* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of CPhoneStateMachineGSM class.
#include <cpephonemodelif.h>
#include "cphonestatemachinegsm.h"
#include "phonelogger.h"
#include "phonestatedefinitions.h"
#include "phonestatedefinitionsgsm.h"
#include "cphonecallsetup.h"
#include "cphonealerting.h"
#include "cphonesinglecall.h"
#include "cphonesingleandcallsetup.h"
#include "cphonesingleandalerting.h"
#include "cphonesingleandwaiting.h"
#include "cphonetwosingles.h"
#include "cphoneconference.h"
#include "cphoneconferenceandcallsetup.h"
#include "cphoneconferenceandsingle.h"
#include "cphoneconferenceandwaiting.h"
#include "cphonesingleandcallsetupandwaiting.h"
#include "cphonecallsetupandwaiting.h"
#include "cphonetwosinglesandwaiting.h"
#include "cphoneconferenceandsingleandwaiting.h"
#include "cphoneemergency.h"
#include "cphoneconferenceandwaitingandcallsetup.h"
#include "cphoneidle.h"
#include "cphoneincoming.h"
#include "cphonestartup.h"
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneStateMachineGSM::CPhoneStateMachineGSM
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CPhoneStateMachineGSM::CPhoneStateMachineGSM(
MPhoneViewCommandHandle* aViewCommandHandle ) :
CPhoneStateMachine( aViewCommandHandle )
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneStateMachineGSM::~CPhoneStateMachineGSM()
// Destructor
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CPhoneStateMachineGSM::~CPhoneStateMachineGSM()
__LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneStateMachineGSM::~CPhoneStateMachineGSM() ");
if( iEmergencyState )
delete iEmergencyState;
iEmergencyState = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneStateMachineGSM::State
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C MPhoneState* CPhoneStateMachineGSM::State()
__LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneStateMachineGSM::State() ");
__PHONELOG1( EBasic, EPhoneUIStates,
"CPhoneStateMachineGSM::State() = %d ", iNewStateId );
TBool madeStateTransition = EFalse;
TBool deleteOldState( ETrue );
TInt err( KErrNone );
if( iOldStateId != iNewStateId )
if( iOldStateId == EPhoneStateIdle ||
iOldStateId == EPhoneStateEmergency )
deleteOldState = EFalse;
if ( deleteOldState )
// Possible that derived class has been deleted iState,
// so this delete statement may be useless.
delete iState;
iState = NULL;
// State transition need to be made - construct new state and
// destruct old
switch( iNewStateId )
case EPhoneStateCallSetup:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneCallSetup::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateAlerting:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneAlerting::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateSingle:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneSingleCall::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateWaitingInSingle:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneSingleAndWaiting::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateTwoSingles:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneTwoSingles::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateCallSetupInSingle:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneSingleAndCallSetup::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateAlertingInSingle:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneSingleAndAlerting::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateConference:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneConference::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateConferenceAndCallSetup:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneConferenceAndCallSetup::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateConferenceAndSingle:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneConferenceAndSingle::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateConferenceAndWaiting:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneConferenceAndWaiting::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateSingleAndCallSetupAndWaiting:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneSingleAndCallSetupAndWaiting::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateCallSetupAndWaiting:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneCallSetupAndWaiting::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateTwoSinglesAndWaiting:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneTwoSinglesAndWaiting::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateConferenceAndSingleAndWaiting:
TRAP( err, iState = CPhoneConferenceAndSingleAndWaiting::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ));
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateEmergency:
if( !iEmergencyStateConstructed )
TRAP( err, iEmergencyState = CPhoneEmergency::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
iEmergencyStateConstructed = ETrue;
static_cast< CPhoneEmergency* >( iEmergencyState )->
SetStartupInterrupted( iOldStateId == EPhoneStateStartup );
iState = iEmergencyState;
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateConferenceAndWaitingAndCallSetup:
TRAP( err, iState =
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateIdle:
if ( iOldStateId != EPhoneStateEmergency )
if( !iEmergencyStateConstructed )
TRAP( err, iEmergencyState = CPhoneEmergency::NewL(
this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
iEmergencyStateConstructed = ETrue;
if( iIdleState == NULL )
TRAP( err, iIdleState =
CPhoneIdle::NewL( this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
iState = iIdleState;
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateIncoming:
TRAP( err, iState =
CPhoneIncoming::NewL( this, iViewCommandHandle, iCustomization ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
case EPhoneStateStartup:
TRAP( err, iState =
CPhoneStartup::NewL( this, iViewCommandHandle,
iOldStateId == EPhoneStateEmergency ) );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( KErrNone == err, User::Invariant() );
madeStateTransition = ETrue;
iState = CPhoneStateMachine::State();
if ( madeStateTransition )
__PHONELOGSTATECHANGE( iOldStateId, iNewStateId );
iOldStateId = iNewStateId;
// Needs to be set or any attempts to access eikon env handle
// will fail
iState->SetEikonEnv( EikonEnv() );
return iState;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneStateMachineGSM::NewL()
// Constructor
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------
CPhoneStateMachineGSM* CPhoneStateMachineGSM::NewL(
MPhoneViewCommandHandle* aViewCommandHandle )
__LOGMETHODSTARTEND( EPhoneUIStates, "CPhoneStateMachineGSM::NewL() ");
CPhoneStateMachineGSM* self =
new (ELeave) CPhoneStateMachineGSM( aViewCommandHandle );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// CPhoneStateMachineGSM::CreatePhoneEngineL
// -----------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C MPEPhoneModel* CPhoneStateMachineGSM::CreatePhoneEngineL(
MEngineMonitor& aEngineMonitor )
return CPEPhoneModelIF::CreateL( aEngineMonitor );
// End of File