changeset 0 4e91876724a2
child 18 bcb43dc84c44
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:4e91876724a2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    Texture Manager component/Decodes the Image in step for large sized images
    15  *
    16 */
    22 #include "glxbitmapdecoderwrapper.h"
    23 #include <glxtracer.h>      //  For Log
    24 #include <bitmaptransforms.h>
    25 #include <imageconversion.h>
    26 #include <ExifRead.h>
    27 #include <glxlog.h>
    28 #include <hal.h>
    29 #include <hal_data.h>
    30 #include <mglxcache.h>
    31 #include <oommonitorsession.h>
    32 namespace
    33 {
    34 const TInt KGlxDecodingThreshold = 3000000;
    37 // Photos low_ram_threshold [8.637 MB] as in oomconfig.xml
    38 const TInt KGlxCriticalRAMForPhotos = 9056550;
    39 const TInt KGlxDecodeBitmapFactor = 3;
    40 // All EXIF data is within the first KGlxMaxExifSize bytes of the file
    41 const TInt KGlxMaxExifSize = 0x10000;
    42 }
    44 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 // Two-phased constructor.
    46 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 //
    48 CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper* CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::NewL(MGlxBitmapDecoderObserver* aObserver)
    49     {
    50     TRACER("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper:: NewL ");
    51     CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper* self = new(ELeave)CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper();
    52     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    53     self->ConstructL(aObserver);
    54     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    55     return self;
    56     }
    58 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 // Constructor
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //
    62 CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper()
    63                          :CActive( EPriorityLow )
    64 		        {
    65 		        TRACER("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper:: NewL ");
    66 		        }		
    68 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    69 // Destructor
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 //
    73 CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::~CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper()
    74     {
    75     TRACER("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper:: ~CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper ");
    76     iFs.Close();
    77     Cancel();
    78     if (iImageDecoder)
    79         {
    80         delete iImageDecoder;
    81         iImageDecoder = NULL;
    82         }
    83     }
    85 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 // ConstructL
    87 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 void CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::ConstructL(MGlxBitmapDecoderObserver* aObserver)
    89     {
    90     TRACER("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::ConstructL ");
    91     iObserver = aObserver;
    92     User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
    93     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    94     }
    96 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 // DoDecodeImageL
    98 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------		
   100 void CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::DoDecodeImageL(const TDesC & aSourceFileName,TInt aIndex)
   101     {
   102     TRACER("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper:: DoDecodeImageL ");
   103     iThumbnailIndex = aIndex;
   104     //Variable used to get the decoder type used;
   105     TBool isExtDecoderUsed = ETrue;
   107 #ifdef _DEBUG
   108     iDecodeProcessstartTime.HomeTime();
   109 #endif                          
   111     if (iImageDecoder)
   112         {
   113         delete iImageDecoder;
   114         iImageDecoder = NULL;
   115         }
   116     // Use extended JPEG decoder
   117     TRAPD( err, iImageDecoder = CExtJpegDecoder::FileNewL(
   118             CExtJpegDecoder::EHwImplementation, iFs, aSourceFileName, CImageDecoder::EOptionNone ) );
   119     if ( KErrNone != err )
   120         {
   121         GLX_LOG_INFO( "DoDecodeImageL:: ESwImplementation" );
   122         TRAP(err,iImageDecoder = CExtJpegDecoder::FileNewL(
   123                 CExtJpegDecoder::ESwImplementation, iFs, aSourceFileName, CImageDecoder::EOptionNone ) );
   124         if ( KErrNone != err )
   125             {
   126             GLX_LOG_INFO( "DoDecodeImageL:: CImageDecoder" );
   127             // Not a JPEG - use standard decoder
   128             iImageDecoder = CImageDecoder::FileNewL( iFs, aSourceFileName, CImageDecoder::EOptionNone );
   129             isExtDecoderUsed = EFalse;
   130             }
   131         }
   132 #ifdef _DEBUG
   133         iStopTime.HomeTime();
   134         GLX_DEBUG1("=== DECODER CREATION ===");
   135         GLX_DEBUG2("Decoder Creation took <%d> us", 
   136                    (TInt)iStopTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iDecodeProcessstartTime).Int64());   
   137 #endif                          
   139     TSize imageSize = iImageDecoder->FrameInfo().iOverallSizeInPixels;
   140     if(isExtDecoderUsed)
   141         {
   142         TUint16 orientation=0;
   143         //Read the orientation from the Exif header of the image if present
   144         TRAPD(error, orientation=GetOrientationL(aSourceFileName));
   145         if(KErrNone == error )
   146             {
   147             //Get the rotation angle and the flip status from orientation
   148             TInt rotAngle = 0;
   149             TBool flipStatus = EFalse;
   150             GetRotationParameters(orientation, rotAngle, flipStatus);
   151             //Set the parameters to the decoder
   152             CExtJpegDecoder* extDecoder = (CExtJpegDecoder*)iImageDecoder;
   153             extDecoder->SetRotationL(rotAngle);
   154             if(flipStatus)
   155                 {
   156                 extDecoder->SetMirroringL();
   157                 }
   158             //Switch Image Height and width in case orientation > 4 as that 
   159             //corresponds to angles 180 and 270 degrees
   160             if (orientation > 4)
   161                 {
   162                 imageSize.SetSize(imageSize.iHeight,imageSize.iWidth);
   163                 }
   164             }
   166         }
   167     iOriginalSize.iWidth = imageSize.iWidth;
   168     iOriginalSize.iHeight = imageSize.iHeight;
   170     if (iBitmap)
   171         {
   172         delete iBitmap;
   173         iBitmap = NULL;
   174         }
   175     DecodeImageL();
   176     }
   177 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   178 // DecodeImageL
   179 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   180 //
   181 void CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::DecodeImageL()
   182     {
   183     TRACER("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper:: DecodeImageL ");
   184     TReal32 mFactor = 1;
   185     //Set Size according to level and state
   186     TReal32 width = iOriginalSize.iWidth;
   187     TReal32 height = iOriginalSize.iHeight;
   188     GLX_LOG_INFO1("DecodeImageL:width=%f", width);
   189     GLX_LOG_INFO1("DecodeImageL:height=%f",height);
   192     if ( KGlxDecodingThreshold < (width * height))
   193         {
   194         mFactor = TReal32(KGlxDecodingThreshold) / (width*height);
   195         }
   197     // create the destination bitmap
   198     if(!iBitmap)
   199         {
   200         TInt freeMemory = 0;
   201         HAL::Get( HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, freeMemory );
   202         width*=mFactor;
   203         height*=mFactor;
   204         TInt minmemorytodecode = KGlxDecodeBitmapFactor*width*height;     
   205         GLX_LOG_INFO2("DecodeImageL: after factoring width=%f, height=%f", width, height);
   206         GLX_LOG_INFO2("DecodeImageL:minmemorytodecode=%d, freememory=%d",
   207                 minmemorytodecode, freeMemory);
   208         if(minmemorytodecode < (freeMemory - KGlxCriticalRAMForPhotos))
   209             {
   210             GLX_LOG_INFO("DecodeImageL:RAM available decoding image");
   212             iBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   213             iBitmap->Create( TSize(width,height),iImageDecoder->FrameInfo().iFrameDisplayMode );
   214 #ifdef _DEBUG
   215             iStartTime.HomeTime(); // Get home time
   216 #endif                          
   217             iImageDecoder->Convert( &iStatus, *iBitmap );
   218             }
   219         else
   220             {
   221             //case when sufficient memory is not available
   222             //request OOM FW to release the required memory
   223             GLX_LOG_INFO("DecodeImageL:insufficient RAM - request OOM");
   224             TInt err = OOMRequestFreeMemoryL(minmemorytodecode);
   225             if(err == KErrNoMemory)
   226                 {
   227                 //if OOM fails, release Photos Cache
   228                 GLX_LOG_INFO("DecodeImageL:insufficient RAM - OOM failed - request Cache");
   229                 MGlxCache* cacheManager = MGlxCache::InstanceL();
   230                 cacheManager->ReleaseRAML(ETrue);            
   231                 cacheManager->Close();
   232                 //Try and release memory again
   233                 err = OOMRequestFreeMemoryL(minmemorytodecode);
   234                 }
   235             if(err != KErrNoMemory)
   236                 {
   237                 GLX_LOG_INFO("DecodeImageL:Sufficient RAM available");
   238                 iBitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   239                 iBitmap->Create( TSize(width,height),iImageDecoder->FrameInfo().iFrameDisplayMode );
   240 #ifdef _DEBUG
   241 	            iStartTime.HomeTime(); // Get home time
   242 #endif                          
   243                 iImageDecoder->Convert( &iStatus, *iBitmap );
   244                 }
   245             else
   246                 {
   247                 GLX_LOG_INFO("NOT ENOUGH MEMORY - Using the Fullscreen Thumbnail For Zoom");
   248                 //release the file held by decoder immediately.
   249                 iImageDecoder->Cancel();
   250                 delete iImageDecoder;
   251                 iImageDecoder = NULL;
   252                 //Inform the client that there is no decode happened and there we take care 
   253                 //of showing the fullscreen thumbnail.
   254                 iObserver->HandleBitmapDecodedL(iThumbnailIndex,NULL);
   255                 return;                
   256                 }
   257             }
   259         SetActive();
   260         }
   261     }
   262 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 // RunL
   264 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   265 //
   266 void CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::RunL()
   267     {
   268     TRACER("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper:: RunL ");
   269     if( iStatus == KErrNone )
   270         {
   271         iObserver->HandleBitmapDecodedL(iThumbnailIndex,iBitmap);
   272         iBitmap = NULL;
   274         //release the file held by decoder immediately.
   275         GLX_LOG_INFO( " CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::RunL:Decoding Finished" );
   276         iImageDecoder->Cancel();
   277         delete iImageDecoder;
   278         iImageDecoder = NULL;
   279 #ifdef _DEBUG
   280         iStopTime.HomeTime();
   281         GLX_DEBUG1("=== IMAGE DECODE ===");
   282         GLX_DEBUG2("=>Image Decode Took took <%d> us", 
   283                        (TInt)iStopTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iStartTime).Int64());            
   284 #endif                          
   286         }
   287     }
   288 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   289 // DoCancel
   290 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   291 //
   292 void CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::DoCancel()
   293     {
   294     TRACER("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper:: DoCancel ");
   295     if(iImageDecoder)
   296         {
   297         GLX_LOG_INFO( " CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::DoCancel:Deleting" );
   298         iImageDecoder->Cancel();
   299         delete iImageDecoder;
   300         iImageDecoder = NULL;
   301         }
   302     if(iBitmap)
   303         {
   304         delete iBitmap;
   305         iBitmap = NULL;
   306         }
   307     }
   309 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   310 // GetOrientationL
   311 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   312 //
   313 TUint16 CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::GetOrientationL(const TDesC& aFileName)
   314     {
   315     TRACER("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper:: GetOrientationL ");
   316     //Get Exif Metadata and the orientation tag from the file first
   317             RFile file;
   318             CleanupClosePushL(file);
   319             User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(iFs,
   320                     aFileName, EFileRead));
   321             TInt size;
   322             User::LeaveIfError(file.Size(size));
   323             if ( KGlxMaxExifSize < size )
   324                 {
   325                 size = KGlxMaxExifSize;
   326                 }
   327             TUint16 orientation = 9;
   328             HBufC8* exifData = HBufC8::NewLC(size);
   329             TPtr8 ptr(exifData->Des());
   330             User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(ptr));
   331             CExifRead* exifReader = NULL;
   332             TRAPD(exifErr,exifReader = CExifRead::NewL(*exifData, CExifRead::ENoJpeg));
   333             if(exifErr == KErrNone)
   334                 {
   335                 CleanupStack::PushL(exifReader);
   337                 TInt readErr = exifReader->GetOrientation(orientation);
   338                 if(readErr != KErrNone)
   339                     {
   340                     orientation = 9;
   341                     }
   342                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(exifReader);
   343                 }
   344             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(exifData);
   345             //Close and pop file Session
   346             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&file);
   347             return orientation;
   349     }
   350 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   351 // DoCancel
   352 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   353 //
   354 void CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::GetRotationParameters(TUint16 aOrientation, TInt& aRotAngle, TBool& aFlipStatus) 
   355     {
   356     TRACER("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper:: DoCancel ");
   357     //Get the orientation and set rotation on the decoder 
   358     //as well as update the original size
   359     aRotAngle =  0;
   360     aFlipStatus = EFalse;
   361     TInt isOrientationOdd = aOrientation%2;
   362     if(aOrientation>8)
   363         {
   364         return;
   365         }
   366     if(aOrientation >= 3 && aOrientation < 5)
   367         {
   368         aRotAngle = 180;
   369         }
   370     else if(aOrientation >= 5 && aOrientation < 7)
   371         {
   372         aRotAngle = 90;
   374         }
   375     else if(aOrientation >= 7 && aOrientation <= 8)
   376         {
   377         aRotAngle = 270;
   378         }
   379     if(aOrientation>4 )
   380         {
   381         if(isOrientationOdd )
   382             {
   383             aFlipStatus = ETrue;
   384             }
   385         }   
   387     }
   389 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   390 // OOMRequestFreeMemoryL
   391 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   392 //
   393 TInt CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::OOMRequestFreeMemoryL( TInt aBytesRequested)
   394     {
   395     TRACER("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::OOMRequestFreeMemoryL");
   396     GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::OOMRequestFreeMemoryL() aBytesRequested=%d",
   397             aBytesRequested);
   398     ROomMonitorSession oomMonitor;
   399     User::LeaveIfError( oomMonitor.Connect() );
   400     // No leaving code after this point, so no need to use cleanup stack
   401     // for oomMonitor
   402     TInt errorCode = oomMonitor.RequestFreeMemory( aBytesRequested );
   403     GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::OOMRequestFreeMemoryL(1) errorCode=%d",errorCode);
   404     if ( errorCode != KErrNone )
   405         {
   406         // try one more time 
   407         errorCode = oomMonitor.RequestFreeMemory( aBytesRequested );
   408         GLX_LOG_INFO1("CGlxBitmapDecoderWrapper::OOMRequestFreeMemoryL(2) errorCode=%d",errorCode);
   409         }
   410     oomMonitor.Close();
   411     return errorCode;
   412     }