changeset 36 2eacb6118286
parent 30 ebdbd102c78a
child 37 ba76fc04e6c2
--- a/phoneapp/phoneringingtoneplayer/inc/cphoneringingtonecontroller.h	Fri May 14 15:51:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <Profile.hrh>
-#include "mphoneaudioplayerobserver.h"
-#include "mphonevideoplayerobserver.h"
-#include "mphonecoveruiobserver.h"
-#include "cphoneaudioplayer.h"
-#include "mphonetimer.h"
-#include "mphonevideoplayer.h"
-#include "cphonemediatorsender.h"
-//class MPhoneRingingToneObserver;
-class CPhoneAudioPlayer;
-class CPhoneRingingtonePlayer;
-class CPhoneTTSPlayer;
-class MPhoneDisplayProvider;
-class CPhoneRingingTone;
-class TPhoneCommandParam;
-* It implements ringing tone functionality. 
-* Note that when issuing Play-command to audio side, ALWAYS set the tone type
-* before the Play() is called. This is to ensure that correct tone is tried to
-* be played. 
-* @since 1.0
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPhoneRingingToneController) :
-    public CBase,
-    private MPhoneVideoPlayerObserver,
-    private MPhoneCoverUiObserver
-    {
-    public:
-        // States for this active object
-        enum TState
-            {
-            EIdleState,  
-            EDeletingAudioPlayer,
-            EDeletingVideoPlayer,
-            EPlayingDefaultVideo
-            };
-    public:
-        /**
-        * Two-phased constructor.
-        * @return new instance.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C static CPhoneRingingToneController* NewL();
-        /**
-        * Destructor.
-        */
-        ~CPhoneRingingToneController();
-        /**
-        * Play ring tone
-        * @param aCommandParam a command param
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void PlayRingToneL( TPhoneCommandParam *aCommandParam );
-        /**
-        * Stops playing the ringing tone.
-        * Method does not do anything if ringing tone is not playing.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void StopPlaying();
-        /**
-        * Continues video playback ( and ringing tone ) with volume 0
-        * Stream not closed ( If music player was ongoing ) 
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void MuteRingingToneOnAnswer();
-        /**
-        * Continues video playback with muted audio.
-        * Ringing tone is stopped.
-        */
-        IMPORT_C void MuteRingingTone();
-        /**
-        * Sets video player.
-        * @since Series 60 v3.2
-        * @param aVideoPlayer Video player reference.
-        */
-        void SetVideoPlayer( MPhoneVideoPlayer* aVideoPlayer );
-        /**
-        * Play video ring tone.
-        * @since Series 60 3.1
-        * @param aRingingTone Ringing tone to be played.
-        * @param aVolume Volume used to play the ringing tone.
-        * @param aRingingType Ringing type.
-        */
-        void PlayVideoRingingTone( 
-            const CPhoneRingingTone& aRingingTone, 
-            TInt aVolume, 
-            TProfileRingingType aRingingType,
-            TBool aPersonalTone = EFalse );
-        /**
-        * Checks if extended security required.
-        * @since Series 60 3.1
-        * @return ETrue if extended security is required.
-        */
-        TBool ExtendedSecurity() const;
-        /**
-        * Command when necessary Cover UI to play video ringing tone.
-        * return ETrue if Cover ui handle video ringing tone playing.
-        * return EFalse if Phone must handle video ringing tone playing.
-        */
-        TBool CoverUIPlayVideoRingingToneL( 
-            const CPhoneRingingTone& aRingingTone );
-        /**
-        * This function is called when Mediator receives response to the sent
-        * ShowMultiMediaRingingTone command.
-        * @param aStatus - Standard Symbian error code indicating the
-        *                  success of the command.
-        */
-        void ShowMultimediaRingingToneResponseL( TInt aStatus );
-    private: // from MPhoneVideoPlayerObserver
-        /**
-        * HandleVideoPlayerError
-        */
-        virtual void HandleVideoPlayerError( 
-            TPhoneVideoPlayerErrorEvent aEvent,
-            TInt aError );
-        /**
-        * HandleVideoPlayerInitComplete
-        */
-        virtual void HandleVideoPlayerInitComplete();
-        /**
-        * HandleVideoPlayerPlayingComplete
-        */
-        virtual void HandleVideoPlayerPlayingComplete();
-    private: 
-        /**
-        * C++ default constructor.
-        */
-        CPhoneRingingToneController();
-        /**
-        * By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
-        */
-        void ConstructL();
-        /**
-        * Convert ringing type from PhoneAppEnging to the ringing type in 
-        * MPhoneVideoPlayer.
-        * @since Series 60 3.1
-        * @param aRingingType the ringing type form PhoneAppEngine.
-        * @return ringing type of MPhoneVideoPlayer.
-        */
-        MPhoneVideoPlayer::TPlayMode ConvertVideoRingingType(
-            TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
-       /**
-        * Plays default L1 or L2 video ring tone asynchronously.
-        * @since Series 60 3.1
-        */
-        void PlayDefaultVideoAsync();
-        /**
-        * Deletes video player and plays default L1 or L2
-        * tone asynchronously.
-        * @since Series 60 3.1
-        */
-        void DeleteVideoPlayerAndPlayDefaultAsync();
-        /**
-        * Mutes the ringing tone.
-        */
-        void DoMuteRingingTone();
-        /**
-        * Play audio ring tone 
-        */
-        void PlayAudioRingTone( 
-            TInt aVolume, 
-            TProfileRingingType aRingingType );
-    private:    // Data
-        // Audio/Video tone
-        CPhoneRingingTone* iAudioVideoRingingTone;
-        // Volume for backup tone playing.
-        TInt iVolume;
-        // Ringing type for backup tone playing.
-        TProfileRingingType iRingingType;
-        // Video ringing tone player
-        MPhoneVideoPlayer* iVideoPlayer;
-        // Pointer to Mediator Sender
-        CPhoneMediatorSender* iMediatorSender;
-        // Active Cover UI command EPhoneCoverUiShowMultimediaRingingTone
-        TBool iActiveCoverUICommand;
-        // Flag. Indicates video scaling capability of the device.
-        TBool iArbitraryVideoScaling;
-        CPhoneRingingtonePlayer* iRingingtonePlayer;
-        CPhoneTTSPlayer* iTTSPlayer; 
-    };
-// End of File