changeset 36 2eacb6118286
parent 30 ebdbd102c78a
child 37 ba76fc04e6c2
--- a/phoneuis/bubblemanager2/tsrc/bubbletest2/sis/	Fri May 14 15:51:57 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
-#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
-#  Change history:
-# 06-Aug-2006 : DLL versioning support added (Elftran tool)
-# 02-Aug-2007 : Updated for changed RnD certificate path
-sub updateVersion ;
-sub signSis ;
-my @args = @ARGV;
-# signing related variables
-my $certPath = "\\s60_RnD\\RD_RootCA";
-my $certificate = "rd.cer";
-my $key = "rd-key.pem";
-my $version = "10.1";
-my $packageFile = undef;
-my $sisFile = undef;
-# path to copy signed sis (if optional -c argument used)
-my $copyPath = undef;
-my $updateDllVersion = 0;
-# print help if needed
-if ( scalar(@args) == 0 || 
-     $args[0] =~ /-[h,\?]/i )
-    {
-print <<HELP;
-======= Script for making and signing an installation (.sis) file =======
-Usage: sisTool <package-file-w/o-ext> [-d<version>] [-c<destination-path>] 
-               [-s<stub-package-file-w/o-ext>]
- -d changes minor DLL version number - needed when eclipsing DLLs in ROM.
- -c copies target file to specific destination
- -s also creates stub SIS. File name is not needed if it same as base file
-    name followed by "_stub" (e.g. pkg files for eclipsing SIS and stub SIS
-    are component.pkg and component_stub.pkg respectively).
-sisTool myPackage -d2
-  Creates and signs(* 'myPackage.sis' from 'myPackage.pkg'.
-  Before creating sis file myPackage.pkg is searched for DLLs
-  and their version numbers are changed to 10.2 (i.e. minor
-  version is changed - default major version number is 10).
-sisTool myPackage -d -s
-  Same as first example but uses default minor version number (=1)
-  for DLLs, and creates stub sis with name myPackage_stub.sis.
-(* Uses R&D certificate 'rd.cer' from \\S60\\s60_RnD\\RD_RootCA
-    exit;
-    }
-$packageFile = shift;
-foreach ( @args ) {
-    # check if dll version number should be updated
-    if ( /-d(\d+)?\b/ ) {
-        $version = $1 ;
-        $version = 1 if ( not defined $version );            
-        $updateDllVersion = 1;
-        }
-    # check if stub SIS should be created
-    elsif ( /-s((\w|\.|\\|_|:|-)+)?/ )
-        {
-        my $stubPkgFile = "${packageFile}_stub.pkg";
-        if ( defined $1 ) {
-            # user defined stub
-            $stubPkgFile = $1; 
-            $stubPkgFile = $stubPkgFile . ".pkg" if $stubPkgFile !~ /\.pkg$/; 
-            }        
-        my $cmd = "makesis -s $stubPkgFile";
-        print "\n";
-        system "$cmd";
-        print "\n";
-        }
-    $copyPath = $1 if /-c(\S+)/;
-    }
-if ( defined($packageFile) ) {
-    ( -e "$packageFile.pkg" ) or die "package file '$packageFile' not found.\n";
-    # Update version number of DLLs listed in pkg-file.
-    updateVersion if $updateDllVersion;
-    my $cmd = "makesis $packageFile\.pkg\n";
-    if ( !defined( $sisFile ) ) {
-        $sisFile = "$packageFile.sis";
-        }
-    #################
-    # Do create sis #
-    #################
-    my $err = system "$cmd";
-    die "\nFailed making sis file $!" if $err;
-    signSis;
-    if ( defined( $copyPath ) )
-        {
-        system "xcopy $sisFile $copyPath 2>&1";
-        }
-    }
-sub signSis {
-    # sign a sis file
-    my $signedFile = "${sisFile}S\.sis";
-    ( -e "$certPath\\$certificate" ) or die <<NOCERT;
-Certificate could not be found from $certPath\\$certificate
-Check and modifiy the path in line ~17 in the script if needed.
-    my $cmd = "signsis -s $packageFile.sis $signedFile $certPath\\$certificate $certPath\\$key";        
-    if ( system ( "$cmd" ) == 0 )
-        {        
-        # delete original unsigned sis file
-        system "del $sisFile";
-        system "ren $signedFile $sisFile";
-        print "\nSigned with R&D certificate\n";
-        if ( defined ( $copyPath ) ) {
-            # copy signed sis to specified directory
-            system "xcopy $sisFile $copyPath";
-            }
-        }        
-    }
-sub updateVersion {
-    open PACKAGE, "<$packageFile.pkg";    
-    foreach ( <PACKAGE> )
-        {
-        if ( /\"(.*?\.dll)\"/i ) 
-            {                        
-            system "elftran -version 10\.$version $1";
-            system "elftran -compressionmethod bytepair $1";
-            print STDOUT "\nUpdated version number of\n$1 to 10.$version\n";
-            }
-        }
-    close PACKAGE;  
-    }