changeset 0 4e91876724a2
child 2 7d9067c6fcb1
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e91876724a2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Implementation of Slideshow Settings Dialog
    15 *
    16 */
    21 //  CLASS HEADER
    22 #include "shwslideshowsettingsdialog.h"
    25 #include <hlplch.h>						// for HlpLauncher
    26 #include <eikdialg.h>					// for CEikDialog
    27 #include <aknappui.h>					// for CAknAppUi
    28 #include <akntitle.h>					// for CAknTitlePane
    29 #include <StringLoader.h>				// for StringLoader
    30 #include <bautils.h>					// for BaflUtils
    31 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>// for KDC_APP_RESOURCE_DIR
    32 #include <coeutils.h>					// for ConeUitls
    33 #include <eikon.hrh>                    // for Navi-scroll key events
    34 #include <akntoolbar.h>
    37 #include <glxlog.h>
    38 #include <glxtracer.h>
    39 #include <glxpanic.h>                    // For Panics
    40 #include <shwsettingsdialog.rsg> 
    41 #include <glxresourceutilities.h>        // for CGlxResourceUtilities		  
    42 #include "shwslideshowsettings.hrh"
    43 #include "shwslideshowengine.h"			 // for CShwSlideshowEngine
    44 #include "shwslideshowsettings.hrh"		 // for Command Ids and Control Ids
    45 #include "shwsettingsmodel.h"			 // for CShwSettingsModel
    46 #include "shwslideshowsettingslist.h"	 // for CShwSlideshowSettingsList
    48 #define GetAppUi() (dynamic_cast<CAknAppUi*>(iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()))
    49 //CONSTANTS
    50 namespace
    51 	{
    52     // uid and id from doc/help_parameters_for_photos.xls
    53 	const TInt KShwHelpUID = 0x2000A778; 
    55 	}
    57 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 // C++ default constructor.
    59 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 inline CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog()
    61 	{
    62 	// No implementation required
    63 	}
    65 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 // Two-phased constructor.
    67 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68 CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog* CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::NewL()
    69 	{
    70 	TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::NewL");
    71 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::NewL");	
    72 	CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog* self=new(ELeave)CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog();
    73     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    74     self->ConstructL();
    75     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    76     return self;
    77 	}
    81 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 // Destructor
    83 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::~CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog()
    85 	{
    86 	TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::~CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog");
    87 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::~CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog");	
    89 	// Draw the toolbar 
    90 	SetSlShwToolbarVisibility(ETrue);
    92 	delete iShwSettings;
    93     // Delete resource file
    94 	if (iResourceOffset)
    95         {
    96         iEikonEnv->DeleteResourceFile( iResourceOffset );
    97         iResourceOffset = NULL;
    98         }
    99 	// If the status pane was enabled , set it to not visbible.
   100 	// used in FS view
   101 	if (iStatusPaneChanged)
   102 	    {
   103 	    iStatusPane->MakeVisible(EFalse);
   104 	    }
   105 	if (iPreviousTitle)
   106         {
   107         delete iPreviousTitle;
   108         }
   109     }
   111 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
   113 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 void CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::ConstructL()
   115 	{
   116 	TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::ConstructL");
   117 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::ConstructL");	
   119 	// hide toolbar.	
   120 	SetSlShwToolbarVisibility(EFalse);
   121 	iStatusPaneChanged = EFalse;
   122 	iStatusPane = GetAppUi()->StatusPane();
   123     iTitlePane = ( CAknTitlePane* )iStatusPane->ControlL(
   124             TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ));
   125 	// If Status pane not visible, then make it visible.
   126 	// Set the status pane flag as True, to be used in destructor, if 
   127 	// status pane is made visible.
   128 	// This is used in Fullscreen.
   129 	if(!iStatusPane->IsVisible())  
   130         {
   131         iStatusPane->MakeVisible(ETrue);
   132         iStatusPaneChanged = ETrue;
   133         }   
   134 	// Load the dialog resource file
   135 	_LIT(KShwSettingDlgResource,"shwsettingsdialog.rsc");	
   136     TFileName resourceFile(KDC_APP_RESOURCE_DIR);
   137     resourceFile.Append(KShwSettingDlgResource); 
   138     CGlxResourceUtilities::GetResourceFilenameL( resourceFile );  
   139     iResourceOffset = iCoeEnv->AddResourceFileL( resourceFile );
   141 	iShwSettings = CShwSettingsModel::NewL();
   143     // CAknDialog takes the menu resource as constructor parameter
   144 	CAknDialog::ConstructL( R_SHW_SETTINGSLIST_MENU_BAR );
   146     // set the title to the dialog, Note that avkon dialogs do not support
   147     // setting the title in the status pane so we need to do it the hard way
   148     // get status pane
   149 	SetTitleL();
   150 	}
   152 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   153 // SetSlShwToolbarVisibility()
   154 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 void CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SetSlShwToolbarVisibility(TBool aVisible)
   156     {
   157     TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SetSlShwToolbarVisibility");
   158     CAknAppUi* appUi = GetAppUi();
   159     __ASSERT_DEBUG(appUi, Panic(EGlxPanicNullPointer));
   160     CAknToolbar* popupToolbar = appUi->PopupToolbar();
   161     if(popupToolbar)
   162         {
   163         popupToolbar->SetToolbarVisibility( !aVisible ); 
   164         popupToolbar->MakeVisible( !aVisible );
   165 	     if(!aVisible)
   166 			{
   167 	        popupToolbar->DrawNow();	
   168 			}
   169         }  	
   171 	CAknToolbar* toolbar = appUi->CurrentFixedToolbar();
   172     if(toolbar)
   173         {
   174         toolbar->SetToolbarVisibility(aVisible);
   175         toolbar->MakeVisible( aVisible );
   176         } 
   178 	CAknToolbar* currentPopupToolbar = appUi->CurrentPopupToolbar();
   179     if(currentPopupToolbar)
   180         {
   181         currentPopupToolbar->SetToolbarVisibility(aVisible);
   182         currentPopupToolbar->MakeVisible( aVisible ); 
   183         }
   184     }
   186 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   187 // SetTitleL()
   188 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 void CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SetTitleL()
   190     {
   191     TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SetTitleL");
   192     GLX_LOG_INFO("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SetTitleL");
   193     // Stores the previous Title
   194     iPreviousTitle = iTitlePane->Text()->AllocL();
   195     HBufC* aTitleText = StringLoader::LoadLC( 
   196                     R_SHW_SETTINGSLIST_TITLE_PANE_TXT, iEikonEnv );
   198     iTitlePane->SetTextL( *aTitleText );
   199     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( aTitleText );
   200     }
   202 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 // SetPreviousTitleL - Restores back the previous title, used in Slideshow Settings only
   204 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 //
   206 void CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SetPreviousTitleL()
   207     {
   208     TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SetPreviousTitleL");
   209     GLX_LOG_INFO("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SetPreviousTitleL");
   210     // Restore the Title back of the Calling View
   211     iTitlePane->SetTextL( *iPreviousTitle );
   212     }
   214 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 // CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::ProcessCommandL
   216 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   217 void CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId)
   218 	{
   219 	TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::ProcessCommandL");
   220 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::ProcessCommandL");			
   221 	switch (aCommandId)
   222 		{
   223 		case EShwCmdSettingsChange: 
   224 			{
   225 			CAknDialog::ProcessCommandL(aCommandId);
   226 		    iItemList->UpdateListBoxL(iItemList->ListBox()->CurrentItemIndex());
   227 			break;			
   228 			}
   229 		case EShwCmdHelp:
   230 			{
   231 			TCoeHelpContext helpContext;
   232 			helpContext.iMajor = TUid::Uid( KShwHelpUID );
   233 			helpContext.iContext.Copy( KSHW_HLP_SLIDESHOW_SETTINGS );
   235 			const TInt KListSz = 1;
   236 			CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* contextList =
   237 						new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TCoeHelpContext>( KListSz );
   238 			CleanupStack::PushL(contextList);
   239 			contextList->AppendL(helpContext);
   241 			HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL(
   242                 iEikonEnv->WsSession(), contextList );
   243 			CleanupStack::Pop( contextList );
   244 			break;
   245 			}
   246 		case EShwCmdExit:
   247 			{
   248 			TryExitL(EShwCmdExit);
   249 			break;
   250 			}			
   251 		default:
   252 			{
   253 			CAknDialog::ProcessCommandL(aCommandId);
   254 			break;
   255 			}
   256 		};				
   257 	}
   260 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261 // CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::CreateCustomControlL
   262 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 SEikControlInfo CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::CreateCustomControlL(TInt 
   264 																aControlType)
   265 	{
   266 	TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::CreateCustomControlL");
   267 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::CreateCustomControlL");
   268     // create control info, no flags or trailer text set
   269 	SEikControlInfo controlInfo;
   270 	controlInfo.iControl 		= NULL;
   271 	controlInfo.iTrailerTextId 	= 0;
   272 	controlInfo.iFlags 			= 0;
   274   	if (aControlType == EShwCtSettingListBox)
   275 		{
   276 		iItemList = CShwSlideShowSettingsList::NewL(*iShwSettings);
   277 		controlInfo.iControl = iItemList; // giving ownership
   278 		}
   279 	return controlInfo; // returns ownership of ItemList
   280 	}
   282 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 // CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::OkToExitL
   284 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   285 TBool CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::OkToExitL(TInt aKeycode)
   286 	{
   287 	TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::OkToExitL");
   288 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::OkToExitL");					
   289     TBool retVal = EFalse;
   290     switch (aKeycode)
   291         {
   292         case EAknSoftkeyChange:
   293             {
   294             iItemList->UpdateListBoxL(iItemList->ListBox()->CurrentItemIndex(), ETrue);
   295             break;
   296             }
   297         case EAknSoftkeyOptions: // display menu only
   298             {
   299             DisplayMenuL();
   300             break;
   301             }
   302         case EAknSoftkeyBack: // exit dialog
   303         case EEikCmdExit:
   304         case EAknCmdExit:
   305         case EShwCmdExit:        
   306             {
   307             SetPreviousTitleL();
   308             retVal = ETrue;
   309             break;
   310             }
   311         }
   312     return retVal;
   313 	}
   315 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 // CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SizeChanged
   317 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   318 void CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SizeChanged()
   319 	{
   320 	TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SizeChanged");
   321 	GLX_LOG_INFO("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::SizeChanged");						
   322 	if(iItemList) 
   323 		{
   324 		iItemList->ListBox()->SetRect(Rect());
   325 		}
   326 	CAknDialog::SizeChanged();
   327 	}
   329 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   330 // CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::OfferKeyEventL
   331 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   332 TKeyResponse CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::OfferKeyEventL(
   333     const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
   334     {
   335     TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::OfferKeyEventL");
   336     GLX_LOG_INFO("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::OfferKeyEventL");   
   337     // Fix for EEBD-79UL8Q - "No Naviscroll support in Slideshow settings
   338     // options menu"
   339     TKeyEvent localKeyEvent = aKeyEvent;
   340     if ( aType == EEventKey )
   341         {
   342         switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
   343             {
   344             // Handle the previous and next navi-scroll events and modify the 
   345             // key code to the corresponding values used by the dialog
   346             case EKeyPrevious:
   347                 localKeyEvent.iCode = EKeyUpArrow;
   348                 break;
   349             case EKeyNext:
   350                 localKeyEvent.iCode = EKeyDownArrow;
   351                 break;
   352             default:
   353                 // nothing to change
   354                 break;
   355             }
   356         }
   358     // pass the key event up to the parent to handle
   359     return CAknDialog::OfferKeyEventL( localKeyEvent, aType );
   360     }
   361 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   362 // CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::FocusChanged
   363 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   364 void CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::FocusChanged(TDrawNow  aDrawNow)
   365 	{
   366     TRACER("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::FocusChanged");
   367     GLX_LOG_INFO("CShwSlideshowSettingsDialog::FocusChanged");   
   368 	// hide toolbar.
   369     if(aDrawNow == EDrawNow )
   370     	{
   371     	SetSlShwToolbarVisibility(EFalse);
   372     	}
   373 	}
   375 //  End of File