--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phoneplugins/csplugin/src/csprovider.cpp Fri Mar 19 09:28:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1273 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Main class of CS Call Plug-in
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <mccpconferencecallobserver.h>
+#include <mmtsy_names.h>
+#include <mccpssobserver.h>
+#include <rmmcustomapi.h>
+#include <startupdomainpskeys.h>
+#include <mccecall.h>
+#include "csprovider.h"
+#include "cspvoicecall.h"
+#include "cspvideocall.h"
+#include "cspetelincomingcallmonitor.h"
+#include "cspetelconferencestatusmonitor.h"
+#include "cspdtmfprovider.h"
+#include "cspconferencecall.h"
+#include "cspcallarray.h"
+#include "cspservicesettingshandler.h"
+#include "cspaudiohandler.h"
+#include "cspetelcallwaitingrequester.h"
+#include "cspsupplementaryservicesmonitor.h"
+#include "cspcipheringstatusmonitor.h"
+#include "cspsssettingshandler.h"
+#include "cspcalladdedhandler.h"
+#include "csppubsublistener.h"
+#include "cspcallcommandhandler.h"
+#include "cspremotealertingtonelistener.h"
+#include "csppanic.pan"
+#include "csplogger.h"
+#include "cspconsts.h"
+const TInt KCSServiceId = 1;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::CSProvider
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSProvider::CSProvider(): iImplementationUid( KCSPImplementationUid )
+ {
+ iInitialized = EFalse;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::~CSProvider
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::~CSProvider <");
+ delete iCallArray;
+ if ( iInitialized )
+ {
+ delete iConferenceStatusMonitor;
+ delete iCallCommandHandler;
+ delete iRemoteAlertingToneListener;
+ delete iSimStatusListener;
+ delete iSsSettingsHandler;
+ delete iAudioHandler;
+ delete iSsMonitor;
+ delete iCwRequester;
+ delete iServiceHandler;
+ delete iIncomingVoiceCallMonitor;
+ delete iIncomingDataCallMonitor;
+ delete iIncomingAuxCallMonitor;
+ delete iCallAddedHandler;
+ delete iCipheringStatusMonitor;
+ delete iDTMFProvider;
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::~CSProvider close lines");
+ iLineContainer.Close();
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::~CSProvider close customapi");
+ iMmCustom.Close();
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::~CSProvider close conference call");
+ iMobileConferenceCall.Close();
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::~CSProvider close phone");
+ iMobilePhone.Close();
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::~CSProvider unload phone");
+ iServer.UnloadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName );
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::~CSProvider close server session");
+ iServer.Close();
+ }
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::~CSProvider >");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::ConstructL()
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::ConstructL <");
+ iCallArray = CSPCallArray::NewL();
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::ConstructL >");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSProvider* CSProvider::NewL()
+ {
+ CSProvider* self = new ( ELeave ) CSProvider();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::NotifySsEvent
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::NotifySsEvent(
+ RMmCustomAPI::TSsTypeAndMode& aSsTypeAndMode,
+ RMmCustomAPI::TSsInfo& aSsInfo )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::NotifySsEvent <");
+ TBuf<10> addr;
+ switch( aSsTypeAndMode.iSsType )
+ {
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsAllSs:
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::NotifySsEvent ESsAllSs");
+ if( iSsSettingsHandler )
+ {
+ TInt cugIndex( aSsInfo.iCugIndex );
+ if ( iSsSettingsHandler->IsValueValidCugIndex( cugIndex ) )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::NotifySsEvent CallCugEventOccurred");
+ iSsObserver->CallCugEventOccurred(
+ MCCPSsObserver::ECCPSsShowIncCallGroupIndex );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ "CSProvider::NotifySsEvent err invalid cug index %d", cugIndex );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsRegPassword:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsClip:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsClir:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsCnap:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsColp:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsColr:
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::NotifySsEvent Discarding");
+ break;
+ }
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsCallWaiting:
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::NotifySsEvent ESsCallWaiting");
+ iSsObserver->CallForwardEventOccurred(
+ MCCPSsObserver::ESsCallWaiting,
+ addr );
+ break;
+ }
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsAllForwardings:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsForwUncond:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsForwBusy:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsForwNoReply:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsForwNoReach:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsAllCondForwardings:
+ {
+ switch( aSsInfo.iForwMode )
+ {
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsIncCallIsForw:
+ iSsObserver->CallForwardEventOccurred(
+ MCCPSsObserver::ECCPSsIncCallIsForw,
+ addr );
+ break;
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsIncCallForwToC:
+ iSsObserver->CallForwardEventOccurred(
+ MCCPSsObserver::ECCPSsIncCallForwToC,
+ addr );
+ break;
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsOutCallForwToC:
+ iSsObserver->CallForwardEventOccurred(
+ MCCPSsObserver::ECCPSsOutCallForwToC,
+ addr );
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ HandleDivertOrBarring( addr, aSsTypeAndMode );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsAllBarrings:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsBarrAllOut:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsBarrOutInter:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsBarrOutInterExcHome:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsOutgoingBarrServ:
+ {
+ iSsObserver->BarringEventOccurred(
+ MCCPSsObserver::ECCPSsOutgoingCallBarred );
+ break;
+ }
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsBarrAllIn:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsBarrAllInRoam:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsIncomingBarrServ:
+ {
+ iSsObserver->BarringEventOccurred(
+ MCCPSsObserver::ECCPSsIncomingCallBarred );
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::NotifySsEvent Unknown SS");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::NotifySsEvent >");
+ }
+// From CConvergedCallProvider
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::InitializeL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::InitializeL( const MCCPObserver& aObserver,
+ const MCCPSsObserver& aSsObserver )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::InitializeL <");
+ if ( iInitialized )
+ {
+ "CSProvider::InitializeL() Error already initialized");
+ User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
+ }
+ iInitialized = ETrue;
+ CreateEtelConnectionsL();
+ iServiceHandler = CSPServiceSettingsHandler::NewL();
+ TInt readErr = iServiceHandler->ReadCSServiceId( iServiceId );
+ if ( readErr )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPERROR, "CSProvider::InitializeL()\
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPERROR, "CSProvider::InitializeL() \
+ Please ensure that SPSettings is initialized corretly! ");
+ iServiceId = KCSServiceId;
+ }
+ // Save CCP observer as pointer-type member
+ const MCCPCSObserver& obs = static_cast<const MCCPCSObserver&>(aObserver);
+ iCCPObserver = const_cast<MCCPCSObserver*>(&obs);
+ // Save CCP SS observer as pointer-type member
+ const MCCPSsObserver& ssObs = static_cast<const MCCPSsObserver&>(aSsObserver);
+ iSsObserver = const_cast<MCCPSsObserver*>(&ssObs);
+ RPhone::TLineInfo lineInfo;
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iMobilePhone.GetLineInfo( 0, lineInfo )
+ == KErrNone, Panic( ECSPPanicNoEtel ) );
+ // Open Lines. At least voice line must be opened.
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iLineContainer.Open( iMobilePhone, iServiceId ) == KErrNone,
+ Panic( ECSPPanicNoEtel ) );
+ RMobileLine& voiceLine = iLineContainer.LineByType(
+ RCSPLineContainer::ECSPLineSpeech );
+ // Create and start incoming voice call monitor for primary line
+ iIncomingVoiceCallMonitor = CSPEtelIncomingCallMonitor::NewL( *this,
+ voiceLine,
+ RCSPLineContainer::ECSPLineSpeech );
+ iIncomingVoiceCallMonitor->StartMonitoring();
+ // Create and start incoming data call monitor for data line
+ RMobileLine& dataLine = iLineContainer.LineByType( RCSPLineContainer::ECSPLineData );
+ iIncomingDataCallMonitor = CSPEtelIncomingCallMonitor::NewL( *this, dataLine,
+ RCSPLineContainer::ECSPLineData );
+ iIncomingDataCallMonitor->StartMonitoring();
+ // Create and start incoming call monitor for auxilary line
+ RMobileLine& auxLine = iLineContainer.LineByType( RCSPLineContainer::ECSPLineAuxSpeech );
+ iIncomingAuxCallMonitor = CSPEtelIncomingCallMonitor::NewL( *this, auxLine,
+ RCSPLineContainer::ECSPLineAuxSpeech );
+ iIncomingAuxCallMonitor->StartMonitoring();
+ iCwRequester = CSPEtelCallWaitingRequester::NewL( iMobilePhone );
+ // Start conference call monitor for monitoring external conference creation
+ iConferenceStatusMonitor = CSPEtelConferenceStatusMonitor::NewL( *this,
+ iMobileConferenceCall );
+ iConferenceStatusMonitor->StartMonitoring();
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::InitializeL create DTMF provider");
+ iDTMFProvider = CSPDTMFProvider::NewL( iMobilePhone, iMmCustom );
+ // Create and start ciphering status monitor
+ iCipheringStatusMonitor = CSPCipheringStatusMonitor::NewL( iMmCustom, *this );
+ iCipheringStatusMonitor->StartMonitoring();
+ // Create audio handler
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::InitializeL create audio handler");
+ iAudioHandler = CSPAudioHandler::NewL();
+ // Create call added handler for listening ext call creation
+ iCallAddedHandler = CSPCallAddedHandler::NewL(
+ obs,
+ iLineContainer,
+ *iCallArray,
+ *this,
+ *iAudioHandler );
+ iSimStatusListener = CSPPubSubListener::NewL(
+ KPSUidStartup,
+ KPSSimStatus,
+ this );
+ HandleSIMStatusL();
+ iRemoteAlertingToneListener =
+ CSPRemoteAlertingToneListener::NewL( iMmCustom, *this );
+ iRemoteAlertingToneListener->StartListening();
+ iCallCommandHandler = CSPCallCommandHandler::NewL();
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::InitializeL >");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::NewCallL creates MO call.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MCCPCall* CSProvider::NewCallL( const CCCPCallParameters& aCallParameters,
+ const TDesC& aRemoteParty,
+ const MCCPCallObserver& aObserver )
+ {
+ const CCCECallParameters& parameters =
+ reinterpret_cast<const CCCECallParameters&> (aCallParameters);
+ TUint32 serviceId = aCallParameters.ServiceId();
+ if ( serviceId != iServiceId )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPERROR, "CSProvider::NewCallL ERROR, service id not acceptable!");
+ User::Leave( ECCPErrorInvalidPhoneNumber );
+ }
+ RCSPLineContainer::TCSPLineId lineId =
+ iLineContainer.ResolveLineIdL( parameters );
+ RMobileLine& line = iLineContainer.LineByType( lineId );
+ CSPCall* call = NULL;
+ if ( RCSPLineContainer::ECSPLineSpeech == lineId ||
+ RCSPLineContainer::ECSPLineAuxSpeech == lineId )
+ {
+ call = CSPVoiceCall::NewL( const_cast<TDesC16&>(aRemoteParty),
+ line,
+ ETrue,
+ parameters,
+ *this,
+ EFalse );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( call );
+ }
+ // Create CSPDataCall object for data/video call
+ else if ( RCSPLineContainer::ECSPLineData == lineId )
+ {
+ call = CSPVideoCall::NewL(
+ const_cast<TDesC16&>(aRemoteParty),
+ line, ETrue, parameters,
+ *this );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( call );
+ }
+ else if ( RCSPLineContainer::ECSPLineFax == lineId )
+ {
+ "CSProvider::NewCallL ERROR FAX is unsupported call type");
+ User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+ }
+ if ( aRemoteParty.Length() == 0 )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPERROR, "CSProvider::NewCallL ERROR: aRemoteParty.Length ==0");
+ User::Leave( ECCPErrorInvalidPhoneNumber );
+ }
+ call->AddObserverL( aObserver );
+ TInt err = iCallArray->Add( call );
+ User::LeaveIfError( err );
+ call->SetAudioHandler( iAudioHandler );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( call );
+ return call;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::ReleaseCall
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSProvider::ReleaseCall( MCCPCall& aCall )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPREQIN, "CSProvider::ReleaseCall %d", &aCall);
+ CSPCall* call = static_cast<CSPCall*>(&aCall);
+ TInt err = iCallArray->Remove( call );
+ if ( err == KErrNone )
+ {
+ delete call;
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::NewEmergencyCallL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MCCPEmergencyCall* CSProvider::NewEmergencyCallL( const TUint32 aServiceId,
+ const TDesC& aAddress,
+ const MCCPCallObserver& aObserver )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::NewEmergencyCallL <");
+ RMobileLine& voiceLine = iLineContainer.LineByType(
+ RCSPLineContainer::ECSPLineSpeech );
+ TBuf8<KCCEBearerMaxSize> emptyBearer;
+ TBuf<KCCESubAddressMaxSize> emptySubAddress;
+ CCCECallParameters* tmpParams = CCCECallParameters::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( tmpParams );
+ tmpParams->SetServiceId(aServiceId);
+ CSPVoiceCall* call = CSPVoiceCall::NewL( aAddress,
+ voiceLine,
+ ETrue,
+ *tmpParams,
+ *this,
+ ETrue);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tmpParams );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( call );
+ call->AddObserverL( aObserver );
+ TInt err = iCallArray->Add( call );
+ User::LeaveIfError( err );
+ call->SetAudioHandler( iAudioHandler );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( call );
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::NewEmergencyCallL >");
+ return call;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::ReleaseEmergencyCall
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSProvider::ReleaseEmergencyCall( MCCPEmergencyCall& aCall )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::ReleaseEmergencyCall");
+ CSPVoiceCall* call = static_cast<CSPVoiceCall*>(&aCall);
+ iCallArray->Remove( call );
+ delete call;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::NewConferenceL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MCCPConferenceCall* CSProvider::NewConferenceL(
+ const TUint32 /*aServiceId*/,
+ const MCCPConferenceCallObserver& aObserver )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPREQIN, "CSProvider::NewConferenceL <");
+ if ( !iConferenceCall )
+ {
+ iConferenceCall = CSPConferenceCall::NewL(
+ iMobilePhone, *iCallArray, iServiceId );
+ iConferenceCall->AddObserverL( aObserver );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPERROR, "CSProvider::NewConferenceL()\
+ Error conference already exists");
+ User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
+ }
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPREQOUT, "CSProvider::NewConferenceL >");
+ return iConferenceCall;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::ReleaseConferenceCall
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSProvider::ReleaseConferenceCall( MCCPConferenceCall& aCall )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPREQIN, "CSProvider::ReleaseConferenceCall");
+ TInt ret( KErrNone );
+ if ( &aCall == iConferenceCall )
+ {
+ delete iConferenceCall;
+ iConferenceCall = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ "CSProvider::ReleaseConferenceCall Error call not found");
+ ret = KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::Uid
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TUid& CSProvider::Uid() const
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPREQIN, "CSProvider::Uid uid: %d", iImplementationUid);
+ return iImplementationUid;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::Caps
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TUint32 CSProvider::Caps( ) const
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::DTMFProvider
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MCCPDTMFProvider* CSProvider::DTMFProviderL(
+ const MCCPDTMFObserver& aObserver )
+ {
+ "CSProvider::DTMFProvider observer: %x", &aObserver);
+ iDTMFProvider->AddObserverL( aObserver );
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPREQIN, "CSProvider::DTMFProvider observer added");
+ return iDTMFProvider;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::ExtensionProvider
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MCCPExtensionProvider* CSProvider::ExtensionProviderL(
+ const MCCPExtensionObserver& /*aObserver*/)
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPREQIN, "CSProvider::ExtensionProvider");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::GetLifeTime
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSProvider::GetLifeTime( TDes8& aLifeTimeInfo )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPREQIN, "CSProvider::GetLifeTime");
+ TInt err = iMmCustom.GetLifeTime( aLifeTimeInfo );
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::GetCSInfo
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSProvider::GetCSInfo( CSInfo& aCSInfo )
+ {
+ if ( iInitialized )
+ {
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneIdentityV1 imei;
+ TRequestStatus reqStatus( KErrNone );
+ "CSProvider::GetCSInfo request get phone id");
+ iMobilePhone.GetPhoneId( reqStatus, imei );
+ User::WaitForRequest( reqStatus );
+ "CSProvider::GetCSInfo completed get phone id");
+ if ( reqStatus.Int() != KErrNone )
+ {
+ imei.iSerialNumber.Zero();
+ }
+ aCSInfo.iSerialNumber = imei.iSerialNumber;
+ return reqStatus.Int() == KErrNone;
+ }
+ return iInitialized;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// From MCSPIncomingCallObserver
+// CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived( RMobileLine& aLine, TName aCallName,
+ RCSPLineContainer::TCSPLineId aLineId )
+ {
+ RMobileLine::TLineInfo lineInfo;
+ aLine.GetInfo( lineInfo );
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived < line id %d", aLineId );
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived call name %S", &aCallName );
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived answ %S", &lineInfo.iNameOfCallForAnswering );
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived last %S", &lineInfo.iNameOfLastCallAdded );
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived status %d", lineInfo.iStatus );
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived hook %d", lineInfo.iHookStatus );
+ // Find call by name.
+ // In case CallAddedHandler has opened it and added to array,
+ // it should not be re-opened.
+ if ( !iCallArray->FindCall( aCallName ) )
+ {
+ TInt err(KErrUnknown);
+ TUint32 serviceId( 0 );
+ CCPCall::TCallType callType;
+ CCCECallParameters::TCCELineType lineType;
+ err = iLineContainer.ResolveCallInfo( aLineId, serviceId, callType, lineType );
+ if ( !err )
+ {
+ CSPCall* call = NULL;
+ TBuf8<KCCEBearerMaxSize> emptyBearer;
+ TBuf<KCCESubAddressMaxSize> emptySubAddress;
+ CCCECallParameters* callParameters = NULL;
+ TRAP_IGNORE( callParameters = CCCECallParameters::NewL() );
+ if ( callParameters )
+ {
+ callParameters->SetServiceId(serviceId);
+ callParameters->SetCallType(callType);
+ callParameters->SetLineType(lineType);
+ callParameters->SetOrigin(CCCECallParameters::ECCECallOriginPhone);
+ if ( callType == CCPCall::ECallTypeCSVoice )
+ {
+ TRAP( err, call = CSPVoiceCall::NewL( aCallName,
+ aLine,
+ EFalse,
+ *callParameters,
+ *this,
+ EFalse ) );
+ }
+ else if ( callType == CCPCall::ECallTypeVideo )
+ {
+ TRAP( err, call = CSPVideoCall::NewL( aCallName,
+ aLine,
+ EFalse,
+ *callParameters,
+ *this ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived() unknown call type %d", err );
+ err = KErrUnknown;
+ }
+ delete callParameters;
+ }
+ if ( call && err == KErrNone )
+ {
+ TInt appendError = iCallArray->Add( call );
+ "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived Appending call res %d",
+ appendError);
+ // Set audio handler for DevSound.
+ call->SetAudioHandler( iAudioHandler );
+ // Indicate incoming call for observer.
+ TInt err = IndicateIncomingCall( call );
+ if ( KErrNone == err &&
+ call->State() == MCCPCallObserver::ECCPStateAnswering )
+ {
+ // If call has proceeded already to Answering state (autoanswer)
+ // a change notification needs to be sent.
+ call->NotifyCallStateChangedETel( RMobileCall::EStatusAnswering );
+ }
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ iCallArray->Remove( call );
+ delete call;
+ }
+ CSPLOGSTRING( CSPINT, "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived Inform CCE OK" );
+ }
+ else if ( call && err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ // Delete call, call array removal not needed.
+ delete call;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived Call could not be created %d", err);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPERROR, "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived ERROR Resolve call info err=%d",
+ err);
+ }
+ }
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived >");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::GetCallWaitingL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::GetCallWaitingL( const CCCECallParameters& aParams,
+ TBool& aCallWaitingStatus )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::GetCallWaitingL <");
+ // If there are already connected or held call: call waiting must be
+ // already ON.
+ TInt callCount = iCallArray->GetCallCount();
+ TInt activeCallCount = 0;
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < callCount; i++)
+ {
+ switch (iCallArray->Get(i)->State())
+ {
+ case MCCPCallObserver::ECCPStateConnected:
+ {
+ activeCallCount++;
+ break;
+ }
+ case MCCPCallObserver::ECCPStateHold:
+ {
+ activeCallCount++;
+ break;
+ }
+ case MCCPCallObserver::ECCPStateAnswering:
+ {
+ activeCallCount++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( activeCallCount > 0 )
+ {
+ // CW status must be ON, so it is not reasonable to ask it from network
+ aCallWaitingStatus = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iCwRequester->GetCallWaitingL( aParams, aCallWaitingStatus );
+ }
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::GetCallWaitingL >");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::GetDiagnosticError
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSProvider::GetDiagnosticError( TName& aCallName )
+ {
+ "CSProvider::GetDiagnosticError call name %S", &aCallName );
+ return iMmCustom.GetDiagnosticInfo( aCallName );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::NetworkSecurityStatus
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSProvider::NetworkSecurityStatus() const
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::NetworkSecurityStatus");
+ return iCipheringStatusMonitor->NetworkSecurityStatus();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::SecureSpecified
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSProvider::SecureSpecified() const
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::SecureSpecified");
+ return iCipheringStatusMonitor->SecureSpecified();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Remote alerting tone playing status. Error situation is handled as no tone.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+RMmCustomAPI::TRemoteAlertingToneStatus CSProvider::GetRemoteAlertingToneStatus()
+ {
+ RMmCustomAPI::TRemoteAlertingToneStatus status;
+ TInt err = iMmCustom.GetRemoteAlertingToneStatus( status );
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ status = RMmCustomAPI::EUiNoTone;
+ }
+ "CSProvider::GetRemoteAlertingToneStatus status: %d", status );
+ return status;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::SecuritySettingChanged
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::SecuritySettingChanged( TInt aValue )
+ {
+ "CSProvider::SecuritySettingChanged value: %d", aValue);
+ TInt callCount = iCallArray->GetCallCount();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < callCount; i++)
+ {
+ iCallArray->Get(i)->SecuritySettingChanged( aValue );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::CreateEtelConnectionsL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::CreateEtelConnectionsL()
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::CreateEtelConnectionsL <");
+ TInt errorCode( KErrNone );
+ TInt phoneCount( 0 );
+ RTelServer::TPhoneInfo phoneInfo;
+ //This method connects the client to the ETel Server.
+ //It must be used before any of other functions during a telephony session.
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iServer.Connect( KNbrOfMessageSlots )
+ == KErrNone, Panic( ECSPPanicNoEtel ) );
+ //This method loads an ETel TSY module. mmtsy
+ errorCode = iServer.LoadPhoneModule( KMmTsyModuleName );
+ errorCode == KErrNone || errorCode == KErrAlreadyExists,
+ Panic( ECSPPanicNoEtel ) );
+ errorCode = iServer.SetExtendedErrorGranularity(
+ RTelServer::EErrorExtended );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( errorCode == KErrNone, Panic( ECSPPanicNoEtel ) );
+ errorCode = iServer.SetPriorityClientV2();
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPINT, "CSProvider:: Priority client: %d", errorCode );
+ if( KErrAlreadyExists == errorCode )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPOBJECT, "CSProvider::CreateEtelConnectionsL() Already initialized");
+ User::Leave( KErrAlreadyExists );
+ }
+ //This method retrieves the total number of phones supported by all
+ //the currently loaded ETel (TSY) modules.
+ errorCode = iServer.EnumeratePhones( phoneCount );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( errorCode == KErrNone, Panic( ECSPPanicNoEtel ) );
+ //This method retrieves information associated with the specified phone
+ while ( phoneCount-- )
+ {
+ errorCode = iServer.GetPhoneInfo( phoneCount, phoneInfo );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( errorCode == KErrNone, Panic( ECSPPanicNoEtel ) );
+ if ( phoneInfo.iName == KMmTsyPhoneName )
+ {
+ phoneCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //This method opens a phone subsession by name,
+ //and starts the modem initialisation process.
+ errorCode = iMobilePhone.Open( iServer, phoneInfo.iName );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( errorCode == KErrNone, Panic( ECSPPanicNoEtel ) );
+ iMobilePhone.SetEmergencyClient(RPhone::EEmergencyCSVoiceCallRequest);
+ errorCode = iMobileConferenceCall.Open( iMobilePhone );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( errorCode == KErrNone, Panic( ECSPPanicNoEtel ) );
+ errorCode = iMmCustom.Open( iMobilePhone );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( errorCode == KErrNone, Panic( ECSPPanicNoEtel ) );
+ iSsMonitor = new (ELeave)
+ CSPSupplementaryServicesMonitor( *this, iMmCustom );
+ iSsMonitor->StartMonitoring();
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::CreateEtelConnectionsL >");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::HandleDivertOrBarring
+// Helper method.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::HandleDivertOrBarring(TDesC& addr, RMmCustomAPI::TSsTypeAndMode& aSsTypeAndMode)
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::HandleDivertOrBarring <");
+ switch ( aSsTypeAndMode.iSsType )
+ {
+ // MO unconditional diverts
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsAllForwardings:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsForwUncond:
+ {
+ if( aSsTypeAndMode.iSsMode == RMmCustomAPI::ESsModeActive )
+ {
+ iSsObserver->CallForwardEventOccurred(
+ MCCPSsObserver::ECCPSsForwardUnconditionalModeActive,
+ addr );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSsObserver->CallForwardEventOccurred(
+ MCCPSsObserver::ECCPSsForwardUnconditionalModeNotActive,
+ addr );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // MO conditional diverts
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsForwBusy:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsForwNoReply:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsForwNoReach:
+ case RMmCustomAPI::ESsAllCondForwardings:
+ {
+ if( aSsTypeAndMode.iSsMode == RMmCustomAPI::ESsModeActive )
+ {
+ iSsObserver->CallForwardEventOccurred(
+ MCCPSsObserver::ECCPSsForwardConditionallyModeActive,
+ addr );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSsObserver->CallForwardEventOccurred(
+ MCCPSsObserver::ECCPSsForwardConditionallyModeNotActive,
+ addr );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // No handling needed
+ }
+ }
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::HandleDivertOrBarring >");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::InitializeCallParameters
+// Initialises call parameters from SSSettings
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::InitializeCallParameters( RMobileCall::TMobileCallParamsV7& aParams )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::InitializeCallParameters <");
+ TInt defaultCug(0);
+ TInt cug(0);
+ if( iSsSettingsHandler )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iSsSettingsHandler->GetClirL( aParams.iIdRestrict ));
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iSsSettingsHandler->GetDefaultCugL( defaultCug ));
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iSsSettingsHandler->GetCugL( cug ));
+ }
+ // This is always set to false thus allowing calls outside groups.
+ aParams.iCug.iSuppressOA = EFalse;
+ if ( cug >= 0 && cug != defaultCug ) // set group
+ {
+ // Invoke cug.
+ aParams.iCug.iCugIndex = cug;
+ aParams.iCug.iExplicitInvoke = ETrue;
+ aParams.iCug.iSuppressPrefCug = ETrue;
+ }
+ else if ( cug == -1 ) // -1 supress
+ {
+ aParams.iCug.iCugIndex = defaultCug;
+ aParams.iCug.iExplicitInvoke = ETrue;
+ aParams.iCug.iSuppressPrefCug = ETrue;
+ }
+ else // default cug
+ {
+ aParams.iCug.iCugIndex = defaultCug;
+ aParams.iCug.iExplicitInvoke = EFalse;
+ aParams.iCug.iSuppressPrefCug = EFalse;
+ }
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::InitializeCallParameters >");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::InitializeDataCallParameters
+// Initialises call parameters from SSSettings
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::InitializeDataCallParameters( RMobileCall::TMobileHscsdCallParamsV1& aParams )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::InitializeDataCallParameters <");
+ TInt defaultCug(0);
+ TInt cug(0);
+ if( iSsSettingsHandler )
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iSsSettingsHandler->GetClirL( aParams.iIdRestrict ));
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iSsSettingsHandler->GetDefaultCugL( defaultCug ));
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iSsSettingsHandler->GetCugL( cug ));
+ }
+ // This is always set to false thus allowing calls outside groups.
+ aParams.iCug.iSuppressOA = EFalse;
+ if ( cug >= 0 && cug != defaultCug ) // set group
+ {
+ // Invoke cug.
+ aParams.iCug.iCugIndex = cug;
+ aParams.iCug.iExplicitInvoke = ETrue;
+ aParams.iCug.iSuppressPrefCug = ETrue;
+ }
+ else if ( cug == -1 ) // -1 supress
+ {
+ aParams.iCug.iCugIndex = defaultCug;
+ aParams.iCug.iExplicitInvoke = ETrue;
+ aParams.iCug.iSuppressPrefCug = ETrue;
+ }
+ else // default cug
+ {
+ aParams.iCug.iCugIndex = defaultCug;
+ aParams.iCug.iExplicitInvoke = EFalse;
+ aParams.iCug.iSuppressPrefCug = EFalse;
+ }
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::InitializeDataCallParameters >");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::IndicateClientCall
+// This fucntion delivers call pointer to be managed by CCE.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::IndicateClientCall( MCCPCSCall* aCall )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IndicateClientCall call: %x", aCall);
+ iCCPObserver->MoCallCreated( *aCall );
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IndicateClientCall Inform CCE OK");
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::IndicateIncomingCall
+// This fucntion delivers call pointer to be managed by CCE.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSProvider::IndicateIncomingCall( MCCPCSCall* aCall )
+ {
+ "CSProvider::IncomingCallArrived call: %x, inform CCE", aCall);
+ iCCPObserver->IncomingCall( aCall );
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::NotifyDataPortName
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::NotifyDataPortName( TName& aDataPortName )
+ {
+ "CSProvider::NotifyDataPortName name: %S", &aDataPortName);
+ iCCPObserver->DataPortName( aDataPortName );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::HandleNotifyPSL
+// From MCSPPubSubObserver.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::HandleNotifyPSL( const TUid /*aUid*/, const TInt& /*aKey*/,
+ const TRequestStatus& /*aStatus*/ )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::HandleNotifyPSL");
+ HandleSIMStatusL();
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::RemoteAlertingToneStatusChanged
+// From MCSPRemoteAlertingToneObserver.
+// Notify all calls about the change. Call is responsible for
+// notifying observer if the status change was for the call.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::RemoteAlertingToneStatusChanged(
+ RMmCustomAPI::TRemoteAlertingToneStatus aNewStatus )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::RemoteAlertingToneStatusChanged");
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < iCallArray->GetCallCount(); i++ )
+ {
+ CSPCall* call = iCallArray->Get( i );
+ if ( call )
+ {
+ call->RemoteAlertingToneStatusChanged( aNewStatus );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::HandleSIMStatusL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::HandleSIMStatusL()
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::HandleSIMStatusL");
+ if ( !iSsSettingsHandler && iSimStatusListener )
+ {
+ TInt simState( ESimNotReady );
+ TInt err = iSimStatusListener->Get( simState );
+ if ( err == KErrNone && simState == ESimUsable )
+ {
+ iSsSettingsHandler = CSPSsSettingsHandler::NewL( *iSsObserver );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING2( CSPERROR, "CSProvider::HandleSIMStatusL, err: %d", err );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( iSsSettingsHandler && iSimStatusListener )
+ {
+ delete iSimStatusListener;
+ iSimStatusListener = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::IndicateActiveHangup
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSProvider::IndicateActiveHangup( MCCPCallCommandHandling& aCall )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IndicateActiveHangup");
+ return iCallCommandHandler->IndicateActiveHangup( aCall );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::IndicateHangupComplete
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSProvider::IndicateHangupComplete( MCCPCallCommandHandling& aCall )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IndicateHangupComplete");
+ return iCallCommandHandler->IndicateHangupComplete( aCall );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::IndicateDialRequest
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSProvider::IndicateDialRequest( MCCPCallCommandHandling& aCall )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IndicateDialRequest");
+ return iCallCommandHandler->IndicateDialRequest( aCall );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::IndicateAnswerRequest
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSProvider::IndicateAnswerRequest( MCCPCallCommandHandling& aCall )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::IndicateAnswerRequest");
+ return iCallCommandHandler->IndicateAnswerRequest( aCall );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::DontReportTerminationError
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSProvider::DontReportTerminationError()
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::DontReportTerminationError");
+ TInt callCount = iCallArray->GetCallCount();
+ for ( TInt i = 0; i < callCount; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( iCallArray->Get(i)->State() == MCCPCallObserver::ECCPStateConnecting )
+ {
+ iCallArray->Get(i)->DontReportTerminationError();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSProvider::NotifyStateChange
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSProvider::NotifyStateChange(
+ MCSPConferenceStatusObserver::TCSPConferenceState aStatus )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING(CSPINT, "CSProvider::NotifyStateChange");
+ if ( !iConferenceCall &&
+ aStatus == MCSPConferenceStatusObserver::ECSPConferenceActive )
+ {
+ TRAPD( err, iConferenceCall = CSPConferenceCall::NewL(
+ iMobilePhone, *iCallArray, iServiceId ) );
+ if ( KErrNone == err )
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING( CSPINT, "CSProvider::NotifyStateChange ext conference created" );
+ iCCPObserver->ConferenceCallCreated( *iConferenceCall );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CSPLOGSTRING2(CSPERROR, "CSProvider::NotifyStateChange \
+ ext conference creation error %d", err);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// End of File