--- a/phoneengine/callhandling/src/cpecallhandling.cpp Fri May 14 15:51:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2421 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: This file contains the implementation of CPECallHandling class
-* member functions.
-#include "cpecallhandling.h"
-#include "cpevideocallhandling.h"
-#include "cpesinglecall.h"
-#include "cpedtmfhandling.h"
-#include "cpesupplementaryservicesmonitor.h"
-#include "mpephonemodelinternal.h"
-#include "cpeconferencecall.h"
-#include "cpecallarrayowner.h"
-#include "mpecallhandling.h"
-#include "cpecceobserver.h"
-#include "cpesystemcallstate.h"
-#include <gsmerror.h>
-#include <mpedatastore.h>
-#include <pepanic.pan>
-#include <talogger.h>
-#include <PSVariables.h>
-#include <ctsydomainpskeys.h>
-#include <mccecall.h>
-#include <psetsaobserver.h>
-#include <cccecallparameters.h>
-// None
-// None
-// None
-// None
-// None
-// None
-// None
-// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// None
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::CPECallHandling
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MPEPhoneModelInternal& aModel,
- CCCE& aConvergedCallEngine,
- MCCEDtmfInterface& aDtmfInterface
- ) : iModel( aModel ),
- iConvergedCallEngine( aConvergedCallEngine ),
- iDtmfInterface( aDtmfInterface ),
- iReplaceActive( EFalse ),
- iDialRequest( EFalse )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CALL CPECallHandling::CPECallHandling()");
- }
-// Destructor
-EXPORT_C CPECallHandling::~CPECallHandling()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CALL CPECallHandling::~CPECallHandling() start");
- delete iSystemCallState;
- delete iDtmfHandling;
- // No need to uninitialize feature manager - this is done in MPEPhoneModelInternal .cpp
- delete iSupplementaryServicesMonitor;
- delete iCCEObserver;
- delete iVideoCallHandling;
- delete iConferenceCall;
- delete iCallArrayOwner;
- delete iPsetSAObserver;
- delete iCallOpenParams;
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CALL CPECallHandling::~CPECallHandling() complete");
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CPECallHandling* CPECallHandling::NewL(
- MPEPhoneModelInternal& aModel,
- CCCE& aConvergedCallEngine,
- MCCEDtmfInterface& aDtmfInterface )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CALL CPECallHandling::NewL start." );
- CPECallHandling* self = new (ELeave) CPECallHandling( aModel,
- aConvergedCallEngine, aDtmfInterface );
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( self );
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CALL CPECallHandling::NewL complete." );
- return self;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::ConstructL
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::ConstructL()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CALL CPECallHandling::BaseConstructL() start");
- // Creates a supplementary services monitor
- iSupplementaryServicesMonitor = new (ELeave) CPESupplementaryServicesMonitor(
- *this, *iModel.DataStore() );
- iCCEObserver = CPECCEObserver::NewL( *this, iModel );
- iConvergedCallEngine.SetObserver( *iCCEObserver, *iSupplementaryServicesMonitor );
- // Creates CPEDtmfSender object
- iDtmfHandling = CPEDtmfHandling::NewL( *this, iDtmfInterface );
- // Creates a call array owner object
- iCallArrayOwner = CPECallArrayOwner::NewL(
- iConvergedCallEngine,
- *this );
- iVideoCallHandling = CPEVideoCallHandling::NewL(
- *this,
- iModel,
- iConvergedCallEngine,
- *iCallArrayOwner );
- iCallOpenParams = CCCECallParameters::NewL();
- iSystemCallState = CPESystemCallState::NewL( *iCallArrayOwner, *iModel.DataStore() );
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CALL CPECallHandling::BaseConstructL() complete");
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::SendErrorMessage
-// Reroutes error messages to the Phone Engine, usable by other than call objects
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::SendErrorMessage(
- const TInt aErrorCode )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::SendErrorMessage, error code: %d",
- aErrorCode );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetErrorCode( aErrorCode );
- iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageCallHandlingError );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::SendErrorMessage
-// Reroutes error messages to the Phone Engine, usable by call objects
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::SendErrorMessage(
- const TInt aCallId,
- const TInt aErrorCode )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::SendErrorMessage, error code: %d, call id: %d",
- aErrorCode,
- aCallId );
- // Dial request failed - resume held call
- if( aErrorCode == ECCPErrorInvalidFDN )
- {
- HandleAutoResume();
- }
- if ( aCallId == KPECallIdNotUsed )
- {
- SendErrorMessage( aErrorCode );
- }
- else
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetErrorCode( aErrorCode );
- iModel.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageCallHandlingError, aCallId );
- //Handle call objet deleting if dialing fail.
- if( ECCPErrorNone != aErrorCode )
- {
- CPESingleCall* callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if( callData )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::SendErrorMessage, call state %d", callData->GetCallState() );
- if( callData->GetCallState() == EPEStateIdle )
- {
- ReleaseCallObject( aCallId );
- iDialRequest = EFalse;
- }
- }
- }
- if( ( KPEConferenceCallID == aCallId ) && ( ECCPConferenceErrorAddCall == aErrorCode ) &&
- iConferenceCall && ( iConferenceCall->EnumerateCalls() == 0 ) )
- {
- delete iConferenceCall;
- iConferenceCall = NULL;
- iModel.DataStore()->ResetCallInfo( aCallId );
- }
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::SendMessage
-// Reroutes messages to the Phone Engine, usable by other than call objects
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::SendMessage(
- MEngineMonitor::TPEMessagesFromPhoneEngine aMessage )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::SendMessage, message id: %d", aMessage );
- iModel.SendMessage( aMessage );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::SendMessage
-// Reroutes messages to the Phone Engine, usable by call objects
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::SendMessage(
- MEngineMonitor::TPEMessagesFromPhoneEngine aMessage,
- TInt aCallId )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::SendMessage, message id: %d, call id: %d",
- aMessage,
- aCallId );
- TInt errorCode( KErrNone );
- switch ( aMessage )
- {
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageDialing:
- {
- iDialRequest = EFalse;
- CPESingleCall* callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if( callData )
- {
- MCCECall& call = callData->Call();
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallIndex(call.CallIndex(), aCallId );
- SetCallOrigin( aCallId, call );
- }
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageChangedCallDuration:
- {
- TTimeIntervalSeconds duration;
- errorCode = GetCallDuration( duration, aCallId );
- if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallDuration( duration, aCallId );
- }
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIdle:
- {
- HandleAutoResume();
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageAddedConferenceMember:
- {
- TName memberName;
- TInt count;
- errorCode = GetNumberOfParticipants( count );
- "CALL CPECallHandling::SendMessage EPEMessageAddedConferenceMember errorCode %d",
- errorCode );
- if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetNumberOfConferenceMembers( count, KPEConferenceCallID );
- iConferenceCall->GetConferenceMemberName( memberName );
- if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetConferenceMemberInfo(
- memberName,
- KPEConferenceCallID,
- aCallId );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallConference( aCallId,
- KPEConferenceCallID );
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageDroppedConferenceMember:
- {
- TName memberName;
- TInt memberCallId;
- TInt count;
- errorCode = GetNumberOfParticipants( count );
- "CALL CPECallHandling::SendMessage EPEMessageAddedConferenceMember EPEMessageDroppedConferenceMember %d",
- errorCode );
- if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetNumberOfConferenceMembers( count, KPEConferenceCallID );
- errorCode = GetConferenceMemberNameAndId( memberName,
- memberCallId );
- // Member has been taken to OneToOne conversation and is still alive
- if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetConferenceMemberInfo(
- memberName,
- KPECallIdNotUsed,
- aCallId );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallConference(
- KPENormalVoiceCall,
- memberCallId );
- }
- else
- {
- // Member has been dropped and its state is idle, so no
- // information can be found...
- // So actually not an error situation memberName is empty
- // (set in GetConferenceMemberNameAndId method)
- iModel.DataStore()->SetConferenceMemberInfo(
- memberName,
- KPECallIdNotUsed,
- aCallId );
- errorCode = KErrNone;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageCallControlCapsChanged:
- {
- TPECallControlCaps callControlCaps;
- errorCode = GetCallControlCaps( callControlCaps, aCallId );
- if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallControlCaps(
- callControlCaps,
- aCallId );
- }
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConferenceCapsChange:
- {
- TUint32 caps;
- errorCode = GetConferenceCallCaps( caps );
- if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetConferenceCallCaps( caps, aCallId );
- }
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageDisconnecting:
- {
- CPESingleCall* callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if ( callData )
- {
- TCCPTone inbandTone = callData->Tone();
- iModel.DataStore()->SetInbandTone( inbandTone );
- }
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConferenceErrorAddCall:
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConferenceErrorRemoveCall:
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConferenceErrorSwap:
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConferenceErrorHold:
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConferenceErrorResume:
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConferenceErrorGoOneToOne:
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConferenceErrorCurrentCallsToConference:
- {
- errorCode = KErrGeneral;
- if( iConferenceCall && ( iConferenceCall->EnumerateCalls() == 0 ) )
- {
- delete iConferenceCall;
- iConferenceCall = NULL;
- }
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageCallSecureStatusChanged:
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallSecureStatus(
- IsSecureCall( aCallId ),
- aCallId );
- // Secure is specified
- iModel.DataStore()->SetSecureSpecified( ETrue );
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageSecureNotSpecified:
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetSecureSpecified( EFalse );
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageRemotePartyInfoChanged:
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::SendMessage -> EPEMessageRemotePartyInfoChanged");
- // HO cases call type can changes
- CPESingleCall* connectedCall;
- connectedCall = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateConnected );
- if( connectedCall )
- {
- CCPCall::TCallType callType = connectedCall->Call().Parameters().CallType();
- if ( callType == CCPCall::ECallTypePS )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::SendMessage -> EPEMessageRemotePartyInfoChanged->update call type to PS");
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallType( EPECallTypeVoIP, aCallId );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetServiceIdCommand( connectedCall->Call().Parameters().ServiceId() );
- iCallOpenParams->SetCallType( CCPCall::ECallTypePS);
- }
- else if ( callType == CCPCall::ECallTypeCSVoice )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::SendMessage -> EPEMessageRemotePartyInfoChanged->update call type to CS");
- iCallOpenParams->SetCallType( CCPCall::ECallTypeCSVoice );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetServiceIdCommand( 1 );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallType( EPECallTypeCSVoice, aCallId );
- }
- }
- }
- // Flow throught
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIncoming:
- {
- CPESingleCall* callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if( callData )
- {
- MCCECall& call = callData->Call();
- iModel.DataStore()->SetRemotePartyName( call.RemotePartyName(), aCallId );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetRemotePhoneNumber( call.RemoteParty().Left( KPEPhoneNumberMaxLength ), aCallId );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallIndex(call.CallIndex(), aCallId );
- }
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageForwardUnconditionalModeActive:
- {
- UpdateSaSetting();
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageUnattendedTransferRequest:
- {
- CPESingleCall* call = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( NULL != call, Panic( EPEPanicIllegalCommand ) );
- if ( call )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetUnattendedTransferTarget(
- call->UnattendedTransferTarget(), aCallId );
- }
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageALSLineChanged:
- {
- SetActiveLine();
- break;
- }
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageMovedPermanently:
- case MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageMultipleChoices:
- {
- /* Incoming moved permanently request from server,
- * store target addresses for later use
- */
- CPESingleCall* call = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( NULL != call, Panic( EPEPanicIllegalCommand ) );
- if ( call )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetForwardAddressChoices(
- call->ForwardAddressChoices(), aCallId );
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- // Other messages cause no action.
- break;
- }
- if( aCallId != KPECallIdNotUsed )
- {
- // Preferred to be before sendmessage
- // f.e active idle update before display to screen
- iSystemCallState->NotifySystemCallStateChanged( aMessage, aCallId );
- }
- if ( errorCode )
- {
- SendErrorMessage( aCallId, errorCode );
- }
- else
- {
- iModel.SendMessage( aMessage, aCallId );
- }
- // Call obect deleting in idle state is handled here because phoneengine
- // uses call object during idle state handling
- if( aMessage == MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageIdle )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::SendMessage DeleteCallObject %d", aCallId );
- iCallArrayOwner->DeleteCallObject( aCallId );
- }
- else if( aMessage == MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConferenceIdle )
- {
- delete iConferenceCall;
- iConferenceCall = NULL;
- if ( iReplaceActive )
- {
- AnswerCall();
- iReplaceActive = EFalse;
- }
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::AnswerCall
-// Answers an incoming call
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::AnswerCall()
- {
- TInt callIndex;
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- CPESingleCall* connectedCall;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- callData = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateRinging, callIndex );
- connectedCall = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateConnected );
- if( connectedCall && !iReplaceActive )
- {
- CCPCall::TCallType callType = connectedCall->Call().Parameters().CallType();
- "CALL CPECallHandling::AnswerCall EPEStateConnected type %d", callType );
- if( callType == CCPCall::ECallTypeVideo )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::AnswerCall ECCPErrorNotAllowed" );
- return ECCPErrorNotAllowed;
- }
- }
- if ( callData )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::AnswerCall > CPESingleCall::Answer %d",
- callData->GetCallId() );
- errorCode = callData->Answer();
- }
- else
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::AnswerCall > iVideoCallHandling->AnswerCall");
- errorCode = iVideoCallHandling->AnswerCall();
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::DialCall
-// creates dial request to the CPESingleCall object
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::DialCall(
- const TPEPhoneNumber& aNumber,
- TInt& aCallId )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DialCall" );
- CPESingleCall* callData( NULL );
- TInt errorCode( KErrNone );
- // If there is allready video call, one dial in connecting, dialing or disconnecting state,
- // we just ignore new dial request and send KErrInUse back to UI
- if( iDialRequest )
- {
- // Dial request already send, waiting for dialing state.
- errorCode = KErrGeneral;
- }
- else if ( IsDialAllowed ( EFalse ) )
- {
- // Set user to user info call params.
- // Set user to user info call params.
- const CCCECallParameters& params = iModel.DataStore()->CallParameters();
- iCallOpenParams->SetBearer( params.Bearer() );
- iCallOpenParams->SetSubAddress( params.SubAddress() );
- iCallOpenParams->SetOrigin( params.Origin() );
- iCallOpenParams->SetUUSId( iModel.DataStore()->UserToUserInformation() );
- TRAP( errorCode, callData = OpenNewCallL( aNumber ) );
- if( errorCode == KErrNone )
- {
- if( iModel.DataStore()->CallOriginCommand() == EPECallOriginSAT )
- {
- // disable number matching for SAT calls
- callData->DisableFDNCheck();
- }
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DialCall > Dial" );
- iDialRequest = ETrue;
- errorCode = callData->Dial( aNumber );
- if ( errorCode != KErrNone )
- {
- iDialRequest = EFalse;
- // Dial failed: clean up
- ReleaseCallObject( callData->GetCallId() );
- }
- else
- {
- // Dial request passed on successfully: forward new call id
- aCallId = callData->GetCallId();
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- errorCode = KErrInUse;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::DialMultimedia
-// creates dial request to the CPESingleCall object
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::DialMultimedia(
- const TPEPhoneNumber& aNumber,
- TInt& aCallId
- )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DialMultimedia");
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNone );
- // If there is allready call, one dial in connecting, dialing or disconnecting state,
- // we just ignore new dial request and send KErrInUse back to UI
- if ( IsDialAllowed ( ETrue ) )
- {
- errorCode = iVideoCallHandling->DialCall( aNumber, aCallId );
- }
- else
- {
- errorCode = ECCPErrorAlreadyInUse;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::IsDialAllowed
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPECallHandling::IsDialAllowed( TBool aMultimediaDial )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::IsDialAllowed");
- CPESingleCall* call = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateConnected );
- CPESingleCall* heldCall = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateHeld );
- TBool status = EFalse;
- if( ( call || heldCall ) && aMultimediaDial )
- {
- // A call was found when tried video call
- }
- else if( call && iVideoCallHandling->IsMultimedia( call->GetCallId() ) )
- {
- // A video call was found when tried voice or video call
- }
- else if( iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateDialing ) )
- {
- // A dialing call was found
- }
- else if( iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateConnecting ) )
- {
- // A connecting call was found
- }
- else if( iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateDisconnecting ) )
- {
- // A disconnecting call was found
- }
- else if( ( iConferenceCall && iConferenceCall->GetCallState() == EPEStateConnectedConference && ( heldCall ) ) ||
- ( iConferenceCall && iConferenceCall->GetCallState() == EPEStateHeldConference && ( call ) ) )
- {
- // coference and single call found
- }
- else
- {
- status = ETrue; // Dial allowed
- }
- return status;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::HangUp
-// Terminates an ongoing call
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::HangUp(
- TInt aCallId,
- TPEHangUpOptions aAutoResumeOption )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING3( KTAMESINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::HangUp aCallId= %d aAutoResumeOption= %d ", aCallId, aAutoResumeOption );
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- CPESingleCall* heldcall = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateHeld );
- if( aAutoResumeOption == ETPEHangUpResumeHeldCall )
- {
- if( heldcall )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetResumeHeldCall( ETrue, heldcall->GetCallId() );
- }
- else if( iConferenceCall && ( iConferenceCall->GetCallState() == EPEStateHeldConference ) )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetResumeHeldCall( ETrue, KPEConferenceCallID );
- }
- }
- else if( aAutoResumeOption == ETPEHangUpNotResumeHeldCall )
- {
- if( heldcall )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetResumeHeldCall( EFalse, heldcall->GetCallId() );
- }
- else if( iConferenceCall && ( iConferenceCall->GetCallState() == EPEStateHeldConference ) )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetResumeHeldCall( EFalse, KPEConferenceCallID );
- }
- }
- if ( CallIdCheck::IsVoice( aCallId ))
- {
- CPESingleCall* callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if( callData )
- {
- // conference call that is not yet created, must be cancelled.
- if( iConferenceCall && iConferenceCall->GetCallState() == EPEStateCreatingConference )
- {
- "CPECallHandling::HangUp Delete conference call.");
- delete iConferenceCall;
- iConferenceCall = NULL;
- }
- errorCode = callData->HangUp();
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- else if ( CallIdCheck::IsVideo( aCallId ) )
- {
- errorCode = iVideoCallHandling->HangUp( aCallId );
- }
- else if ( CallIdCheck::IsConference( aCallId ) )
- {
- if( iConferenceCall )
- {
- errorCode = iConferenceCall->HangUp();
- }
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::TerminateAllConnections
-// Terminates all ringing voice and data calls
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::TerminateAllConnections()
- {
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- TPEState callState;
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::TerminateAllConnections");
- RejectCall(); // Rejects ringing call if one exists.
- if ( iConferenceCall )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::TerminateAllConnections: Hanging Up conference call" );
- iConferenceCall->HangUp();
- }
- // Hangup normal Voice Calls
- for( TInt callId = 0; callId < KPEMaximumNumberOfVoiceCalls; callId++ )
- {
- callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( callId );
- if( callData )
- {
- callState = callData->GetCallState();
- if ( callState != EPEStateIdle )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::TerminateAllConnections: Hanging Up call id %d...",
- callId );
- callData->HangUp();
- }
- }
- }
- //Terminate all ringing data calls, connected data calls and packet data connections
- return iVideoCallHandling->TerminateAllConnections();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::UpdatePhoneIdentity
-// Method updates phone identity
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::UpdatePhoneIdentity(
- MEngineMonitor::TPEMessagesFromPhoneEngine /*aMessage*/ )
- {
- TInt retValue( KErrNone );
- CSInfo csinfo;
- retValue = iConvergedCallEngine.GetCSInfo( csinfo );
- TPEPhoneIdentityParameters phoneIdentityParameters;
- phoneIdentityParameters.iSerialNumber = csinfo.iSerialNumber;
- iModel.DataStore()->SetPhoneIdentityParameters( phoneIdentityParameters );
- SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageShowIMEI );
- return retValue;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::IsCallInState
-// returns ETrue if there is a call in given state; otherwise EFalse
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPECallHandling::IsCallInState( TPEState aState ) const
- {
- TBool isCallInState( EFalse );
- iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( aState ) ? isCallInState = ETrue : isCallInState = EFalse;
- return isCallInState;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetCallIdByState
-// returns return callid is there is a call; otherwise KPECallIdNotUsed( -1 ).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::GetCallIdByState( TPEState aState ) const
- {
- TInt callId( KPECallIdNotUsed );
- CPESingleCall* call = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( aState );
- if( call )
- {
- callId = call->GetCallId();
- }
- "CALL CPECallHandling::GetCallIdByState: callid %d",
- callId );
- return callId;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetMissedCall
-// Returns the missed voice call indicator.
-// Method checks that call id is valid number
-// Method gets CPECallData object from the CArrayPtrFlat and
-// Method gets the missed voice call indicator from CPECallData object
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::GetMissedCall(
- TBool& aMissedCall,
- TInt aCallId )
- {
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- CPESingleCall* voiceCall = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if( voiceCall )
- {
- errorCode = voiceCall->GetMissedCall( aMissedCall );
- }
- else
- {
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EPEPanicIllegalCommand) );
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetCallInfo
-// Returns call info
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::GetCallInfo(
- RMobileCall::TMobileCallInfoV3& aCallInfo,
- TInt aCallId )
- {
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- if ( CallIdCheck::IsVoice( aCallId ))
- {
- callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if( callData )
- {
- errorCode = callData->GetCallInfo( aCallInfo );
- }
- else
- {
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EPEPanicIllegalCommand) );
- }
- }
- else if ( CallIdCheck::IsVideo( aCallId ) )
- {
- errorCode = iVideoCallHandling->GetCallInfo( aCallInfo, aCallId );
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetCallState
-// Returns call state
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TPEState CPECallHandling::GetCallState(
- TInt aCallId )
- {
- TPEState callState( EPEStateUnknown );
- if ( CallIdCheck::IsConference( aCallId ) )
- {
- if( iConferenceCall )
- {
- callState = iConferenceCall->GetCallState();
- }
- else
- {
- callState = EPEStateConferenceIdle;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CPESingleCall* callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if( callData )
- {
- callState = callData->GetCallState();
- }
- else
- {
- callState = EPEStateIdle;
- }
- }
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::GetCallState, callState: %d", callState );
- return callState;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetNumberOfCalls
-// Returns number of non-idle calls
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::GetNumberOfCalls()
- {
- // Count ongoing calls
- return iCallArrayOwner->ActiveCallCount();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetCallDuration
-// Returns voice call duration.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::GetCallDuration(
- TTimeIntervalSeconds& aDuration,
- TInt aCallId )
- {
- TInt errorCode( KErrNone );
- if ( CallIdCheck::IsVoice( aCallId ))
- {
- CPESingleCall* callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if( callData )
- {
- callData->GetCallDuration( aDuration );
- }
- else
- {
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EPEPanicIllegalCommand) );
- }
- }
- else if ( CallIdCheck::IsVideo( aCallId ) )
- {
- iVideoCallHandling->GetCallDuration( aDuration, aCallId );
- }
- else if ( CallIdCheck::IsConference( aCallId ) )
- {
- if( iConferenceCall )
- {
- iConferenceCall->GetCallDuration( aDuration );
- errorCode = KErrNone;
- }
- else
- {
- errorCode = ECCPErrorNotFound;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- errorCode = ECCPErrorNotFound;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::RejectCall
-// rejects the incoming call
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::RejectCall()
- {
- TInt callIndex;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- CPESingleCall* callData = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateRinging, callIndex );
- if( callIndex >= 0 )
- {
- callData->HangUp();
- errorCode = KErrNone;
- }
- else
- {
- // Data call reject
- errorCode = iVideoCallHandling->RejectCall();
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::ReleaseAll
-// Release ongoing calls
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::ReleaseAll()
- {
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- // Normal Voice Calls
- for ( TInt callId=0; callId < KPEMaximumNumberOfVoiceCalls; callId++ )
- {
- callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( callId );
- if( callData &&
- callData->GetCallState() != EPEStateIdle &&
- callData->GetCallState() != EPEStateRinging )
- {
- callData->HangUp();
- errorCode = KErrNone;
- }
- }
- // Release ongoing data calls
- errorCode ? errorCode = iVideoCallHandling->ReleaseAll() : iVideoCallHandling->ReleaseAll();
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "PE CPECallHandling::ReleaseAll, error id: %d",
- errorCode );
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::SendDtmf
-// sends dtmf string
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::SendDtmf(
- const TPEDtmfString& aDtmfString )
- {
- return iDtmfHandling->SendDtmfString( aDtmfString );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::ContinueDtmfSending
-// Continues dtmf sending after 'w'-character
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPECallHandling::ContinueDtmfSending()
- {
- iDtmfHandling->ContinueDtmfSending();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::StartDtmfTone
-// sends dtmf tone to the remote party
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::StartDtmfTone(
- const TChar& aTone )
- {
- iDtmfHandling->StartDtmfTone(aTone);
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::StopDtmfSending
-// Stops dtmf sending after 'w'-character
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPECallHandling::StopDtmfSending()
- {
- iDtmfHandling->StopDtmfSending();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::StopDtmfTone
-// stops sending dtmf tone to the remote party
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::StopDtmfTone()
- {
- iDtmfHandling->StopDtmfTone();
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::CancelDtmfPlay
-// Cancels Dtmf string sending
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPECallHandling::CancelDtmfPlay()
- {
- iDtmfHandling->CancelDtmfString();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::VoiceCallDataByState
-// returns CPESingleCall voice call object by State
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CPESingleCall* CPECallHandling::VoiceCallDataByState(
- TPEState aState,
- TInt& aIndex ) const
- {
- aIndex = KPECallIdNotUsed;
- CPESingleCall* returnValue = NULL;
- if ( aState != EPEStateIdle )
- {
- for ( TInt callId=0; callId < KPEMaximumNumberOfVoiceCalls; callId++ )
- {
- CPESingleCall* callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( callId );
- if( callData )
- {
- if ( callData->GetCallState() == aState )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::VoiceCallDataByState: , aState: %d",
- aState );
- "CALL CPECallHandling::VoiceCallDataByState: , callId: %d",
- aState );
- aIndex = callId;
- returnValue = callData;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return returnValue;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From base class MPECallInitiator
-// Initialises (incoming,external) voice call.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::InitVoiceCall( MCCECall& aNewCall )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::InitVoiceCall" );
- CPESingleCall* callData( NULL );
- TRAP_IGNORE( ( callData = iCallArrayOwner->CreateCallL( *this ) ) );
- if ( callData )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetPhoneNumber( KNullDesC() );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetServiceId( callData->GetCallId(), aNewCall.ServiceId() );
- const CCCPCallParameters& callParameters = aNewCall.Parameters();
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::InitVoiceCall call type: %d", callParameters.CallType() );
- switch ( callParameters.CallType() )
- {
- case CCPCall::ECallTypeCSVoice:
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallType( EPECallTypeCSVoice, callData->GetCallId() );
- // Set incoming Call's Als line
- const CCCECallParameters& cceparams =
- static_cast<const CCCECallParameters&> (callParameters);
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallALSLine( cceparams.LineType(), callData->GetCallId() );
- }
- break;
- case CCPCall::ECallTypePS:
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallType( EPECallTypeVoIP, callData->GetCallId() );
- }
- break;
- default:
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EPEPanicIndexOutOfRange ));
- break;
- }
- callData->SetCall( aNewCall );
- TPECallControlCaps callControlCaps;
- TInt err = GetCallControlCaps( callControlCaps, callData->GetCallId() );
- if ( err == KErrNone )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallControlCaps( callControlCaps, callData->GetCallId() );
- }
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallSecureStatus( IsSecureCall( callData->GetCallId() ), callData->GetCallId() );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetSecureSpecified( callData->SecureSpecified() );
- }
- else
- {
- Panic( EPEPanicNoFreeCalls );
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From base class MPECallInitiator
-// Initialises (incoming,external) video call.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::InitVideoCall( MCCECall& aNewCall )
- {
- iVideoCallHandling->InitCall( aNewCall );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::ConnectedCalls
-// Indicates if there is any connected calls
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPECallHandling::ConnectedCalls()
- {
- TInt index;
- return ( VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateConnected, index ) ||
- VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateHeld, index ) ||
- iVideoCallHandling->ConnectedCalls() );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::StartUp
-// Starts monitoring incoming data calls
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPECallHandling::StartUp()
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::SetCallParams
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::SetCallParams( TInt aCallId )
- {
- iCallOpenParams->SetLineType( iActiveLine );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallALSLine( iActiveLine, aCallId );
- switch ( iModel.DataStore()->CallTypeCommand() )
- {
- case EPECallTypeCSVoice:
- {
- iCallOpenParams->SetCallType( CCPCall::ECallTypeCSVoice );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetServiceIdCommand( 1 );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallType( EPECallTypeCSVoice, aCallId );
- }
- break;
- case EPECallTypeVideo:
- {
- iCallOpenParams->SetCallType( CCPCall::ECallTypeVideo);
- iModel.DataStore()->SetServiceIdCommand( 1 );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallType( EPECallTypeVideo, aCallId );
- }
- break;
- case EPECallTypeVoIP:
- {
- iCallOpenParams->SetCallType( CCPCall::ECallTypePS);
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallType( EPECallTypeVoIP, aCallId );
- //PhoneApp set service id in voip call case
- }
- break;
- case EPECallTypeUninitialized:
- default:
- iCallOpenParams->SetCallType( CCPCall::ECallTypeCSVoice);
- iModel.DataStore()->SetServiceIdCommand( 1 );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallType( EPECallTypeCSVoice, aCallId );
- break;
- }
- iCallOpenParams->SetServiceId( iModel.DataStore()->ServiceIdCommand() );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::SendMessage
-// Reroutes messages to the Phone Engine
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::SendMessage(
- const MEngineMonitor::TPEMessagesFromPhoneEngine aMessage,
- const TName& aName )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::SendMessage, message id: %d", aMessage );
- TInt callId( KPECallIdNotUsed );
- MPECall* call = iCallArrayOwner->CallByName( aName );
- if( call )
- {
- callId = call->GetCallId();
- }
- SendMessage( aMessage, callId );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::HandleInternalMessage
-// Reroutes messages to the Phone Engine
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::HandleInternalMessage(
- TInt aMessage )
- {
- iModel.HandleInternalMessage( aMessage );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::OpenNewCallL
-// returns ETrue if hangup active
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CPESingleCall* CPECallHandling::OpenNewCallL( const TPEPhoneNumber& aNumber )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::OpenNewCallL");
- TInt errorCode( KErrNone );
- CPESingleCall* callData( NULL );
- MCCECall* cceCall( NULL );
- callData = iCallArrayOwner->CreateCallL( *this );
- SetCallParams( callData->GetCallId() );
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::OpenNewCallL > CCCE::OpenNewCallL");
- TRAP( errorCode,
- cceCall = &( iConvergedCallEngine.OpenNewCallL( aNumber,
- *iCallOpenParams,
- *callData ) ) );
- if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
- {
- callData->SetCall( *cceCall );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetServiceId( callData->GetCallId(), cceCall->ServiceId() );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallSecureStatus( callData->IsSecureCall(), callData->GetCallId() );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetSecureSpecified( callData->SecureSpecified() );
- TPECallControlCaps callControlCaps;
- TInt err = GetCallControlCaps( callControlCaps, callData->GetCallId() );
- if ( err == KErrNone )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallControlCaps( callControlCaps, callData->GetCallId() );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Open new call failed
- ReleaseCallObject( callData->GetCallId() );
- User::Leave( errorCode );
- }
- return callData;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::SetActiveLine
-// Sets active line
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPECallHandling::SetActiveLine()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "PE CPECallHandling::SetActiveLine" );
- iActiveLine = iModel.DataStore()->ALSLine();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::IsSecureCall
-// Returns the call secure status
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPECallHandling::IsSecureCall( const TInt aCallId ) const
- {
- "PE CPECallHandling::IsSecureCall: aCallId = %d",
- aCallId );
- CPESingleCall* call = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( call, Panic( EPEPanicIndexOutOfRange ) );
- TBool secured( EFalse );
- if( call )
- {
- secured = call->IsSecureCall();
- }
- return secured;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetNumberOfParticipants
-// returns number of conference members
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPECallHandling::GetNumberOfParticipants(
- TInt& aCount ) // The Number of participants
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::GetNumberOfParticipants" );
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- if ( iConferenceCall )
- {
- aCount = iConferenceCall->EnumerateCalls();
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::GetNumberOfParticipants count %d", aCount );
- errorCode = KErrNone;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetConferenceMemberNameAndId
-// Returns added or removeds members TName information and CallId.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPECallHandling::GetConferenceMemberNameAndId(
- TName& aCallName, // Added or removed members TName information is returned here
- TInt& aMemberCallId ) // Added or removed members callid is returned here
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::GetConferenceMemberNameAndId" );
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- if ( iConferenceCall )
- {
- iConferenceCall->GetConferenceMemberName( aCallName );
- MPECall* call = iCallArrayOwner->CallByName( aCallName );
- if( call )
- {
- aMemberCallId = call->GetCallId();
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::GetConferenceMemberNameAndId CallId %d", aMemberCallId );
- errorCode = KErrNone;
- }
- else
- {
- aMemberCallId = -1;
- aCallName = KNullDesC;
- }
- }
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::GetConferenceMemberNameAndId errorCode %d", errorCode );
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetCallControlCaps
-// returns call info
-// Method checks that call id is valid number
-// Method gets CPESingleCall object from the CArrayPtrFlat and
-// Method gets call info from CPESingleCall object
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPECallHandling::GetCallControlCaps(
- TPECallControlCaps& aCallControlCaps,
- TInt aCallId )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::GetCallControlCaps %d", aCallId );
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- MCCECallObserver::TCCECallControlCaps callControlCaps;
- callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if ( callData )
- {
- callData->GetCallControlCaps( callControlCaps );
- aCallControlCaps = static_cast<TPECallControlCaps>( callControlCaps );
- errorCode = KErrNone;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetConferenceCallCaps
-// returns conference call capabilities
-// Checks that call id is valid and gets CPEConferenceCall object and calls its method
-// to get capabilities
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPECallHandling::GetConferenceCallCaps(
- TUint32& aCaps ) // capabilities are returned in this parameter
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::GetConferenceCallCaps" );
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- if ( iConferenceCall )
- {
- aCaps = iConferenceCall->CallCaps();
- errorCode = KErrNone;
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::AddMember
-// Adds member to the conference call
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPECallHandling::AddMember(
- TInt aCallId )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::AddMember %d", aCallId );
- TInt errorCode( KErrNone );
- TRAP( errorCode, AddMemberL( aCallId ));
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::AddMemberL
-// Adds member to the conference call
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::AddMemberL(
- TInt aCallId )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::AddMemberL" );
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if ( callData && iConferenceCall && CallIdCheck::IsVoice( aCallId ))
- {
- iConferenceCall->AddCallL( callData->Call() );
- }
- else
- {
- User::Leave( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::CallTerminatedError
-// Handles RemoteTerminated.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::CallTerminatedError(
- const TInt aCallId )
- {
- TInt errorCode( KErrNone );
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::CallTerminatedError" );
- CPESingleCall* callObject = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if ( callObject )
- {
- callObject->GetErrorCode( errorCode );
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::BuildConference
-// creates conference call
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::BuildConference()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::BuildConference" );
- TInt heldcallid;
- CPESingleCall* heldcall( NULL );
- TInt connectedcallid;
- CPESingleCall* connectedcall( NULL );
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotAllowed );
- heldcall = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateHeld, heldcallid );
- if ( heldcall )
- {
- connectedcall = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateConnected, connectedcallid );
- if ( connectedcall )
- {
- TRAP( errorCode, CreateConferenceCallL( *heldcall, *connectedcall ) );
- }
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::SwapCalls
-// resumes a held call
-// Method search active and held call
-// Method gets CPESingleCall object from the CArrayPtrFlat and
-// Method checks that call is in held state
-// Method makes swap request to CPESingleCall object.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::SwapCalls()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::SwapCalls" );
- TInt callIndex;
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- if ( ( iConferenceCall ) &&
- ( iConferenceCall->GetCallState() == EPEStateConnectedConference ) )
- {
- errorCode = iConferenceCall->Swap();
- }
- else
- {
- callData = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateConnected, callIndex );
- if( callData )
- {
- errorCode = callData->Swap();
- }
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::AddConferenceMember
-// Handles add conference member
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::AddConferenceMember()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::AddConferenceMember" );
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- TPEState callState;
- // Checks that call is single call and state of call is connected or held
- for( TInt callId = 0; callId < KPEMaximumNumberOfVoiceCalls; callId++ )
- {
- callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( callId );
- if( callData )
- {
- // Check that call is not already join to Conference
- if ( iModel.DataStore()->IsConferenceMemberId( callId ) == KPECallIdNotUsed )
- {
- callState = callData->GetCallState();
- if ( callState == EPEStateConnected || callState == EPEStateHeld )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::AddConferenceMember > AddMember, CallId = %d"
- , callId );
- errorCode = AddMember( callId );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::DropMember
-// drops member from the conference call
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::DropMember(
- TInt aCallId )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DropMember %d", aCallId );
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- if ( CallIdCheck::IsVoice( aCallId ))
- {
- callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if ( callData )
- {
- callData->HangUp();
- errorCode = KErrNone;
- }
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GoOneToOne
-// Splits one call to private conversation.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::GoOneToOne(
- TInt aCallId )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::GoOneToOne %d", aCallId );
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- if ( iConferenceCall && callData )
- {
- TRAP( errorCode, iConferenceCall->GoOneToOneL( callData->Call() ) );
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::HoldCall
-// holds an active call
-// Method checks that call id is valid number and
-// Method gets CPESingleCall object from the CArrayPtrFlat and
-// Method checks that call is in connected state
-// Method makes hold request to CPESingleCall object.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::HoldCall()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::HoldCall" );
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- TInt callIndex;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotAllowed );
- if ( iConferenceCall && ( iConferenceCall->GetCallState() == EPEStateConnectedConference ) )
- {
- // hold was explicitly requested by the user,
- // update information to engine info
- iModel.DataStore()->SetResumeHeldCall( EFalse, KPEConferenceCallID );
- errorCode = iConferenceCall->Swap();
- }
- else
- {
- callData = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateConnected, callIndex );
- if( callData )
- {
- // hold was explicitly requested by the user,
- // update information to engine info
- iModel.DataStore()->SetResumeHeldCall( EFalse, callIndex );
- errorCode = callData->Hold();
- }
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::ResumeCall
-// resumes a held call
-// Method checks that call id is valid number and
-// Method gets CPESingleCall object from the CArrayPtrFlat and
-// Method checks that call is in held state
-// Method makes resume request to CPESingleCall object.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::ResumeCall()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::ResumeCall" );
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- TInt callIndex;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotAllowed );
- if ( iConferenceCall && ( iConferenceCall->GetCallState() == EPEStateHeldConference ) )
- {
- // resume was explicitly requested by the user, update information to engine info
- iModel.DataStore()->SetResumeHeldCall( ETrue, KPEConferenceCallID );
- errorCode = iConferenceCall->Swap();
- }
- else
- {
- callData = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateHeld, callIndex );
- if( callData )
- {
- // resume was explicitly requested by the user, update information to engine info
- iModel.DataStore()->SetResumeHeldCall( ETrue, callIndex );
- errorCode = callData->Resume();
- }
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::TransferCalls
-// transfers the held party to the active party
-// Method search active and held call
-// Method gets CPESingleCall object from the CArrayPtrFlat and
-// Method checks that call is in held state
-// Method makes transfer request to CPESingleCall object.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::TransferCalls()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::TransferCalls" );
- TInt callIndex;
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- CPESingleCall* callDataHeld;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotAllowed );
- callDataHeld = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateHeld, callIndex );
- if( callDataHeld && !iConferenceCall )
- { // found one held call
- callData = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateConnected, callIndex );
- if ( callData ) // found the connected call
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::TransferCalls > Transfer" );
- callDataHeld->Transfer( callData->Call().DialledParty() );
- errorCode = KErrNone;
- }
- else
- {
- callData = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateConnecting, callIndex );
- if ( callData ) // The connecting call found
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::TransferCalls > Transfer" );
- callDataHeld->Transfer( callData->Call().DialledParty() );
- errorCode = KErrNone;
- }
- }
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::DialEmergencyCall
-// creates emergency dial request to the CPESingleCall object
-// Method gets CPESingleCall object from the CArrayPtrFlat
-// Method makes emergency dial request
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CPECallHandling::DialEmergencyCall( const TPEPhoneNumber& aEmergencyNumber )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DialEmergencyCall" );
- SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageInitiatedEmergencyCall );
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DialEmergencyCall start emergency dialing" );
- CPESingleCall* callData = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( KPEEmergencyCallId );
- callData->DialEmergency( aEmergencyNumber );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetCallTerminatedDiagnostics
-// Returns call terminated diagnostics of a call
-// Method returns valid info only after call state has changed to Idle.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::GetCallTerminatedDiagnostics(
- TName& /*aCallName*/ ) const
- {
- TInt diagnosticsInfo = 0/*iCustomAPI.GetDiagnosticInfo( aCallName )*/;
- "CALL CPECallHandling::GetCallTerminatedDiagnostics: RMmCustomAPI::GetDiagnosticInfo, diagnosticInfo: %d",
- diagnosticsInfo );
- return diagnosticsInfo;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::CreateConferenceCallL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::CreateConferenceCallL(
- CPESingleCall& aCall1,
- CPESingleCall& aCall2 )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::CreateConferenceCallL start" );
- if( !iConferenceCall )
- {
- iConferenceCall = CPEConferenceCall::NewL( *this, iConvergedCallEngine );
- iConferenceCall->SetCallId( KPEConferenceCallID );
- iConferenceCall->AddCallL( aCall1.Call() );
- iConferenceCall->AddCallL( aCall2.Call() );
- InitialiseConferenceCallInfo( aCall1.Call(), aCall2.Call() );
- }
- else
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAERROR, "CALL CPECallHandling::CreateConferenceCallL already exist" );
- User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
- }
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::CreateConferenceCallL end" );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::GetLifeTime
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CPECallHandling::GetLifeTime( TDes8& aLifeTimeInfo )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::GetLifeTime" );
- return iConvergedCallEngine.GetLifeTime( aLifeTimeInfo );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::UpdateSaSetting
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::UpdateSaSetting()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::UpdateSaSetting start" );
- TUnconditionalCFStatus status( KCFIndicatorUnknown );
- TSelectedLine line( ENotSupportedLine );
- CCCECallParameters::TCCELineType lineType( CCCECallParameters::ECCELineTypePrimary );
- CPESingleCall* call( NULL );
- TCallDivertNotifySetting notifySet;
- notifySet.Initialize();
- notifySet.iCfActivated = ETrue;
- // Get dialing call object
- call = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateDialing );
- // Determinate als support and used line
- lineType = iModel.DataStore()->ALSLine();
- if( iModel.DataStore()->ALSLineSupport() )
- {
- if( CCCECallParameters::ECCELineTypePrimary == lineType )
- {
- line = EPrimaryLine;
- }
- else
- {
- line = EAuxiliaryLine;
- }
- }
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::UpdateSaSetting line %d", line );
- // Determinate basic service code
- notifySet.iBasicServiceCode = DefineDivertBsc( lineType, call );
- // Create phonesetting connection
- if( !iPsetSAObserver )
- {
- TRAPD( errorCode, iPsetSAObserver = CPsetSAObserver::NewL() );
- if( errorCode != KErrNone )
- {
- "CALL CPECallHandling::UpdateSaSetting FAIL with error %d",
- errorCode );
- return;
- }
- }
- // Get diver status
- TInt error = iPsetSAObserver->GetCurrentDivertStatus( status );
- if ( error != KErrNone )
- {
- status = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
- }
- notifySet.iPreviousCfStatus = status;
- // Update dovert indicator.
- iPsetSAObserver->NotifyDivertChange(
- line,
- notifySet,
- 0 );
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::UpdateSaSetting end" );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::DefineDivertBsc
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPECallHandling::DefineDivertBsc( CCCECallParameters::TCCELineType aLineType,
- CPESingleCall* call )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DefineDivertBsc start" );
- TInt bsc( EAllTele );
- if ( !call )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DefineDivertBsc EUnknown" );
- bsc = EUnknown;
- return bsc;
- }
- else if ( call->Call().Parameters().CallType() == CCPCall::ECallTypeVideo )
- {
- // If initiated call is video set bsc as ESyncData.
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DefineDivertBsc ESyncData" );
- bsc = ESyncData;
- return bsc;
- }
- switch ( aLineType )
- {
- case CCCECallParameters::ECCELineTypePrimary:
- // Call is done using line 1.
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DefineDivertBsc EAllTele" );
- bsc = EAllTele;
- break;
- case CCCECallParameters::ECCELineTypeAux:
- // Call is done using line 2.
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DefineDivertBsc EAltTele" );
- bsc = EAltTele;
- break;
- default:
- // Defauld case no alternate line service.
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DefineDivertBsc EAllTele default" );
- bsc = EAllTele;
- break;
- }
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DefineDivertBsc end, bsc = %d", bsc );
- return bsc;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::ReplaceActive
-// Terminates an active call and answer waiting call
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::ReplaceActive()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::ReplaceActive");
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotFound );
- TInt callIdConnected = KPECallIdNotUsed;
- CPESingleCall* replacingcall = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateRinging );
- if( iConferenceCall && iConferenceCall->GetCallState() == EPEStateConnectedConference )
- {
- callIdConnected = iConferenceCall->GetCallId();
- }
- else
- {
- CPESingleCall* connectedcall = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateConnected );
- if ( connectedcall )
- {
- callIdConnected = connectedcall->GetCallId();
- }
- }
- if ( callIdConnected != KPECallIdNotUsed && replacingcall )
- {
- if( CallIdCheck::IsConference( callIdConnected ) || CallIdCheck::IsVoice( callIdConnected ) )
- {
- iReplaceActive = ETrue;
- errorCode = HangUp( callIdConnected , ETPEHangUpNotResumeHeldCall );
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAMESINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::ReplaceActive HangUp error %d", errorCode );
- if ( !CallIdCheck::IsConference( callIdConnected ) && errorCode == KErrNone ) // Conference replace when idle
- {
- errorCode = AnswerCall();
- iReplaceActive = EFalse;
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAMESINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::ReplaceActive AnswerCall error %d", errorCode );
- }
- else if ( errorCode != KErrNone )
- {
- iReplaceActive = EFalse;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- errorCode = iVideoCallHandling->ReplaceActive( callIdConnected );
- TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAMESINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::ReplaceActive DataCallHandling::ReplaceActive error %d", errorCode );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::AcceptUnattendedTransfer
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::AcceptUnattendedTransfer()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::AcceptUnattendedTransfer" );
- TInt callId = iModel.DataStore()->CallId();
- CPESingleCall* call = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( callId );
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( NULL != call, Panic( EPEPanicIllegalCommand ) );
- if ( NULL != call )
- {
- return call->AcceptUnattendedTransfer();
- }
- else
- {
- return KErrNotFound;
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::RejectUnattendedTransfer
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::RejectUnattendedTransfer()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAMESINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::RejectUnattendedTransfer" );
- TInt callId = iModel.DataStore()->CallId();
- CPESingleCall* call = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( callId );
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( NULL != call, Panic( EPEPanicIllegalCommand ) );
- if ( NULL != call )
- {
- return call->RejectUnattendedTransfer();
- }
- else
- {
- return KErrNotFound;
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::DoUnattendedTransfer
-// Does unattended transfer request for the connected VoIP call
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::DoUnattendedTransfer( const TDesC& aTransferTarget )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::DoUnattendedTransfer" );
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- TInt callIndex;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotAllowed );
- callData = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateConnected, callIndex );
- if( callData )
- {
- errorCode = callData->UnattendedTransfer( aTransferTarget );
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::ForwardCallToAddress
-// Forwards call by user selected address
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TInt CPECallHandling::ForwardCallToAddress( TInt aIndex )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::ForwardCallToAddress" );
- CPESingleCall* callData;
- TInt callIndex;
- TInt errorCode( ECCPErrorNotAllowed );
- callData = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateDialing, callIndex );
- if ( NULL == callData )
- {
- callData = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateConnecting, callIndex );
- }
- if ( NULL == callData )
- {
- callData = VoiceCallDataByState( EPEStateConnected, callIndex );
- }
- if( callData )
- {
- errorCode = callData->ForwardCallToAddress( aIndex );
- }
- return errorCode;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::SecureSpecified
-// Returns the call secure specified status
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CPECallHandling::SecureSpecified( const TInt aCallId ) const
- {
- CPESingleCall* call = iCallArrayOwner->GetCallObject( aCallId );
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( call, Panic( EPEPanicIndexOutOfRange ) );
- TBool secureSpecified( ETrue );
- if( call )
- {
- secureSpecified = call->SecureSpecified();
- }
- "PE CPECallHandling::SecureSpecified securespecified:%d aCallId:%d",
- secureSpecified, aCallId );
- return secureSpecified;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::InitConferenceCall
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::InitConferenceCall( MCCEConferenceCall& aConference )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::InitConferenceCall start" );
- if( iConferenceCall )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::InitConferenceCall already exist" );
- delete iConferenceCall;
- iConferenceCall = NULL;
- }
- TRAPD( error, ( iConferenceCall = CPEConferenceCall::NewL( *this, aConference ) ) );
- if( error != KErrNone )
- {
- SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageConferenceErrorCurrentCallsToConference );
- RPointerArray<MCCECall> callArray;
- TInt err = aConference.GetCallArray( callArray );
- for( TInt index = 0 ; index < callArray.Count() ; index++ )
- {
- TRAP_IGNORE( aConference.RemoveCallL( *callArray[index] ) );
- }
- aConference.Release();
- callArray.Close();
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAERROR, "CALL CPECallHandling::InitConferenceCall FAIL" );
- }
- else
- {
- iConferenceCall->SetCallId( KPEConferenceCallID );
- RPointerArray<MCCECall> callArray;
- TInt err = aConference.GetCallArray( callArray );
- if( err == KErrNone && callArray.Count() >= 2 )
- {
- InitialiseConferenceCallInfo( *callArray[0], *callArray[1] );
- iConferenceCall->CallStateChanged( MCCEConferenceCallObserver::ECCEConferenceActive );
- }
- callArray.Close();
- }
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::InitConferenceCall end" );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::CallOwner
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C MPECallOwner& CPECallHandling::CallOwner() const
- {
- return *iCallArrayOwner;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::InitialiseConferenceCallInfo
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::InitialiseConferenceCallInfo(
- MCCECall& aCall1,
- MCCECall& aCall2 )
- {
- TTimeIntervalSeconds call1Duration, call2Duration;
- call1Duration = aCall1.CallDuration();
- call2Duration = aCall2.CallDuration();
- // Set conference call duration to match the longest running call.
- // If this is not done, zero call duration is shown in case the
- // conference call fails or user rejects it instantly
- // --- See CPEGsmMessageHandler::HandleConferenceIdleState how
- // the duration is handled in these scenarios.
- if ( call1Duration > call2Duration )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallDuration( call1Duration.Int(), KPEConferenceCallID );
- }
- else
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallDuration( call2Duration.Int(), KPEConferenceCallID );
- }
- if ( aCall1.Parameters().CallType()
- == CCPCall::ECallTypeCSVoice )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallType( EPECallTypeCSVoice, KPEConferenceCallID );
- }
- else if ( aCall1.Parameters().CallType()
- == CCPCall::ECallTypePS )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallType( EPECallTypeVoIP, KPEConferenceCallID );
- }
- __ASSERT_DEBUG( aCall1.ServiceId() == aCall2.ServiceId(),
- Panic( EPEPanicInvalidParameter ) );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetServiceId( KPEConferenceCallID, aCall1.ServiceId() );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::HandleAutoResume
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::HandleAutoResume()
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::HandleAutoResume" );
- if ( iConferenceCall && ( iConferenceCall->GetCallState() == EPEStateHeldConference ) )
- {
- // Check that no conference + single case
- CPESingleCall* callData = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateConnected );
- if( !callData && iModel.DataStore()->ResumeHeldCall( KPEConferenceCallID ))
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::HandleAutoResume conference" );
- iConferenceCall->Swap();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CPESingleCall* callData = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateHeld );
- // Check that no actice and held call, if waiting call gets idle
- CPESingleCall* connectedCallData = iCallArrayOwner->CallPointerByState( EPEStateConnected );
- if( callData && ( iModel.DataStore()->ResumeHeldCall( callData->GetCallId() ) )
- && !connectedCallData )
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::HandleAutoResume single" );
- callData->Resume();
- }
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::ReleaseCallObject
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CPECallHandling::ReleaseCallObject( const TInt aCallId )
- {
- TInt error(KErrNone);
- "CALL CPECallHandling::ReleaseCallObject ReleaseCallObject %d", aCallId );
- error = iCallArrayOwner->DeleteCallObject( aCallId );
- // Reset datastore to prevent invalid usage in next call
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::ReleaseCallObject, Reset CallInfo" );
- iModel.DataStore()->ResetCallInfo( aCallId );
- return error;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CPECallHandling::SetCallOrigin
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CPECallHandling::SetCallOrigin( const TInt aCallId, const MCCECall& aCall ) const
- {
- TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CALL CPECallHandling::SetCallOrigin" );
- //ToDo: casting not needed when CCE API is fixed.
- const CCCPCallParameters& parameters = aCall.Parameters();
- CCPCall::TCallType callType = parameters.CallType();
- if ( callType == CCPCall::ECallTypeCSVoice || callType == CCPCall::ECallTypeVideo )
- {
- const CCCECallParameters& params = static_cast<const CCCECallParameters&>( parameters );
- if ( params.Origin() == CCCECallParameters::ECCECallOriginSAT )
- {
- iModel.DataStore()->SetCallOrigin( EPECallOriginSAT, aCallId );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetRemoteName( params.AlphaId(), aCallId );
- iModel.DataStore()->SetRemotePhoneNumber( KNullDesC(), aCallId );
- }
- }
- }
-// End of File