changeset 37 ba76fc04e6c2
child 45 6b911d05207e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/phoneapp/phoneuiqtviewadapter/src/phonenotecontroller.cpp	Fri Jun 04 10:19:18 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Handles phone notes.
+#include "phonenotecontroller.h"
+#include "tphonecmdparamglobalnote.h"
+#include "tphonecmdparamquery.h"
+#include "phoneresourceadapter.h"
+#include "qtphonelog.h"
+#include <QSignalMapper>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <hbdevicemessagebox.h>
+#include <hbdeviceprogressdialog.h>
+#include <hbmessagebox.h>
+#include <hbprogressdialog.h>
+#include <hbaction.h>
+#include <phoneappcommands.hrh>
+PhoneNoteController::PhoneNoteController(QObject *parent) : 
+    QObject(parent), m_timer(0), m_progressDialog(0), m_dtmfNote(0), 
+    m_queryNote(0), m_queryCanceledCommand(-1), m_timeoutCommand(-1)
+    PHONE_DEBUG("PhoneNoteController::PhoneNoteController");
+    m_signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
+    connect(m_signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SIGNAL(command (int)));
+    PHONE_DEBUG("PhoneNoteController::~PhoneNoteController");
+    if (m_timer) {
+        delete m_timer;
+    }
+void PhoneNoteController::showGlobalNote(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam)
+    PHONE_DEBUG("PhoneNoteController::showGlobalNote");
+    Q_ASSERT (commandParam->ParamId () == TPhoneCommandParam::EPhoneParamIdGlobalNote);
+    TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote* globalNoteParam = 
+        static_cast<TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote*>( commandParam );
+    HbMessageBox::MessageBoxType type;
+    switch( globalNoteParam->Type() ) {
+    case EAknGlobalInformationNote:
+        type = HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation;
+        break;
+    case EAknGlobalWarningNote:
+    default:
+        type = HbMessageBox::MessageTypeWarning;
+        break;
+    }
+    QString noteString = globalNoteText(globalNoteParam);
+    if (false == noteString.isNull()) {
+        bool showNote(true);
+        for (int i = 0; i < m_messageBoxList.count(); ++i) {
+            // Do not show same note/text several times, e.g when user hits
+            // the end button several times we should show only one "not allowed"
+            // note.
+            if (noteString ==>text()) {
+                showNote = false;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (showNote) {
+            QScopedPointer<HbDeviceMessageBox> messageBox( 
+                new HbDeviceMessageBox(noteString, type));
+            int timeout = globalNoteParam->Timeout();
+            if (timeout == 0) {
+                messageBox->setTimeout(HbDialog::StandardTimeout);
+            } else {
+                messageBox->setTimeout(timeout);
+            }
+            HbDeviceMessageBox *messageBoxPtr =;
+            m_messageBoxList.append(messageBoxPtr);
+            messageBox.take();
+            if (1 == m_messageBoxList.size()) {
+                QObject::connect(messageBoxPtr, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()), 
+                                 this, SLOT(destroyDialog()));
+                messageBoxPtr->show();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void PhoneNoteController::showNote(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam)
+    PHONE_DEBUG("PhoneNoteController::showNote");
+    TPhoneCmdParamNote* noteParam = static_cast<TPhoneCmdParamNote*>(
+            commandParam );
+    if ( noteParam->Type() == EPhoneNoteDtmfSending ) {
+        showDtmfNote(noteParam);
+    }
+void PhoneNoteController::showQuery(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam)
+    PHONE_DEBUG("PhoneNoteController::showQuery");
+    TPhoneCmdParamQuery& params = *static_cast<TPhoneCmdParamQuery*>( commandParam );
+    if ( EPhoneQueryDialog == params.QueryType() && 
+         params.QueryPrompt().Length() ) {
+        showDefaultQuery(&params);
+    } else if ( EPhoneGlobalWaitNote == params.QueryType() ) {
+        showGlobalWaitNote(&params);
+    }
+void PhoneNoteController::removeDtmfNote()
+    PHONE_DEBUG("PhoneNoteController::removeDtmfNote"); 
+    if (m_dtmfNote) {
+        m_dtmfNote->close();
+    }
+void PhoneNoteController::removeNote()
+    PHONE_DEBUG("PhoneNoteController::removeNote"); 
+    removeDtmfNote();
+void PhoneNoteController::removeQuery()
+    PHONE_DEBUG("PhoneNoteController::removeQuery"); 
+    if (m_queryNote) {
+        m_queryNote->close();
+    }
+void PhoneNoteController::removeGlobalWaitNote()
+    PHONE_DEBUG("PhoneNoteController::removeGlobalWaitNote"); 
+    if (m_timer) {
+        m_timeoutCommand = -1;
+        m_timer->stop();
+    }
+    if (m_progressDialog) {
+        m_queryCanceledCommand = -1;
+        m_progressDialog->close();
+    }
+void PhoneNoteController::destroyDialog()
+    PHONE_DEBUG("PhoneNoteController::destroyDialog"); 
+    HbDeviceMessageBox *messageBox = m_messageBoxList.takeFirst();
+    messageBox->deleteLater();
+    messageBox = 0;
+    if ( 0 < m_messageBoxList.size() ) {
+        PHONE_DEBUG("PhoneNoteController::show pending note");
+        HbDeviceMessageBox *messageBoxTemp = m_messageBoxList[0];
+        QObject::connect(messageBoxTemp, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()), 
+                         this, SLOT(destroyDialog()));
+        messageBoxTemp->show();
+    }
+void PhoneNoteController::removeMappings()
+    foreach (HbAction *action, m_actions ) {
+        m_signalMapper->removeMappings(action);
+    }
+    m_actions.clear();
+    if (m_dtmfNote) {
+        m_dtmfNote->deleteLater();
+        m_dtmfNote = 0;
+    }
+    if (m_queryNote) {
+        m_queryNote->deleteLater();
+        m_queryNote = 0;
+    }
+    if (m_progressDialog) {
+        m_progressDialog->deleteLater();
+        m_progressDialog = 0;
+    }
+void PhoneNoteController::queryCancelled()
+    if (m_timer) {
+        m_timer->stop();
+    }
+    if (m_queryCanceledCommand != -1) {
+        emit command(m_queryCanceledCommand);
+    }
+    m_queryCanceledCommand = -1;
+    m_timeoutCommand = -1;
+void PhoneNoteController::queryTimeout()
+    int sendCommand = m_timeoutCommand;
+    if (m_progressDialog) {
+        m_queryCanceledCommand = -1;
+        m_progressDialog->close();
+    }
+    if (sendCommand != -1) {        
+        emit command(sendCommand);
+    }
+QString PhoneNoteController::globalNoteText(
+        TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam)
+    TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote* globalNoteParam = 
+        static_cast<TPhoneCmdParamGlobalNote*>( commandParam );
+    QString ret;    
+    if ( globalNoteParam->TextResourceId() && 
+         KErrNone != globalNoteParam->Text().Compare( KNullDesC() ) ) {
+         // resource and text exists
+         ret = PhoneResourceAdapter::Instance()->convertToString(
+                     globalNoteParam->TextResourceId(),
+                     QString::fromUtf16(globalNoteParam->Text().Ptr(), 
+                                     globalNoteParam->Text().Length()) );         
+    } else if ( globalNoteParam->TextResourceId() ) {
+        // resource exists
+        ret = PhoneResourceAdapter::Instance()->convertToString(
+                    globalNoteParam->TextResourceId());
+    } else if ( KErrNone != globalNoteParam->Text().Compare( KNullDesC() ) ) {
+        // text exists
+        ret = QString::fromUtf16(globalNoteParam->Text().Ptr(), 
+                globalNoteParam->Text().Length());
+    }
+    return ret;
+void PhoneNoteController::showDtmfNote(TPhoneCmdParamNote* noteParam)
+    if (m_dtmfNote) {
+        m_dtmfNote->setText( QString::fromUtf16(noteParam->Text().Ptr(), 
+                noteParam->Text().Length()) );
+        m_dtmfNote->update();
+    } else {
+        QList<HbAction*> hbactions = PhoneResourceAdapter::Instance()->
+            convertToHbActions(noteParam->ResourceId());
+        if (hbactions.count() > 0) {
+            m_dtmfNote = new HbProgressDialog(HbProgressDialog::ProgressDialog);
+            m_dtmfNote->setText( QString::fromUtf16(noteParam->Text().Ptr(), 
+                    noteParam->Text().Length()) ); 
+            connect(, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_signalMapper, SLOT(map()));
+            int count = m_dtmfNote->actions().count();
+            for (int i=count;0<i;i--) {
+                QAction *action = m_dtmfNote->actions().at(i-1);
+                m_dtmfNote->removeAction(action);
+                //TODO
+                //delete action;
+            }
+            m_dtmfNote->addAction(;
+            m_signalMapper->setMapping(,>data().toInt());
+            QObject::connect(m_dtmfNote, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()), 
+                             this, SLOT(removeMappings())); 
+            m_actions.append(;
+            m_dtmfNote->show();
+        }
+    }
+void PhoneNoteController::showDefaultQuery(TPhoneCmdParamQuery* params)
+    if (!m_queryNote) {
+        QList<HbAction*> hbactions = PhoneResourceAdapter::Instance()->
+            convertToHbActions(params->QueryResourceId());
+        if (hbactions.count() > 0) {
+            m_queryNote = new HbMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion);
+            m_queryNote->setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
+            m_queryNote->setDismissPolicy(HbPopup::NoDismiss);
+            m_queryNote->setText(QString::fromUtf16(params->QueryPrompt().Ptr(), 
+                    params->QueryPrompt().Length()));
+            QObject::connect(m_queryNote, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()), 
+                             this, SLOT(removeMappings())); 
+            for (int i = 0; i < hbactions.count(); ++i) {
+                connect(, SIGNAL(triggered()), m_signalMapper, SLOT(map()));
+                m_signalMapper->setMapping(,>data().toInt());
+                m_actions.append(;
+            }
+            int count = m_queryNote->actions().count();
+            for (int i=count;0<i;i--) {
+                QAction *action = m_queryNote->actions().at(i-1);
+                m_queryNote->removeAction(action);
+                //TODO
+                //delete action;
+            }
+            for (int i=0;i<hbactions.count();i++) {
+                m_queryNote->addAction(;
+            }
+            m_queryNote->show();
+        }
+    }
+void PhoneNoteController::showGlobalWaitNote(TPhoneCmdParamQuery* params)
+    if (!m_progressDialog) {        
+        m_queryCanceledCommand = params->CbaCommandMapping(EAknSoftkeyCancel);
+        m_progressDialog = new HbDeviceProgressDialog(HbProgressDialog::WaitDialog);
+        if (params->QueryPrompt().Length()) {
+            m_progressDialog->setText(QString::fromUtf16(params->QueryPrompt().Ptr(), 
+                    params->QueryPrompt().Length()));
+        } else if (0 != params->DataText()) {
+            m_progressDialog->setText(QString::fromUtf16(params->DataText()->Ptr(), 
+                    params->DataText()->Length()));
+        }
+        QObject::connect(m_progressDialog, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()), 
+                         this, SLOT(removeMappings())); 
+        QObject::connect(m_progressDialog, SIGNAL(cancelled()), 
+                         this, SLOT(queryCancelled())); 
+        if (params->TimeOut() != 0) {
+            if (!m_timer) {
+                m_timer = new QTimer();
+                m_timer->setSingleShot(true);
+                connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(queryTimeout()));
+            }           
+            m_timeoutCommand = -1;
+            int customCommand;
+            if (-1 != params->GetCustomCommandForTimeOut(customCommand)) {
+                m_timeoutCommand = customCommand;
+            }
+            m_timer->start(params->TimeOut());
+        }
+        m_progressDialog->show();
+    }