Adjusted to avoid exports, etc, from a top-level bld.inf
/** Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: Class implementing the definition of CICalBase. This class is base class from which ICal class has been derived.**/// Class include.#include "ICalBase.h" // CICalBase//debug#include "calendarengines_debug.h"// User includes.#include "ICalComponent.h" // CICalComponent#include "ICalContentLineReader.h" // CICalContentLineReader#include "ICalContentLineWriter.h" // CICalContentLineWriter#include "ICalErrors.h" // Error codes#include "ICalKeyWords.h" // Literals#include "ICalProperty.h" // CICalProperty#include "ICalUtil.h" // NICalUtil#include "ICalValue.h" // CICalValueusing namespace NICalUtil;/**Destructor.@internalTechnology*/CICalBase::~CICalBase() { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; iComponents.ResetAndDestroy(); iProperties.ResetAndDestroy(); TRACE_EXIT_POINT; }/**Creates a new property with a value from the given parameters, adds it to this object and returns a modifiable reference to it.@param aName Name of the property to add.@param aValue Value of the property to add.@return A reference to a new property owned by this object.@leave Leaves with KErrUnsupportedProperty if the given property is not valid.for this component.@publishedPartner*/EXPORT_C CICalProperty& CICalBase::AddPropertyL(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aValue) { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; CICalProperty* property = CreatePropertyL(aName); // Not taking ownership. if (!property) { User::Leave(KErrUnsupportedProperty); } property->AddValueL(aValue); TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return *property; }/**Creates a new property with a value and adds it to this object, returning areference to it. Ownership of aValue is transferred and it will be deleted ifthis function leaves.@leave Leaves with KErrPropertyHasNoValue if aValue is Null.@leave Leaves with KErrUnsupportedProperty if the given property is not valid.@return A new property@publishedPartner*/EXPORT_C CICalProperty& CICalBase::AddPropertyL(const TDesC& aName, CICalValue* aValue) { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; if (!aValue) { User::Leave(KErrPropertyHasNoValue); } CleanupStack::PushL(aValue); CICalProperty* property = CreatePropertyL(aName); // Not taking ownership. if (!property) { User::Leave(KErrUnsupportedProperty); } CleanupStack::Pop(aValue); property->AddValueL(aValue); TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return *property; }/**Creates a new component, adds it to this object, and returns a modifiablereference to it.@param aType The type of component to be created.@return A new component@leave Leaves with KErrUnsupportedComponent if the given component is not avalid subcomponent for this object.@publishedPartner*/EXPORT_C CICalComponent& CICalBase::AddComponentL(TICalComponentType aType) { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; CICalComponent* component = CreateComponentL(aType); // Not taking ownership. if (!component) { User::Leave(KErrUnsupportedComponent); } TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return *component; }/**Access function for the component array.@return The array of components as a constant reference.@publishedPartner*/EXPORT_C const RPointerArray<CICalComponent>& CICalBase::Components() const { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return iComponents; }/**Access function for the property array.@return The array of properties as a constant reference.@publishedPartner*/EXPORT_C const RPointerArray<CICalProperty>& CICalBase::Properties() const { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return iProperties; }/**Returns the descriptor form of this component type.@return The descriptor form of this component type.@publishedPartner*/EXPORT_C const TDesC& CICalBase::TypeStringL() const { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return TypeStringL(iComponentType); }/**Access method returning the concrete type as an enumeration.@return The type of the concrete derived class.@publishedPartner*/EXPORT_C CICalBase::TICalComponentType CICalBase::Type() const { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return iComponentType; }/**Checks for a component already existing in current object's sub-components@param aType The type of the component to check.@return ETrue if the property does exist, EFalse otherwise@publishedPartner*/EXPORT_C TBool CICalBase::ComponentExists(TICalComponentType aType) const { const TInt count = iComponents.Count(); for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (iComponents[i]->Type() == aType) { TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return ETrue; } } TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return EFalse; }/**Finds the first property with a particular name and returns a pointer to it.Ownership is not passed out.@param aName The name of the property to search for.@return A pointer to the property, or NULL.@publishedPartner*/EXPORT_C const CICalProperty* CICalBase::FindProperty(const TDesC& aName) const { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; const TInt count = iProperties.Count(); for (TInt p = 0; p < count; ++p) { if (iProperties[p]->Type().CompareF(aName) == 0) { TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return iProperties[p]; } } TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return NULL; }/**Takes a line reader and reads lines from it until the end of the component islocated. Any other END:, or an end of file, are treated as errors.@param aReader The line reader to read from.@leave Leaves with KErrCorrupt if the component is corrupt.@internalTechnology*/void CICalBase::InternalizeL(CICalContentLineReader& aReader) { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; TPtrC line; TPtrC name; TPtrC parameters; TPtrC values; TInt error(aReader.GetNextContentLine(line)); while (error == KErrNone) { if (ExtractSectionsL(line, name, parameters, values) == KErrNone) { if (name.CompareF(KICalBegin) == 0) { // This is the start of a component: TICalComponentType type(TypeFromNameL(values)); if (type == EICalInvalid) { aReader.SkipComponentL(values); } else { CICalComponent* component = CreateComponentL(type); // Not taking ownership. if (component) { component->InternalizeL(aReader); } else { // This component cannot be nested - ignore it aReader.SkipComponentL(values); } } } else if (name.CompareF(KICalEnd) == 0) { // This is the end of a component. if (values.CompareF(TypeStringL(iComponentType)) != 0) { User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); // This is the end of a different component! } break; } else { // This is a property // Only allow properties with at least one value - if there is no value then // ignore the property and continue. if (values.Length() > 0) { CICalProperty* property = CreatePropertyL(name); // Not taking ownership if (property) { if (name.CompareF(KICalRRule) == 0) { // This is a special case - commas have a different meaning. ExtractParametersL(parameters, *property); property->AddValueL(values); } else if (name.CompareF(KICalCategories) == 0) { // Outlook escapes the comma separators between categories. // This is not part of the iCal specification. ExtractParametersL(parameters, *property); ExtractPropertyValuesL(values, *property, EEscapeValueSeparators); } else if (name.CompareF(KICalTzid) == 0) { // Outlook doesn't escape commas in TZID fields. // This is not part of the iCal specification. ExtractParametersL(parameters, *property); property->AddValueL(values); } else { ExtractPropertyL(parameters, values, *property); } // Remove property if it doesn't have a value. if (property->Values().Count() == 0) { TInt index(iProperties.Find(property)); if (index >= 0) { iProperties.Remove(index); } delete property; } else { // If the property is a method, remember it. if (name.CompareF(KICalMethod) == 0) { TPtrC val; val.Set(property->Values()[0]->TextL()); if (val.CompareF(KICalPublish) == 0) { iMethod = CICalBase::EMethodPublish; } else if (val.CompareF(KICalRequest) == 0) { iMethod = CICalBase::EMethodRequest; } else if (val.CompareF(KICalReply) == 0) { iMethod = CICalBase::EMethodReply; } else if (val.CompareF(KICalAdd) == 0) { iMethod = CICalBase::EMethodAdd; } else if (val.CompareF(KICalCancel) == 0) { iMethod = CICalBase::EMethodCancel; } else if (val.CompareF(KICalRefresh) == 0) { iMethod = CICalBase::EMethodRefresh; } else if (val.CompareF(KICalCounter) == 0) { iMethod = CICalBase::EMethodCounter; } else if (val.CompareF(KICalDeclineCounter) == 0) { iMethod = CICalBase::EMethodDeclineCounter; } else { User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); } } } } } } } error = aReader.GetNextContentLine(line); } if ((error != KErrNone) && (error != KErrEof)) { User::Leave(error); } TRACE_EXIT_POINT; }/**Takes a line writer and exports this component, including all owned propertiesand sub components, to it.@param aWriter the writer to export to.@internalTechnology*/void CICalBase::ExternalizeL(CICalContentLineWriter& aWriter) const { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; aWriter.AppendL(KICalBegin()); aWriter.AppendL(KICalColon()); aWriter.AppendL(TypeStringL(iComponentType)); aWriter.WriteContentLineL(); // Externalize any component properties: TInt count(iProperties.Count()); for (TInt prop = 0; prop < count; ++prop) { // Only externalise properties with a value. if (iProperties[prop]->Values().Count() > 0) { iProperties[prop]->ExternalizeL(aWriter); } } // Externalize any child components: count = iComponents.Count(); for (TInt comp = 0; comp < count; ++comp) { iComponents[comp]->ExternalizeL(aWriter); } aWriter.AppendL(KICalEnd()); aWriter.AppendL(KICalColon()); aWriter.AppendL(TypeStringL(iComponentType)); aWriter.WriteContentLineL(); TRACE_EXIT_POINT; }/**Converts between a TICalComponentType and the type as a descriptor. @param aName The type as a descriptor.@return The type as an enumeration.@leave KErrCorrupt if this is not a valid type.@internalTechnology*/CICalBase::TICalComponentType CICalBase::TypeFromNameL(const TDesC& aName) { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; TICalComponentType type(EICalInvalid); if (aName.CompareF(KICalVCalendar) == 0) { type = EICalCalendar; } else if (aName.CompareF(KICalEvent) == 0) { type = EICalEvent; } else if (aName.CompareF(KICalTodo) == 0) { type = EICalTodo; } else if (aName.CompareF(KICalJournal) == 0) { type = EICalJournal; } else if (aName.CompareF(KICalAlarm) == 0) { type = EICalAlarm; } else if (aName.CompareF(KICalTimeZone) == 0) { type = EICalTimeZone; } else if (aName.CompareF(KICalFreeBusy) == 0) { type = EICalFreeBusy; } else if (aName.CompareF(KICalStandard) == 0) { type = EICalStandard; } else if (aName.CompareF(KICalDaylight) == 0) { type = EICalDaylight; } else { type = EICalInvalid; } TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return type; }/**Constructor@internalTechnology*/CICalBase::CICalBase() { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; TRACE_EXIT_POINT; }/**Converts between a TICalComponentType and the type as a descriptor.@param aType The type as an enumeration.@return The type as a descriptor.@leave KErrCorrupt if this is not a valid type.@internalTechnology*/const TDesC& CICalBase::TypeStringL(TICalComponentType aType) const { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; switch (aType) { case EICalCalendar: TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return KICalVCalendar(); case EICalEvent: TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return KICalEvent(); case EICalJournal: TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return KICalJournal(); case EICalAlarm: TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return KICalAlarm(); case EICalFreeBusy: TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return KICalFreeBusy(); case EICalTodo: TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return KICalTodo(); case EICalTimeZone: TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return KICalTimeZone(); case EICalStandard: TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return KICalStandard(); case EICalDaylight: TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return KICalDaylight(); case EICalInvalid: // Fall through... default: User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); break; }; TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return KNullDesC; // Never reached. }/**Private implementation of AddComponentL(), used directly during InternalizeL().Checks that the given component can be nested within this component. The returnedpointer will be NULL if it is not supported - the calling function does NOT takeownership of the returned pointer.@param aType The type of component to be created.@return pointer to newly added component. This will be NULL if the property isnot supported.@leave Leaves if there is an error adding a new component.@internalTechnology*/CICalComponent* CICalBase::CreateComponentL(TICalComponentType aType) { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; CICalComponent* component = NULL; if (ValidateComponent(aType)) { component = CICalComponent::CreateICalComponentLC(aType, iMethod); User::LeaveIfError(iComponents.Append(component)); CleanupStack::Pop(component); } TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return component; }/**Private implementation of AddPropertyL(), used directly during InternalizeL().Checks that the given property is supported by this component. The returnedpointer will be NULL if it is not supported - the calling function does NOTtake ownership of the returned pointer.@param aName Name of the property to add.@return pointer to newly added property. This will be NULL if the property isnot supported.@leave Leaves if there is an error adding a new property.@internalTechnology*/CICalProperty* CICalBase::CreatePropertyL(const TDesC& aName) { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; CICalProperty* property = NULL; if (ValidateProperty(aName)) { property = CICalProperty::NewLC(aName); User::LeaveIfError(iProperties.Append(property)); CleanupStack::Pop(property); } TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return property; }TBool CICalBase::ValidateProperty(const TDesC& aName) const { TRACE_ENTRY_POINT; if ( //Not checking properties in these components here... (iComponentType == EICalCalendar) || (iComponentType == EICalAlarm) || (iComponentType == EICalTimeZone) || (iComponentType == EICalDaylight) || (iComponentType == EICalStandard) || (iComponentType == EICalJournal) || (iComponentType == EICalEvent) || (iComponentType == EICalTodo) || //If no METHOD property exists, then RFC2446 does not apply... (iComponentMethodBitMask & EMaskEventNone) || (iComponentMethodBitMask & EMaskTodoNone) || (iComponentMethodBitMask & EMaskJournalNone) || (iComponentMethodBitMask & EMaskFreeBusyNone) || //Validate the property against RFC2446 ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalAttendeeFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalAttendee) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDtStampFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDtstamp) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDtStartFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDtstart) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalOrganizerFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalOrganizer) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalSummaryFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalSummary) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalUIDFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalUid) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalRecurrenceIdFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalRecurrenceId) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalSequenceFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalSequence) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalAttachFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalAttach) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalCategoriesFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalCategories) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalClassFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalClass) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalCommentFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalComment) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalContactFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalContact) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalCreatedFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalCreated) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDescriptionFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDescription) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDtEndFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDtend) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDurationFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDuration) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalExDateFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalExdate) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalExRuleFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalExrule) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalGeoFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalGeo) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalLastModifiedFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalLastmodified) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalLocationFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalLocation) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalPriorityFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalPriority) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalRDateFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalRdate) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalRelatedToFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalRelatedto) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalRequestStatusFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalRequeststatus) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalResourcesFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalResources) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalRRuleFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalRRule) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalStatusFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalStatus) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalTranspFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalTransp) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalUrlFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalUrl) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalDueFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalDue) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalPercentCompleteFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalPercentcomplete) == 0)) || ((iComponentMethodBitMask & EICalFreeBusyFlags) && (aName.CompareF(KICalFreebusy) == 0)) ) { TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return ValidatePropertyImpl(aName); } //Allow all X-Properties else if ((aName.Length() >= 2) && (aName.Left(2).CompareF(KICalXProperty) == 0)) { TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return ETrue; } TRACE_EXIT_POINT; return EFalse; }// End of File