* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Key event forwarder.
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <eikappui.h>
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
#include <featmgr.h>
#include <PtiDefs.h>
#include <AknUtils.h>
#include "mphonestatemachine.h"
#include "mphonekeyeventhandler.h"
#include "cphonekeys.h"
#include "cphonekeyeventforwarder.h"
#include "cphonepubsubproxy.h"
#include "cphonetimer.h"
#include "phonelogger.h"
#include "phoneui.pan"
#include "mphoneviewcommandhandle.h"
#include "cphoneqwertyhandler.h"
#include "tphonecmdparampointer.h"
#include "tphonecmdparamboolean.h"
#include "mphoneqwertymodeobserver.h"
#include "cdialer.h"
//Avkon P&S keys
const TUid KCRUidAvkon = { 0x101F876E };
const TUint32 KAknKeyBoardLayout = 0x0000000B;
// Characters resulting from multitapping *-key.
_LIT( KAsteriskMultitapCharacters, "*+pw" );
// Multitap delay parameter in micro seconds.
const TInt KMultitapDelay = 1000000;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPhoneKeyEventForwarder* CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::NewL(
const TRect& aRect,
MPhoneStateMachine* aStateMachine,
MPhoneViewCommandHandle* aViewCommandHandle )
CPhoneKeyEventForwarder* self =
new (ELeave) CPhoneKeyEventForwarder( aStateMachine, aViewCommandHandle );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aRect );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::~CPhoneKeyEventForwarder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
__LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::~CPhoneKeyEventForwarder");
if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
iPeninputServer.RemovePenUiActivationHandler( this );
if ( iEikonEnv )
iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->RemoveFromStack( this );
delete iLongPressKeyEventTimer;
delete iQwertyHandler;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::CountComponentControls
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::CountComponentControls() const
__LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::CountComponentControls");
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::ComponentControl
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCoeControl* CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::ComponentControl(
TInt /*aIndex*/ ) const
__LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::ComponentControl");
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::SizeChanged
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::SizeChanged()
__LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::SizeChanged");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::Draw
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::Draw(
const TRect& /*aRect*/ ) const
__LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneControl, "CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::Draw");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::OfferKeyEventL
// Checks is hte keyevent such that the number entry can be opened
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::OfferKeyEventL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType )
TKeyResponse ret( EKeyWasNotConsumed );
// After event key, expect to have key up event.
iExpectKeyUpEvent = ( aType == EEventKey );
ret = OfferKeyEventBeforeControlStackL( aKeyEvent, aType );
if ( !aKeyEvent.iRepeats && aKeyEvent.iCode != EKeyEscape )
// Convert event. Use already converted iKeyPressedDown.
TKeyEvent keyEvent = aKeyEvent;
keyEvent.iCode = iKeyPressedDown;
// Do not handle dtmf tone if the type is EEventKey but we are not
// expecting key up event. This happens if the key up event has been
// handled by some CActiveSchedulerWait object somewhere in the execution
// of function OfferKeyEventBeforeControlStackL.
if ( iExpectKeyUpEvent || aType != EEventKey )
// Start and stop dtmf
iStateMachine->State()->HandleDtmfKeyToneL( keyEvent, aType );
// Open number entry view if any allowed character key
// is pressed on homescreen or in-call ui
if ( aType != EEventKeyUp && IsKeyAllowedL( keyEvent ) )
// Do not open number entry with up key
iStateMachine->State()->HandleCreateNumberEntryL( keyEvent, aType );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::CPhoneKeyEventForwarder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MPhoneStateMachine* aStateMachine,
MPhoneViewCommandHandle* aViewCommandHandle )
: iStateMachine( aStateMachine ),
iViewCommandHandle( aViewCommandHandle )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::ConstructL( const TRect& aRect )
if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdKeypadNoSlider ) )
RWindowGroup& groupWin = iCoeEnv->RootWin();
// Create invisible control.
MakeVisible( EFalse );
SetRect( aRect );
if ( iEikonEnv )
ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus );
// Create the long press key event timer
iLongPressKeyEventTimer = CPhoneTimer::NewL();
// Create qwerty mode handler
iQwertyHandler = CPhoneQwertyHandler::NewL();
TPhoneCmdParamPointer ptrParam;
iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommand( EPhoneViewGetQwertyModeObserver, &ptrParam );
CDialer* qwertyObserver =
static_cast<CDialer*>( ptrParam.Pointer() );
iQwertyHandler->AddQwertyModeObserverL( *qwertyObserver );
if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
User::LeaveIfError( iPeninputServer.Connect() );
iPeninputServer.AddPenUiActivationHandler( this, EPluginInputModeAll );
iVirtualKeyBoardOpen = iPeninputServer.IsVisible();
CEikonEnv* env = static_cast<CEikonEnv*>( ControlEnv() );
if ( env )
iMenu = env->AppUiFactory()->MenuBar();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::IsKeyAllowedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::IsKeyAllowedL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent )
TKeyEvent keyEvent( aKeyEvent );
// Check keyboard mode
TBool isModeNumeric = iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
EPhoneViewIsNumberEntryNumericMode ) == EPhoneViewResponseSuccess;
// Check if key is a numeric key
TBool isNumeric = CPhoneKeys::IsNumericKey( keyEvent, EEventKey );
// Check if key is alpha numeric key and alphabet input is allowed
TBool isAllowedAlphaNumeric =
iStateMachine->State()->IsAlphanumericSupportedAndCharInput( keyEvent );
return ( ( isModeNumeric && isNumeric ) ||
( !isModeNumeric && isAllowedAlphaNumeric ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::ConvertHalfQwertySpecialChar
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::ConvertHalfQwertySpecialChar( TUint& aCode,
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent )
TBool ret( EFalse );
TInt keyboard( CPhonePubSubProxy::Instance()->Value(
KAknKeyBoardLayout ) );
if ( keyboard == EPtiKeyboardHalfQwerty )
switch ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode )
case EStdKeyLeftShift:
ret = ETrue;
aCode = KPhoneDtmfHashCharacter;
case EStdKeyLeftFunc:
ret = ETrue;
aCode = KPhoneDtmfStarCharacter;
case EStdKeySpace:
ret = ETrue;
aCode = KPhoneDtmf0Character;
__PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
"CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::ConvertHalfQwertySpecialChar =%d ",
ret );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::IsKeySimulatedByTouchDialer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::IsKeySimulatedByTouchDialer(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent ) const
return ( ( aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierNumLock ) &&
( aKeyEvent.iModifiers & EModifierKeypad ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::HandleTouchDialerKeyEventL
// Handle EEventKey type of event from touch dialer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::HandleTouchDialerKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent )
TBool multitap = aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyNkpAsterisk &&
iPreviousScanCode == EStdKeyNkpAsterisk &&
iKeyPressTime.MicroSecondsFrom( iPreviousKeyPressTime ) < KMultitapDelay;
if ( multitap )
// Update multitap index
iMultitapIndex = ( iMultitapIndex + 1 ) % KAsteriskMultitapCharacters().Length();
// Delete the previously entered character by simulating a backspace character.
TKeyEvent backSpaceEvent;
backSpaceEvent.iModifiers = 0;
backSpaceEvent.iRepeats = 0;
backSpaceEvent.iCode = EKeyBackspace;
backSpaceEvent.iScanCode = EStdKeyBackspace;
iStateMachine->State()->HandleKeyEventL( backSpaceEvent, EEventKey );
TKeyEvent keyEvent( aKeyEvent );
// Modify the key event to contain the next character on multitap list.
keyEvent.iCode = ( TInt ) KAsteriskMultitapCharacters()[ iMultitapIndex ];
// Send character to number entry.
iStateMachine->State()->HandleKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKey );
iMultitapIndex = 0;
iStateMachine->State()->HandleKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, EEventKey );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::OfferKeyEventBeforeControlStackL
// Let phone handle before other components in control stack
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::OfferKeyEventBeforeControlStackL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType )
TKeyResponse response( EKeyWasNotConsumed );
// Handle key events before FEP
// This is must becouse FEP consumes * key and when
// editor is in alphanumeric mode FEP consumes all alphanumeric
// keys
switch( aType )
// EEventKeyDown
case EEventKeyDown:
response = HandleEventKeyDownBeforeControlStackL( aKeyEvent );
// EEventKey
case EEventKey:
response = HandleEventKeyBeforeControlStackL( aKeyEvent );
// EEventKeyUp
case EEventKeyUp:
response = HandleEventKeyUpBeforeControlStackL( aKeyEvent );
return response;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::OfferKeyEventAfterControlStackL
// Let phone handle keys if no one has done it already
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::OfferKeyEventAfterControlStackL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType )
// Send key to editor
iStateMachine->State()->HandleKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
if ( EEventKeyUp == aType && EKeyNull != iKeyPressedDown )
// EKeyEnter is always offered to Telephony so donīt offer it
// to state if there is menu or a dialog open.
if ( !( EKeyEnter == iKeyPressedDown
&& iDisplayingMenuOrDialogOnEventKeyDown ) )
// Handle short key press
TKeyCode( iKeyPressedDown ) );
// Reset key code
iScanCode = EStdKeyNull;
iKeyPressedDown = EKeyNull;
iDisplayingMenuOrDialogOnEventKeyDown = EFalse;
return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::OnPeninputUiDeactivated
// Gets called when the virtual keyboard editor is closed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::OnPeninputUiDeactivated()
iVirtualKeyBoardOpen = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::OnPeninputUiActivated
// Gets called when the virtual keyboard editor is opened.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::OnPeninputUiActivated()
iVirtualKeyBoardOpen = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::HandleEventKeyDownBeforeControlStackL
// -----------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::HandleEventKeyDownBeforeControlStackL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent )
// Convert key code
ConvertKeyCodeL( iKeyPressedDown, aKeyEvent );
// Save key scan code
iScanCode = aKeyEvent.iScanCode;
// Store the previous keypress time.
iPreviousKeyPressTime = iKeyPressTime;
// Start the key press timer
// Cancel the long press key event timer, if it is active
if ( iLongPressKeyEventTimer->IsActive() )
// Don't initiate long tap timer if all these are true
// a) key event is not from virtual dialer
// b) device is in qwerty mode
// c) phone number editor is alpha mode, i.e. not in numeric mode
// This is to prevent phone app's long tap functionality with qwerty
// long presses, and to have the normal editor long press behaviour
// instead.
TBool preventLongTap =
!IsKeySimulatedByTouchDialer( aKeyEvent ) &&
iQwertyHandler->IsQwertyInput() &&
iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL( EPhoneViewIsNumberEntryNumericMode ) != EPhoneViewResponseSuccess;
// Prevent long tap functionality for key events coming from virtual touch keyboard.
// Virtual touch keyboard has own editing functionality for long presses, and telephony
// should not add conflicting behaviour on top of that.
preventLongTap = preventLongTap || iVirtualKeyBoardOpen;
if ( !preventLongTap )
// Start long press timer
TCallBack( DoHandleLongPressKeyEventCallbackL,
this ) );
// Check if dialog or menu is open
// EikAppUi()->IsDisplayingMenuOrDialog doesnīt always return correct
// value for menubar, so ask visibility also from CEikMenuBar
iDisplayingMenuOrDialogOnEventKeyDown = ( iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
EPhoneViewIsDisplayingMenuOrDialog ) ==
EPhoneViewResponseSuccess ) || ( iMenu && iMenu->IsDisplayed() );
// Consume dialer simulated key events, pass others on
return ( IsKeySimulatedByTouchDialer( aKeyEvent ) ? EKeyWasConsumed : EKeyWasNotConsumed );
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::HandleEventKeyBeforeControlStackL
// Both short key press event (iRepeats == 0) and
// long key press event (iRepeats == 1) are handled here
// -----------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::HandleEventKeyBeforeControlStackL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent )
TKeyResponse response( EKeyWasNotConsumed );
TKeyEvent keyEvent( aKeyEvent );
// Special handling for virtual dialer keys events
const TBool simulatedByDialer = IsKeySimulatedByTouchDialer( keyEvent );
if ( simulatedByDialer )
// feed the event directly to number entry
HandleTouchDialerKeyEventL( keyEvent );
response = EKeyWasConsumed;
// If not simulated by dialer, multitap related fields are reset.
// Any key event not originating from dialer interrupts multitap
// behaviour.
iMultitapIndex = 0;
iPreviousScanCode = 0;
// Special handling for QWERTY numeric mode key events
if ( response == EKeyWasNotConsumed )
// FEP does not handle numeric characters 0123456789+*#pw correctly
// when in QWERTY mode and number mode. If nothing is done about it,
// these problems result in non-hybrid mode qwerty:
// +, # and * cannot be typed without pressing Fn-key
// Fn + <p/0> produces 0 although p is expected.
// Fn + <w/2> produces 2 although w is expected.
// To avoid this problems we do the following.
// Take numeric keyevent, pass it to number entry and consume it.
TBool numericMode = iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
EPhoneViewIsNumberEntryNumericMode ) == EPhoneViewResponseSuccess;
TPhoneCmdParamBoolean blockingDialog;
iViewCommandHandle->ExecuteCommandL( EPhoneViewGetBlockingDialogStatus,
&blockingDialog );
// Handle and consume keyevent only if in qwerty mode, editor is
// in numeric mode, menu is not shown and there is no blocking dialog.
if ( iQwertyHandler->IsQwertyInput() && numericMode &&
( !iMenu || !iMenu->IsDisplayed() ) && !blockingDialog.Boolean() )
iQwertyHandler->ConvertToNumeric( keyEvent );
// Send key to editor only if a) it is not a repeating keyevent and
// it is a valid number entry character (0123456789+*#pw).
if ( aKeyEvent.iRepeats == 0 &&
( CPhoneKeys::IsDtmfTone( keyEvent, EEventKey ) ||
CPhoneKeys::IsExtraChar( keyEvent.iCode ) ) )
iStateMachine->State()->HandleKeyEventL( keyEvent, EEventKey );
response = EKeyWasConsumed;
return response;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::HandleEventKeyUpBeforeControlStackL
// -----------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::HandleEventKeyUpBeforeControlStackL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent )
// Send a long press key event to the current state provided
// that the key scan code is the same as the key that was pressed
if ( iScanCode == aKeyEvent.iScanCode )
// Pass the key press duration to the current state
TTime now;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds keyPressDuration = now.MicroSecondsFrom(
iKeyPressTime );
TKeyCode( iKeyPressedDown ),
keyPressDuration );
// Cancel the long press timer, if it is active. Otherwise
// ignore the key event since it was already handled as a long press
// key event.
if ( iLongPressKeyEventTimer->IsActive() )
// Store the previous scan code
iPreviousScanCode = iScanCode;
// Consume dialer simulated key events, pass others on
TKeyResponse retValue = IsKeySimulatedByTouchDialer( aKeyEvent ) ? EKeyWasConsumed : EKeyWasNotConsumed;
// If event is consumed, reset key specific state variables. Otherwise they may disturb
// handling of coming key events originating from a different key.
if ( retValue == EKeyWasConsumed )
iKeyPressedDown = EKeyNull;
iScanCode = EStdKeyNull;
iDisplayingMenuOrDialogOnEventKeyDown = EFalse;
return retValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::DoHandleLongPressKeyEventCallback
// This routine is called when the long press key event timer expires
// after KPhoneLongPressKeyEventDuration.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::DoHandleLongPressKeyEventCallbackL( TAny* aAny )
Panic( EPhoneCtrlUnknownPanic ) );
reinterpret_cast< CPhoneKeyEventForwarder* >( aAny )->
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::HandleLongPressKeyEventL
// Handle long press key event
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::HandleLongPressKeyEventL()
// In alphanumeric mode EEventKey-event is not received so we must
// compare also with scan code.
if ( KPhoneDtmfHashCharacter == iKeyPressedDown )
// Separate handling for long hash key because there is so much
// different functionality under it and it works differently
// in different protocols.
else if ( KPhoneDtmfStarCharacter == iKeyPressedDown )
// KPhoneDtmfStarCharacter value used in configuration file for
// long key press application launching
TKeyCode( KPhoneDtmfStarCharacter ) );
EBasic, EPhoneControl,
"CPhoneKeyEventHandler::HandleLongPressKeyEventL iCode(%d)",
iKeyPressedDown );
TKeyCode( iKeyPressedDown ) );
// Reset key code
iScanCode = EStdKeyNull;
iKeyPressedDown = EKeyNull;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::ConvertKeyCodeL
// -----------------------------------------------------------
void CPhoneKeyEventForwarder::ConvertKeyCodeL( TUint& aCode,
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent )
// Handler for special device key mapping in case iScanCode
// to iCode conversion hasn't been handled by CAknAppUi::GetAliasKeyCodeL
__PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
"CPhoneKeyEventHandler::ConvertKeyCodeL scan code (%d)",
aKeyEvent.iScanCode );
if ( !ConvertHalfQwertySpecialChar( aCode, aKeyEvent ) )
TBool numMode = iViewCommandHandle->HandleCommandL(
EPhoneViewIsNumberEntryNumericMode ) == EPhoneViewResponseSuccess;
TBool simulatedByDialer = IsKeySimulatedByTouchDialer( aKeyEvent );
TUint numCode( EKeyNull );
if ( iQwertyHandler->IsQwertyInput() && numMode && !simulatedByDialer )
numCode = iQwertyHandler->NumericKeyCode( aKeyEvent );
if ( numCode )
aCode = numCode;
switch ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode )
case EStdKeyEnter:
case EStdKeyNkpEnter:
aCode = EKeyEnter;
case EStdKeyYes:
aCode = EKeyYes;
case EStdKeyEnd: // End key is emulated if the device has combined power and end key
case EStdKeyNo:
aCode = EKeyNo;
case EStdKeyDeviceF:
aCode = EKeyDeviceF; // EStdKeyDeviceF mapping for unlock switch.
case EStdKeyHash:
aCode = KPhoneDtmfHashCharacter;
case EStdKeyNkpAsterisk:
aCode = KPhoneDtmfStarCharacter;
case EStdKeyApplication0:
aCode = EKeyApplication0;
aCode = aKeyEvent.iScanCode; // Use default code
__PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneControl,
"CPhoneKeyEventHandler::ConvertKeyCodeL aCode (%d)", aCode );
// End of File