changeset 36 2eacb6118286
parent 30 ebdbd102c78a
child 37 ba76fc04e6c2
--- a/phoneplugins/csplugin/inc/cspconferencecall.h	Fri May 14 15:51:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Implements CSPConferenceCall for CS Call Plug-in
-#include <mccpconferencecall.h>
-#include <mccpconferencecallobserver.h>
-#include <mccpcallobserver.h>
-#include <mccpcscall.h>
-#include <etel.h>
-#include <etelmm.h>
-#include "mcspconferencestatusobserver.h"
-#include "cspconsts.h"
-#include "cspetelconferencecallrequester.h" // For the requester and TConferenceRequestType
-class MCCPForwardProvider;
-class MCCPTransferProvider;
-class MCCPObserver;
-class MCSPCallInformation;
-class CSPConferenceCallObserver;
-class RMobileConferenceCall;
-class CSPEtelConferenceStatusMonitor; 
-class CSPEtelConferenceEventMonitor;
-class CSPEtelConferenceCapsMonitor;
-* Call class for CS Call Plug-in. Implements the API defined by CCP in classes
-* MCCPCall and MCCPCSCall
-*  @lib csplugin.dll
-class CSPConferenceCall : public CBase,
-                          public MCCPConferenceCall,
-                          public MCSPConferenceStatusObserver
-    {
-    public:
-        /*
-        * Creates a new CSPConferenceCall object.
-        * @param aPhone reference to phone object
-        * @return pointer to created call object
-        * @param aServiceId the service id
-        */
-        static CSPConferenceCall* NewL( 
-                              RMobilePhone& aPhone,
-                              MCSPCallInformation& aCallInfo,
-                              TUint32 aServiceId );
-        /*
-        * C++ default destructor
-        */
-        virtual ~CSPConferenceCall( );
-        /** 
-        * Getter for observer
-        * @return observer for CS calls.
-        */
-        MCCPCallObserver* Observer() const;
-        /**
-        * Notifies call specific event to observers.
-        * @param aEvent conference event that was occurred
-        * @param aCallName the name of the related call object
-        */        
-        void NotifyEvent( 
-            MCCPConferenceCallObserver::TCCPConferenceCallEvent aEvent,
-            TName& aCallName );
-        /**
-        * Notifies non-'call specific' event to observers.
-        * @param aEvent conference event that was occurred,
-        */        
-        void NotifyEvent( 
-            MCCPConferenceCallObserver::TCCPConferenceCallEvent aEvent );
-        /**
-        * Notifies about conference call request related errors.
-        */
-        void NotifyConferenceError( TCCPConferenceCallError aErr );
-        /**
-        * Handles caps change.
-        * @param aNewCaps new caps
-        */
-        void ConferenceCapsChanged( TUint32 aNewCaps );
-// from base class MCSPConferenceStatusObserver
-        /**
-        * From MCSPConferenceStatusObserver.
-        * Notifies event to observers.
-        * @param aStatus new status of the conference call
-        */        
-        void NotifyStateChange( 
-            MCSPConferenceStatusObserver::TCSPConferenceState aStatus );
-// from base class MCCPConferenceCall
-        /**
-        * From MCCPConferenceCall.
-        * Adds new call to conference call.
-        * @param aCall Call to be added to conference
-        * @return Leaves in case of an error. 
-        * KErrArgument, KErrNoMemory
-        */
-        void AddCallL( MCCPCall* aCall );
-        /**
-        * From MCCPConferenceCall.
-        * Removes call from conference call.
-        * @param aCall Call to be removed from conference
-        * @return In error case leaves. 
-        * KErrArgument, KErrNotFound
-        */
-        void RemoveCallL( MCCPCall* aCall );
-        /**
-        * From MCCPConferenceCall.
-        * Returns number of calls in conference call.
-        * @param aCallCount Number of calls in conference.
-        * @return KErrNone if succesfull, otherwise system wide error code.
-        */
-        TInt CallCount( ) const;
-        /**
-        * From MCCPConferenceCall.
-        * Switch to a private call with one call from conference call.
-        * @param aCall Call to be removed from conference
-        * @return In error case leaves. 
-        * KErrArgument, KErrNotFound
-        */
-        void GoOneToOneL( MCCPCall& aCall );
-        /**
-        * Adds current calls (1 hold + connected )
-        * to part of conference
-        * @leave In case of an error system wide error code
-        */
-        void CurrentCallsToConferenceL();        
-        /**
-        * From MCCPConferenceCall
-        * Returns serviceId
-        * @since S60 3.2
-        * @return TUint32 ServiceId
-        */
-        TUint32 ServiceId() const;
-        /**
-        * From MCCPConferencCall
-        * Ends an ongoing call.
-        * @since S60 3.2
-        */
-        TInt HangUp();
-        /**
-        * From MCCPConferenceCall
-        * Puts the specified call on hold.
-        * @since S60 3.2
-        */
-        TInt Hold();
-        /**
-        * From MCCPConferenceCall
-        * Resumes the call.
-        * @since S60 3.2
-        */
-        TInt Resume();
-        /**
-        * From MCCPConferenceCall
-        * Swaps a connected call to its opposite state either active or on hold
-        * @since S60 3.2
-        */
-        TInt Swap();
-        /**
-        * Adds a new observer for the conference call object.
-        * @since S60 3.2
-        * @param aObserver the conference observer to be added
-        */
-        void AddObserverL( const MCCPConferenceCallObserver& aObserver );
-        /**
-        * Removes an observer.
-        * @since S60 3.2
-        * @param aObserver the observer to be removed
-        * @return system wide error code
-        */
-        TInt RemoveObserver( const MCCPConferenceCallObserver& aObserver );
-        /**
-        * Get conference participants.  
-        * @since S60 5.0 
-        * @param aCallArray array where participating calls are stored 
-        * @return system wide error code
-        */
-        TInt GetCallArray( RPointerArray<MCCPCall>& aCallArray );  
-    private:    
-        /*
-        * C++ default constructor
-        * @param aPhone handle to the ETel Phone
-        * @param aCallInfo call information 
-        * @param aServiceId service id
-        */
-        CSPConferenceCall( RMobilePhone& aPhone, 
-                           MCSPCallInformation& aCallInfo,
-                           TUint32 aServiceId  );
-        /*
-        * Constructing 2nd phase.
-        * @since S60 3.2
-        * @param aObserver the CCP call observer,
-        */
-        void ConstructL( );
-        /**
-        * Get conference state from ETel.  
-        * @since S60 5.0 
-        * @param aState param for storing conference call state  
-        * @return system wide error code
-        */
-        TInt GetConferenceCallState( 
-                MCCPConferenceCallObserver::TCCPConferenceCallState& aState ); 
-    private:
-      /**
-      * Call status monitor.
-      * Own.
-      */
-      CSPEtelConferenceStatusMonitor* iCallStatusMonitor;
-      /**
-      * Call event monitor.
-      * Own.
-      */
-      CSPEtelConferenceEventMonitor* iCallEventMonitor;
-      /**
-      * Call caps monitor.
-      * Own.
-      */
-      CSPEtelConferenceCapsMonitor* iCallCapsMonitor;
-      /**
-      * ETel call object
-      */
-      RMobileConferenceCall iCall;
-      /**
-      * ETel phone
-      */
-      RMobilePhone& iPhone;
-      /**
-      * Conference call state.
-      */ 
-      MCCPConferenceCallObserver::TCCPConferenceCallState iCallState;
-      /**
-      * Makes the asynchronic requests for various purposes.
-      */
-      CSPEtelConferenceCallRequester* iRequester;
-      /**
-      * Observer array for conference states, events and errors.
-      */      
-      RPointerArray<MCCPConferenceCallObserver> iObservers;
-      /**
-      * Call count for adding call.
-      */
-      TInt iCallCountForAddCall;
-      /**
-      * Call Information for resolving call pointers from
-      * the call names.
-      */
-      MCSPCallInformation& iCallInfo;
-      /**
-      * Service ID
-      */
-      TUint32 iServiceId;
-      /**
-      * Call name of a last call added to this conference..
-      */
-      TName iAddedCallName;
-    };
\ No newline at end of file