* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Phone UI's symbian adapter for Qt view.
#include <QObject>
#include <QMap>
#include <apgwgnam.h>
#include "mphoneviewcommandhandle.h"
#include "phoneaction.h"
class PhoneUIQtViewIF;
class PhoneBubbleWrapper;
class CPhoneRingingToneController;
class PhoneResourceAdapter;
class PhoneUIQtButtonsController;
class PhoneNoteController;
class PhoneMessageController;
class PhoneUiCommandController;
class TelephonyService;
class QKeyEvent;
class PhoneIndicatorController;
class PhoneVisibilityHandler;
class PhoneAppLauncher;
public QObject,
public MPhoneViewCommandHandle
* Constructor
explicit PhoneUIQtViewAdapter (PhoneUIQtViewIF &view, QObject *parent = 0);
* Destructor
virtual ~PhoneUIQtViewAdapter();
public: // From MPhoneViewCommandHandle
* Execute Command with given Command Id
* @param aCmdId Command Id
* @return None
void ExecuteCommandL (TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId);
* Execute Command with given Command Id and Call Id
* @param aCmdId Command Id
* @param aCallId Call Id
* @return None
void ExecuteCommandL (TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId, TInt aCallId);
* Execute Command with given command id, call id and command parameter.
* @param aCmdId Command Id
* @param aCommandParam Command parameter
* @return None
void ExecuteCommandL (TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId, TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam);
* Execute Command with given command id, call id and command parameter.
* @param aCmdId Command Id
* @param aCallId Call Id
* @param aCommandParam Command parameter
* @return None
void ExecuteCommandL (TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId, TInt aCallId,
TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam);
* Execute Command with given command id, call id and message.
* @param aCmdId Command Id
* @param aCallId Call Id
* @param aMessage Command message
void ExecuteCommandL (TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId, TInt aCallId, TDesC& aMessage);
* Handle Command with given Command Id
* @param aCmdId Command Id
* @return TPhoneViewResponseId
TPhoneViewResponseId HandleCommandL (TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId);
* Handle Command with given command id and command parameter.
* @param aCmdId Command Id
* @param aCommandParam Command parameter
* @return TPhoneViewResponseId
TPhoneViewResponseId HandleCommandL (TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId,
TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam);
* Execute Command with given Command Id
* @param aCmdId Command Id
* @return None
void ExecuteCommand (TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId);
* Execute Command with given command id and command parameter.
* @param aCmdId Command Id
* @param aCommandParam Command parameter
* @return None
void ExecuteCommand (TPhoneViewCommandId aCmdId, TPhoneCommandParam* aCommandParam);
* Execute Command with given Command Id
const TDesC& FetchContent ();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::noteController ()
Returns pointer to PhoneNoteController
PhoneNoteController* noteController() const;
private slots:
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::dialpadClosed ()
PhoneView calls this method when dialpad
is going to be closed.
void dialpadClosed();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::keyPressed ()
PhoneView calls this method when key press is released.
void keyReleased(QKeyEvent *event);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::handleWindowActivated ()
PhoneView calls this method when window is activated;
void handleWindowActivated();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::handleWindowDeactivated ()
PhoneView calls this method when window is deactivated.
void handleWindowDeactivated();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setTopApplication (TPhoneCommandParam *)
This method is called when EPhoneViewSetTopApplication or
EPhoneViewSetIdleTopApplication command is received.
void setTopApplication (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::idleAppUid()
This method fetches Idle application's Id from PubSub and returns it.
int idleAppUid();
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::createCallHeader()
This method creates new call header.
void createCallHeader (int callId, TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::createCallHeader()
This method creates new call header.
void createEmergencyCallHeader (int callId, TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::updateCallHeader()
This method updates call state information in call header.
void updateCallHeaderState (int callId, TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::updateCallHeaderRemoteInfo()
This method updates remote information in call header.
void updateCallHeaderRemoteInfo (int callId, TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::updateCallHeaderRemoteInfo()
This method updates remote information in call header and label.
void updateCallHeaderRemoteInfoAndLabel (int callId, TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::handleCipheringInfoChange()
This method updates ciphering indicators.
void handleCipheringInfoChange(int callId, TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::callIdByState()
This method writes to commandParam the call id matching
given call state.
Returns EPhoneViewResponseSuccess operation is succesful
otherwise EPhoneViewResponseFailed.
TPhoneViewResponseId callIdByState (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setTouchButtons (TPhoneCmdParam *commandParam)
This method sets buttons to call bubble.
void setTouchButtons (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setToolbarButtons (TPhoneCmdParam *commandParam)
This method sets buttons to toolbar.
void setToolbarButtons (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setCallHoldFlag (TPhoneCmdParam *commandParam)
This method sets flag telling is the call hold or not.
void setCallHoldFlag (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::callHoldFlag (TPhoneCmdParam *commandParam)
This method retrieves flag telling is the call hold or not and writes
it into given command parameter.
void callHoldFlag (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::writeAudioVolumeLevel (TPhoneCmdParam *commandParam)
This method writes audio volume value into given command parameter.
void writeAudioVolumeLevel (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setAudioVolumeSliderValue (TPhoneCmdParam *commandParam)
This method sets volume value to view.
void setAudioVolumeSliderValue (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setMuteIndication (TPhoneCmdParam *commandParam)
This method sets muted indication to view.
void setMuteIndication (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::callHoldFlag (TPhoneCmdParam *commandParam)
This method retrieves number of calls. Conference call counts one call,
participant calls are not count.
void activeCallCount (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setAudioPath (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam)
This method sets audio paths
void setAudioPath (TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::expandedBubbleCallId(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam)
This method gets call id of the expanded call bubble.
void expandedBubbleCallId(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void openDialpad()
This method opens dialpad.
void openDialpad();
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::createConference()
This method creates conference bubble.
void createConferenceBubble(int callId, TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::conferenceCallId()
This method checks if call id belongs to conference call.
void conferenceCallId(int callId, TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::removeConferenceBubble()
This method removes conference bubble.
void removeConferenceBubble();
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::isConference()
This method checks is conference bubble active.
void isConference(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::removeCallFromConference()
This method removes a call from conference.
void removeCallFromConference(int callId);
\fn TPhoneViewResponseId PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::getSelectedConferenceMember()
This method gets call id of selected conference member.
Used in drop and private commands.
TPhoneViewResponseId getSelectedConferenceMember(
TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setPrivateFromConference()
This method removes call from converence bubble.
Used in private command.
void setPrivateFromConference(int callId);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setExpandActions()
This method sets expand action if needed.
void setExpandActions();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setParticipantListActions()
This method sets participant list actions if needed.
void setParticipantListActions();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setExpandedConferenceCallHeader()
This method sets conference call header expanded if needed.
void setExpandedConferenceCallHeader();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::bringToForeground()
This method brings application to foreground.
void bringToForeground();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::hideDeviceDialogs()
This method brings application top of devicedialogs.
void hideDeviceDialogs(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::showGlobalNote()
This method shows global note.
void showGlobalNote(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::callsExists()
This method checks if there are calls in given states.
bool callsExists(int call1State, int call2State);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setDialpadVisibility()
This method sets dialpad visibility.
void setDialpadVisibility(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::removeAllCallHeaders()
This method removes all call headers.
void removeAllCallHeaders();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::getNumberFromDialpad()
This method gets number from dialpad.
void getNumberFromDialpad(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::getNumberEntryStringLength()
This method gets text length from the dialpad.
void getDialpadStringLength(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::getNumberEntryStringLength()
This method clears and removes dialpad from the view.
void removeDialpad();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::addToConference()
This method adds call to conference.
void addToConference();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setMenu()
This method sets actions for menu.
void setMenu();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setMenu()
This method sets actions for menu in call handling view.
void setCallMenu();
\fn void PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::setMenu()
This method sets actions for menu in dialpad view.
void setDialpadMenu();
\fn int PhoneUIQtViewAdapter::showNote()
This method shows a note by command params.
void showNote(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
/fn QString convertDuration(int)
This method returns the localized call duration
QString convertDuration(int seconds);
/fn void setBubbleSelectionFlag()
This method sets bubble selection flag.
void setBubbleSelectionFlag();
/fn void setHidden()
This method sets hidden status.
void setHidden(bool hidden);
/fn void SetHiddenL()
This method sets hidden status.
void SetHiddenL(bool hidden);
/fn void openContacts()
This method opens contacts application.
void openContacts();
/fn void openLogs()
This method opens logs/dialer application.
void openLogs(TPhoneCommandParam *commandParam);
/fn void setCommonButtonFlags()
This method sets common button flags.
void setCommonButtonFlags();
/fn void convertKey()
This method converts key.
bool convertKey(TKeyCode symbianKey, Qt::Key &qtKey);
PhoneUIQtViewIF &m_view;
int m_idleUid;
PhoneBubbleWrapper *m_bubbleWrapper;
CPhoneRingingToneController *m_ringingtonecontroller;
PhoneResourceAdapter *m_resourceAdapter;
PhoneNoteController *m_noteController;
TelephonyService *m_telephonyService;
PhoneUiCommandController *m_uiCommandController;
PhoneMessageController *m_messageController;
PhoneIndicatorController *m_indicatorController;
bool m_dialpadAboutToClose;
bool m_homeScreenToForeground;
PhoneVisibilityHandler *m_visibilityHandler;
PhoneAppLauncher *m_appLauncher;
bool m_clearDialpadOnClose;
bool m_speakerAsDefaultButton;