Merge fix for bug 2360.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This module contains the implementation of CPEContactMatch class
#include "cpecontacthandling.h"
#include "cpecontactmatch.h"
#include <cphonecntfactory.h>
#include <cphcntmatcher.h>
#include <cphcntspeeddialmonitor.h>
#include <cphcntthumbnailloader.h>
#include <mpeclientinformation.h>
#include <mpedatastore.h>
#include <mphcntmatch.h>
#include <mphcntthumbnailloaderobserver.h>
#include <pepanic.pan>
#include <pevirtualengine.h>
#include <talogger.h>
#include <telmatchingextension.h>
#include <spsettings.h>
#include <spdefinitions.h>
#include <spproperty.h>
#include <spentry.h>
#include "cpecontactextensionwrapper.h"
// Space - used as a separator between concatenated first and last name
_LIT( KPESpace," ");
// Contact group array granularity
const TInt KPEContactGroupArrayGranularity = 5;
// Minimum value of meanigful digits
const TInt KMinValueOfMeaningfulDigits = 4;
// Maximum value of meanigful digits
const TInt KMaxValueOfMeaningfulDigits = 20;
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPEContactMatch* CPEContactMatch::NewL(
CPEContactHandling& aOwner,
MPEDataStore& aDataStore
CPEContactMatch* self =
new ( ELeave ) CPEContactMatch( aOwner, aDataStore );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iSpeedDialCommand;
if ( iContactThumbnailLoader && iThumbnailId )
iContactThumbnailLoader->Cancel( iThumbnailId );
delete iThumbnailImage;
delete iContactThumbnailLoader;
delete iContactMatcher;
delete iContactFactory;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::CreateSingleItemFetchL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPhCntSingleItemFetch* CPEContactMatch::CreateSingleItemFetchL()
return iContactFactory->CreateSingleItemFetchL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::CreateContactIdL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPhCntContactId* CPEContactMatch::CreateContactIdL( const TDesC8& aContactId )
return iContactFactory->CreateContactIdL( aContactId );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::CreateContactIdL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPhCntContactId* CPEContactMatch::CreateContactIdL(
TContactItemId aContactId )
return iContactFactory->CreateContactIdL( aContactId );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::CPEContactMatch
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPEContactHandling& aOwner,
MPEDataStore& aDataStore )
: iOwner( aOwner ), iDataStore( aDataStore )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEContactMatch::ConstructL()
//Mandatory services for providing contact match functionality
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::ConstructL > RLibrary::Load" );
iContactFactory = CreateCntFactoryL();
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::ConstructL > CPhCntFactory::CreateContactMatcherL" );
iContactMatcher = iContactFactory->CreateContactMatcherL();
//Secondary services that may be enabled on demand
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::ConstructThumbnailLoaderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEContactMatch::ConstructThumbnailLoaderL()
if ( !iContactThumbnailLoader )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::ConstructL > CPhCntFactory::CreateThumbnailLoaderL" );
iContactThumbnailLoader = iContactFactory->CreateThumbnailLoaderL( *this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::ConstructSpeedDialCommandL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEContactMatch::ConstructSpeedDialCommandL()
if ( !iSpeedDialCommand )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAOBJECT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::ConstructL > CPhCntFactory::CreateSpeedDialMonitorL" );
iSpeedDialCommand = iContactFactory->CreateSpeedDialMonitorL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::MatchWithContactIdL
// Synchronous method for finding contact data specified
// with aContactId.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEContactMatch::MatchWithContactIdL(
const TInt aCallId
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithContactIdL" );
MPhCntMatch* match( NULL );
CPhCntContactId* contactId = NULL;
contactId = CreateContactIdL( iDataStore.CallClientInformation( aCallId ).ContactLink() );
CleanupStack::PushL( contactId );
if ( iDataStore.CallType( aCallId ) == EPECallTypeVoIP )
if ( contactId && contactId->IsValid() )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithContactIdL > CPhCntMatcher::MatchVoipNumber" );
// Get contact based on contact id.
iContactMatcher->MatchVoipNumber( match,
*contactId );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
if ( contactId && contactId->IsValid() )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithContactIdL > CPhCntMatcher::MatchNumber" );
iContactMatcher->MatchNumber( match,
iDataStore.RemotePhoneNumber( aCallId ),
*contactId );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
if ( match != NULL )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithContactIdL, Contact match found" );
CopyContactFieldsDataL( *match, aCallId );
if ( match->HasThumbnailImage() )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithContactIdL, Thumbnail image found" );
// Start loading thumbnail for this contact
// Error code may be ignored since this is not a critical function
iDataStore.SetHasCallerThumbnail( ETrue, aCallId );
LoadThumbnail( iDataStore.ContactId( aCallId ), aCallId );
match = NULL;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contactId ); //contactId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::MatchWithNumberL
// Synchronous method for finding contact data specified with phone number.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEContactMatch::MatchWithNumberL(
const TInt aCallId
MPhCntMatch* match( NULL );
RBuf remoteParty;
if ( iDataStore.CallType( aCallId ) == EPECallTypeVoIP )
TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithNumberL > CPhCntMatcher::MatchVoipNumber, call id: %d", aCallId );
MatchWithVoipAdressL( aCallId, match, remoteParty );
TPEPhoneNumber remoteNumber = iDataStore.RemotePhoneNumber( aCallId );
TEFLOGSTRING3( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithNumberL > CPhCntMatcher::MatchNumber, number: %S, call id: %d",
&remoteNumber, aCallId );
iContactMatcher->MatchNumber( match, remoteNumber );
if ( match != NULL )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithNumberL, Contact match found" );
CopyContactFieldsDataL( *match, aCallId );
if ( match->HasThumbnailImage() )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithNumberL, Thumbnail image found" );
// Start loading thumbnail for this contact
// Error code may be ignored since this is not a critical function
iDataStore.SetHasCallerThumbnail( ETrue, aCallId );
LoadThumbnail( iDataStore.ContactId( aCallId ), aCallId );
match = NULL;
else if ( 0 < remoteParty.Length() )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithNumberL, Set plugins remote name" );
// Match not found, set plugins remote party name.
// Make sure that length of the remote name is not too long.
iDataStore.SetRemoteName( remoteParty.Left(
Min( KCntMaxTextFieldLength, remoteParty.Length() ) ),
aCallId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &remoteParty );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::LoadThumbnail
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPEContactMatch::LoadThumbnail(
const CPhCntContactId& aContactId,
const TInt aCallId )
// use call id for identifying which thumbnail is loaded
// Increment it because zero is invalid value for the id
TInt thumbnailId = aCallId + 1;
iThumbnailId =
reinterpret_cast< CPhCntThumbnailLoader::TThumbnailId > ( thumbnailId );
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::LoadThumbnail > CPhCntThumbnailLoader::Load" );
return iContactThumbnailLoader->Load( iThumbnailId, aContactId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::MpctloThumbnailLoaded
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPEContactMatch::MpctloThumbnailLoaded(
CPhCntThumbnailLoader::TThumbnailId aId,
TInt aResult,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap )
// Operation complete
// Reset id to indicate that no thumbnail loading is in progress
iThumbnailId = KPhCntThumbnailNullId;
if ( aResult == KErrNone )
iThumbnailImage = aBitmap;
// Decrement call id, see LoadThumbnail() for reason
TInt thumbnailId = ( reinterpret_cast< TInt >( aId ) ) - 1;
iOwner.SendMessage( MEngineMonitor::EPEMessageThumbnailLoadingCompleted, thumbnailId );
iOwner.SendErrorMessage( aResult );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::ContactThumbnail
// Returns contact thumbnail image, NULL if not found
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CFbsBitmap* CPEContactMatch::ContactThumbnail()
if ( !iThumbnailImage )
return NULL;
CFbsBitmap* returnedThumbnailImage( iThumbnailImage );
iThumbnailImage = NULL; // Ownership is passed to caller
return returnedThumbnailImage;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::CopyContactFieldsDataL
// Copies contact information to remote info struct
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEContactMatch::CopyContactFieldsDataL(
const MPhCntMatch& aMatch,
const TInt aCallId
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::CopyContactFieldsDataL: start" );
// Set ringing tone's filename
iDataStore.SetPersonalRingingTone( aMatch.PersonalRingingTone(), aCallId );
// Set name
// The following logic determines if one of the languages that require
// swapping of first/last name order is selected and performs the operation.
HBufC* lastname( NULL );
HBufC* firstname( NULL );
if ( aMatch.LastName().Length() > 0 )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::CopyContactFieldsDataL, alloc last name" );
lastname = aMatch.LastName().Alloc();
if ( aMatch.FirstName().Length() > 0 )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::CopyContactFieldsDataL, alloc first name" );
firstname = aMatch.FirstName().Alloc();
if ( ( lastname ) && ( firstname ) )
//Swap name order, if required by the current language setting
const TLanguage language = User::Language();
for ( TInt index = 0; index < KPENumberOfSwappedLanguages; index++ )
if ( KPESwappedLanguages[index] == language )
HBufC* tempfirstname( firstname );
firstname = lastname;
lastname = tempfirstname;
TPEContactName finalName;
// Parse name by concatenating lastname and firstname
if ( firstname )
finalName = *firstname;
if ( finalName.Length() < KCntMaxTextFieldLength && lastname )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::CopyContactFieldsDataL, append with space" );
finalName.Append( KPESpace );
delete firstname;
firstname = NULL;
if ( lastname )
if ( finalName.Length() < KCntMaxTextFieldLength )
// Check how long last name can be added to the iName string.
TInt lastNameMaxLength = KCntMaxTextFieldLength - finalName.Length();
if ( lastname->Length() > lastNameMaxLength )
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::CopyContactFieldsDataL, append with part of last name" );
// Cut extra chars from the string.
finalName.Append( lastname->Left( lastNameMaxLength ) );
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::CopyContactFieldsDataL, append with last name" );
finalName.Append( *lastname );
delete lastname;
lastname = NULL;
// Replace paragraph separator with space character
const TText ps(0x2029);
while ( finalName.Locate( ps ) != KErrNotFound )
finalName[ finalName.Locate( ps )] = ' ';
iDataStore.SetRemoteName( finalName, aCallId );
iDataStore.SetRemoteTextToSpeechText( aMatch.TextToSpeechTextL(), aCallId );
if ( aMatch.Number().Length() > 0 )
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumber( aMatch.Number(), aCallId );
TInt phcntfinderNumberType = aMatch.NumberType();
switch ( phcntfinderNumberType )
case MPhCntMatch::EMobileNumber:
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumberType( EPEMobileNumber, aCallId );
case MPhCntMatch::EStandardNumber:
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumberType( EPETelephoneNumber, aCallId );
case MPhCntMatch::EFaxNumber:
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumberType( EPEFaxNumber, aCallId );
case MPhCntMatch::EPagerNumber:
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumberType( EPEPager, aCallId );
case MPhCntMatch::EVoipNumber:
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumberType( EPEVoipNumber, aCallId );
case MPhCntMatch::EVideoNumber:
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumberType( EPEVideoNumber, aCallId );
case MPhCntMatch::EAssistantNumber:
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumberType( EPEAssistantNumber, aCallId );
case MPhCntMatch::ECarNumber:
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumberType( EPECarNumber, aCallId );
case MPhCntMatch::EHomeNumber:
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumberType( EPEHomeNumber, aCallId );
case MPhCntMatch::EWorkNumber:
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumberType( EPEWorkNumber, aCallId );
case MPhCntMatch::ENone: // fall through
iDataStore.SetRemotePhoneNumberType( EPEUnknownNumber, aCallId );
// Replace paragraph separator with space character
TPEContactName companyName;
companyName = aMatch.CompanyName();
while ( companyName.Locate( ps ) != KErrNotFound )
companyName[ companyName.Locate( ps )] = ' ';
// Set Company name
iDataStore.SetRemoteCompanyName( companyName, aCallId );
// Set Call text
iDataStore.SetCallerText( aMatch.CallText(), aCallId );
// Set Call image
iDataStore.SetCallerImage( aMatch.CallImage(), aCallId );
// Set Contact ID
iDataStore.SetContactId( aMatch.ContactId()->CloneL(), aCallId );
CArrayFixFlat< TContactItemId >* groupList
= new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TContactItemId >
( KPEContactGroupArrayGranularity );
TArray<TContactItemId> alertFor = iDataStore.AlertForGroup();
const TInt groupLength = alertFor.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < groupLength; i++ )
groupList->AppendL( alertFor[ i ] );
if ( aMatch.BelongsToGroups( *groupList ) )
// Convert array type here to ease further handling
TArray<TContactItemId> list = groupList->Array();
// Set group information
iDataStore.SetContactGroups( list, aCallId );
delete groupList;
groupList = NULL;
// Set dtmf array
iDataStore.SetPredefinedDtmfStrings( aMatch.AllDtmfNumbers(), aCallId );
TEFLOGSTRING( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::CopyContactFieldsDataL: complete" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::GetSpeedDialLocationL
// Get's phone number from given location.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPEContactMatch::GetSpeedDialLocationL(
TInt aLocationIndex,
TPEPhoneNumber& aNumber )
iSpeedDialCommand->GetSpeedDialFieldL( aLocationIndex, aNumber);
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::ResolveImplementationUidL
// -----------------------------------------------------------
TUid CPEContactMatch::ResolveServicesImplementationUidL( TUint32 aServiceId )
TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CNT CPEContactMatch::ResolveService > aServiceId: %d", aServiceId );
TUid implUid = {0};
CSPEntry* entry = CSPEntry::NewLC();
CSPSettings* spSettings = CSPSettings::NewLC();
spSettings->FindEntryL( aServiceId, *entry ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( spSettings );
const CSPProperty* property = NULL;
User::LeaveIfError( entry->GetProperty( property, EPropertyCLIPluginId ) );
if ( property )
TInt temp(0);
User::LeaveIfError( property->GetValue( temp ) );
implUid.iUid = temp;
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
return implUid;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::MatchWithVoipAdressL
// -----------------------------------------------------------
void CPEContactMatch::MatchWithVoipAdressL(
const TInt aCallId,
MPhCntMatch*& aMatch,
RBuf& aRemotePartyName )
"CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithVoipAdressL, CALL ID: %d", aCallId )
TRAPD( result, MatchWithVoipAddressUsingExtensionL(
aCallId, aMatch, aRemotePartyName ) );
if ( KErrNone != result )
"CNT CPEContactMatch::MatchWithVoipAdressL > PLUGIN ERR: %d", result )
// Some error happened while using extension plugin.
// -> Default matching is used.
// Try to find store uris that should be opened before contact match.
CDesCArray* storeUris = NULL;
TRAP_IGNORE( storeUris = StoreUrisForServiceL(
iDataStore.ServiceId( aCallId )) );
TPEPhoneNumber remoteNumber = iDataStore.RemotePhoneNumber( aCallId );
aMatch, remoteNumber, ETrue, storeUris, remoteNumber.Length() );
delete storeUris;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::StoreUrisForServiceL
// -----------------------------------------------------------
CDesCArray* CPEContactMatch::StoreUrisForServiceL( TUint aServiceId )
CDesCArray* storeUris = new ( ELeave ) CDesC16ArrayFlat( 1 );
CleanupStack::PushL( storeUris );
// Get contact store id from Service Table
// KSPMaxDesLength from spdefinitions.h
HBufC* cntStoreId = HBufC::NewLC( KSPMaxDesLength );
CSPSettings* spSettings = CSPSettings::NewLC();
CSPProperty* property = CSPProperty::NewLC();
User::LeaveIfError( spSettings->FindPropertyL(
TServiceId( aServiceId ),
*property ) );
TPtr storeUri( cntStoreId->Des() );
User::LeaveIfError( property->GetValue( storeUri ) );
storeUris->AppendL( storeUri );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( property );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( spSettings );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cntStoreId );
CleanupStack::Pop( storeUris );
return storeUris;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::MatchWithVoipAddressUsingExtensionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------
void CPEContactMatch::MatchWithVoipAddressUsingExtensionL( TInt aCallId,
MPhCntMatch*& aMatch, RBuf& aRemotePartyName )
// Create and initialize extension plugin.
TUint32 serviceId = iDataStore.ServiceId( aCallId );
CTelMatchingExtension& plugin = MatchingExtensionL( serviceId );
TPEPhoneNumber remoteNumber = iDataStore.RemotePhoneNumber( aCallId );
plugin.InitializeL( serviceId, remoteNumber );
// Get service specific parameters from the plugin.
User::LeaveIfError( plugin.GetRemotePartyName( aRemotePartyName ) );
RBuf parsedAddress;
CleanupClosePushL( parsedAddress );
TInt digitsformatching( 0 );
User::LeaveIfError( plugin.GetAddressForMatching( parsedAddress, digitsformatching ) );
CDesCArray* array = new ( ELeave ) CDesC16ArrayFlat( 1 );
CleanupStack::PushL( array );
User::LeaveIfError( plugin.GetContactStoreUris( *array ) );
TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CNT Extension Plugin > remoteParty: %S", &aRemotePartyName )
TEFLOGSTRING3( KTAINT, "CNT Extension Plugin > parsedAddress: %S , digits: %d",
&parsedAddress, digitsformatching )
TEFLOGSTRING2( KTAINT, "CNT Extension Plugin > array count: %d", array->MdcaCount() )
// Digits for matching. Supported range is between 4-20.
// If not valid value use whole address length for matching.
digitsformatching = ( digitsformatching < KMinValueOfMeaningfulDigits ||
digitsformatching > KMaxValueOfMeaningfulDigits ) ?
parsedAddress.Length() : digitsformatching;
// Use service specific parameters for matching.
TEFLOGSTRING3( KTAINT, "CNT MatchWithVoipAddressUsingExtensionL >\
CPhCntMatcher::MatchVoipNumber, NUMBER: %S, CALL ID: %d",
&remoteNumber, aCallId )
iContactMatcher->MatchVoipNumber( aMatch,
parsedAddress.Left( Min( parsedAddress.Length(), KPEPhoneNumberMaxLength ) ),
ETrue, array, digitsformatching );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( array );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &parsedAddress );
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPEContactMatch::MatchingExtensionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------
CTelMatchingExtension& CPEContactMatch::MatchingExtensionL( TUint aServiceId )
TUid pluginUid = ResolveServicesImplementationUidL( aServiceId );
CPEContactExtensionWrapper* wrapper = NULL;
TInt pluginInd =
iPlugins.Find( pluginUid, CPEContactExtensionWrapper::MatchByUid );
if ( KErrNotFound == pluginInd )
wrapper = CPEContactExtensionWrapper::NewLC( pluginUid );
iPlugins.AppendL( wrapper );
CleanupStack::Pop( wrapper );
wrapper = iPlugins[pluginInd];
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( NULL != wrapper, User::Leave( KErrNotFound ) );
return *wrapper;
// End of File