changeset 0 4e91876724a2
child 1 9ba538e329bd
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e91876724a2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Creates a Fetcher Dialog
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include <aknappui.h>
    22 #include <akntoolbar.h>
    23 #include <eikdialg.h>					  // for CEikDialog
    24 #include <AknUtils.h>
    25 #include <StringLoader.h>
    26 #include <eikdialogext.h>
    27 #include <AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h>
    28 #include <MMGFetchVerifier.h>             // For VerifySelectionL()
    30 #include <glxuiutility.h>
    31 #include <glxscreenfurniture.h>
    32 #include <glxtracer.h> 					  // Logging macros
    33 #include <glxlog.h>
    34 #include <glxcommandhandlers.hrh>         //command ids
    36 #include <mglxmedialist.h>				  // MGlxMediaList, CMPXCollectionPath
    38 #include <alf/alfevent.h>
    39 #include <alf/alfdisplay.h>
    41 //  CLASS HEADER
    42 #include <glxfetcherdialog.rsg>           // FOR GETTING VIEW ID AND RESOURCE ID
    43 #include "glxfetcherdialog.h"
    44 #include "glxfetchercontainer.h"
    45 #include "glxfetcher.hrh"
    47 #define GetAppUi() (dynamic_cast<CAknAppUi*>(iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()))
    48 const TInt KControlId = 1;
    50 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 // C++ default constructor.
    52 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 inline CGlxFetcherDialog::CGlxFetcherDialog(
    54             CDesCArray& aSelectedFiles, 
    55             MMGFetchVerifier* aVerifier, 
    56             TGlxFilterItemType aFilterType,
    57             const TDesC& aTitle,
    58             TBool aMultiSelectionEnabled)
    59         : iSelectedFiles( aSelectedFiles ),
    60           iVerifier( aVerifier ),
    61           iFilterType( aFilterType ),
    62           iTitle( aTitle ),
    63           iMultiSelectionEnabled(aMultiSelectionEnabled)
    64 	{
    65 	TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::CGlxFetcherDialog");
    66 	// No implementation required
    67 	}
    69 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    70 // Two-phased constructor.
    71 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 CGlxFetcherDialog* CGlxFetcherDialog::NewL(CDesCArray& aSelectedFiles, 
    73                MMGFetchVerifier* aVerifier, TGlxFilterItemType aFilterType ,
    74                 const TDesC& aTitle, TBool aMultiSelectionEnabled )
    75 	{
    76 	TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::NewL");
    77 	CGlxFetcherDialog* self=
    78 	    new( ELeave ) CGlxFetcherDialog(
    79 	        aSelectedFiles, aVerifier, aFilterType, aTitle, aMultiSelectionEnabled );
    80     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    81     self->ConstructL();
    82     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    83     return self;
    84    	}
    86 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 // Destructor
    88 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 CGlxFetcherDialog::~CGlxFetcherDialog()
    90 	{
    91 	TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::~CGlxFetcherDialog");
    92 	if(iFetcherContainer)
    93 	    {
    94 	    // Restore the Toolbar as it was in the Calling application
    95 	    if(GetAppUi()->CurrentFixedToolbar())  // there is Hardware Specific Output for Fixed ToolBar
    96 	        {
    97 	        GetAppUi()->CurrentFixedToolbar()->SetToolbarVisibility(ETrue);
    98 	        }
   100 	    TRAP_IGNORE(iFetcherContainer->SetPreviousTitleL());
   101 		}
   102 	if (iUiUtility)
   103 		{
   104 	    iUiUtility->Close();
   105 		}
   106 	}
   108 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
   110 // Create the alfscreenbuffer with a generic buffer screen id
   111 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 void CGlxFetcherDialog::ConstructL()
   113 	{
   114 	TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::ConstructL");
   115 	// always first call the base class
   116     CAknDialog::ConstructL( R_MULTISELECT_FETCHER_MENUBAR );
   118     // Get the Instance of the toolbar and disable it as it is note required in the Fetcher Application
   119     if(GetAppUi()->CurrentFixedToolbar())  // there is Hardware Specific Output for Fixed ToolBar
   120         {
   121         GetAppUi()->CurrentFixedToolbar()->SetToolbarVisibility(EFalse);
   122         }
   123 	// Get the Hitchcock environment.
   124     iUiUtility = CGlxUiUtility::UtilityL();
   125     iEnv = iUiUtility->Env();
   126     iFetchUri = EFalse;
   127     }
   129 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 // CGlxFetcherDialog::CreateCustomControlL
   131 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 SEikControlInfo CGlxFetcherDialog::CreateCustomControlL(TInt aControlType)
   133     {
   134     TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::CreateCustomControlL");
   135     // Create Carousal control and add it to HUI CCoecontrol
   136     SEikControlInfo controlInfo;
   137     controlInfo.iControl = NULL;
   138     controlInfo.iTrailerTextId = 0;
   139     controlInfo.iFlags = 0;
   141     switch( aControlType )
   142         {
   143         case EFetcherControl :
   144             {
   145             iFetcherContainer = CGlxFetcherContainer::NewL( 
   146                     iFilterType, iTitle, *this, iMultiSelectionEnabled );
   147             controlInfo.iControl = iFetcherContainer;  // transfers ownership      
   148             break;
   149             }
   150         default :
   151             break;
   152         }
   153     return controlInfo;
   154     }
   156 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 // CGlxFetcherDialog::ProcessCommandL
   158 // This processes the events to the OkToExitL
   159 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   160 void CGlxFetcherDialog::ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId)
   161 	{
   162 	TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::ProcessCommandL");
   164 	if( iMenuBar )
   165 	    {
   166 	    iMenuBar->StopDisplayingMenuBar();
   167 	    }
   168 	switch( aCommandId )
   169 		{
   170 		case EAknSoftkeyCancel :
   171 			{
   172 			TryExitL( aCommandId );
   173 			break;
   174 			}
   175 		case EAknSoftkeySelect :
   176 		case EGlxCmdSelectMarked :
   177         case EAknSoftkeyOk :
   178             {
   179             GLX_LOG_INFO("CGlxFetcherDialog::ProcessCommandL() : EAknSoftkeyOk");
   180 			TryExitL( aCommandId );
   181 			break;
   182             }
   183 		default :
   184 		    {
   185             iFetcherContainer->DoExecuteL( aCommandId );
   186             break;
   187 		    }
   188 		}
   189 	}
   190 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   191 // CGlxFetcherDialog::OkToExitL
   192 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 TBool CGlxFetcherDialog::OkToExitL(TInt aKeycode)
   194 	{
   195 	TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::OkToExitL");
   196 	GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxFetcherDialog::OkToExitL : %d",aKeycode );
   197     TBool retVal = ETrue;
   198     TBool retrieveUriValue = EFalse;
   199     switch( aKeycode )
   200         {
   201         case EAknSoftkeySelect :
   202         case EGlxCmdSelectMarked :
   203         case EAknSoftkeyOk :
   204         case EAknCmdOpen :
   205             {
   206             // Retreives the uri's of the selected files and verifies if it is a 
   207             // supported format
   208             if (!iFetchUri)
   209                 {
   210                 iFetchUri = ETrue;
   211                 retrieveUriValue = iFetcherContainer->RetrieveUrisL(iSelectedFiles, iFetchUri);
   212                 if ( iVerifier && !iVerifier->VerifySelectionL( &iSelectedFiles ) )
   213                     {
   214                     iSelectedFiles.Reset();
   215                     retVal = EFalse;
   216                     } 
   217                 if (!retrieveUriValue)
   218                     {
   219                     retVal = EFalse;
   220                     }
   221                 if (iMultiSelectionEnabled)
   222                     {
   223                     iFetcherContainer->DoExecuteL(EGlxCmdEndMultipleMarking);    
   224                     }
   225                 }
   226             else
   227                 {
   228                 // if uri is being fetched then do not set the return value true, else it would cause
   229                 // Destructor of Dialog to be called and result in a crash when OKtoExitL is called multiple times.
   230                 retVal = EFalse;
   231                 }
   232             break;
   233             }
   234         case EAknSoftkeyCancel : // exit dialog
   235         case EAknCmdExit :
   236             {
   237             break;
   238             }
   239         case EAknCmdMark:
   240         case EAknSoftkeyMark:
   241             {
   242             if (iMultiSelectionEnabled)
   243                 {                
   244                 if(iUiUtility->IsPenSupported())
   245                     {
   246                     //Since the MSK is disabled we always get EAknCmdMark
   247                     //when we select msk hardkey in touch phone, so we need 
   248                     //to toggle between mark/unmark on the same hardkey event
   249                     if (!iMarkStarted)
   250                         {
   251                         iFetcherContainer->DoExecuteL(EGlxCmdStartMultipleMarking);
   252                         iMarkStarted = ETrue;
   253                         }
   254                     else
   255                         {
   256                         MGlxMediaList& mediaList = iFetcherContainer->MediaList();
   257                         TInt focusIdx = mediaList.FocusIndex();                        
   258                         if ( mediaList.IsSelected(focusIdx) )
   259                             iFetcherContainer->DoExecuteL(EAknCmdUnmark);
   260                         else
   261                             iFetcherContainer->DoExecuteL(EAknCmdMark);
   262                         }
   263                     }
   264                 else
   265                     {
   266                     if (!iMarkStarted)
   267                         {
   268                         iFetcherContainer->DoExecuteL(EGlxCmdStartMultipleMarking);
   269                         iMarkStarted = ETrue;
   270                         }
   271                     else
   272                         {
   273                         iFetcherContainer->DoExecuteL(EAknCmdMark);
   274                         }
   275                     }
   276                 }
   277             retVal = EFalse;
   278             break;
   279             }
   280         case EAknCmdUnmark:
   281         case EAknSoftkeyUnmark:
   282             {
   283             if (iMultiSelectionEnabled)
   284                 {
   285                 iFetcherContainer->DoExecuteL(EAknCmdUnmark);
   287                 //@ fix for ELWU-7RA7NX 
   288                 //@ Reset the flag on no selection, else it'll not pass the events to container for
   289                 //@ EGlxCmdStartMultipleMarking  case.
   290                 MGlxMediaList& mediaList = iFetcherContainer->MediaList() ;
   291                 if ( mediaList.SelectionCount() <= 0 )
   292 	                {
   293 	                iMarkStarted = EFalse;	
   294 	                } 
   296                 HBufC* mskTextMark = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_GLX_MARKING_MARK );
   297                 HBufC* rskTextCancel = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_GLX_SOFTKEY_CANCEL );
   298                 iUiUtility->ScreenFurniture()->ModifySoftkeyIdL(
   299                         CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition, 
   300                         EAknCmdMark, 0, *mskTextMark);
   301                 iUiUtility->ScreenFurniture()->ModifySoftkeyIdL(
   302                         CEikButtonGroupContainer::ERightSoftkeyPosition,
   303                         EAknSoftkeyCancel, 0, *rskTextCancel);
   304                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rskTextCancel);
   305                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(mskTextMark);
   306                 }
   307             retVal = EFalse;
   308             break;
   309             }
   310         default :
   311             break;
   312         }
   313     return retVal;
   314 	}
   316 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   317 // CGlxFetcherDialog::SizeChanged
   318 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   319 void CGlxFetcherDialog::SizeChanged()
   320 	{
   321 	TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::SizeChanged");
   322 	if (iFetcherContainer)
   323 	    {
   324 	    TRAP_IGNORE (iFetcherContainer->HandleSizeChangeL());    
   325 	    }
   326 	}
   328 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   329 // CGlxFetcherDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL
   330 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   331 void CGlxFetcherDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL()
   332     {
   333     TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL");
   334     CreateLineByTypeL( KNullDesC, KControlId, EFetcherControl, NULL );
   335     }
   336 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   337 // CGlxFetcherDialog::PostLayoutDynInitL
   338 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   339 void CGlxFetcherDialog::PostLayoutDynInitL()
   340     {
   341     TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::PostLayoutDynInitL");
   343     // Create and Display Grid widget 
   344     iFetcherContainer->CreateAndDisplayGridL();
   345     }
   347 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   348 // CGlxFetcherDialog::DynInitMenuPaneL
   349 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   350 void CGlxFetcherDialog::DynInitMenuPaneL(
   351         TInt /*aResourceId*/, CEikMenuPane* /*aMenuPane*/ )
   352     {
   353     TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::DynInitMenuPaneL");
   354     // No Implementation
   355     }
   357 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   358 // CGlxFetcherDialog::OfferKeyEventL
   359 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   360 TKeyResponse CGlxFetcherDialog::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   361         TEventCode aType)
   362     {
   363     TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::OfferKeyEventL");
   364     TKeyResponse response = EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   365     response = iFetcherContainer->OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType);
   367     if(response == EKeyWasNotConsumed)
   368         response = CAknDialog::OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType);
   370     return response;    
   371     }
   373 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   374 // CGlxFetcherDialog::HandlePointerEventL
   375 // Handles all pointer events to the screen.
   376 // Offers the events to the primary display control (container - widgets)
   377 // and also finally calls handlescreenbufferevent and draws the bitmap onto
   378 // the screen
   379 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   380 void CGlxFetcherDialog::HandlePointerEventL(
   381     const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
   382     {
   383     TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::HandlePointerEventL");
   384     CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
   385     iEnv->PrimaryDisplay().HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent );
   386     }
   388 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   389 // CGlxFetcherDialog::HandleDoubleTapEvent
   390 // Callback from the container for double tap events
   391 // Offers the event from container to Dialog
   392 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   393 void CGlxFetcherDialog::HandleDoubleTapEventL(TInt aCommandId)
   394     {
   395     TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::HandleTapEvent");
   396     Extension()->iPublicFlags.Set(CEikDialogExtension::EDelayedExit);
   397     ProcessCommandL(aCommandId);
   398     Extension()->iPublicFlags.Clear(CEikDialogExtension::EDelayedExit);
   399     }
   401 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   402 // CGlxFetcherDialog::CallCancelFetcherL
   403 // This function will be called from CGlxFetcher::CancelFetcherL
   404 // This will ensure exit of fetcher dialog & fetcher app
   405 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   407 void CGlxFetcherDialog::CallCancelFetcherL(TInt aCommandId)
   408 	{
   409 	TRACER("CGlxFetcherDialog::CallCancelFetcherL");
   410 	TryExitL(aCommandId);
   411 	}
   412 //  End of File