changeset 36 2eacb6118286
parent 30 ebdbd102c78a
child 37 ba76fc04e6c2
--- a/phonesettings/cpphonesettingsplugins/barringplugin/src/cpbarringplugingroup.cpp	Fri May 14 15:51:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,804 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- * All rights reserved.
- * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
- * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
- * at the URL "".
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
- *
- * Contributors:
- *
- * Description:  
- *
- */
-#include <hbdataformmodel.h>
-#include <hbdataformmodelitem.h>
-#include <HbCheckBox>
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QValidator>
-#include <cpitemdatahelper.h>
-#include <psetwrapper.h>
-#include <psetcallbarringwrapper.h>
-#include "cpbarringplugingroup.h"
-#include "cpplugincommon.h"
-#include "cpphonenotes.h"
-#include "cppluginlogging.h"
-const int KMaxPasswordLength = 4;
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::CpBarringPluginGroup.
- */
-CpBarringPluginGroup::CpBarringPluginGroup(CpItemDataHelper &helper)
-    :
-    CpSettingFormItemData(
-        HbDataFormModelItem::GroupItem, 
-        hbTrId("txt_phone_subhead_call_barring"), 0),
-    m_helper(helper),
-    m_pSetWrapper(0),
-    m_barringWrapper(0),
-    m_editBarringPasswordItem(0),
-    m_barringStatusRequestOngoing(false),
-    m_activeNoteId(0),
-    m_phoneNotes(0),
-    m_barringPasswordValidator(0),
-    m_delayedBarringActivationNote(false),
-    m_clickedBarringItem(NULL),
-    m_changeBarringPasswordPhase(NonePhase),
-    m_verifyPasswordValidator(NULL),
-    m_model(0)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    // Registration needed, because BarringType is used as a custom meta 
-    // information for barring items.
-    qRegisterMetaType<PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType>(
-        "PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType");
-    m_pSetWrapper.reset(new PSetWrapper(NULL));
-    m_barringWrapper = &m_pSetWrapper->callBarringWrapper(); 
-    setupConnectionsToWrapper();
-    // itemShown signal is used to trigger barring status query process 
-    helper.connectToForm(
-        SIGNAL(itemShown(QModelIndex)), 
-        this, SLOT(itemShown(QModelIndex)));
-    createBarringItems();
-    m_phoneNotes = CpPhoneNotes::instance();
-    QRegExp regExpression("\\d{4}");
-    m_barringPasswordValidator = new QRegExpValidator(regExpression, this);
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::~CpBarringPluginGroup.
- */
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    if (m_verifyPasswordValidator) {
-        delete m_verifyPasswordValidator;                    
-    }
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::itemShown.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::itemShown(const QModelIndex& item)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    CpSettingFormItemData* formItem = 
-        static_cast<CpSettingFormItemData*>(
-            qobject_cast<const HbDataFormModel*>(item.model())->itemFromIndex(item));
-    if (!formItem->property("barringType").isValid()) {
-        // Shown item does not belong to the barring settings group.
-        return;
-        }
-    m_model = const_cast<HbDataFormModel*>(qobject_cast<const HbDataFormModel*>(item.model()));
-    if (formItem == m_editBarringPasswordItem) {
-        return;
-    }
-    if (formItem->isEnabled()) {
-        // Initial status for the barring item is already queried. Do not 
-        // start querying again if user does close/open for the barring group.
-        return;
-    }
-    // start barring status query
-    m_barringRequestQueue.enqueue(formItem);
-    processBarringStatusRequestQueue();
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::setupConnectionsToWrapper.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::setupConnectionsToWrapper()
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    QObject::connect(
-        m_barringWrapper, 
-        SIGNAL(barringStatusRequestCompleted(
-            int,
-            const QList<unsigned char> &, 
-            PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringStatus)
-        ),
-        this, 
-        SLOT(barringStatusRequestCompleted(
-            int,
-            const QList<unsigned char> &, 
-            PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringStatus)
-        )
-    );
-    QObject::connect(
-        m_barringWrapper, 
-        SIGNAL(enableBarringRequestCompleted(
-            int,
-            PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType,
-            PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringStatus,
-            bool)
-        ),
-        this, 
-        SLOT(enableBarringRequestCompleted(
-            int,
-            PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType,
-            PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringStatus,
-            bool)
-        )
-    );
-    QObject::connect(
-        m_barringWrapper, 
-        SIGNAL(disableBarringRequestCompleted(
-            int,
-            PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType,
-            PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringStatus,
-            bool)
-        ),
-        this, 
-        SLOT(disableBarringRequestCompleted(
-            int,
-            PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType,
-            PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringStatus,
-            bool)
-        )
-    );
-    QObject::connect(
-        m_barringWrapper, 
-        SIGNAL(barringPasswordChangeRequestCompleted(int)),
-        this, 
-        SLOT(barringPasswordChangeRequestCompleted(int))
-    );
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::createBarringItems.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::createBarringItems()
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    createBarringItem(
-        HbDataFormModelItem::CheckBoxItem,
-        QString(""),
-        hbTrId("txt_phone_list_outgoing_calls"),
-        PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeAllOutgoing);
-    createBarringItem(
-        HbDataFormModelItem::CheckBoxItem,
-        QString(""),
-        hbTrId("txt_phone_list_international_calls"),
-        PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeOutgoingInternational);
-    createBarringItem(
-        HbDataFormModelItem::CheckBoxItem,
-        QString(""),
-        hbTrId("txt_phone_list_international_calls_except_to_home"),
-        PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeOutgoingInternationalExceptToHomeCountry);
-    createBarringItem(
-        HbDataFormModelItem::CheckBoxItem,
-        QString(""),
-        hbTrId("txt_phone_list_incoming_calls"),
-        PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeAllIncoming);
-    createBarringItem(
-        HbDataFormModelItem::CheckBoxItem,
-        QString(""),
-        hbTrId("txt_phone_list_incoming_call_when_abroad"),
-        PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeIncomingWhenRoaming);
-    // Dummy BarringTypeAllServices is used to indicate that this item belongs 
-    // to the barring settings group. Information is needed in itemShown().
-    m_editBarringPasswordItem = createBarringItem(
-        HbDataFormModelItem::ToggleValueItem,
-        hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_edit_barring_password"),
-        hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_edit_barring_password_val_edit"),
-        PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeAllServices);
-    m_editBarringPasswordItem->setContentWidgetData(
-        QString("additionalText"),
-        hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_edit_barring_password_val_edit"));
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::createBarringItem.
- */
-CpSettingFormItemData *CpBarringPluginGroup::createBarringItem(
-    const HbDataFormModelItem::DataItemType &itemType,
-    const QString &label,
-    const QString &widgetTextData,
-    const PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType &barringType)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    QScopedPointer<CpSettingFormItemData> barringItem(
-        new CpSettingFormItemData(itemType, label, this));
-    barringItem->setContentWidgetData("text", QVariant(widgetTextData));
-    barringItem->setEnabled(false);
-    QVariant value;
-    value.setValue(barringType);
-    barringItem->setProperty("barringType", value);
-    appendChild(;
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-    return barringItem.take();
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::barringStatusRequestCompleted.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::barringStatusRequestCompleted(
-    int result,
-    const QList<unsigned char> &basicServiceGroupIds,
-    PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringStatus status)
-    DPRINT << ": IN" << ": result:" << result << "status:" << status;
-    Q_UNUSED(result)
-    Q_UNUSED(basicServiceGroupIds)
-    m_barringStatusRequestOngoing = false;
-    if (PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringErrorNone != result) {
-        // Stop status query process for this time. Statuses are tried to 
-        // query again for uncompleted items when user expands/opens barring 
-        // settings group again.
-        m_phoneNotes->cancelNote(m_activeNoteId);
-        m_phoneNotes->showGlobalErrorNote(m_activeNoteId, result);
-        m_barringRequestQueue.clear();
-        return;
-    }
-    CpSettingFormItemData *itemForCompletedRequest = 
-        m_barringRequestQueue.dequeue();
-    if (!itemForCompletedRequest->isEnabled()) {
-        // After enabling setting item here status query will not be started 
-        // again for the item when user collapses and expands the barring 
-        // settings group again.
-        itemForCompletedRequest->setEnabled(true);
-        // start to observe user initiated state changes
-        m_helper.addConnection(
-            itemForCompletedRequest, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),
-            this, SLOT(changeBarringStateRequested(int)));
-    }
-    Qt::CheckState checkState = 
-        (PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringStatusActive == status) 
-            ? Qt::Checked 
-            : Qt::Unchecked;
-    updateCheckStateOfItem(*itemForCompletedRequest, checkState);
-    if (m_barringRequestQueue.isEmpty()) {
-        m_phoneNotes->cancelNote(m_activeNoteId);
-        if (m_delayedBarringActivationNote) {
-            m_delayedBarringActivationNote = false;
-            m_phoneNotes->showGlobalNote(
-                m_activeNoteId, 
-                hbTrId("txt_phone_info_barring_activated"),
-                HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
-        }
-        // Password editing is enabled only after all barring statuses are 
-        // queried. Otherwise user may be able to issue two requests 
-        // simultaneously by hiding status query progress note and clicking 
-        // edit password.
-        if (!m_editBarringPasswordItem->isEnabled()) {
-            m_editBarringPasswordItem->setEnabled(true);
-            m_helper.addConnection(
-                m_editBarringPasswordItem, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)),
-                this, SLOT(changeBarringPasswordRequested(bool)));
-        }
-    } else {
-        processBarringStatusRequestQueue();
-    }
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::enableBarringRequestCompleted.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::enableBarringRequestCompleted(
-    int result,
-    PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType barringType,
-    PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringStatus barringStatus, 
-    bool plural)
-    DPRINT << ": IN: result:" << result << "barringType:" << barringType 
-        << "barringStatus:" << barringStatus << "plural:" << plural;
-    Q_UNUSED(barringType)
-    Q_UNUSED(barringStatus)
-    Q_UNUSED(plural)
-    CpSettingFormItemData *barringItem = m_barringRequestQueue.dequeue();
-    if (PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringErrorNone == result) {
-        if (updateDependentBarringProgramStatuses(*barringItem)) {
-            // Indicate barring activation completion only when dependent 
-            // barring items are also updated.
-            m_delayedBarringActivationNote = true;
-        } else {
-            m_phoneNotes->cancelNote(m_activeNoteId);
-            m_phoneNotes->showGlobalNote(
-                m_activeNoteId, 
-                hbTrId("txt_phone_info_barring_activated"),
-                HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
-        }
-    } else {
-        revertCheckStateOfItem(barringItem);
-        m_phoneNotes->cancelNote(m_activeNoteId);
-        m_phoneNotes->showGlobalErrorNote(m_activeNoteId, result);
-    }
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::disableBarringRequestCompleted.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::disableBarringRequestCompleted(
-    int result,
-    PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType barringType,
-    PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringStatus barringStatus, 
-    bool plural)
-    DPRINT << ": IN: result:" << result << "barringType:" << barringType 
-        << "barringStatus:" << barringStatus << "plural:" << plural;
-    Q_UNUSED(barringType)
-    Q_UNUSED(barringStatus)
-    Q_UNUSED(plural)
-    m_phoneNotes->cancelNote(m_activeNoteId);
-    CpSettingFormItemData *barringItem = m_barringRequestQueue.dequeue();
-    if (PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringErrorNone == result) {
-        m_phoneNotes->showGlobalNote(
-            m_activeNoteId, 
-            hbTrId("txt_phone_info_barring_deactivated"),
-            HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
-    } else {
-        revertCheckStateOfItem(barringItem);
-        m_phoneNotes->showGlobalErrorNote(m_activeNoteId, result);
-    }
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::barringPasswordChangeRequestCompleted.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::barringPasswordChangeRequestCompleted(int result)
-    DPRINT << ": IN: result:" << result;
-    m_phoneNotes->cancelNote(m_activeNoteId);
-    if (PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringErrorNone == result) {
-        m_phoneNotes->showGlobalNote(
-            m_activeNoteId, 
-            hbTrId("txt_phone_info_password_changed"),
-            HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
-    } else {
-        m_phoneNotes->showGlobalErrorNote(m_activeNoteId, result);
-    }
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::processBarringStatusRequestQueue.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::processBarringStatusRequestQueue()
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    if ((m_barringStatusRequestOngoing == false) && 
-        (!m_barringRequestQueue.isEmpty())) {
-        CpSettingFormItemData *item = m_barringRequestQueue.head();
-        PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType barringType =
-            qvariant_cast<PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType>(
-                item->property("barringType"));
-        m_barringWrapper->barringStatus(ServiceGroupVoice, barringType);
-        m_barringStatusRequestOngoing = true;
-        if (!m_phoneNotes->noteShowing()) {
-            // Launch progress note only once for status update.
-            m_phoneNotes->showGlobalProgressNote(
-                m_activeNoteId, hbTrId("txt_phone_info_requesting"));
-        }
-    }
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::changeBarringStateRequested.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::changeBarringStateRequested(int checkState)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    Q_UNUSED(checkState)
-    // find form item for which user has requested barring status change
-    QObject *signalSender = sender();
-    int numOfChilds = childCount();
-    for (int i = 0; (i < numOfChilds) && (m_clickedBarringItem == NULL); i++) {
-        HbDataFormModelItem* itemCandidate = childAt(i);
-        QModelIndex modelIndex = m_model->indexFromItem(itemCandidate);
-        if (signalSender == m_helper.widgetFromModelIndex(modelIndex)) {
-            m_clickedBarringItem = static_cast<CpSettingFormItemData*>(itemCandidate);
-        }
-    }
-    if (NULL != m_clickedBarringItem) {
-        QString barringPasswordQueryDialogTitle(
-            hbTrId("txt_phone_info_barring_password"));
-        QObject::connect(
-            m_phoneNotes, SIGNAL(passwordQueryCompleted(QString, bool)),
-            this, SLOT(completeBarringStateChangeRequestHandling(QString, bool)));
-        m_phoneNotes->showPasswordQueryDialog(
-            barringPasswordQueryDialogTitle, *m_barringPasswordValidator,
-            KMaxPasswordLength);
-    }
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::completeBarringStateChangeRequestHandling.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::completeBarringStateChangeRequestHandling(
-        QString barringPassword,
-        bool okPressed)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-	QObject::disconnect(
-        m_phoneNotes, SIGNAL(passwordQueryCompleted(QString, bool)),
-        this, SLOT(completeBarringStateChangeRequestHandling(QString, bool)));
-    if (okPressed) {
-        QVariant checkState = m_clickedBarringItem->contentWidgetData("checkState");
-        if (Qt::Checked == checkState.toInt()) {
-            m_barringWrapper->enableBarring(
-                ServiceGroupVoice,
-                qvariant_cast<PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType>(
-                    m_clickedBarringItem->property("barringType")), 
-                barringPassword);
-        } else {
-            m_barringWrapper->disableBarring(
-                ServiceGroupVoice,
-                qvariant_cast<PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType>(
-                    m_clickedBarringItem->property("barringType")), 
-                barringPassword);
-        }
-        m_barringRequestQueue.enqueue(m_clickedBarringItem);
-        m_phoneNotes->showGlobalProgressNote(
-            m_activeNoteId, hbTrId("txt_phone_info_requesting"));
-    } else {
-        revertCheckStateOfItem(m_clickedBarringItem);
-    }
-    m_clickedBarringItem = NULL;
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::changeBarringPasswordRequested.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::changeBarringPasswordRequested(bool checked)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    Q_UNUSED(checked)
-    m_changeBarringPasswordPhase = CurrentPasswordPhase;
-    QString currentPasswordQueryDialogTitle(
-        hbTrId("txt_phone_info_current_password"));
-    QObject::connect(
-        m_phoneNotes, SIGNAL(passwordQueryCompleted(QString, bool)),
-        this, SLOT(changeBarringPasswordPhasesHandling(QString, bool)));
-    m_phoneNotes->showPasswordQueryDialog(
-        currentPasswordQueryDialogTitle, 
-        *m_barringPasswordValidator, 
-        KMaxPasswordLength);
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::changeBarringPasswordPhasesHandling.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::changeBarringPasswordPhasesHandling(
-        QString barringPassword,
-        bool okPressed)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    if (okPressed) {
-        switch (m_changeBarringPasswordPhase) {
-            case CurrentPasswordPhase: {
-                m_changeBarringPasswordPhase = NewPasswordPhase;
-                m_currentPassword = barringPassword;
-                QString newPasswordQueryDialogTitle(
-                    hbTrId("txt_phone_info_new_password"));
-                m_phoneNotes->showPasswordQueryDialog(
-                    newPasswordQueryDialogTitle, 
-                    *m_barringPasswordValidator,
-                    KMaxPasswordLength);
-                }
-                break; 
-            case NewPasswordPhase: {
-                m_changeBarringPasswordPhase = VerifyNewPasswordPhase;
-                m_newPassword = barringPassword;
-                QString newPasswordVerifyDialogTitle(
-                    hbTrId("txt_phone_info_verify_new_password"));
-                QRegExp regExpression(m_newPassword);
-                if(m_verifyPasswordValidator) {
-                    delete m_verifyPasswordValidator;
-                    m_verifyPasswordValidator = NULL;
-                }
-                m_verifyPasswordValidator = new QRegExpValidator(regExpression, NULL);
-                m_phoneNotes->showPasswordQueryDialog(
-                    newPasswordVerifyDialogTitle, 
-                    *m_verifyPasswordValidator,
-                    KMaxPasswordLength);
-                }
-                break; 
-            case VerifyNewPasswordPhase: {
-                m_changeBarringPasswordPhase = NonePhase;
-                m_newPasswordVerified = barringPassword;
-                m_barringWrapper->changeBarringPassword(
-                    m_currentPassword,
-                    m_newPassword,
-                    m_newPasswordVerified);
-                m_phoneNotes->showGlobalProgressNote(
-                    m_activeNoteId, 
-                    hbTrId("txt_phone_info_requesting"));
-                QObject::disconnect(
-                    m_phoneNotes, SIGNAL(passwordQueryCompleted(QString, bool)),
-                    this, SLOT(changeBarringPasswordPhasesHandling(QString, bool)));
-                }
-                break;
-            default: 
-                DPRINT << "Error: unknown enum value";
-                break; 
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        QObject::disconnect(
-            m_phoneNotes, SIGNAL(passwordQueryCompleted(QString, bool)),
-            this, SLOT(changeBarringPasswordPhasesHandling(QString, bool)));
-        m_changeBarringPasswordPhase = NonePhase;
-    }
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::updateDependentBarringProgramStatuses.
-  According to the ETSI TS 100 548 v7.0.0 specification only one outgoing 
-  and one incoming barring program can be active at the same time. We must,
-  however, query barring statuses again because some networks do not conform
-  to the standards and allow multiple simultaneous barring programs.
- */
-bool CpBarringPluginGroup::updateDependentBarringProgramStatuses(
-    const CpSettingFormItemData &changedBarringItem)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    CpSettingFormItemData* barringItem = NULL;
-    PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType barringType =
-        qvariant_cast<PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType>(
-  "barringType"));
-    QList<CpSettingFormItemData*> itemCandidatesForUpdate;
-    switch (barringType) {
-        case PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeAllOutgoing:
-        {
-            barringItem = &barringItemByProgram(
-                PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeOutgoingInternational);
-            itemCandidatesForUpdate.append(barringItem);
-            barringItem = &barringItemByProgram(
-                PSetCallBarringWrapper::
-                    BarringTypeOutgoingInternationalExceptToHomeCountry);
-            itemCandidatesForUpdate.append(barringItem);
-            break;
-        }
-        case PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeOutgoingInternational:
-        {
-            barringItem = &barringItemByProgram(
-                PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeAllOutgoing);
-            itemCandidatesForUpdate.append(barringItem);
-            barringItem = &barringItemByProgram(
-                PSetCallBarringWrapper::
-                    BarringTypeOutgoingInternationalExceptToHomeCountry);
-            itemCandidatesForUpdate.append(barringItem);
-            break;
-        }
-        case PSetCallBarringWrapper::
-            BarringTypeOutgoingInternationalExceptToHomeCountry:
-        {
-            // ETSI TS 100 548 v7.0.0, BOIC barring will be activated 
-            // instead of BOIC-exHC if roamed network does not suport BOIC-exHC
-            // => we must update statuses for all outgoing barring programs. 
-            barringItem = &barringItemByProgram(
-                PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeAllOutgoing);
-            itemCandidatesForUpdate.append(barringItem);
-            barringItem = &barringItemByProgram(
-                PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeOutgoingInternational);
-            itemCandidatesForUpdate.append(barringItem);
-            barringItem = &barringItemByProgram(
-                PSetCallBarringWrapper::
-                    BarringTypeOutgoingInternationalExceptToHomeCountry);
-            itemCandidatesForUpdate.append(barringItem);
-            break;
-        }
-        case PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeAllIncoming:
-        {
-            barringItem = &barringItemByProgram(
-                PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeIncomingWhenRoaming);
-            itemCandidatesForUpdate.append(barringItem);
-            break;
-        }
-        case PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeIncomingWhenRoaming:
-        {
-            barringItem = &barringItemByProgram(
-                PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringTypeAllIncoming);
-            itemCandidatesForUpdate.append(barringItem);
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-    const int numOfItemCandidates = itemCandidatesForUpdate.count();
-    for (int i = 0; i < numOfItemCandidates; i++) {
-        barringItem = itemCandidatesForUpdate[i];
-        Qt::CheckState checkState = static_cast<Qt::CheckState>
-            (barringItem->contentWidgetData("checkState").toInt());
-        if (Qt::Checked == checkState || 
-            PSetCallBarringWrapper::
-                BarringTypeOutgoingInternationalExceptToHomeCountry 
-                    == barringType) {
-            m_barringRequestQueue.enqueue(barringItem);
-        }
-    }
-    processBarringStatusRequestQueue();
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-    return (0 < m_barringRequestQueue.count());
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::barringItemByProgram.
- */
-CpSettingFormItemData &CpBarringPluginGroup::barringItemByProgram(
-    const PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType &barringProgram)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    CpSettingFormItemData *item = NULL;
-    int numOfChilds = childCount();
-    for (int childInd = 0; (childInd < numOfChilds) && (!item); childInd++) {
-        CpSettingFormItemData *itemCandidate = 
-            static_cast<CpSettingFormItemData*>(childAt(childInd));
-        PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType candidateBarringProgram =
-            qvariant_cast<PSetCallBarringWrapper::BarringType>(
-                itemCandidate->property("barringType"));
-        if (candidateBarringProgram == barringProgram) {
-            item = itemCandidate;
-        }
-    }
-    Q_ASSERT(item);
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-    return *item;
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::revertCheckStateOfItem.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::revertCheckStateOfItem(
-    CpSettingFormItemData *barringItem)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    Qt::CheckState currentCheckState = static_cast<Qt::CheckState>
-        (barringItem->contentWidgetData("checkState").toInt());
-    Qt::CheckState revertedCheckState = 
-        (currentCheckState == Qt::Checked) ? Qt::Unchecked : Qt::Checked;
-    updateCheckStateOfItem(*barringItem, revertedCheckState);
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  CpBarringPluginGroup::updateCheckStateOfItem.
- */
-void CpBarringPluginGroup::updateCheckStateOfItem(
-    CpSettingFormItemData &barringItem, const Qt::CheckState &newState)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    m_helper.removeConnection(
-        &barringItem, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),
-        this, SLOT(changeBarringStateRequested(int)));
-    barringItem.setContentWidgetData("checkState", QVariant(newState));
-    m_helper.addConnection(
-        &barringItem, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)),
-        this, SLOT(changeBarringStateRequested(int)));
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-// End of File.