changeset 36 2eacb6118286
parent 30 ebdbd102c78a
child 37 ba76fc04e6c2
--- a/phoneapp/phoneuicontrol/src/cphonestate.cpp	Fri May 14 15:51:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,4768 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Implementation of CPhoneState class.
-#include <avkon.rsg>
-#include <bautils.h>
-#include <eikenv.h>
-#include <StringLoader.h>
-#include <pevirtualengine.h>
-#include <mpeclientinformation.h>
-#include <mpeengineinfo.h>
-#include <cpephonemodelif.h>
-#include <featmgr.h>
-#include <rconnmon.h>
-#include <Profile.hrh>
-#include <PUAcodes.hrh>
-#include <AknUtils.h>
-#include <telephonyvariant.hrh>
-#include <aknsoundsystem.h>
-#include <wlaninternalpskeys.h>
-#include <btengdomainpskeys.h>
-#include <btengdomaincrkeys.h>
-#include <settingsinternalcrkeys.h>
-#include <starterclient.h>
-#include <rsssettings.h>
-#include <UikonInternalPSKeys.h>
-#include <telephonydomainpstypes.h>
-#include <telinformationpskeys.h>
-#include <coreapplicationuisdomainpskeys.h>
-#include <mccecall.h>
-#include <ccpdefs.h>
-#include <LogsDomainCRKeys.h>
-#include <spsettings.h>
-#include <startupdomainpskeys.h>
-#include <MediatorDomainUIDs.h>
-#include <videotelcontrolmediatorapi.h>
-#include <textresolver.h>
-#include <phoneappvoipcommands.hrh>
-#include <hwrmdomainpskeys.h>
-#include "phoneui.pan"
-#include "cphonestate.h"
-#include "mphonestatemachine.h"
-#include "mphoneviewcommandhandle.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamboolean.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparaminteger.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamkeyevent.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamdynmenu.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamcallheaderdata.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamincallindicatordata.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamnote.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamkeycapture.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamglobalnote.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamquery.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamstring.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamcallstatedata.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparambitmap.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamaudiooutput.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamaudioavailability.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamappinfo.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamtranseffect.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamringtone.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamcustomdialer.h"
-#include "cphonekeys.h"
-#include "phoneui.hrh"
-#include "phonerssbase.h"
-#include "cphonebtaadisconnecthandler.h"
-#include "cphonemainresourceresolver.h"
-#include "cphonecenrepproxy.h"
-#include "cphonepubsubproxy.h"
-#include "phoneviewcommanddefinitions.h"
-#include "phonelogger.h"
-#include "phonestatedefinitions.h"
-#include "cphonetimer.h"
-#include "cphonereconnectquery.h"
-#include "mphoneerrormessageshandler.h"
-#include "cphoneclearblacklist.h"
-#include "mphonecustomization.h"
-#include "cphonemainerrormessageshandler.h"
-#include "cphoneaccessorybthandler.h"
-#include "cphonemediatorfactory.h"
-#include "mphonemediatormessage.h"
-#include "cphonemediatorsender.h"
-#include "cphonereleasecommand.h"
-#include "cphonecontinueemergencycallcommand.h"
-#include "cphonecallheadermanager.h"
-#include "cphonenumberentrymanager.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamsfidata.h" 
-#include "mphonestorage.h"
-#include "phoneconstants.h"
-#include "cphoneclearblacklist.h"
-// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
-EXPORT_C CPhoneState::CPhoneState(
-    MPhoneStateMachine* aStateMachine,
-    MPhoneViewCommandHandle* aViewCommandHandle,
-    MPhoneCustomization* aCustomization) :
-    iStateMachine( aStateMachine ),
-    iViewCommandHandle( aViewCommandHandle ),
-    iCustomization( aCustomization ),
-    iEnv( *CEikonEnv::Static() )
-    {
-    // Need to get current SimState for inherited classis
-    iPreviousSimState = SimState();
-        aStateMachine && aViewCommandHandle,
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlParameterNotInitialized ) );
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdOnScreenDialer ) )
-        {
-        iOnScreenDialer = ETrue;
-        }
-    }
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::BaseConstructL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::BaseConstructL() ");
-    if ( !iCbaManager )
-        {
-        iCbaManager = CPhoneCbaManager::NewL(
-                        this,
-                        *iViewCommandHandle,
-                        *iStateMachine );
-        }
-    }
-EXPORT_C CPhoneState::~CPhoneState()
-    {
-    if( iAlsLineChangeKeyPressTimer )
-        {
-        if( iAlsLineChangeKeyPressTimer->IsActive() )
-            {
-            iAlsLineChangeKeyPressTimer->CancelTimer();
-            }
-        delete iAlsLineChangeKeyPressTimer;
-        }
-    delete iNumberEntryManager;
-    delete iCallHeaderManager;
-    delete iCbaManager;
-    }
-// <-------------------------- PHONE ENGINE EVENTS --------------------------->
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL
-// Default handling for Phone Engine messages
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL(
-    const TInt aMessage,
-    TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL() ");
-    CPhoneAccessoryBTHandler* accessoryBtHandler;
-    switch ( aMessage )
-        {
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageNetworkRegistrationStatusChange:
-            {
-            __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-               "PHONEUI_ERROR: EPEMessageNetworkRegistrationStatusChange - RegistrationStatus =%d ",
-               iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->NetworkRegistrationStatus());
-            }
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageAudioMuteChanged:
-            HandleAudioMuteChangedL();
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageAudioOutputChanged:
-            HandleAudioOutputChangedL();
-            // Go to current state implementation
-            iCbaManager->UpdateInCallCbaL();
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageAvailableAudioOutputsChanged:
-            HandleAudioAvailableOutputChangedL();
-            if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioOutput() != EPENotActive )
-                {
-                // Go to current state implementation
-                iCbaManager->UpdateInCallCbaL();
-                }
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageChangedCallDuration:
-            HandleChangedCallDurationL( aCallId );
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageRemoteBusy:
-            HandleRemoteBusyL( aCallId );
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageCallWaiting:
-            SendGlobalInfoNoteL( EPhoneWaitingText );
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageProfileChanged:
-            {
-            TPhoneCmdParamBoolean keypadVolumeParam;
-            if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->KeypadVolume() == 0 )
-                {
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewKeypadAudioDisabled );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewKeypadAudioEnabled );
-                }
-            UpdateProfileDisplayL();
-            }
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageRemoteTerminated:
-            // Close menu bar, if it is displayed, for call ending note
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewMenuBarClose );
-            /* Flow through */
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageDisconnecting:
-            HandleDisconnectingL( aCallId );
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageTransferDone:
-            SendGlobalInfoNoteL( EPhoneInCallTransferred );
-            break;
-       case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageInitiatedEmergencyCall:
-            HandleInitiatedEmergencyCallL( aCallId );
-            break;
-       case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageInitiatedEmergencyWhileActiveVideo:
-           HandleInitiatedEmergencyWhileActiveVideoL();
-           break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageShowIMEI:
-            // Stop playing DTMF tone
-            iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage( MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageEndDTMF );
-            HandleShowImeiL();
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageCallSecureStatusChanged:
-            HandleCallSecureStatusChangeL( aCallId );
-            if ( iCustomization )
-                {
-                iCustomization->HandlePhoneEngineMessageL( aMessage,
-                    aCallId );
-                }
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageActivateWarrantyMode:
-            // Stop playing DTMF tone
-            iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage( MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageEndDTMF );
-            HandleShowLifeTimerL();
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuingUSSDRequest:
-            {
-             // Enable global notes
-            TPhoneCmdParamBoolean globalNotifierParam;
-            globalNotifierParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                EPhoneViewSetGlobalNotifiersDisabled,
-                &globalNotifierParam );
-            if ( !IsOnScreenDialerSupported() && IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
-                {
-                // Remove number entry from screen
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                    EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
-                }
-            else if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-                {
-                NumberEntryClearL();
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIssuedUSSDRequest:
-            // Go to current state implementation
-            iCbaManager->UpdateInCallCbaL();
-            break;
-        // *#9990#
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageShowBTLoopback:
-            // Stop playing DTMF tone
-            iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage( MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageEndDTMF );
-            accessoryBtHandler = CPhoneAccessoryBTHandler::NewLC(
-                iViewCommandHandle, iStateMachine, this );
-            accessoryBtHandler->ShowBTLoopbackL();
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( accessoryBtHandler );
-            break;
-        // *#2820#
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageShowBTDeviceAddress:
-            // Stop playing DTMF tone
-            iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage( MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageEndDTMF );
-            accessoryBtHandler = CPhoneAccessoryBTHandler::NewLC(
-                iViewCommandHandle, iStateMachine, this );
-            accessoryBtHandler->ShowBTAddressL();
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( accessoryBtHandler );
-            break;
-        // *#7370#
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageActivateRfsDeep:
-            // Stop playing DTMF tone
-            iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage( MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageEndDTMF );
-            // Launch RFS
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewLaunchRfsDeep );
-            if ( !IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-                {
-                // Do state-specific operation when number entry is cleared
-                HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
-                }
-            break;
-        // *#7780#
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageActivateRfsNormal:
-            // Stop playing DTMF tone
-            iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage( MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageEndDTMF );
-            // Launch RFS
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewLaunchRfsNormal );
-            if ( !IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-                {
-                // Do state-specific operation when number entry is cleared
-                HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
-                }
-            break;
-        // *#62209526#
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageShowWlanMacAddress:
-            // Stop playing DTMF tone
-            iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage( MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageEndDTMF );
-            ShowWlanMacAddressL();
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageThumbnailLoadingCompleted:
-            // Update call buble
-            UpdateRemoteInfoDataL( aCallId );
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageRemotePartyInfoChanged:
-            UpdateRemoteInfoDataL ( aCallId );
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageSIMStateChanged:
-            __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL - simStateChanged =%d", SimState()  );
-            HandleSimStateChangedL();
-            break;
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageShowIncCallGroupIndex:
-            HandleCugInUseNoteL();
-            break;
-        // *#2873#
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageBTDebugMode:
-            accessoryBtHandler = CPhoneAccessoryBTHandler::NewLC(
-                iViewCommandHandle, iStateMachine, this );
-            accessoryBtHandler->SetBTDebugModeL();
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( accessoryBtHandler );
-            break;
-        default:
-            TBool handled( EFalse );
-            if ( iCustomization )
-                {
-                handled = iCustomization->HandlePhoneEngineMessageL(
-                                aMessage, aCallId );
-                }
-            if ( EFalse == handled )
-                {
-                MPhoneMediatorMessage* mediatorMessage = CPhoneMediatorFactory::Instance()->MediatorMessage( aMessage, aCallId );
-                if( mediatorMessage )
-                    {
-                    CleanupDeletePushL( mediatorMessage );
-                    mediatorMessage->ExecuteL();
-                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mediatorMessage );
-                    mediatorMessage = NULL;
-                    }
-                }
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleAudioMuteChangedL
-// Default handling for EPEMessageAudioMuteChanged message
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleAudioMuteChangedL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleAudioMuteChangedL() ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo(),
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlInvariant ) );
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-    const TBool audioMute = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioMute();
-    booleanParam.SetBoolean( audioMute );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewActivateMuteUIChanges,
-        &booleanParam );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleAudioOutputChangedL
-// Default handling for EPEMessageAudioOutputChanged message
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleAudioOutputChangedL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleAudioOutputChangedL() ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo(),
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlInvariant ) );
-    TPhoneCmdParamAudioOutput outputParam;
-    // Output
-    const TPEAudioOutput audioOutput =
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioOutput();
-    outputParam.SetAudioOutput( audioOutput );
-    // view update
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewActivateAudioPathUIChanges,
-        &outputParam );
-    // Previous Output
-    TPEPhoneAudioRouteParameters RouteParameters = iStateMachine->
-        PhoneEngineInfo()->RouteParameters();
-    const TPEAudioOutput previousOutput =
-        RouteParameters.iPreviousOutput;
-    // BT availability
-    TBool btAvailable = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioOutputAvailable(
-            EPEBTAudioAccessory );
-    // Show note or BT disconnect handler
-    if ( audioOutput != EPENotActive &&
-         previousOutput == EPEBTAudioAccessory &&
-         !btAvailable )
-        {
-        CPhoneBtaaDisconnectHandler::InstanceL()->HandleConnectionLostL();
-        }
-    else if ( audioOutput == EPEBTAudioAccessory && 
-            previousOutput != EPEBTAudioAccessory &&
-            btAvailable )
-        {
-        CPhoneAccessoryBTHandler* bt = CPhoneAccessoryBTHandler::NewLC(
-            iViewCommandHandle, iStateMachine, this );
-        bt->ShowBTActivatedL();
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bt );
-        }
-    else if ( audioOutput == EPENotActive &&
-              CPhoneBtaaDisconnectHandler::InstanceL()->IsQuery() )
-        {
-        CPhoneBtaaDisconnectHandler::InstanceL()->Cancel();
-        }
-    else if ( RouteParameters.iShowNote && audioOutput == EPELoudspeaker )
-        {
-        CAknKeySoundSystem* keySounds =
-               static_cast<CAknAppUi*>( iEnv.EikAppUi() )->KeySounds();
-        keySounds->PlaySound( EAvkonSIDIHFActive );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleSimStateChangedL
-// Handles changes in the SIM card state.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::HandleSimStateChangedL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleSimStateChangedL()" );
-    CPhoneMainResourceResolver& resolver = *CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance();
-    TPESimState simState = SimState();
-    __PHONELOG2( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "SIM state was changed from %d to %d", iPreviousSimState, simState );
-    switch ( simState )
-        {
-        case EPESimUsable: // Falls through.
-        case EPESimReadable: // Falls through.
-        case EPESimNotReady:
-            {
-            if ( iPreviousSimState == EPESimNotPresent )
-                {
-                __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "SIM card was inserted, rebooting the phone" );
-                RStarterSession starterSession;
-                User::LeaveIfError( starterSession.Connect() );
-                CleanupClosePushL( starterSession );
-                HBufC* queryText = StringLoader::LoadLC( resolver.ResolveResourceID( EPhoneRebootRequired ) );
-                TPhoneCmdParamQuery queryParams;
-                queryParams.SetCommandParamId( TPhoneCommandParam::EPhoneParamRebootQuery );
-                queryParams.SetQueryPrompt( *queryText );
-                queryParams.SetDefaultCba( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_EMPTY );
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewShowQuery, &queryParams );
-                starterSession.Reset( RStarterSession::ESIMStatusChangeReset );
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &starterSession ); // queryText
-                }
-            break;
-            }
-        case EPESimNotPresent:
-            {
-            if ( iPreviousSimState == EPESimUsable ||
-                 iPreviousSimState == EPESimReadable ||
-                 iPreviousSimState == EPESimNotReady )
-                {
-                __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "SIM card was removed" );
-                TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote globalNoteParam;
-                globalNoteParam.SetType( EAknGlobalInformationNote );
-                globalNoteParam.SetTone( EAvkonSIDNoSound );
-                globalNoteParam.SetTextResourceId(
-                    CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-                    ResolveResourceID( EPhoneSimRemoved ) );
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                    EPhoneViewShowGlobalNote, &globalNoteParam );
-                }
-            // Show security note, if SIM not present and KFeatureIdFfSimlessOfflineSupport is disabled.
-            else if ( !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdFfSimlessOfflineSupport ) &&
-                    ( iPreviousSimState != EPESimNotSupported ) )
-                {
-                StartShowSecurityNoteL();
-                }
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    iPreviousSimState = simState;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsValidAlphaNumericKey
-// Checks is the key event a number, a special character
-// or if VoIP is enabled some other character
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneState::IsValidAlphaNumericKey( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-        TEventCode aEventCode )
-    {
-    TBool ret(EFalse);
-    const TBool numericKeyEntered( CPhoneKeys::IsNumericKey(
-          aKeyEvent, aEventCode ) );
-    // a numeric key (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,0,+,*,p,w )
-    // or
-    // a letter from fullscreen qwerty, miniqwerty or handwriting
-    // when voip is enabled
-    if ( numericKeyEntered
-        || IsAlphanumericSupportedAndCharInput( aKeyEvent ) )
-        {
-        ret= ETrue;
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CustomizeCBAForPhoneNumber
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::CustomizeCbaForPhoneNumberL()
-    {
-    if ( !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) &&
-         iCustomization &&
-         iCustomization->AllowAlphaNumericMode() )
-        {
-        // Get the number entry contents
-        HBufC* phoneNumber = PhoneNumberFromEntryLC();
-        TPhoneCmdParamInteger integerParam;
-        //only charaters from set { 0, .., 9, *, #, +, p, w, P, W } used
-        if ( CPhoneKeys::Validate( phoneNumber->Des()) )
-            {
-            integerParam.SetInteger( CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-                                    ResolveResourceID( EPhoneNumberAcqCBA ) );
-            }
-        //other characters
-        else
-            {
-            integerParam.SetInteger( iCustomization->CustomizeSoftKeys() );
-            }
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewUpdateCba, &integerParam );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( phoneNumber );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsTouchDTmfDialerOn
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneState::IsTouchDTmfDialerOn() const
-    {
-    TBool status( EFalse );
-    if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-        {
-        TBool isDialerVisible( EFalse );
-        TRAP_IGNORE( isDialerVisible = IsDTMFEditorVisibleL() );
-        if ( isDialerVisible )
-            {
-            status = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    return status;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SendDtmfKeyEventL
-// send dtmf event when,
-// -touch dtmf dialer is NOT visible
-// -query is not active
-// -menubar is not open
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::SendDtmfKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-               TEventCode aEventCode  )
-    {
-    if ( !IsTouchDTmfDialerOn()
-        && !IsAnyQueryActiveL()
-        && !IsMenuBarVisibleL() )
-        {
-        // Send the key event to the phone engine.
-        SendKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsKeyEventFurtherProcessed
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneState::IsKeyEventFurtherProcessedL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent ) const
-    {
-    // While being in some special keyboard mode (Full Screen&mini QWERTY,
-    // handwriting mode) FEP sends only EEventKey -event and thus manual
-    // DTMFs can not be played with the user specified tone lengths. Also,
-    // in general, DTMFs are tried to play only in numeric mode.
-    TBool numericMode = iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-      EPhoneViewIsNumberEntryNumericMode ) == EPhoneViewResponseSuccess;
-    if ( ( aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierSpecial ) != 0 || !numericMode )
-        {
-        return EFalse;
-        }
-    return ETrue;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleErrorL
-// Default handling for HandleError message
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleErrorL( const TPEErrorInfo& aErrorInfo )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleErrorL()");
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "PhoneUIControl: CPhoneState::HandleErrorL - aErrorInfo.iErrorCode =%d ",
-            aErrorInfo.iErrorCode );
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-        "PhoneUIControl: CPhoneState::HandleErrorL - aErrorInfo.iCallId =%d ",
-        aErrorInfo.iCallId );
-    // Sets touch buttons to correct status if error has occured.
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) )
-        {
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand( EPhoneResetTouchButtons );
-        }
-    // Do the common error handling (display proper notes etc)
-    CPhoneMainErrorMessagesHandler::Instance()->ShowErrorSpecificNoteL( aErrorInfo );
-    switch( aErrorInfo.iErrorCode )
-        {
-        case ECCPErrorCCUserAlertingNoAnswer:
-        case ECCPErrorCCResourceNotAvailable:
-            {
-            if( aErrorInfo.iCallId > KErrNotFound )
-                {
-                if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallDirection(
-                        aErrorInfo.iCallId ) != RMobileCall::EMobileTerminated )
-                    {
-                    if( IsVideoCall( aErrorInfo.iCallId ) )
-                        {
-                        // Active MO video call lost 3G network.
-                        __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-                        "PhoneUIControl: CPhoneState::HandleErrorL - ShowReconnectQueryL vid 1, callid%d ",
-                        aErrorInfo.iCallId );
-                        CPhoneReconnectQuery::InstanceL()->ShowReconnectQueryL( ETrue );
-                        }
-                    else
-                        {
-                         __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-                            "PhoneUIControl: CPhoneState::HandleErrorL - No video call =%d ",
-                            aErrorInfo.iCallId );
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-            case ECCPErrorCCServiceNotAvailable:
-                {
-                if( IsVideoCall( aErrorInfo.iCallId ) )
-                    {
-                    CPhoneReconnectQuery::InstanceL()->ShowReconnectQueryL( EFalse );
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-            case ECCPErrorBadRequest:
-                {
-                TPECallType callType =
-                    iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallTypeCommand();
-                if( callType == EPECallTypeVideo )
-                    {
-                        // Dialling MO video call cannot reach 3G network.
-                        __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-                            "PhoneUIControl: CPhoneState::HandleErrorL - ShowReconnectQueryL vid 2, callid%d ",
-                            aErrorInfo.iCallId );
-                        CPhoneReconnectQuery::InstanceL()->ShowReconnectQueryL( ETrue );
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-        case ECCPErrorVideoCallNotSupportedByNetwork:
-        case ECCPErrorVideoCallSetupFailed:
-        case ECCPErrorNotReached:
-           // If call id found and seems to be Video Call
-            if ( IsVideoCall( aErrorInfo.iCallId ) )
-                {
-                // Get active call count
-                TPhoneCmdParamInteger activeCallCount;
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                    EPhoneViewGetCountOfActiveCalls, &activeCallCount );
-                if ( activeCallCount.Integer() == 0
-                     || iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallDirection(
-                        aErrorInfo.iCallId ) != RMobileCall::EMobileTerminated )
-                    {
-                    // Dialling MO video call attempted in 2G network or
-                    // dialing MO video to unvalid number
-                    // Reconnect query include video label if errorcode is unvalid number.
-                    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-                    "PhoneUIControl: CPhoneState::HandleErrorL - ShowReconnectQueryL vid 3, callid%d ",
-                    aErrorInfo.iCallId );
-                    CPhoneReconnectQuery::InstanceL()->ShowReconnectQueryL(
-                              ECCPErrorNotReached == aErrorInfo.iErrorCode );
-                    }
-                }
-            break;
-        case ECCPErrorNoService:
-            // No network -> hide volume popup
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewHideNaviPaneAudioVolume );
-            break;
-        case ECCPErrorSatControl:
-            {
-            // check, that there really was a call established before completing SAT request
-            if( aErrorInfo.iCallId != KPECallIdNotUsed )
-                {
-                }
-            // remove number entry
-            if ( !IsOnScreenDialerSupported() && IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
-                {
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                    EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
-                }
-            else if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-                {
-                NumberEntryClearL();
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    // clear call blacklist if call failure occurs
-    CPhoneClearBlacklist::Instance()->ClearBlackListOnNextKey();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleChangedCallDurationL
-// Default handling for EPEMessageChangedCallDuration message
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::HandleChangedCallDurationL( TInt aCallId )
-    {
-     __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleChangedCallDurationL() ");
-    // Get the call duration
-    TTimeIntervalSeconds seconds =
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallDuration( aCallId );
-    TPhoneCmdParamInteger time;
-    time.SetInteger(seconds.Int());
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(EPhoneViewUpdateCallHeaderCallDuration, aCallId, &time);
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleRemoteBusyL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::HandleRemoteBusyL( TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleRemoteBusyL( ) ");
-    ShowNumberBusyNoteL();
-    const TPECallType callType =
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallTypeCommand();
-    if( callType == EPECallTypeVideo )
-        {
-         // Launch reconnect query including video call menu item
-         __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "PhoneUIControl: CPhoneState::HandleRemoteBusyL - ShowReconnectQueryL vid 5, callid%d ",
-                aCallId );
-        CPhoneReconnectQuery::InstanceL()->ShowReconnectQueryL( ETrue );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleDisconnectingL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleDisconnectingL( TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleDisconnectingL( ) ");
-    // If there is no call in connected state then EPhoneDtmfTextQuery and EPhoneDtmfListQueryDialog
-    // must be dismmissed from UI, therefore we must set EPhoneViewSetNoConnectedCalls to ETrue this
-    // way we can ensure that CPhoneQueryController doesnt relaunch EPhoneDtmfListQueryDialog.
-    if ( !IsAnyConnectedCalls() )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-        booleanParam.SetBoolean(ETrue);
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetNoConnectedCalls, &booleanParam );
-        }
-    TPhoneCmdParamCallHeaderData callHeaderParam;
-    callHeaderParam.SetCallState( EPEStateDisconnecting );
-    TBuf<KPhoneCallHeaderLabelMaxLength> labelText( KNullDesC );
-    LoadResource( labelText, EPhoneInCallDisconnected );
-    callHeaderParam.SetLabelText( labelText );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewStopRingTone );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewUpdateBubble, aCallId,
-        &callHeaderParam );    
-    CPhoneClearBlacklist::Instance()->ClearBlackListOnNextKey();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsCustomizedDialerVisibleL()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsCustomizedDialerVisibleL() const
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsCustomizedDialerVisibleL( ) ");
-    return iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-        EPhoneIsCustomizedDialerVisible ) == EPhoneViewResponseSuccess;
-    }
-// <------------------------------- KEY EVENTS ------------------------------->
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleKeyMessageL( aMessage, aKeyCode )
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleKeyMessageL(
-    TPhoneKeyEventMessages /*aMessage*/,
-    TKeyCode /*aKeyCode*/ )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleKeyMessageL( ) ");
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode )
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleKeyEventL(
-    const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-    TEventCode aEventCode )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleKeyEventL( ) ");
-    if ( ( IsNumberEntryVisibleL() ) || OnlySideVolumeKeySupported() )
-        {
-        // Handle numeric keys when key events are received in single state
-        HandleNumericKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
-        }
-    else if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyUpArrow &&
-              aEventCode == EEventKey )
-        {
-        // Increace audio volume
-        IncreaseAudioVolumeL();
-        }
-    else if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDownArrow &&
-            aEventCode == EEventKey )
-        {
-        // Decreace audio volume
-        DecreaseAudioVolumeL();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // Handle numeric keys when key events are received in single state
-        HandleNumericKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::OnlySideVolumeKeySupported
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneState::OnlySideVolumeKeySupported()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::OnlySideVolumeKeySupported( ) ");
-    TBool onlySideVolumeKeySupported(EFalse);
-    if ( !CPhoneCenRepProxy::Instance()->
-            IsTelephonyFeatureSupported( KTelephonyLVFlagScrollVolumeKeys ) &&
-         FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdSideVolumeKeys ) )
-        {
-        onlySideVolumeKeySupported = ETrue;
-        }
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "OnlySideVolumeKeySupported: %d",
-            onlySideVolumeKeySupported );
-    return onlySideVolumeKeySupported;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleKeyPressDurationL( aScanCode, aKeyPressDuration )
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleKeyPressDurationL(
-    TKeyCode aCode,
-    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds /*aKeyPressDuration*/ )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleKeyPressDurationL( ) ");
-    if( aCode == KPhoneDtmfHashCharacter )
-        {
-        if( iAlsLineChangeKeyPressTimer )
-            {
-            if( iAlsLineChangeKeyPressTimer->IsActive() )
-                {
-                iAlsLineChangeKeyPressTimer->Cancel();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsNoteVisibleL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsNoteVisibleL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsNoteVisibleL( ) ");
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewGetIsNoteVisible, &booleanParam );
-    return booleanParam.Boolean();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsMenuBarVisibleL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsMenuBarVisibleL() const
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsMenuBarVisibleL( ) ");
-    return iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewIsMenuBarVisible ) ==
-        EPhoneViewResponseSuccess;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleNumericKeyEventL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleNumericKeyEventL(
-    const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-    TEventCode aEventCode )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleNumericKeyEventL( ) ");
-    TBool numberEntryUsed = IsNumberEntryUsedL();
-    if ( numberEntryUsed && ( aKeyEvent.iRepeats == 0 ||
-              aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyBackspace ||
-              aKeyEvent.iScanCode ==EStdKeyLeftArrow  ||
-              aKeyEvent.iScanCode ==EStdKeyRightArrow ))
-        {
-        // Number entry exists but may be hidden
-        KeyEventForExistingNumberEntryL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsAnyQueryActiveL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsAnyQueryActiveL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsAnyQueryActiveL( ) ");
-    TBool isActive( EFalse );
-    // If IsNoteDismissableL returns true then shown note is dismissable by key event
-    // and then there is no actual query and IsAnyQueryActiveL returns false.
-    if ( !IsNoteDismissableL() )
-        {
-        // Check is query displayed
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean isQueryDisplayed;
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewIsQuery, &isQueryDisplayed );
-        // Check is Blocking Dialog active ( e.g. RFS query )
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean blockingDialogStatus;
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetBlockingDialogStatus,
-            &blockingDialogStatus );
-        // Check is note displayed
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean isNoteActive;
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-            EPhoneViewIsNoteActive, &isNoteActive );
-        if ( isQueryDisplayed.Boolean() || blockingDialogStatus.Boolean() || isNoteActive.Boolean() )
-            {
-            isActive = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsAnyQueryActiveL: %d ", isActive );
-    return isActive;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsNoteDismissable
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneState::IsNoteDismissableL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsNoteDismissableL( ) ");
-    TBool dismiss = EFalse;
-    if ( !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdFfSimlessOfflineSupport ) ||
-         (FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdFfSimlessOfflineSupport ) &&
-                  SimSecurityStatus() == ESimRejected )  )
-        {
-        // Check if note is dismissed by key event.
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean isNoteDismissed;
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                EPhoneViewIsActiveNoteDissmissableByKeyEvent, &isNoteDismissed );
-        if ( isNoteDismissed.Boolean() )
-            {
-            dismiss = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsNoteDismissableL: %d ", dismiss );
-    return dismiss;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SendKeyEventL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::SendKeyEventL(
-    const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-    TEventCode aEventCode )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SendKeyEventL( ) ");
-    switch( aEventCode )
-        {
-        // EEventKey
-        case EEventKey:
-            // Send the key press to the phone engine, if applicable
-            SendKeyPressL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
-            break;
-        // EEventKeyUp
-        case EEventKeyUp:
-            // Send a key up event for the last key code sent to
-            // the phone engine
-            iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage(
-                MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageEndDTMF );
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SendKeyPressL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::SendKeyPressL(
-    const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-    TEventCode aEventCode )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SendKeyPressL( ) ");
-    const TBool dtmfToneKeyEntered =
-        CPhoneKeys::IsDtmfTone( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
-    if ( dtmfToneKeyEntered ||
-        aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyBackspace )
-        {
-        // Get the number entry contents, if it exists
-        if ( IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
-            {
-            HBufC* phoneNumber = PhoneNumberFromEntryLC();
-            // Save the phone number
-            __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "SetPhoneNumber: %S ", phoneNumber );
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SetPhoneNumber( *phoneNumber );
-            // Convert key code to western.
-            TBuf<1> buffer; // one character
-            buffer.Append( aKeyEvent.iCode );
-            __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-                "CPhoneState::SendKeyPressL(%S)",
-                &buffer );
-            AknTextUtils::ConvertDigitsTo( buffer, EDigitTypeWestern );
-            __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-                "CPhoneState::SendKeyPressL(%S)",
-                &buffer );
-            TLex code( buffer );
-            // Save the key code
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SetKeyCode( code.Peek() );
-            // Plays a DTMF tone if active call
-            iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage(
-                MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessagePlayDTMF );
-            // remove the phone number from the cleanup stack
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( phoneNumber );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// <------------------------------ SYSTEM EVENTS ----------------------------->
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DynInitMenuPaneL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DynInitMenuPaneL(
-    TInt aResourceId,
-    CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DynInitMenuPaneL( ) ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( aMenuPane && aResourceId,
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlParameterNotInitialized ) );
-    // Save the number of digits in the number entry before processing
-    // the menu pane
-    if ( IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean serviceCodeParam;
-            serviceCodeParam.SetBoolean(
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->PhoneNumberIsServiceCode() );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetServiceCodeFlag,
-            &serviceCodeParam );
-        }
-    // Process the menu pane
-    TPhoneCmdParamDynMenu dynMenuPane;
-    dynMenuPane.SetResourceId( aResourceId );
-    dynMenuPane.SetDynMenu( aMenuPane );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewMenuPane, &dynMenuPane );
-    if ( iCustomization )
-        {
-        // Menu pane is customized after default items are decided
-        iCustomization->CustomizeMenuPaneL(aResourceId, aMenuPane);
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DynInitMenuBarL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DynInitMenuBarL(
-    TInt aResourceId,
-    CEikMenuBar* aMenuBar )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DynInitMenuBarL( ) ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( aMenuBar && aResourceId,
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlParameterNotInitialized ) );
-    TPhoneCmdParamDynMenu dynMenuBar;
-    dynMenuBar.SetResourceId( aResourceId );
-    dynMenuBar.SetDynMenu( aMenuBar );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewMenuBar, &dynMenuBar );
-    if ( iCustomization )
-        {
-        // Menu bar is customized after default items are decided
-        iCustomization->CustomizeMenuBarL(aResourceId, aMenuBar);
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleSystemEventL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleSystemEventL( const TWsEvent& /*aEvent*/ )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleSystemEventL( ) ");
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleForegroundEventL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleForegroundEventL( ) ");
-    if ( !aForeground && IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
-        {
-        // Going out from foreground and number entry is open.
-        // Make sure that dtmf playing is stopped ( EEventKeyUp may be missed ).
-        iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage( MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageEndDTMF );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandlePhoneForegroundEventL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandlePhoneForegroundEventL()
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandlePhoneFocusLostEventL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandlePhoneFocusLostEventL()
-    {
-    // Notify that this method is called always when Idle is brought to foreground
-    // See implementation in CPhoneAppUI::HandleWsEventL
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandlePhoneFocusLostEventL( ) ");
-    // Phone app focus lost -> close Dtmf dialer when visible
-    if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() && IsDTMFEditorVisibleL() )
-        {
-        CloseDTMFEditorL();
-        }
-    else if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() && IsCustomizedDialerVisibleL() )
-        {
-        CloseCustomizedDialerL();
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleIdleForegroundEventL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleIdleForegroundEventL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleIdleForegroundEventL( ) ");
-    // Empty implementation
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleEnvironmentChangeL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleEnvironmentChangeL( const TInt aChanges )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleEnvironmentChangeL( ) ");
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleEnvironmentChangeL - Changes:  %d ", aChanges );
-    // Update the profile display if required
-    if ( aChanges &
-        ( EChangesLocale | EChangesMidnightCrossover | EChangesSystemTime ) )
-        {
-        UpdateProfileDisplayL();
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandlePhoneStartupL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandlePhoneStartupL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandlePhoneStartupL( ) ");
-    // Empty implementation
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandlePropertyChangedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandlePropertyChangedL(
-    const TUid& aCategory,
-    const TUint aKey,
-    const TInt aValue )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandlePropertyChangedL( ) ");
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "CPhoneState::HandlePropertyChangedL - aCategory= %d", aCategory  );
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "CPhoneState::HandlePropertyChangedL - aKey= %d", aKey  );
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "CPhoneState::HandlePropertyChangedL - aValue= %d", aValue  );
-    if ( aCategory == KPSUidCtsyCallInformation )
-        {
-        // Call state event
-        if ( aKey == KCTsyCallState )
-            {
-            // Update the incall indicator
-            UpdateIncallIndicatorL( aValue );
-            }
-        }
-    // Telephony information category
-    else if ( aCategory == KPSUidTelInformation
-              && SimState() == EPESimUsable )
-        {
-        // Telephony display event
-        if ( aKey == KTelDisplayInfo )
-            {
-            __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandlePropertyChangedL - telephony display info received" );
-            // Update the operator and profile display
-            UpdateProfileDisplayL();
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( aCategory == KPSUidStartup && aKey == KStartupSimSecurityStatus )
-        {
-        // Show security note, SIM is not valid.
-        if ( aValue == ESimRejected ||  aValue == ESimUnaccepted )
-            {
-            __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateStartup::HandlePropertyChangedL - SimSecurity status received" );
-            StartShowSecurityNoteL();
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( aCategory == KPSUidHWRM && aKey == KHWRMGripStatus )
-        {
-        UpdateCbaSwivelStateChangedL();
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleCenRepChangeL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleCenRepChangeL(
-    const TUid& /*aUid*/,
-    const TUint /*aId*/ )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleCenRepChangeL( ) ");
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::NeedToSendToBackgroundL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::NeedToSendToBackgroundL() const
-    {
-    return iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewGetNeedToSendToBackgroundStatus ) ==
-        EPhoneViewResponseSuccess;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::TopAppIsDisplayedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::TopAppIsDisplayedL() const
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::TopAppIsDisplayedL( ) ");
-    return iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewGetTopApplicationIsDisplayedStatus ) ==
-        EPhoneViewResponseSuccess;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::TitlePaneIsVisibleL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneState::TitlePaneIsVisibleL() const
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::TitlePaneIsVisibleL( ) ");
-    return iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewGetTitlePaneIsVisibleStatus ) ==
-        EPhoneViewResponseSuccess;
-    }
-// <---------------------------- MENU AND CBA EVENTS ------------------------->
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleCommandL( ) ");
-    TBool commandStatus = ETrue;
-    switch( aCommand )
-        {
-        case EPhoneEmergencyCmdExit:
-            {
-            //cancel emergency mode.
-            TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-            booleanParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetRetrictedDialer,&booleanParam );
-            }
-            // this should be bypasses?
-        case EPhoneDialerCallHandling:
-        case EPhoneCmdBack:
-            BeginTransEffectLC( ENumberEntryClose );
-            // Remove number entry from screen
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
-            // Do state-specific behaviour if number entry is cleared
-            HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
-            EndTransEffect();
-            break;
-        case EPhoneDialerCmdTouchInput:
-            OpenVkbL();
-            break;
-        case EPhoneNumberAcqCmdSendMessage:
-            // Open the mms editor
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                EPhoneViewSendMessage );
-            if ( !IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-                {
-                // Remove number entry from screen
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
-                // Do state-specific behaviour if number entry is cleared
-                HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
-                }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneNumberAcqCmdSave:
-            // Open Create contact
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                EPhoneViewAddContact );
-            break;
-        case EPhoneNumberAcqCmdAddToName:
-            // Open the message editor
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                EPhoneViewUpdateContact );
-            break;
-        case EPhoneNumberAcqCmdAddToContacts:
-            {
-            if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-                {
-                TPhoneCmdParamQuery queryDialogParam;
-                    queryDialogParam.SetQueryType( EPhoneContactsListQuery );
-                    queryDialogParam.SetQueryResourceId(
-                    CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-                    ResolveResourceID( EPhoneAddtoContactsListQuery )  );
-                 // Display dialog
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewShowQuery,
-                    &queryDialogParam );
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneCmdWaitNoteOk:
-            // Remove number entry from screen
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNote );
-            if ( !IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-                {
-                HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
-                }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneInCallCmdEndThisOutgoingCall:
-            DisconnectCallL();
-            break;
-        case EPhoneCmdYesAlsLineChange:
-            if( IsAlsLineChangePossible() )
-                {
-                ChangeAlsLineL();
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                SendGlobalErrorNoteL( EPhoneLineBlockingNote );
-                HandleNumberEntryClearedL(); // Set back CBAs
-                }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneCmdNoAlsLineChange:
-            if ( !IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-                {
-                HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
-                }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneCmdYesBtDisconnectQuery:
-        case EPhoneCmdNoBtDisconnectQuery:
-            CPhoneBtaaDisconnectHandler::InstanceL()->HandleQueryDismissL( aCommand );
-            // Make sure that query is removed
-            // if there has been also another ( by Cover UI ).
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveQuery );
-            break;
-        case EPhoneInCallCmdDeactivateIhf: // fall through
-        case EPhoneInCallCmdActivateIhf:
-            SetHandsfreeModeL( aCommand == EPhoneInCallCmdActivateIhf );
-             break;
-        case EPhoneInCallCmdHandset:    // fall through
-        case EPhoneInCallCmdBtHandsfree:
-            CPhoneState::SetBTHandsfreeModeL(
-                 aCommand == EPhoneInCallCmdBtHandsfree );
-            break;
-        case EPhoneInCallCmdActivatEPhonebook:
-            {
-            // Launch Phonebook application
-            TPhoneCmdParamAppInfo appInfoParam;
-            appInfoParam.SetAppUid( KPhoneUidAppPhonebook );
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                EPhoneViewActivateApp, &appInfoParam );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneNumberAcqSecurityDialer:
-            {
-            if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() && !IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
-                {
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNote );
-                TPhoneCmdParamBoolean visibleMode;
-                visibleMode.SetBoolean( ETrue );
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                            EPhoneViewSetStatusPaneVisible, &visibleMode );
-                // Set emergency CBA, empty - exit
-                iCbaManager->SetCbaL( EPhoneEmergencyModeNoteCBA );
-                // Set dialer to restricted mode.
-                TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-                booleanParam.SetBoolean( ETrue );
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetRetrictedDialer,&booleanParam );
-                NumberEntryManagerL()->CreateNumberEntryL();
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneDialerCmdContacts:
-            {
-            // Launch Phonebook application
-            TPhoneCmdParamAppInfo appInfoParam;
-            appInfoParam.SetAppUid( KPhoneUidAppPhonebook );
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                EPhoneViewActivateApp, &appInfoParam );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneViewYesSingleItemFetch:
-            {
-            if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-                {
-                TBuf<KPhoneNumberEntryBufferSize> fetchContent;
-                fetchContent = iViewCommandHandle->FetchContent();
-                if ( fetchContent.Length() )
-                    {
-                    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                                            EPhoneViewSetNumberEntryContent,
-                                            0,
-                                            fetchContent );
-                    CallFromNumberEntryL();
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneNumberAcqCmdToggleNeAlphaMode:
-        case EPhoneNumberAcqCmdToggleNeNumericMode:
-            {
-            // Toggle mode
-            NumberEntryManagerL()->NumberEntryToggleAlphaNumericModeL();
-            }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneCmdYesVideoFailedNoMemorySwitchToVoice:
-            DialVoiceCallL();
-            break;
-        case EPhoneCmdNoVideoFailedNoMemorySwitchToVoice:
-            if ( IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
-                {
-                // Show the number entry if it exists
-                SetNumberEntryVisibilityL(ETrue);
-                }
-            else if ( NeedToSendToBackgroundL() )
-                {
-                // Continue displaying current app but set up the
-                // idle screen in the background
-                SetupIdleScreenInBackgroundL();
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                 // Display idle screen
-                DisplayIdleScreenL();
-                }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneInCallCmdSetVolumeLevel:
-            {
-            // This command comes from ui control, no need to update
-            // value to control (second parameter set false).
-            ChangeAudioVolumeL( GetVolumeLevel(), EFalse );
-            }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneDialerCmdHelp:
-            if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdHelp ) )
-                {
-                TPtrC contextName;
-                contextName.Set( KDATA_DIALER_HLP_MAIN() );
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                    EPhoneViewLaunchHelpApplication, 0, contextName );
-                }
-            break;
-        case EPhoneCmdVideoCallOutOfMemory:
-            ShowVideoCallOutOfMemoryNoteL();
-            DisconnectCallL();
-            break;
-        case EPhoneCallComingCmdSoftReject:
-            // Open Soft reject message editor
-            OpenSoftRejectMessageEditorL();
-            break;
-        case EPhoneInCallCmdContacts:
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand( EPhoneViewOpenContacts );
-            break;
-        default:
-            /*if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-                {
-                // Offer command to view.
-                TPhoneViewResponseId resId =
-                            iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
-                if( resId == EPhoneViewResponseFailed )
-                    {
-                    commandStatus = EFalse;
-                    }
-                }
-            else*/
-                {
-                commandStatus = EFalse;
-                }
-            break;
-        }
-    if( !commandStatus && iCustomization )
-        {
-        commandStatus = iCustomization->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
-        }
-    return commandStatus;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::ProcessCommandL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::ProcessCommandL( TInt /*aCommand*/ )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateIdle::ProcessCommandL() ");
-    // no implementation.
-    return EFalse;
-    }
-// <-------------------------- REMOTE CONTROL EVENTS ------------------------->
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleRemConCommandL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::HandleRemConCommandL(
-    TRemConCoreApiOperationId aOperationId,
-    TRemConCoreApiButtonAction /*aButtonAct*/ )
-    {
-    TBool handled = EFalse;
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::MrccatoCommand() ");
-    switch ( aOperationId )
-        {
-        case ERemConCoreApiVolumeUp:
-            __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::MrccatoCommand ERemConCoreApiVolumeUp" );
-            IncreaseAudioVolumeL();
-            handled = ETrue;
-            break;
-        case ERemConCoreApiVolumeDown:
-            __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::MrccatoCommand ERemConCoreApiVolumeDown" );
-            DecreaseAudioVolumeL();
-            handled = ETrue;
-            break;
-        case ERemConCoreApiMute:
-            {
-            __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::MrccatoCommand ERemConCoreApiMute" );
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioMute() ?
-                iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SetAudioMuteCommand( EFalse ):
-                iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SetAudioMuteCommand( ETrue );
-            iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage(
-                MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageSetAudioMute );
-            handled = ETrue;
-            break;
-            }
-         default:
-             __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::MrccatoCommand MrccatoCmd.Other(%d)", aOperationId );
-            // Other commands ignored.
-            break;
-        }
-    return handled;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DecreaseAudioVolume()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DecreaseAudioVolumeL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DecreaceAudioVolumeL( ) ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo(),
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlInvariant ) );
-    TPEAudioOutput output( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioOutput() );
-     __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DecreaseAudioVolumeL - audio output =%d", output );
-    if( output == EPETTY )
-        {
-        SendGlobalInfoNoteL( EPhoneNoteTTYNoAudioControl );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        TInt audioVolume( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioVolume() );
-        audioVolume--;
-        ChangeAudioVolumeL( audioVolume, ETrue );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IncreaceAudioVolume()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::IncreaseAudioVolumeL()
-    {
-     __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IncreaceAudioVolumeL( ) ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo(),
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlInvariant ) );
-    TPEAudioOutput output( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioOutput() );
-     __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IncreaseAudioVolumeL - audio output =%d", output );
-    if( output == EPETTY )
-        {
-        SendGlobalInfoNoteL( EPhoneNoteTTYNoAudioControl );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        TInt audioVolume( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioVolume() );
-        audioVolume++;
-        ChangeAudioVolumeL( audioVolume, ETrue );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::ChangeAudioVolumeL()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::ChangeAudioVolumeL( TInt aLevel, TBool aUpdateControl )
-    {
-     __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::ChangeAudioVolumeL( ) ");
-     __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::ChangeAudioVolumeL - set volume =%d", aLevel );
-    TInt valueToControl = aLevel;
-    // sets value between 1 -10
-    if ( aLevel>=KPhoneVolumeMinValue && aLevel<=KPhoneVolumeMaxValue )
-        {
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SetAudioVolumeCommand( aLevel );
-        // Syncronizes audio volume level between engine and ui
-        // causes EPEMessageAudioVolumeChanged message to phoneUI
-        iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage(
-            MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageSetAudioVolume );
-        }
-    if ( aUpdateControl )        
-        {
-        // Update the volume display.
-        // Upper max (11) and under min (-1)
-        // values are also updated to volume popup.
-        TPhoneCmdParamInteger volumeParam;
-        volumeParam.SetInteger( valueToControl );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-            EPhoneViewSetNaviPaneAudioVolume,
-            &volumeParam );
-        }
-    }
-// <-------------------------- COMMON STATE FUNCTIONS ------------------------>
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DialMultimediaCallL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DialMultimediaCallL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DialMultimediaCall() ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo(),
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlInvariant ) );
-    iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SetCallTypeCommand( EPECallTypeVideo );
-    iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage( MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageDial );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DialVoiceCallL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DialVoiceCallL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DialVoiceCallL() ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo(),
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlInvariant ) );
-    // Disable global notes
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean globalNotifierParam;
-    globalNotifierParam.SetBoolean( ETrue );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetGlobalNotifiersDisabled,
-            &globalNotifierParam );
-   iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SetCallTypeCommand( EPECallTypeCSVoice );
-    iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage( MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageDial );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DisconnectCallL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::DisconnectCallL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DisconnectCallL( ) ");
-    TPhoneCmdParamInteger callIdParam;
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( 
-            EPhoneViewGetExpandedBubbleCallId, &callIdParam );
-    TBool ret = EFalse;
-    if( callIdParam.Integer() > KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        // Release the call
-        iStateMachine->SetCallId( callIdParam.Integer() );
-        if( IsVideoCall( callIdParam.Integer() ) )
-            {
-            // Video call can be released only after we get response to VT Shutdown Command
-            CPhoneMediatorFactory::Instance()->Sender()->IssueCommand( KMediatorVideoTelephonyDomain,
-                                                                                 KCatPhoneToVideotelCommands,
-                                                                                 EVtCmdReleaseDataport,
-                                                                       TVersion( KPhoneToVideotelCmdVersionMajor,
-                                                                                 KPhoneToVideotelCmdVersionMinor,
-                                                                                 KPhoneToVideotelCmdVersionBuild ),
-                                                                       KNullDesC8,
-                                                                       CPhoneReleaseCommand::NewL( *iStateMachine ) );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // Release the call
-            iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage(
-                MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageRelease );
-            }
-        ret = ETrue;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        __PHONELOG( EOnlyFatal, EPhoneControl,
-            "CPhoneState::DisconnectCallL has negative call id!" );
-        }
-    return ret;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DisplayIdleScreenL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DisplayIdleScreenL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DisplayIdleScreenL( ) ");
-    // Don't remove reconnect query if it's shown
-    if( !CPhoneReconnectQuery::InstanceL()->IsDisplayingQuery() )
-        {
-        // Remove dialogs if necessary
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemovePhoneDialogs );
-        }
-    // Set Empty CBA
-    iCbaManager->SetCbaL( EPhoneEmptyCBA );
-    // Bring Idle app to the foreground
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewBringIdleToForeground );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetupIdleScreenInBackgroundL()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetupIdleScreenInBackgroundL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SetupIdleScreenInBackgroundL( ) ");
-    // Don't remove reconnect query if it's shown
-    if( !CPhoneReconnectQuery::InstanceL()->IsDisplayingQuery() )
-        {
-        // Remove dialogs if necessary
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemovePhoneDialogs );
-        }
-    // Return phone to the background
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSendToBackground );
-    // Set Idle app as the top app
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetIdleTopApplication );
-    // Set Empty CBA
-    iCbaManager->SetCbaL( EPhoneEmptyCBA );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CallFromNumberEntryL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::CallFromNumberEntryL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::CallFromNumberEntryL( ) ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo(),
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlInvariant ) );
-    if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-        {
-        if ( IsDTMFEditorVisibleL() ||
-             IsCustomizedDialerVisibleL() )
-            {
-            return;
-            }
-        else if( IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
-            {
-            // Query on top of dialer
-            if ( IsAnyQueryActiveL() )
-                {
-                return;
-                }
-            else if ( IsMenuBarVisibleL() )
-                {
-                iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewMenuBarClose );
-                return;
-                }
-            // Open recent calls list when the number entry is empty
-            TPhoneCmdParamInteger numberEntryCountParam;
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetNumberEntryCount,
-            &numberEntryCountParam );
-            TInt neLength( numberEntryCountParam.Integer() );
-            TBool startLogs = neLength == 0 ? ETrue : EFalse;
-            if ( startLogs )
-                {
-                iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-                EPhoneDialerCmdLog );
-                return;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    // Get the number entry contents
-    HBufC* phoneNumber = PhoneNumberFromEntryLC();
-    // Call the number
-    iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SetPhoneNumber( *phoneNumber );
-    if ( phoneNumber->Des().Length() < KPhoneValidPhoneNumberLength )
-        {
-        // Closing effect is shown when dialer exist.
-        BeginTransEffectLC( ENumberEntryClose );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
-        EndTransEffect();
-        HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( phoneNumber );
-    if ( !iCustomization ||
-         !iCustomization->HandleCallFromNumberEntryL() )
-        {
-        // Customization didn't handle call. Dial voice call
-        // as normally
-        DialVoiceCallL();
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DisplayHeaderForCallComingInL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DisplayHeaderForCallComingInL(
-    TInt aCallId,
-    TBool aWaitingCall )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DisplayHeaderForCallComingInL( ) ");
-    CallheaderManagerL()->DisplayHeaderForCallComingInL( aCallId, aWaitingCall );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetCallHeaderTextsForCallComingInL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetCallHeaderTextsForCallComingInL(
-        TInt aCallId,
-        TBool aWaitingCall,
-        TPhoneCmdParamCallHeaderData* aCallHeaderData )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SetCallHeaderTextsForCallComingInL( ) ");
-    CallheaderManagerL()->SetCallHeaderTextsForCallComingIn( aCallId, aWaitingCall, aCallHeaderData );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DisplayHeaderForOutgoingCallL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DisplayHeaderForOutgoingCallL(
-    TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DisplayHeaderForOutgoingCallL( ) ");
-    CallheaderManagerL()->DisplayHeaderForOutgoingCallL(aCallId);
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::UpdateSingleActiveCallL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::UpdateSingleActiveCallL( TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::UpdateSingleActiveCallL( ) ");
-    // Stop capturing keys
-    CaptureKeysDuringCallNotificationL( EFalse );
-    BeginUiUpdateLC();
-    // Update call state
-    TPhoneCmdParamCallHeaderData callHeaderParam;
-    callHeaderParam.SetCallState( EPEStateConnected );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewUpdateBubble, aCallId,
-        &callHeaderParam );
-    // Update remote info data
-    UpdateRemoteInfoDataL( aCallId );
-    // Create call duration label if enabled
-    // This key will be moved to some other area, but since key
-    // is supported we can still use it.
-    TBool callDuration( EFalse );
-    CPhoneCenRepProxy::Instance()->GetInt(
-            KCRUidLogs, KLogsShowCallDuration, callDuration );
-    if ( callDuration )
-        {
-        HandleChangedCallDurationL( aCallId );
-        }
-    EndUiUpdate();
-     // Go to current state implementation
-    iCbaManager->UpdateInCallCbaL();
-    //Update state of switch to video or voice call touch button.
-    TPECallType type = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallType( aCallId );
-    if( type == EPECallTypeVideo )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-        booleanParam.SetBoolean( ETrue );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetVideoCallFlag, &booleanParam );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-        booleanParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetVideoCallFlag, &booleanParam );
-        }
-    // Go to background if necessary
-    if ( NeedToSendToBackgroundL() ||  IsAutoLockOn() )
-        {
-        // If number entry is used set control and visibility.
-        if ( IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
-           {
-           iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetControlAndVisibility );
-           }
-        }
-    // If there is no need to send back ground and number entry is used then
-    // we must show number entry.
-    else if ( !NeedToSendToBackgroundL() && IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
-        {
-        SetNumberEntryVisibilityL(ETrue);
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CaptureKeysDuringCallNotificationL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::CaptureKeysDuringCallNotificationL(
-    TBool aCaptured )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::CaptureKeysDuringCallNotificationL( ) ");
-    // Determine which view command to execute based on the capture status
-    const TInt viewCommandId = aCaptured ?
-        EPhoneViewStartCapturingKey :
-        EPhoneViewStopCapturingKey;
-    // Capture the App key
-    TPhoneCmdParamKeyCapture appKeyCaptureParam;
-    appKeyCaptureParam.SetKey( EStdKeyApplication0 );
-    appKeyCaptureParam.SetKeyCode( EKeyApplication0 );
-    appKeyCaptureParam.SetCaptureType( EPhoneKeyAllEvents );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( viewCommandId, &appKeyCaptureParam );
-    // Capture the Camera key, if it exists
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdCamera ) )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamKeyCapture cameraKeyCaptureParam;
-        cameraKeyCaptureParam.SetKey( EStdKeyDevice7 );
-        cameraKeyCaptureParam.SetKeyCode( EKeyDevice7 );
-        cameraKeyCaptureParam.SetCaptureType( EPhoneKeyAllEvents );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( viewCommandId,
-            &cameraKeyCaptureParam );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsWaitingCallL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneState::IsWaitingCallL( const TInt aCallId  )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsWaitingCallL( ) ");
-    return CallheaderManagerL()->IsWaitingCallL( aCallId );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::UpdateCallHeaderInfoL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-TPhoneCmdParamCallHeaderData CPhoneState::UpdateCallHeaderInfoL( TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::UpdateCallHeaderInfoL( ) ");
-    return CallheaderManagerL()->UpdateCallHeaderInfoL( aCallId );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::UpdateRemoteInfoDataL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::UpdateRemoteInfoDataL( TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::UpdateRemoteInfoDataL() ");
-    TPhoneCmdParamCallHeaderData callHeaderParam = UpdateCallHeaderInfoL( aCallId );
-    if( iCustomization )
-        {
-        TBuf<KCntMaxTextFieldLength> inCallNumberText( KNullDesC );
-        // incall number text could be 'Call 1', 'Call 2', ...
-        CallheaderManagerL()->GetInCallNumberTextL( aCallId, inCallNumberText );
-        // to check if we have VoIP call in question and fix
-        // parameters if needed
-        iCustomization->ModifyCallHeaderTexts( aCallId, &callHeaderParam,
-            inCallNumberText );
-        }
-    // Update the remote info data in the call header
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewUpdateCallHeaderRemoteInfoData,
-        aCallId,
-        &callHeaderParam );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetCallHeaderType
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetCallHeaderType(
-    TInt aCallHeaderType )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SetCallHeaderType() ");
-    TRAP_IGNORE( CallheaderManagerL()->SetCallHeaderType( aCallHeaderType ) );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::GetRemoteInfoDataL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::GetRemoteInfoDataL(
-    TInt aCallId,
-    TDes& aData )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::GetRemoteInfoDataL() ");
-    CallheaderManagerL()->GetRemoteInfoDataL( aCallId, aData );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::UpdateCbaSwivelStateChangedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::UpdateCbaSwivelStateChangedL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl,"CPhoneState::UpdateCbaSwivelStateChangedL()" );
-    TPhoneCmdParamCallStateData callStateData;
-    callStateData.SetCallState( EPEStateRinging );
-    iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewGetCallIdByState, &callStateData );
-    TInt incomingCall = callStateData.CallId();
-    TPhoneCmdParamInteger activeCallCount;
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-            EPhoneViewGetCountOfActiveCalls, &activeCallCount );
-    if ( incomingCall > KErrNotFound )
-        {
-       if( activeCallCount.Integer() == ENoActiveCalls )
-            {
-            iCbaManager->UpdateIncomingCbaL( incomingCall );
-            UpdateSilenceButtonDimming();
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iCbaManager->UpdateCbaL( EPhoneCallHandlingCallWaitingCBA );
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( activeCallCount.Integer() != ENoActiveCalls )
-        {
-        iCbaManager->UpdateInCallCbaL();
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsSwivelClosed
-// This function checks from PubSubProxy that is
-// Swivel closed or not in product.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsSwivelClosed() const
-    {
-    if( CPhoneCenRepProxy::Instance()->
-            IsTelephonyFeatureSupported( KTelephonyLVFlagSwivelInDevice ))
-        {
-        return CPhonePubSubProxy::Instance()->
-            Value( KPSUidHWRM, KHWRMGripStatus ) == EPSHWRMGripClosed;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        return EFalse;
-        }
-    }
-// <-------------------------- CONTEXT MENU ------------------------->
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetContextMenu
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetContextMenuL( TInt aResourceId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SetContextMenuL() ");
-    TPhoneCmdParamInteger integerParam;
-    TInt resId( CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-                            ResolveResourceID( aResourceId ) );
-    integerParam.SetInteger( resId );
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-                  "CPhoneState::SetContextMenuL : resId =%d",resId );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewUpdateContextMenu,
-                                      &integerParam );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::UpdateInCallContextMenuL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::UpdateInCallContextMenuL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::UpdateInCallContextMenuL() ");
-    SetContextMenuL( EPhoneNumberAcqMenubar );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::UpdateIncomingContextMenuL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::UpdateIncomingContextMenuL( TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::UpdateIncomingContextMenuL() ");
-    if( CPhoneState::IsVideoCall ( aCallId ) )
-        {
-        SetContextMenuL( EPhoneIncomingVideoCallMenubar );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        SetContextMenuL( EPhoneIncomingCallMenubar );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::ShowNoteL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::ShowNoteL( TInt aResourceId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::ShowNoteL( ) ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( aResourceId, Panic( EPhoneCtrlParameterNotInitialized ) );
-    TPhoneCmdParamNote noteParam;
-    noteParam.SetType( EPhoneNotePermanent );
-    noteParam.SetResourceId( CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-        ResolveResourceID( aResourceId ) );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewShowNote, &noteParam );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::ShowQueryL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::ShowQueryL( TInt aResourceId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::ShowQueryL( ) ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( aResourceId, Panic( EPhoneCtrlParameterNotInitialized ) );
-    TPhoneCmdParamQuery queryParam;
-    queryParam.SetQueryType( EPhoneQueryDialog );
-    queryParam.SetQueryResourceId( CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-        ResolveResourceID( aResourceId ) );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewShowQuery, &queryParam );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::ShowTextQueryL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::ShowTextQueryL(
-    TInt aDialogResourceId,
-    TInt aDefaultCbaResourceId,
-    TInt aContentCbaResourceId,
-    TDes* aDataText,
-    TBool aSendKeyEnabled )
-    {
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( aDialogResourceId &&
-        aDefaultCbaResourceId &&
-        aContentCbaResourceId &&
-        aDataText,
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlParameterNotInitialized ) );
-    TPhoneCmdParamQuery queryDialogParam;
-    queryDialogParam.SetQueryType( EPhoneTextQueryDialog );
-    queryDialogParam.SetQueryResourceId( aDialogResourceId );
-    queryDialogParam.SetDefaultCba( aDefaultCbaResourceId );
-    queryDialogParam.SetContentCba( aContentCbaResourceId );
-    queryDialogParam.SetDataText( aDataText );
-    queryDialogParam.SetSendKeyEnabled( aSendKeyEnabled );
-    // Display dialog
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewShowQuery,
-        &queryDialogParam );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DisplayCallTerminationNoteL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DisplayCallTerminationNoteL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DisplayCallTerminationNoteL( ) ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo(),
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlInvariant ) );
-    if ( CheckIfShowCallTerminationNote() )
-        {
-        TBuf<KPhoneMaxCharsInNote> noteText;
-        TBuf<KPhoneMaxCharsInNote> postCallLineText;
-        // Post call Line 1: Call Summary
-        LoadResource( postCallLineText, EPhoneNoteTextCallSummary );
-        noteText.Append( postCallLineText );
-        noteText.Append( KPhoneLineFeed );
-        // Post call Line 2: Duration
-        LoadResource( postCallLineText, EPhoneNoteTextCallDuration );
-        noteText.Append( postCallLineText );
-        noteText.Append( KPhoneLineFeed );
-        // Post call Line 3: Time, get the format for last call time.
-        LoadResource( postCallLineText, EPhoneCallDurationFormatString );
-        TPtrC durationFormat( postCallLineText );
-        // Get the last call duration
-        TTime time( 0 );
-        TTimeIntervalSeconds timeInterval =
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallDuration();
-        time += timeInterval;
-        // Format the time
-        TBuf<KPhoneMaxTimeDisplayTextLength> timeString( KNullDesC );
-        time.FormatL( timeString, durationFormat );
-        AknTextUtils::DisplayTextLanguageSpecificNumberConversion( timeString );
-        noteText.Append( timeString );
-        TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote globalNoteParam;
-        globalNoteParam.SetType( EAknGlobalInformationNote );
-        globalNoteParam.SetText( noteText );
-        globalNoteParam.SetTone( CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-            EPhoneViewShowGlobalNote, &globalNoteParam );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SendGlobalInfoNoteL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SendGlobalInfoNoteL( TInt aResourceId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SendGlobalInfoNoteL( ) ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( aResourceId, Panic( EPhoneCtrlParameterNotInitialized ) );
-    if ( CPhonePubSubProxy::Instance()->Value(
-            KPSUidUikon, KUikGlobalNotesAllowed ) == 1 )
-        {
-        // Re-enable global notes
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean globalNotifierParam;
-        globalNotifierParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetGlobalNotifiersDisabled,
-            &globalNotifierParam );
-        TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote globalNoteParam;
-        globalNoteParam.SetType( EAknGlobalInformationNote );
-        globalNoteParam.SetTextResourceId(
-            CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-            ResolveResourceID( aResourceId ) );
-        globalNoteParam.SetTone( EAvkonSIDInformationTone );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-            EPhoneViewShowGlobalNote, &globalNoteParam );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-//  CPhoneUIController::SendGlobalWarningNoteL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SendGlobalWarningNoteL( TInt aResourceId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SendGlobalWarningNoteL( ) ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( aResourceId, Panic( EPhoneCtrlParameterNotInitialized ) );
-    if ( CPhonePubSubProxy::Instance()->Value(
-            KPSUidUikon, KUikGlobalNotesAllowed ) == 1 ||
-            SimState() == EPESimReadable )
-        {
-        // Re-enable global notes
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean globalNotifierParam;
-        globalNotifierParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetGlobalNotifiersDisabled,
-            &globalNotifierParam );
-        TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote globalNoteParam;
-        globalNoteParam.SetType( EAknGlobalWarningNote );
-        globalNoteParam.SetTextResourceId(
-            CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-            ResolveResourceID( aResourceId ) );
-        globalNoteParam.SetTone( EAvkonSIDWarningTone );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-            EPhoneViewShowGlobalNote, &globalNoteParam );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-//  CPhoneUIController::SendGlobalErrorNoteL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SendGlobalErrorNoteL( TInt aResourceId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SendGlobalErrorNoteL( ) ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( aResourceId, Panic( EPhoneCtrlParameterNotInitialized ) );
-    if ( CPhonePubSubProxy::Instance()->Value(
-            KPSUidUikon, KUikGlobalNotesAllowed ) == 1 )
-        {
-        // Re-enable global notes
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean globalNotifierParam;
-        globalNotifierParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetGlobalNotifiersDisabled,
-            &globalNotifierParam );
-        TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote globalNoteParam;
-        globalNoteParam.SetType( EAknGlobalErrorNote );
-        globalNoteParam.SetTextResourceId(
-            CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-            ResolveResourceID( aResourceId ) );
-        globalNoteParam.SetTone( CAknNoteDialog::EErrorTone );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-            EPhoneViewShowGlobalNote, &globalNoteParam );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetHandsfreeModeL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetHandsfreeModeL( TBool aHandsfreeMode )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SetHandsfreeModeL( ) ");
-    CPhoneAccessoryBTHandler* bt = CPhoneAccessoryBTHandler::NewLC(
-        iViewCommandHandle, iStateMachine, this );
-    if ( !bt->SetHandsfreeModeL( aHandsfreeMode ))
-        {
-        SendGlobalErrorNoteL( EPhoneNoteTextNotAllowed );
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bt );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetBTHandsfreeModeL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetBTHandsfreeModeL( TBool aHandsfreeMode )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SetBTHandsfreeModeL( ) ");
-    CPhoneAccessoryBTHandler* bt = CPhoneAccessoryBTHandler::NewLC(
-        iViewCommandHandle, iStateMachine, this );
-    if ( !bt->SetBTHandsfreeModeL( aHandsfreeMode ))
-        {
-        SendGlobalErrorNoteL( EPhoneNoteTextNotAllowed );
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bt );
-    }
-// <-------------------------- INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ------------------------>
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::UpdateIncallIndicatorL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::UpdateIncallIndicatorL( TInt aCallState )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::UpdateIncallIndicatorL( ) ");
-    TPhoneCmdParamIncallIndicatorData incallIndicatorParam;
-    // Set the state
-    incallIndicatorParam.SetCallState( aCallState );
-    // Set mode
-    incallIndicatorParam.SetMode(
-       CPhonePubSubProxy::Instance()->Value(
-            KPSUidCtsyCallInformation,
-            KCTsyCallType ) );
-    TInt activeCallId = GetActiveCallIdL();
-    if ( activeCallId > KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallALSLine( activeCallId )
-             == CCCECallParameters::ECCELineTypeAux )
-            {
-            incallIndicatorParam.SetLine2( ETrue );
-            }
-        }
-    // Set the mute status
-    const TBool audioMute = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioMute();
-    incallIndicatorParam.SetMute( audioMute );
-    // Set the voice privacy status
-    if ( activeCallId > KErrNotFound &&
-         activeCallId != KConferenceCallId  )
-        {
-        incallIndicatorParam.SetCiphering(
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->IsSecureCall( activeCallId ) );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        incallIndicatorParam.SetCiphering( ETrue );
-        }
-    incallIndicatorParam.SetCipheringIndicatorAllowed(
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SecureSpecified() );
-    // Set the emergency status
-    if( EPEStateIdle != iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallState( KPEEmergencyCallId ) )
-        {
-        incallIndicatorParam.SetEmergency( ETrue );
-        }
-    if( aCallState == EPSCTsyCallStateDisconnecting )
-        {
-        if ( TopAppIsDisplayedL() )
-            {
-            if ( ( !IsOnScreenDialerSupported() ) ||
-                 ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() && !IsNumberEntryVisibleL() ) )
-                {
-                // Phone application is in the foreground so we don't need to
-                // display the little bubble. If we don't hide it here then
-                // it will appear for a short time. We don't want that.
-                incallIndicatorParam.SetLittleBubbleVisible( EFalse );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    // Update the in-call indicator
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewUpdateIncallIndicator,
-        &incallIndicatorParam );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::UpdateProfileDisplayL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::UpdateProfileDisplayL()
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::UpdateOperatorDisplayL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::UpdateOperatorDisplayL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::UpdateOperatorDisplayL( ) ");
-    __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::UpdateOperatorDisplayL" );
-    // Get current title pane content.
-    TTelTitleDisplay titleContent;
-    titleContent.iDisplayTag.Zero();
-    titleContent.iLogoHandle = 0;
-    TPckg<TTelTitleDisplay> titlePckg( titleContent );
-    RProperty::Get(
-        KPSUidTelInformation,
-        KTelDisplayInfo,
-        titlePckg );
-    if ( TitlePaneIsVisibleL() )
-        {
-        // There is a title pane icon.
-        if ( titleContent.iLogoHandle != 0 )
-            {
-            // Set new logo.
-            __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-                "CPhoneState::UpdateOperatorDisplayL - logo found" );
-            if( iLogoHandle != titleContent.iLogoHandle )
-                {
-                 __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-                  "CPhoneState::UpdateOperatorDisplayL - set new logo" );
-                 TPhoneCmdParamBitmap bitmapParam;
-                 // Duplicate bitmap from handle.
-                 CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
-                 CleanupStack::PushL( bitmap );
-                 User::LeaveIfError(
-                         bitmap->Duplicate( titleContent.iLogoHandle ) );
-                 bitmapParam.SetBitmap( bitmap );
-                 // Duplicate and set bitmap mask if needed
-                 CFbsBitmap* maskBitmap = NULL;
-                 if( titleContent.iLogoMaskHandle != 0 )
-                     {
-                     maskBitmap = new( ELeave )CFbsBitmap;
-                     CleanupStack::PushL( maskBitmap );
-                     User::LeaveIfError( maskBitmap->Duplicate(
-                             titleContent.iLogoMaskHandle ) );
-                     bitmapParam.SetMaskBitmap( maskBitmap );
-                     }
-                 iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                         EPhoneViewSetTitlePanePicture,
-                         &bitmapParam );
-                 // The title pane takes ownership of the bitmaps so no need
-                 // to destroy it here.
-                 if( maskBitmap )
-                     {
-                     // Pop maskBitmap only, if it has been created
-                     CleanupStack::Pop( maskBitmap );
-                     }
-                 CleanupStack::Pop( bitmap );
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "CPhoneState::UpdateOperatorDisplayL - set text=%S", &titleContent.iDisplayTag );
-            iLogoHandle = titleContent.iLogoHandle;
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                EPhoneViewSetTitlePaneContent,
-                0,
-                titleContent.iDisplayTag );
-            }
-        }
-    // Check background image.
-    TPhoneCmdParamBitmap savedBitmapParam;
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewGetBackgroundImageBitmap,
-        &savedBitmapParam );
-    if ( titleContent.iBackgroundImageHandle !=
-        savedBitmapParam.Bitmap()->Handle() )
-        {
-        __PHONELOG2( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-        "CPhoneState::UpdateOperatorDisplayL - update background image since different titleContent(%d), saved(%d)",
-            titleContent.iBackgroundImageHandle, savedBitmapParam.Bitmap()->Handle() );
-        // Background image has changed. Duplicate bitmap from handle if
-        // available; otherwise reset the background image
-        CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
-        CleanupStack::PushL( bitmap );
-        TInt err = KErrNone;
-        if ( titleContent.iBackgroundImageHandle != 0 )
-            {
-            err = bitmap->Duplicate( titleContent.iBackgroundImageHandle );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            bitmap->Reset();
-            }
-        if ( err == KErrNone )
-            {
-            iBitmapRedrawCounter = titleContent.iBackgroundImageRedrawCounter;
-            TPhoneCmdParamBitmap bitmapParam;
-            bitmapParam.SetBitmap( bitmap );
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                EPhoneViewSetBackgroundImageBitmap,
-                &bitmapParam );
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bitmap );
-        }
-    else if ( titleContent.iBackgroundImageRedrawCounter !=
-                  iBitmapRedrawCounter  )
-        {
-        iBitmapRedrawCounter = titleContent.iBackgroundImageRedrawCounter;
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewUpdateView );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleInitiatedEmergencyCallL
-// Default handling for EPEMessageInitiatedEmergencyCallL message
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::HandleInitiatedEmergencyCallL( TInt /*aCallId*/ )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleInitiatedEmergencyCallL( ) ");
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemovePhoneDialogs );
-    // Stop tone playing, if necessary
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewStopRingTone );
-    // Reset Hold flag to view
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean holdFlag;
-    holdFlag.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetHoldFlag, &holdFlag );
-    // Undim Answer button for sure.
-    SetTouchPaneButtonEnabled( EPhoneCallComingCmdAnswer );
-    // Go to emergency call state
-    // No need update cba
-    iStateMachine->ChangeState( EPhoneStateEmergency );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleInitiatedEmergencyWhileActiveVideoL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::HandleInitiatedEmergencyWhileActiveVideoL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleInitiatedEmergencyWhileActiveVideoL( ) ");
-    // We have existing video call so need to release dataport before continuing
-    // emergency call. Otherwise we will face problems with dataport use later.
-    CPhoneMediatorFactory::Instance()->Sender()->IssueCommand( KMediatorVideoTelephonyDomain,
-                                                                     KCatPhoneToVideotelCommands,
-                                                                     EVtCmdReleaseDataport,
-                                                               TVersion( KPhoneToVideotelCmdVersionMajor,
-                                                                         KPhoneToVideotelCmdVersionMinor,
-                                                                         KPhoneToVideotelCmdVersionBuild ),
-                                                               KNullDesC8,
-                                                               CPhoneContinueEmergencyCallCommand::NewL( *iStateMachine ) );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleShowImeiL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::HandleShowImeiL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleShowImeiL( ) ");
-    // Fetch IMEI
-    TBuf<RMobilePhone::KPhoneSerialNumberSize> serialNumber;
-    TPEPhoneIdentityParameters phoneIdentityParameters = 
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->PhoneIdentityParameters();
-    serialNumber = phoneIdentityParameters.iSerialNumber;
-    HBufC* imeiNoteText = StringLoader::LoadLC(
-        CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-        ResolveResourceID(
-        EPhonePhoneImeiString ), serialNumber );
-    TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote noteParam;
-    noteParam.SetType( EAknGlobalInformationNote );
-    noteParam.SetTone( EAvkonSIDInformationTone );
-    noteParam.SetText( *imeiNoteText );
-    noteParam.SetTimeout( KPhoneNoteNoTimeout );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( 
-        EPhoneViewShowGlobalNote, 
-        &noteParam );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( imeiNoteText );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleCallSecureStatusChangeL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::HandleCallSecureStatusChangeL( TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleCallSecureStatusChangeL( ) ");
-    TBool ciphering( ETrue );
-    TBool secureSpecified( ETrue );
-    if ( aCallId > KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        ciphering = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->IsSecureCall( aCallId );
-        secureSpecified = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SecureSpecified();
-        }
-    TPhoneCmdParamCallHeaderData callHeaderParam;
-    callHeaderParam.SetCiphering( ciphering );
-    callHeaderParam.SetCipheringIndicatorAllowed( secureSpecified );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewCipheringInfoChange,
-        aCallId,
-        &callHeaderParam );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleShowLifeTimerL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::HandleShowLifeTimerL()
-   {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleShowLifeTimerL( ) ");
-    // Fetch LifeTime
-    TPELifeTimeData lifeTimeData = 
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->LifeTimerData();
-    TLocale locale;
-    TBuf<KTimerTextLength> lifetimerText;
-    lifetimerText.NumFixedWidth(
-        lifeTimeData.iHours,
-        EDecimal,
-        KPhoneLifeTimerHoursLength );
-    lifetimerText.Append(locale.TimeSeparator( KTimerMinuteSeparator ) );
-    TBuf<KPhoneLifeTimerMinutesLength> mins;
-    mins.NumFixedWidth(
-        lifeTimeData.iMinutes,
-        EDecimal,
-        KPhoneLifeTimerMinutesLength );
-    lifetimerText.Append(mins);
-    HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC(
-        CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-        ResolveResourceID(
-        EPhoneLifeTimeFormat ), lifetimerText );
-    TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote noteParam;
-    noteParam.SetType( EAknGlobalInformationNote );
-    noteParam.SetTone( EAvkonSIDInformationTone );
-    noteParam.SetText( *buf );
-    noteParam.SetTimeout( KPhoneNoteNoTimeout );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( 
-        EPhoneViewShowGlobalNote, 
-        &noteParam );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsVideoCall
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsVideoCall( const TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsVideoCall( ) ");
-    TBool isVideoCall( EFalse );
-    TRAP_IGNORE( isVideoCall = CallheaderManagerL()->IsVideoCall( aCallId ) );
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, 
-        "CPhoneState::IsVideoCall isVideoCall(%d)",
-        isVideoCall );
-    return isVideoCall;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::ChangeAlsLineL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::ChangeAlsLineL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::ChangeAlsLineL( ) ");
-    if ( !IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-        {
-        // Do state-specific operation when number entry is cleared
-        HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
-        }
-    CCCECallParameters::TCCELineType currentLine;
-    TSSSettingsAlsValue newLine( ESSSettingsAlsPrimary );
-    currentLine = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->ALSLine();
-    if ( currentLine == CCCECallParameters::ECCELineTypePrimary )
-        {
-        newLine = ESSSettingsAlsAlternate;
-        }
-    else if ( currentLine == CCCECallParameters::ECCELineTypeAux )
-        {
-        newLine = ESSSettingsAlsPrimary;
-        }
-    RSSSettings ssSettings;
-    TInt retValue = ssSettings.Open();
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "CPhoneState::ChangeAlsLineL : Open %d", retValue );
-    if ( retValue == KErrNone )
-        {
-        retValue = ssSettings.Set( ESSSettingsAls, newLine );
-        __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "CPhoneState::ChangeAlsLineL : Set %d", retValue );
-        ssSettings.Close();
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::GetActiveCallIdL()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPhoneState::GetActiveCallIdL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::GetActiveCallId()( ) ");
-    // Fetch active call's id from view
-    TPhoneViewResponseId response;
-    TPhoneCmdParamCallStateData callStateData;
-    callStateData.SetCallState( EPEStateConnected );
-    response = iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewGetCallIdByState, &callStateData );
-    if ( response == EPhoneViewResponseSuccess &&
-         callStateData.CallId() < 0 )  // no connected calls
-        {
-        // check for held call
-        callStateData.SetCallState( EPEStateHeld );
-        response = iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-            EPhoneViewGetCallIdByState, &callStateData );
-        }
-    return callStateData.CallId();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SimState()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TPESimState CPhoneState::SimState() const
-    {
-    /*
-    SIM states:
-    EPESimStatusUninitialized = KPEStartupEnumerationFirstValue =100,
-    EPESimUsable,       // The Sim card is fully usable.
-    EPESimReadable,     // The SIM card is not fully usable, but the emergency number can be read.
-    EPESimNotReady,     // The Sim card is present but not ready or usable.
-    EPESimNotPresent,   // The Sim card is not present.
-    EPESimNotSupported  // SIM/RUIM is not supported. Some CDMA phones do not support a SIM/RUIM at all.
-    */
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SimState()");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo(),
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlInvariant ) );
-    TPESimState simState = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SimState();
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "CPhoneState::SimState - value= %d", simState );
-    return simState;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsSimOk()
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsSimOk()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsSimOk()");
-    // Phone is interested on Sim state and sim security statuses
-    // Check first Sim state status:
-    TBool retVal( ETrue );
-    switch ( SimState() )
-        {
-        case EPESimNotSupported:
-            retVal = EFalse;
-            break;
-        case EPESimNotPresent:
-            {
-            if ( !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdOfflineMode ) ||
-                 !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdFfSimlessOfflineSupport ) )
-                {
-                retVal = EFalse;
-                }
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    if ( retVal != EFalse )
-        {
-        // Sim state is valid, check also Sim security status
-        switch ( SimSecurityStatus() )
-            {
-            case ESimRejected:
-            case ESimUnaccepted:
-                retVal = EFalse;
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "CPhoneState::IsSimOK - value= %d", retVal );
-    return retVal;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsSimStateNotPresentWithSecurityModeEnabled
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsSimStateNotPresentWithSecurityModeEnabled()
-    {
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean isSecurityMode;
-    TRAP_IGNORE( iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetSecurityModeStatus, &isSecurityMode ) );
-    if ( SimState() == EPESimNotPresent && isSecurityMode.Boolean() )
-        {
-        return ETrue;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        return EFalse;
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetDivertIndication
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetDivertIndication( const TBool aDivertIndication )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SetDivertIndication()");
-    TRAP_IGNORE( CallheaderManagerL()->SetDivertIndication( aDivertIndication ) );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::StartAlsLineChangeTimerL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::StartAlsLineChangeTimerL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::StartAlsLineChangeTimerL()");
-    TBool alsLineAvailable = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->ALSLineSupport();
-    if( alsLineAvailable )
-        {
-        if( !iAlsLineChangeKeyPressTimer )
-            {
-            iAlsLineChangeKeyPressTimer = CPhoneTimer::NewL();
-            }
-        iAlsLineChangeKeyPressTimer->After( KAlsLineChangeTimerValue,
-            TCallBack( AlsLineChangeTimerCallbackL, this ) );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-         // Don't bother launching the timer. ALS not supported.
-        __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-            "CPhoneState::StartAlsLineChangeTimerL - ALS not supported " );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::StartShowSecurityNoteL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::StartShowSecurityNoteL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::StartShowSecurityNoteL ");
-    // Set security mode on.
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean securityMode;
-    securityMode.SetBoolean( ETrue );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetSecurityMode, &securityMode );
-    // Remove number entry from screen
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean visibleMode;
-    visibleMode.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetStatusPaneVisible, &visibleMode );
-    iCbaManager->UpdateCbaL( EPhoneEmptyCBA );
-    TPhoneCmdParamInteger uidParam;
-    // Bring Phone app in the foreground
-    uidParam.SetInteger( KUidPhoneApplication.iUid );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewBringAppToForeground,
-        &uidParam );
-    // Set Phone as the top application
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetTopApplication,
-        &uidParam );
-    TInt resourceId ( KErrNone );
-    if ( SimSecurityStatus() == ESimRejected )
-        {
-        resourceId = CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-            ResolveResourceID( EPhoneSimRejected );
-        }
-    else if ( SimState() == EPESimNotPresent )
-        {
-        // insert sim card -note
-        resourceId = CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-            ResolveResourceID( EPhoneSimRemoved );
-        }
-    else if ( SimSecurityStatus() == ESimUnaccepted )
-        {
-        resourceId = CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-            ResolveResourceID( EPhoneSimUnaccepted );
-        }
-    if ( resourceId != KErrNone )
-        {
-        // Add it to the resource string
-        HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( resourceId );
-        TPhoneCmdParamNote noteParam;
-        noteParam.SetResourceId( CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-           ResolveResourceID( EPhoneSecurityInformationNote ) );
-        noteParam.SetText( *buf );
-        noteParam.SetTone( CAknNoteDialog::EConfirmationTone );
-        noteParam.SetType( EPhoneNoteSecurity );
-        // Display note
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewShowNote, &noteParam );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
-        // Capture the App key
-        TPhoneCmdParamKeyCapture appKeyCaptureParam;
-        appKeyCaptureParam.SetKey( EStdKeyApplication0 );
-        appKeyCaptureParam.SetKeyCode( EKeyApplication0 );
-        appKeyCaptureParam.SetCaptureType( EPhoneKeyAllEvents );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( 
-               EPhoneViewStartCapturingKey, &appKeyCaptureParam );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::AlsLineChangeTimerCallbackL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPhoneState::AlsLineChangeTimerCallbackL( TAny* aAny )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::AlsLineChangeTimerCallbackL()");
-    // Send a key up event for stopping keypad tone
-    reinterpret_cast<CPhoneState*>( aAny )->
-        iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage(
-        MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageEndDTMF );
-    if ( !( reinterpret_cast<CPhoneState*>( aAny )->
-            IsOnScreenDialerSupported() ) )
-        {
-        // If dialer is undefined remove the number entry.
-        reinterpret_cast<CPhoneState*>( aAny )->
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // If on screen dialer is in use just clear entry
-        // do not remove dialer.
-        reinterpret_cast<CPhoneState*>( aAny )->
-            NumberEntryClearL();
-        }
-    // Show the als line changing confirmation query
-    reinterpret_cast<CPhoneState*>( aAny )->
-        ShowQueryL( EPhoneAlsLineChangeConfirmationQuery );
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::ShowWlanMacAddressL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::ShowWlanMacAddressL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::ShowWlanMacAddressL()");
-    if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-        {
-        NumberEntryClearL();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // Remove number entry from screen
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
-        }
-    // Fetch WLAN MAC address
-    TBuf8<KPhoneWlanMacAddressLength> address;
-    RProperty::Get(
-        KPSUidWlan,
-        KPSWlanMacAddress,
-        address );
-    // Format fetched address
-    TBuf<KPhoneWlanMacAddressLength> wlanMACAddress;
-    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < address.Length(); i++ )
-        {
-        // Set separator
-        if( i > 0 )
-            {
-            wlanMACAddress.Append( KPhoneWlanSeparator );
-            }
-        // Set data
-        TBuf<10> tmp;
-        tmp.Format( KWLanMACDataFormat, address[i] );
-        wlanMACAddress.Append( tmp );
-        }
-    // Now we need the localised text
-    HBufC* wlanMacAddress = StringLoader::LoadLC(
-        CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-        ResolveResourceID( EPhoneWlanMacAddress ), wlanMACAddress );
-    TPhoneCmdParamNote noteParam;
-    noteParam.SetType( EPhoneNoteCustom );
-    noteParam.SetResourceId( CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-        ResolveResourceID( EPhoneInformationWaitNote ) );
-    noteParam.SetText( *wlanMacAddress );
-    noteParam.SetTone( CAknNoteDialog::EConfirmationTone );
-    // Display note
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewShowNote, &noteParam );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wlanMacAddress );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleAudioAvailableOutputChangedL
-// Default handling for EPEMessageAvailableAudioOutputsChanged message
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::HandleAudioAvailableOutputChangedL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleAudioAvailableOutputChangedL() ");
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo(),
-        Panic( EPhoneCtrlInvariant ) );
-    TPhoneCmdParamAudioAvailability outputParam;
-    // Output
-    const TPEAudioOutput audioOutput =
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioOutput();
-    // BT availability
-    TBool btAvailable = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioOutputAvailable(
-            EPEBTAudioAccessory );
-    outputParam.SetBTAccAvailable( btAvailable );
-    // Wired availability
-    TBool wiredAvailable = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioOutputAvailable(
-            EPEWiredAudioAccessory );
-    outputParam.SetWiredAccAvailable( wiredAvailable );
-    // BTA disconnect handler check
-    if( btAvailable )
-        {
-        CPhoneBtaaDisconnectHandler::InstanceL()->Cancel();
-        }
-    // view update
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewActivateAudioAvailabilityUIChanges,
-        &outputParam );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsAlsLineChangePossible
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneState::IsAlsLineChangePossible()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsAlsLineChangePossible( ) ");
-    TBool isAlsLineChangePossible( ETrue );
-    TSSSettingsAlsBlockingValue AlsBlockingValue( ESSSettingsAlsBlockingNotSupported );
-    TInt value( 0 );
-    RSSSettings ssSettings;
-    TInt retValue = ssSettings.Open();
-    if ( retValue == KErrNone )
-        {
-        ssSettings.Get( ESSSettingsAlsBlocking, value );
-        ssSettings.Close();
-        AlsBlockingValue = static_cast< TSSSettingsAlsBlockingValue > ( value );
-        if( AlsBlockingValue == ESSSettingsAlsAlternate )
-            {
-            isAlsLineChangePossible = EFalse;
-            }
-        }
-    return isAlsLineChangePossible;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::ShowNumberBusyNoteL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::ShowNumberBusyNoteL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::ShowNumberBusyNoteL( ) ");
-    // Re-enable global notes
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean globalNotifierParam;
-    globalNotifierParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetGlobalNotifiersDisabled,
-        &globalNotifierParam );
-    TInt resource( EPhoneNumberBusy );
-    if( iCustomization )
-        {
-        // Get customized text resource for busy note
-        resource = iCustomization->CustomizeBusyNoteText();
-        }
-    // Show number busy note
-    TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote globalNoteParam;
-    globalNoteParam.SetType( EAknGlobalInformationNote );
-    globalNoteParam.SetTextResourceId(
-        CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-        ResolveResourceID( resource ) );
-    globalNoteParam.SetTone( EAvkonSIDInformationTone );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewShowGlobalNote,
-        &globalNoteParam );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsAutoLockOn
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsAutoLockOn() const
-    {
-    // Check if phone is locked
-    const TBool phoneIsLocked =
-                CPhonePubSubProxy::Instance()->Value(
-                KPSUidCoreApplicationUIs,
-                KCoreAppUIsAutolockStatus ) > EAutolockOff;
-    return phoneIsLocked;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsKeyLockOn
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsKeyLockOn() const
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsKeyLockOn( ) ");
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean keyLockStatus;
-    keyLockStatus.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand(
-            EPhoneViewGetKeyLockStatus,
-            &keyLockStatus );
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic,
-            EPhoneControl,
-            "CPhoneState::IsKeyLockOn() Lock Status: %d",
-            keyLockStatus.Boolean() );
-    return keyLockStatus.Boolean();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CompleteSatRequestL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::CompleteSatRequestL( const TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::CompleteSatRequestL( ) ");
-    iStateMachine->SetCallId( aCallId );
-    iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage(
-        MPEPhoneModel::EPEMessageSatCallRequestCompleted );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetTouchPaneButtons
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetTouchPaneButtons( TInt /*aResourceId*/ )
-    {
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) )
-        {
-        TBool emergency( EPEStateIdle != 
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallState( KPEEmergencyCallId ) );
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-        booleanParam.SetBoolean( emergency );
-        TRAP_IGNORE( iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                     EPhoneViewSetTouchPaneButtons,
-                     &booleanParam ) );
-        SetTouchPaneVisible( ETrue );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DeleteTouchPaneButtons
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DeleteTouchPaneButtons()
-    {
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean boolParam;
-        TRAP_IGNORE( iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                        EPhoneViewSetTouchPaneButtons,
-                        &boolParam ) );
-        SetTouchPaneVisible( EFalse );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetTouchPaneVisible
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetTouchPaneVisible( TBool aVisible )
-    {
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-        booleanParam.SetBoolean( aVisible );
-        TRAP_IGNORE( iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                        EPhoneViewSetTouchPaneVisible,
-                        &booleanParam ) );
-        }
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetTouchButtonEnabled
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetTouchPaneButtonEnabled( TInt aCommandId )
-    {
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamInteger commandParam;
-        commandParam.SetInteger( aCommandId );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand( EPhoneViewEnableTouchButton,
-                                            &commandParam );
-        }
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetTouchButtonDisabled
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetTouchPaneButtonDisabled( TInt aCommandId )
-    {
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamInteger commandParam;
-        commandParam.SetInteger( aCommandId );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand( EPhoneViewDisableTouchButton,
-                                            &commandParam );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleLongHashL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleLongHashL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleLongHashL() ");
-    TPhoneCmdParamInteger numberEntryCountParam;
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetNumberEntryCount,
-            &numberEntryCountParam );
-    TInt neLength( numberEntryCountParam.Integer() );
-    if( iCustomization && iCustomization->AllowAlphaNumericMode() )
-        {
-        if ( NumberEntryManagerL()->NumberEntryInNumericModeL() )
-            {
-            if ( neLength == 0 )
-                {
-                OnlyHashInNumberEntryL();
-                }
-            if ( neLength == 1 )
-                {
-                NumberEntryClearL();
-                }
-            }
-        NumberEntryManagerL()->NumberEntryToggleAlphaNumericModeL();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        if( neLength == 1 )
-            {
-            TPhoneCmdParamBoolean isSecurityMode;
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetSecurityModeStatus, &isSecurityMode );
-            if ( !isSecurityMode.Boolean() )
-                {
-                OnlyHashInNumberEntryL();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::OpenVKBL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::OpenVkbL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::OpenVKB() ");
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewOpenVirtualKeyBoard );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::BeginUiUpdateLC
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::BeginUiUpdateLC()
-    {
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand( EPhoneViewBeginUpdate );
-    TCleanupItem operation( UiUpdateCleanup, this );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( operation );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::BeginTransEffectLC
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::BeginTransEffectLC(  TStateTransEffectType aType )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::BeginTransEffectLC( ) ");
-    TPhoneCmdParamTransEffect effectParam;
-    switch ( aType )
-        {
-        case ENumberEntryOpen:
-            effectParam.SetType( EPhoneTransEffectDialerOpen );
-            break;
-        case ENumberEntryClose:
-            effectParam.SetType( EPhoneTransEffectDialerClose );
-            break;
-        case ENumberEntryCreate:
-            effectParam.SetType( EPhoneTransEffectDialerCreate );
-            break;
-        default:
-            effectParam.SetType( EPhoneTransEffectNone );
-        }
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand( EPhoneViewBeginTransEffect,  &effectParam );
-    TCleanupItem operation( EffectCleanup, this );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( operation );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::EndUiUpdate
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::EndUiUpdate()
-    {
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Call UiUpdateCleanup
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::EndTransEffect
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::EndTransEffect()
-    {
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Call EffectCleanup
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CheckIfShowTerminationNote
-// This method is intended to be overridden in states
-// that contain more info about decision.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::CheckIfShowCallTerminationNote( )
-    {
-    TBool show = EFalse;
-    TInt callSummaryActivated = 0;
-    const TInt err = CPhoneCenRepProxy::Instance()->GetInt(
-        KCRUidCommonTelephonySettings,
-        KSettingsSummaryAfterCall,
-        callSummaryActivated );
-    if ( err == KErrNone && callSummaryActivated )
-        {
-          show = ETrue;
-        }
-    return show;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleDtmfKeyTone
-// Called from KeyEventForwarder
-// Allow only special characters to pass from
-// keyEventForwarder to phoneEngine
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleDtmfKeyToneL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-                TEventCode aEventCode )
-    {
-    SendDtmfKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::UiUpdateCleanup
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::UiUpdateCleanup(TAny* aThis )
-    {
-    static_cast<CPhoneState*>( aThis )->iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand(
-        EPhoneViewEndUpdate );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::EffectCleanup
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::EffectCleanup(TAny* aThis )
-    {
-    TPhoneCmdParamTransEffect effectParam;
-    effectParam.SetType( EPhoneTransEffectStop );
-    static_cast<CPhoneState*>( aThis )->iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand(
-        EPhoneViewEndTransEffect, &effectParam );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsDTMFEditorVisibleL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsDTMFEditorVisibleL() const
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsDTMFEditorVisibleL( ) ");
-    return iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewIsDTMFEditorVisible ) ==
-        EPhoneViewResponseSuccess;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CloseDTMFEditorL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::CloseDTMFEditorL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::CloseDTMFEditorL()");
-    if ( iOnScreenDialer ) // Touch
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-        booleanParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-        // Disable dialer DTMF mode
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetDtmfDialerViewVisible,
-                                             &booleanParam );
-        // Closing effect is shown when DTMF dialer exist.
-        BeginTransEffectLC( ENumberEntryClose );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
-        EndTransEffect();
-        }
-    else // Non-Touch
-        {
-        // If dtmf query is visible then remove number entry
-        // because it should not be shown if user has pressed end key.
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveQuery );
-        }
-    // Do state-specific behaviour if number entry is cleared
-    HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetDefaultFlagsL()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetDefaultFlagsL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SetDefaultFlagsL()");
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewHideNaviPaneAudioVolume );
-    // Reset Hold flag to view
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean holdFlag;
-    holdFlag.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetHoldFlag, &holdFlag );
-    // Update FSW
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewUpdateFSW );
-    // Re-enable global notes
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean globalNotifierParam;
-    globalNotifierParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetGlobalNotifiersDisabled,
-        &globalNotifierParam );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetEikonNotifiersDisabled,
-        &globalNotifierParam );
-    // uncapture App and Camera keys if not security mode
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean isSecurityMode;
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetSecurityModeStatus, &isSecurityMode );
-    if ( !isSecurityMode.Boolean() )
-        {
-        CaptureKeysDuringCallNotificationL( EFalse );
-        }
-    // Restore keylock if phone has been locked before call.
-    if ( iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->NeedToEnableKeylock() )
-        {
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewEnableKeyLock );
-        iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->SetNeedToEnableKeylock( EFalse );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::GetVolumeLevel
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPhoneState::GetVolumeLevel()
-    {
-    TPhoneCmdParamInteger integerParam;
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand( EPhoneViewGetAudioVolumeLevel,
-                                        &integerParam );
-    return integerParam.Integer();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::ShowVideoCallOutOfMemoryNoteL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::ShowVideoCallOutOfMemoryNoteL()
-    {
-        "CPhoneState::ShowVideoCallOutOfMemoryNoteL()" );
-    // Re-enable global notes
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean globalNotifierParam;
-    globalNotifierParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetGlobalNotifiersDisabled,
-        &globalNotifierParam );
-    // Bring Phone app in the foreground
-    TPhoneCmdParamInteger uidParam;
-    uidParam.SetInteger( KUidPhoneApplication.iUid );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewBringAppToForeground,
-        &uidParam );
-    // Set Phone as the top application
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetTopApplication,
-        &uidParam );
-    // Display error note
-    SExtendedError ext;
-    ext.iComponent = KUidPhoneApplication;
-    ext.iErrorNumber = KErrNoMemory;
-    ext.iInformation = EFalse;
-    TBuf<1> ignore;
-    iAvkonAppUi->HandleError( KErrNoMemory, ext, ignore, ignore );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SimSecurityStatus
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPhoneState::SimSecurityStatus() const
-    {
-    /*
-    Sim security statuses:
-    ESimSecurityStatusUninitialized = KStartupEnumerationFirstValue,
-    ESimRejected,   // The PUK code has been entered incorrectly, so the card is rejected.
-    ESimUnaccepted  // The SIM lock is on, so the card is unaccepted.
-    */
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SimSecurityStatus()" );
-    return CPhonePubSubProxy::Instance()->Value(
-                    KPSUidStartup, KStartupSimSecurityStatus );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CallWaitingNoteL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::CallWaitingNoteL( TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::CallWaitingNoteL()" );
-    TBuf< KPhoneContactNameMaxLength > callText( KNullDesC );
-    // Set CLI text for the call header
-    const TBool contactInfoAvailable =
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RemoteName( aCallId ).Length() ||
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RemoteCompanyName( aCallId ).Length();
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-        "CPhoneState::CallWaitingNoteL - contactInfoAvailable(%d)", contactInfoAvailable );
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-        "CPhoneState::CallWaitingNoteL - remote name(%S)",
-        &iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RemoteName( aCallId ) );
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
-        "CPhoneState::CallWaitingNoteL - company name(%S)",
-        &iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RemoteCompanyName( aCallId ) );
-    if ( contactInfoAvailable )
-        {
-        // Set Call Text flag to waiting note
-        callText = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RemoteName( aCallId );
-        // if no remote name available then set company name
-        if ( callText == KNullDesC )
-            {
-            callText = iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RemoteCompanyName( aCallId );
-            }
-        TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote globalNoteParam;
-        globalNoteParam.SetText( callText );
-        globalNoteParam.SetType( EAknGlobalInformationNote );
-        globalNoteParam.SetTone( EAvkonSIDInformationTone );
-        globalNoteParam.SetTextResourceId(
-            CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-            ResolveResourceID( EPhoneCallWaitingWithLabel ) );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                EPhoneViewShowGlobalNote, &globalNoteParam );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        SendGlobalInfoNoteL( EPhoneCallWaitingWithoutLabel );
-        }
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetRingingTonePlaybackL()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetRingingTonePlaybackL( TInt aCallId )
-    {
-        "CPhoneState::SetRingingTonePlaybackL()" );
-    TPhoneCmdParamRingTone ringToneParam;
-    ringToneParam.SetVolume(
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RingingVolume() );
-    TArray< TContactItemId > alertGroups =
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AlertForGroup();
-    TInt alertGroupCount = alertGroups.Count();
-    TInt contactGroupCount =
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->ContactGroups( aCallId ).Count();
-    TBool alertingGroupFound( EFalse );
-    // Check contents of both the alerting groups array and call contact group
-    // array, if any of the group ids match then allow playing.
-    if ( alertGroupCount > 0 )
-        {
-        for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < alertGroupCount ; i++ )
-            {
-            for ( TInt j = 0 ; j < contactGroupCount ; j++ )
-                {
-                if ( alertGroups[ i ] ==
-                     ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->ContactGroups(
-                           aCallId ) )[ j ] )
-                    {
-                    alertingGroupFound = ETrue;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        if ( alertingGroupFound == EFalse )
-            {
-            ringToneParam.SetRingingType( EProfileRingingTypeSilent );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            ringToneParam.SetRingingType(
-                iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RingingType() );
-            }
-        }
-    else // no alerting groups set
-        {
-        ringToneParam.SetRingingType(
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RingingType() );
-        }
-    // Set ring tone
-    if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->PersonalRingingTone(
-             aCallId ).Length() )
-        {
-        // Set the personal ring tone
-        ringToneParam.SetRingTone(
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->PersonalRingingTone( aCallId ) );
-        ringToneParam.SetType( EPhoneRingTonePersonal );
-        }
-    else if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RingingTone(
-                  aCallId ).Length() )
-        {
-        // Set the profile ring tone
-        ringToneParam.SetRingTone(
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RingingTone( aCallId ) );
-        ringToneParam.SetType( EPhoneRingToneProfile );
-        if ( ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallerImage( aCallId ).Length() > 0 &&
-                BaflUtils::FileExists( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(),
-                        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallerImage( aCallId ) ) ) ||
-               iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->HasCallerThumbnail( aCallId ) )
-            {
-            // Caller image set
-            ringToneParam.SetCallerImageStatus( ETrue );
-            }
-        }
-    // Set text to say, if enabled
-    if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->TextToSpeech() )
-        {
-        ringToneParam.SetTextToSay(
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RemoteTextToSpeechText(
-                aCallId ) );
-        }
-    if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallerText( aCallId ).Length() > 0 )
-        {
-        ringToneParam.SetCallerTextStatus( ETrue );
-        }
-    // Play the ring tone
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewPlayRingTone, &ringToneParam );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleCugNoteL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::HandleCugInUseNoteL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleCugInUseNoteL() ");
-    TInt cugIndex( 0 );
-    RSSSettings ssSettings;
-    TInt retValue = ssSettings.Open();
-    if ( retValue == KErrNone )
-        {
-        ssSettings.Get( ESSSettingsCug, cugIndex  );
-        }
-    ssSettings.Close();
-    if ( cugIndex )
-        {
-        // Add it to the resource string
-        HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC(
-            CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-            ResolveResourceID(
-            EPhoneInfoCugInUse ), cugIndex );
-        TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote globalNoteParam;
-        globalNoteParam.SetText( *buf );
-        globalNoteParam.SetType( EAknGlobalInformationNote );
-        globalNoteParam.SetTone( EAvkonSIDInformationTone );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-                EPhoneViewShowGlobalNote, &globalNoteParam );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CallheaderManagerL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-CPhoneCallHeaderManager* CPhoneState::CallheaderManagerL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::CallheaderManagerL() ");
-    if ( !iCallHeaderManager )
-        {
-        iCallHeaderManager = CPhoneCallHeaderManager::NewL(
-                *iViewCommandHandle,
-                *iStateMachine,
-                iCustomization );
-        }
-    return iCallHeaderManager;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CloseCustomizedDialerL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::CloseCustomizedDialerL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::CloseCustomizedDialerL( ) ");
-    // Set dialer back to default mode.
-    iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL( EPhoneViewHideCustomizedDialer );
-    // Closing effect is shown when customized dialer exist.
-    BeginTransEffectLC( ENumberEntryClose );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
-    EndTransEffect();
-    // Do state-specific behaviour if number entry is cleared
-    HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CustomizedDialerMenuResourceId
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPhoneState::CustomizedDialerMenuResourceIdL()
-    {
-        "CPhoneState::CustomizedDialerMenuResourceId( ) ");
-    // Get and return customized dialer menu resource id
-    TPhoneCmdParamInteger integerParam;
-    iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewGetCustomizedDialerMenuResourceId,
-        &integerParam );
-    return integerParam.Integer();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CustomizedDialerCbaResourceId
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPhoneState::CustomizedDialerCbaResourceIdL()
-    {
-           "CPhoneState::CustomizedDialerCbaResourceId( ) ");
-    // Get and return customized dialer CBA resource id
-    TPhoneCmdParamInteger integerParam;
-    iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-            EPhoneViewGetCustomizedDialerCbaResourceId,
-        &integerParam );
-    return integerParam.Integer();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::ShowDtmfDialerL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::ShowDtmfDialerL()
-    {
-        "CPhoneState::ShowDtmfDialerL()" );
-    // Set dialer to DTMF mode.
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-    booleanParam.SetBoolean( ETrue );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetDtmfDialerViewVisible,
-                                         &booleanParam );
-    BeginTransEffectLC( ENumberEntryCreate );
-    if ( IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
-        {
-        // Store the number entry content to cache
-        if ( !IsNumberEntryContentStored() )
-            {
-            StoreNumberEntryContentL();
-            }
-        // Clear and display DTMF dialer
-        NumberEntryClearL();
-        SetNumberEntryVisibilityL(ETrue);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // Create and display DTMF dialer
-        NumberEntryManagerL()->CreateNumberEntryL();
-        }
-    EndTransEffect();
-    // Update CBA
-    iCbaManager->UpdateInCallCbaL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CheckIfRestoreNEContentAfterDtmfDialer
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::CheckIfRestoreNEContentAfterDtmfDialer()
-    {
-    if ( IsOnScreenDialerSupported() )
-        {
-        TBool isDialerVisible( EFalse );
-        TRAP_IGNORE( isDialerVisible = IsDTMFEditorVisibleL() );
-         if ( isDialerVisible )
-             {
-             TRAP_IGNORE( CloseDTMFEditorL() );
-             }
-         // if the DTMF dialer is used before the idle message, we have to
-         // restore the original content of the number entry
-         if ( IsNumberEntryContentStored() )
-             {
-             TBool isNumberEntryUsed( EFalse );
-             TRAP_IGNORE( isNumberEntryUsed = IsNumberEntryUsedL() );
-             if ( !isNumberEntryUsed )
-                 {
-                 TRAP_IGNORE( NumberEntryManagerL()->CreateNumberEntryL() );
-                 }
-             // Restore the number entry content from cache
-             TRAP_IGNORE( RestoreNumberEntryContentL() );
-             }
-         }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsOnScreenDialerSupported
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsOnScreenDialerSupported() const
-    {
-    return iOnScreenDialer;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::LoadResource
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::LoadResource( TDes& aData, const TInt aResource ) const
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::LoadResource() ");
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::LoadResource - aResource: %d", aResource );
-    StringLoader::Load(  aData,
-                         CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->ResolveResourceID( aResource ),
-                         &iEnv  );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsAnyConnectedCalls
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneState::IsAnyConnectedCalls()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsAnyConnectedCalls() ");
-    TBool connectedCall(EFalse);
-    if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CheckIfCallStateExists( EPEStateConnected ) ||
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CheckIfCallStateExists( EPEStateConnecting ) ||
-        iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CheckIfCallStateExists( EPEStateConnectedConference ) )
-        {
-        connectedCall = ETrue;
-        }
-    __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsAnyConnectedCalls: (%d)", connectedCall );
-    return connectedCall;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::NumberEntryContentL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-CPhoneNumberEntryManager* CPhoneState::NumberEntryManagerL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::NumberEntryContentL() ");
-    if ( !iNumberEntryManager )
-        {
-        iNumberEntryManager = CPhoneNumberEntryManager::NewL(
-                this,
-                *iViewCommandHandle,
-                *iStateMachine,
-                iCustomization,
-                *iCbaManager );
-        }
-    return iNumberEntryManager;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::PhoneNumberFromEntryLC()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C HBufC* CPhoneState::PhoneNumberFromEntryLC()
-    {
-    return NumberEntryManagerL()->PhoneNumberFromEntryLC();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsNumberEntryUsedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsNumberEntryUsedL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsNumberEntryUsedL( ) ");
-    return NumberEntryManagerL()->IsNumberEntryUsedL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsNumberEntryVisibleL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsNumberEntryVisibleL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsNumberEntryVisibleL( ) ");
-    return NumberEntryManagerL()->IsNumberEntryVisibleL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::KeyEventForExistingNumberEntryL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::KeyEventForExistingNumberEntryL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
-    TEventCode aEventCode )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::KeyEventForExistingNumberEntryL( ) ");
-    NumberEntryManagerL()->KeyEventForExistingNumberEntryL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleNumberEntryClearedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleNumberEntryClearedL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleNumberEntryClearedL( ) ");
-    NumberEntryManagerL()->HandleNumberEntryClearedL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetNumberEntryVisibilityL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetNumberEntryVisibilityL( const TBool aVisible )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::SetNumberEntryVisibilityL( ) ");
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-    booleanParam.SetBoolean( ETrue );
-    if ( !aVisible )
-        {
-        booleanParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-        }
-    NumberEntryManagerL()->SetNumberEntryVisibilityL( booleanParam );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleCreateNumberEntryL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleCreateNumberEntryL(
-        const TKeyEvent& /*aKeyEvent*/,
-        TEventCode /*aEventCode*/ )
-    {
-    NumberEntryManagerL()->HandleCreateNumberEntryL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsNumberEntryContentStored
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsNumberEntryContentStored()
-    {
-    TBool isNumberEntryContentStored( EFalse );
-    TRAP_IGNORE( isNumberEntryContentStored = NumberEntryManagerL()->IsNumberEntryContentStored() );
-    return isNumberEntryContentStored;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::StoreNumberEntryContentL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::StoreNumberEntryContentL()
-    {
-    NumberEntryManagerL()->StoreNumberEntryContentL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::RestoreNumberEntryContentL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::RestoreNumberEntryContentL()
-    {
-    NumberEntryManagerL()->RestoreNumberEntryContentL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::ClearNumberEntryContentCache
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::ClearNumberEntryContentCache()
-    {
-    TRAP_IGNORE( NumberEntryManagerL()->ClearNumberEntryContentCache() );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleNumberEntryEdited
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleNumberEntryEdited()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleNumberEntryEdited() ");
-    TRAP_IGNORE( NumberEntryManagerL()->HandleNumberEntryEdited() );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::IsAlphanumericSupportedAndCharInput
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneState::IsAlphanumericSupportedAndCharInput(
-        const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::IsAlphanumericSupportedAndCharInput() ");
-    TBool alphaNumericSupport(EFalse);
-    TRAP_IGNORE( alphaNumericSupport = NumberEntryManagerL()->IsAlphanumericSupportedAndCharInput( aKeyEvent ) );
-    return alphaNumericSupport;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::OnlyHashInNumberEntryL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::OnlyHashInNumberEntryL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::OnlyHashInNumberEntryL( ) ");
-    // 0.8 seconds has passed, start ALS line change timer
-    StartAlsLineChangeTimerL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::NumberEntryClearL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneState::NumberEntryClearL()
-    {
-    NumberEntryManagerL()->NumberEntryClearL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::UpdateSilenceButtonDimming
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::UpdateSilenceButtonDimming()
-    {
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) )
-        {
-        const TProfileRingingType ringingType =
-            iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RingingType();
-        TBool callIsAlerting =
-                !(( ringingType == EProfileRingingTypeSilent ) ||
-                  ( ringingType == EProfileRingingTypeBeepOnce ));
-        if ( !callIsAlerting )
-            {
-            SetTouchPaneButtonDisabled( EPhoneCallComingCmdSilent );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::GetBlockedKeyList
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C const RArray<TInt>& CPhoneState::GetBlockedKeyList() const
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::GetBlockedKeyList( ) ");
-    return iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->GetBlockedKeyList();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DisableHWKeysL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DisableHWKeysL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DisableHWKeysL( ) ");
-    if( iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->IsBlockedKeysListEmpty() )
-        {
-        __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, " CPhoneState::DisableHWKeysL HW Keys Disabled " );
-        iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->AppendBlockedKeysListL( EStdKeyNo );
-        iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->AppendBlockedKeysListL( EStdKeyYes );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::DisableCallUIL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::DisableCallUIL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::DisableCallUIL( ) ");
-    // Set Call UI state to storage
-    if( !iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->IsScreenLocked() )
-        {
-        __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, " CPhoneState::DisableCallUIL CallUI Disabled " );
-        // Show keys locked note
-        TPhoneCmdParamNote noteParam;
-        noteParam.SetType( EPhoneNoteUIDisabled );
-        noteParam.SetResourceId( CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-            ResolveResourceID( EPhoneInformationNote ) );
-        HBufC* noteText = StringLoader::LoadLC( 
-            CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
-                ResolveResourceID( EPhoneIncomingCallKeysLocked ) );
-        noteParam.SetText( *noteText );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewShowNote, &noteParam );
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( noteText );
-        // Start capturing the key guard key
-        TPhoneCmdParamKeyCapture appKeyCaptureParam;
-        appKeyCaptureParam.SetKey( EStdKeyDevice7 );
-        appKeyCaptureParam.SetKeyCode( EKeyDeviceF );
-        appKeyCaptureParam.SetCaptureType( EPhoneKeyAllEvents );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewStartCapturingKey, &appKeyCaptureParam );
-        // Set Call UI state to storage
-        iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->SetScreenLocked( ETrue );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::EnableCallUIL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::EnableCallUIL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::EnableCallUIL( ) ");
-    if( iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->IsScreenLocked() )
-        {
-        __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, " CPhoneState::EnableCallUIL CallUI Enabled " );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNote );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewDisableKeyLockWithoutNote );
-        // Stop capturing the key guard key
-        TPhoneCmdParamKeyCapture appKeyCaptureParam;
-        appKeyCaptureParam.SetKey( EStdKeyDevice7 );
-        appKeyCaptureParam.SetKeyCode( EKeyDeviceF );
-        appKeyCaptureParam.SetCaptureType( EPhoneKeyAllEvents );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewStopCapturingKey, &appKeyCaptureParam );
-        iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->SetScreenLocked( EFalse );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::CheckDisableHWKeysAndCallUIL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::CheckDisableHWKeysAndCallUIL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneState::CheckDisableHWKeysAndCallUIL( ) ");
-    if( IsKeyLockOn() || IsAutoLockOn() )
-        {
-        // Disable HW keys if needed
-        if( CPhoneCenRepProxy::Instance()->
-                IsTelephonyFeatureSupported( KTelephonyLVFlagDisableCallControlHardKeysWhileLocked ) )
-            {
-            DisableHWKeysL();
-            }
-        // Disable Call UI if needed
-        if( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdFfTouchUnlockStroke )
-                && !CPhoneCenRepProxy::Instance()->
-                IsTelephonyFeatureSupported( KTelephonyLVFlagAllowUnlockOnIncoming ) )
-            {
-            DisableCallUIL();
-            iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->SetNeedToEnableKeylock( ETrue );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleHoldSwitchL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleHoldSwitchL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneState::HandleHoldSwitchL( ) ");
-    if( CPhoneCenRepProxy::Instance()->
-            IsTelephonyFeatureSupported( KTelephonyLVFlagDisableCallControlHardKeysWhileLocked ) )
-        {
-        if( iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->IsBlockedKeysListEmpty() )
-            {
-            // Disable HW Keys if needed
-            DisableHWKeysL();
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // Reset blocked keys list
-            iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->ResetBlockedKeysList();
-            }
-        }
-    if( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdFfTouchUnlockStroke ) 
-            && !CPhoneCenRepProxy::Instance()->
-            IsTelephonyFeatureSupported( KTelephonyLVFlagAllowUnlockOnIncoming ) )
-        {
-        if( iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->IsScreenLocked() )
-            {
-            // Enable Call
-            EnableCallUIL();
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // Set keylock enabled
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewEnableKeyLockWithoutNote );
-            // Disable Call
-            DisableCallUIL();
-            }
-        }
-        // Stop ringingtone
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewStopRingTone );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::RetainPreviousKeylockStateL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::RetainPreviousKeylockStateL()
-    {
-    // Lock keypad, if keylock was enabled before incoming call.
-    // Also reset PhoneStorage keylock status.
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdFfTouchUnlockStroke ) &&
-        iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->NeedToEnableKeylock() )
-        {
-        iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->SetNeedToEnableKeylock( EFalse );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewEnableKeyLockWithoutNote ); 
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::HandleKeyLockEnabledL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::HandleKeyLockEnabled( TBool aKeylockEnabled )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneState::HandleKeyLockEnabledL( ) ");
-    if( !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdFfTouchUnlockStroke )
-        && CPhoneCenRepProxy::Instance()->
-            IsTelephonyFeatureSupported( KTelephonyLVFlagDisableCallControlHardKeysWhileLocked ) )
-        {
-        if( !aKeylockEnabled )
-            {
-            // Keylock disabled
-            // Reset blocked keys list
-            iStateMachine->PhoneStorage()->ResetBlockedKeysList();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetToolbarDimming
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetToolbarDimming( TBool aDimmed )
-    {
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-        booleanParam.SetBoolean( aDimmed );
-        TRAP_IGNORE( iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-            EPhoneViewSetToolbarDimming, &booleanParam ));
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetToolbarButtonLoudspeakerEnabled
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetToolbarButtonLoudspeakerEnabled()
-    {
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamInteger integerParam;
-        integerParam.SetInteger( EPhoneInCallCmdActivateIhf );
-        TRAP_IGNORE( iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-            EPhoneViewEnableToolbarButton, &integerParam ));
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::SetToolbarDimming
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::SetBackButtonActive( TBool aActive )
-    {
-    if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
-        booleanParam.SetBoolean( aActive );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand(
-            EPhoneViewBackButtonActive, &booleanParam );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneState::OpenSoftRejectMessageEditorL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneState::OpenSoftRejectMessageEditorL()
-    {
-        "CPhoneState::OpenSoftRejectMessageEditorL ()" );
-    // Fetch incoming call's id from view
-    TPhoneCmdParamCallStateData callStateData;
-    callStateData.SetCallState( EPEStateRinging );
-    iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewGetCallIdByState, &callStateData );
-    TInt ringingCallId( KErrNotFound );
-    // Do nothing if negative incoming call id
-    if( callStateData.CallId() > KErrNotFound  )
-        {
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveQuery );
-        ringingCallId = callStateData.CallId();
-        }
-    TPhoneCmdParamSfiData sfiDataParam;
-    if (KErrNotFound != ringingCallId) 
-        {
-        if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RemoteName( ringingCallId ).Length() )
-            {
-            // store both the name and the number
-            sfiDataParam.SetNumber( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RemotePhoneNumber( ringingCallId ) );
-            sfiDataParam.SetName( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RemoteName( ringingCallId ) );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // store the number
-            sfiDataParam.SetNumber( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->RemotePhoneNumber( ringingCallId ) );
-            }
-        }
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
-        EPhoneViewOpenSoftRejectEditor, &sfiDataParam );
-    }
-//  End of File