changeset 77 2be0b271d017
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phoneapp/phoneuistates/tsrc/common/cphonestatemachinestub.cpp	Mon Oct 04 00:16:48 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <mpeengineinfo.h>
+#include "cphonestatemachine.h"
+#include "mphonestorage.h"
+class CPEEngineInfo: public CBase, public MPEEngineInfo
+    {
+    CPEEngineInfo():
+    iAudioOutput(EPENotActive)
+        {
+        }
+    virtual ~CPEEngineInfo()
+        {
+        }
+    TInt ContactId2 () const {}
+    void SetProtocolError( TInt aError, TInt aCallId ) {}
+    TInt ProtocolError( TInt aCallId ) {}
+    TBool IsOutgoingCallBarringActivated() {}
+    void SetOutgoingCallBarringActivated( 
+            TBool aActivated ) {}            
+		void SetIncomingCallForwarded( 
+                TBool aForwarded, TInt aCallId ) {}
+		TBool IncomingCallForwarded( TInt aCallId ) const {}                
+    void SetContactId2( const TInt aContactId ) {}                   
+    const CDesC8Array* ForwardAddressChoices( TInt aCallId ) const {}
+    void SetForwardAddressChoices( const CDesC8Array* aArray, TInt aCallId ) {}
+    void SetForwardAddressIndex( TInt aIndex ) {}
+    TInt ForwardAddressIndex() {}
+    const CCCECallParameters::TCCELineType& ALSLine() const{}
+    const TBool& ALSLineSupport() const{}
+    const TArray< TContactItemId > AlertForGroup() const {}
+    const TBool& AudioMute() const{}
+    const TPEAudioOutput& AudioOutput() const{  return iAudioOutput; }
+    const TPEPhoneAudioRouteParameters& RouteParameters() const{}
+    TBool AudioOutputAvailable( const TPEAudioOutput /*aOutput*/ ) const{}
+    const TInt& AudioOutputPreference() const{}
+    const TInt& AudioVolume() const{}
+    RMobileCall::TMobileCallDirection CallDirection( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    const TInt& CallDuration() const{}
+    TTimeIntervalSeconds CallDuration( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    const TPtrC CallerImage( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TPtrC CallerText( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    CFbsBitmap* CallerThumbnail( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    TBool HasCallerThumbnail( const TInt /*aCallId*/  ) const {}
+    const TInt& CallId() const {}
+    CCCECallParameters::TCCELineType CallALSLine( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    const MPEClientInformation& CallClientInformation( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TTime& CallStartTime( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    TPEState CallState( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    TPECallType CallType( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    const TPECallType& CallTypeCommand() const {}
+    TBool IsSecureCall( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{ return ETrue; }
+    const TArray< TContactItemId > ContactGroups(
+                const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    RMobileCall::TMobileCallAiur DataCallAIURSpeed( 
+               const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TPEDtmfString& DtmfString() const{}
+    const TPEErrorInfo& ErrorInfo() const{}
+    const TChar& KeyCode() const {}
+    const TInt& KeypadVolume() const {}
+    const TCCPTone& InbandTone() const{}
+    TBool LoggingIndicator( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    TBool MissedCall( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TNWNetworkRegistrationStatus& NetworkRegistrationStatus() const{}
+    const TPEContactFileName& PersonalRingingTone(
+                const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TBool& PersonalToneStatus() const {}
+    const TPEPhoneNumber& PhoneNumber() const{}
+    const TBool& PhoneNumberIsServiceCode() const{}
+    const TBool& ProactiveOrigin() const{}
+    const TInt& ProfileId() const{}
+    const TPEProfileName& ProfileName() const {}
+    const TPEContactCompany& RemoteCompanyName(
+                const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    RMobileCall::TMobileCallRemoteIdentityStatus RemoteIdentity( 
+                const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    const TPEContactName& RemoteName( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TPEPhoneNumber& RemotePhoneNumber(
+                const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TPEPhoneNumberIdType& RemotePhoneNumberType(
+                const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TPtrC RemoteTextToSpeechText(
+                const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const CDesCArray&  RemotePredefinedDtmfStrings(
+                const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TProfileRingingType& RingingType() const{}
+    const TPEContactFileName& RingingTone( const TInt& /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TInt& RingingVolume() const {}
+    const TBool& TextToSpeech() const {}
+    const TPEPhoneNumber& VoiceMailBoxNumberLine1() const  {}
+    const TPEPhoneNumber& VoiceMailBoxNumberLine2() const {}
+    void SetALSLine( const CCCECallParameters::TCCELineType& /*aALSLine*/ ){}
+    void SetALSLineSupport( const TBool& /*aALSLineSupport*/ ){}
+    void SetAudioMuteCommand( const TInt& /*aAudioMute*/ ){}
+    void SetAudioOutputCommand( const TPEAudioOutput& /*aOutput*/,
+                                                 const TBool /*aShowNote*/  ){}
+    void SetAudioVolumeCommand( const TInt& /*aAudioVolume*/ ){}
+    void SetCallId( const TInt& /*aCallId*/ ){}
+    void SetCallALSLine( const CCCECallParameters::TCCELineType& /*aALSLine*/, const TInt /*aCallId*/ ){}
+    void SetCallTypeCommand( const TPECallType& /*aCallType*/ ){}
+    void SetDtmfStringCommand( const TPEDtmfString& /*aDtmfString*/ ){}
+    void SetDynamicHscsdParams( const TInt /*aRxSlots*/ ) {}
+    void SetInbandTone( const TCCPTone /*aTone*/ ) {}
+    void SetKeyCode( const TChar& /*aKeyCode*/ ){}
+    void SetPhoneNumber( const TPEPhoneNumber& /*aPhoneNumber*/ ){}
+    const TBool& TwoDigitSupportStatus() const {}
+    TUint32 ServiceIdCommand() const{}
+    void SetServiceIdCommand( TUint32 /*aServiceId*/ ){}
+    TUint32 ServiceId( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TPEActiveForwardInfo& ActiveForwardingInfo() const{}
+    const TPEBarringInfo& BarringInfo() const{}
+    TInt CallConference( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    TPECallControlCaps CallControlCaps( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    TBool CallForwarded( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    RMobilePhone::TMobileService CallService( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    TUint32 ConferenceCallCaps( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    const TName& ConferenceMemberName( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    TInt IsConferenceMemberId( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    const TPEPhoneNumber& EmergencyNumber() const{}
+    TInt NumberOfConferenceMembers( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    const TPEPhoneNumber& RemoteColpNumber(
+                const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TPESimState& SimState() const
+        {
+        return EPESimStatusUninitialized;
+        }
+    TBool SecureSpecified() const{ return EFalse; }
+    const TPESSCommandInfo& SSCommandInfo() const{}
+    void SetEmergencyNumber( const TPEPhoneNumber& /*aEmergencyNumbers*/ ){}
+    const TPEContactName& RemotePartyName( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const{}
+    TInt ErrorCode() const{}
+    const TDesC8& ContactLink( const TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    const TName& DataPortName() const {}
+    const TPEPhoneNumber& UnattendedTransferTarget( 
+                TInt /*aCallId*/ ) const {}
+    void SetUnattendedTransferTarget( 
+          const TPEPhoneNumber& /*aTarget*/, TInt /*aCallId*/ ) {}
+    void SetTransferTargetCommand( const TPEPhoneNumber& /*aTransferTarget*/ ) {}
+    const TPEPhoneNumber& TransferTargetCommand() const {}
+    TBool CheckIfCallStateExists( const TPEState& aCallState ) {}
+    TPEState ConferenceCallState() const {}
+    TPECallOrigin CallOrigin( const TInt aCallId ) const {}
+    TPEAudioOutput iAudioOutput;
+    };
+class CPhoneEngine : public MPEPhoneModel
+    {
+    CPhoneEngine()
+        {
+        iEngineInfo = new (ELeave) CPEEngineInfo();
+        }
+    ~CPhoneEngine()
+        {
+        delete iEngineInfo;
+        }
+    MPEEngineInfo* EngineInfo() 
+         {
+         return iEngineInfo;
+         }
+    void HandleMessage( const TInt /*aMessage*/ ) {}
+    TPtrC NameByMessageToPhoneEngine( const TInt /*aMessage*/ ) const {}
+    TPtrC NameByMessageFromPhoneEngine( const TInt /*aMessage*/ ) const {}
+    CPEEngineInfo* iEngineInfo;
+    };
+    MPhoneViewCommandHandle* /*aViewCommandHandle*/ )
+    {
+    iPhoneEngine = new (ELeave) CPhoneEngine();
+    }
+    {
+    delete iPhoneEngine;
+    };
+void CPhoneStateMachine::ChangeState( TInt aState ) {};
+MPhoneState* CPhoneStateMachine::State() { return NULL; };
+void CPhoneStateMachine::SetPhoneEngine( MPEPhoneModel* /*aPhoneEngine*/ ) {};
+MPEPhoneModel* CPhoneStateMachine::PhoneEngine() { return iPhoneEngine; };
+MPEEngineInfo* CPhoneStateMachine::PhoneEngineInfo() 
+     {
+     return iPhoneEngine->EngineInfo();
+     }
+MPEPhoneModel* CPhoneStateMachine::CreatePhoneEngineL( 
+    MEngineMonitor& /*aEngineMonitor*/ ) { return iPhoneEngine; };
+void CPhoneStateMachine::SetCallId( TInt /*aCallId*/ ) {};
+void CPhoneStateMachine::SendPhoneEngineMessage( TInt /*aMessage*/ ) {};
+MPhoneStorage* CPhoneStateMachine::PhoneStorage() { return NULL; }; 
+CEikonEnv* CPhoneStateMachine::EikonEnv( ) const { return NULL; }
+// end of file