--- a/phoneapp/phoneuistates/src/cphoneemergency.cpp Fri May 14 15:51:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,935 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Implementation of CPhoneEmergency class.
-#include <eikmenub.h>
-#include <StringLoader.h>
-#include <ccpdefs.h>
-#include <featmgr.h>
-#include <cpephonemodelif.h>
-#include <mpeengineinfo.h>
-#include <AknUtils.h>
-#include "cphoneemergency.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamstring.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparaminteger.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamboolean.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamemergencycallheaderdata.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamcallheaderdata.h"
-#include "mphonestatemachine.h"
-#include "phonestatedefinitionsgsm.h"
-#include "phoneviewcommanddefinitions.h"
-#include "phoneui.hrh"
-#include "phonerssbase.h"
-#include "cphonemainresourceresolver.h"
-#include "phonelogger.h"
-#include "cphonepubsubproxy.h"
-#include "cphonekeys.h"
-#include "tphonecmdparamaudiooutput.h"
-#include "phoneresourceids.h"
-// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
- MPhoneStateMachine* aStateMachine,
- MPhoneViewCommandHandle* aViewCommandHandle,
- MPhoneCustomization* aPhoneCustomization ) :
- CPhoneGsmInCall( aStateMachine, aViewCommandHandle, aPhoneCustomization ),
- iCallSetup( ETrue )
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::~CPhoneEmergency()
-// Destructor
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::ConstructL()
-// Constructor
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::ConstructL()
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::ConstructL()");
- CPhoneGsmInCall::ConstructL();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::NewL()
-// Constructor
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-CPhoneEmergency* CPhoneEmergency::NewL(
- MPhoneStateMachine* aStateMachine,
- MPhoneViewCommandHandle* aViewCommandHandle,
- MPhoneCustomization* aPhoneCustomization )
- {
- CPhoneEmergency* self = new (ELeave)
- CPhoneEmergency( aStateMachine, aViewCommandHandle, aPhoneCustomization );
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( self );
- return self;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleNumberEntryClearedL()
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::HandleNumberEntryClearedL()
- {
- "CPhoneEmergency::HandleNumberEntryClearedL()");
- UpdateInCallCbaL();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL(
- const TInt aMessage,
- TInt aCallId )
- {
- "CPhoneEmergency::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL() ");
- switch ( aMessage )
- {
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIdle:
- iCallSetup = ETrue;
- HandleIdleL( aCallId );
- iConnected = EFalse;
- break;
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageDialing:
- HandleDialingL( aCallId );
- break;
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConnected:
- if( iCallSetup )
- {
- HandleConnectingL( aCallId );
- iCallSetup = EFalse;
- }
- HandleConnectedL( aCallId );
- iConnected = ETrue;
- break;
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConnecting:
- HandleConnectingL( aCallId );
- iCallSetup = EFalse;
- break;
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageDisconnecting:
- // Explicitly override this handling from CPhoneStateInCall
- // where DTMF sending is cancelled and that causes emergency
- // progress bar destroyed
- CPhoneState::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL( aMessage, aCallId );
- break;
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageAudioOutputChanged:
- if ( iCallSetup )
- {
- HandleAudioOutputChangedL();
- }
- else
- {
- CPhoneGsmInCall::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL( aMessage, aCallId );
- }
- break;
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageStoppedDTMF: // fall through
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageSentDTMF: // fall through
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageDTMFSendingAborted:
- CPhoneGsmInCall::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL( aMessage, aCallId );
- if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallState( KPEEmergencyCallId ) == EPEStateDialing )
- {
- TPhoneCmdParamBoolean isProgressNoteVisible;
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetIsProgressNoteVisible,
- &isProgressNoteVisible );
- if ( !isProgressNoteVisible.Boolean() )
- {
- UpdateSetupCbaL();
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- CPhoneGsmInCall::HandlePhoneEngineMessageL(
- aMessage, aCallId );
- break;
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleIdleL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::HandleIdleL( TInt aCallId )
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::HandleIdleL() ");
- // Re-enable global notes, this enables secui (if needed) to come on top
- // if call creation was rejected by user
- TPhoneCmdParamBoolean globalNotifierParam;
- globalNotifierParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetGlobalNotifiersDisabled,
- &globalNotifierParam );
- if ( iOnScreenDialer && IsDTMFEditorVisibleL() )
- {
- CloseDTMFEditorL();
- }
- if ( aCallId == KEmergencyCallId )
- {
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveCallHeader, aCallId );
- // Remove emergency connecting note if still there
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNote );
- // Close menu bar, if it is displayed
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewMenuBarClose );
- const TBool isSimStateNotPresentWithSecurityMode = IsSimStateNotPresentWithSecurityModeEnabled();
- // Sim IS not ok when making emergency call from Pin query, no note
- if ( (!IsSimOk() && !iStartupInterrupted) || isSimStateNotPresentWithSecurityMode )
- {
- StartShowSecurityNoteL();
- }
- else
- {
- if ( !TopAppIsDisplayedL() || iDeviceLockOn )
- {
- // Continue displaying current app but set up the
- // idle screen in the background
- SetupIdleScreenInBackgroundL();
- // Update toolbar
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewUpdateToolbar );
- }
- else if ( iOnScreenDialer && IsNumberEntryContentStored() )
- {
- if ( !IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
- {
- CreateNumberEntryL();
- }
- // Restore the number entry content from cache
- RestoreNumberEntryContentL();
- SetNumberEntryVisibilityL(ETrue);
- }
- else if ( IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
- {
- // Show the number entry if it exists
- SetNumberEntryVisibilityL(ETrue);
- // Update toolbar
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewUpdateToolbar );
- }
- else
- {
- // Display idle screen
- DisplayIdleScreenL();
- }
- // Display call termination note, if necessary
- if ( iConnected )
- {
- DisplayCallTerminationNoteL();
- }
- }
- // Go to emergency idle state or to startup state if emergency call
- // initiated from PIN query
- if ( iStartupInterrupted )
- {
- iStartupInterrupted = EFalse;
- iStateMachine->ChangeState( EPhoneStateStartup );
- }
- else
- {
- if ( !isSimStateNotPresentWithSecurityMode )
- {
- SetDefaultFlagsL();
- }
- // As long as security note is not shown with feature flag
- // KFeatureIdFfSimlessOfflineSupport undef it is ok to do SetupIdleScreenInBackgroundL.
- if ( ( !IsNumberEntryUsedL() ) &&
- !( IsSimStateNotPresentWithSecurityModeEnabled() &&
- !FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdFfSimlessOfflineSupport ) ) )
- {
- UpdateCbaL( EPhoneEmptyCBA );
- TPhoneCmdParamBoolean securityMode;
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetSecurityModeStatus, &securityMode );
- if ( !securityMode.Boolean() )
- {
- // Setup idle as next active app.
- SetupIdleScreenInBackgroundL();
- }
- }
- iStateMachine->ChangeState( EPhoneStateIdle );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveAllCallHeaders );
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleDialingL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::HandleDialingL( TInt aCallId )
- {
- // Discard all messages related to other calls than the emergency call
- // We trust that the ISA call server has taken care of them. However,
- // there could be a race condition between returning to Normal
- // mode (receiving a network registration status message from PE)
- // and receiving an EPEMessageDialling message. This can occur
- // because PE messages are processed asynchronously.
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::HandleDialingL() ");
- if ( aCallId == KPEEmergencyCallId )
- {
- if ( !IsSimOk() )
- {
- TPhoneCmdParamBoolean visibleMode;
- visibleMode.SetBoolean( ETrue );
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetStatusPaneVisible, &visibleMode );
- }
- iDeviceLockOn = IsAutoLockOn();
- // Close menu bar, if it is displayed
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewMenuBarClose );
- // Disable global notes when the phone is dialling
- TPhoneCmdParamBoolean globalNotifierParam;
- globalNotifierParam.SetBoolean( ETrue );
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
- EPhoneViewSetGlobalNotifiersDisabled,
- &globalNotifierParam );
- // Capture keys when the phone is dialling
- CaptureKeysDuringCallNotificationL( ETrue );
- // Indicate that the Phone needs to be sent to the background if
- // an application other than the top application is in the foreground
- TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
- booleanParam.SetBoolean( !TopAppIsDisplayedL() );
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
- EPhoneViewSetNeedToSendToBackgroundStatus,
- &booleanParam );
- // Bring Phone app in the foreground
- TPhoneCmdParamInteger uidParam;
- uidParam.SetInteger( KUidPhoneApplication.iUid );
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewBringAppToForeground,
- &uidParam );
- // Set Phone as the top application
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetTopApplication,
- &uidParam );
- // Hide the number entry if it is visible
- if ( IsNumberEntryUsedL() )
- {
- // Remove number entry
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNumberEntry );
- }
- // Remove exit emergency mode query, if it exists
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveQuery );
- // Enable the volume display
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewShowNaviPaneAudioVolume );
- BeginUiUpdateLC();
- TPhoneCmdParamEmergencyCallHeaderData emergencyHeaderParam;
- // Set call header
- TBuf<KPhoneCallHeaderLabelMaxLength> headerText( KNullDesC );
- StringLoader::Load(
- headerText,
- CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->ResolveResourceID(
- EPhoneEmergencyCallHeader ),
- CCoeEnv::Static() );
- emergencyHeaderParam.SetHeaderText( headerText );
- // Set call header ciphering status
- emergencyHeaderParam.SetCiphering(
- iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->IsSecureCall( aCallId ) );
- emergencyHeaderParam.SetCipheringIndicatorAllowed(
- iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SecureSpecified() );
- // Notify the view
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
- EPhoneViewCreateEmergencyCallHeader,
- aCallId,
- &emergencyHeaderParam );
- TPhoneCmdParamCallHeaderData headerParam;
- headerParam.SetCallState( EPEStateDialing );
- StringLoader::Load(
- headerText,
- CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->ResolveResourceID(
- EPhoneAttemptingEmergencyText ),
- CCoeEnv::Static() );
- headerParam.SetLabelText( headerText );
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
- EPhoneViewUpdateBubble,
- aCallId,
- &headerParam );
- SetTouchPaneButtons( EPhoneEmergencyCallButtons );
- SetBackButtonActive(EFalse);
- EndUiUpdate();
- // ShowNoteL( EPhoneEmergencyConnectWaitNote );
- UpdateSetupCbaL();
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleConnectingL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::HandleConnectingL( TInt aCallId )
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::HandleConnectingL() ");
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveGlobalNote );
- // Re-enable global notes
- TPhoneCmdParamBoolean globalNotifierParam;
- globalNotifierParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetGlobalNotifiersDisabled,
- &globalNotifierParam );
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewSetEikonNotifiersDisabled,
- &globalNotifierParam );
- if( TouchCallHandlingSupported() )
- {
- if ( !IsSimStateNotPresentWithSecurityModeEnabled() )
- {
- // Stop capturing keys
- CaptureKeysDuringCallNotificationL( EFalse );
- }
- }
- else if ( !iDeviceLockOn && SimState() == EPESimUsable )
- {
- // Stop capturing keys
- CaptureKeysDuringCallNotificationL( EFalse );
- }
- // Keep Phone in the foreground
- TPhoneCmdParamBoolean booleanParam;
- booleanParam.SetBoolean( EFalse );
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
- EPhoneViewSetNeedToSendToBackgroundStatus, &booleanParam );
- // Remove emergency connecting note
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNote );
- TPhoneCmdParamCallHeaderData headerParam;
- headerParam.SetCallState( EPEStateConnecting );
- // Notify the view
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
- EPhoneViewUpdateBubble,
- aCallId,
- &headerParam );
- SetToolbarButtonLoudspeakerEnabled();
- UpdateInCallCbaL();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleConnectedL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::HandleConnectedL( TInt aCallId )
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::HandleConnectedL() ");
- BeginUiUpdateLC();
- TPhoneCmdParamCallHeaderData emergencyHeaderParam;
- emergencyHeaderParam.SetCallState( EPEStateConnected );
- // Notify the view
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL(
- EPhoneViewUpdateBubble,
- aCallId,
- &emergencyHeaderParam );
- SetBackButtonActive(ETrue);
- EndUiUpdate();
- SetToolbarDimming( ETrue );
- UpdateInCallCbaL();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::OpenMenuBarL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::OpenMenuBarL()
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::OpenMenuBarL() ");
- TInt resourceId;
- if ( iOnScreenDialer && IsDTMFEditorVisibleL() )
- {
- resourceId = EPhoneDtmfDialerMenubar;
- }
- else if ( IsNumberEntryVisibleL() )
- {
- resourceId = EPhoneCallHandlingEmergencyMenubarWithNumberEntry;
- }
- else
- {
- resourceId = EPhoneCallHandlingEmergencyMenubar;
- }
- TPhoneCmdParamInteger integerParam;
- integerParam.SetInteger(
- CPhoneMainResourceResolver::Instance()->
- ResolveResourceID( resourceId ) );
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewMenuBarOpen,
- &integerParam );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::UpdateInCallCbaL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::UpdateInCallCbaL()
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::UpdateInCallCbaL() ");
- TInt resourceId = EPhoneCallHandlingEmergencyCBA;
- iCbaManager->SetCbaL( resourceId );
- }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleKeyMessageL
-// --------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::HandleKeyMessageL(
- TPhoneKeyEventMessages aMessage,
- TKeyCode aCode )
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::HandleKeyMessageL()");
- switch ( aCode )
- {
- // end-key
- case EKeyNo:
- // handle end key
- if ( iOnScreenDialer && IsDTMFEditorVisibleL() )
- {
- CloseDTMFEditorL();
- }
- DisconnectEmergencyCallL();
- break;
- // send-key
- case EKeyYes:
- if( iOnScreenDialer && IsNumberEntryVisibleL() )
- {
- TPhoneCmdParamInteger numberEntryCountParam;
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetNumberEntryCount,
- &numberEntryCountParam );
- TInt neLength( numberEntryCountParam.Integer() );
- if ( neLength )
- {
- // Show not allowed note
- SendGlobalErrorNoteL( EPhoneNoteTextNotAllowed );
- }
- else
- {
- // Logs to open
- CallFromNumberEntryL();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Show not allowed note
- SendGlobalErrorNoteL( EPhoneNoteTextNotAllowed );
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- if ( TouchCallHandlingSupported() )
- {
- CPhoneGsmInCall::HandleKeyMessageL( aMessage, aCode );
- }
- else if ( !iDeviceLockOn && SimState() == EPESimUsable )
- {
- // do base operation
- CPhoneGsmInCall::HandleKeyMessageL( aMessage, aCode );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleCommandL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneEmergency::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::HandleCommandL()");
- TBool commandStatus = ETrue;
- switch( aCommand )
- {
- case EPhoneInCallCmdDtmfManualQuery:
- if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallState( KPEEmergencyCallId ) == EPEStateDialing )
- {
- // Remove emergency connecting note
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewRemoveNote );
- }
- commandStatus = CPhoneGsmInCall::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
- break;
- case EPhoneDtmfDialerExit: // fall through
- case EPhoneDtmfDialerCancel:
- {
- if ( iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->CallState( KPEEmergencyCallId ) == EPEStateDialing )
- {
- CloseDTMFEditorL();
- TPhoneCmdParamBoolean isProgressNoteVisible;
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetIsProgressNoteVisible,
- &isProgressNoteVisible );
- if ( !isProgressNoteVisible.Boolean() )
- {
- UpdateSetupCbaL();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- commandStatus = CPhoneGsmInCall::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
- }
- }
- break;
- case EPhoneInCallCmdEndThisOutgoingCall:
- case EPhoneInCallCmdEndThisActiveCall:
- DisconnectEmergencyCallL();
- break;
- default:
- commandStatus = CPhoneGsmInCall::HandleCommandL( aCommand );
- break;
- }
- return commandStatus;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::DisconnectEmergencyCallL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::DisconnectEmergencyCallL()
- {
- "CPhoneEmergency::DisconnectEmergencyCallL()");
- // Release the call
- iStateMachine->SetCallId(
- KEmergencyCallId );
- iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage(
- CPEPhoneModelIF::EPEMessageRelease );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleErrorL
-// Emergency handling for HandleError message
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::HandleErrorL( const TPEErrorInfo& aErrorInfo )
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::HandleError()");
- switch( aErrorInfo.iErrorCode )
- {
- case ECCPErrorCCNoRouteToDestination:
- case ECCPErrorUnacceptableChannel:
- case ECCPErrorCCDestinationOutOfOrder:
- case ECCPErrorNetworkOutOfOrder:
- case ECCPErrorAccessInformationDiscarded:
- case ECCPErrorCCResourceNotAvailable:
- case ECCPErrorQualityOfServiceNotAvailable:
- case ECCPErrorInvalidCallReferenceValue:
- case ECCPErrorBadRequest:
- case ECCPErrorConnectionError:
- case ECCPErrorCCIncompatibleMessageInProtocolState:
- case ECCPErrorCCNoChannelAvailable:
- case ECCPErrorNetworkBusy:
- case ECCPEmergencyFailed:
- SendGlobalErrorNoteL( EPhoneNoteNoNetworkCallEmergency );
- break;
- default:
- EOnlyFatal,
- EPhoneUIStates,
- "PHONEUI_ERROR: CPhoneEmergency::HandleError - Error send to PhoneState (err=%d)",
- aErrorInfo.iErrorCode);
- CPhoneState::HandleErrorL( aErrorInfo );
- break;
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleKeyEventL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::HandleKeyEventL(
- const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
- TEventCode aEventCode )
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::HandleKeyEventL( ) ");
- if ( TouchCallHandlingSupported() )
- {
- CPhoneState::HandleKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
- }
- else
- {
- if ( iDeviceLockOn && CPhoneKeys::IsNumericKey( aKeyEvent, aEventCode ) )
- {
- // Send the key event to the phone engine
- SendKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
- }
- else
- {
- // Handle numeric keys when key events are received in idle state
- CPhoneState::HandleKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
- }
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::SendKeyEventL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::SendKeyEventL(
- const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
- TEventCode aEventCode )
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::SendKeyEventL( ) ");
- switch( aEventCode )
- {
- // EEventKey
- case EEventKey:
- {
- // Convert key code to western.
- TBuf<1> buffer; // one character
- buffer.Append( aKeyEvent.iCode );
- __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
- "CPhoneEmergency::SendKeyEventL(%S)",
- &buffer );
- AknTextUtils::ConvertDigitsTo( buffer, EDigitTypeWestern );
- __PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
- "CPhoneEmergency::SendKeyEventL(%S)",
- &buffer );
- TLex code( buffer );
- // Save the key code
- iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->SetKeyCode( code.Peek() );
- // Plays a DTMF tone if active call
- iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage(
- CPEPhoneModelIF::EPEMessagePlayDTMF );
- }
- break;
- // EEventKeyUp
- case EEventKeyUp:
- // Send a key up event for the last key code sent to
- // the phone engine
- iStateMachine->SendPhoneEngineMessage(
- CPEPhoneModelIF::EPEMessageEndDTMF );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleAudioOutputChangedL
-// for setup
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::HandleAudioOutputChangedL()
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneEmergency::HandleAudioOutputChangedL( ) ");
- // Audio Output
- TPhoneCmdParamAudioOutput outputParam;
- // Output
- const TPEAudioOutput audioOutput =
- iStateMachine->PhoneEngineInfo()->AudioOutput();
- UpdateSetupCbaL();
- // view update
- outputParam.SetAudioOutput( audioOutput );
- iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewActivateAudioPathUIChanges,
- &outputParam );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::SetStartupInterrupted
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::SetStartupInterrupted( const TBool aStartupInterrupted )
- {
- iStartupInterrupted = aStartupInterrupted;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::UpdateSetupCbaL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::UpdateSetupCbaL()
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneEmergency::UpdateSetupCbaL() ");
- TInt resourceId = EPhoneCallHandlingEmergencyCBA;
- iCbaManager->SetCbaL( resourceId );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleCreateNumberEntryL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CPhoneEmergency::HandleCreateNumberEntryL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
- TEventCode aEventCode )
- {
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneEmergency::HandleCreateNumberEntryL() ");
- if ( !iCallSetup && !iStartupInterrupted )
- {
- CPhoneGsmInCall::HandleCreateNumberEntryL( aKeyEvent, aEventCode );
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::HandleRemConCommandL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPhoneEmergency::HandleRemConCommandL(
- TRemConCoreApiOperationId aOperationId,
- TRemConCoreApiButtonAction aButtonAct )
- {
- TBool handled = EFalse;
- __LOGMETHODSTARTEND(EPhoneControl, "CPhoneEmergency::MrccatoCommand() ");
- switch ( aOperationId )
- {
- case ERemConCoreApiMute:
- __PHONELOG( EBasic, EPhoneControl, "CPhoneEmergency::MrccatoCommand emerg. call no muting" );
- // Not Allowed
- break;
- default:
- handled = CPhoneState::HandleRemConCommandL( aOperationId, aButtonAct );
- break;
- }
- return handled;
- }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::TouchCallHandlingSupported
-// --------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneEmergency::TouchCallHandlingSupported () const
- {
- if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported ( KFeatureIdTouchCallHandling ) )
- {
- return ETrue;
- }
- else
- {
- return EFalse;
- }
- }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::UseEmergencyNoIhfCBA
-// --------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneEmergency::UseEmergencyNoIhfCBA( const TPEAudioOutput& aAudioOutput ) const
- {
- if ( !( TouchCallHandlingSupported() )
- && ( ( aAudioOutput == EPEWiredAudioAccessory ) || ( IsSwivelClosed() ) ) )
- {
- return ETrue;
- }
- else
- {
- return EFalse;
- }
- }
-// --------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPhoneEmergency::UseHandsetEmergencyCBA
-// --------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPhoneEmergency::UseHandsetEmergencyCBA( const TPEAudioOutput& aAudioOutput ) const
- if ( !( TouchCallHandlingSupported() )
- && ( ( aAudioOutput == EPELoudspeaker ) || ( aAudioOutput == EPEBTAudioAccessory ) ) )
- {
- return ETrue;
- }
- else
- {
- return EFalse;
- }
-// End of File