--- a/phonesettings/cpphonesettingsplugins/divertplugin/src/cpdivertplugingroup.cpp Fri May 14 15:51:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1230 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- * All rights reserved.
- * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
- * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
- * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
- *
- * Contributors:
- *
- * Description:
- *
- */
-#include <QEventLoop>
-#include <hbdataformmodel.h>
-#include <hbdataformmodelitem.h>
-#include <hblineedit.h>
-#include <hbinputeditorinterface.h>
-#include <hbcombobox.h>
-#include <hbdeviceprogressdialog.h>
-#include <sssettingswrapper.h>
-#include <psetwrapper.h>
-#include <hbaction.h>
-#include <hblistwidget.h>
-#include <hblistwidgetitem.h>
-#include <hblabel.h>
-#include <cpitemdatahelper.h>
-#include "cpdivertselectionitem.h"
-#include "cpdivertplugingroup.h"
-#include "cpplugincommon.h"
-#include "cpphonenotes.h"
-#include "cppluginlogging.h"
-#include "cpdivertitemdata.h"
-#include "cpdivertselectioncustomitem.h"
-const QString KVoiceMail("voiceMail");
-const QString KVideoMail("voiceMail");
-const QString KOtherNumber("otherNumber");
- CpDivertPluginGroup::CpDivertPluginGroup.
- */
-CpDivertPluginGroup::CpDivertPluginGroup(CpItemDataHelper &helper)
- : CpSettingFormItemData(HbDataFormModelItem::GroupItem,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_subhead_call_divert"),0),
- m_DataItemVoiceAllCalls(NULL),
- m_DataItemVoiceIfBusy(NULL),
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAnswered(NULL),
- m_DataItemVoiceIfOutOfReach(NULL),
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAvailable(NULL),
- m_DataItemVideoAllCalls(NULL),
- m_DataItemVideoIfBusy(NULL),
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAnswered(NULL),
- m_DataItemVideoIfOutOfReach(NULL),
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAvailable(NULL),
- m_activeNoteId(0),
- m_activeProgressNoteId(0),
- m_divertToVoiceMailBox(false),
- m_helper(helper),
- m_divertTimeout(0)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- // Registration needed, because PsCallDivertingCondition and PsServiceGroup
- // is used as a custom meta information for barring items.
- qRegisterMetaType<PsCallDivertingCondition>(
- "PsCallDivertingCondition");
- qRegisterMetaType<PsServiceGroup>(
- "PsServiceGroup");
- m_pSetWrapper = new PSetWrapper;
- DPRINT << ": PSetWrapper created";
- m_ssSettingsWrapper = new SsSettingsWrapper;
- DPRINT << ": SsSettingsWrapper created";
- m_callDivertingWrapper = &m_pSetWrapper->callDivertingWrapper();
- QObject::connect(
- m_callDivertingWrapper,
- SIGNAL(handleDivertingChanged(const PSCallDivertingCommand&,bool)),
- this,
- SLOT(handleDivertingChanged(const PSCallDivertingCommand&,bool)));
- QObject::connect(
- m_callDivertingWrapper,
- SIGNAL(handleDivertingStatus(QList<PSCallDivertingStatus*>&, bool)),
- this,
- SLOT(handleDivertingStatus(QList<PSCallDivertingStatus*>&, bool)));
- QObject::connect(
- m_callDivertingWrapper,
- SIGNAL(handleDivertingError(int)),
- this,
- SLOT(handleDivertingError(int)));
- QObject::connect(
- m_callDivertingWrapper,
- SIGNAL(requestDone()),
- this,
- SLOT(divertRequestProcessed()));
- // Create custom item prototype
- m_helper.addItemPrototype(new CpDivertSelectionItem());
- // Listen form item visibility change
- m_helper.connectToForm(
- SIGNAL(itemShown(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(itemShown(QModelIndex)));
- // Create grouped setting items
- createVoiceCallItems(this);
- createVideoCallItems(this);
- m_eventLoop = new QEventLoop(this);
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::~CpDivertPluginGroup.
- */
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- delete m_pSetWrapper;
- delete m_ssSettingsWrapper;
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::createVoiceCallItems.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::createVoiceCallItems(CpSettingFormItemData *parent)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- CpSettingFormItemData *page = new CpSettingFormItemData(
- HbDataFormModelItem::GroupPageItem,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_service_val_voice_divert"));
- parent->appendChild(page);
- m_DataItemVoiceAllCalls = createDivertItem(
- DivertConditionUnconditional,
- ServiceGroupVoice,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_all_calls"),
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_all_calls"), false,
- page);
- m_DataItemVoiceIfBusy = createDivertItem(
- DivertConditionBusy,
- ServiceGroupVoice,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_busy"),
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_busy"), false,
- page);
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAnswered = createDivertItem(
- DivertConditionNoReply,
- ServiceGroupVoice,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_not_answered"),
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_not_answered"), true,
- page);
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAnswered->setContentWidgetData(
- "timeoutText", hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_delay"));
- m_DataItemVoiceIfOutOfReach = createDivertItem(
- DivertConditionNotReachable,
- ServiceGroupVoice,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_out_of_reach"),
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_out_of_reach"), false,
- page);
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAvailable = createDivertItem(
- DivertConditionAllConditionalCases,
- ServiceGroupVoice,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_not_available"),
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_not_available"), true,
- page);
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::createVideoCallItems
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::createVideoCallItems(CpSettingFormItemData *parent)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- CpSettingFormItemData *page = new CpSettingFormItemData(
- HbDataFormModelItem::GroupPageItem,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_service_val_video_divert"));
- parent->appendChild(page);
- m_DataItemVideoAllCalls = createDivertItem(
- DivertConditionUnconditional,
- ServiceGroupData,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_all_calls"),
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_all_calls"), false,
- page);
- m_DataItemVideoIfBusy = createDivertItem(
- DivertConditionBusy,
- ServiceGroupData,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_busy"),
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_busy"), false,
- page);
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAnswered = createDivertItem(
- DivertConditionNoReply,
- ServiceGroupData,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_not_answered"),
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_not_answered"), true,
- page);
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAnswered->setContentWidgetData(
- "timeoutText", hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_delay"));
- m_DataItemVideoIfOutOfReach = createDivertItem(
- DivertConditionNotReachable,
- ServiceGroupData,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_out_of_reach"),
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_out_of_reach"), false,
- page);
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAvailable = createDivertItem(
- DivertConditionAllConditionalCases,
- ServiceGroupData,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_not_available"),
- hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_if_not_available"), true,
- page);
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::createDivertItem
- */
-CpDivertItemData *CpDivertPluginGroup::createDivertItem(
- PsCallDivertingCondition condition,
- PsServiceGroup serviceGroup,
- const QString &label,
- const QString &queryLabel,
- bool needTimeoutInfo,
- CpSettingFormItemData *parent)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- CpDivertItemData *item = new CpDivertItemData(
- static_cast<HbDataFormModelItem::DataItemType>
- (CpDivertSelectionItem::CpDivertSelectionItemId),
- label,
- m_helper,
- parent);
- QVariant conditionVar;
- conditionVar.setValue(condition);
- item->setProperty("condition", conditionVar);
- QVariant serviceGroupVar;
- serviceGroupVar.setValue(serviceGroup);
- item->setProperty("serviceGroup", serviceGroupVar);
- item->setProperty("queryLabel", queryLabel);
- item->setProperty("needTimeoutInfo", needTimeoutInfo);
- item->setEnabled(false);
- // Connect signals
- QObject::connect(
- item, SIGNAL(itemClicked(CpDivertItemData&)),
- this, SLOT(changeDivertingStateRequested(CpDivertItemData&)));
- parent->appendChild(item);
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- return item;
- CpDivertPluginGroup::itemShown.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::itemShown(const QModelIndex& item)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- DPRINT << "item:" << item;
- HbDataFormModelItem* modelItem =
- qobject_cast<const HbDataFormModel*>(item.model())->itemFromIndex(item);
- if (!modelItem->contentWidgetData("number").isValid() &&
- (static_cast<HbDataFormModelItem::DataItemType>
- (CpDivertSelectionItem::CpDivertSelectionItemId == modelItem->type()))){
- CpDivertItemData *item = static_cast<CpDivertItemData*>(modelItem);
- if(qvariant_cast<PsCallDivertingCondition>(item->property("condition")) !=
- DivertConditionAllConditionalCases) {
- addToDivertingRequestQueue(CheckDivertStatus, *item);
- }
- }
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::addToDivertingRequestQueue.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::addToDivertingRequestQueue(
- DivertRequest request, CpDivertItemData &item)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- CpDivertRequestQueueItem i;
- i.request = request;
- i.item = &item;
- m_divertRequestQueue.enqueue(i);
- if (m_divertRequestQueue.count()==1) {
- // Process if first item was added, process other later
- try {
- processDivertingRequestQueue();
- } catch(...) {
- DPRINT << "error!!";
- }
- }
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::divertRequestProcessed.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::divertRequestProcessed()
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- // Remove previous request and process next one
- if (!m_divertRequestQueue.isEmpty()) {
- m_divertRequestQueue.dequeue();
- processDivertingRequestQueue();
- }
- if (m_divertRequestQueue.isEmpty()) {
- // Queue empty so cancel process note
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->cancelNote(m_activeProgressNoteId);
- }
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::changeItemData.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::changeItemData(
- PsServiceGroup serviceGroup,
- PsCallDivertingCondition condition,
- PsCallDivertingStatus status,
- const QString& number, int timeout)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::State itemState =
- CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Disabled;
- if (status == DivertingStatusActive) {
- itemState = CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Enabled;
- } else if (status == DivertingStatusInactive) {
- itemState = CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Deactivated;
- } else {
- itemState = CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Disabled;
- }
- switch (condition) {
- case DivertConditionAllConditionalCases:
- DPRINT << ": DivertConditionAllConditionalCases";
- // If not available effects also conditions below
- changeItemData(serviceGroup, DivertConditionBusy, status, number, timeout);
- changeItemData(serviceGroup, DivertConditionNoReply, status, number, timeout);
- changeItemData(serviceGroup, DivertConditionNotReachable, status, number, timeout);
- // Fall trough
- case DivertConditionUnconditional:
- case DivertConditionBusy:
- case DivertConditionNoReply:
- case DivertConditionNotReachable:
- if (serviceGroup & ServiceGroupVoice) {
- item(ServiceGroupVoice, condition)->setContentWidgetData("number", number);
- item(ServiceGroupVoice, condition)->setContentWidgetData("timeout", timeout);
- item(ServiceGroupVoice, condition)->setContentWidgetData("state", itemState);
- item(ServiceGroupVoice, condition)->setEnabled(true);
- }
- if (serviceGroup & ServiceGroupData) {
- item(ServiceGroupData, condition)->setContentWidgetData("number", number);
- item(ServiceGroupData, condition)->setContentWidgetData("timeout", timeout);
- item(ServiceGroupData, condition)->setContentWidgetData("state", itemState);
- item(ServiceGroupData, condition)->setEnabled(true);
- }
- break;
- case DivertConditionAllCalls:
- case DivertConditionUnknown:
- default:
- break;
- }
- CpDivertPluginGroup::revertItemData.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::revertItemData(
- PsServiceGroup serviceGroup, PsCallDivertingCondition condition)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- if (serviceGroup & ServiceGroupVoice) {
- item(ServiceGroupVoice, condition)->setContentWidgetData("state",
- item(ServiceGroupVoice, condition)->contentWidgetData("state"));
- }
- if (serviceGroup & ServiceGroupData) {
- item(ServiceGroupData, condition)->setContentWidgetData("state",
- item(ServiceGroupData, condition)->contentWidgetData("state"));
- }
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::item.
- */
-CpSettingFormItemData* CpDivertPluginGroup::item(
- PsService service, PsCallDivertingCondition condition)
- CpSettingFormItemData *ret = 0;
- switch (condition) {
- case DivertConditionUnconditional:
- if (service == ServiceGroupVoice) {
- ret = m_DataItemVoiceAllCalls;
- } else {
- ret = m_DataItemVideoAllCalls;
- }
- break;
- case DivertConditionBusy:
- if (service == ServiceGroupVoice) {
- ret = m_DataItemVoiceIfBusy;
- } else {
- ret = m_DataItemVideoIfBusy;
- }
- break;
- case DivertConditionNoReply:
- if (service == ServiceGroupVoice) {
- ret = m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAnswered;
- } else {
- ret = m_DataItemVideoIfNotAnswered;
- }
- break;
- case DivertConditionNotReachable:
- if (service == ServiceGroupVoice) {
- ret = m_DataItemVoiceIfOutOfReach;
- } else {
- ret = m_DataItemVideoIfOutOfReach;
- }
- break;
- case DivertConditionAllConditionalCases:
- if (service == ServiceGroupVoice) {
- ret = m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAvailable;
- } else {
- ret = m_DataItemVideoIfNotAvailable;
- }
- break;
- case DivertConditionAllCalls:
- case DivertConditionUnknown:
- default:
- break;
- }
- Q_CHECK_PTR(ret);
- return ret;
- CpDivertPluginGroup::processDivertingRequestQueue.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::processDivertingRequestQueue()
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- if (m_divertRequestQueue.isEmpty()) {
- DPRINT << "queue empty : OUT";
- return;
- }
- CpDivertRequestQueueItem request = m_divertRequestQueue.head();
- // Command param
- PSCallDivertingCommand divertCommand;
- divertCommand.iServiceGroup = qvariant_cast<PsServiceGroup>(
- request.item->property("serviceGroup"));
- divertCommand.iCondition = qvariant_cast<PsCallDivertingCondition>(
- request.item->property("condition"));
- divertCommand.iStatus = DivertingStatusUnknown;
- divertCommand.iNumber = "";
- divertCommand.iNoReplyTimer = 0;
- switch (request.request) {
- case ActivateDivert: {
- DPRINT << "activate";
- divertCommand.iSetting = RegisterDiverting;
- if (popUpVoiceNumberListQuery(
- request.item->property("queryLabel").toString(),
- divertCommand.iNumber,
- divertCommand.iServiceGroup)) {
- if (request.item->property("needTimeoutInfo").toBool()) {
- if (popUpTimerQuery(divertCommand.iNoReplyTimer)) {
- setCallDiverting(divertCommand);
- } else {
- // Query was cancelled
- revertItemData(
- divertCommand.iServiceGroup,
- divertCommand.iCondition);
- m_divertRequestQueue.clear();
- }
- } else {
- setCallDiverting(divertCommand);
- }
- } else {
- // Query was cancelled
- revertItemData(
- divertCommand.iServiceGroup,
- divertCommand.iCondition);
- m_divertRequestQueue.clear();
- }
- }
- break;
- case DeactivateDivert: {
- DPRINT << "deactivate";
- divertCommand.iSetting = EraseDiverting;
- setCallDiverting(divertCommand);
- }
- break;
- case CheckDivertStatus: {
- DPRINT << "check status";
- m_callDivertingWrapper->getCallDivertingStatus(
- divertCommand.iServiceGroup,
- divertCommand.iCondition,
- bscParam(divertCommand.iServiceGroup) );
- if (!CpPhoneNotes::instance()->noteShowing()) {
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->showGlobalProgressNote(
- m_activeProgressNoteId, hbTrId("txt_phone_info_requesting"));
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- DPRINT << "Error: unknown enum value";
- break;
- }
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::changeDivertingStateRequested.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::changeDivertingStateRequested(
- CpDivertItemData &item)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- DivertRequest event=ActivateDivert;
- if (CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Enabled ==
- item.contentWidgetData("state").toInt()) {
- event = DeactivateDivert;
- } else {
- event = ActivateDivert;
- }
- addToDivertingRequestQueue(event, item);
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::handleDivertingChanged.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::handleDivertingChanged(
- const PSCallDivertingCommand& aSetting,
- bool aPlural)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->cancelNote(m_activeNoteId);
- DPRINT << "aPlural:" << aPlural;
- DPRINT << "iCondition:" << aSetting.iCondition;
- DPRINT << "iNoReplyTimer:" << aSetting.iNoReplyTimer;
- DPRINT << "iNumber:" << aSetting.iNumber;
- DPRINT << "iServiceGroup:" << aSetting.iServiceGroup;
- DPRINT << "iSetting:" << aSetting.iSetting;
- DPRINT << "iStatus:" << aSetting.iStatus;
- changeItemData(
- aSetting.iServiceGroup,
- aSetting.iCondition, aSetting.iStatus,
- aSetting.iNumber, aSetting.iNoReplyTimer);
- updateDependentDivertOptions(
- (DivertConditionUnconditional == aSetting.iCondition) &&
- (DivertingStatusActive != aSetting.iStatus) );
- switch(aSetting.iStatus) {
- case DivertingStatusActive:
- if (aPlural) {
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->showGlobalNote(m_activeNoteId,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_info_diverts_activated"),
- HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
- } else {
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->showGlobalNote(m_activeNoteId,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_info_divert_activated"),
- HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
- }
- if (!m_divertToVoiceMailBox) {
- // Number, except vmbx number, will be added to defaultnumber list
- m_callDivertingWrapper->setNewDefaultNumber(aSetting.iNumber);
- }
- // Diverting calls does not affect Internet calls
- if (Tools::voipSupported() &&
- (aSetting.iServiceGroup & ServiceGroupVoice)) {
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->showGlobalNote(m_activeNoteId,
- hbTrId("Diverting calls does not affect Internet calls"),
- HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
- }
- break;
- case DivertingStatusNotRegistered:
- case DivertingStatusInactive:
- if (aPlural) {
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->showGlobalNote(m_activeNoteId,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_info_diverts_deactivated"),
- HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
- } else {
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->showGlobalNote(m_activeNoteId,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_info_divert_deactivated"),
- HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
- }
- break;
- case DivertingStatusNotProvisioned:
- case DivertingStatusUnknown:
- default:
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->showGlobalNote(m_activeNoteId,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_info_request_not_completed"),
- HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
- }
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::handleDivertingStatus.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::handleDivertingStatus(
- QList<PSCallDivertingStatus*> &divertList,
- bool plural)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- DPRINT << "divertList.Size():" << divertList.size();
- DPRINT << "plural:" << plural;
- foreach(PSCallDivertingStatus* status, divertList) {
- DPRINT << status->iCondition;
- DPRINT << status->iNumber;
- DPRINT << status->iServiceGroup;
- DPRINT << status->iStatus;
- DPRINT << status->iTimeout;
- changeItemData(
- status->iServiceGroup,
- status->iCondition, status->iStatus,
- status->iNumber, status->iTimeout);
- }
- updateDependentDivertOptions();
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::handleDivertingError.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::handleDivertingError(int aReason)
- DPRINT << ": IN : aReason:" << aReason;
- // Update view item for failed request
- if (m_divertRequestQueue.count()) {
- revertItemData(
- qvariant_cast<PsServiceGroup>(
- m_divertRequestQueue.head().item->property("serviceGroup")),
- qvariant_cast<PsCallDivertingCondition>(
- m_divertRequestQueue.head().item->property("condition")));
- }
- // Clear queue
- m_divertRequestQueue.clear();
- // Cancel previous note
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->cancelNote(m_activeNoteId);
- // Show error note
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->showGlobalErrorNote(m_activeNoteId, aReason);
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::popUpVoiceNumberListQuery.
- */
-bool CpDivertPluginGroup::popUpVoiceNumberListQuery(
- const QString& heading, QString& result, PsServiceGroup serviceGroup)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- bool requestOK(false);
- if (!m_eventLoop->isRunning()){
- m_divertNumber = "";
- m_divertToVoiceMailBox = false;
- QStringList defNumbers;
- HbDialog *dialog = createDialog(heading);
- m_voiceNumberList = new HbListWidget(dialog);
- if (serviceGroup == ServiceGroupVoice) {
- addItemToListWidget(
- m_voiceNumberList, hbTrId("txt_phone_setlabel_voice_mbx"), KVoiceMail );
- } else if(serviceGroup == ServiceGroupData) {
- // TODO: Implement video voicemail
- }
- // Add "old" divert number to list
- m_callDivertingWrapper->getDefaultNumbers(defNumbers);
- int count(defNumbers.count());
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- addItemToListWidget(m_voiceNumberList, defNumbers[i], defNumbers[i]);
- }
- addItemToListWidget(m_voiceNumberList, hbTrId("txt_phone_list_enter_number_manually"), KOtherNumber );
- dialog->setContentWidget(m_voiceNumberList);
- // Connect list item activation signal to close the popup
- QObject::connect(m_voiceNumberList,
- SIGNAL(activated(HbListWidgetItem*)),
- dialog,
- SLOT(close()),
- Qt::UniqueConnection);
- // Sets the "Cancel"-action/button
- HbAction *cancelAction = new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_button_cancel"));
- dialog->addAction(cancelAction);
- QObject::connect(cancelAction,
- SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
- dialog,
- SLOT(close()));
- dialog->open(this, SLOT(voiceNumberListQueryClosed(HbAction *)));
- QPointer<QObject> guard = this;
- m_eventLoop->exec();
- if (guard.isNull()) {
- requestOK = false;
- } else if (!m_divertNumber.isEmpty()) {
- result = m_divertNumber;
- requestOK = true;
- }
- }
- DPRINT << ": OUT : result:" << result;
- DPRINT << ": OUT : requestOK :" << requestOK;
- return requestOK;
- CpDivertPluginGroup::voiceNumberListQueryClosed()
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::voiceNumberListQueryClosed(HbAction* action)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- bool exitLoop(true);
- // Enter if cancel wasn't selected
- if (!action) {
- // Update the view with selected text
- QString data = m_voiceNumberList->currentItem()->data().toString();
- DPRINT << ": data: " << data;
- if (data == KVoiceMail) {
- m_callDivertingWrapper->getVoiceMailBoxNumber(m_divertNumber);
- if (!m_divertNumber.isEmpty()) {
- DPRINT << ": voicemailboxnumber found";
- }
- m_eventLoop->quit();
- } else if (data == KOtherNumber) {
- // Event loop is terminated by popUpNumberEditorClosed
- exitLoop = false;
- DPRINT << ": open popUpNumberEditor";
- popUpNumberEditor(hbTrId("txt_phone_info_number"), m_divertNumber);
- } else {
- //TODO if matched contact name not work
- DPRINT << ": else";
- m_divertNumber = data;
- }
- }
- if (exitLoop) {
- DPRINT << ": quit eventloop";
- m_eventLoop->quit();
- }
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::popUpNumberEditor.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::popUpNumberEditor(
- const QString& heading, QString& result)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- Q_UNUSED(result);
- HbDialog *dialog = createDialog(heading);
- m_voiceNumberEditor = new HbLineEdit(dialog);
- m_voiceNumberEditor->setInputMethodHints(Qt::ImhDialableCharactersOnly);
- dialog->setContentWidget(m_voiceNumberEditor);
- HbAction *okAction = new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_button_ok"));
- dialog->addAction(okAction);
- HbAction *cancelAction = new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_button_cancel"));
- dialog->addAction(cancelAction);
- dialog->open(this, SLOT(popUpNumberEditorClosed(HbAction*)));
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::popUpNumberEditorClosed.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::popUpNumberEditorClosed(HbAction* action)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- bool cancelled(true);
- if (action) {
- if (action->text() == hbTrId("txt_common_button_ok"))
- {
- cancelled = false;
- DPRINT << ": ok selected";
- }
- }
- if (!cancelled) {
- m_divertNumber = m_voiceNumberEditor->text();
- DPRINT << ": m_divertNumber "
- << m_divertNumber;
- if (m_divertNumber.isEmpty()) {
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->showGlobalNote(m_activeNoteId,
- hbTrId("txt_phone_info_invalid_phone_number"), HbMessageBox::MessageTypeWarning);
- }
- }
- if (m_voiceNumberEditor) {
- delete m_voiceNumberEditor;
- m_voiceNumberEditor = NULL;
- }
- m_eventLoop->quit();
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::setCallDiverting.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::setCallDiverting(PSCallDivertingCommand& command)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- DPRINT << "iCondition:" << command.iCondition;
- DPRINT << "iNoReplyTimer:" << command.iNoReplyTimer;
- DPRINT << "iNumber:" << command.iNumber;
- DPRINT << "iServiceGroup:" << command.iServiceGroup;
- DPRINT << "iSetting:" << command.iSetting;
- DPRINT << "iStatus:" << command.iStatus;
- int result = m_callDivertingWrapper->setCallDiverting(
- command, bscParam(command.iServiceGroup));
- if (0 == result) {
- if (!CpPhoneNotes::instance()->noteShowing()) {
- CpPhoneNotes::instance()->showGlobalProgressNote(
- m_activeProgressNoteId, hbTrId("txt_phone_info_requesting"));
- }
- } else {
- handleDivertingError(result);
- }
- DPRINT << ": OUT ";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::popUpTimerQuery.
- */
-bool CpDivertPluginGroup::popUpTimerQuery(int &timeout)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- Q_UNUSED(timeout);
- bool requestOK(false);
- m_divertTimeout = 0;
- if (!m_eventLoop->isRunning()) {
- HbDialog *dialog = createDialog(hbTrId("txt_phone_title_delay"));
- if (m_popupTimerList) {
- m_popupTimerList = new HbListWidget(dialog);
- addItemToListWidget(m_popupTimerList, hbTrId("txt_phone_list_5_seconds"), 5 );
- addItemToListWidget(m_popupTimerList, hbTrId("txt_phone_list_10_seconds"), 10);
- addItemToListWidget(m_popupTimerList, hbTrId("txt_phone_list_15_seconds"), 15);
- addItemToListWidget(m_popupTimerList, hbTrId("txt_phone_list_20_seconds"), 20);
- addItemToListWidget(m_popupTimerList, hbTrId("txt_phone_list_25_seconds"), 25);
- addItemToListWidget(m_popupTimerList, hbTrId("txt_phone_list_30_seconds"), 30);
- // Connect list item activation signal to close the popup
- QObject::connect(
- m_popupTimerList, SIGNAL(activated(HbListWidgetItem*)),
- dialog, SLOT(close()),
- Qt::UniqueConnection);
- }
- // Sets the "Cancel"-action/button
- HbAction *cancelAction = new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_button_cancel"));
- dialog->addAction(cancelAction);
- dialog->setContentWidget(m_popupTimerList);
- dialog->open(this, SLOT(popUpTimerQueryClosed(HbAction *)));
- QPointer<QObject> guard = this;
- m_eventLoop->exec();
- if (guard.isNull()) {
- requestOK = false;
- } else if (m_divertTimeout > 0) {
- requestOK = true;
- }
- }
- DPRINT << ": OUT : requestOK :" << requestOK;
- return requestOK;
- CpDivertPluginGroup::popUpTimerQueryClosed.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::popUpTimerQueryClosed(HbAction* action)
- // If not cancel action selected
- if (!action) {
- // Update the view with selected text
- if (m_popupTimerList->currentItem()) {
- m_divertTimeout =
- m_popupTimerList->currentItem()->data().toInt();
- }
- }
- else {
- DPRINT << ": Cancel";
- }
- DPRINT << ": quit eventloop";
- m_eventLoop->quit();
- DPRINT << ": OUT: timeout: " << m_divertTimeout;
- CpDivertPluginGroup::bscParam.
- */
-int CpDivertPluginGroup::bscParam(PsServiceGroup serviceGroup)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- int bsc = AllTeleAndBearer;
- if (serviceGroup & ServiceGroupVoice) {
- int alsLine(AlsNotSupported);
- m_ssSettingsWrapper->get(Als,alsLine);
- DPRINT << ": alsLine " << alsLine;
- if ((alsLine == AlsNotSupported) || (alsLine == AlsPrimary)) {
- // Etelephony only activates voice service nothing else or causes
- // voice service status request.
- bsc = Telephony;
- }
- else { // ESSSettingsAlsAlternate
- // EAltTele only activates alternate service nothing else or causes
- // alternate service status request.
- bsc = AltTele;
- }
- }
- if (serviceGroup & ServiceGroupData) {
- bsc = AllBearer;
- }
- DPRINT << ": OUT : bsc :" << bsc;
- return bsc;
- CpDivertPluginGroup::createDialog.
- */
-HbDialog* CpDivertPluginGroup::createDialog( const QString& heading ) const
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- HbDialog *dialog = new HbDialog();
- dialog->setDismissPolicy(HbDialog::NoDismiss);
- dialog->setTimeout(HbDialog::NoTimeout);
- dialog->setHeadingWidget(new HbLabel(heading));
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- return dialog;
- CpDivertPluginGroup::addItemToListWidget.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::addItemToListWidget(HbListWidget* w,
- const QString& item, const QString& data) const
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- HbListWidgetItem* o = new HbListWidgetItem();
- o->setText(item);
- o->setData(data);
- w->addItem(o);
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::addItemToListWidget.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::addItemToListWidget(HbListWidget* w,
- const QString& item, const int& data) const
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- HbListWidgetItem* o = new HbListWidgetItem();
- o->setText(item);
- o->setData(data);
- w->addItem(o);
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::updateDependentDivertOptions.
- Updates statuses of diverts which are dependent from the status of some
- other divert. Logic for dependent changes are:
- 1. Activation of all calls divert deactivates other diverts/puts them
- into quiescent state.
- 2. Deactivation of all calls divert enables diverts in quiescent state.
- 3. Not available option is an abstraction of CFB, CFNry, CFNrc diverts.
- Enabling/disabling that options changes all the aforementioned diverts
- at once.
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::updateDependentDivertOptions(bool fetchFromNetwork)
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- // all calls divert activation deactivates automatically other diverts
- QVariant itemState = m_DataItemVoiceAllCalls->contentWidgetData("state");
- if ((itemState.isValid()) &&
- (itemState.toInt() == CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Enabled)) {
- deActivateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVoiceIfBusy);
- deActivateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAnswered);
- deActivateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVoiceIfOutOfReach);
- } else {
- // Must query data for diverts depending on all calls divert, because
- // data may have been lost for registered diverts, which were
- // automatically deactivated due to the activation of all calls divert.
- activateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVoiceIfBusy, fetchFromNetwork);
- activateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAnswered, fetchFromNetwork);
- activateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVoiceIfOutOfReach, fetchFromNetwork);
- }
- // all calls divert activation deactivates automatically other diverts
- itemState = m_DataItemVideoAllCalls->contentWidgetData("state");
- if ((itemState.isValid()) &&
- (itemState.toInt() == CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Enabled)) {
- deActivateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVideoIfBusy);
- deActivateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVideoIfNotAnswered);
- deActivateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVideoIfOutOfReach);
- } else {
- // Must query data for diverts depending on all calls divert, because
- // data may have been lost for registered diverts, which were
- // automatically deactivated due to the activation of all calls divert.
- activateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVideoIfBusy, fetchFromNetwork);
- activateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVideoIfNotAnswered, fetchFromNetwork);
- activateDependentDivertOption(m_DataItemVideoIfOutOfReach, fetchFromNetwork);
- }
- // update not available divert option
- updateNotAvailableDivertOption();
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
- CpDivertPluginGroup::deActivateDependentDivertOption.
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::deActivateDependentDivertOption(
- CpDivertItemData* item) const
- QVariant itemState = item->contentWidgetData("state");
- if ((itemState.isValid()) &&
- (itemState == CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Enabled)) {
- item->setContentWidgetData(
- "state", CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Deactivated);
- }
- item->setEnabled(false);
- CpDivertPluginGroup::activateDependentDivertOption.
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::activateDependentDivertOption(
- CpDivertItemData* item, bool fetchFromNetwork)
- if ((CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Deactivated ==
- item->contentWidgetData("state").toInt()) &&
- fetchFromNetwork) {
- addToDivertingRequestQueue(
- CheckDivertStatus, *item);
- }
- item->setEnabled(true);
- CpDivertPluginGroup::updateNotAvailableDivertOption.
- */
-void CpDivertPluginGroup::updateNotAvailableDivertOption()
- DPRINT << ": IN";
- // We must check that both states & numbers match amongst CFB, CRNry and
- // CFNrc before concluding that not available divert is enabled, because
- // some networks may not return divert number for inactive diverts.
- int cfbState =
- m_DataItemVoiceIfBusy->contentWidgetData("state").toInt();
- int cfnryState =
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAnswered->contentWidgetData("state").toInt();
- int cfnrcState =
- m_DataItemVoiceIfOutOfReach->contentWidgetData("state").toInt();
- QVariant cfbNumber =
- m_DataItemVoiceIfBusy->contentWidgetData("number");
- QVariant cfnryNumber =
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAnswered->contentWidgetData("number");
- QVariant cfnrcNumber =
- m_DataItemVoiceIfOutOfReach->contentWidgetData("number");
- if ((cfbNumber == cfnryNumber) && (cfbNumber == cfnrcNumber) &&
- (cfbState == cfnryState) && (cfbState == cfnrcState)) {
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData(
- "number", m_DataItemVoiceIfBusy->contentWidgetData("number"));
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData(
- "timeout", m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAnswered->contentWidgetData("timeout"));
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData(
- "state", m_DataItemVoiceIfBusy->contentWidgetData("state"));
- } else {
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData("number", "");
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData("timeout", 0);
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData(
- "state", CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Disabled);
- }
- // Item dimming
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAvailable->setEnabled(
- m_DataItemVoiceIfBusy->isEnabled() &&
- m_DataItemVoiceIfNotAnswered->isEnabled() &&
- m_DataItemVoiceIfOutOfReach->isEnabled());
- // We must check that both states & numbers match amongst CFB, CRNry and
- // CFNrc before concluding that not available divert is enabled, because
- // some networks may not return divert number for inactive diverts.
- cfbState =
- m_DataItemVideoIfBusy->contentWidgetData("state").toInt();
- cfnryState =
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAnswered->contentWidgetData("state").toInt();
- cfnrcState =
- m_DataItemVideoIfOutOfReach->contentWidgetData("state").toInt();
- cfbNumber =
- m_DataItemVideoIfBusy->contentWidgetData("number");
- cfnryNumber =
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAnswered->contentWidgetData("number");
- cfnrcNumber =
- m_DataItemVideoIfOutOfReach->contentWidgetData("number");
- if ((cfbNumber == cfnryNumber) && (cfbNumber == cfnrcNumber) &&
- (cfbState == cfnryState) && (cfbState == cfnrcState)) {
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData(
- "number", m_DataItemVideoIfBusy->contentWidgetData("number"));
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData(
- "timeout", m_DataItemVideoIfNotAnswered->contentWidgetData("timeout"));
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData(
- "state", m_DataItemVideoIfBusy->contentWidgetData("state"));
- } else {
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData("number", "");
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData("timeout", 0);
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAvailable->setContentWidgetData(
- "state", CpDivertSelectionCustomitem::Disabled);
- }
- // Item dimming
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAvailable->setEnabled(
- m_DataItemVideoIfBusy->isEnabled() &&
- m_DataItemVideoIfNotAnswered->isEnabled() &&
- m_DataItemVideoIfOutOfReach->isEnabled());
- DPRINT << ": OUT";
-// End of File.