* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: PhoneUI Query Controller
#include "cphonetextquery.h"
#include "mphonequeryobserver.h"
#include "mphonetimer.h"
#include "tphonecmdparamquery.h"
enum TPhoneAvkonQueryType
class TPhoneCommandParam;
class CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery;
class CPhoneQueryDialog;
class CPhoneDtmfNumberListQuery;
class CPhoneListQueryDialog;
class CCaUiReconnectQuery;
class CPhoneTimer;
class CAknGlobalMsgQuery;
class CAknGlobalNote;
class CPhoneQueryController :
public CActive,
public MEikCommandObserver,
public MPhoneQueryObserver,
protected MPhoneTimer
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CPhoneQueryController* NewL( CEikonEnv& aEikEnv );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CPhoneQueryController();
* Creates query dialog from the given command parameter
* @param aCommandParam command parameter holding data for
* populating the needed query dialog.
void CreateQueryL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Destructs all existing query dialogs except global.
void DestroyQuery();
* Destructs global query dialog.
void DestroyGlobalQuery();
* Destroys global wait note
void DestroyGlobalWaitNote();
* Fetches query dialog's content
* @param aCommandParam pointer where content will be written
void GetTextQueryContentL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Set by the query when it is asynchronously deleted.
* @param aQueryDeleted ETrue if the query is deleted
void SetQueryDeletedFlag( TBool aQueryDeleted );
* Get active status of queries
* @param aCommandParam command parameter
void IsQueryActive( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Sets string for List query dialog
* @param aCommandParam command parameter
void SetListQueryStringL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Reports query dialog's exit
* @param aCommand user selected action.
void ReportQueryCompleteAsync( TInt aCommand );
* Check if dtmf test query or dtmf dialog is visible.
TBool IsDTMFQueryVisible();
* Sets member variable NoConnectedCalls value.
void SetNoConnectedCalls( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
protected: // from CActive
* See CActive documentation.
void RunL();
* See CActive documentation.
TInt RunError( TInt aError );
* See CActive documentation.
void DoCancel();
* @see CPhoneTimer, handles timeout.
virtual void HandleTimeOutL();
* @see MEikCommandObserver
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
private: // Constructors
* C++ default constructor.
CPhoneQueryController( CEikonEnv& aEikEnv );
* Creates query dialog
* @param aParams a TPhoneCmdParamQuery holding the parameters for the query
void CreateQueryDialogL(
const TPhoneCmdParamQuery& aParams );
* Creates text query dialog
* @param aParams a TPhoneCmdParamQuery holding the parameters for the query
void CreateTextQueryDialogL(
const TPhoneCmdParamQuery& aParams,
TInt aOkButtonCmd = EEikBidOk );
* Generates DTMF list query.
* @param aDialogResourceId -Id of the list query to be loaded
void CreateDtmfListQueryL( TInt aDialogResourceId );
* Generates list query.
* @param aDialogResourceId -Id of the list query to be loaded
void CreateListQueryL( TInt aDialogResourceId, const RArray<TInt>& aCommands );
* Generates custom list query.
* @param aDialogResourceId -Id of the list query to be loaded
* @param aItemTextArray Text array for list items.
* @param aTone Query tone.
void CreateCustomListQueryL( const TPhoneCmdParamQuery& aParams );
* Creates the default query.
* @param aParams ommand parameter holding data for
* populating the needed query dialog.
void CreateDefaultQueryL( const TPhoneCmdParamQuery& aParams );
* Creates the reconnect query.
* @param aParams ommand parameter holding data for
* populating the needed query dialog.
void CreateReconnectQueryL( TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam );
* Creates the global query.
* @param aParams a TPhoneCmdParamQuery holding the parameters for the query
void CreateGlobalQueryDialogL( const TPhoneCmdParamQuery& aParams );
* Callback function that CIdle calls when we are using Text Query Dialog.
* This method displayes the actual query.
* @param aCPhoneQueryController - pointer to itself
* @return KErrNone
static TInt DisplayTextQueryCallBack( TAny* aCPhoneQueryController );
* Clear timer used in global query
void ClearTimer();
* Creates global message query dialog.
* @param aParams a TPhoneCmdParamQuery holding the parameters for the query
void CreateGlobalMsgQueryL( const TPhoneCmdParamQuery& aParams );
* Destroys global message query.
void DestroyGlobalMsgQuery();
* Creates global wait note.
* @param aParams a TPhoneCmdParamQuery holding the parameters for the query
void CreateGlobalWaitNoteL( const TPhoneCmdParamQuery& aParams );
* Callback function that CIdle calls when we are handling process command.
* This method forwards the actual command
* @param aCPhoneQueryController - pointer to itself
* @return KErrNone
static TInt ProcessCommandCallBack( TAny* aCPhoneQueryController );
private: // Data
* Query dialog
CPhoneQueryDialog* iQuery;
* Text query dialog
CPhoneTextQuery* iTextQuery;
* DTMF number list query
CPhoneDtmfNumberListQuery* iDtmfNumberListQuery;
CPhoneListQueryDialog* iListQuery;
* ETrue when the query is asynchronously deleted
TBool iQueryDeleted;
* Call UI reconnect query.
CCaUiReconnectQuery* iCallUiReconnectQuery;
// Eikon environment delivered from CPhoneViewController
CEikonEnv& iEikEnv;
// Query dialog's text. Stored here for async operations.
RBuf iQueryNoteText;
// Prompt for queries. Stored here for async operations.
RBuf iQueryPrompt;
// Query dialog's text. Stored here for async operations.
// Needed if query has been deleted before content get
RBuf iQueryPreviousText;
// Command for queries. Stored here for async operations.
TInt iCommandId;
// Waitnote text
RBuf iWaitNoteText;
// Global confirmation query.
CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery* iGlobalConfirmationQuery;
// Currently active avkon query type
TInt iActiveAvkonQuery;
* Status of VideoCallSetupFailedQuery
TBool iVideoCallSetupFailedQuery;
* Status of transfer acceptance query.
TBool iTransferAcceptanceQuery;
// Displaying a Text Query is a blocking synchronous call and we want to give
// run time for other Phone stuff so CIdle object is used to let us do that.
// Owned.
CIdle *iTextQueryDisplayer;
// Asynchronous call for process command
CIdle *iCommandAsync;
// Contains selected DTMF string from dtmf listquery dialog.
HBufC* iResultBuffer;
// Timer.
CPhoneTimer* iTimer;
* Global message query.
* Own.
CAknGlobalMsgQuery* iGlobalMsgQuery;
* Parameter query command object.
TPhoneCmdParamQuery iQueryParam;
* Global wait note.
* Own.
CAknGlobalNote* iGlobalWaitNote;
* Flag for check is command already handled.
TBool iCommandHandled;
* Flag indicating connected calls.
TBool iNoConnectedCalls;
// End of File