changeset 36 2eacb6118286
parent 30 ebdbd102c78a
child 37 ba76fc04e6c2
--- a/phoneapp/phoneuicontrol/src/cphonestatestartup.cpp	Fri May 14 15:51:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Implementation of CPhoneStateStartup class.
-#include "cphonestatestartup.h"
-#include "phonestatedefinitions.h"
-#include "mphonestatemachine.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamkeycapture.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamboolean.h"
-#include "phonelogger.h"
-#include "phonerssbase.h"
-// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-EXPORT_C CPhoneStateStartup::CPhoneStateStartup( 
-    MPhoneStateMachine* aStateMachine, 
-    MPhoneViewCommandHandle* aViewCommandHandle,
-    MPhoneCustomization* aPhoneCustomization
-     ) : 
-    CPhoneState( aStateMachine, aViewCommandHandle, aPhoneCustomization ),
-    iPEReady( EFalse ),
-    iPhoneReady( EFalse )
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::~CPhoneStateStartup()
-// Destructor
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CPhoneStateStartup::~CPhoneStateStartup()
-    {
-    delete iCreateNote;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::ConstructL()
-// Constructor
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneStateStartup::ConstructL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateStartup::ConstructL() ");
-    CPhoneState::BaseConstructL();
-    // Set send key activation off.
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean boolean;
-    boolean.SetBoolean( EFalse );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetSendKeyDialerActivationFlag, 
-            &boolean );
-    // Capture the up and down events for the No key
-    TPhoneCmdParamKeyCapture noKeyCaptureParam;
-    noKeyCaptureParam.SetKey( EStdKeyNo );
-    noKeyCaptureParam.SetKeyCode( EKeyNo );
-    noKeyCaptureParam.SetCaptureType( EPhoneKeyAllEvents );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewStartCapturingKey, 
-        &noKeyCaptureParam );
-    // Capture the up and down events for the EStdKeyEnd key
-    TPhoneCmdParamKeyCapture endKeyCaptureParam;
-    endKeyCaptureParam.SetKey( EStdKeyEnd );
-    endKeyCaptureParam.SetKeyCode( EKeyEnd );
-    endKeyCaptureParam.SetCaptureType( EPhoneKeyAllEvents );
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewStartCapturingKey, 
-        &endKeyCaptureParam );
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::NewL()
-// Constructor
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CPhoneStateStartup* CPhoneStateStartup::NewL( 
-    MPhoneStateMachine* aStateMachine, 
-    MPhoneViewCommandHandle* aViewCommandHandle,
-    MPhoneCustomization* aPhoneCustomization )
-    {
-    CPhoneStateStartup* self = new (ELeave) CPhoneStateStartup( 
-        aStateMachine, aViewCommandHandle, aPhoneCustomization );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneStateStartup::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL( 
-    const TInt aMessage, 
-    TInt aCallId )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateStartup::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL() ");
-    switch ( aMessage )
-        {
-        case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessagePEConstructionReady:
-            HandlePEConstructionReadyL( aCallId );
-            break;
-        default:
-            CPhoneState::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL( aMessage, aCallId );
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::HandlePEConstructionReadyL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneStateStartup::HandlePEConstructionReadyL( TInt /*aCallId*/ )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateStartup::HandlePEConstructionReadyL() ");
-    // Indicate that phone engine construction is ready
-    iPEReady = ETrue;
-    // Only go to the idle state if phone is also ready
-    if ( iPhoneReady )
-        {
-        // Security mode check. 
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean isSecurityMode;      
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetSecurityModeStatus, &isSecurityMode );        
-        if ( !isSecurityMode.Boolean() && !IsSimOk() )
-            {
-            TPhoneCmdParamBoolean securityMode;
-            securityMode.SetBoolean( ETrue );
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetSecurityMode, &securityMode );
-            iCreateNote = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityHigh );
-            CreateAndShowNoteAfterIdle(); 
-            }
-        // Go to idle state
-        SetDefaultFlagsL();
-        iCbaManager->UpdateCbaL( EPhoneEmptyCBA );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand( EPhoneViewPrepareIcons );
-        iStateMachine->ChangeState( EPhoneStateIdle );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::HandleKeyMessageL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneStateStartup::HandleKeyMessageL( 
-    TPhoneKeyEventMessages /*aMessage*/,
-    TKeyCode /*aCode*/ )
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateStartup::HandleKeyMessageL( ) ");
-    // TBD: Panic if PE Construction fails
-    // For Debug use only
-    // If a key event is received in this state, either the phone engine
-    // is not ready or the phone has not started up yet. Display an error note
-    // if the phone engine is not ready.
-    if ( iPhoneReady && !iPEReady )
-        {
-        SendGlobalErrorNoteL( EPhoneNoteTextPEFailedAtStartup );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::HandleKeyEventL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneStateStartup::HandleKeyEventL(
-        const TKeyEvent& /*aKeyEvent*/, TEventCode /*aEventCode*/ )
-    {
-    // Empty implementation
-    }
-// CPhoneStateStartup::HandleCreateNumberEntryL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneStateStartup::HandleCreateNumberEntryL( 
-        const TKeyEvent& /* aKeyEvent */ ,
-        TEventCode /* aEventCode */ )
-    {
-    // Empty implementation
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateStartup::HandleCreateNumberEntryL() ");   
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::HandleDtmfKeyToneL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneStateStartup::HandleDtmfKeyToneL( 
-        const TKeyEvent& /* aKeyEvent */,
-        TEventCode /* aEventCode */ )
-    {
-    // Empty implementation
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateStartup::HandleDtmfKeyToneL() ");
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::HandlePhoneStartupL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneStateStartup::HandlePhoneStartupL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateStartup::HandlePhoneStartupL() ");
-    // Indicate that the phone is ready
-    iPhoneReady = ETrue;
-    // Only go to idle state when Phone engine is also ready
-    if ( iPEReady )
-        {
-        // Security mode check.
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean isSecurityMode;      
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetSecurityModeStatus, &isSecurityMode );
-        if ( !isSecurityMode.Boolean() && !IsSimOk() )
-            {
-            TPhoneCmdParamBoolean securityMode;
-            securityMode.SetBoolean( ETrue );
-            iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetSecurityMode, &securityMode );
-            iCreateNote = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityHigh );
-            CreateAndShowNoteAfterIdle(); 
-            }
-        // Go to idle state
-        SetDefaultFlagsL();
-        iCbaManager->UpdateCbaL( EPhoneEmptyCBA );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand( EPhoneViewPrepareIcons );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand( EPhoneViewLoadPlugins );
-        iStateMachine->ChangeState( EPhoneStateIdle );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::HandleIdleForegroundEventL
-// Phone should show security note asap. 
-// Active idle might be in front quite early if f.e. rejected SIM 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPhoneStateStartup::HandleIdleForegroundEventL()
-    {
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateStartup::HandleIdleForegroundEventL( ) ");
-    // Security mode check. 
-    TPhoneCmdParamBoolean isSecurityMode;      
-    iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetSecurityModeStatus, &isSecurityMode );        
-    if ( !isSecurityMode.Boolean() && !IsSimOk() )
-        {
-        TPhoneCmdParamBoolean securityMode;
-        securityMode.SetBoolean( ETrue );
-        iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetSecurityMode, &securityMode );
-        iCreateNote = CIdle::NewL( CActive::EPriorityHigh );
-        CreateAndShowNoteAfterIdle(); 
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::CreateAndShowNoteAfterIdle
-// Callback function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneStateStartup::CreateAndShowNoteAfterIdle()
-    {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateStartup::CreateAndShowNoteAfterIdle ");
-    if ( !iCreateNote->IsActive() )
-        {
-        iCreateNote->Start( 
-            TCallBack( DoShowNoteL, this ) );
-        }
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneStateStartup::DoShowNoteL
-// Callback function.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPhoneStateStartup::DoShowNoteL( TAny* aAny )
-    {        
-    __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneStateStartup::DoShowNoteL ");
-    static_cast< CPhoneStateStartup* >( aAny )->
-        StartShowSecurityNoteL();
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// End of File