedures=0D=0A11.1.1 Reading =
an EF=0D=0AThe ME selects the EF and sends a READ command. This contains the=
 location of the data to be read. If=0D=0Athe access condition for READ is f=
ulfilled the SIM sends the requested data contained in the EF to the=0D=0AM=
E. If the access condition is not fulfilled no data will be sent and an err=
or code will be returned.=0D=0A11.1.2 Updating an EF=0D=0AThe ME selects the=
 EF and sends an UPDATE command. This contains the location of the data to b=
e=0D=0Aupdated and the new data to be stored. If the access condition for UP=
DATE is fulfilled the SIM updates=0D=0Athe selected EF by replacing the exi=
sting data in the EF with that contained in the command. If the access=0D=
=0Acondition is not fulfilled the data existing in the EF will be unchanged=
 the new data will not be stored and=0D=0Aan error code will be returned.=
=0D=0A11.1.3 Increasing an EF=0D=0AThe ME selects the EF and sends an INCREA=
SE command. This contains the value which has to be added=0D=0Ato the conten=
ts of the last updated/increased record. If the access condition for INCREAS=
E is fulfilled the=0D=0ASIM increases the existing value of the EF by the d=
ata contained in the command and stores the result. If=0D=0Athe access cond=
ition is not fulfilled the data existing in the EF will be unchanged and an=
 error code will be=0D=0Areturned.=0D=0APage 76=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0=
 December 1995=0D=0ANOTE: The identification of the data within an EF to be =
acted upon by the above procedures is=0D=0Aspecified within the command. For=
 the procedures in subclauses 11.1.1 and 11.1.2 this=0D=0Adata may have been=
 previously identified using a SEEK command e.g. searching for an=0D=0Aalph=
anumeric pattern.=0D=0A11.2 SIM management procedures=0D=0APhase 2 MEs shall=
 support all SIMs which comply with the mandatory requirements of Phase 1 e=
ven if=0D=0Athese SIMs do not comply with all the mandatory requirements of =
Phase 2. Furthermore Phase 2 MEs=0D=0Ashall take care of potential incompat=
ibilities with Phase 1 SIMs which could arise through use of=0D=0Ainappropri=
ate commands or misinterpretation of response data. Particular note should b=
e taken of making=0D=0Aa false interpretation of RFU bytes in a Phase 1 SIM =
having contradictory meaning in Phase 2; e.g.=0D=0Aindication of EF invalida=
tion state.=0D=0A11.2.1 SIM initialisation=0D=0AAfter SIM activation (see su=
bclause 4.3.2) the ME selects the Dedicated File DFGSM and requests the=0D=
=0ALanguage Preference. If this EF is not available or the languages in the =
EF are not supported then the ME=0D=0Aselects a default language. It then ru=
ns the CHV1 verification procedure.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 verification procedure =
is performed successfully the ME then runs the SIM Phase request=0D=0Aproce=
dure. If the ME detects a SIM of Phase 1 it shall omit the following proced=
ures relating to FDN and=0D=0Acontinue with the Administrative Information r=
equest. The ME may omit procedures not defined in Phase 1=0D=0Asuch as HPLMN=
 Search Period request.=0D=0AFor a Phase 2 SIM GSM operation shall only sta=
rt if one of the two following conditions is fulfilled:=0D=0A- if EFIMSI and=
 EFLOCI are not invalidated the GSM operation shall start immediately;=0D=
=0A- if EFIMSI and EFLOCI are invalidated the ME rehabilitates these two EF=
s.=0D=0AMEs without FDN capability shall not rehabilitate EFIMSI and/or EFLO=
CI and therefore have no=0D=0Aaccess to these EFs. GSM operation will theref=
ore be prohibited. It is this mechanism which is used=0D=0Afor control of se=
rvice n=B03 by the use of SIMs for this service which always invalidate thes=
e two EFs=0D=0Aat least before the next command following selection of eithe=
r EF;=0D=0AIf the FDN capability procedure indicates that:=0D=0Ai) FDN is al=
located and activated in the SIM; and FDN is set "enabled" i.e. ADN "invali=
dated" or=0D=0Anot activated; and the ME supports FDN;=0D=0Aor ii) FDN is al=
located and activated in the SIM; and FDN is set "disabled" i.e. ADN "not=
=0D=0Ainvalidated";=0D=0Aor iii) FDN is not allocated or not activated;=0D=
=0Athen GSM operation shall start.=0D=0AIn all other cases GSM operation sha=
ll not start.=0D=0AAfterwards the ME runs the following procedures:=0D=0A- =
Administrative Information request=0D=0A- SIM Service Table request=0D=0A- I=
MSI request=0D=0A- Access Control request=0D=0A- HPLMN Search Period request=
=0D=0A- PLMN selector request=0D=0A- Location Information request=0D=0A- Cip=
her Key request=0D=0A- BCCH information request=0D=0A- Forbidden PLMN reques=
t=0D=0AAfter the SIM initialisation has been completed successfully the MS =
is ready for a GSM session.=0D=0APage 77=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Decemb=
er 1995=0D=0A11.2.2 GSM session termination=0D=0ANOTE 1: This procedure is n=
ot to be confused with the deactivation procedure in subclause=0D=0A4.3.2.=
=0D=0AThe GSM session is terminated by the ME as follows:=0D=0AThe ME runs a=
ll the procedures which are necessary to transfer the following subscriber r=
elated=0D=0Ainformation to the SIM:=0D=0A- Location Information update=0D=
=0A- Cipher Key update=0D=0A- BCCH information update=0D=0A- Advice of Charg=
e increase=0D=0A- Forbidden PLMN update=0D=0AAs soon as the SIM indicates th=
at these procedures are completed the ME/SIM link may be deactivated.=0D=
=0AFinally the ME deletes all these subscriber related information elements=
 from its memory.=0D=0ANOTE 2: If the ME has already updated any of the subs=
criber related information during the=0D=0AGSM Session and the value has no=
t changed until GSM session termination the ME=0D=0Amay omit the respective=
 update procedure.=0D=0A11.2.3 Language preference=0D=0ARequest: The ME perf=
orms the reading procedure with EFLP.=0D=0AUpdate: The ME performs the updat=
ing procedure with EFLP.=0D=0A11.2.4 Administrative information request;=0D=
=0AThe ME performs the reading procedure with EFAD.=0D=0A11.2.5 SIM service =
table request=0D=0AThe ME performs the reading procedure with EFSST.=0D=0A11=
.2.6 SIM phase request=0D=0AThe ME performs the reading procedure with EFPHA=
SE.=0D=0A11.2.7 SIM Presence Detection=0D=0AAs an additional mechanism to e=
nsure that the SIM has not been removed during a card session the ME=0D=0As=
ends at frequent intervals a STATUS command during each call. This interva=
l shall not be longer than 30=0D=0Aseconds. If the response data is not that=
 of the current DF the call shall be terminated immediately. This=0D=0Aproc=
edure shall be used in addition to a mechanical or other device used to dete=
ct the removal of a SIM.=0D=0A11.3 CHV related procedures=0D=0AA successful =
completion of one of the following procedures grants the access right of the=
 corresponding=0D=0ACHV for the GSM session. This right is valid for all fil=
es within the GSM application protected by this CHV.=0D=0AAfter a third cons=
ecutive presentation of a wrong CHV to the SIM not necessarily in the same =
GSM=0D=0Asession the CHV status becomes "blocked" and the access right prev=
iously granted by this CHV is lost=0D=0Aimmediately.=0D=0AAn access right is=
 not granted if any of the following procedures are unsuccessfully completed=
 or aborted.=0D=0APage 78=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A11=
.3.1 CHV verification=0D=0AThe ME checks the CHV status. If the CHV status i=
s "blocked" the procedure ends and is finished=0D=0Aunsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf=
 the CHV status is not "blocked" the ME reads the CHV enabled/disabled indi=
cator. If this is "disabled"=0D=0Athe procedure is finished successfully.=
=0D=0AIf the CHV status is not "blocked" and the enabled/disabled indicator =
is set "enabled" the ME uses the=0D=0AVERIFY CHV function. If the CHV prese=
nted by the ME is equal to the corresponding CHV stored in the=0D=0ASIM the=
 procedure is finished successfully. If the CHV presented by the ME is not e=
qual to the=0D=0Acorresponding CHV stored in the SIM the procedure ends and=
 is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0A11.3.2 CHV value substitution=0D=0AThe ME =
checks the CHV status. If the CHV status is "blocked" or "disabled" the pro=
cedure ends and is=0D=0Afinished unsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf the CHV status is n=
ot "blocked" and the enabled/disabled indicator is set "enabled" the ME use=
s the=0D=0ACHANGE CHV function. If the old CHV presented by the ME is equal =
to the corresponding CHV stored in=0D=0Athe SIM the new CHV presented by th=
e ME is stored in the SIM and the procedure is finished=0D=0Asuccessfully.=
=0D=0AIf the old CHV and the CHV in memory are not identical the procedure =
ends and is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0A11.3.3 CHV disabling=0D=0ARequirem=
ent: Service n=B01 "allocated and activated".=0D=0AThe ME checks the CHV1 st=
atus. If the CHV1 status is "blocked" the procedure ends and is finished=
=0D=0Aunsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 status is not "blocked" the ME reads=
 the CHV1 enabled/disabled indicator. If this is set=0D=0A"disabled" the pr=
ocedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 status is not =
"blocked" and the enabled/disabled indicator is set "enabled" the ME uses t=
he=0D=0ADISABLE CHV function. If the CHV1 presented by the ME is equal to th=
e CHV1 stored in the SIM the=0D=0Astatus of CHV1 is set "disabled" and the =
procedure is finished successfully. If the CHV1 presented by the=0D=0AME is =
not equal to the CHV1 stored in the SIM the procedure ends and is finished =
unsuccessfully.=0D=0A11.3.4 CHV enabling=0D=0AThe ME checks the CHV1 status.=
 If the CHV1 status is "blocked" the procedure ends and is finished=0D=0Aun=
successfully.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 status is not "blocked" the ME reads the CHV=
1 enabled/disabled indicator. If this is set=0D=0A"enabled" the procedure e=
nds and is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 status is not "blocked"=
 and the enabled/disabled indicator is set "disabled" the ME uses the=0D=
=0AENABLE CHV function. If the CHV1 presented by the ME is equal to the CHV1=
 stored in the SIM the=0D=0Astatus of CHV1 is set "enabled" and the procedu=
re is finished successfully. If the CHV presented by the=0D=0AME is not equa=
l to the CHV1 stored in the SIM the procedure ends and is finished unsucces=
sfully.=0D=0APage 79=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A11.3.5 =
CHV unblocking=0D=0AThe execution of the CHV unblocking procedure is indepen=
dent of the corresponding CHV status i.e. being=0D=0Ablocked or not.=0D=0AT=
he ME checks the UNBLOCK CHV status. If the UNBLOCK CHV status is "blocked"=
 the procedure ends=0D=0Aand is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0AIf the UNBLOCK=
 CHV status is not "blocked" the ME uses the UNBLOCK CHV function. If the U=
NBLOCK=0D=0ACHV presented by the ME is equal to the corresponding UNBLOCK CH=
V stored in the SIM the relevant=0D=0ACHV status becomes "unblocked" and th=
e procedure is finished successfully. If the UNBLOCK CHV=0D=0Apresented by t=
he ME is not equal to the corresponding UNBLOCK CHV stored in the SIM the p=
rocedure=0D=0Aends and is finished unsuccessfully.=0D=0A11.4 GSM security re=
lated procedures=0D=0A11.4.1 GSM algorithms computation=0D=0AThe ME selects =
DFGSM and uses the RUN GSM ALGORITHM function (see 8.16). The response SRESK=
c=0D=0Ais sent to the ME when requested by a subsequent GET RESPONSE command=
.=0D=0A11.4.2 IMSI request=0D=0AThe ME performs the reading procedure with E=
FIMSI.=0D=0A11.4.3 Access control request=0D=0AThe ME performs the reading p=
rocedure with EFACC.=0D=0A11.4.4 HPLMN search period request=0D=0AThe ME per=
forms the reading procedure with EFHPLMN.=0D=0A11.4.5 Location information=
=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFLOCI.=0D=0AUpdat=
e: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFLOCI.=0D=0A11.4.6 Cipher ke=
y=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFKc.=0D=0AUpdate=
: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFKc.=0D=0A11.4.7 BCCH informa=
tion=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFBCCH.=0D=0AU=
pdate: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFBCCH.=0D=0A11.4.8 Forbi=
dden PLMN=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFFPLMN.=
=0D=0AUpdate: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFFPLMN.=0D=0APage=
 80=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A11.5 Subscription relate=hall be aborted and the appropriate EFs shall remain unchan=
ged.=0D=0AAs an example the following procedures are described as applied t=
o ADN.=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B02 "allocated and activated"=0D=0A(Servi=
ce n=B03 for FDN Service n=B09 for MSISDN Service n=B013 for LND)=0D=0AUpd=
ate: The ME analyses and assembles the information to be stored as follows (=
the byte=0D=0Aidentifiers used below correspond to those in the description =
of the EFs in subclauses=0D=0A10.3.1 10.3.4 and 10.3.9):=0D=0Ai) The ME ide=
ntifies the Alpha-tagging Capability/Configuration Identifier and Extension=
1 Record=0D=0AIdentifier.=0D=0Aii) The dialling number/SSC string shall be a=
nalysed and allocated to the bytes of the EF as follows:=0D=0A- if a "+" is =
found the TON identifier is set to "International";=0D=0A- if 20 or less "d=
igits" remain they shall form the dialling number/SSC string;=0D=0A- if mor=
e than 20 "digits" remain the procedure shall be as follows:=0D=0ARequireme=
nt:=0D=0AService n=B010 "allocated and activated"=0D=0A(Service n=B010 appli=
es also for MSISDN and LND; Service n=B011 for FDN).=0D=0AThe ME seeks for a=
 free record in EFEXT1. If an Extension1 record is not marked as "free"=0D=
=0Athe ME runs the Purge procedure. If an Extension1 record is still unavail=
able the procedure is=0D=0Aaborted.=0D=0AThe first 20 "digits" are stored i=
n the dialling number/SSC string. The value of the length of=0D=0ABCD number=
/SSC contents is set to the maximum value which is 11. The Extension1 recor=
d=0D=0Aidentifier is coded with the associated record number in the EFEXT1. =
The remaining digits are=0D=0Astored in the selected Extension1 record where=
 the type of the record is set to "overflow=0D=0Adata". The first byte of th=
e Extension1 record is set with the number of bytes of the remaining=0D=0Aov=
erflow data. The number of bytes containing digit information is the sum of =
the length of=0D=0ABCD number/SSC contents of EFADN and byte 2 of all associ=
ated chained Extension1 records=0D=0Acontaining overflow data (see subclause=
s 10.3.1 and 10.3.9).=0D=0APage 81=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 199=
5=0D=0Aiii) If a called party subaddress is associated to the ADN/SSC the pr=
ocedure shall proceed as follows:=0D=0ARequirement:=0D=0AService n=B010 "all=
ocated and activated"=0D=0A(Service n=B010 applies also for MSISDN and LND; =
Service n=B011 for FDN)=0D=0AIf the length of the called party subaddress is=
 less than or equal to 11 bytes (see=0D=0ATS GSM 04.08 [14] for coding):=0D=
=0AThe ME seeks for a free record in EFEXT1. If an Extension1 record is not =
marked as "free"=0D=0Athe ME runs the Purge procedure. If an Extension1 rec=
ord is still unavailable the procedure is=0D=0Aaborted.=0D=0AThe ME stores =
the called party subaddress in the Extension1 record and sets the Extension=
1=0D=0Arecord type the two Extension1 records. The identifie=
r field=0D=0Ain the Extension1 record containing the first part of the subad=
dress data is coded with the=0D=0Aassociated EFEXT1 record number containing=
 the second part of the subaddress data. Both=0D=0AExtension1 record types a=
re set to "called party subaddress".=0D=0AOnce i) ii) and iii) have been c=
onsidered the ME performs the updating procedure with EFADN. If the SIM=0D=
=0Ahas no available empty space to store the received ADN/SSC or if the pro=
cedure has been aborted the=0D=0AME advises the user.=0D=0ANOTE 1: For reas=
ons of memory efficiency the ME is allowed to analyse all Extension1 records=
=0D=0Ato recognise if the overflow or subaddress data to be stored is alread=
y existing in=0D=0AEFEXT1. In this case the ME may use the existing chain or=
 the last part of the existing=0D=0Achain from more than one ADN (LND MSISD=
N). The ME is only allowed to store=0D=0Aextension data in unused records. I=
f existing records are used for multiple access the=0D=0AME shall not chang=
e any data in those records to prevent corruption of existing chains.=0D=0AE=
rasure: The ME sends the identification of the information to be erased. The=
 content of the=0D=0Aidentified record in EFADN is marked as "free".=0D=0ARe=
quest: The ME sends the identification of the information to be read. The ME=
 shall analyse the=0D=0Adata of EFADN (subclause 10.3.1) to ascertain wheth=
er additional data is associated in=0D=0AEFEXT1 or EFCCP. If necessary then=
 the ME performs the reading procedure on these=0D=0AEFs to assemble the com=
plete ADN/SSC.=0D=0APurge: The ME shall access each EF which references EFEX=
T1 (EFEXT2) for storage and shall=0D=0Aidentify records in these files using=
 extension data (overflow data or called party=0D=0Asubaddress). Note that e=
xisting chains have to be followed to the end. All referred=0D=0AExtension1 =
(Extension2) records are noted by the ME. All Extension1 (Extension2)=0D=0Ar=
ecords not noted are then marked by the ME as 'free' by setting the whole re=
cord to=0D=0A'FF'.=0D=0ANOTE 2: Dependent upon the implementation of the ME=
 and in particular the possibility of=0D=0Aerasure of ADN/SSC records by Pha=
se 1 MEs which have no knowledge of the=0D=0AEFEXT1 it is possible for Ext=
ension1 records to be marked as "used space" (not equal=0D=0Ato 'FF') altho=
ugh in fact they are no longer associated with an ADN/SSC record.=0D=0AThe f=
ollowing three procedures are only applicable to service n=B03 (FDN).=0D=0AF=
DN capability request. The ME has to check the state of service n=B03 i.e. =
if FDN is "enabled" or=0D=0A"disabled". In case of enabled FDN the ME has t=
o switch to a restrictive terminal mode (see TS GSM=0D=0A02.07). To ascertai=
n the state of FDN the ME checks in EFSST whether or not ADN is activated. =
If ADN is=0D=0APage 82=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Anot a=
ctivated service n=B03 is enabled. If ADN is activated the ME checks the r=
esponse data of EFADN. If=0D=0AEFADN is invalidated service n=B03 is enable=
d. In all other cases service n=B03 is disabled.=0D=0AFDN disabling. The FDN=
 disabling procedure requires that CHV2 verification procedure has been=0D=
=0Aperformed successfully and that ADN is activated. If not FDN disabling p=
rocedure will not be executed=0D=0Asuccessfully. To disable FDN capability =
the ME rehabilitates EFADN. The invalidate/rehabilitate flag of=0D=0AEFADN =
which is implicitly set by the REHABILITATE command is at the same time the=
 indicator for the=0D=0Astate of the service n=B03. If ADN is not activated=
 disabling of FDN is not possible and thus service n=B03 is=0D=0Aalways enab=
led (see FDN capability request).=0D=0ANOTE 3: If FDN is disabled (by rehabi=
litating EFADN) using an administrative terminal then the=0D=0AFDN disabling=
 procedure of this administrative terminal need also to rehabilitate EFIMSI=
=0D=0Aand EFLOCI to ensure normal operation of the SIM in a phase 1 ME or a =
phase 2 ME=0D=0Awhich does not support FDN.=0D=0AFDN enabling. The FDN enabl=
ing procedure requires that CHV2 verification procedure has been performed=
=0D=0Asuccessfully. If not FDN enabling procedure will not be executed succ=
essfully. To enable FDN capability=0D=0Athe ME invalidates EFADN. The inval=
idate/rehabilitate flag of EFADN which is implicitly cleared by the=0D=0AIN=
VALIDATE command is at the same time the indicator for the state of the ser=
vice n=B03 (see FDN=0D=0Acapability request). If ADN is not activated servi=
ce n=B03 is always enabled.=0D=0A11.5.2 Short messages=0D=0ARequirement: Ser=
vice n=B04 "allocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The SIM seeks for the id=
entified short message. If this message is found the ME=0D=0Aperforms the r=
eading procedure with EFSMS.=0D=0AIf this message is not found within the SI=
M memory the SIM indicates that to the ME.=0D=0AUpdate: The ME looks for th=
e next available area to store the short message. If such an area is=0D=0Aav=
ailable it performs the updating procedure with EFSMS.=0D=0AIf there is no =
available empty space in the SIM to store the received short message a=0D=
=0Aspecific MMI will have to take place in order not to loose the message.=
=0D=0AErasure: The ME will select in the SIM the message area to be erased. =
Depending on the MMI=0D=0Athe message may be read before the area is marked=
 as "free". After performing the=0D=0Aupdating procedure with EFSMS the mem=
ory allocated to this short message in the=0D=0ASIM is made available for a =
new incoming message. The memory of the SIM may still=0D=0Acontain the old m=
essage until a new message is stored in this area.=0D=0A11.5.3 Advice of Cha=
rge (AoC)=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B05 "allocated and activated".=0D=0AAc=
cumulated Call Meter.=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure wi=
th EFACM. The SIM returns the last updated=0D=0Avalue of the ACM.=0D=0AIniti=
alisation: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFACM using the new i=
nitial value.=0D=0AIncreasing: The ME performs the increasing procedure with=
 EFACM sending the value which has to=0D=0Abe added.=0D=0AAccumulated Call M=
eter Maximum Value.=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with=
 EFACMmax.=0D=0AInitialisation: The ME performs the updating procedure with =
EFACMmax using the new initial maximum=0D=0Avalue.=0D=0APage 83=0D=0AGSM 11.=
11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0APrice per Unit and Currency Table (PUCT)=
.=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPUCT.=0D=0AUpda=
te: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFPUCT.=0D=0A11.5.4 Capabili=
ty configuration parameters=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B06 "allocated and a=
ctivated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCCP.=
=0D=0AUpdas the updating procedure with EFPLMNsel.=0D=0A1=
1.5.6 Cell broadcast message identifier=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B014 "al=
located and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure =
with EFCBMI.=0D=0AUpdate: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCBMI=
.=0D=0A11.5.7 Group identifier level 1=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B015 "all=
ocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure w=
ith EFGID1=0D=0A11.5.8 Group identifier level 2=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=
=B016 "allocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading p=
rocedure with EFGID2.=0D=0A11.5.9 Service Provider Name=0D=0ARequirement: Se=
rvice n=B017 "allocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the re=
ading procedure with EFSPN.=0D=0APage 84=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Decemb=
er 1995=0D=0AAnnex A (normative): Plug-in SIM=0D=0AThis annex specifies the =
dimensions of the Plug-in SIM as well as the dimensions and location of the=
=0D=0Acontacts of the Plug-in SIM. For further details of the Plug-in SIM se=
e clause 4.=0D=0A4 max=0D=0A6 min=0D=0A1162 max=0D=0A1362 min=0D=0A75=0D=
=0AP1=0D=0AP2 P3=0D=0A208=0D=0A275 max=0D=0A445 min=0D=0A529 max=0D=0A6=
99 min=0D=0A783 max=0D=0A953 min=0D=0A1037 max=0D=0A1207 min=0D=0A33=
=0D=0A0=0D=0A3=B101=0D=0A3=B101=0D=0A15=B101=0D=0A(625)=0D=0AUpper edge=
=0D=0ALeft edge=0D=0A(1648)=0D=0A25=B101=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=
=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AFigure A.1: Plug-in SIM=0D=
=0ANOTE: The Plug-in SIM may be "obtained" by cutting away excessive plastic=
 of an ID-1 SIM.=0D=0AThe values in parenthesis in figure A.1 show the posit=
ional relationship between the=0D=0APlug-in and the ID-1 SIM and are for inf=
ormation only.=0D=0APage 85=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0AAnnex B (informative): FDN Procedures=0D=0AATR=0D=0AGet Response=0D=0AVer=
ify CHV1=0D=0A(if not disabled)=0D=0AGet Response=0D=0A(evaluation of=0D=0Ai=
nvalidation flag)=0D=0AGet Response=0D=0A(evaluation of=0D=0Ainvalidation fl=
ag)=0D=0A(see note1)=0D=0A(see note1)=0D=0Ano yes=0D=0AFDN=0D=0Aenabled=0D=
=0A?=0D=0Ayes no=0D=0AME=0D=0Asupports=0D=0AFDN?=0D=0Ano yes=0D=0A(see note3=
)=0D=0A1=0D=0AFDN capability=0D=0Arequest=0D=0A1=0D=0AME: unrestricted=0D=
=0Aoperation=0D=0AME: no operation=0D=0AME: restricted=0D=0Aoperation=0D=0AM=
E: unrestricted=0D=0Aoperation=0D=0ASIM=0D=0APhase?=0D=0APhase 2=0D=0APhase =
1=0D=0AEF=0D=0Aand EF=0D=0Ainvalidated=0D=0A?=0D=0ALOCI=0D=0AIMSI=0D=0AME: u=
nrestricted=0D=0Aoperation=0D=0ASelect DF=0D=0AGSM=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0ALOCI=
=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0AIMSI=0D=0ARehabilitate=0D=0AEF=0D=0ARehabilitate=0D=0AE=
FIMSI=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0ALOCI=0D=0ALOCI=0D=0AIMSI=0D=0AExample of an Initia=
lisation Procedure of a FDN SIM (see 11.2.1)=0D=0ANOTE 1: In case of enabled=
 FDN the SIM shall set the EF to =93invalidated=94 at no later than this=0D=
=0Astage (see 10.2.7).=0D=0ANOTE 2: Invalidation of only one of the two EFs =
is not allowed for FDN.=0D=0ANOTE 3: Abnormal state. Internal SIM mechanism =
of invalidating EFMS and EFLOCI is expected=0D=0Ato occur if FDN is enabled=
=0D=0APage 86=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A(see note 4)=
=0D=0Ayes=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0ASST=0D=0ARead EF=0D=0ASST=0D=0ATelecom=0D=0ASe=
lect=0D=0ADF=0D=0AADN=0D=0ASelect=0D=0AEF=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ayes no=0D=0Ai=
nvalidated=0D=0AEF=0D=0A?=0D=0AADN=0D=0AFDN enabled FDN disabled=0D=0AFDN ca=
pability request (see 11.5.1)=0D=0ANo FDN SIM=0D=0AFDN=0D=0Aallocated and=
=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0AGet Response=0D=0A(evaluation of=0D=0Ainvalidati=
on flag)=0D=0AADN=0D=0Aallocated=0D=0Aand=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0Ayes=0D=
=0ANOTE 4: In this case FDN is enabled without the possibility of disabling.=
=0D=0APage 87=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AFDN Enabling=
=0D=0AVerify CHV2=0D=0AVerify CHV2=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ano=0D=0A(see 11.5.1)=0D=0Aye=
s=0D=0Ayes=0D=0AFDN Disabling=0D=0AADN=0D=0Aallocated=0D=0Aand=0D=0Aactivate=
=0AFDN enabled=0D=0Adisabling FDN=0D=0Anot possible=0D=0A(see 11.5.1)=0D=0AR=
ead EF SST=0D=0ASelect EF SST=0D=0ASelect DF=0D=0ATelecom=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=
=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0AADN=0D=0ASelect DF Telecom=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0ASST=0D=
=0ARead EF=0D=0ASST=0D=0AVerify CHV1=0D=0ASelect and=0D=0ARehabilitate=0D=
=0AEF and=0D=0AEF=0D=0AIMSI=0D=0ALOCI=0D=0AAdminstrative=0D=0ATerminal=0D=
=0AFDN disabled FDN disabled FDN enabled=0D=0AADN=0D=0AInvalidate=0D=0AEF=
=0D=0APage 88=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Ayes=0D=0AFDN=
=0D=0Aallocated and=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0Ano=0D=0AFDN enabled=0D=0ACodi=
ng for state of FDN=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ayes=0D=0AADN=0D=0Aallocated=0D=0Aan=
d=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0AFDN not enabled=0D=0Ainvalidated=0D=0AEF=0D=0A?=
=0D=0AADN=0D=0ABoolean equation:=0D=0AFD =3D FDA . (ADA + ADA . ADI)=0D=0Awi=
th=0D=0AFD =3D FDN enabled=0D=0AFDA =3D FDN allocated and activated=0D=0AADA=
 =3D ADN allocated and activated=0D=0AADI =3D EF ADN invalidated=0D=0Ayes=
=0D=0APage 89=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AAnnex C (infor=
mative): Suggested contents of the EFs at pre-personalisation=0D=0AIf EFs ha=
ve an unassigned value it may not be clear from the main text what this val=
ue should be. This=0D=0Aannex suggests values in these cases.=0D=0AFile Iden=
tification Description Value=0D=0A'2F E2' ICC identification operator depend=
ant (see 10.1.1)=0D=0A'6F 05' Language preference 'FF'=0D=0A'6F 07' IMSI ope=
rator dependant (see 10.2.2)=0D=0A'6F 20' Ciphering key Kc 'FF
=0A'6F 30' PLMN selector 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 31' HPLMN search period 'FF'=0D=
=0A'6F 37' ACM maximum value '000000' (see note 1)=0D=0A'6F 38' SIM service =
table operator dependant (see 10.2.7)=0D=0A'6F 39' Accumulated call meter '0=
00000'=0D=0A'6F 3E' Group identifier level 1 operator dependant=0D=0A'6F 3F'=
 Group identifier level 2 operator dependant=0D=0A'6F 41' PUCT 'FFFFFF0000'=
=0D=0A'6F 45' CBMI 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 46' Service provider name 'FF
=0D=0A'6F 74' BCCH 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 78' Access control class operator depe=
ndant (see 10.1.12)=0D=0A'6F 7B' Forbidden PLMNs 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 7E Locat=
ion information 'FFFFFFFF xxFxxx 0000 FF 01'=0D=0A(see note 2)=0D=0A'6F AD' =
Administrative data operator dependant (see 10.2.15)=0D=0A'6F AE' Phase iden=
tification see 10.2.16=0D=0A'6F 3A' Abbreviated dialling numbers 'FF
=0D=0A'6F 3B' Fixed dialling numbers 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 3C' Short messages '=
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 3D' Capability configuration parameters 'FF
6F 40' MSISDN storage 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 42' SMS parameters 'FF
6F 43' SMS status 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 44' Last number dialled 'FF
=0A'6F 4A' Extension 1 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 4B' Extension 2 'FF
E 1: The value '000000' means that ACMmax is not valid i.e. there is no res=
triction on the=0D=0AACM. When assigning a value to ACMmax care should be t=
aken not to use values too=0D=0Aclose to the maximum possible value 'FFFFFF'=
 because the INCREASE command=0D=0Adoes not update EFACM if the units to be=
 added would exceed 'FFFFFF'. This could=0D=0Aaffect the call termination pr=
ocedure of the Advice of Charge function.=0D=0ANOTE 2: xxFxxx stands for any=
 valid MCC and MNC coded according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0APage 90=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AAnnex D (informative): Bibliog=
raphy=0D=0A1) prEN 726-3: "Terminal Equipment (TE); Requirements for IC card=
s and terminals=0D=0Afor telecommunication use Part 3: Application independe=
nt card requirements".=0D=0A2) prEN 726-4: "Terminal Equipment (TE); Require=
ments for IC cards and terminals=0D=0Afor telecommunication use Part 4: Appl=
ication independent card related terminal=0dentification of the information to be read. The ME=
 shall analyse the=0D=0Adata of EFADN (subclause 10.3.1) to ascertain wheth=
er additional data is associated in=0D=0AEFEXT1 or EFCCP. If necessary then=
 the ME performs the reading procedure on these=0D=0AEFs to assemble the com=
plete ADN/SSC.=0D=0APurge: The ME shall access each EF which references EFEX=
T1 (EFEXT2) for storage and shall=0D=0Aidentify records in these files using=
 extension data (overflow data or called party=0D=0Asubaddress). Note that e=
xisting chains have to be followed to the end. All referred=0D=0AExtension1 =
(Extension2) records are noted by the ME. All Extension1 (Extension2)=0D=0Ar=
ecords not noted are then marked by the ME as 'free' by setting the whole re=
cord to=0D=0A'FF'.=0D=0ANOTE 2: Dependent upon the implementation of the ME=
 and in particular the possibility of=0D=0Aerasure of ADN/SSC records by Pha=
se 1 MEs which have no knowledge of the=0D=0AEFEXT1 it is possible for Ext=
ension1 records to be marked as "used space" (not equal=0D=0Ato 'FF') altho=
ugh in fact they are no longer associated with an ADN/SSC record.=0D=0AThe f=
ollowing three procedures are only applicable to service n=B03 (FDN).=0D=0AF=
DN capability request. The ME has to check the state of service n=B03 i.e. =
if FDN is "enabled" or=0D=0A"disabled". In case of enabled FDN the ME has t=
o switch to a restrictive terminal mode (see TS GSM=0D=0A02.07). To ascertai=
n the state of FDN the ME checks in EFSST whether or not ADN is activated. =
If ADN is=0D=0APage 82=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Anot a=
ctivated service n=B03 is enabled. If ADN is activated the ME checks the r=
esponse data of EFADN. If=0D=0AEFADN is invalidated service n=B03 is enable=
d. In all other cases service n=B03 is disabled.=0D=0AFDN disabling. The FDN=
 disabling procedure requires that CHV2 verification procedure has been=0D=
=0Aperformed successfully and that ADN is activated. If not FDN disabling p=
rocedure will not be executed=0D=0Asuccessfully. To disable FDN capability =
the ME rehabilitates EFADN. The invalidate/rehabilitate flag of=0D=0AEFADN =
which is implicitly set by the REHABILITATE command is at the same time the=
 indicator for the=0D=0Astate of the service n=B03. If ADN is not activated=
 disabling of FDN is not possible and thus service n=B03 is=0D=0Aalways enab=
led (see FDN capability request).=0D=0ANOTE 3: If FDN is disabled (by rehabi=
litating EFADN) using an administrative terminal then the=0D=0AFDN disabling=
 procedure of this administrative terminal need also to rehabilitate EFIMSI=
=0D=0Aand EFLOCI to ensure normal operation of the SIM in a phase 1 ME or a =
phase 2 ME=0D=0Awhich does not support FDN.=0D=0AFDN enabling. The FDN enabl=
ing procedure requires that CHV2 verification procedure has been performed=
=0D=0Asuccessfully. If not FDN enabling procedure will not be executed succ=
essfully. To enable FDN capability=0D=0Athe ME invalidates EFADN. The inval=
idate/rehabilitate flag of EFADN which is implicitly cleared by the=0D=0AIN=
VALIDATE command is at the same time the indicator for the state of the ser=
vice n=B03 (see FDN=0D=0Acapability request). If ADN is not activated servi=
ce n=B03 is always enabled.=0D=0A11.5.2 Short messages=0D=0ARequirement: Ser=
vice n=B04 "allocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The SIM seeks for the id=
entified short message. If this message is found the ME=0D=0Aperforms the r=
eading procedure with EFSMS.=0D=0AIf this message is not found within the SI=
M memory the SIM indicates that to the ME.=0D=0AUpdate: The ME looks for th=
e next available area to store the short message. If such an area is=0D=0Aav=
ailable it performs the updating procedure with EFSMS.=0D=0AIf there is no =
available empty space in the SIM to store the received short message a=0D=
=0Aspecific MMI will have to take place in order not to loose the message.=
=0D=0AErasure: The ME will select in the SIM the message area to be erased. =
Depending on the MMI=0D=0Athe message may be read before the area is marked=
 as "free". After performing the=0D=0Aupdating procedure with EFSMS the mem=
ory allocated to this short message in the=0D=0ASIM is made available for a =
new incoming message. The memory of the SIM may still=0D=0Acontain the old m=
essage until a new message is stored in this area.=0D=0A11.5.3 Advice of Cha=
rge (AoC)=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B05 "allocated and activated".=0D=0AAc=
cumulated Call Meter.=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure wi=
th EFACM. The SIM returns the last updated=0D=0Avalue of the ACM.=0D=0AIniti=
alisation: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFACM using the new i=
nitial value.=0D=0AIncreasing: The ME performs the increasing procedure with=
 EFACM sending the value which has to=0D=0Abe added.=0D=0AAccumulated Call M=
eter Maximum Value.=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with=
 EFACMmax.=0D=0AInitialisation: The ME performs the updating procedure with =
EFACMmax using the new initial maximum=0D=0Avalue.=0D=0APage 83=0D=0AGSM 11.=
11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0APrice per Unit and Currency Table (PUCT)=
.=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPUCT.=0D=0AUpda=
te: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFPUCT.=0D=0A11.5.4 Capabili=
ty configuration parameters=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B06 "allocated and a=
ctivated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCCP.=
=0D=0AUpdas the updating procedure with EFPLMNsel.=0D=0A1=
1.5.6 Cell broadcast message identifier=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B014 "al=
located and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure =
with EFCBMI.=0D=0AUpdate: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCBMI=
.=0D=0A11.5.7 Group identifier level 1=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=B015 "all=
ocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading procedure w=
ith EFGID1=0D=0A11.5.8 Group identifier level 2=0D=0ARequirement: Service n=
=B016 "allocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the reading p=
rocedure with EFGID2.=0D=0A11.5.9 Service Provider Name=0D=0ARequirement: Se=
rvice n=B017 "allocated and activated".=0D=0ARequest: The ME performs the re=
ading procedure with EFSPN.=0D=0APage 84=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Decemb=
er 1995=0D=0AAnnex A (normative): Plug-in SIM=0D=0AThis annex specifies the =
dimensions of the Plug-in SIM as well as the dimensions and location of the=
=0D=0Acontacts of the Plug-in SIM. For further details of the Plug-in SIM se=
e clause 4.=0D=0A4 max=0D=0A6 min=0D=0A1162 max=0D=0A1362 min=0D=0A75=0D=
=0AP1=0D=0AP2 P3=0D=0A208=0D=0A275 max=0D=0A445 min=0D=0A529 max=0D=0A6=
99 min=0D=0A783 max=0D=0A953 min=0D=0A1037 max=0D=0A1207 min=0D=0A33=
=0D=0A0=0D=0A3=B101=0D=0A3=B101=0D=0A15=B101=0D=0A(625)=0D=0AUpper edge=
=0D=0ALeft edge=0D=0A(1648)=0D=0A25=B101=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=
=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AR1 01 +_=0D=0AFigure A.1: Plug-in SIM=0D=
=0ANOTE: The Plug-in SIM may be "obtained" by cutting away excessive plastic=
 of an ID-1 SIM.=0D=0AThe values in parenthesis in figure A.1 show the posit=
ional relationship between the=0D=0APlug-in and the ID-1 SIM and are for inf=
ormation only.=0D=0APage 85=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0AAnnex B (informative): FDN Procedures=0D=0AATR=0D=0AGet Response=0D=0AVer=
ify CHV1=0D=0A(if not disabled)=0D=0AGet Response=0D=0A(evaluation of=0D=0Ai=
nvalidation flag)=0D=0AGet Response=0D=0A(evaluation of=0D=0Ainvalidation fl=
ag)=0D=0A(see note1)=0D=0A(see note1)=0D=0Ano yes=0D=0AFDN=0D=0Aenabled=0D=
=0A?=0D=0Ayes no=0D=0AME=0D=0Asupports=0D=0AFDN?=0D=0Ano yes=0D=0A(see note3=
)=0D=0A1=0D=0AFDN capability=0D=0Arequest=0D=0A1=0D=0AME: unrestricted=0D=
=0Aoperation=0D=0AME: no operation=0D=0AME: restricted=0D=0Aoperation=0D=0AM=
E: unrestricted=0D=0Aoperation=0D=0ASIM=0D=0APhase?=0D=0APhase 2=0D=0APhase =
1=0D=0AEF=0D=0Aand EF=0D=0Ainvalidated=0D=0A?=0D=0ALOCI=0D=0AIMSI=0D=0AME: u=
nrestricted=0D=0Aoperation=0D=0ASelect DF=0D=0AGSM=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0ALOCI=
=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0AIMSI=0D=0ARehabilitate=0D=0AEF=0D=0ARehabilitate=0D=0AE=
FIMSI=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0ALOCI=0D=0ALOCI=0D=0AIMSI=0D=0AExample of an Initia=
lisation Procedure of a FDN SIM (see 11.2.1)=0D=0ANOTE 1: In case of enabled=
 FDN the SIM shall set the EF to =93invalidated=94 at no later than this=0D=
=0Astage (see 10.2.7).=0D=0ANOTE 2: Invalidation of only one of the two EFs =
is not allowed for FDN.=0D=0ANOTE 3: Abnormal state. Internal SIM mechanism =
of invalidating EFMS and EFLOCI is expected=0D=0Ato occur if FDN is enabled=
=0D=0APage 86=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A(see note 4)=
=0D=0Ayes=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0ASST=0D=0ARead EF=0D=0ASST=0D=0ATelecom=0D=0ASe=
lect=0D=0ADF=0D=0AADN=0D=0ASelect=0D=0AEF=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ayes no=0D=0Ai=
nvalidated=0D=0AEF=0D=0A?=0D=0AADN=0D=0AFDN enabled FDN disabled=0D=0AFDN ca=
pability request (see 11.5.1)=0D=0ANo FDN SIM=0D=0AFDN=0D=0Aallocated and=
=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0AGet Response=0D=0A(evaluation of=0D=0Ainvalidati=
on flag)=0D=0AADN=0D=0Aallocated=0D=0Aand=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0Ayes=0D=
=0ANOTE 4: In this case FDN is enabled without the possibility of disabling.=
=0D=0APage 87=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AFDN Enabling=
=0D=0AVerify CHV2=0D=0AVerify CHV2=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ano=0D=0A(see 11.5.1)=0D=0Aye=
s=0D=0Ayes=0D=0AFDN Disabling=0D=0AADN=0D=0Aallocated=0D=0Aand=0D=0Aactivate=
=0AFDN enabled=0D=0Adisabling FDN=0D=0Anot possible=0D=0A(see 11.5.1)=0D=0AR=
ead EF SST=0D=0ASelect EF SST=0D=0ASelect DF=0D=0ATelecom=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=
=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0AADN=0D=0ASelect DF Telecom=0D=0ASelect EF=0D=0ASST=0D=
=0ARead EF=0D=0ASST=0D=0AVerify CHV1=0D=0ASelect and=0D=0ARehabilitate=0D=
=0AEF and=0D=0AEF=0D=0AIMSI=0D=0ALOCI=0D=0AAdminstrative=0D=0ATerminal=0D=
=0AFDN disabled FDN disabled FDN enabled=0D=0AADN=0D=0AInvalidate=0D=0AEF=
=0D=0APage 88=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Ayes=0D=0AFDN=
=0D=0Aallocated and=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0Ano=0D=0AFDN enabled=0D=0ACodi=
ng for state of FDN=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ano=0D=0Ayes=0D=0AADN=0D=0Aallocated=0D=0Aan=
d=0D=0Aactivated=0D=0A?=0D=0AFDN not enabled=0D=0Ainvalidated=0D=0AEF=0D=0A?=
=0D=0AADN=0D=0ABoolean equation:=0D=0AFD =3D FDA . (ADA + ADA . ADI)=0D=0Awi=
th=0D=0AFD =3D FDN enabled=0D=0AFDA =3D FDN allocated and activated=0D=0AADA=
 =3D ADN allocated and activated=0D=0AADI =3D EF ADN invalidated=0D=0Ayes=
=0D=0APage 89=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AAnnex C (infor=
mative): Suggested contents of the EFs at pre-personalisation=0D=0AIf EFs ha=
ve an unassigned value it may not be clear from the main text what this val=
ue should be. This=0D=0Aannex suggests values in these cases.=0D=0AFile Iden=
tification Description Value=0D=0A'2F E2' ICC identification operator depend=
ant (see 10.1.1)=0D=0A'6F 05' Language preference 'FF'=0D=0A'6F 07' IMSI ope=
rator dependant (see 10.2.2)=0D=0A'6F 20' Ciphering key Kc 'FF
=0A'6F 30' PLMN selector 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 31' HPLMN search period 'FF'=0D=
=0A'6F 37' ACM maximum value '000000' (see note 1)=0D=0A'6F 38' SIM service =
table operator dependant (see 10.2.7)=0D=0A'6F 39' Accumulated call meter '0=
00000'=0D=0A'6F 3E' Group identifier level 1 operator dependant=0D=0A'6F 3F'=
 Group identifier level 2 operator dependant=0D=0A'6F 41' PUCT 'FFFFFF0000'=
=0D=0A'6F 45' CBMI 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 46' Service provider name 'FF
=0D=0A'6F 74' BCCH 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 78' Access control class operator depe=
ndant (see 10.1.12)=0D=0A'6F 7B' Forbidden PLMNs 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 7E Locat=
ion information 'FFFFFFFF xxFxxx 0000 FF 01'=0D=0A(see note 2)=0D=0A'6F AD' =
Administrative data operator dependant (see 10.2.15)=0D=0A'6F AE' Phase iden=
tification see 10.2.16=0D=0A'6F 3A' Abbreviated dialling numbers 'FF
=0D=0A'6F 3B' Fixed dialling numbers 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 3C' Short messages '=
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 3D' Capability configuration parameters 'FF
6F 40' MSISDN storage 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 42' SMS parameters 'FF
6F 43' SMS status 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 44' Last number dialled 'FF
=0A'6F 4A' Extension 1 'FF
.FF'=0D=0A'6F 4B' Extension 2 'FF
E 1: The value '000000' means that ACMmax is not valid i.e. there is no res=
triction on the=0D=0AACM. When assigning a value to ACMmax care should be t=
aken not to use values too=0D=0Aclose to the maximum possible value 'FFFFFF'=
 because the INCREASE command=0D=0Adoes not update EFACM if the units to be=
 added would exceed 'FFFFFF'. This could=0D=0Aaffect the call termination pr=
ocedure of the Advice of Charge function.=0D=0ANOTE 2: xxFxxx stands for any=
 valid MCC and MNC coded according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=0D=0APage 90=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AAnnex D (informative): Bibliog=
raphy=0D=0A1) prEN 726-3: "Terminal Equipment (TE); Requirements for IC card=
s and terminals=0D=0Afor telecommunication use Part 3: Application independe=
nt card requirements".=0D=0A2) prEN 726-4: "Terminal Equipment (TE); Require=
ments for IC cards and terminals=0D=0Afor telecommunication use Part 4: Appl=
ication independent card related terminal=0D=0Arequirements".=0D=0A3) ISO/IE=
C 7816-3 (1989): "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with=
=0D=0Acontacts Part 3: Electronic signals and transmission protocols" DAM2=
 (1993):=0D=0A"Protocol type select".=0D=0APage 91=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.=
0.0 December 1995=0D=0AHistory=0D=0AChange history=0D=0ASMG No. TDoc.=0D=0AN=
ubject/Comments=0D=0ASMG#16 709/95 A008 5.0.0 SIM Speed Enhancem=
ent=0D=0ADocument history=0D=0ADecember 1995 Version 5.0.0=0D=0AFebruary 199=
6 Converted into Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF)=0D=0AISBN 2-74=
3es (EF)


 47=0D=0A10.1 Contents=
 of the EFs at the MF level 


 47=0D=0A10.1.1 EFICCID (ICC Identification) 

2 Contents of files at the GSM application level 


. 48=0D=0A10.2.1 EFLP (Language preference=

=0A10.2.2 EFIMSI (IMSI) 


. 49=0D=0A10.2.3 EFKc (Ciphering key Kc)

. 50=
=0D=0A10.2.4 EFPLMNsel (PLMN selector)


. 51=0D=0A10.2.5 EFHPLMN (HPLMN search period) .=

. 51=0D=0A10.2.6 EFA=
CMmax (ACM maximum value)


. 52=0D=0A10.2.7 EFSST (SIM service table)


 52=0D=0APage 5=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Ver=
sion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A10.2.8 EFACM (Accumulated call meter)


. 54=0D=0A10.2.9 EFGID1 (G=
roup Identifier Level 1) 


 55=0D=0A10.2.10 EFGID2 (Group Identifier Level 2) 


 55=0D=0A10.2.11 EFSPN (Service Pr=
ovider Name) 

. 5=
5=0D=0A10.2.12 EFPUCT (Price per unit and currency table) 


. 56=0D=0A10.2.13 EFCBMI (Cell broadcast message i=
dentifier selection) 

 57=0D=0A10.2.14 EFBCCH (=
Broadcast control channels)


 57=0D=0A10.2.15 EFACC (Access control class) 


 58=0D=0A10.2.16 EFFPLMN (Forbidden PL=

=0A10.2.17 EFLOCI (Location information) 


. 59=0D=0A10.2.18 EFAD (Administrative data) 

0.2.19 EFPhase (Phase identification) 


 61=0D=0A10.3 Contents of files at the telecom lev=

. 62=0D=0A10.3.1 EFADN (Abbreviated dialling numbers)


 62=0D=0A10.3.2 EFFDN (Fixed dialling numbers)=

. 64=0D=0A10.3=
.3 EFSMS (Short messages) 


 65=0D=0A10.3.4 EFCCP (Capability configuration paramete=

. 67=0D=0A10.3.5 EFMSISDN (MSIS=



. 67=0D=0A10.3.6 EFSMSP (Short message service parameters)


. 68=0D=0A10.3.7 EFSMSS (SMS status)


. 69=0D=0A10.3.8 E=
FLND (Last number dialled) 


. 70=0D=0A10.3.9 EFEXT1 (Extension1) 


 70=0D=0A10.3.10 EFEXT=
2 (Extension2) 


 72=0D=0A10.4 Files of GSM (figure 8)


. 72=
=0D=0A11 Application protocol 


. 74=0D=
=0A11.1 General procedures 


. 75=0D=0A11.1.1 Reading an =


 75=0D=0A11.1.2 Updating an EF 


. 75=0D=0A11.1.3 Incre=
asing an EF 


 75=0D=0A11.2 SIM management procedures 


=0A11.2.1 SIM initialisation 


 76=0D=0A11.2.2 GSM session terminatio=

7=0D=0A11.2.3 Language preference


. 77=0D=0A11.2.4 Administrative informatio=
n request; 

=0A11.2.5 SIM service table request 


. 77=0D=0A11.2.6 SIM phase request


. 77=0D=
=0A11.2.7 SIM Presence Detection 


 77=0D=0A11.3 CHV related procedures 



. 77=0D=0A11.3.1 CHV verification


. 78=0D=0A11.3.2 CHV value s=


 78=0D=0A11.3.3 CHV disabling 


 78=0D=0A11.3.4 CHV en=


 78=0D=0A11.3.5 CHV unblocking


 79=0D=0A11.4 GS=
M security related procedures 


. 79=0D=0A11.4.1 GSM algorithms computation =

1.4.2 IMSI request


 79=0D=0A11.4.3 Access control request 


=0D=0A11.4.4 HPLMN search period request


. 79=0D=0A11.4.5 Location information 


. 79=0D=
=0A11.4.6 Cipher key 


 79=0D=0A11.4.7 BCCH information


. 79=0D=0A11.4.8 Forbidden PLMN 


 79=0D=0A11.5 Subscription related p=


. 80=0D=0A11.5.1 Dialling numbers


 80=0D=0A11.5.2 Shor=
t messages


. 82=0D=0A11.5.3 Advice of Charge (AoC)


. 82=0D=0A11.5.4 Capab=
ility configuration parameters 


 83=0D=0A11.5.5 PLMN selector 


. 83=0D=0A11.5.6 Cell br=
oadcast message identifier


 83=0D=0APage 6=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A11=
.5.7 Group identifier level 1 


 83=0D=0A11.5.8 Group identifier level 2 


. 83=
=0D=0A11.5.9 Service Provider Name 


 83=0D=0AAnnex A (normative): Plug-in SIM.=


 84=0D=0AAnnex B (informative): FDN Procedures 



 85=0D=0AAnnex C (informative): Suggested contents of the EFs at pre-per=

 89=0D=0AAnnex D (informativ=
e): Bibliography





. 91=0D=0APage 7=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Vers=
ion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AForeword=0D=0AThis Global System for Mobile com=
munications Technical Specification (GTS) has been produced by the=0D=0ASpec=
ial Mobile Group (SMG) Technical Committee (TC) of the European Telecommunic=
ations Standards=0D=0AInstitute (ETSI).=0D=0AThis GTS defines the interface =
between the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) and the Mobile Equipment=0D=0A(=
ME) for use during the network operation phase of GSM as well as those aspec=
ts of the internal=0D=0Aorganisation of the SIM which are related to the net=
work operation phase within the digital cellular=0D=0Atelecommunications sy=
stem (Phase 2/Phase 2+).=0D=0AThis GTS is a TC-SMG approved GSM technical sp=
ecification version 5 which contains GSM Phase 2+=0D=0Aenhancements/feature=
s to the version 4 GSM technical specification. The ETS from which this Phas=
e 2+=0D=0AGTS has evolved is Phase 2 GSM ETS 300 608 Edition 3 (GSM 11.11 ve=
rsion 4.16.0).=0D=0AGTS are produced by TC-SMG to enable the GSM Phase 2+ sp=
ecifications to become publicly available=0D=0Aprior to submission for the =
formal ETSI standards approval procedure to become European=0D=0ATelecommuni=
cations Standards (ETS). This ensures the earliest possible access to GSM Ph=
ase 2+=0D=0Aspecifications for all Manufacturers Network operators and impl=
ementors of the Global System for Mobile=0D=0Acommunications.=0D=0AThe conte=
nts of this GTS are subject to continuing work within TC-SMG and may change =
following formal=0D=0ATC-SMG approval. Should TC-SMG modify the contents of =
this GTS it will then be republished by ETSI=0D=0Awith an identifying change=
 of release date and an increase in version number as follows:=0D=0AVersion =
5.x.y=0D=0Awhere:=0D=0Ay the third digit is incremented when editorial only =
changes have been incorporated in the=0D=0Aspecification;=0D=0Ax the second =
digit is incremented for all other types of changes i.e. technical enhancem=
ents=0D=0Acorrections updates etc.=0D=0AReference is made within this GTS=
 to GSM-TSs (note).=0D=0ANOTE: TC-SMG has produced documents which give the =
technical specifications for the=0D=0Aimplementation of the digital cellular=
 telecommunications system. Historically these=0D=0Adocuments have been ide=
ntified as GSM Technical Specifications (GSM-TSs). These=0D=0ATSs may have s=
ubsequently become I-ETSs (Phase 1) or ETSs/ETSI Technical=0D=0AReports (ET=
Rs) (Phase 2). TC-SMG has also produced ETSI GSM TSs which give the=0D=0Atec=
hnical specifications for the implementation of Phase 2+ enhancements of the=
 digital=0D=0Acellular telecommunications system. These version 5.x.x GSM Te=
chnical Specifications=0D=0Amay be referred to as GTSs.=0D=0APage 8=0D=0AGSM=
 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ABlank page=0D=0APage 9=0D=0AGSM 11.1=
1 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A1 Scope=0D=0AThis Global System for Mobil=
e communications Technical Specification (GTS) defines the interface=0D=0Abe=
tween the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) and the Mobile Equipment (ME) for=
 use during the network=0D=0Aoperation phase of GSM as well as those aspects=
 of the internal organisation of the SIM which are related=0D=0Ato the netwo=
rk operation phase. This is to ensure interoperability between a SIM and an =
ME independently=0D=0Aof the respective manufacturers and operators. The con=
cept of a split of the Mobile Station (MS) into these=0D=0Aelements as well =
as the distinction between the GSM network operation phase which is also ca=
lled GSM=0D=0Aoperations and the administrative management phase are descri=
bed in the Technical Specification GSM=0D=0A02.17 [6].=0D=0AThis GTS defines=
:=0D=0A- the requirements for the physical characteristics of the SIM the e=
lectrical signals and the=0D=0Atransmission protocols;=0D=0A- the model whic=
h shall be used as a basis for the design of the logical structure of the SI=
M;=0D=0A- the security features;=0D=0A- the interface functions;=0D=0A- the =
commands;=0D=0A- the contents of the files required for the GSM application;=
=0D=0A- the application protocol.=0D=0AUnless otherwise stated references t=
o GSM also apply to DCS 1800.=0D=0AThis GTS does not specify any aspects rel=
ated to the administrative management phase. Any internal=0D=0Atechnical rea=
lisation of either the SIM or the ME are only specified where these reflect =
over the interface.=0D=0AThis GTS does not specify any of the security algor=
ithms which may be used.=0D=0AThis GTS defines the SIM/ME interface for GSM =
Phase 2. While all attempts have been made to maintain=0D=0Aphase compatibil=
ity any issues that specifically relate to Phase 1 should be referenced fro=
m within the=0D=0Arelevant Phase 1 specification.=0D=0A2 Normative reference=
s=0D=0AThis Global System for Mobile communications Technical Specification =
(GTS) incorporates by dated or=0D=0Aundated reference provisions from othe=
r publications. These normative references are cited at the=0D=0Aappropriate=
 places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated ref=
erences subsequent=0D=0Aamendments to or revisions of any of these public=
ations apply to this GTS only when incorporated in it by=0D=0Aamendment or r=
evision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication refer=
red to applies.=0D=0A[1] GSM 01.02 (ETR 99): "European digital cellular tele=
communications system=0D=0A(Phase 2); General Description of a GSM PLMN".=
=0D=0A[2] GSM 01.04 (ETR 100): "European digital cellular telecommunications=
 system=0D=0A(Phase 2); Abbreviations and acronyms".=0D=0A[3] GSM 02.07 (ETS=
 300 505): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase =
2); Mobile Station (MS) features".=0D=0A[4] GSM 02.09 (ETS 300 506): "Europe=
an digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Security aspec=
ts".=0D=0A[5] GSM 02.11 (ETS 300 507): "European digital cellular telecommun=
ications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Service accessibility".=0D=0APage 10=0D=0AGS=
M 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A[6] GSM 02.17 (ETS 300 509): "Europ=
ean digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Subscriber id=
entity modules functional characteristics".=0D=0A[7] GSM 02.24 (ETS 300 510=
): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Desc=
ription of Charge Advice Information (CAI)".=0D=0A[8] GSM 02.30 (ETS 300 511=
): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Man-=
Machine Interface (MMI) of the Mobile Station (MS)".=0D=0A[9] GSM 02.86 (ETS=
 300 519): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase =
2); Advice of charge (AoC) supplementary services - Stage 1".=0D=0A[10] GSM =
03.20 (ETS 300 534): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asyst=
em (Phase 2); Security related network functions".=0D=0A[11] GSM 03.38 (ETS =
300 628): "European digital cellular telecommunication system=0D=0A(Phase 2)=
; Alphabets and language-specific information".=0D=0A[12] GSM 03.40 (ETS 300=
 536): "European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); =
Technical realization of the Short Message (SMS) Service=0D=0APoint-to-Point=
 (PP)".=0D=0A[13] GSM 03.41 (ETS 300 537): "European digital cellular teleco=
mmunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Technical realization of the Short Messa=
ge Service Cell=0D=0ABroadcast (SMSCB)".=0D=0A[14] GSM 04.08 (ETS 300 557): =
"European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Mobile =
radio interface Layer 3 specification".=0D=0A[15] GSM 04.11 (ETS 300 559): "=
European digital cellular telecommunications=0D=0Asystem (Phase 2); Point to=
 Point (PP) Short Message Service (SMS) support on=0D=0Amobile radio interfa=
ce".=0D=0A[16] GSM 09.91 (ETR 174): "European digital cellular telecommunica=
tions system=0D=0A(Phase 2); Interworking aspects of the SIM/ME interface be=
tween Phase 1 and=0D=0APhase 2".=0D=0A[17] CCITT Recommendation E.118: "The =
international telecommunication charge=0D=0Acard".=0D=0A[18] CCITT Recommend=
ation E.164: "Numbering plan for the ISDN era".=0D=0A[19] CCITT Recommendati=
on T.50: "International Alphabet No. 5". (ISO 646: 1983=0D=0AInformation pr=
ocessing - ISO 7-bits coded characters set for information=0D=0Ainterchange)=
.=0D=0A[20] ISO 7810 (1985): "Identification cards - Physical characteristic=
s".=0D=0A[21] ISO 7811-1 (1985): "Identification cards - Recording technique=
 - Part 1:=0D=0AEmbossing".=0D=0A[22] ISO 7811-3 (1985): "Identification car=
ds - Recording technique - Part 3: Location=0D=0Aof embossed characters".=
=0D=0A[23] ISO 7816-1 (1987): "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) =
cards with=0D=0Acontacts Part 1: Physical characteristics".=0D=0A[24] ISO 7=
816-2 (1988): "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with=0D=
=0Acontacts Part 2: Dimensions and locations of the contacts".=0D=0APage 11=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A[25] ISO/IEC 7816-3 (1989):=
 "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with=0D=0Acontacts Par=
t 3: Electronic signals and transmission protocols".=0D=0A3 Definitions and =
abbreviations=0D=0A3.1 Definitions=0D=0AFor the purposes of this GTS the fo=
llowing definitions apply. For further information and definitions refer to=
=0D=0ATS GSM 01.02 [1].=0D=0Aaccess conditions: A set of security attributes=
 associated with a file.=0D=0Aapplication: An application consists of a set =
of security mechanisms files data and protocols (excluding=0D=0Atransmissi=
on protocols).=0D=0Aapplication protocol: The set of procedures required by =
the application.=0D=0Acard session: A link between the card and the external=
 world starting with the ATR and ending with a=0D=0Asubsequent reset or a de=
activation of the card.=0D=0Acurrent directory: The latest MF or DF selected=
.=0D=0Acurrent EF: The latest EF selected.=0D=0Adata field: Obsolete term fo=
r Elementary File.=0D=0ADedicated File (DF): A file containing access condit=
ions and optionally Elementary Files (EFs) or other=0D=0ADedicated Files (=
DFs).=0D=0Adirectory: General term for MF and DF.=0D=0AElementary File (EF):=
 A file containing access conditions and data and no other files.=0D=0Afile:=
 A directory or an organised set of bytes or records in the SIM.=0D=0Afile i=
dentifier: The 2 bytes which address a file in the SIM.=0D=0AGSM or DCS 1800=
 application: Set of security mechanisms files data and protocols required=
 by GSM=0D=0Aor DCS 1800.=0D=0AGSM session: That part of the card session de=
dicated to the GSM operation.=0D=0AIC card SIM: Obsolete term for ID-1 SIM.=
=0D=0AID-1 SIM: The SIM having the format of an ID-1 card (see ISO 7816-1 [2=
3]).=0D=0AMaster File (MF): The unique mandatory file containing access cond=
itions and optionally DFs and/or EFs.=0D=0Apadding: One or more bits appende=
d to a message in order to cause the message to contain the required=0D=0Anu=
mber of bits or bytes.=0D=0Aplug-in SIM: A second format of SIM (specified i=
n clause 4).=0D=0Arecord: A string of bytes within an EF handled as a single=
 entity (see clause 6).=0D=0Arecord number: The number which identifies a re=
cord within an EF.=0D=0Arecord pointer: The pointer which addresses one reco=
rd in an EF.=0D=0APage 12=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Aro=
ot directory: Obsolete term for Master File.=0D=0A3.2 Abbreviations=0D=0AFor=
 the purposes of this ETS the following abbreviations apply. In addition to =
the following abbreviations=0D=0Aused in this ETS are listed in GSM 01.04 [2=
].=0D=0AA3 Algorithm 3 authentication algorithm; used for authenticating th=
e subscriber=0D=0AA5 Algorithm 5 cipher algorithm; used for enciphering/dec=
iphering data=0D=0AA8 Algorithm 8 cipher key generator; used to generate Kc=
=0D=0AA38 A single algorithm performing the functions of A3 and A8=0D=0AACM =
Accumulated Call Meter=0D=0AADN Abbreviated Dialling Number=0D=0AADM Access =
condition to an EF which is under the control of the authority which=0D=0Acr=
eates this file=0D=0AALW ALWays=0D=0AAoC Advice of Charge=0D=0AAPDU Applicat=
ion Protocol Data Unit=0D=0AATR Answer To Reset=0D=0ABCCH Broadcast Control =
CHannel=0D=0ABCD Binary Coded Decimal=0D=0ABTS Base Transmitter Station=0D=
=0ACB Cell Broadcast=0D=0ACBMI Cell Broadcast Message Identifier=0D=0ACCITT =
The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (now also=
=0D=0Aknown as the ITU Telecommunications Standardization sector)=0D=0ACCP C=
apability/Configuration Parameter=0D=0ACHV Card Holder Verification informat=
ion; access condition used by the SIM for the=0D=0Averification of the ident=
ity of the user=0D=0ACLA CLAss=0D=0ADCS Digital Cellular System=0D=0ADF Dedi=
cated File (abbreviation formerly used for Data Field)=0D=0ADTMF Dual Tone M=
ultiple Frequency=0D=0AEF Elementary File=0D=0AETSI European Telecommunicati=
ons Standards Institute=0D=0Aetu elementary time unit=0D=0AFDN Fixed Diallin=
g Number=0D=0AGSM Global System for Mobile communications=0D=0AHPLMN Home PL=
MN=0D=0AIC Integrated Circuit=0D=0AICC Integrated Circuit(s) Card=0D=0AID ID=
entifier=0D=0AIEC International Electrotechnical Commission=0D=0AIMSI Intern=
ational Mobile Subscriber Identity=0D=0AISO International Organization for 0D=0AMCC Mobile Country Code=0D=0AME Mobile Equipment=0D=0AMF M=
aster File=0D=0AMMI Man Machine Interface=0D=0AMNC Mobile Network Code=0D=
=0AMS Mobile Station=0D=0AMSISDN Mobile Station international ISDN number=
=0D=0AMSB Most Significant Bit=0D=0APage 13=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Dec=
ember 1995=0D=0ANET NETwork=0D=0ANEV NEVer=0D=0ANPI Numbering Plan Identifie=
r=0D=0APIN/PIN2 Personal Identification Number / Personal Identification Num=
ber 2 (obsolete=0D=0Aterms for CHV1 and CHV2 respectively)=0D=0APLMN Public=
 Land Mobile Network=0D=0APTS Protocol Type Select (response to the ATR)=0D=
=0APUK/PUK2 PIN Unblocking Key / PIN2 Unblocking Key (obsolete terms for UNB=
LOCK CHV1=0D=0Aand UNBLOCK CHV2 respectively)=0D=0ARAND A RANDom challenge =
issued by the network=0D=0ARFU Reserved for Future Use=0D=0ASIM Subscriber I=
dentity Module=0D=0ASMS Short Message Service=0D=0ASRES Signed RESponse calc=
ulated by a SIM=0D=0ASSC Supplementary Service Control string=0D=0ASW1/SW2 S=
tatus Word 1 / Status Word 2=0D=0ATMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity=
=0D=0ATON Type Of Number=0D=0ATP Transfer layer Protocol=0D=0ATS Technical S=
pecification=0D=0AUNBLOCK CHV1/2 value to unblock CHV1/CHV2=0D=0AVPLMN Visit=
ed PLMN=0D=0A3.3 Symbols=0D=0AVcc Supply voltage=0D=0AVpp Programming voltag=
e=0D=0A'0' to '9' and 'A' to 'F' The sixteen hexadecimal digits=0D=0A4 Physi=
cal characteristics=0D=0ATwo physical types of SIM are specified. These are =
the "ID-1 SIM" and the "Plug-in SIM".=0D=0AThe physical characteristics of b=
oth types of SIM shall be in accordance with ISO 7816-12 [23 24] unless=
=0D=0Aotherwise specified. The following additional requirements shall be ap=
plied to ensure proper operation in=0D=0Athe GSM environment.=0D=0A4.1 Forma=
t and layout=0D=0AThe information on the exterior of either SIM should inclu=
de at least the individual account identifier and the=0D=0Acheck digit of th=
e IC Card Identification (see clause 10 EFICCID).=0D=0A4.1.1 ID-1 SIM=0D=
=0AFormat and layout of the ID-1 SIM shall be in accordance with ISO 7816-1=
2 [23 24].=0D=0AThe card shall have a polarisation mark (see TS GSM 02.07 [=
3]) which indicates how the user should=0D=0Ainsert the card into the ME.=
=0D=0AThe ME shall accept embossed ID-1 cards. The embossing shall be in acc=
ordance with ISO 7811=0D=0A[20 21]. The contacts of the ID-1 SIM shall be l=
ocated on the front (embossed face see ISO 7810 [20])=0D=0Aof the card.=0D=
=0A4.1.2 Plug-in SIM=0D=0AThe Plug-in SIM has a width of 25 mm a height of =
15 mm a thickness the same as an ID-1 SIM and a=0D=0Afeature for orientatio=
n. See figure A.1 in normative annex A for details of the dimensions of the =
card and=0D=0Athe dimensions and location of the contacts.=0D=0AAnnexes A.1 =
and A.2 of ISO 7816-1 [23] do not apply to the Plug-in SIM.=0D=0APage 14=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AAnnex A of ISO 7816-2 [24] app=
lies with the location of the reference points adapted to the smaller size.=
=0D=0AThe three reference points P1 P2 and P3 measure 75 mm 33 mm and 20=
8 mm respectively from 0.=0D=0AThe values in Table A.1 of ISO 7816-2 [24]=
 are replaced by the corresponding values of figure A.1.=0D=0A4.2 Temperatur=
e range for card operation=0D=0AThe temperature range for full operational u=
se shall be between -25=B0C and +70=B0C with occasional peaks of=0D=0Aup to =
+85=B0C. "Occasional" means not more than 4 hours each time and not over 100=
 times during the life=0D=0Atime of the card.=0D=0A4.3 Contacts=0D=0A4.3.1 P=
rovision of contacts=0D=0AME: There shall not be any contacting elements in =
positions C4 and C8. Contact C6 need not be=0D=0Aprovided for Plug-in SIMs.=
=0D=0ASIM: Contacts C4 and C8 need not be provided by the SIM. Contact C6 sh=
all not be bonded in the SIM=0D=0Afor any function other than supplying Vpp.=
=0D=0A4.3.2 Activation and deactivation=0D=0AThe ME shall connect activate =
and deactivate the SIM in accordance with the Operating Procedures=0D=0Aspec=
ified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25].=0D=0AFor any voltage level monitored during t=
he activation sequence or during the deactivation sequence=0D=0Afollowing s=
oft power-down the order of the contact activation/deactivation shall be re=
spected.=0D=0ANOTE 1: Soft Power switching is defined in TS GSM 02.07 [3].=
=0D=0ANOTE 2: It is recommended that whenever possible the deactivation sequ=
ence defined in=0D=0AISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] should be followed by the ME on all=
 occasions when the ME is=0D=0Apowered down.=0D=0AIf the SIM clock is alread=
y stopped and is not restarted the ME is allowed to deactivate all the cont=
acts in=0D=0Aany order provided that all signals reach low level before Vcc=
 leaves high level. If the SIM clock is already=0D=0Astopped and is restarte=
d before the deactivation sequence then the deactivation sequence specified=
 in=0D=0AISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] subclause 5.4 shall be followed.=0D=0AWhen Vpp =
is connected to Vcc as allowed by GSM (see clause 5) then Vpp will be acti=
vated and=0D=0Adeactivated with Vcc at the time of the Vcc activation/deact=
ivation as given in the sequences of ISO/IEC=0D=0A7816-3 [25] subclauses 5.=
1 and 5.4.=0D=0AThe voltage level of Vcc used by GSM differs from that spe=
cified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25]. Vcc is powered=0D=0Awhen it has a value betwe=
en 45 V and 55 V.=0D=0A4.3.3 Inactive contacts=0D=0AThe voltages on contac=
ts C1 C2 C3 C6 and C7 of the ME shall be between 0 and =B1 04 volts refe=
renced=0D=0Ato ground (C5) when the ME is switched off with the power source=
 connected to the ME. The=0D=0Ameasurement equipment shall have a resistance=
 of 50 kohms when measuring the voltage on C2 C3 C6=0D=0Aand C7. The resis=
tance shall be 10 kohms when measuring the voltage on C1.=0D=0A4.3.4 Contact=
 pressure=0D=0AThe contact pressure shall be large enough to ensure reliable=
 and continuous contact (e.g. to overcome=0D=0Aoxidisation and to prevent in=
terruption caused by vibration). The radius of any curvature of the contacti=
ng=0D=0Aelements shall be greater than or equal to 08 mm over the contact a=
rea.=0D=0APage 15=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AUnder no c=
ircumstances may a contact force be greater than 05 N per contact.=0D=0A4.4=
 Precedence=0D=0AFor Mobile Equipment which accepts both an ID-1 SIM and a =
Plug-in SIM the ID-1 SIM shall take=0D=0Aprecedence over the Plug-in SIM (s=
ee TS GSM 02.17 [6]).=0D=0A4.5 Static Protection=0D=0AConsidering that the S=
IM is a CMOS device the ME manufacturer shall take adequate precautions (in=
=0D=0Aaddition to the protection diodes inherent in the SIM) to safeguard th=
e ME SIM and SIM/ME interface=0D=0Afrom static discharges at all times and=
 particularly during SIM insertion into the ME.=0D=0A5 Electronic signals an=
d transmission protocols=0D=0AElectronic signals and transmission protocols =
shall be in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] unless=0D=0Aspecified otherw=
ise. The following additional requirements shall be applied to ensure proper=
 operation in=0D=0Athe GSM environment.=0D=0AThe choice of the transmission =
protocol(s) to be used to communicate between the SIM and the ME shall=0D=
=0Aat least include that specified and denoted by T=3D0 in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [2=
5].=0D=0AThe values given in the tables hereafter are derived from ISO/IEC 7=
816-3 [25] subclause 4.2 with the=0D=0Afollowing considerations:=0D=0A- VOH=
 and VOL always refer to the device (ME or SIM) which is driving the interfa=
ce. VIH and VIL=0D=0Aalways refer to the device (ME or SIM) which is operati=
ng as a receiver on the interface.=0D=0A- This convention is different to th=
e one used in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] which specifically defines an=0D=0AICC fo=
r which its current conventions apply. The following clauses define the spec=
ific core=0D=0Arequirements for the SIM which provide also the basis for Ty=
pe Approval. For each state (VOH VIH=0D=0AVIL and VOL) a positive current =
is defined as flowing out of the entity (ME or SIM) in that state.=0D=0A- Th=
e high current options of ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] for VIH and VOH are not specif=
ied for the SIM as=0D=0Athey apply to NMOS technology requirements. No reali=
sation of the SIM using NMOS is foreseen.=0D=0A5.1 Supply voltage Vcc (conta=
ct C1)=0D=0AThe SIM shall be operated within the following limits:=0D=0ATabl=
e 1: Electrical characteristics of Vcc under normal operating conditions=0D=
=0ASymbol Minimum Maximum Unit=0D=0AVcc 45 55 V=0D=0AIcc 10 mA=0D=0AThe cu=
rrent consumption of the SIM shall not exceed the value given in table 1 at =
any frequency accepted=0D=0Aby the SIM.=0D=0AWhen the SIM is in idle state (=
see below) the current consumption of the card shall not exceed 200 =B5A at =
1=0D=0AMHz and 25=B0C.=0D=0AThe ME shall source the maximum current requirem=
ents defined above. It shall also be able to counteract=0D=0Aspikes in the c=
urrent consumption of the card up to a maximum charge of 40 nAs with no more=
 than 400 ns=0D=0Aduration and an amplitude of at most 200 mA ensuring that=
 the supply voltage stays in the specified range.=0D=0ANOTE: A possible solu=
tion would be to place a capacitor (e.g. 100 nF ceramic) as close as=0D=0Ap=
ossible to the contacting elements.=0D=0APage 16=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.=
0 December 1995=0D=0A5.2 Reset (RST) (contact C2)=0D=0AThe ME shall operate =
the SIM within the following limits:=0D=0ATable 2: Electrical characteristic=
s of RST under normal operating conditions=0D=0ASymbol Conditions Minimum Ma=
ximum=0D=0AVOH IOHmax =3D +20=B5A Vcc-07 Vcc (note)=0D=0AVOL IOLmax =3D -20=
0 =B5A 0V (note) 06V=0D=0AtR tF Cout =3D Cin =3D 30pF 400=B5s=0D=0ANOTE: To=
 allow for overshoot the voltage on RST shall remain=0D=0Abetween -03V and =
Vcc+03V during dynamic operation.=0D=0A5.3 Programming voltage Vpp (contact=
 C6)=0D=0ASIMs shall not require any programming voltage on Vpp. The ME need=
 not provide contact C6. If the ME=0D=0Aprovides contact C6 then in the ca=
se of the ID-1 SIM the same voltage shall be supplied on Vpp as on=0D=0AVcc=
 while in the case of Plug-in SIMs the ME need not provide any voltage on C6=
. Contact C6 may be=0D=0Aconnected to Vcc in any ME but shall not be connect=
ed to ground.=0D=0A5.4 Clock CLK (contact C3)=0D=0AThe SIM shall support 1 t=
o 5 MHz. The clock shall be supplied by the ME. No "internal clock" SIMs sha=
ll be=0D=0Aused.=0D=0AIf a frequency of 13/4 MHz is needed by the SIM to run=
 the authentication procedure in the allotted time=0D=0A(see TS GSM 03.20 [1=
0]) bit 2 of byte 1 in the directory characteristics shall be set to 1. Oth=
erwise a=0D=0Aminimum frequency of 13/8 MHz may be used.=0D=0AThe duty cycle=
 shall be between 40% and 60% of the period during stable operation.=0D=0ATh=
e ME shall operate the SIM within the following limits:=0D=0ATable 3: Electr=
ical characteristics of CLK under normal operating conditions=0D=0ASymbol Co=
nditions Minimum Maximum=0D=0AVOH IOHmax =3D +20=B5A 07xVcc Vcc (note)=0D=
=0AVOL IOLmax =3D -200 =B5A 0V (note) 05V=0D=0AtR tF Cout =3D Cin =3D 30pF =
9 % of period with a maximum=0D=0Aof 05=B5s=0D=0ANOTE: To allow for oversho=
ot the voltage on CLK shall remain between -03V=0D=0Aand Vcc+03V during dy=
namic operation.=0D=0A5.5 I/O (contact C7)=0D=0ATable 4 defines the electric=
al characteristics of the I/O (contact C7). The values given in the table ha=
ve the=0D=0Aeffect of defining the values of the pull-up resistor in the ME =
and the impedances of the drivers and=0D=0Areceivers in the ME and SIM.=0D=
=0APage 17=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 4: Electric=
al characteristics of I/O under normal operating conditions=0D=0ASymbol Cond=
itions Minimum Maximum=0D=0AVIH IIHmax =3D =B120=B5A (note 2) 07xVcc Vcc+0=
3V=0D=0AVIL IILmax =3D +1mA -03V 08V=0D=0AVOH (note 1) IOHmax =3D +20=B5A =
38V Vcc (note 3)=0D=0AVOL IOLmax =3D -1mA 0V (note 3) 04V=0D=0AtR tF Cout =
=3D Cin =3D 30pF 1=B5s=0D=0ANOTE 1: It is assumed that a pull-up resistor is=
 used in the interface device=0D=0A(recommended value: 20kohms).=0D=0ANOTE 2=
: During static conditions (idle state) only the positive value can apply.=
=0D=0AUnder dynamic operating conditions (transmission) short term voltage=
=0D=0Aspikes on the I/O line may cause a current reversal.=0D=0ANOTE 3: To a=
llow for overshoot the voltage on I/O shall remain between -03V and=0D=0AVc=
c+03V during dynamic operation.=0D=0A5.6 States=0D=0AThere are two states f=
or the SIM while the power supply is on:=0D=0A- The SIM is in operating stat=
e when it executes a command. This state also includes transmission=0D=0Afro=
m and to the ME.=0D=0A- The SIM is in idle state at any other time. It shall=
 retain all pertinent data during this state.=0D=0AThe SIM may support a clo=
ck stop mode. The clock shall only be switched off subject to the conditions=
=0D=0Aspecified in the directory characteristics (see clause 9).=0D=0AClock =
stop mode. An ME of Phase 2 or later shall wait at least five (5) elementary=
 time units after having=0D=0Areceived the last bit of the response before i=
t switches off the clock (if it is allowed to do so). It shall wait=0D=0Aat =
least two (2) elementary time units before it sends the first command after =
having started the clock.=0D=0ATo achieve phase compatibility the following=
 procedure shall be adhered to:=0D=0AA SIM of Phase 2 or later shall always =
send the status information "normal ending of the command" after=0D=0Athe su=
ccessful interpretation of the command SLEEP received from a Phase 1 ME. An =
ME of Phase 2 or=0D=0Alater shall not send a SLEEP command.=0D=0AA Phase 1 M=
E shall wait at least two (2) elementary time units after having received th=
e compulsory=0D=0Aacknowledgement SW1 SW2 of the SLEEP command before it swi=
tches off the clock (if it is allowed to do=0D=0Aso). It shall wait at least=
 two (2) elementary time units before it sends the first command after havin=
g=0D=0Astarted the clock.=0D=0A5.7 Baudrate=0D=0AThe baudrate for all commun=
ications shall be: (clock frequency)/372.=0D=0A5.8 Answer To Reset (ATR)=0D=
=0AThe ATR is information presented by the SIM to the ME at the beginning of=
 the card session and gives=0D=0Aoperational requirements.=0D=0A5.8.1 Struct=
ure and contents=0D=0AThe following table gives an explanation of the charac=
ters specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] and the=0D=0Arequirements for their us=
e in GSM. The answer to reset consists of at most 33 characters. The ME shal=
l=0D=0APage 18=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0Abe able to re=
ceive interface characters for transmission protocols other than T=3D0 hist=
orical characters and=0D=0Aa check byte even if only T=3D0 is used by the M=
E.=0D=0ATable 5: ATR=0D=0ACharacter Contents sent by=0D=0Athe card=0D=0Aa) e=
valuation by the ME=0D=0Ab) reaction by the ME=0D=0A1. Initial=0D=0Acharacte=
r=0D=0ATS=0D=0Acoding convention for all=0D=0Asubsequent characters=0D=0A(di=
rect or inverse=0D=0Aconvention)=0D=0Aalways a) always=0D=0Ab) using appropr=
iate convention=0D=0A2. Format=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0AT0=0D=0Asubsequent interf=
ace=0D=0Acharacters number of=0D=0Ahistorical characters=0D=0Aalways a) alw=
ays=0D=0Ab) identifying the subsequent=0D=0Acharacters accordingly=0D=0A3. I=
nterface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(global)=0D=0ATA1=0D=0Aparameters to calcul0D=0A5. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(global)=0D=0ATC1=0D=0Apara=
meters to calculate=0D=0Athe extra guardtime=0D=0Arequested by the card; no=
=0D=0Aextra guardtime is used to=0D=0Asend characters from the=0D=0Acard to =
the ME=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=0D=0Ab) if TC1 is neither 0 nor 25=
5 then=0D=0Areject the SIM (in accordance with=0D=0Asubclause 5.10); see th=
e note after=0D=0Athe table=0D=0A6. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0ATD1=0D=0Ap=
rotocol type; indicator=0D=0Afor the presence of interface=0D=0Acharacters=
=0D=0Aspecifying rules to be=0D=0Aused for transmissions=0D=0Awith the given=
 protocol=0D=0Atype=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=0D=0Ab) identifying t=
he subsequent=0D=0Acharacters accordingly=0D=0A7. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=
=0D=0A(specific)=0D=0ATA2=0D=0Anot used for protocol T=3D0 optional a) optio=
nal=0D=0Ab) --------=0D=0A8. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(global)=0D=0ATB2=
=0D=0Aparameter to calculate=0D=0Athe programming voltage=0D=0Anever the all=
owed value of TB1 above=0D=0Adefines that an external=0D=0Aprogramming volta=
ge is not=0D=0Aapplicable=0D=0A9. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0A(specific)=
=0D=0ATC2=0D=0Aparameters to calculate=0D=0Athe work waiting time=0D=0Aoptio=
nal a) always if present=0D=0Ab) using the work waiting time=0D=0Aaccordingl=
y=0D=0A10. Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0ATDi=0D=0A(i>1)=0D=0Aprotocol type; =
indicator=0D=0Afor the presence of=0D=0Ainterface characters=0D=0Aspecifyin=
g rules to be=0D=0Aused for transmissions=0D=0Awith the given protocol=0D=
=0Atype=0D=0Aoptional a) always if present=0D=0Ab) identifying the subsequen=
t=0D=0Acharacters accordingly=0D=0APage 19=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 Dece=
mber 1995=0D=0ATable 5: ATR (concluded)=0D=0ACharacter Contents sent by=0D=
=0Athe card=0D=0Aa) evaluation by the ME=0D=0Ab) reaction by the ME=0D=0A11.=
 Interface=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0ATAi TBi TCi=0D=0A(i>2)=0D=0Acharacters whic=
h contain=0D=0Ainterface characters for=0D=0Aother transmission=0D=0Aprotoco=
ls=0D=0Aoptional a) optional=0D=0Ab) --------=0D=0A12. Historical=0D=0Achara=
.TK=0D=0Acontents not specified in=0D=0AISO/IEC=0D=0Aoption=
al a) optional=0D=0Ab) --------=0D=0A13. Check=0D=0Acharacter=0D=0ATCK=0D=
=0Acheck byte (exclusive -=0D=0AORing)=0D=0Anot sent if=0D=0Aonly T=3D0 is=
=0D=0Aindicated in=0D=0Athe ATR; in=0D=0Aall other=0D=0Acases TCK=0D=0Ashall=
 be=0D=0Asent=0D=0Aa) optional=0D=0Ab) --------=0D=0ANOTE: According to ISO/=
IEC 7816-3:1989/DAM2 (see annex D) N=3D255 indicates that the=0D=0Aminimum d=
elay is 12 etu for the asynchronous half-duplex character transmission=0D=
=0Aprotocol.=0D=0A5.8.2 PTS procedure=0D=0ASpecifically related to this Tech=
nical Specification the PTS procedure according to ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25]=0D=
=0Aclause 7 is applied only if TA1 is not equal to '11' as follows:=0D=
=0Aa) for MEs only supporting default speed (F=3D372 D=3D1)=0D=0A=C9=CD=CD=
=BB Reset =C9=CD=CD=CD=BB=0D=0A=BAME=BA =C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4> =BASIM=BA=0D=0A=C8=CD=CD=BC =C8=CD=CD=CD=BC=0D=0AATR=0D=0A<=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 TA1 not '11'=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3PTSS=3D=B3'FF'=B3 PTS Request=0D=0A=B3PTS0=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4>=0D=0A=B3PCK =3D=B3'FF'=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0APTS Res=
ponse =B3PTSS=3D=B3'FF'=B3=0D=0A<=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
K =3D=B3'FF'=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 1: PTS=
 procedure=0D=0APTS Request and PTS Response consist of the three (3) charac=
ters PTSS PTSO and PCK of which=0D=0APTSS is sent first.=0D=0AAfter this pr=
ocedure the protocol T=3D0 and the parameters F=3D372 D=3D1 and N=3D0 will =
be used.=0D=0Ab) for MEs only supporting enhanced speed (F=3D512 D=3D8)=0D=
=0APage 20=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A=C9=CD=CD=BB Rese=
t =C9=CD=CD=CD=BB=0D=0A=BAME=BA =C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4> =BASIM=BA=0D=0A=C8=CD=CD=BC =C8=CD=CD=CD=BC=0D=0AATR=0D=0A<=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 TA1 =3D '94'=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C2=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3PTSS=3D=B3'FF'=B3 PTS Request=0D=0A=B3PTS0=3D=B3'=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4>=0D=0A=B3PTS1=3D=B3'94'=B3=0D=0A=B3PCK =3D=B3'7B'=B3=0D=
=C4=BF=0D=0APTS Response =B3PTSS=3D=B3'FF'=B3=0D=0A<=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=3D=B3'10'=B3=0D=0A=B3PTS1=3D=B3'94'=B3=0D=0A=B3PCK =3D=B3'7B'=B3=0D=0A=C0=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 2: PTS procedure requesting en=
hanced speed values (F=3D512 D=3D8 see clause 5.8.3)=0D=0APTS Request and =
PTS Response consist of the four (4) characters PTSS PTSO PTS1 and PCK of =
which=0D=0APTSS is sent first.=0D=0AAfter this procedure the protocol T=3D0 =
and the parameters F=3D512 D=3D8 and N=3D0 will be used.=0D=0A5.8.3 Speed e=
nhancement=0D=0AIf speed enhancement is implemented the ME and the SIM shall=
 at least support F=3D512 and D=3D8 in=0D=0Aaddition to F=3D372 and D=3D1. H=
owever other values may also be supported. If the ME requests PTS using=0D=
=0Avalues other than those above then the PTS procedure shall be initiated a=
ccordingly.=0D=0AThe SIM shall support the default value (F=3D372 and D=3D1)=
. If the speed enhancement is supported by the=0D=0ASIM it is mandatory that=
 F=3D512 and D=3D8 is supported. However the value in TA1 may even indicate=
 a=0D=0Afaster speed (F=3D512 and D=3D16). The SIM may also support other va=
lues between the default value=0D=0A(F=3D372 and D=3D1) and the values indic=
ated in TA1. The SIM shall offer the negotiable mode to ensure=0D=0Abackwar=
ds compatibility with exing MEs. In the negotiable mode the SIM will use def=
ault values even if=0D=0Aother parameters are offered in the ATR if the PTS =
procedure is not initiated.=0D=0AThe ME shall support the default value (F=
=3D372 and D=3D1). If the speed enhancement is supported in the ME=0D=0Ait i=
s mandatory to support F=3D512 and D=3D8. The ME may additionally support ot=
her values.=0D=0AIf the SIM does not answer the PTS request within the initi=
al waiting time the ME shall reset the SIM. After=0D=0Atwo failed PTS attemp=
ts using F=3D512 and D=3D8 or values indicated in TA1 (no PTS response from=
 the=0D=0ASIM) the ME shall initiate PTS procedure using default values. If =
this also fails (no PTS response from the=0D=0ASIM) the ME may proceed using=
 default values without requesting PTS=0D=0AIf the SIM does not support the =
values requested by the ME the SIM shall respond to the PTS request=0D=0Ain=
dicating the use of default values.=0D=0A5.9 Bit/character duration and samp=
ling time=0D=0AThe bit/character duration and sampling time specified in ISO=
/IEC 7816-3 [25] subclauses 6.1.1 and=0D=0A6.1.2 are valid for all communi=
cations.=0D=0A5.10 Error handling=0D=0AFollowing receipt of an ATR which is=
 not in accordance with this specification e.g. because of forbidden=0D=0AA=
TR characters or too few bytes being transmitted the ME shall perform a Res=
et. The ME shall not reject=0D=0Athe SIM until at least three consecutive wr=
ong ATRs are received.=0D=0ADuring the transmission of the ATR and the proto=
col type selection the error detection and character=0D=0Arepetition proced=
ure specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25] subclause 6.1.3 is optional for the M=
E. For the=0D=0Asubsequent transmission on the basis of T=3D0 this procedure=
 is mandatory for the ME.=0D=0APage 21=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December=
 1995=0D=0AFor the SIM the error detection and character repetition procedur=
e is mandatory for all communications.=0D=0A6 Logical Model=0D=0AThis clause=
 describes the logical structure for a SIM the code associated with it and=
 the structure of files=0D=0Aused.=0D=0A6.1 General description=0D=0AFigure =
3 shows the general structural relationships which may exist between files. =
The files are organised=0D=0Ain a hierarchical structure and are of one of t=
hree types as defined below. These=0D=0Afiles may be either administrative o=
r application specific. The operating system=0D=0Ahandles the access to the =
data stored in different files.=0D=0A=C9=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CB=CD=
=CD=CD=BB =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA DF1 =BA =BA =BA =BA=0D=0A=
=CD=CD=CD=CD=BB =BA =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA DF11 =BA =
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BC =BA DF111 =BA =BA =BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =BA=0D=0A=

 =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA DF12 =BA =DA=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=BF =BA =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =B3 EF =B3 =BA =
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BC =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA =B3 EF =B3 =BA=0D=0A=BA =BA =BA =
=0A=BA =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF =BA=0D=0A=BA =B3 EF =B3 =B3 EF =
=B3 =BA=0D=0A=BA =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =BA=0D=0A=BA 

=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=BC=0D=0AFigure 3: Organisation of memory=
=0D=0AFiles are composed of a header which is internally managed by the SIM=
 and optionally a body part. The=0D=0Ainformation of the header is related =
to the structure and attributes of the file and may be obtained by using=0D=
=0Athe commands GET RESPONSE or STATUS. This information is fixed during the=
 administrative phase. The=0D=0Abody part contains the data of the file.=0D=
=0A6.2 File identifier=0D=0AA file ID is used to address or identify each sp=
ecific file. The file ID consists of two bytes and shall be=0D=0Acoded in he=
xadecimal notation. They are specified in clause 10.=0D=0AThe first byte ide=
ntifies the type of file and for GSM is:=0D=0A- '3F': Master File;=0D=0A- '=
7F': Dedicated File;=0D=0A- '2F': Elementary File under the Master File;=0D=
=0A- '6F': Elementary File under a Dedicated File.=0D=0APage 22=0D=0AGSM 11.=
11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AFile IDs shall be subject to the followi=
ng conditions:=0D=0A- the file ID shall be assigned at the time of creation =
of the file concerned;=0D=0A- no two files under the same parent shall have =
the same ID;=0D=0A- a child and any parent either immediate or remote in th=
e hierarchy e.g. grandparent shall=0D=0Anever have the same file ID.=0D=
=0AIn this way each file is uniquely identified.=0D=0A6.3 Dedicated files=
=0D=0AA Dedicated File (DF) is a functional grouping of files consisting of =
itself and all those files which contain=0D=0Athis DF in their parental hier=
archy (that is to say it consists of the DF and its complete "subtree"). A D=
F=0D=0A"consists" only of a header part.=0D=0ATwo DFs are defined in this sp=
ecification:=0D=0A- DFGSM which contains the application for both GSM and/or=
 DCS1800;=0D=0A- DFTELECOM which contains telecom service features.=0D=0ABot=
h files are immediate children of the Master File (MF) and may coexist on a =
multi-application card.=0D=0A6.4 Elementary files=0D=0AAn Elementary File (E=
F) is composed of a header and a body part. The following three structures o=
f an EF=0D=0Aare used by GSM.=0D=0A6.4.1 Transparent EF=0D=0AAn EF with a tr=
ansparent structure consists of a sequence of bytes. When reading or updatin=
g the=0D=0Asequence of bytes to be acted upon is referenced by a relative a=
ddress (offset) which indicates the start=0D=0Aposition (in bytes) and the=
 number of bytes to be read or updated. The first byte of a transparent EF h=
as=0D=0Athe relative address '00 00'. The total data length of the body of t=
he EF is indicated in the header of the=0D=0AEF.=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0AHeader =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C6=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=B5=0D=0A=B3 =B3=0D=0ABody =B3 Sequence =B3=0D=0A=B3 of =
=B3=0D=0A=B3 bytes =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3=0D=0A=B3 =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 4: Structure of a transparent EF=0D=0AN=
OTE: This structure was previously referred to as "binary" in GSM.=0D=0A6.4.=
2 Linear fixed EF=0D=0AAn EF with linear fixed structure consists of a seque=
nce of records all having the same (fixed) length. The=0D=0Afirst record is =
record number 1. The length of a record as well as this value multiplied by =
the number of=0D=0Arecords are indicated in the header of the EF.=0D=0APage =
23=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0AHeader =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C6=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=
=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=B5=0D=0ABody =B3 Record 1 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 Record 2 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 : =B3=0D=0A=B3 : =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4=0D=0A=B3 Record n =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 5: Structure of a linear fixed file=
=0D=0AThere are several methods to access records within an EF of this type:=
=0D=0A- absolutely using the record number;=0D=0A- when the record pointer i=
s not set it shall be possible to perform an action on the first or the=0D=
=0Alast record;=0D=0A- when the record pointer is set it shall be possible t=
o perform an action on this record the next=0D=0Arecord (unless the record =
pointer is set to the last record) or the previous record (unless the=0D=0Ar=
ecord pointer is set to the first record);=0D=0A- by identifying a record us=
ing pattern seek starting=0D=0A- forwards from the beginning of the file;=
=0D=0A- forwards from the record following the one at which the record point=
er is set (unless=0D=0Athe record pointer is set to the last record);=0D=0A-=
 backwards from the end of the file;=0D=0A- backwards from the record preced=
ing the one at which the record pointer is set (unless=0D=0Athe record point=
er is set to the first record).=0D=0AIf an action following selection of a r=
ecord is aborted then the record pointer shall remain set at the record=0D=
=0Aat which it was set prior to the action.=0D=0ANOTE 1: It is not possible=
 at present to have more than 255 records in a file of this type and=0D=
=0Aeach record cannot be greater than 255 bytes.=0D=0ANOTE 2: This structure=
 was previously referred to as "formatted" in GSM.=0D=0A6.4.3 Cyclic EF=0D=
=0ACyclic files are used for storing records in chronological order. When al=
l records have been used for=0D=0Astorage then the next storage of data sha=
ll overwrite the oldest information.=0D=0AAn EF with a cyclic structure cons=
ists of a fixed number of records with the same (fixed) length. In this file=
=0D=0Astructure there is a link between the last record (n) and the first re=
cord. When the record pointer is set to=0D=0Athe last record n then the nex=
t record is record 1. Similarly when the record pointer is set to record 1=
=0D=0Athen the previous record is record n. The last updated record containi=
ng the newest data is record number=0D=0A1 and the oldest data is held in r=
ecord number n.=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0AHead=
er =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C6=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=CD=B5=0D=0ABody =B3 =
Record 1 =B3=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 =
=B3=0D=0A=B3 Record 2 =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=B4 =B3=0D=0A=B3 : =B3 =B3=0D=0A=B3 : =B3 =B3=0D=0A=C3=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=B4 =B3=0D=0A=B3 Record n =B3=C4=C4=D9=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AFigure 6: Structure of a cyclic fi=
le=0D=0APage 24=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AFor update o=
perations only PREVIOUS record shall be used. For reading operations the me=
thods of=0D=0Aaddressing are Next Previous Current and Record Number.=0D=
=0AAfter selection of a cyclic file (for either operation) the record point=
er shall address the record updated or=0D=0Aincreased last. If an action fol=
lowing selection of a record is aborted then the record pointer shall remai=
n=0D=0Aset at the record at which it was set prior to the action.=0D=0ANOTE:=
 It is not possible at present to have more than 255 records in a file of =
this type and=0D=0Aeach record cannot be greater than 255 bytes.=0D=0A6.5 M=
ethods for selecting a file=0D=0AAfter the Answer To Reset (ATR) the Master=
 File (MF) is implicitly selected and becomes the Current=0D=0ADirectory. Ea=
ch file may then be selected by using the SELECT function in accordance with=
 the following=0D=0Arules.=0D=0ASelecting a DF or the MF sets the Current Di=
rectory. After such a selection there is no current EF.=0D=0ASelecting an EF=
 sets the current EF and the Current Directory remains the DF or MF which is=
 the parent of=0D=0Athis EF. The current EF is always a child of the Current=
 Directory.=0D=0AAny application specific command shall only be operable if =
it is specific to the Current Directory.=0D=0AThe following files may be sel=
ected from the last selected file:=0D=0A- any file which is an immediate chi=
ld of the Current Directory;=0D=0A- any DF which is an immediate child of th=
e parent of the current DF;=0D=0A- the parent of the Current Directory;=0D=
=0A- the current DF;=0D=0A- the MF.=0D=0AThis means in particular that a DF =
shall be selected prior to the selection of any of its EFs. All selections=
=0D=0Aare made using the file ID.=0D=0AThe following figure gives the logica=
l structure for the GSM application. GSM defines only one level of DFs=0D=
=0Aunder the MF.=0D=0AFigure 7: Logical structure=0D=0AThe following table g=
ives the valid selections for GSM for the logical structure in figure 7. Res=
election of=0D=0Athe last selected file is also allowed but not shown.=0D=
=0APage 25=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 6: File sel=
ection=0D=0ALast selected file Valid Selections=0D=0AMF=0D=0ADF1=0D=0ADF2=
=0D=0AEF1=0D=0AEF2=0D=0AEF3=0D=0AEF4=0D=0ADF1 DF2 EF1=0D=0AMF DF2 EF2=
=0D=0AMF DF1 EF3 EF4=0D=0AMF DF1 DF2=0D=0AMF DF1 DF2=0D=0AMF DF1 DF=
2 EF4=0D=0AMF DF1 DF2 EF3=0D=0A6.6 Reservation of file IDs=0D=0AIn addit=
ion to the identifiers used for the files specified in this TS the followin=
g file IDs are reserved for use=0D=0Aby GSM.=0D=0ADedicated Files:=0D=0A- ad=
ministrative use:=0D=0A'7F 4X';=0D=0A- operational use:=0D=0A'7F 10' (DFTELE=
COM) '7F 20' (DFGSM) '7F 21' (DFDCS1800) and '7F 2X' where X=0D=0Aranges=
 from '2' to 'F'.=0D=0AElementary files:=0D=0A- administrative use:=0D=0A'6F=
 XX' in the DFs '7F 4X';=0D=0A'6F 1X' in the DFs '7F 10' '7F 20' '7F 21';=
=0D=0A'2F 01' '2F EX' in the MF '3F 00';=0D=0A- operational use:=0D=0A'6F 2=
X' '6F 3X' '6F 4X' in '7F 10' and '7F 2X';=0D=0A'2F 1X' in the MF '3F 00'.=
=0D=0AIn all the above X ranges unless otherwise stated from '0' to 'F'.=
=0D=0A7 Security features=0D=0AThe security aspects of GSM are described in =
the normative references TS GSM 02.09 [4] and=0D=0ATS GSM 03.20 [10]. This c=
lause gives information related to security features supported by the SIM to=
=0D=0Aenable the following:=0D=0A- authentication of the subscriber identity=
 to the network;=0D=0A- data confidentiality over the air interface;=0D=0A- =
file access conditions.=0D=0A7.1 Authentication and cipher key generation pr=
ocedure=0D=0AThis subclause describes the authentication mechanism and ciphe=
r key generation which are invoked by=0D=0Athe network. For the specificatio=
n of the corresponding procedures across the SIM/ME interface see=0D=0Aclaus=
e 11.=0D=0AThe network sends a Random Number (RAND) to the MS. The ME passes=
 the RAND to the SIM in the=0D=0Acommand RUN GSM ALGORITHM. The SIM returns =
the values SRES and Kc to the ME which are derived=0D=0Ausing the algorithms=
 and processes given below. The ME sends SRES to the network. The network=
=0D=0Acompares this value with the value of SRES which it calculates for its=
elf. The comparison of these SRES=0D=0Avalues provides the authentication. T=
he value Kc is used by the ME in any future enciphered=0D=0Acommunications w=
ith the network until the next invocation of this mechanism.=0D=0APage 26=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AA subscriber authentication=
 key Ki is used in this procedure. This key Ki has a length of 128 bits and =
is=0D=0Astored within the SIM for use in the algorithms described below.=0D=
=0A7.2 Algorithms and processes=0D=0AThe names and parameters of the algorit=
hms supported by the SIM are defined in TS GSM 03.20 [10].=0D=0AThese are:=
=0D=0A- Algorithm A3 to authenticate the MS to the network;=0D=0A- Algorithm=
 A8 to generate the encryption key.=0D=0AThese algorithms may exist either d=
iscretely or combined (into A38) within the SIM. In either case the=0D=0Aout=
put on the SIM/ME interface is 12 bytes. The inputs to both A3 and A8 or A3=
8 are Ki (128 bits)=0D=0Ainternally derived in the SIM and RAND (128 bits)=
 across the SIM/ME interface. The output is SRES (32=0D=0Abits)/Kc (64 bits)=
 the coding of which is defined in the command RUN GSM ALGORITHM in clause 9=
.=0D=0A7.3 File access conditions=0D=0AEvery file has its own specific acces=
s condition for each command. The relevant access condition of the=0D=0Alast=
 selected file shall be fulfilled before the requested action can take place=
.=0D=0AFor each file:=0D=0A- the access conditions for the commands READ and=
 SEEK are identical;=0D=0A- the access conditions for the commands SELECT an=
d STATUS are ALWays.=0D=0ANo file access conditions are currently assigned b=
y GSM to the MF and the DFs.=0D=0AThe access condition levels are defined in=
 the following table:=0D=0ATable 7: Access condition level coding=0D=0ALevel=
 Access Condition=0D=0A0=0D=0A1=0D=0A2=0D=0A3=0D=0A4 to 14=0D=0A15=0D=0AALWa=
ys=0D=0ACHV1=0D=0ACHV2=0D=0AReserved for GSM Future Use=0D=0AADM=0D=0ANEVer=
=0D=0AThe meaning of the file access conditions is as follows:=0D=0AALWAYS: =
the action can be performed without any restriction;=0D=0ACHV1 (card holder =
verification 1): the action shall only be possible if one of the following t=
hree=0D=0Aconditions is fulfilled:=0D=0A- a correct CHV1 value has already b=
een presented to the SIM during the current session;=0D=0A- the CHV1 enabled=
/disabled indicator is set to "disabled";=0D=0A- UNBLOCK CHV1 has been succe=
ssfully performed during the current session;=0D=0ACHV2: the action shall on=
ly be possible if one of the following two conditions is fulfilled:=0D=0A- a=
 correct CHV2 value has already been presented to the SIM during the current=
 session;=0D=0APage 27=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A- UNB=
LOCK CHV2 has been successfully performed during the current session;=0D=0AA=
DM: allocation of these levels and the respective requirements for their ful=
filment are the=0D=0Aresponsibility of the appropriate administrative author=
ity;=0D=0ANEVER: the action cannot be performed over the SIM/ME interface. T=
he SIM may perform the=0D=0Aaction internally.=0D=0ACondition levels are not=
 hierarchical. For instance correct presentation of CHV2 does not allow act=
ions to=0D=0Abe performed which require presentation of CHV1. A condition le=
vel which has been satisfied remains valid=0D=0Auntil the end of the GSM ses=
sion as long as the corresponding secret code remains unblocked i.e. after=
=0D=0Athree consecutive wrong attempts not necessarily in the same card ses=
sion the access rights previously=0D=0Agranted by this secret code are lost=
 immediately. A satisfied CHV condition level applies to both DFGSM=0D=0Aand=
 DFTELECOM.=0D=0AThe ME shall determine whether CHV2 is available by using t=
he response to the STATUS command. If=0D=0ACHV2 is "not initialised" then CH=
V2 commands e.g. VERIFY CHV2 shall not be executable.=0D=0A8 Description o=
f the functions=0D=0AThis clause gives a functional description of the comma=
nds and their respective responses. Associated=0D=0Astatus conditions error=
 codes and their corresponding coding are specified in clause 9.=0D=0AIt sha=
ll be mandatory for all cards complying with this Standard to support all fu=
nctions described in this=0D=0AStandard. The command GET RESPONSE which is n=
eeded for the protocol T=3D0 is specified in clause 9.=0D=0AThe following ta=
ble lists the file types and structures together with the functions which ma=
y act on them=0D=0Aduring a GSM session. These are indicated by an asterisk =
(*).=0D=0ATable 8: Functions on files in GSM session=0D=0AFile=0D=0AFunction=
 MF DF EF transparent EF linear fixed EF cyclic=0D=0ASELECT *=0D=0AS=
=0D=0AREHABILITATE *=0D=0A8.1 SELECT=0D=0AThis function selects a file a=
ccording to the methods described in clause 6. After a successful selection =
the=0D=0Arecord pointer in a linear fixed file is undefined. The record poin=
ter in a cyclic file shall address the last=0D=0Arecord which has been updat=
ed or increased.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- file ID.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- if the sele=
cted file is the MF or a DF:=0D=0Afile ID total memory space available CHV=
 enabled/disabled indicator CHV status and other GSM=0D=0Aspecific data;=
=0D=0APage 28=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A- if the selec=
ted file is an EF:=0D=0Afile ID file size access conditions invalidated/n=
ot invalidated indicator structure of EF and length of=0D=0Athe records in =
case of linear fixed structure or cyclic structure.=0D=0A8.2 STATUS=0D=0AThi=
s function returns information concerning the current directory. A current E=
F is not affected by the=0D=0ASTATUS function.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=
=0AOutput:=0D=0A- file ID total memory space available CHV enabled/disable=
d indicator CHV status and other GSM=0D=0Aspecific data (identical to SELEC=
T above).=0D=0A8.3 READ BINARY=0D=0AThis function reads a string of bytes fr=
om the current transparent EF. This function shall only be performed=0D=0Aif=
 the READ access condition for this EF is satisfied.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- rela=
tive address and the length of the string.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- string of byt=
es.=0D=0A8.4 UPDATE BINARY=0D=0AThis function updates the current transparen=
t EF with a string of bytes. This function shall only be=0D=0Aperformed if t=
he UPDATE access condition for this EF is satisfied. An update can be consid=
ered as a=0D=0Areplacement of the string already present in the EF by the st=
ring given in the update command.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- relative address and th=
e length of the string;=0D=0A- string of bytes.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=
=0D=0A8.5 READ RECORD=0D=0AThis function reads one complete record in the cu=
rrent linear fixed or cyclic EF. The record to be read is=0D=0Adescribed by =
the modes below. This function shall only be performed if the READ access co=
ndition for this=0D=0AEF is satisfied. The record pointer shall not be chang=
ed by an unsuccessful READ RECORD function.=0D=0AFour modes are defined:=0D=
=0ACURRENT The current record is read. The record pointer is not affected.=
=0D=0AABSOLUTE The record given by the record number is read. The record poi=
nter is not affected.=0D=0ANEXT The record pointer is incremented before the=
 READ RECORD function is performed and the=0D=0Apointed record is read. If t=
he record pointer has not been previously set within the selected EF then=
=0D=0AREAD RECORD (next) shall read the first record and set the record poin=
ter to this record.=0D=0AIf the record pointer addresses the last record in =
a linear fixed EF READ RECORD (next) shall not=0D=0Acause the record pointe=
r to be changed and no data shall be read.=0D=0APage 29=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Vers=
ion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIf the record pointer addresses the last record=
 in a cyclic EF READ RECORD (next) shall set the=0D=0Arecord pointer to the=
 first record in this EF and this record shall be read.=0D=0APREVIOUS The re=
cord pointer is decremented before the READ RECORD function is performed=0D=
=0Aand the pointed record is read. If the record pointer has not been previo=
usly set within the selected=0D=0AEF then READ RECORD (previous) shall read=
 the last record and set the record pointer to this=0D=0Arecord.=0D=0AIf the=
 record pointer addresses the first record in a linear fixed EF READ RECORD=
 (previous) shall=0D=0Anot cause the record pointer to be changed and no da=
ta shall be read.=0D=0AIf the record pointer addresses the first record in a=
 cyclic EF READ RECORD (previous) shall set=0D=0Athe record pointer to the =
last record in this EF and this record shall be read.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- mod=
e record number (absolute mode only) and the length of the record.=0D=0AOut=
put:=0D=0A- the record.=0D=0A8.6 UPDATE RECORD=0D=0AThis function updates on=
e complete record in the current linear fixed or cyclic EF. This function sh=
all only=0D=0Abe performed if the UPDATE access condition for this EF is sat=
isfied. The UPDATE can be considered as=0D=0Aa replacement of the relevant r=
ecord data of the EF by the record data given in the command. The record=0D=
=0Apointer shall not be changed by an unsuccessful UPDATE RECORD function.=
=0D=0AThe record to be updated is described by the modes below. Four modes a=
re defined of which only=0D=0APREVIOUS is allowed for cyclic files:=0D=0ACUR=
RENT The current record is updated. The record pointer is not affected.=0D=
=0AABSOLUTE The record given by the record number is updated. The record poi=
nter is not affected.=0D=0ANEXT The record pointer is incremented before the=
 UPDATE RECORD function is performed and=0D=0Athe pointed record is updated.=
 If the record pointer has not been previously set within the selected=0D=
=0AEF then UPDATE RECORD (next) shall set the record pointer to the first r=
ecord in this EF and this=0D=0Arecord shall be updated. If the record pointe=
r addresses the last record in a linear fixed EF=0D=0AUPDATE RECORD (next) =
shall not cause the record pointer to be changed and no record shall be=0D=
=0Aupdated.=0D=0APREVIOUS For a linear fixed EF the record pointer is decrem=
ented before the UPDATE RECORD=0D=0Afunction is performed and the pointed re=
cord is updated. If the record pointer has not been=0D=0Apreviously set with=
in the selected EF then UPDATE RECORD (previous) shall set the record point=
er=0D=0Ato the last record in this EF and this record shall be updated. If t=
he record pointer addresses the=0D=0Afirst record in a linear fixed EF UPDA=
TE RECORD (previous) shall not cause the record pointer to=0D=0Abe changed =
and no record shall be updated.=0D=0AFor a cyclic EF the record containing t=
he oldest data is updated the record pointer is set to this=0D=0Arecord and=
 this record becomes record number 1.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- mode record number=
 (absolute mode only) and the length of the record;=0D=0A- the data used for=
 updating the record.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.7 SEEK=0D=0AThis func=
tion searches through the current linear fixed EF to find a record starting =
with the given pattern.=0D=0AThis function shall only be performed if the RE=
AD access condition for this EF is satisfied. Two types of=0D=0ASEEK are def=
ined:=0D=0APage 30=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AType 1 Th=
e record pointer is set to the record containing the pattern no output is a=
vailable.=0D=0AType 2 The record pointer is set to the record containing the=
 pattern the output is the record=0D=0Anumber.=0D=0ANOTE: A Phase 1 SIM onl=
y executes type 1 of the SEEK function.=0D=0AThe SIM shall be able to accept=
 any pattern length from 1 to 16 bytes inclusive. The length of the pattern=
=0D=0Ashall not exceed the record length.=0D=0AFour modes are defined:=0D=
=0A- from the beginning forwards;=0D=0A- from the end backwards;=0D=0A- from=
 the next location forwards;=0D=0A- from the previous location backwards.=
=0D=0AIf the record pointer has not been previously set (its status is undef=
ined) within the selected linear fixed EF=0D=0Athen the search begins:=0D=
=0A- with the first record in the case of SEEK from the next location forwar=
ds or=0D=0A- with the last record in the case of SEEK from the previous loca=
tion backwards.=0D=0AAfter a successful SEEK the record pointer is set to t=
he record in which the pattern was found. The record=0D=0Apointer shall not =
be changed by an unsuccessful SEEK function.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- type and mod=
e;=0D=0A- pattern;=0D=0A- length of the pattern.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- type 1:=
 none;=0D=0A- type 2: status/record number=0D=0A8.8 INCREASE=0D=0AThis funct=
ion adds the value given by the ME to the value of the last in.). The SIM shall not perform the increase if the result would exceed the max=
imum=0D=0Avalue of the record (represented by all bytes set to 'FF').=0D=0AI=
nput:=0D=0A- the value to be added.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- value of the increas=
ed record;=0D=0A- value which has been added.=0D=0A8.9 VERIFY CHV=0D=0AThis =
function verifies the CHV presented by the ME by comparing it with the relev=
ant one stored in the=0D=0ASIM. The verification process is subject to the f=
ollowing conditions being fulfilled:=0D=0A- CHV is not disabled;=0D=0A- CHV =
is not blocked.=0D=0APage 31=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0AIf the access condition for a function to be performed on the last select=
ed file is CHV1 or CHV2 then a=0D=0Asuccessful verification of the relevant=
 CHV is required prior to the use of the function on this file unless the=
=0D=0ACHV is disabled.=0D=0AIf the CHV presented is correct the number of r=
emaining CHV attempts for that CHV shall be reset to its=0D=0Ainitial value =
3.=0D=0AIf the CHV presented is false the number of remaining CHV attempts =
for that CHV shall be decremented.=0D=0AAfter 3 consecutive false CHV presen=
tations not necessarily in the same card session the respective CHV=0D=0As=
hall be blocked and the access condition can never be fulfilled until the UN=
BLOCK CHV function has been=0D=0Asuccessfully performed on the respective CH=
V.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- indication CHV1/CHV2 CHV.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=
=0D=0A8.10 CHANGE CHV=0D=0AThis function assigns a new value to the relevant=
 CHV subject to the following conditions being fulfilled:=0D=0A- CHV is not =
disabled;=0D=0A- CHV is not blocked.=0D=0AThe old and new CHV shall be prese=
nted.=0D=0AIf the old CHV presented is correct the number of remaining CHV =
attempts for that CHV shall be reset to=0D=0Aits initial value 3 and the new=
 value for the CHV becomes valid.=0D=0AIf the old CHV presented is false th=
e number of remaining CHV attempts for that CHV shall be=0D=0Adecremented an=
d the value of the CHV is unchanged. After 3 consecutive false CHV presentat=
ions not=0D=0Anecessarily in the same card session the respective CHV shal=
l be blocked and the access condition can=0D=0Anever be fulfilled until the =
UNBLOCK CHV function has been performed successfully on the respective CHV.=
=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- indication CHV1/CHV2 old CHV new CHV.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=
=0A- none.=0D=0A8.11 DISABLE CHV=0D=0AThis function may only be applied to C=
HV1. The successful execution of this function has the effect that=0D=0Afile=
s protected by CHV1 are now accessible as if they were marked "ALWAYS". The =
function DISABLE=0D=0ACHV shall not be executed by the SIM when CHV1 is alre=
ady disabled or blocked.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 presented is correct the number o=
f remaining CHV1 attempts shall be reset to its initial value=0D=0A3 and CHV=
1 shall be disabled.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 presented is false the number of rema=
ining CHV1 attempts shall be decremented and CHV1=0D=0Aremains enabled. Afte=
r 3 consecutive false CHV1 presentations not necessarily in the same card s=
ession=0D=0ACHV1 shall be blocked and the access condition can never be ful=
filled until the UNBLOCK CHV function has=0D=0Abeen successfully performed o=
n CHV1.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- CHV1.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0APage 32=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A8.12 ENABLE CHV=0D=0AThis func=
tion may only be applied to CHV1. It is the reverse function of DISABLE CHV.=
 The function=0D=0AENABLE CHV shall not be executed by the SIM when CHV1 is =
already enabled or blocked.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 presented is correct the numbe=
r of remaining CHV1 attempts shall be reset to its initial value=0D=0A3 and =
CHV1 shall be enabled.=0D=0AIf the CHV1 presented is false the number of re=
maining CHV1 attempts shall be decremented and CHV1=0D=0Aremains disabled. A=
fter 3 consecutive false CHV1 presentations not necessarily in the same car=
d session=0D=0ACHV1 shall be blocked and the access condition can never be =
fulfilled until the UNBLOCK CHV function has=0D=0Abeen successfully performe=
d on CHV1.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- CHV1.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.13 UNBL=
OCK CHV=0D=0AThis function unblocks a CHV which has been blocked by 3 consec=
utive wrong CHV presentations. This=0D=0Afunction may be performed whether o=
r not the relevant CHV is blocked.=0D=0AIf the UNBLOCK CHV presented is corr=
ect the value of the CHV presented together with the UNBLOCK=0D=0ACHV is =
assigned to that CHV the number of remaining UNBLOCK CHV attempts for that =
UNBLOCK CHV=0D=0Ais reset to its initial value 10 and the number of remainin=
g CHV attempts for that CHV is reset to its initial=0D=0Avalue 3. After a su=
ccessful unblocking attempt the CHV is enabled and the relevant access condi=
tion level=0D=0Ais satisfied.=0D=0AIf the presented UNBLOCK CHV is false th=
e number of remaining UNBLOCK CHV attempts for that=0D=0AUNBLOCK CHV shall b=
e decremented. After 10 consecutive false UNBLOCK CHV presentations not=0D=
=0Anecessarily in the same card session the respective UNBLOCK CHV shall be=
 blocked. A false UNBLOCK=0D=0ACHV shall have no effect on the status of the=
 respective CHV itself.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- indication CHV1/CHV2 the UNBLOCK=
 CHV and the new CHV.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.14 INVALIDATE=0D=0ATh=
is function invalidates the current EF. After an INVALIDATE function the res=
pective flag in the file status=0D=0Ashall be changed accordingly. This func=
tion shall only be performed if the INVALIDATE access condition for=0D=0Athe=
 current EF is satisfied.=0D=0APage 33=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December=
 1995=0D=0AAn invalidated file shall no longer be available within the appli=
cation for any function except for the SELECT=0D=0Aand the REHABILITATE func=
tions.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.15 REHABILI=
TATE=0D=0AThis function rehabilitates the invalidated current EF. After a RE=
HABILITATE function the respective flag in=0D=0Athe file status shall be cha=
nged accordingly. This function shall only be performed if the REHABILITATE=
=0D=0Aaccess condition for the current EF is satisfied.=0D=0AInput:=0D=0A- n=
one.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- none.=0D=0A8.16 RUN GSM ALGORITHM=0D=0AThis functio=
n is used during the procedure for authenticating the SIM to a GSM network a=
nd to calculate a=0D=0Acipher key. The card runs the specified algorithms A3=
 and A8 using a 16 byte random number and the=0D=0Asubscriber authentication=
 key Ki which is stored in the SIM. The function returns the calculated res=
ponse=0D=0ASRES and the cipher key Kc.=0D=0AThe function shall not be execut=
able unless DFGSM has been selected as the Current Directory and a=0D=0Asucc=
essful CHV1 verification procedure has been performed (see 11.3.1).=0D=0AInp=
ut:=0D=0A- RAND.=0D=0AOutput:=0D=0A- SRES Kc.=0D=0AThe contents of Kc shall=
 be presented to algorithm A5 by the ME in its full 64 bit format as deliver=
ed by the=0D=0ASIM.=0D=0A8.17 SLEEP=0D=0AThis is an obsolete GSM function wh=
ich was issued by Phase 1 MEs. The function shall not be used by an=0D=0AME =
of Phase 2 or later.=0D=0A9 Description of the commands=0D=0AThis clause sta=
tes the general principles for mapping the functions described in clause 8 o=
nto Application=0D=0AProtocol Data Units which are used by the transmission =
protocol.=0D=0A9.1 Mapping principles=0D=0AAn APDU can be a command APDU or =
a response APDU.=0D=0APage 34=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0AA command APDU has the following general format:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C2=
=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3CLA =B3INS =B3 P1 =B3 P2 =B3 P3 =B3 Data =B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9=0D=0AThe response APDU has the following general forma=
t:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4l without any change. Other protocols might=0D=0Aembed an APDU int=
o their own transport structure (ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25]).=0D=0AThe bytes have t=
he following meaning:=0D=0A- CLA is the class of instruction (ISO/IEC 7816-3=
 [25]) 'A0' is used in the GSM application;=0D=0A- INS is the instruction c=
ode (ISO/IEC 7816-3 [25]) as defined in this subclause for each command;=0D=
=0A- P1 P2 P3 are parameters for the instruction. They are specified in ta=
ble 9. 'FF' is a valid value for=0D=0AP1 P2 and P3. P3 gives the length of =
the data element. P3=3D'00' introduces a 256 byte data transfer=0D=0Afrom th=
e SIM in an outgoing data transfer command (response direction). In an ingoi=
ng data transfer=0D=0Acommand (command direction) P3=3D'00' introduces no t=
ransfer of data.=0D=0A- SW1 and SW2 are the status words indicating the succ=
essful or unsuccessful outcome of the=0D=0Acommand.=0D=0AFor some of the fun=
ctions described in clause 8 it is necessary for T=3D0 to use a supplementar=
y transport=0D=0Aservice command (GET RESPONSE) to obtain the output data. F=
or example the SELECT function needs=0D=0Athe following two commands:=0D=
=0A- the first command (SELECT) has both parameters and data serving as inpu=
t for the function;=0D=0A- the second command (GET RESPONSE) has a parameter=
 indicating the length of the data to be=0D=0Areturned.=0D=0AIf the length o=
f the response data is not known beforehand then its correct length may be =
obtained by=0D=0Aapplying the first command and interpreting the status word=
s. SW1 shall be '9F' and SW2 shall give the=0D=0Atotal length of the data. O=
ther status words may be present in case of an error. The various cases are:=
=0D=0ACase 1: No input / No output=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3SW=
1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=
=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth (=3D'00') '90''00'=0D=0ACase 2: No input =
/ Output of known length=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3 DATA with l=
ength lgth =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=
=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth '90''00'=0D=0ANOTE: lgth=
=3D'00' causes a data transfer of 256 bytes.=0D=0ACase 3: No Input / Output =
of unknown length=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=
=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth (=3D'00') '9F' lgth1=0D=0AGET RESPONSE=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=
=B3P1=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3 DATA with length lgth2=F3lgth1 =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C1=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth2 '90''00'=0D=0APage 35=0D=0AGSM 11.11 =
Version 5.0.0 December 1995=lgth =B3 =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=D9 =C0=C4=C2=C4=C1=
=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth '9F' lgth1=0D=0AGET RESPONSE=0D=0A=B3CLA=B3INS=B3P1=
=B3P2=B3P3=B3 =B3 DATA with length lgth2=F3lgth1 =B3SW1=B3SW2=B3=0D=0A=C0=
=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C2=D9 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C2=C4=C1=C4=C2=C4=D9=0D=0Algth2 '90''00'=0D=0AFor cases 3 and 5 when SW=
1/SW2 indicates there is response data (i.e. SW1/SW2 =3D '9FXX') then if t=
he=0D=0AME requires to get this response data it shall send a GET RESPONSE =
command as described in the=0D=0Arelevant case above.=0D=0AIf the GSM applic=
ation is one of several applications in a multi-application card other comm=
ands with CLA=0D=0Anot equal to 'A0' may be sent by the terminal. This shall=
 not influence the state of the GSM application.=0D=0A9.2 Coding of the comm=
ands=0D=0ATable 9 below gives the coding of the commands. The direction of t=
he data is indicated by (S) and (R)=0D=0Awhere (S) stands for data sent by =
the ME while (R) stands for data received by the ME. Offset is coded=0D=0Aon=
 2 bytes where P1 gives the high order byte and P2 the low order byte. '00 0=
0' means no offset and=0D=0Areading/updating starts with the first byte whil=
e an offset of '00 01' means that reading/updating starts with=0D=0Athe seco=
nd byte 
.=0D=0AIn addition to the instruction codes specified in table 9 =
the following codes are reserved:=0D=0AGSM operational phase:=0D=0A'1X' with=
 X even.=0D=0AAdministrative management phase:=0D=0A'2A' 'D0' 'D2' 'DE' =
'C4' 'C6' 'C8' 'CA' 'CC' 'B4' 'B6' 'B8' 'BA' and 'BC'.=0D=0APage 36=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 9: Coding of the comm=
ands=0D=0ACOMMAND INS P1 P2 P3 S/R=0D=0ASELECT 'A4' '00' '00' '02' S/R=0D=
=0ASTATUS 'F2' '00' '00' lgth R=0D=0AREAD BINARY 'B0' offset high offset low=
 lgth R=0D=0AUPDATE BINARY 'D6' offset high offset low lgth S=0D=0AREAD RECO=
RD 'B2' rec No. mode lgth R=0D=0AUPDATE RECORD 'DC' rec No. mode lgth S=0D=
=0ASEEK 'A2' '00' type/mode lgth S/R=0D=0AINCREASE '32' '00' '00' '03' S/R=
=0D=0AVERIFY CHV '20' '00' CHV No. '08' S=0D=0ACHANGE CHV '24' '00' CHV No. =
'10' S=0D=0ADISABLE CHV '26' '00' '01' '08' S=0D=0AENABLE CHV '28' '00' '01'=
 '08' S=0D=0AUNBLOCK CHV '2C' '00' see NOTE '10' S=0D=0AINVALIDATE '04' '00'=
 '00' '00' -=0D=0AREHABILITATE '44' '00' '00' '00' -=0D=0ARUN GSM ALGORITHM =
'88' '00' '00' '10' S/R=0D=0ASLEEP 'FA' '00' '00' '00' -=0D=0AGET RESPONSE '=
C0' '00' '00' lgth R=0D=0ANOTE: If the UNBLOCK CHV command applies to CHV1 t=
hen P2 is coded '00'; if it applies to=0D=0ACHV2 then P2 is coded '02'.=0D=
=0ADefinitions and codings used in the response parameters/data of the comma=
nds are given in subclause=0D=0A9.3.=0D=0A9.2.1 SELECT=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS IN=
S P1 P2 P3=0D=0ASELECT 'A0' 'A4' '00' '00' '02'=0D=0ACommand parameters/data=
:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 2 File ID 2=0D=0AResponse paramet=
ers/data in case of an MF or DF:=0D=0APage 37=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 D=
ecember 1995=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 2 RFU 2=0D=0A3 - 4 Tot=
al amount of memory of the selected directory=0D=0Awhich is not allocated to=
 any of the DFs or EFs under=0D=0Athe selected directory=0D=0A2=0D=0A5 - 6 F=
ile ID 2=0D=0A7 Type of file (see subclause 9.3) 1=0D=0A8 - 12 RFU 5=0D=0A13=
 Length of the following data (byte 14 to the end) 1=0D=0A14 - 34 GSM specif=
ic data 21=0D=0AGSM specific data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A14 F=
ile characteristics (see detail 1) 1=0D=0A15 Number of DFs which are a direc=
t child of the current=0D=0Adirectory=0D=0A1=0D=0A16 Number of EFs which are=
 a direct child of the current=0D=0Adirectory=0D=0A1=0D=0A17 Number of CHVs=
 UNBLOCK CHVs and administrative=0D=0Acodes=0D=0A1=0D=0A18 RFU 1=0D=0A19 CHV=
1 status (see detail 2) 1=0D=0A20 UNBLOCK CHV1 status (see detail 2) 1=0D=
=0A21 CHV2 status (see detail 2) 1=0D=0A22 UNBLOCK CHV2 status (see detail 2=
) 1=0D=0A23 RFU 1=0D=0A24 - 34 Reserved for the administrative management=
=0D=0A(optional)=0D=0A0=F3lgth=F311=0D=0ANOTE 1: Byte 35 and following are R=
FU.=0D=0ANOTE 2: The STATUS information of the MF DFGSM and DFTELECOM provi=
de some identical=0D=0Aapplication specific data e.g. CHV status. On a mult=
i-application card the MF should=0D=0Anot contain any application specific d=
ata. Such data is obtained by terminals from the=0D=0Aspecific application d=
irectories. ME manufacturers should take this into account and=0D=0Atherefor=
e not use application specific data which may exist in the MF of a monoappli=
cation=0D=0ASIM.=0D=0ASimilarly the Verify CHV command should not be execut=
ed in the MF but in the relevant=0D=0Aapplication directory (e.g. DFGSM).=
=0D=0ADetail 1: File characteristics=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=
=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 Clock st=
op (see below)=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 For running t=
he authentication algorithm=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 a frequency is req=
uired of at least=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 13/8 MHz if b2=3D0 and 13/4 M=
Hz if b2=3D1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 Clock=
 stop (see below)=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 b8=3D0: CHV1 enabled; b8=3D1: CHV1 disabled=0D=0ATh=
e coding of the conditions for stopping the clock is as follows:=0D=0APage 3=
8=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ABit b1 Bit b3 Bit b4=0D=
=0A1 0 0 clock stop allowed no preferred level=0D=0A1 1 0 clock stop allowe=
d high level preferred=0D=0A1 0 1 clock stop allowed low level preferred=
=0D=0A0 0 0 clock stop not allowed=0D=0A0 1 0 clock stop not allowed unless=
 at high level=0D=0A0 0 1 clock stop not allowed unless at low level=0D=0AI=
f bit b1 (column 1) is coded 1 stopping the clock is allowed at high or low=
 level. In this case=0D=0Acolumns 2 (bit b3) and 3 (bit b4) give information=
 about the preferred level (high or low resp.) at=0D=0Awhich the clock may =
be stopped.=0D=0AIf bit b1 is coded 0 the clock may be stopped only if the =
mandatory condition in column 2 (b3=3D1 i.e.=0D=0Astop at high level) or co=
lumn 3 (b4=3D1 i.e. stop at low level) is fulfilled. If all 3 bits are code=
d 0 then=0D=0Athe clock shall not be stopped.=0D=0ADetail 2: Status byte of=
 a secret code=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 Number of fals=
e presentations remaining=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 ('0' means blocked)=0D=0A=B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU=0D=0A=
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 b8=
=3D0: secret code not initialised=0D=0Ab8=3D1: secret code initialised=0D=
=0AResponse parameters/data in case of an EF:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Lengt=
h=0D=0A1 - 2 RFU 2=0D=0A3 - 4 File size=0D=0A(for transparent EF: the length=
 of the body part of the EF)=0D=0A(for linear fixed or cyclic EF: record len=
gth multiplied by the=0D=0Anumber of records of the EF)=0D=0A2=0D=0A5 - 6 Fi=
le ID 2=0D=0A7 Type of file (see 9.3) 1=0D=0A8 see detail 3 1=0D=0A9 - 11 Ac=
cess conditions (see 9.3) 3=0D=0A12 File status (see 9.3) 1=0D=0A13 Length o=
f the following data (byte 14 to the end) 1=0D=0A14 Structure of EF (see 9.3=
) 1=0D=0A15 Length of a record (see detail 4) 1=0D=0ANOTE: Byte 16 and follo=
wing are RFU.=0D=0ADetail 3: Byte 8=0D=0AFor transparent and linear fixed EF=
s this byte is RFU. For a cyclic EF all bits except bit 7 are RFU;=0D=0Ab7=
=3D1 indicates that the INCREASE command is allowed on the selected cyclic f=
ile.=0D=0ADetail 4: Byte 15=0D=0AFor cyclic and linear fixed EFs this byte d=
enotes the length of a record. For a transparent EF this=0D=0Abyte shall be=
 coded '00' if this byte is sent by the SIM.=0D=0APage 39=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Ve=
rsion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9.2.2 STATUS=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=
=0D=0ASTATUS 'A0' 'F2' '00' '00' lgth=0D=0AThe response parameters/data are =
identical to the response parameters/data of the SELECT command in=0D=0Acase=
 of an MF or DF.=0D=0A9.2.3 READ BINARY=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=
=0AREAD BINARY 'A0' 'B0' offset high offset low lgth=0D=0AResponse parameter=
s/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth Data to be read lgth=
 'A0' 'D6' offset high offset low lgth=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0ABy=
te(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth Data lgth=0D=0A9.2.5 READ RECORD=0D=
=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AREAD RECORD 'A0' 'B2' Rec.No. Mode lgth=
=0D=0AParameter P2 specifies the mode:=0D=0A- '02' =3D next record;=0D=0A- '=
03' =3D previous record;=0D=0A- '04' =3D absolute mode/current mode the rec=
ord number is given in P1 with P1=3D'00' denoting=0D=0Athe current record.=
=0D=0AFor the modes "next" and "previous" P1 has no significance and shall b=
e set to '00' by the ME. To ensure=0D=0Aphase compatibility between Phase 2 =
SIMs and Phase 1 MEs the SIM shall not interpret the value given=0D=0Aby th=
e ME.=0D=0APage 40=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AResponse =
parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth The data of t=
he record lgth=0D=0A9.2.6 UPDATE RECORD=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=
=0AUPDATE RECORD 'A0' 'DC' Rec.No. Mode lgth=0D=0AParameter P2 specifies the=
 mode:=0D=0A- '02' =3D next record;=0D=0A- '03' =3D previous record;=0D=0A- =
'04' =3D absolute mode/current mode; the record number is given in P1 with P=
1=3D'00' denoting=0D=0Athe current record.=0D=0AFor the modes "next" and "pr=
evious" P1 has no significance and shall be set to '00' by the ME. To ensure=
=0D=0Aphase compatibility between Phase 2 SIMs and Phase 1 MEs the SIM shal=
l not interpret the value given=0D=0Aby the ME.=0D=0ACommand parameters/data=
:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - lgth Data lgth=0D=0A9.2.7 SEEK=
=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0ASEEK 'A0' 'A2' '00' Type/Mode lgth=0D=
=0AParameter P2 specifies type and mode:=0D=0A- 'x0' =3D from the beginning =
forward;=0D=0A- 'x1' =3D from the end backward;=0D=0A- 'x2' =3D from the nex=
t location forward;=0D=0A- 'x3' =3D from the previous location backward=0D=
=0Awith x=3D'0' specifies type 1 and x=3D'1' specifies type 2 of the SEEK co=
mmand.=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 =
- lgth Pattern lgth=0D=0AThere are no response parameters/data for a type 1 =
SEEK. A type 2 SEEK returns the following response=0D=0Aparameters/data:=0D=
=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 Record number 1=0D=0APage 41=0D=0AGSM 1=
1.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9.2.8 INCREASE=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS =
P1 P2 P3=0D=0AINCREASE 'A0' '32' '00' '00' '03'=0D=0ACommand parameters/data=
:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 3 Value to be added 3=0D=0ARespon=
se parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - X Value of the =
increased record X=0D=0AX+1 - X+3 Value which has been added 3=0D=0ANOTE: X =
denotes the length of the record.=0D=0A9.2.9 VERIFY CHV=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS I=
NS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AVERIFY CHV 'A0' '20' '00' CHV No. '08'=0D=0AParameter P2 sp=
ecifies the CHV:=0D=0A- '01' =3D CHV1;=0D=0A- '02' =3D CHV2.=0D=0ACommand pa=
rameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 8 CHV value 8=0D=0A9=
00' CHV No. '10'=0D=0AParameter P2 specifies the CHV:=0D=0A- '01' =3D CHV1;=
=0D=0A- '02' =3D CHV2.=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Descriptio=
n Length=0D=0A1 - 8 Old CHV value 8=0D=0A9 - 16 New CHV value 8=0D=0APage 42=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9.2.11 DISABLE CHV=0D=0ACOM=
MAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0ADISABLE CHV 'A0' '26' '00' '01' '08'=0D=0AComma=
nd parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 8 CHV1 value 8=
 '28' '00' '01' '08'=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description =
Length=0D=0A1 - 8 CHV1 value 8=0D=0A9.2.13 UNBLOCK CHV=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS IN=
S P1 P2 P3=0D=0AUNBLOCK CHV 'A0' '2C' '00' CHV No. '10'=0D=0AParameter P2 sp=
ecifies the CHV:=0D=0A- 00 =3D CHV1;=0D=0A- 02 =3D CHV2.=0D=0ANOTE: The codi=
ng '00' for CHV1 differs from the coding of CHV1 used for other commands.=
=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 8 UN=
BLOCK CHV value 8=0D=0A9 - 16 New CHV value 8=0D=0A9.2.14 INVALIDATE=0D=0ACO=
MMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AINVALIDATE 'A0' '04' '00' '00' '00'=0D=0A9.2.1=
00' '00' '00'=0D=0APage 43=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9=
GORITHM=0D=0A'A0' '88' '00' '00' '10'=0D=0ACommand parameters/data:=0D=0AByt=
e(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 16 RAND 16=0D=0AResponse parameters/data:=
=0D=0AByte(s) Description Length=0D=0A1 - 4 SRES 4=0D=0A5 - 12 Cipher Key Kc=
 8=0D=0AThe most significant bit of SRES is coded on bit 8 of byte 1. The mo=
st significant bit of Kc is coded on bit 8=0D=0Aof byte 5.=0D=0A9.2.17 SLEEP=
=0D=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0ASLEEP 'A0' 'FA' '00' '00' '00'=0D=0ANO=
TE: This command is used by Phase 1 MEs only.=0D=0A9.2.18 GET RESPONSE=0D=
=0ACOMMAND CLASS INS P1 P2 P3=0D=0AGET RESPONSE 'A0' 'C0' '00' '00' lgth=0D=
=0AThe response data depends on the preceding command. Response data is avai=
lable after the commands=0D=0ARUN GSM ALGORITHM SEEK (type 2) SELECT and =
INCREASE. If the command GET RESPONSE is=0D=0Aexecuted it is required that =
it is executed immediately after the command it is related to (no other=0D=
=0Acommand shall come between the command/response pair and the command GET =
RESPONSE). If the=0D=0Asequence is not respected the SIM shall send the sta=
tus information "technical problem with no diagnostic=0D=0Agiven" as a react=
ion to the GET RESPONSE.=0D=0ASince the MF is implicitly selected after acti=
vation of the SIM GET RESPONSE is also allowed as the first=0D=0Acommand af=
ter activation.=0D=0AThe response data itself is defined in the subclause fo=
r the corresponding command.=0D=0A9.3 Definitions and coding=0D=0AThe follow=
ing definitions and coding are used in the response parameters/data of the c=
ommands.=0D=0ACoding=0D=0AEach byte is represented by bits b8 to b1 where b=
8 is the most significant bit (MSB) and b1 is the least=0D=0Asignificant bit=
 (LSB). In each representation the leftmost bit is the MSB.=0D=0APage 44=0D=
=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ARFU=0D=0AIn a GSM specific car=
d all bytes which are RFU shall be set to '00' and RFU bits to 0. Where the =
GSM=0D=0Aapplication exists on a multiapplication card or is built on a gene=
ric telecommunications card (e.g. TE9)=0D=0Athen other values may apply. The=
 values will be defined in the appropriate specifications for such cards.=
=0D=0AThese bytes and bits shall not be interpreted by an ME in a GSM sessio=
n.=0D=0AFile status=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 b1=3D0: invalidated; b1=
=3D1: not invalidated=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=
=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 RFU=0D=0AStructure of file=0D=0A- '00' transparent;=
=0D=0A- '01' linear fixed;=0D=0A- '03' cyclic.=0D=0AType of File=0D=0A- '00'=
 RFU;=0D=0A- '01' MF;=0D=0A- '02' DF;=0D=0A- '04' EF.=0D=0ACoding of CHVs an=
d UNBLOCK CHVs=0D=0AA CHV is coded on 8 bytes. Only (decimal) digits (0-9) s=
hall be used coded in CCITT T.50 [19] with bit 8=0D=0Aset to zero. The mini=
mum number of digits is 4. If the number of digits presented by the user is =
less than 8=0D=0Athen the ME shall pad the presented CHV with 'FF' before se=
nding it to the SIM.=0D=0AThe coding of the UNBLOCK CHVs is identical to the=
 coding of the CHVs. However the number of=0D=0A(decimal) digits is always =
8.=0D=0ACoding of Access Conditions=0D=0AThe access conditions for the comma=
nds are coded on bytes 9 10 and 11 of the response data of the=0D=0ASELECT =
command. Each condition is coded on 4 bits as shown in table 10.=0D=0APage 4=
5=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0ATable 10: Access condition=
=C4=C4=C4=BF=0D=0A=B3 ALW =B3 '0' =B3=0D=0A=B3 CHV1 =B3 '1' =B3=0D=0A=B3 CHV=
2 =B3 '2' =B3=0D=0A=B3 RFU =B3 '3' =B3=0D=0A=B3 ADM =B3 '4' =B3=0D=0A=B3 

 =B3=0D=0A=B3 ADM =B3 'E' =B3=0D=0A=B3
=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 REA=
D; SEEK=0D=0AByte 10:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 RFU=0D=
=0A=C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 =
INCREASE=0D=0AByte 11:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4=C1=C4=C4 INVALIDA=
=C4=C4 REHABILITATE=0D=0A9.4 Status conditions returned by the utine 'X'=0D=0Atimes=0D=0A'92' '40' - memory problem=0D=0A9.4.3 Referencing =
management=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Error description=0D=0A'94' '00' - no EF selected=
=0D=0A'94' '02' - out of range (invalid address)=0D=0A'94' '04' - file ID no=
t found=0D=0A- pattern not found=0D=0A'94' '08' - file is inconsistent with =
the command=0D=0APage 46=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0A9.4=
.4 Security management=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Error description=0D=0A'98' '02' - no CH=
V initialised=0D=0A'98' '04' - access condition not fulfilled=0D=0A- unsucce=
ssful CHV verification at least one attempt left=0D=0A- unsuccessful UNBLOC=
K CHV verification at least one attempt=0D=0Aleft=0D=0A- authentication fai=
led (see note)=0D=0A'98' '08' - in contradiction with CHV status=0D=0A'98' '=
10' - in contradiction with invalidation status=0D=0A'98' '40' - unsuccessfu=
l CHV verification no attempt left=0D=0A- unsuccessful UNBLOCK CHV verifica=
tion no attempt left=0D=0A- CHV blocked=0D=0A- UNBLOCK CHV blocked=0D=0A'98=
' '50' - increase cannot be performed Max value reached=0D=0ANOTE: A Phase =
1 SIM may send this error code after the third consecutive unsuccessful CHV=
=0D=0Averification attempt or the tenth consecutive unsuccessful unblocking =
attempt.=0D=0A9.4.5 Application independent errors=0D=0ASW1 SW2 Error descri=
ption=0D=0A'67' 'XX' - incorrect parameter P3 (see note)=0D=0A'6B' 'XX'# - i=
ncorrect parameter P1 or P2 (see ##)=0D=0A'6D' 'XX'# - unknown instruction c=
ode given in the command=0D=0A'6E' 'XX'# - wrong instruction class given in =
the command=0D=0A'6F' 'XX'# - technical problem with no diagnostic given=0D=
=0A# These values of 'XX' are specified by ISO/IEC; at present the default v=
alue 'XX'=3D'00' is the only one=0D=0Adefined.=0D=0A## When the error in P1 =
or P2 is caused by the addressed record being out of range then the return =
code=0D=0A'94 02' shall be used.=0D=0ANOTE: 'XX' gives the correct length or=
 states that no additional information is given ('XX' =3D=0D=0A'00').=0D=0A9=
.4.6 Commands versus possible status responses=0D=0AThe following table show=
s for each command the possible status conditions returned (marked by an=0D=
=0Aasterisk *).=0D=0APage 47=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=
=0ATable 11: Commands and status words=0D=0AOK Mem=0D=0ASta=0D=0ARefer.=0D=
=0AD=0D=0AXX=0D=0A6=0D=0AE=0D=0AXX=0D=0A6=0D=0AF=0D=0AXX=0D=0ASelect *=
 *=0D=0AStatus *=0D=0AUpdate Binary *=0D=
=0AUpdate Record *=0D=0ARead Binary =
*=0D=0ARead Record *=0D=0ASeek *=
=0D=0AIncrease *=0D=0AVerify CHV *=
=0D=0AChange CHV *=0D=0ADisable CHV =
*=0D=0AEnable CHV *=0D=0AUnblock CHV *=
 *=0D=0AInvalidate *=0D=0ARehabilitate *=
=0D=0ARun GSM Algorithm *=0D=0ASleep *=0D=0AGet Respon=
se *=0D=0A10 Contents of the Elementary Files (EF)=0D=0AThis claus=
e specifies the EFs for the GSM session defining access conditions data ite=
ms and coding. A=0D=0Adata item is a part of an EF which represents a comple=
te logical entity e.g. the alpha tag in a EFADN=0D=0Arecord.=0D=0AEFs or da=
ta items having an unassigned value or which during the GSM session are c=
leared by the ME=0D=0Ashall have their bytes set to 'FF'. After the adminis=
trative phase all data items shall have a defined value or=0D=0Ahave their b=
ytes set to 'FF'. If a data item is "deleted" during a GSM session by the al=
location of a value=0D=0Aspecified in another GSM TS then this value shall =
be used and the data item is not unassigned; e.g. for a=0D=0Adeleted LAI in=
 EFLOCI the last byte takes the value 'FE' (TS GSM 04.08 [14] refers).=0D=
=0AEFs are mandatory (M) or optional (O). The file size of an optional EF ma=
y be zero. All implemented EFs=0D=0Awith a file size greater than zero shall=
 contain all mandatory data items. Optional data items may either be=0D=0Afi=
lled with 'F' or if located at the end of an EF need not exist.=0D=0AWhen=
 the coding is according to CCITT Recommendation T.50 [19] bit 8 of every b=
yte shall be set to 0.=0D=0AFor an overview containing all files see figure =
8.=0D=0A10.1 Contents of the EFs at the MF level=0D=0AThere is only one EF a=
t the MF level.=0D=0A10.1.1 EFICCID (ICC Identification)=0D=0AThis EF provid=
es a unique identification number for the SIM.=0D=0APage 48=0D=0AGSM 11.11 V=
ersion 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '2FE2' Structure: transparent Ma=
ndatory=0D=0AFile size: 10 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Conditions=
DM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 - 10 Identification number M 10 =
bytes=0D=0A- Identification number=0D=0AContents: according to CCITT Recomme=
ndation E.118 [17]. However network operators who are=0D=0Aalready issuing =
Phase 1 SIM cards with an identification number length of 20 digits may reta=
in=0D=0Athis length.=0D=0APurpose: card identification number.=0D=0ACoding: =
BCD left justified and padded with 'F'; after padding the digits within a b=
yte are swapped=0D=0A(see below). However network operators who are already=
 issuing Phase 1 SIM cards where=0D=0Athe digits within a byte are not swapp=
ed may retain this configuration.=0D=0AByte 1:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=
=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=
=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=
=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 2=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Digit 2=0D=0AB=
yte 2:=0D=0A=DA=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=C2=C4=C4=
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 LSB of Digit 3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =
=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=
=C4=C4 :=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 MSB of Di=
git 3=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 LSB of =
Digit 4=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 =
:=0D=0A=B3 =C0=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4=C4 :=
=C4 MSB of Digit 4=0D=0Aetc.=0D=0A10.2 Contents of files at the GSM applicat=
ion level=0D=0AThe EFs in the Dedicated File DFGSM contain network related i=
nformation.=0D=0A10.2.1 EFLP (Language preference)=0D=0AThis EF contains the=
 codes for one or more languages. This information determined by the user/o=
perator=0D=0Adefines the preferred languages of the user in order of priori=
ty. This information may be used by the ME=0D=0Afor MMI purposes and for sho=
rt message handling (e.g. screening of preferred languages in SMS-CB).=0D=
=0AWhen the CB Message Identifier capability is both allocated and activated=
 the ME selects only those CB=0D=0Amessages the language of which correspond=
s to one of the languages given in this EF. The CB message=0D=0Alanguage is =
recognized according to TS GSM 03.41 by its data coding scheme.=0D=0APage 49=
=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F05' Structur=
e: transparent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 1-n bytes Update activity: low=0D=
=0AREHABILITATE ADM=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 1st language co=
de (highest prior.) M 1 byte=0D=0A2 2nd language code O 1 byte=0D=0An nth la=
nguage code (lowest prior.) O 1 byte=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 03.41 =
[13].=0D=0AUsing the command GET RESPONSE the ME can determine the size of =
the EF.=0D=0A10.2.2 EFIMSI (IMSI)=0D=0AThis EF contains the International Mo=
bile Subscriber Identity (IMSI).=0D=0AIdentifier: '6F07' Structure: transpar=
ent Mandatory=0D=0AFile size: 9 bytes Update activity: low=0D=0AAccess Condi=
CHV1=0D=0ABytes Description M/O Length=0D=0A1 length of IMSI M 1 byte=0D=0A2=
 - 9 IMSI M 8 bytes=0D=0A- length of IMSI=0D=0AContents: The length indicato=
r refers to the number of significant bytes not including this length byte=
=0D=0Arequired for the IMSI.=0D=0ACoding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].=
=0D=0A- IMSI=0D=0AContents: International Mobile Subscriber Identity.=0D=0AC=
oding: This information element is of variable length. If a network operator=
 chooses an IMSI of less=0D=0Athan 15 digits unused nibbles shall be set to=
 'F'.=0D=0APage 50=0D=0AGSM 11.11 Version 5.0.0 December 1995=0D=0AByte 2:=
=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=C1=C2=C4=D9=0D=0A=B3 =
=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4 1=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=
=C4=C4=C4 0=0D=0A=B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =B3 =C0=C4=C4=Ct 1=
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ADR;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;SymbianFoundation;1 example drive=0D=0Aexample city  ZZ99 EXP=0D=0AU=
nited Kingdomdfdfdfdkfjdsklfhdhskjlfkldsflkdsjkljkfdhkglfjglkfjg=
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=0D=0AUnited Kingdomdfdfdfdkfjdsklfhdhskjlfkldsflkdsjkljkfdhkglfjg=
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